Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 15: Understanding One’s Self

Erik was inside the black room curled up into a ball. His head in his hands, rocking back and forth wondering what he had just done. Dawn kneeling by his side rubbing his back. Erik was substance in the black room this time. A new version update had gone through, to many people didn't like the insubstantial concept of nothingness. So now the Users inside the black room were made from darkness. It wasn't much better, but it was something.

“Why am I feeling like this? It doesn't make any sense... Lash has been through dozens, no hundreds of different lives. He's seen slaughter, he's brought entire countries to their knee's. But why am I feeling this way? This is a game! A generated world! Why do I feel like I just killed six people!?” Erik screamed into the nothingness that was the black room.

“Realism, Self-Awareness, a majority of the Users believe just as you have said. That its a game, there is no reason to feel bad about what happens to simulated dream created people. But, a few Users with in the DC comics universe have had met what is being referred to as 'Wall of Realism'. You are the fifteenth User to meet such an event. The Users do not feel the disconnection of reality, and the generated world. This is why we brought you back to the black room so you can get a sense of self.” Dawn said softly to Erik.

Dawn was still wearing her Endless black and white robe. Her hands, and face were still made of black space ink, and starlight. He fingers rubbed up and down Erik's back trying to comfort them the best they could in their limited fashion. Erik's eyes remain unfocused as he tried to process what was happening. He was starting to confuse reality, the Dream Engine was mixing with his mind. But the Cube recognized the effect and pulled him out, so there was safety nets in place.

“I'm starting to understand why they had me sign all those medical wavers. For every success there is a failure.” Erik said, belittling himself.

“You are not a failure, Erik! What you've done is gain self-realization. That even in a fantasy world you still have a bottom line. To many Users kill, maim, destroy, and ruin the lives of the dynamically generated world with the sole excuse of. 'It's a game, so who cares'. But you, you and fourteen others have proven your humanity goes beyond the concept of reality.” Dawn's voice took on a hard edge.

Erik stopped rocking back and forth then looked over at Dawn. He was confused, but also hopeful. He'd never thought that way about the games he played. He wasn't a 'Role Player' like you would find in a MMO's. But he always tried to treat the game generated people with respect and courtesy. Unless of course they were the bad guys. But he never brutally tortured and ruined lives in games, always stayed away from games the centered around that. His gamer friends use to always tell him that it was a game, so who cares how you treat the pixel people? Erik cared. It was the actions he made when no one was watching that made the most difference.

“So I'm not a failure, its just my sense of realism is different from others... Well me and fourteen others?” Erik asked, a new light in his eyes.

“That's right. There was one single Alpha tester that brought up this crisis during their play time. It was them that brought up the dynamic alteration of realism or not. If User Erik want's to adjust the system to make the Dream Engine more fantasy oriented we can. Or you can continue to use the dynamic system to adjust accordingly.” Dawn said, standing up in the black room extending a hand to Erik to stand up. Erik took her helping hand.

“No, keep the default setting. I'll ride this train as long as I can.” Erik said, confidence returning to his voice.

“I had a feeling you'd say that.” Dawn said with voice filled with pride. It made Erik blush and look away..At least he thinks he was blushing.

“So, any updates on the world beneath?” Erik asked getting back to business.

Dawn pulled several new tabs open for Erik. Batman was no longer a rumor. Confirmed sightings of a Bat like creature, or a man wearing bat costume had been seen in Gotham. Superman decided to stop hiding and was now flying around not only Metropolis but the world, in his costume of blue and red suit. His appearance shocked the world, especially when he did an interview with Lois Lane telling the reporter that he was an alien from another world but had been raised here on Earth. The Mass accelerator in Central City was scheduled to turn on in six months. So, Barry would turn into the Flash either on that day, before it, or after. Erik couldn't remember when that happened. Oliver Queen had been missing for little over four years and change. It seems that there was no activity on Themyscira, Erik didn't know if Wonder Woman had been active since World War Two? Or if she was still on her island and Trevor was a modern day pilot. Her origin story was complicated. Erik didn't have a reason to talk to the Amazonian envoy that was visiting Gotham. Atlantis was very quietly looking for the first born son of their late queen. Arthur Curry.

