Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 9: Secret’s? Who Needs Them!

Lash opened his eyes and looked around the room. His shutters were still closed, not seeing Jessabell. He was confused, looking at the clock by his night stand he saw that it was 3:12 pm. He had slept most of the day. Sitting up, he saw a note on the nearby pillow with a clear lipstick mark. Picking it up he could smell Jessabell on it.

Hay you! Thanks for the night, and most of the Day!

You changed back after a while.

Don't worry about the Gargoyle they are trained to keep secrets.

I'll keep what happened last night to myself,

please do the same.

See you tonight... My Friend.


Lash stood up and stretched, seeing that the alarm system in his house showed someone from inside the house left at 2:16 pm through the front door this time. Which means he had just missed her. He cleared the alarm and went to his bathroom to take a shower and dress up for a bit. Standing in front of his bathroom mirror after the shower, with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at himself. Bald head, eye brows, no facial hair...That hadn't grown either, he had zero body hair. Aside from his eyebrows and eye lashes. Not even hair on his legs or arms. He leaned over and gripped his bathroom sink lost in thought. Then he jerked his head up in curiosity.

“Dawn...What happens when I fall asleep here, what about my time?” Lash stared at his reflection for a bit as he waited for a response.

“User! When you are logged into your Avatar but fall asleep or fall unconscious The Dream Engine fast forwards the time. Your model regains its energy, but as 'you' are technically asleep already there is no need for that. So, when you went to sleep the whole Generated world sped up to accommodate this change. However, if a story specific dream, astral travel, etc were to take place that is specified as a story choice and requires the Users impute. We would like to remind you that its currently your bed time in the outside world. But as we have just said, since you are asleep you could continue to play with in the Engine.” Dawns, voice was soothing to Lash's ears. He took a deep breath and walked to his bed room to get dressed.

“Thank you, Dawn. Were there any Version updates? Any deadlines I need to do for my report?” Lash, went to his closet to see that it was filled to the brim with designer cloths. Thanks to the Brownie spirits. He picked a casual outfit that was even clearly marked and put them on.

“As it is a weekend officially, The Dream Engine developers will accept reports starting Monday, and have stated that everyone should enjoy their time on the Cube. We've been cataloging the points of interest and will remind you so you can properly fill them out when the time comes. We will also set an alarm for you so you can acquire food, drink, and movement over a set course of time. A new version update was established. The Dream Engine has now placed a 'Time Line' interface that can be seen from the black room, or while in play. This will allow the User to see the Critical and important events that effect Certain Cities, Nations, and The World. However, it does not clearly state the details to help leave it a mystery, and tease the Users into Action. But we would like to remind you that though you are here. The world does not revolve around the User....Yet.” Dawn took on an amused tone at the end.

Lash understood that. Even though it was his generated world. Superman was still here! The world would move on with or with out his input. Lash took a moment to thank Dawn, and gave his best 'air-hug' Dawned laughed softly and excused herself. He didn't think she had actually left, but the conversation had ended. Coming out of his room he saw what looked like a dry cleaned tuxedo still in its wrapping hanging from the ceiling. Walking over to it, he read that it was from Dottie the House Brownie spirit head. This was his uniform for the Ceremony tonight, a car would be down stairs to attend him to the park at 7:00 pm sharp. Please don't be late! Nodding his head in understanding he carefully took the suit to his bedroom, soon coming out he went to the kitchen to make something. Then looking out on his landing he smiled. He made sure to eat at least most of it before he went to the balcony window and opened the door.

“Hay! If any of you are hungry my home is freshly stocked by Miss Dottie.” Lash leaned against the door frame as he spoke to about twenty or so Griak's. They all fluttered and stopped, gawking at him. Some were washing in the bird bath, others were resting in the house it self. -Yes! Yes! Tiny hunters! Come share our bounty! Saurian called out, this was enough for them!

