Drifting Through The Hell of Earth- Back To The Past

6 A new life

To Mo Wen's astonishment, amidst the ancient artifacts, there were some modern handmade items. A roughly crafted metal grasshopper, as if welded together from a few discarded iron rods, stood with a primitive elegance. Next to it was a pink plastic toy bear, reminiscent of the cheaply made products found in stores, quietly displayed in a corner.

Suddenly, Mo Wen felt as if he were seeing things—both toys seemed to move. Intrigued, he approached the metal grasshopper and the pink plastic bear for a closer look. The grasshopper's surface shimmered faintly, as if it were telling its story, while the bear's eyes seemed to sparkle with a hint of mystery.

Unsure if his grip had slipped, the metal grasshopper tumbled from the table, rolling down the stone slope and into a brownish black hole. Mo Wen's heart raced. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to follow the grasshopper's path and uncover the secret of the black hole. As he drew closer, a low hum emanated from the hole, beckoning him into an unknown world.

He realized the hole was just big enough for a person to crawl through, its surface a brown, watery curtain that would go unnoticed if not for the grasshopper slipping through it like water.

Summoning his courage, Mo Wen reached into the hole, feeling a rush of warm air. Contrary to his expectations, the interior was not dark and cold but filled with a soft glow and a warm ambiance.

From the other side of the cavern, he heard the grasshopper chirping. Mo Wen looked up and turned a corner, discovering a small green grasshopper happily grooming itself and singing. It was a living grasshopper, its tiny, delicate body glowing with a verdant hue.

Curiosity piqued, Mo Wen instinctively tossed the pink plastic bear into the space. Soon, he discovered a smaller version of the bear in another corner, as if it had come to life. The bear's plastic fur had become soft and lifelike, its eyes filled with spirit.

This mysterious realm seemed to transform lifeless objects. The metal grasshopper and plastic bear shed their rigidity, becoming tender and youthful. Objects that were once cold and silent were now imbued with life, evolving from mechanical to biological forms.

Mo Wen was amazed and excited, realizing that this underground world was not just a repository of ancient items but a mystical space where life and miracles converged. He decided to explore further, eager to uncover more surprises.

Questions flooded his mind: Who were the inhabitants of this place? Why did they live in such secrecy, and where had they gone?

As he pondered, a sense of danger crept over him. He realized something might be watching him. It had been a long time since he had heard any noise, especially from the black-clad pursuers. Had they lost their way too?

Looking around, he saw only the silent stone walls of the vast chamber, occasionally disturbed by the sound of dripping water. Mo Wen felt a wave of confusion, unsure of what to do next.

Returning was impossible; the labyrinthine caves offered no clear path back. He had to forge ahead in the darkness, hoping to find an exit.

His hand brushed against the cold stone wall. Overwhelmed with uncertainty, he had no sense of direction, time, or purpose.

His stomach growled, reminding him he hadn't eaten in a day. Hunger and confusion left him feeling helpless and exhausted.

Weak and weary, Mo Wen leaned against the wall and sank to the ground, his head drooping as he drifted into a drowsy state.

Memories of home flooded his mind. He recalled how his father would magically produce candies and ginger cookies after work during his childhood—a luxury in those frugal times.

Once, his father brought home a tiny bird, barely feathered and fragile, which he had found fallen from a tree. They made a cozy nest from a shoebox lined with cotton. Over time, the bird grew feathers, learned to fly, and would always return to perch on Mo Wen's head or shoulder.

Lost in these nostalgic reveries, Mo Wen’s consciousness wandered through the mists of memories. Despite his physical stillness and closed eyes, his mind was a whirlwind of past labors, complex relationships, and mundane worries, interspersed with longing for his family and homeland.

Slowly, Mo Wen opened his eyes, finding himself standing in a snowy expanse under a bright full moon. The pristine light illuminated everything around him.

Sometimes, when other senses dull, the mind’s vision sharpens. In this luminous space, he felt an urge to delve deeper into the world’s mysteries.

“To die of hunger or thirst here is pointless. Better to revisit that magical realm and perhaps find a new life,” he resolved.

Mo Wen returned to the wondrous cavern, wondering aloud,“If I go through, will I transform too?”

The scent of grass and earth wafted to his nose, tempting him to lean in further.

Inside, it felt like a pit with light ahead. As Mo Wen crawled forward, the space around him grew narrower and more oppressive. In this confined pit, he had to crawl, his breathing becoming labored.

Only his forearms and calves could barely move. In the darkness, it felt as if an invisible force was pressing down on him, like the gravitational pull of a black hole. The edges of the pit scraped against his skin, leaving faint blood marks. Mo Wen paused briefly, glancing back in shock to see that the entrance had vanished. His anxiety intensified, but the light ahead fueled his desire for answers, driving him to push through the abyss of darkness.

The pit was deep, as if leading to an unknown dimension. Mo Wen used all his strength to traverse the dark passage, feeling extreme pressure on every inch of his body, as if the darkness itself was trying to swallow him whole.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally reached the end of the tunnel. When he emerged from the dark pit, he was greeted by a sudden burst of dazzling sunlight. Outside lay a desolate land, with grass taller than a person, covering the entire landscape.

Mo Wen slowly crawled out of the pit, feeling the solid, rough ground beneath his feet, as if he had traveled back to ancient times. He looked around and saw no modern buildings; distant mountains were shrouded under the blue sky, resembling a scene from a painting.

Heading towards the base of the mountains, Mo Wen made his way through the tall grass. Suddenly, he crouched down, peering ahead cautiously, then froze.

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