Erik knew that Dawn had every little detail about the world stored in her mind. But specifically would not tell everything. The time line app was meant to tease and inform the User about things, but not take the fun out of it. If Erik wanted to know more he would have to take his avatar there themselves. Erik had read on the forums that many Users had gone and met the hero's and villain's before they gained a name for themselves so they could have back history with them. Aside from Batman, Erik had no reason to meet any of of the others. If he remembers right? Oliver Queen isn't even on the island right now. Barry is a forensic's officer, Batman is a billionaire, Clark is a reporter, Diana may or may not be on an island that kills any man that steps foot on it.

Erik had another issue, the Dream Engine would not allow Users to Meta game information. Even if the User had read every single issue of DC comics. Knew all the back stories, histories, and information. Unless they had at least learned the basic information inside of the world, the Engine would prevent the User from saying anything. You can still physically drive your avatar to a location. Which from the forum posts he's read generally lead to death. So, whats to be done? Just keep operating as normal. Once you make big enough waves you'll encounter them on your own.

Erik asked for the report on Lash, almost a week had past for his VI model. Thanks to his title has Druid which Lash swapped out. He was able to talk to the aspects of Nature. He was able to teach a single spell, Natures Supplement to the Warden Timothy, along with a few others. Then swapped back to Shaper. He went on a single night patrol with the neighborhood watch. Despite all that's happened he is going to maintain that. Surprisingly, Lizzy sold the sword and got 30k for it. They made about 60% off the sword since it was made with materials laying around the shop. The Fae Courts were giving subtle pressure to the Blood-Kindred for Lash's attempted murder. Giving information but no concrete proof of the attack. Given that the detainees were now brain dead. The spec op teams families were not available for contact given as they were not in the Gotham area, conveniently. Shield and Sword did end up buying all the near by real estate around Lash's building. A lot of renovations are being done, many of them are being remade into homes on top with business's below them. Then something interesting came up, Lash had been invited to donate one of his pieces to a Wayne Charity event. An event that Bruce Wayne himself was attending. Dawn had paused the world at that point waiting for Erik's directive. Erik laughed, gave a hug to Dawn then went back down. Enjoying the sky diving as he always did.


Lash was on a video conference with Lizzy, her father Mr. Shaw. A charity fundraiser personnel for the Wayne foundation. They were talking about the venue who would be attending as well as Bruce Wayne attendance. Obviously the event was for the super rich, all of the famous artists in Gotham area would be there. Along with a few famous artist across the eastern coast. Erik Lash had been invited to attend, as well as donate any pieces he was willing to give. All the proceeds were going to low income scholarships for under privilege's youths. The venue, the food, the security was being paid by the Wayne's so all the money made from the bidding would go exactly where it was meant to go.

“Yes! I'd love to attend! In fact I have at least one piece that I think Mr. Wayne might even want to buy himself. Or, at least I hope!” Lash said. As he and Saurian welcomed Erik back.

“Wonderful! Then we'll put you, and the Shaw's down for attendance. When will your pieces be ready for pick up Mr. Lash.” The fundraiser asked.

“Two days from now, just putting on some finishing touches. It's almost as if this was all planned by the heavens.” Lash smiled in a self mocking moment that no one understood but him.

They talked about logistics for the new art pieces for a few minutes before the fundraiser and Mr. Shaw excused themselves from the call. Now it was just Lizzy and Lash on the phone conference. She looked worried about something. Lash could only see her face on his computer. Her hair was down, letting those red curls wrap around her face. She opened and closed her mouth several times..

“I think you should wear that stunning red slink dress you got from that boyfriend you had last year. You know the asshole that had impeccable taste in clothing, and was always bad at everything else! What was his name again? Has he married that boyfriend of his yet?” Lash laughed as Lizzy rolled her eyes.