With a flutter! Cheering resounded across the balcony as a torrent of Griak's came flying past Lash. Many of them pausing for a brief moment to rub there heads on him like a horde of cats. Soon, the entire kitchen was open and closing! The fridge was ransacked as drinks, frozen meats, and juice was procured! But despite the tiny hunters as Saurian called them. They did not leave a mess! They did not eat ALL the food just as Jessabell said they wouldn't. Lash closed the door to his balcony but left it unlocked. He sat down at the table and finished his breakfast which had been left untouched. A smile was on his face, as he watched them. These tiny gremlin like creatures with fairy bat-like wings. Many of them spoke, and chatted with each other. Soon, the balcony door opened again, as more of them arrived. Many of them said hello, no names though. Lash wasn't sure they had names. After a good hour they all left. All of them giving him a hug, or a kiss on his cheek or nose. A few took crackers and cheese for the storage in the house. They all agreed not to enter the house and eat with out his permission. Then Lash closed the door and locked it, watching them fly to the Griak house, or fly off to another roost.

Lash cleaned up, both the kitchen and himself then moved to his Art Studio. All of his clients were up to date. He had no commissions but he liked the work. Moving into the studio...The statue was gone, after a moment of freaking out he saw another note on his tool table, with a lipstick mark.

I had the Griak's move it.

Despite there size as long as there are enough of them

they can move a lot of things.


When Lash finished reading it the note it burst into glitter. He swore he heard the laughter of Griak's on the wind. Realizing it was some kind of charm he laughed it off. Moving to the control panel he locked the studio and activated the shutters. But left an alarm on so he could get ready for the ceremony. Pulling out a block of wood, he focused his mind. Erik had never really been here for this part. So Lash was guiding him through it. His fingers began to tingle as an energy flowed out like a spring of water from a mountain. Soon all of his hands and forearms were glowing with a variety of colors. Then like molding a piece of wet clay, Lash began to mold the block of wood into something.

  • Congratulations User! You have successfully molded a 'Horrible' art piece that would scare small children! However, you have taken the first real step to becoming an artist while using your power. Material Shaping has gone up a level, allowing you to shape more for less energy.

In Lash's hands was a deformed...Sno...blob-man? That's not the point! The point is that Erik was able to craft it with his power. Lash tried to comfort him, telling him he'll get better with time. Saurian suggested they place it with the Griak's! Erik shot that all down by compressing the wood with his power making a dense block of wood only to.....

  • Congratulations User! You've discovered Material Compression: Using your skill Material Shaping you've compressed a material into a denser form. Making it more durable, but also making it weigh more! Perhaps you could continue to experiment and make other things by combining your skills. Don't give up! Even if your Creations remind someone of a LoveCraft god!

Lash froze, looking down at what was now just a compressed blob of wood. Out of curiosity, he took it over to the tool table, using a hammer and a chipper he hammered it down. The vibration went through his whole body, but it barely left a dent in the piece of wood.... Cool. Lash, turned his head to look at a stack of scrap metal with a grin on his face. Then spent next hour or so....Working...

  • Congratulations User! You've discovered the skill, Material Tempering; Some people need a forge! Some people need a hammer! Not you! You can Shape, compress, and temper your creations with your bare hands! Now only if they didn't look so god awful that would make any Dwarf throw themselves into the pits of Vulcan in shame!

  • Congratulations User! You've discovered the skill, Material Merging: Normally you have to heat a metal, or find a combination of stone, or splice a tree together! But not you! You can make abominations of nature all by yourself! With this skill you can now create metal alloys, stones made from marble and obsidian! Now you can give an oak staff the flexibility of bamboo! You make mother nature cry! You monster!

  • Congratulations User! The skills, Material Shaping, Material Compression, Material Tempering, Material Merging, have all increased in level. Allowing you to do more with less energy. Now you can make works of art from crap! And make crap into treasures!

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained an Achievement; I work with my hands! Not my head!

    • You've gained a Title; Shaper. We've recorded that this is your first title. One title can be active at one time, but all titles have an active and passive effect. While titles are not active they keep there passive.

    • Shaper: Active effects; understand the composition of materials that you are capable of touching. Sensing their strengths and weaknesses. Passive effects; All Shaping skills take 10% less energy, and cover 10% more area of effect at Users discretion.

