Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 139: Expectations


***HR. Edge of the Sol System***

It had been approximately one week since Wraith stepped into the Red Rift. Almost exactly on time a military armada of Thanagarian ships arrived. They dropped out of FTL just on the gravitational edge of the solar system as means to evaluated the area of operation. Even after a week conflict was still a constant across the system. As pockets of Brainiac cyber-slaves, cyber-skull star fighters, and cyber-shards were discovered. As promised by the universe as a whole hundreds of civilizations showed up in the general area of the Sol System to provide aid against Brainiac.

Due to the virus that was provided by the Justice Legion the hive-mind of Brainiac was broken. cyber-shards that traveled to the neighboring star systems had been dealt with quickly. While Brainiac Prime's ship was last seen heading towards the galactic center. But with conflict comes the chance for easy coin. Pirates across the galactic systems had shown up. Security was on an all time low. The Thanagarian armada had destroyed over fifty pirate ships alone in their travels.

The lead command vessel of the fleet was dead center of their formation and gave the order for the fleet to slowly move in. Shields, and weapons primed as they didn't know what to expect. They had claimed to be coming with altruistic ends. But unfortunately Thanagarian hospitality was little more than myth to most. No, they had come here with an objective. That objective would have to wait. As the moment they passed the subjective border of the system they were pinged by the Watchtower Star Base communication network.

“Thanagarian ships, this is Vigil of Watchtower command. Please state your business in the Sol System?” A strong feminine voice called across the communication line.

“Hello Vigil, this is Ramiel. I was with the delegation when last we visited the Watchtower. I've brought reinforcements to fight Brainiac with.” An easy going voice responded. (Ch. 120)

“You have brought a military armada to fight a machine intelligence who is known for taking over machines?” Vigil's asked across the communication line.

“Well as your allies we hoped you would share the computer virus the Justice Legion created?” Ramiel's smooth voice requested across the line. Within a few minutes a data packet was sent and it was disseminated across the fleet.

“Wonderful, thank you! So may we enter the system and aid in the removal of Brainiac?” Ramiel asked.

“Request denied.” Vigil replied.

“I beg your pardon, Vigil. But we've come a long way to bring aid to the people of the Sol System. Why are you denying us access?” Ramiel asked.

“We can discuss the specifics aboard the Star Base. You may bring a delegation, and escort onboard. Leave the fleet at the solar edge.” Vigil replied.

“Very well!” Ramiel said, and closed the line.

A battle cruiser, five destroyers, and ten corvettes were selected for the delegation. Ramiel of course was part of the delegation as they flew into the system. Leaving behind their armada. Within minutes of leaving their fleet a squadron of cyber-skulls appeared on their long range scanners and they attempted to sweep past the delegation line. But before they came into weapons range. Three blue wisps of light revealed themselves behind them. The cyber-skulls were running, not attacking.

In a mad dash to safety the skulls changed course and headed straight towards the delegation escort. The Thanagarians unloaded into the squadron but a single skull made it past the firing line. As if their shields were not even there the skull moved pas them and latched onto a destroyers hull. Mechanical tentacles inserted into the destroyer and attempted to take the ship over. Only for the virus protection to activate. So the skull inserted over a dozen cyber-slaves into the ship.

What awaited them was Thanagarian warriors with Nth metal armor, and weapons. They pushed into the cyber-slaves with great skill fitting of their warrior lineage. The rest of the delegation fleet moved into a protective pattern around the compromised destroyer. They even aimed their cannons as the Blue Lanterns who flew in to assist. Brainiac was well known for having some of the most advanced technology. Being able to bypass a destroyer shield like it was paper would be beneficial to the Thanagarian Empire.

“Delegation fleet disengage your weapons lock on the Blue Lanterns, now!” Vigil's voice came over the line.

“Of course, Vigil! Of course. But please inform them that we have the incident well in hand. We won't be needing their assistance at this time.” Ramiel replied.

The delegation fleet disengaged the weapons lock on the Blue Lanterns but maintained their holding pattern around the cyber-skull. The Blue Lanterns didn't have time to waste and returned to their patrol. While the delegation made haste towards the station. Along the way they were 'attacked' by six squadrons of cyber-skulls. Wistfully they were destroyed before they could be gathered by the delegation. Then they saw what looked like a graveyard of technology.