“Kevin was not an asshole! He just...Preferred assholes over me is all!” Lizzy gave a wry smile to Lash who in turned laughed.

“So, whats going on? Is this something we should talk about over a phone or do you want to meet up?” Lash asked with a smile on his face.

“No...I... Just.” Lizzy looked down, clearly struggling with something.

“You want to know if its OK for you to bring that new girlfriend you have but haven't told anyone but your sister about who then told me about it knowing you would hate it. Which I am texting her right now telling her I've told you. So she can get into the emergency bunker?” Lash said, smirking.

Lizzy's mouth was wide open, her eyes looked like they were about to fall out. Then a blush crawled up her neck, cheeks and ears. Her face almost matched her hair color she was both embarrassed, and angry! Just as she was about to explode!

“OK, love you! Can't wait to meet her! I've got a art piece to finalize! Bye!” Lash ended the call with a laugh. He knew she was angry because she called him on his cellphone four times, why not a text? Because when she is angry she mushes the buttons and the message comes out all wrecked. He of course did not pick up the phone.

Lizzy had always been bi-sexual. It wasn't until college that she told her family with Lash's help. They thought she was pregnant when they both showed up. Only to find out the real truth. Should have seen her father as his anger and stress just evaporated. Then he hugged her and laughed, as did her mother. They told her they had known about this for years! They were just waiting for her to tell them. After that night Lash had become an adopted son, and brother to the Shaw family. Willing to come help their daughter tell something incredibly sensitive, and that could have ended horribly. The fact that he was willing, made him solid in their book. Lash had never really looked at Lizzy that way, they would sometimes flirt, and tease one another. Some would say it had some sexual tension. But they both knew it wasn't that. It was just two friends who had been through a lot together. But because of this, Lizzy would always introduce her boyfriends, and girlfriends to Lash. As if she wanted his approval on the choice. Then once he did, she would then take them to see her family. So he was the test subject. Or at least the original Erik Lash was.... In all of Lash's reincarnations he had never told the original families, friends, lovers that they had been replaced. He didn't think he would start with the Shaw's.

Lash walked into his art studio. There in the middle of it was a black stone, with red veins sculpture. It was a...Bat-Knight statue. Imagine a life sized statue of a knight, with Bat like stylized armor. It even had the batman symbol on its shield and chest like a coat of arms. Right now Gotham knew about Batman, but no one except for select individuals had seen him in all his gear, and symbol on his chest. Lash figured out that he couldn't say it out loud, didn't stop him from carving it on a statue. The name of the piece was 'The Dark Knight'. This was either going to end badly? Or end up good. However, before he sent it to the charity he did one last thing. A new spell he had recently learned.

  • Nature Spell Domain, Imbue Essence; Much akin to a form of enchanting, this allows you to place a nature spells onto an object to allow automatic recast, automatic because it gradually recharges its energy with outside aid. You set it to touch, proximity, or voice. After you adjust for target, or area of effect. Then one of the spell's you know will be imbued into the object. Then has a 24 hour cool down period. The more spells, the larger effect the more magic you have to put into it. You may have to do this over several days. Please take note that this only works with Nature based spells, if you want other spell domains? Pick up enchanting, you'll get a lot more bang for your buck.

Lash channeled his energy into the statue, he gave it Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. Set it for proximity, with a three meter area of effect. He had been doing this for three days. Then...

  • Congratulations User! You've imbued your first item! With time and effort you've drawn nature's energy onto an object. While enchanting has you inscribe, engrave, or blast objects over and over. Imbuing requires you to 'grow' it into an object. It may not be as strong as enchanting. But, once its in place as long as it's not broken it will continue to work for years to come.