Lash had a satisfied smile on his face, muttering under his breath he set his title to Shaper. Then walking up to a piece of iron he placed his finger on it and understood its material components. How much of what, in varying sizes and qualities. Taking his finger away he became smug. This would be useful. Then the alarm went off in his studio telling him it was time to get ready. He decided to take another shower. Working in the studio this time was rather....Energizing. He quickly threw his cloths to his hamper that apparently was included in the House Brownie list of things to do. Took a full cleansing shower, dried himself down then went to his dry cleaning. Inside was not what he thought it was. It was not a tuxedo per-say. It looked like you would have merged a ceremonial occult outfit with a tux. Letting your jacket down like a robe, your shoulders had a hood, while the suit pants, and shoes were pure black, silver shirt, with a vest that looked like a silver pen had drawn Celtic knots into it. The hood could completely cover his face if he wanted it to. Pulling it on, it even had cuff links, a clasp for his neck with no bow tie. The clasp was the symbol for Gotham Wardens. Essentially take the letters G, W, and put them together with an artistic design. Standing in front of a mirror he looked like he was going to a cocktail party for Dungeon's and Dragons. -Hay, don't knock it! D&D rules! Erik said.

Lash smoothed out the front, taking down the hood so it draped over his shoulders. The robe's tail was like a trench coat that went all the way to his feet. He was afraid he would step on it if he wasn't careful. The suit was tailored made for him, accommodating his wide shoulders, and toned body. Ever since Saurian had become more physically active Lash noticed an overall improvement in his physique. Another moment in the full length mirror in his bedroom, he went to his front door. Set his alarm, and walked out. The door closing and locking behind him. This time he took the elevator, waiting by the door he turned his head to look down the hallway. He heard...What could only be described as two people...enjoying themselves. His memories were brought back to last night with Jessabell, and tried to convince himself that asking for friendship was better then several years of booty calls. Plus, the booty calls may still happen if he is careful.

The elevator door's opened and walking in, he realized they have been refurbished along with a lot of the building. Pressing for the ground floor, he listen to the music in the box. Half way down the door's opened for other passengers. A Small little girl was waiting at the doors, who squeaked at him when the doors slide open. Hiding behind her mother. Her mother looked at him with surprise, as he saw cat eyes peering back at him. She smiled at him and pulled her daughter into the elevator. She was about 5'3” wearing full winter coat, pants, and boots, all with fluffy lace. Matching her daughter. They were a good pair, Lash noticed that both mother and daughter had cat tail's, then cat ears. As if it took a moment for Lash's eyes to adjust.

“Congratulations Mr. Lash! On becoming a Warden!” The mother smiled at him, he smiled back.

“Thank you...” Lash was confused, but it made sense. A lot of Super-Naturals had moved in recent specifically because they wanted to live in the same building as a Warden. However, what was confusing is..He knew these people, they had lived in the building for several years. They loved that Lash was a respected artist. He even made a house warming gift for them, it was a stone idol of Bast. Wait...Was Bast a real god? Lash couldn't help it but look at them again. They were both black Cat people...Panthers? Now, the glamour or charm was completely gone. They looked like upright beast-kin Panthers wearing human clothing. He was half tempted to grab the women's tail but both Saurian, and Erik said -Don't! Soon the doors re-opened on the ground floor. Both the mother and child said goodbye the latter waving her tiny paw at him, he waved back.

They were heading to the parking garage, while he was going to the front door. He waved at the security guard, this one was new, and apparently...Human? Walking outside as if they timed it a Black sedan appeared from traffic, it had no license except for a Gotham Government Symbol. The windows were completely black way past the legal limit. The car stopped in front of Lash, the drive door opened and out came a Mr. Universe wearing a body guard suit, included with a ear piece a Sub-Machine Gun in his holster, and what looked like a collapsible sword attached to his thigh! But that wasn't the trickiest part, Lash began to see past the man's Glamour, he was an 8 foot tall TROLL! You know those giants of muscles and tusks that come out by a foot. But despite his huge size he moved quickly, opened the door for him and gestured him inside. Lash said thank you, hopped in. The door closed, soon the driver was behind the steering wheel, and they began to drive to the park.