Mechanical tentacles miles long drifted through space. With portions of a large ship looked like they were slowly being devoured by some kind of metal eating bacteria. This must have been the battle field where Brainiac Prime's ship was intercepted and defeated. Hundreds of metal shards floated in decimated ruins in space. Among them were two Justice Legion corvettes, Blue, and Green Lanterns, along with a few Yellow Lanterns. They appeared to be processing the metal. Cutting it into pieces and feeding it into the Star Base that the delegation could now see.

The delegation fleet's onboard computers announced that they had over one hundred weapon locks from the Star Base. One by one each ship was scanned, and a tug-boat drone came out and pulled them into the docking ring. With the docking ring around the entire station. Each ship could at the very least link directly to the Watchtower. While any ship small enough to land directly in the Star Base.

Ramiel and his delegation stepped off from a designated shuttle to find Hawkman, and Hawkwoman waiting for them. Ramiel as always had a genuine, warm smile on his face as he held open his arms for his old friends. They did not return the gesture as both Karter, and Shayera looked ruined. Covered in blood, mud, and their armor had sustained damage. Under different circumstances this would have been insulting to the delegation. But the Thanagarian's were use to war, and understood the situation.

“My friends! It is good to see you. Thanagar has come to help.” Ramiel said to them.

“You can help by leaving, Ramiel. We have the situation well in hand and we don't need the politics of Thanagar getting in the way of the mission.” Karter replied to him.

“Our mission is your mission.” Ramiel said to him as his smiled wilted just a bit.

“Our mission is to ensure peaceful relations between the Sol System, and Thanagar. We are doing that. When the Empire sends a military fleet to impose it's laws on the Sol System-” Shayera began to say.

“We are doing no such thing!” Ramiel sounded outraged, though his face didn't show it.

“Perhaps we can move this discussion to the emissary quarters?” One of the Thanagarian diplomats suggested.

Before Ramiel could say another word over a dozen security droids materialized out of thin air armed to the teeth. The Thanagarian delegation tensed, but a security officer proceeded to escort them to the emissary quarters in the trading section. The trading section of the Watchtower was busier than ever. Martian star fighters were docked and receiving repair. Along with merchant vessels, galactic sheriff fighters, and private war vessels. All under the banner of truce. Brainiac was considered a galactic threat, and anyone willing to help would obey the truce.

The Thanagarian delegation was shown to some of the best rooms. Right next to the Tamaranean chambers. Ramiel noticed the orange skinned warriors standing outside of their chambers in confusion. Why was their a delegation from Tamara on the station? Almost as if the universe saught to answer him. The doors opened up and a Tamaranean female wearing Justice League uniform flew out with a look of fury on her face. She had fiery red hair, and green energy danced across her armor. While soon after came another Tamaranean female who had black hair who attempted to chase the other one down.

“The royal family...” Ramiel said more to himself then any other. He filed that away, something to figure out later.

With the Thanagarian delegation safely tucked away. The Hawks went off to do other things. The delegation was politely told they would have to wait to be seen by anyone. Ramiel was more than happy to wait. As he informed his people to go about the trading section and look around but obey the rules. While he jumped on the communication line to speak to his superiors through a secure network. The acquisition of the cyber-skull fighter was a wonderful addition to their efforts. But the overall dismissal of their 'aid' did not go over well.

Though they had originally made the deal with Wraith. Vigil, along with several others aboard the station were within their rights to tell them no, to head home. Yes, they would jump around and drag it out as long as they could. Proving to be more of a nuisance than actual aid. But obtaining the anti-virus, and the cyber-skull star fighter already proved this trip to be worth it. Now, Ramiel had another bargaining chip. Turned out the former princess Koriand'r had sought sanctuary on Gaia. There was still an open bounty for her by The Citadel. This wasn't necessarily news.

What was news, was the fact that the royal family of Tamara was now aware of her location. They were obligated to inform The Citadel of Princess Koriand'r's location. In order to maintain the peace agreement between their two nations. Otherwise, The Citadel would once again continue the destruction and enslavement of the Tamara people. From the reports Ramiel had access to. Princess Koriand'r was important to Wraith.