Lash was not sure if Bruce Wayne would buy the piece. He was hoping he would. Maybe place it inside his bat cave. Let the mystical effects help him heal him and his people. He then carefully packed and set the statue near the cargo elevator pick up. Then went back to the art room, he was crafting one more piece. This one was simpler, it was a great horned owl! He knew the Court of Owls were in Gotham. He knew that many of Gotham's super rich were part of the society. Lash was not trying to join them, but carving an owl just seemed fun enough to tease them with. The owl was about two feet tall and was perched on a piece of wood. The Wood was made of solid marble, but the owl was carefully crafted metal. Using his Material abilities he used several pieces of metal and seamlessly put them together. You couldn't even see a weld, but of course he didn't weld them together. He then used silver moon quartz for the owl's eyes. Then used silver 'dripped' into the feather designs. He then used, Imbued Essence on the statue of the owl. But this time he did not place a spell on it. He just put the energy into it. Just a tiny bit, what did this do? It gave the unnerving feeling that the owl was alive, and would fly off. Several hours had passed and it was late at night now. He packed up the owl, and placed it near the cargo delivery system. He sent a message to Mr. Shaw, and the fundraiser coordinator about the finished pieces. Telling them he had found a spark of artistic insight and finished them both already. They were ready for pick up. He got word back with in a few minutes. They would pick up the pieces in the morning.

Lash cleaned up his art room. Combing over it carefully, looking for not only materials but also electrical devices. He did this every time he left the room. He was paranoid about not letting people know about his Material skill. He had found that Saurian could actually hear them if he was careful. So in a lot of way this was practice. When he left the room he walked across his kitchen only to pause retrace a few of his steps to look at his balcony window. There stood on the landing... Soluna? No one with her, just Soluna. She looked at him through the glass door gesturing her head to the door handle. She was wearing black six inch heels, black skirt that came down to her knees, a large black winter coat with a fluffy hood. Her tanned skin a contrast to the overall color pallet. Going to the door Lash unlocked it and gestured for her to enter.

“Took you long enough, been out their for almost an hour! Yeesh!” Soluna said, taking off her coat. She wore a backless, turtle neck sweater. With a V cut out section for her cleavage. That hugged her body perfectly, letting you see a lot of skin but still looked warm as odd as that would sound in Gotham City during winter.

“Soluna, you have my cell phone. You could have easily called me. I would have let you in.” Lash said as he took her coat from her after he closed and locked the balcony door. Lash noticed that Soluna seem to go rigid when he mentioned the cell phone. She must have forgot.

“I....Didn't want to ruin the surprise! Jessabell says you make the best Honey Dew Tea, may we have some?” Soluna said, trying to change the subject. Lash allowed it as he carefully hung the coat up on a hanger he had recently put up for his late night visitors.

Lash went to the kitchen to start up the pot. Soluna's hair had been re-cut again. Short up front, and long to just above her shoulders in the back. Allowing for femininity, but function and practicality. Lash had never understood how so many comic book women could allow their hair to fly free while fighting? You do a single whiplash kick and all your hair goes straight into your face. That brief moment of obscurity is a death sentence in a fight for your life. Even guys! Plenty of men with long hair failed to tie it up or keep it short. It was one of those times Lash was thankful he was bald, and that Saurian didn't have any hair either.

After a few minutes Lash came out of the kitchen with a pot of Honey Dew Tea, with glasses. Soluna was in the living room, leaning back while her legs were crossed. She sat sideways so Lash could see her long profile showing a lot of leg, and chest. She seemed to be posing for him... -Me thinks that she believes she has to pose for us to agree. Saurian said. Lash agreed. Lash placed the tea set down and poured Soluna a drink before handing it to her. She took it carefully, blew on it and slowly drank it. Giving off a hum of approval. Lash took his own drink, and finished the glass before he sat back against his coach. Lash was currently wearing a black t-shirt that was tight against his chest. Khaki pants, with blue on white tennis shoes. Just cloths to wear around the house.

“Soluna, not that I'm complaining. But why are you dressed like that? You look like your a little uncomfortable.” Lash said to her. Which of course earned him a glare, her yellow snake eyes staring daggers at him.