Lash got the impression that there was something magical about the car. He felt the acceleration of the car but they did not seem to ever stop at a red light, or had to slow down due to traffic. What should have taken over an hour from his home to Gotham City Park only took about fifty minutes. Soon the car came to a stop, the drive got out moved quickly but also quietly to his door and opened it up. Lash got out with a curious gaze, made sure to thank his driver who bowed his head. In front of him was a familiar face...David Skaleg, but unlike Lash who was wearing a tux-robe. Skaleg looked like he was wearing a ceremonial warrior garb of a Viking. Hide armor of the cleanest winter wolf covered his shoulders, studded leather chest plate, with gauntlets, a leather kilt, with studded leather greaves, and metal tipped boots. A functional long sword on his back, along with his standard cane...Or now it looked like a war-axe. His counter part Viking spirit was floating above him. Lash realized they were essentially wearing the same thing.

“Hello Mentor, Skaleg. Been waiting long?” Lash smiled at him as he walked over. Skaleg frowned at the title.

“Cut the shit, Lash! And no, I've not been waiting long. But we best get to it, the sooner we do this the sooner I can leave.” Skaleg clapped him on the shoulder, then pulled him down the path.

Lash could see dozens of different cars showing up, many different styles of clothing, armor, robes, tuxes and cocktail dresses. From the outside he was sure this looked like a gathering for the super rich. Along the border he could see hundreds of professional body guards, soldiers, and even cops keeping an eye on things. Several of them were Warden's he recognized. None of them waved, none them even nodded their heads. They were dead set on their job.

“Is it always this much a deal when a Warden is officially made?” Lash, was confused but happy for the fan-fare. But nearly over a hundred well dressed people, creatures, and monsters where headed towards the hedge maze.

“Honestly? No! I did not have this much when I was proclaimed. But then again I was a normal Warden, the only thing I had going for me is my Re-incarnated spirit. A few of the Warrior houses showed up for mine but that was about it.” Skaleg hooked a thumb at his partner. Lash had learned earlier that the spirit was actually Skaleg from a past life. The ghost he saw was just a fragment of his personality made real. In times of danger Skaleg could call on it, along with several other ancestors. BAM! Suddenly a dozen or so pissed off, and battle ready vikings to fight with you.

“Then why are there so many for me? Not that I don't mind the attention. But this seems a little over board?” By this time they had both reached the hedge maze. A soldier wearing what he can only describe as a Tech-Knight suit. Scanned us both with a hand tool, bowed to us and had us move on.

“Several reasons, one that specifically came to light only recently. Which, I know why you didn't tell me.” Lash looks of confusion was evident. “The courts found out about your other Reptile half.”

The comment made Lash stop in his tracks, pale with fright. Skaleg was there to stop him from running, and dragged him along. Lash felt that Skaleg's hand was both comforting and also ensuring he didn't run. After taking a few deep breaths, he looked at Skaleg. An expression of...What the fuck?

“The house of records? Of course the Courts keep the entire area around the place under surveillance. They saw you shift into that reptile. A banshee of the Unseelie court followed you and watched you trash those thugs. Both are alive by the way! Fucking crazy out of their minds! Raving about a giant lizard attacked them. While they were mugging a poor woman.” Skaleg clapped him on the shoulder at that comment. A grin on his face, Lash looked around confused. He saw that the viking spirit also had a smile on his face.

“Wh...a....B..... I... I” Lash opened and closed his mouth several times trying to reconnect his train of thought. Saurian was expanding his sensory awareness to its limit looking for enemies!

“Relax kid! Despite the change they still want you as a Warden. Maybe even more now! I don't know the whole story behind your other half. But it's got the Courts all in a tizzy! Apparently your blood work comes back 100% human! But, not only could you hide the change from today's tech! But also the Super-Natural Council. They had no fucking idea you were a shifter!” Skaleg smiled and passed Lash a hip flask for some courage. Lash drank more then a few mouth full's and passed it back barely registering the taste or the fact that Skaleg was dumb struck that Lash didn't react to it. He took his own swig and winced at the effect.

