Dungeon at the End of the Universe

40 – Life is like a box of chocolattes. Way too overpriced

But anyway, it’s about time I check out what my first mini-Dungeon did while I was explaining all that to Faellen.

With another shift of my perception I’m once more looking from the point of view of the Dungeon Seed. Except this time it’s in an actual Dungeon. Or at least in the beginning of one.

The tunnels are at least big enough for Sipalians to walk through, there’s even a room (other than the one the Seed is in) and a single branching pathway. Not too bad.

The only problem is that there are no monsters to defend it, and that the room where the Core (or rather, the Seed) is isn’t a Core Room. I’m not quite sure how to explain it, but a Core Room just feels more solid that other Dungeon rooms.

So, I put a part of my mind to strengthening the Core Room to be while another part searches for any potential monsters.

Because apparently, I was not an exception after all. It seems Dungeons don’t start with any monsters at all and have to acquire them the normal way, by getting it into their Create database. Which could be a problem, since how do I even kill something without a monster to defend me?

At least that’s what I think until I remember that a Dungeon Core’s non-interference is not a strict rule at all. And now that I’m thinking about this, my instincts don’t have any problem with interfering with any animals that happen to wander inside me.

Right, so a normal Dungeon experience goes probably something like this: Either appear in the ground or get scared of the open and tunnel down. Create a rudimentary Dungeon. Wait until an animal happens to wander in. Get scared at an intruder and kill it, most likely by method of falling stalactite.

That… seems overly reliant on chance. What if something more powerful found it first? Would it just be doomed?

Something to think about, and maybe improve if I ever get the chance.

But since I’m now in the ‘waiting for an animal’ stage I can’t really do much more with the mini-Dungeon. So goodbye for now, I’ll go check back on Faellen and the adventurers.

With another twist of perception, I’m back on my Dungeon moon.

Not much has changed here. Faellen is still pushing the three Sipalians to be the best adventurers and delvers they can be, but other than that? Not much. They changed their focus, if that’s anything.

Now they’re no longer training trap detection and avoidance, but how to traverse a Dungeon that decided to throw a section at them that’s just a sheer cliff.

What to do now?

Maybe make another mini-Dungeon? No, it’ll be better to see how the first one’s doing, then decide how I want to continue.

Work on my own Dungeon? Nah. I’m starting to realize that maybe Faellen does know more about this than me, so it’d be better to wait.

Hmm… Oh, wait! I almost completely forgot! If I remember right, there should still be- aha, there it is.

Would you like no name this Boss?

Would you like to name this species?

Alright, I was right. It didn’t expire at all.

Now then, what do we name them. Actually, let me reminds myself of its status.

[unnamed] Boss
Species: [unnamed]
Category: chimera/aberration
Type: fae/slime
An unholy fusion of the unbound fae and restrictive enchantments, controlled and powered by the simple mind of a slime. While it resembles the ancient Treants, that resemblance is a purely visual one. It’s unstable body and mana diet lead to a life cycle that differs greatly from the norm, and more studies will have to be done to know more.
Mana absorption
Sap shot/torrent

Alright, so we actually know a bit more about it now. Mainly its Abilities, the description still basically says it doesn’t know anything. Oh well.

Let’s start with species name, that seems somewhat easier since it’ll be a general thing for the whole species.

So, they’re made of fae, slimes, and technically also enchantments. And while they are not treants, they resemble them. No idea what the difference is there, but sure.




Alright, this is getting too complicated. Let’s just go for a descriptive name. Maybe I’ll throw in a bit of deception, so that if Treants happen to have a weakness my monsters don’t opponents will come ill prepared.

In that case, I don’t know, Wyld Purge Treant is good enough.

Name accepted.
You can now Create basic Wyld Purge Treants.

Oh. Oh Shit! I just figured out another way to get more monsters for my database! Awesome!

Now onto the actual Boss name. Maybe there’s a benefit to that too?

Alright, how do I do this? It should probably reference the species name at least a little bit. Unless I want to name it something unserious like Bob.

Do I? I mean, it would be funny. But what if the System wants to include the name in the Boss clear message it sends out? That’d be a bit embarrassing, especially after people find out Dungeons can be sapient.

There is another way though. I could give it a serious name, but one that’s an acronym for an ordinary name.

Bulwark of builders. Battalion of Offensive Bastards. Breaker the Off-putting Beacon.

Yeah, no, that doesn't really work. At least not for the name Bob.

What about Tup? I’ve never heard of it, but it does sound like it should be a name. And the T is just perfect for Treant. Or maybe some Treant inspired name, since that’s already in the species name.

As for the U? Well, the System did give me a boon that basically made it immortal, in a certain way. So it could be undying.

And P… I mean, it was the first of its species, so it wouldn’t be wrong to call it a progenitor, right?

Ah, what am I even thinking about this so hard for and constantly second guessing myself.

Thistleskin the Undying Progenitor is a great name and I won’t change it.

Name accepted.
Thistleskin the Undying Progenitor is now a named monster.

Named monsters
As a Dungeon you may be a master of Creation, but nothing is ever perfect. By naming a monster you bring them ever so slightly closer to attaining full sapience, as well as giving them a minor growth boost.

Ah, that makes sense. Now then, let’s see how these Wyld Purge Treants work. Maybe I can make a whole section dedicated and themed after them?

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