“What, is this not good enough? Do you want me wearing a mini skirt?” Soluna growled at him. Lash's look of confusion on his face seem to answer something that she was thinking.

“Jessabell said I had to be all pretty up! I had to look the part of some fair but seductive maiden to pull this bonding thing off!” Soluna said angrily. Then screamed in rage when Lash shook his head back and forth and told her what Jessabell was wearing the night she bonded with him.

“That FUCKING BITCH! I'M GOING TO FUCK....g......GGRRRRR!” Soluna screamed! Standing up and paced through his home! “She helped me pick this outfit! She played dress up with me for three hours! I fucking hated it!”

“You could have shown up in tennis shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt and it would have been fine. What you wear has nothing to do.....” Before Lash could finish, Soluna had peeled off her top in a huff and tossed it aside.

Her breasts bounced free and clear for about thirty seconds before Soluna pulled a t-shirt from know where and slipped it on. Then she took off her heels and skirt. Lash's eyes traced up her tanned legs all the way to her picture perfect ass, and he saw enough to know that she was not wearing underwear and that she was shaved. She slipped on a pair of jeans, some cotton socks and tennis shoes. She then flopped across his coach with a audible sigh. She had another glass of tea before growling about how she was going to tie that women to the bed and punish her properly! -Focus! Partner-Lash, Focus! Saurian said.

Now that Soluna was comfortable, lying across his coach she propped herself up using a few pillows. She placed her head in her right hand palm so she could watch him. She looked, and acted far more comfortable.

“Thanks for saying something. Most men would have kept their mouth shut and enjoyed the show. But you didn't. So, how do we do this? Do I need to fuck you? Or, cause I don't mind. I think you would be fun. Though joining in third place after Li'Ana in you bed post selection is a lit....

“Soluna neither Jessabell or Li'Ana have had sex with me. Jessabell shared a bed with me and my partner but we didn't have sex. We just slept together. Soluna, what do you think the bonding process is?” Lash said, honestly curious.

Soluna looked surprised, then shrunk her neck in like a turtle. The brash, and over the top gorgon female blushed! She sat up straight, placing the tea cup down. She looked at him looking for some kind of deceit in his eyes. Not finding anything, she groaned! Hiding her face in her hands as she tucked her knee's up.

“I don't know! Jessabell, and Li'Ana both are well liked, and desired by the Fae Courts. They are young, experienced, talented, envoy's with a bright future! Then out of know where comes this New Warden! That not only some how charms Jessabell, but also Li'Ana! Do you have any idea what the rumors are going on about you! That you could seduce even one of Torloth's sisters! Your charms are in-fallible! On top of that, I don't know why! But I'm fucking attracted to you! People say that your Partner has a dragon ancestor. Dragon's have a natural charm over any creature with scales! I've met Torloth! I think he is a fucking prick! I feel nothing for him! But I spend ten minutes around you! I feel like I've found someone I can rely on! What kind of messed up shit is that!?” Soluna was yelling by the end of her monologue.

Saurian released a cascading wave of Calm Emotions. The was done for two reasons. To keep them all balanced and focused on the matter at hand. Also when the effect would wear off the emotions expressed between them would be raw and untainted. Soluna's chest rose and fall for several seconds then as the wave washed over, her breathing slowed. Her eyes become focused as she looked up at Lash.

“Jessabell trust's you. This isn't about the Winter Court fae bullshit. Though I know that they are definitely happy that she has stepped into the circle of trustee's with a Endlessness chosen. But she has already told me that aside from me. You are one of the first true friend's she's had.... And..I'm.” Soluna's eyes began to cloud over before another calming wave washed over her. “I'm afraid your going to take her from me.”

Lash was calm and collected. He believed it was because that's how he was, but more then likely it was from the skill. He stood up and walked over and sat down on the coffee table so he was in front of Soluna. She watched him move with her eyes. He held out his hands to her. She reached out and took them. A electric pulse connected them. Saurian's spiritual essences reached out and coiled around them both.