“eehhh! Anyways! The Were-Breeds are super excited to meet another one of their kind. Especially since you can pass for human! The fact that you are a Beast Talker is important. Gotham Warden's haven't had one of those in decades! You are a respected artist that as a few of the older ones curious on your art pieces. Don't be surprised if you get a few commissions tonight.” Skaleg, patted his back now assured he was not going to run.

Lash was in a daze as he followed along, finally coming around a bend, they found a door in the hedge maze. This door stood out of place in the maze but would look perfectly if you were attending a ball at a castle in Europe. The door was open, and instead of more hedge-maze there was a grand ball room inside. Lash read that the ceremony was going to take place inside a grand hall. He thought it would be underground. Looks like he needed to go the records house again and read up on Spatial something or other.

Walking into the hall he looked up to see not a ceiling but an ocean of stars. A night sky that shouldn't exist on Earth as comets flew by, a galactic spark blew across ushering in a new universe. Was like looking at a fast forward version of a night sky, only millions of years. Giant massive columns reached up into the night sky, each one depicting a different mosaic. A mural of color, history, the good, and the bad of the history of the Warden's and the Societies coming together to shield themselves from the Mundanes. Floor was white marble, with an intricate design of gold, silver, and what looked like obsidian. Celtic, European, Eurasia, African, South America designs of different ancient cultures were carved into the ground. On the sides of the massive hall were doors that seem to lead to other rooms, halls, looked as though several of them were occupied as people went in and out to talk. He also noticed there was a second floor that allowed others to peer down below. Lash was wrong, there were near a thousand people here! At the end of the hall was a massive door, that was carved out a gold type material. Above the door were several balconies that what looked like important id....What the fuck!

At the upper right balcony, draping across it like a bored cat was what Lash could only describe as a Dragon? Long scaled tail, massive arms and legs, with four fingered claws, a long neck connected to a massive croc like head, adored with horns. Fin's grew down the things neck, back, and tail, and two massive bat-like wings spread out from time to time to stretch. Long enough to touch end to end of the halls large door. Then Skaleg clapped him on the back, and pointed at the Dragon.

“Ah! I didn't think he would come! That's Torloth! He's the owner of the Shield and Sword law firm. They have branches all across the glob. They work with the Super-Natural Societies, as well as the Warden's. He must think you are related to Dragons...Or maybe your partner?” Skaleg made a point to look at Lash with that last part. Lash noticed several people nearby stopped talking to listen.

“I'm sorry...I don't actually know if he is related to Dragons or not. I'm not even sure he does?” -Saurian knows what a dragon is. Saurian has great respect for them. But can assure that he is not one. Though they be ancestor. Before Skaleg could comment Lash held up a hand. “He say's that they share a common ancestor.” Lash once again was the object of focus, as Skaleg, the immediate area of Society members, as well as a deep mountain sized pressure bore down on him from Torloth as Lash could feel his eyes on him.

“Y..You just spoke to your other half...As in he's awake? And he said that they may share an ancestor with dragons?” Before Lash could reply with his own question..

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Mental Resistance; If it be making a deadline for a client, or bearing the pressure of a one thousand year old dragon. Your mind is flexible when it needs to be, but in-flexible when it has to be. But there is still room to grow! Keep it up! But try to not have your mind get scrambled!

“Why is it weird that I can speak to my partner?” Lash asked, but before Skaleg could reply another voice called out. It was a man wearing something close to his own tux. But the coat was shorter. He had a wild golden mane of a hair, his skin tanned, deep blue eyes, square jaw, he had the golden ratio body type. Lash could see the image of a lion imparted behind him. Not like Skalegs viking. He knew this is a Were-Breed, a lion one at that.