“Now, how to use this information for the good of the Empire.” Ramiel said once more to himself more than anyone else...


***Rift. Ryloth.***

The Kom'rk star fighter/transport flew as silent as the night towards the capital of Lessu. Lash was sitting in the main troop area. While a small team of clone commandos went over a the mission brief by his side. Mil'Gix, and her brother Vi'Lon were piloting the fighter. The color in the troop transport area went from standard lighting to a violet color. Battle mode lighting. After a few minutes it switched back to normal. More than likely they had been scanned by a SAM or a turbo laser. But the armor plating on the transport let them slip by.

Out of curiosity Lash pulled up his Dream Engine ability list. Thanks to his tear drop power stone he should be accumulating experience passively. But when he reached his list he found a (???) tied to every name. So the developers were still experimenting with experience gain, and ability evolution. Odd though that he still gained experience. There just wasn't a level cap anymore. Maybe when the configuration was complete he'd suddenly obtain several levels, and evolution in abilities.

“Drop point one on approach.” Vi'Lon's voice came over the communication line.

“Copy.” Lash said, as he stood up and walked over emergency hatch. The entire ship tilted to one side then eventually leveled off. The hatch opened up...

“Good luck!” Vi'Lon's voice carried over as Lash jumped out of the hatch and dropped several hundred feet.

With the use of Earth Swim he slipped into the ground like it was water. The kom'rk ship flew away with great haste. Within a minute a two vulture droids flew past the point, along with several STAPs. The vulture droids chased after the ship. While the STAPs scanned the drop zone. Finding nothing the moved on. Like a crocodile coming up from the waters depths. Lash appeared out of the ground and pulled himself out.

He cast Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and then activated Superhuman Speed. He took off like a race car across the uneven terrain and sprinted towards his destination. He received a confirmation from the ship that they got away, and that the clones reached drop point two. They were going to work as a spotter unit for the land attack once Lash, and Luminara had obtained Tambor. Hopefully, everything would go according to plan. Though he felt like a red flag was raised for even thinking it.

An hour later and a lot of miles covered he arrived at the camping ground turned into an outpost. Lash found a decent detachment for the post on standby. Ground forces, and air forces, along with aerial cannons to fend off ships in sub-orbit. One of many scattered throughout the area. On patrol were B1 battle droids, accompanied by B2. The problem was these droids were updated.

One of the B2 would carry a communication relay pack. This would increase the efficiency of all the droids in its area of operation. The droids would follow a set of algorithms. If this happened, do this. If this didn't happen, do this. The relay packs would boost the productivity. So better response times. It also meant they didn't have to use auditory communication to communicate. It also meant that if a single droid went down on the relay then the central processing core would notify the whole area. Just like on Christophis when they 'fought' General Ripper.

Which meant that if Lash didn't want Lessu to know he was here. He couldn't kill any of the droids. If his tech-spirits weren't busy providing information on the battle network he could hack into them. That was something he should really evolve in the future. He made a mental note on his store page for Virtual Intelligence. He wanted to buy them now, but oddly the system decided he was in combat and wouldn't allow the purchase to go through.

“Maybe I can find a cardboard box and sneak in?” Lash said with a snicker.

Despite the upgrades they still didn't react to him when he re applied his nature spells and simply walked past them. Though he did come across several hidden pressure plates. They weren't bombs, they simply reacted to anything moving on them. A silent alarm for anyone invisible. He vaguely remembered Lord Enfarious making that a standard on CIS bases. Damn the fool for being so smart! Thanks to Technomancy, and the Nature Domain they were easily discovered. Lord Enfarious will have to rethink that strategy. Maybe natural materials?

Lash reached the highest point in the campground / outpost. There waiting at the top of a cliff edge was the silent shadow of Luminara Unduli. Even with the increased security she had gotten through without the droids noticing her. Master Unduli stood at approximately 5'5” with a strong athletic hourglass figure. She wore a black body glove outfit with a utility belt, and modular components. Specifically spots to hook the wing suit to. The suit that was next to her.

“Been waiting long?” Lash soft whisper came from the wind. Master Unduli's tranquil expression left her face, and a smile tugged on her lips.

“Only a few minutes. You have better manners than most men I know.” Master Unduli said with a bit of a teasing tone. Lash paused mid stride towards her.

