Dungeon at the End of the Universe

20 – Every now and then, some relaxation does one good. Huh? Did you not see the slice-of-life tag?

Query [System functions definition] received.
Providing answer:

System access and Authority
While the System is available to all who it can apply to, the features and functions of the System aren’t distributed equally. Higher access to the System generally provides more information (e.g. Ability Levels and Ranks), while Authority may grant minor System control.
Note: Further information withheld

Is this for real? I now have a personal assistant in the System? Oh, that’s just wonderful! I mean, no offence to Faellen, but this is absolutely brilliant.

“Faellen, did you know about this?” I turn and see the little fairy freely floating through the air, no cares whatsoever and taking deep breaths. Wow, mana must be really important to the fae.

“Hmm?” comes the lazy reply.

“Oh, right, forgot to update you on the situation again.” I quickly do so and then ask again, “So, what do you think?”

“I think you should relax for a bit. No, I didn’t know about that, but System intricacies isn’t the type of knowledge that usually get passed around.”

“What about the End? Or even the ‘final hurrah’ of the Universe? Shouldn’t we be worried about that? Working to survive it?”

“Right, yes, sure. You can do that if you want,” said Faellen dismissively.

Alright, this is seriously starting to freak me out, “Why aren’t you worried about it? I thought you were rushing before for a reason.”

“Yes, but now that I’ve had some time to think I’ve realized something. You said we the space-grab of the Universe only happened after your Level-Up, yes?” I nod, “Which means we could have anything between a week to a month before it begins.”

“Are you kidding me? Levelling-Up takes that long!”

“At the lower levels. Occasionally there are exceptions, but yes. As you’ll get higher and higher it’ll get even longer,” that earth-shattering revelation is delivered so casually it almost makes my head spin.

“How do mortal species even survive that?” I wonder, befuddled.

“Oh, they don’t,” Faellen’s reply is once more overly cheery. Does that mean people just die due to Level-Ups? What kind of horrifying existence is that? “As I said, most people don’t have Levels. Only Dungeon and a few other outliers. If I remember correctly there should be something about that in the System description.”

And indeed, when I bring it back up, for the first time since my tutorial quest, there is mention of it.

Level: 2
While for other creatures their level means a variety of things, Dungeon Cores are a bit different. Due to their nature as a fusion of everything – be it physical, spiritual, or anything else – into a singular crystalline core, is much simpler. Similarly to how their bodies and spirits are fused into one, a Dungeon Core’s stats and otherwise are fused into a single number, their level.

Yup, there it is. Wait, hold on, my core is both my body and spirit? What does that then mean? And actually, if Level is supposed to represent all my stats in one number, what effect does it actually have?

Query [Effect of Levels] received.
Providing answer:

As a Dungeon Core, your Level represent everything. From how tough it is to damage, to how much energy it can store.
Note: some of these capabilities may be affected without changing your Level

Is that all? I want some specifics! And also how to affect some of them!

Information withheld

Of fucking course. What good is my new System Authority if I can’t even get anything useful out of it.

Anyway, back to the origin of this whole tangent. I, or rather, we now apparently have at least a week to prepare. Or spend however we want. Not that I can do much as a Dungeon Core. Basically all of my capabilities are dictated by my Abilities. Create, Destroy, Control, Sense, and then the rest are basically just passives until I learn to control them.

That’s an idea, I could work on gaining mastery! But that’s just more work, and I do agree with Faellen that I deserve at least a bit of a break. Still, what to do, what to do…

“What am I supposed to do?” I send across our Bond. Not like there’s anyone else to talk to and no, the System query does not count.

Faellen groans. I forgot that’s a thing now that there’s air. “I don’t know, haven’t you ever relaxed before?”

“I have, but I had an actual body then. And I was also a part of society that largely provided that need.”

“Just, Wylds change it,” I have a feeling that was an expression and not a command, “You ever done any knitting? Carving? Drawing? For all I care you could even go watch grass grow.” Ah, I think I got the hint. No bothering my assistant for now.

I suppose not every active activity has to be work. Maybe working on some new constructs wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe I can finally figure out how to do them properly, so the System removes that pesky ‘crude’ modifier from their names.

And while I’m at it, I might as well continue with my initial plan of expanding my walls to protect against all my space getting stolen. Yes, that’s a good idea.

Anything else I can do? I suppose just general experiments with my Abilities and monsters would be useful. Good to know what one is capable of, you know.

Then, well, then we’ll see. For now, it’s time for fun. Oh yes, I always wanted to have a montage, even if this won’t be a training montage. Or will it? Who cares! I want to know what happens when I pump some of my monsters full of mana, now that’s an experiment!

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