“Because, only Alpha's of a pack are capable of communicating with their partners. Most Were-Breeds can speak to their other halves but it comes in rudimentary images, feelings, or very, very basic speech. Like...Hungry, danger. An Alpha of a pack can can have complete conversations with theirs. Its a sign of power, and control. I have to say I'm surprised Mr. Lash! Not only are you a Were-Breed with out a pack, your even an Alpha! An Alpha that share's ancestory with dragons!” The man tipped his head then took some of his drink as he watched Lash's reaction. “Oh, forgive me! My name is John Woods, Alpha of the Blood-Eye Pride.”

Lash politely bowed from his waist but kept his head up to look at him. He had read and was school by both Skaleg and several Warden's on the popper greeting for Society members. Some had different customs. But Wardens had their own as well.

“Thank you for the information, Mr. Woods. I was not aware of the complexity of my...Status. It seems my life has gotten even more complicated then originally intended.” Lash said, John then smiled at him, revealing his fangs. But before the conversation could continue a gong rang out. John excused himself as he moved to join his other Pride members that were in attendance, many of them waved. A few females even gave him coquettish glances.

“Sorry about that, I keep forgetting that a lot of this is new to you. What was it, not even three months ago your life changed? Or did you have your partner before?” Skaleg patted him softly then guided him towards the front of the room towards the main door. The gong was for the start of the ceremony, there would be time to mingle after. Torloth was still keeping his draconian eyes on him the whole way.

“No, this all happened to me about three months ago, before I was mundane. Couldn't talk to beasts, didn't have my partner. I can swear on that if you want me to. Why is it important that my partner may be related to dragons?” Lash was curious, as well as gritting his teeth a pounding head ache was forming. Both from the unexpected information about being an Alpha Were-Breed, and sharing a common ancestor with Dragons?

“The fact that your willing to swear an oath to prove your point is enough for me. As for the Alpha thing. Well you may not know this but only Alpha's can start new packs. Alpha's can grow up in a pack and move off, happens all the time. If they live long enough. And despite the books you may have read as a kid, there are plenty of mix were-breed packs. So, given you are an Alpha with no pack. You may find yourself with people coming to ask if they can join. Now, the Dragons? Well Dragons are rare. They have Long, loooong life spans but low fertility. Dragon Sub-species can mingle with Pure-blood Dragons. Though Torloth is a male, his sisters may find you interesting.” Skaleg grinned at him and nudged him with his elbow. A perverted grin on his face. Great! Lash had become a stallion for breeding.

Skaleg clapped him on the back one last time, pointed to where he was supposed to go. Skaleg moved off to join the Warden's attending the party. Lash moved through the crowd as everyone found their place. Lash stood before the giant door that, now that he looked at it. Didn't have a door handle. In a half Circle in front of him stood the Unseelie, Seelie, Under Fae court officials along with Li'Ana, Jessabell, and he assumed the Under Fae envoy that was Jessabell's friend.

Li'Ana wore a single once piece of summer night sky black Prom dress, with a slit up the leg that went to her hip. The fabric was practically painted on allowing you to admire her gorgeous figure. Her breasts looked as if they were about to fall out of her top as the dress was backless, the cloth reached up to wrap around her neck. Letting the cloth and her neck being the only thing supporting her chest. Her blond hair was done up in a half bun, while her bangs fell to border her face. Gold and silver earnings along with a neck piece choker brilliantly contrast her pale skin. She had only a little make up on, as she was a natural beauty. Though she looked stunning, Lash was actually concerned for her. How does she walk with those?! She smiled at him, and gave him a mischievous wink. Lash smiled back at her then moved his eyes to the left of her. There was the Under Fae envoy.

This woman stood as tall as Jessabell at 5'8” had short cropped brown hair that barely touched her shoulders, her bangs were cut short. She had yellow Snake-eyes. Her skin had a healthy tan glow, as a Snake choker adorned her slender neck. She wore a sleeveless, v-neck silk blouse, that allowed you to admire her cleavage but did not reveal to much. Then the blouse was tucked into a thigh high skirt that showed a lot of leg. Followed by what could be describe as...Gold adored sandals? The straps of which wrapped around her calf. The outfit was nice, but functional. She looked like she could move in it. -I like her... Saurian said softly across the link, almost as if she had heard him her small smile grew larger. In a brief moment, but only a moment the her glamour faded. There he saw it...She was a gorgon. She had snakes for hair, with no legs! But a long serpentine body. If she were to reveal her glamour then her dress would make perfect sense. To the left of her was, Jessabell.