“Well if I'm being honest. I am a bit nervous.” Lash said as he came to her side. Her dark blue eyes turned towards him in slight surprise.

“For something like this? I thought it would be just another day to you?” Master Unduli said.

“What? Oh no, this is easy. Spending time with a beautiful woman of your caliber is always a challenge for the ages.” Lash said with a similar teasing tone she gave him. Despite the dark night Lash could see just a bit of a blush crawl up her face.

“Well then I'll excuse your tardiness.” Unduli said as she turned away and rubbed her cheeks a little. She bent down to retrieve her wing suit and started to put it on.

Lash watched Unduli put the suit on and offered to help. But she politely declined. He did notice she seem to exaggerate the movements just a little. He had to admit he was a little surprised. But from his own Deductive Reasoning he knew Unduli was just teasing him. There was no real under current of feelings. So Lash decided two could play the same game. He started to do some stretching, to show of his flexibility for her.

“Master Lash I noticed you don't have a suit ready?” Unduli asked, after she stopped to watch him bend himself into a pretzel of some kind.

“Ah, right you are.” Lash replied, then stood up and made it look like he pressed a sequence key on his gauntlet.

Several armor plates on his back shifted up, and to the side. Two additional limbs came out of his back and slowly grew up and out. Bone gave way to sinew, flesh, and scales. Then skin webbing between the elongated fingers grew. Soon even that was covered in a partial form of scale. Until he had an impressive wing span for his size. He turned to look at Unduli who had her eyes wide.

“Despite there size they are not large enough for complete flight. Normally this is modified by my suit. But with the sensor net up I won't be able to use it. So gliding in. Due to the design of your own wing suit you'll be faster then myself. So please take these before we jump.” Lash said as he folded his wings back and handed a pair of gloves to Unduli.

“And these do what?” Unduli asked, as she slipped them on.

“It has a long complicated list of abilities. But it simply allows you to attach yourself to near frictionless surfaces. Like the primary support pillar of Lessu.” Lash said as he started to 'power down' his suit.

Once the gloves were on they adhered to her body glove, looping and belting on so he could literally hang with them on. Lash went through a finger to palm motion on how to activate, and deactivate the item in question. The item in question had been enchanted with Invoke Animal Spirit – Spider. So it had a natural intuitive reaction. Lash didn't have the material to make boots. The midi-chlorians kept eating his magical metals as they were enchanted.

“You set?” Lash asked Unduli who smiled at him and simply jumped off the cliff edge. Her wing suit deployed and a artificially wing span much akin to a bat or maybe a bird flowed out of her suit, niffty.

Lash jumped off the ledge himself and unfurled his wings. He used Telekinesis to help propel his body forward, and used his wings as a form of directional control. So he at least looked like he was using them. In all honesty he could have just flown in. But he was trying to keep the full scope of his powers hidden. Though the Manifestation army he created during the Lylek hive probably didn't help. Or his horde mode. But he still had plenty in his deck to use. He hadn't even pulled Saurian out yet.

Erik the gamer had never gone skydiving, base jumping, or wing-suiting in his life. Like most super geeks the ability to fly was on his wish list. But oddly when given the chance he preferred to be on the ground and save flying for emergencies while in the Dream Engine. Despite all that, he thoroughly enjoyed sailing through the air. Chasing after the tail of one Luminara Unduli. Her wing-suit clearly designed after an animal with a rigid skeleton structure allowed her far more control then a mundane Earth suit. Which made sense, once he thought about it.

Lash, and Unduli's suits gave off no infrared, or electromagnetic energy signatures. So as they flew past several aerial drones, and a sensor net. They looked like common nocturnal fauna. They flew the open canyon in silence. Lash kept his wings in near perfect stillness, locking the joints and just coasting. Unduli was a few hundred feet ahead. The city of Lessu sat on top of a designed, and sculpted plateau. Towering skyscrapers made the city look like a sword point, or an arrow head with serrated edges. A perimeter wall was in place to keep the wind out. While a kinetic, energy, and inertia shield was in place.