“Me and Jessabell are friends, but we are also family. We are a Pack. We've learned that Were-Breeds can only make that kind of connection with other Were-Breeds. Well it seems that me and my partner are the outlier. Jessabell loves you, she would not have sent you here to me if that was not the case. She would not have joked with you about the cloths unless she knew I would have said something. I am Erik Lash, my partner is Saurian-Hunter. Name yourself, and declare that we are friends, family, a pack it will be done and we will be more then happy to have you.” Lash said, his eyes had become reptilian during the conversation. Soluna held his gaze before softly nodding her head.

“Erik Lash, Partner to Saurian-Hunter. I, Soluna Altena von Pallas of the old gods declare you my friend!” She said with strong conviction. Then just like the times before a pulse of energy hummed through us...

  • Congratulations User! You've completed a hidden objective! Your Cosmic Patron had give you a task to seduce and bed the envoys of the Fae courts. Instead you earned their friendship, trust, and a piece of their hearts. All three of them! Since you accomplished your task and went above and beyond you'll be rewarded!

    • Your Cosmic Patron has rewarded you with ONE Dream Point, and a coupon to use the Dream Store at any time.

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained an Achievement: “One is good, two is trouble, three will lead to your damnation!” This will also grant you 10% increase to your overall charm, personality, and desire when speaking to things that are attracted to you. Good luck!

Lash was stunned at the achievement. What the fuck was that!? He's never got an increase from Achievements before, just titles! He doubled checked, it wasn't a title. It was just an achievement. Then he was shocked to find out that a version update had gone through. All his achievements gave a boost!

  • Achievement; I work with my hands! Not my head! Any task that involves your hands, you have a 10% bonus. Careful they have a mind of their own.

  • Achievement; Guardian of the Green, 'Swamp thing!? Ya, me and him are best buds!' You are 10% more skilled when tending to plant life, be it in a garden, or just in the open world. You have a green thumb, careful your whole body doesn't turn green.

Lash wanted to face palm, but he was still with Soluna. They were both now sitting on the coach together. He was laying against the arm rest, his legs open. Soluna was between his legs, her face buried into his chest with her arms tucked up. She looked like she was napping but he knew she was wide awake. Lash was tracing his fingers up and down her body with in his reach. -Now we are family Huntress-Soluna! Welcome to the Pack! Punish Play Jessabell for teasing you! Yes! Yes! Saurian spoke across the link. This made Soluna smile wide and laugh into Lash's chest. Lash's hands moved up and down Soluna's neck and back gently massaging. It felt like he instinctively knew where to touch, then realized his bonus was already on. Amazing what 10% does.

Lash reached out and used his two favorite nature spells on Soluna. This earned him an audible moan from her. As the magical energy settled through her whole body becoming fully immersed in the sensation before...

“Gah!” Lash softly yipped in surprise. Soluna had bitten him through his shirt. He looked down at her, she was wearing a satisfied smirk on her face.

“Don't think that you can just create a link, and use your fucking awesome hands along with your magic to make me fuck you! I require at the very least a date!” She then burrowed back into Lash's embrace and said softly into his chest. “Now please continue with your hands, they are fucking amazing!”

Lash chuckled, softly disturbing Soluna which earned him a pinch in his side. Which made him laugh more. Soon his hands continued up and down Soluna, so much so that she abruptly sat up, peeled off her top. Then settled back down, her twin peaks pressed against Lash's chest. Lash enjoyed the show as she seem to exaggerate the movement for him. He had to adjust his pants accordingly making Soluna laugh as something long, hard, and hot was pressing against her. But that was it, Lash returned to running his hands up and down her back. He was using a bit of natural essence to work her muscles. Earning a moan from time to time, which did not help his erection one bit because Soluna would wiggle just right when ever she moaned.