Jessabell's long black hair, was combed over and pinned into place to one side so you could look at her side profile with out obstruction. She had a single earring in to emphasis the exposed neck line. The Earring was silver serpent adorning her entire ear, with the head of the snake biting into her lobe. Her eyes, astonishing enough didn't have a set color they seem to shift in and out of spectrum. Lash wasn't sure why he didn't notice that before. Almost as if the light caught her eyes at the right angle and they would change. She didn't wear a necklace per-say but her outfit said why. She had a black leather choker on, then a black leather corset that looked like it could function as a set of armor. Long black fishnet went from her hands, up her arms, to her shoulders. Almost as if she wore the fishnet first then put on the corset. Then she had a knee high black fabric skirt on. With slits that went up to both legs to her hips giving you a show if she stepped to wide, with six inch black stiletto heels, and fish net stockings. She looked like a goth queen, especially with her deep purple lipstick. She smiled at Lash... -Hello Huntress-Jessabell! Saurian-Hunter loves your armor! Nasty trap for any that under estimate you! Jessabell's facade broke for a brief moment as she laughed. She covered her mouth politely and turned away. This action was seen by every single person in the room. Lash smiled at her then went to look above them at the head council.

When Jessabell recovered, she had a mild blush on her cheeks as she refused to meet any ones eyes. The Seelie court official was frowning at the display, while the Unseelie court official had a smile on their face, the Under Fae official looked amused. Looking at Jessabell. The court officials wore long cloaks that covered their bodies. But all of the elders for all three courts were women. They looked as if they were in there late twenties but Lash knew they could be over a thousand years old for all he knew. Then they all stood up at the same time, following the same script.

“””We are gathered here today! To confirm and Ordain the one called Erik Lash! To the path of a Warden! Here in this sacred hall before our ancestors, as well as our peers! Do the appointed envoy's of each court confirm that Erik Lash is of sound mind, and body?””” The Council Elders said.

“I do!” Li'Ana spoke, Lash could see there was a glint of confusion in her eyes but she kept up the facade. Lash tried to convey a simple message to her 'Tell you later' He wasn't sure why, but a small smile did tug on her lips.

“I do!” The Gorgon's voice rang, it had a hard under tone but was still a nice sound on Lash's ears. She was looking at him, then back at Jessabell, with a smirk. As if she knew something that no one else did.

“I do!” Jessabell spoke, back to the Unseelie envoy that he first met. Strong, confident, but tricky. She winked at him. -Should come and sleep again! Saurian will keep you safe! Her smile grew wider at the comment that only Lash and her could hear.

“””Then let the blessing of the Courts be given, so Erik Lash may come before our Ancestor's Court to be officiated!””” The Council Elders said.

Li'Ana stepped forward first, stopping well with in Lash's personal space. She reached up and wrapped her hands around his neck pulled him down and kissed him. Lash was struck surprised! This was not part of the book! The book said that each Envoy gives a blessing, never said what kind. Lash's entire body was stock still, but his mouth still opened to accept Li'Ana's tongue, pressing against his own. Li'Ana took her time, pressing her entire body against Lash. She explored his mouth, and he did the same. She tasted sweet, like honey. Then a pulse of energy was passed between them. It was not one way! He knew that because Li'Ana shivered and almost lost her balance. Lash reached out to keep her steady.

  • Congratulations User! You have obtained the Blessing of the Seelie Summer Court, as well as the recognition of Li'Ana. First confused by your actions, Li'Ana now finds you truly intriguing. Though she is not an enemy nor is she a friend. But could prove to be useful in the future.