Anything that traveled to quickly was caught in the shield. Anything above a certain mass, or energy level was caught in the shield. This was the primary reason why they didn't deploy in sub-orbit and just glide in. Though not that he thought about it. They could have just gotten a ship and he could have jumped out of it orbit. Though reentry would have killed most people, he would have been fine. Eh, thoughts for later. He could look into a hell-jumper shock deployment pod. If the Star Wars Universe didn't have it. He was sure he could find a design for it on the Dream Store.

They were approaching the city and sure enough they didn't have enough height to reach the city proper. They dropped below the line and Unduli pulled her legs down, and pulled her arms back. The movement activated a mechanism like shifting gears in a vehicle. Additional wings spread out to catch the wing and she landed across the primary support pillar with barely a whisper. The wing-suit collapsed in on itself. Then with a click the entire contraption slipped off of her and fell below. Though she did have a parachute pack in case she had to bail mid climb. She would need to activate a battery pack to furl the suit.

Lash landed by her side and activated Gravity Stride. The sight of Lash standing on the wall and looking at her at near horizontal made her eyes go wide. Lash shrugged, and pulled his wings in. Though with 'no power' the holes in his back armor remained open. Lash pulled out a safety line, and clipped it to her belt. Then started to walk up the surface of the pillar. Unduli was slow, and careful. Since the entire trip was upper body strength on her part. A half a mile later Lash reached to the cities edge and climbed over. He glanced around to find himself in what appeared to be a shanty town.

Ensuring no one had seen him. He pulled on the safety line and soon had Unduli with him. He recast his Nature's Passage, and Chameleon on them both. Since he cast it together they retained sight of each other. Though it was more like a ghost like outline. With a few hand signals they moved into the shanty town. With some easy inspection it was the natives to the city. Forced out of their home to sleep on the cliffs edge. Living shields against the republics forces. They knew this coming in. But still seeing it was unsettling.

The cliffs edge was a few hundred feet all around the city. The tents were jam packed against one another. While a very crew wooden fence was placed around certain areas with what appeared to be children. Fierce winds could fly by in random intervals and if one was not careful they could be pushed off the ledge. If a storm came by none of these people would live through it. A majority of the citizens were Twi'leks. But there was a splattering of different species here and there.

Then they reached their first problem. Or more like a moral dilemma. Hundreds of Lessu citizens had been placed on x-crosses along the path into the city next to the plasma bridge. When the bridge was down the crosses were dragged into place. When the bridge was up, the crosses would line the path into the city. Every citizen was alive, and suffering. They were bound by pain inducing restraints and several of them were weeping or screaming. Like someone with the controls had it on random. The few dead bodies around the crosses showed the the droids had orders to shoot anyone that helped those on the crosses. This was a perfect trap for a Jedi. They would be compelled to help and Lash had to physically restrain Unduli.

“We can't help them right now.” Lash all but hissed into her ear as he held her back and pulled her into an empty tent.

“We have to! Can't you feel their suffering?” Unduli screeched at him, and he could. Even with his muted Force sensitivity he could feel it. Which was the point.

“We can help them by capturing Tambor. In a few hours Lessu will be ours and we can save everyone. Please Unduli if we go out there right now, Tambor will escape and people will die. Each restraint is tied to an explosive.” Lash said to her and Unduli ceased her struggling at that information.

“Can't you use your programs to hack the system?” Unduli asked him, pleading.

“There all busy. Ryloth is still an active war zone. They are providing data for the entire siege. I only have one in the city right now.” Lash partially lied to her. All of his tech-spirits were doing other things. He had a map to the city due to his ability Map.

Lash slowly let her go and she took a moment to slow her breathing. She used her Jedi training to calm her mind and create the detachment mindset that so many Jedi's used. Compartmentalizing her emotions, and objective at hand. Her beating heart slowed and her eyes returned to focus. The Force danced around and helped her as much as she helped it. It was interesting to see both sides of the meditation tool Jedi used.

“Right, let's go.” Unduli said with a detached voice.

They both left the tent and made their way towards the gate which was wide open. Lash suspected a trap and spent ten whole minutes running through all of his Perceptions, tools, and abilities. Nope, they were just open. They were under guard of course. But no traps, no sensors, no additional troops. Which made getting into the gate house ridiculously simple. Once inside they placed a primary, and secondary remote access computer spike. With a signal from them the plasma bridge would activate. First objective down.