They stayed like that for about two hours before Soluna sat up slightly to kiss Lash. It was a chaste kiss because they both knew if it was longer then more cloths were coming off. She put her shirt back on, grabbed her coat and left through the balcony as she had come. Just like the other Fae women in his life once she was on the balcony she seem to fade from sight like a ghost. He really needed to learn how to do that. He walked back into his home locking the door. Then going to his alarm system he activated the shutters, and locked up. He went to his bedroom took a cold shower! Then settled down across bed. Alone, away from prying eyes he activated the store coupon. It would be 17 hours real time before he could use the store again. That could be days, weeks, or even months in the Dream Engine.

Sure enough he looked at his balance of DP he had one point. Does he get a skill? A new Spell Domain? Increase his overall Super rating? Wait, what was his rating?

“Rank Status!” Lash called softly to the darkness of his room.

  • Name: Erik Lash, commonly referred to as 'Lash' or 'Saurian'

    • Title; Shaper

    • Origin: Magical

    • Rank: E-

    • Skills: Open tab for full list.

    • Domain Nature, Spell list: Sooth, Natures Supplement, Daylight, Root of Information, Essence Imbuement,

    • There you are! You are the shadow of any hero or villain. But can stand up on your own in any neighborhood or street gang. You have began to lean towards the side of heroes, but your methods are questionable. With time, training, and the determination to push forward you'll find your footing. Even if you have to fall a dozen times, to pick yourself up a dozen times. Look out below!

Lash cheered quietly to himself! His super rank had gone up, so all of his abilities had gone up. Whether it was his stat abilities, or his skill levels. Everything goes up when your super rank goes up. Of course, Dawn did say it was a gradual process. You wouldn't just suddenly feel powerful like you do in other games. Even his Domain was suppose to get a booster. More power, for less cost. Spells according to your rank will start to bubble to the top as idea's. So then he looked back at the shop. A glowing book in his arms, he carefully flipped the pages looking over the information.

He did see enchanting, though he was interested. It would be better to get another Domain first then get enchanting. There was a nice skill called Adaptation, it was a Racial trait for Saurian, but over time would effect Lash. It allowed him to adapt to environments like freezing cold, sierra hot, or even underwater, over time as it evolved it could even allow him to exist in space?! Holy shit that was bad ass! Then Lash read about a Domain he was in awe about. Technomancy.

The art of combining Magic and Technology together. Lash had learned from the Fae that Magic and Technology did not mix! But, as more and more centuries changed the face of the world more and more users of the mystic arts tried to combine the two. There was different successes and a majority of failures. They enchanted a flintlock to fire with out gunpowder. Made the bullets enchanted. That is where the Silver enchanted bullets came from that shot him full of holes! They made a wind turbine that magically attracted a wind current to generate natural power. They made an electric car, but used the lighting element to power it. Finally in the last decade or so a new domain was discovered. Technomancy. It was incredibly rare! The Tech-Knight Lash saw being a guard at his ceremony was actually an apprentice to a Technomancer. Not only did it allow the enchanting of technology with a dizzy amount of success. A collection of Tech Spells that were still being invented. They could also jump into cyberspace as if they were in the astral realm. It opened a huge door for the magical communities. As much as the Domain made Lash drool...He decided against it. He placed Technomany on his favorites list. So next time he had DP, and the shop he would buy it. But this time? He bought...

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained the Racial Trait, Adaptation: Adapting to their environment is the mark of any good predator or prey! A single change in the world can bring extinction! How many creatures in the world, in the universe have fallen to the pages beyond memory because they could not adapt? Saurian, along with his partner no longer need to worry about this. This racial trait grows with time, and use. Please take note! The skills, Damage Resistance, and Partial Transformation works with this trait. This trait effects Saurian as well as Lash.

With that! Lash closed the book, curled up in his bed as he closed his eyes he whispered to the darkness.

“Goodnight Dawn, Good night Partner-Saurian.” Lash mumbled into his pillow. -Goodnight Partner-Lash!

“Goodnight User!” Dawn said softly from the darkness...

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