Li'Ana let go of Lash and was unsteady on her feet. He kept his arms around her till she kept her balance. She looked up at him with a confused expression on her face, as if saying 'What was that?' her face then returned to the facade and turned to the council.

“The Seelie Summer Court has bestowed their blessing to Erik Lash, so says I” Li'Ana then walked gracefully back to her original position. Turning around once more to face Lash, the picture perfect noble fae princess.

The gorgon then stepped forward taking long, confident strides towards Lash. Not being outdone by Li'Ana she moved right up to him. Reached up with her hands, and instead of wrapping them around his neck. Gripped his bald head and forced him to meet her lips. Upon which she devoured his lips and pushed her tongue into his mouth only to freeze in surprise. Now understanding that this is what was happening. Lash slowly wrapped his arms around her, but that's not why she froze. She was a gorgon, she had a scaled heritage. Saurian made a connection with in a second flat. A type of power was exchange between him and her just like Li'Ana had done. But after a moment, the Gorgon moaned in pleasure as her eyes fluttered shut.

  • Congratulations User! You have obtained the Blessing of the Under Fae Court. As well as the recognition of Soluna. Finding you fascinating because Jessabell spoke well of you. Now you may have started a fire that you will have no control over.

The kiss lasted longer then Li'Ana's but it did end. Soluna stood, her body shivering with excitement as a blush grew up her neck, to her cheeks, and ears. But she was glaring at him now. She tried to open her mouth to speak...But failed the first time. Then cleared her throat, turning around she declared.

“The Under Fae Court has bestowed their blessing to Erik Lash, so says I” Soluna looked back at him with a glare then walked off with the same confident stride as before. The Under Fae Council member now had a huge smile on her face, as the other two council members wore a confused expression. Soluna took her place, flipping her hair back. Refusing to make eye contact with Jessabell who was grinning at her, as if she now knew something that no one else did.

Jessabell then skipped forward, doing a small twirl in front of everyone. Flashing Lash with a smile and she moved to him. Unlike the other women she moved right up to a few feet, then slowly reaching out traced her fingers across his chest, then her palms slipped along his shoulders before she raised her left leg to wrap around his waist, pressing her hips into him. She knew he was excited because she could feel his erection pressing up against her. She let out a soft moan, then wrapped her fingers around his neck and pulled him in. Unlike the other women he reached for her automatically, as the exchange of energy was instant. This was Jessabell's and Lash's first kiss. He wanted to enjoy it, they explored each others lips at first, then opened their mouths. Their tongues danced against one another, as a deep base growl range from his chest. But before he further explore her mouth she broke the kiss. A small line of saliva connected their mouths before Jessabell caught it, and licked it off her finger. She looked at him with a sexually excited stare, biting her lips...

  • Congratulations User! You have obtained the blessing of Unseelie Winter Court. Jessabell has now completely agreed to be your friend, as well as your fellow huntress and pack-mate. Though what the future holds is uncertain. Here and now you have a true friend.... And maybe a lover if your careful.

Before moving away Jessabell's hands quickly adjusted Lash's erection so no one would notice his rock hard towel rack pointing straight at her when she left. She laughed at him, the sound soft and light to his ears. Turning to look at the council.

“The Unseelie Winter Court Fae has bestowed their blessing to Erik Lash, so says I” Jessabell gave a quick wink to Lash before striding back to her place with confidence, chin held high. Lash saw that Li'Ana was glaring at her as if to say, 'was that really necessary'. Jessabell ignored her glare, moved back to her position and returned to the black leather seductress she was, in front of everyone.

“””Then as the Council of Elders we call to the Great Ancestor's to view Erik Lash, to give their blessing! So says we all!”” With that the giant door with out a handle shuddered open, a blinding white light came from behind, blinding everyone in the room. Before Lash knew it he was no longer in the room with everyone, there he stood in a vast expanse of nothing. In front of him stood thirteen white robed figures, and thirteen black robed figures. In the middle of them was a robed figure that wore both black and white perfectly down the middle then...

“Hello User! Welcome!” Lash was dumbstruck!


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