Secondary objective was getting to the shuttle pad in the city. Once more Lash suspected a trap and they spent almost an hour carefully inching their way around. Only to find absolutely nothing? Even Unduli was starting to grow confused. Aside the impressive number of droids. The place was empty. They found several solar sailor shuttles filled with treasure, and a droid pilot programmed to leave at the slightest hint of danger. The two of them spiked the shuttles hoping to get a set of navigational coordinates. Secondary objective down.

Lash had wanted to set explosives on all of the fighters, and bombers. But once again the advantage of droids struck again. Each of the fighters were on standby. Though Lash could walk right up to them without being seen. A random piece of tech attached to their hull would have set off alarms. The tertiary objective was to find, and secure Tambor. By this time the sun had started to rise. They only had a few minutes before the attack was suppose to start. Tambor was in the main dinning hall getting breakfast and looking over the morning briefings. A standard tactical droid was by his side giving him a full review. While two cloaked figures sat at the table with him, eating a light breakfast. Dark side energy emanated off of them.

“Dark Acolytes.” Unduli said softly.

Lash, and Unduli were both perched on the outside second story window looking into the room. Thanks to the spell craft they were nigh invisible. Still Lash knew that the midi-chlorians were eating away at the magical energy. Which attracted attention. More than once he had to pull back as the Acolytes looked towards their window on more than one occasion. On the third glance Lash knew they had been made, or at the very least the Acolytes knew something was wrong.

An ear piercing cry shatter the transparisteel windows. As a Force-Scream came from one of the Acolytes. An alarm went off across the city, and the Acolytes jumped up towards the second story windows. Drawing their red light sabers. Clad in black, and gray robes. With partial armor protecting their vitals and little else. They had not been tempered by Enfarious. Because he would have skinned them alive for not wearing armor. Unduli jumped through the window green light saber in hand and took one of the Acolytes.

Lash right behind her created his red dagger Psionic Blades. He went straight for the kill towards his target who back pedaled at the last second. A mute scream of panic at the sight of him. Lash turned his 'power' armor back on. A shoulder mounted cannon came out and shot a blue E-laser at the retreating Tambor. Who dropped without a word. The tactical droid pulled out a blaster rifle and shot at them. While several B2 droids moved Tambor's limp body and dragged him away. The tactical droid covering their retreat.

“Master Lash, stop!” The Dark Acolyte screamed at him as he swung his blade. He paused for a brief moment as the other Acolyte continued their fight with Unduli.

Lash's foe pulled their hood back, and took off a mask. It was a young man with green skin, and golden reptilian eyes. His head was shaved save for several tattoos. Lash didn't recognize the species of the boy but that wasn't surprising. Lost of different races in the galaxy as a whole. What did surprise him was that this was a first stage Jensaarai. He had records on him.

“Rikri, why are you?” Lash said as he kept his daggers on hand, and started to circle his target. Rikri the stage one Jensaarai kept his eyes on Lash, but never left his back exposed to Unduli. Good man.

“They have my family!” Rikri shouted at him, and thanks to Loki's blessing Lash knew the kid wasn't lying.

“Why didn't you contact us? You are not the first Jensaarai to come under attack by the CIS. We could have retrieved your family.” Lash said, and took a moment to Telekinesis throw a breakfast plate at the other Acolyte at the speed of sound. Which resulted in the target loosing his head.

“Master Lash, I'll get Tambor!” Unduli shouted and chased after them. Rikri glanced at her, but kept his body towards Lash.

“They said if I did they would kill them. They showed me communication logs. I... There are spies in the Order.” Rikri said as he hesitantly deactivated his red light saber.

“Yes, I am aware of their existence.” Lash said as he pulled his red daggers away. His statement was clearly a shock to the boy.

“You... I... Then I could have...?” Rikri dropped to his knees and started to cry. “They sent my mothers fingers to me.”

“I'm sorry...” Lash said as he walked over to the boy, he knelt down and pulled him into a hug... Then snapped the boys neck.

“If you had asked for help I would have moved worlds for you. But this... We all have a part to play.” Lash said, as he recorded the boys information he'd send word to the Order on Venura to look for the kids family. He'd do the same as Enfarious. But more than likely the boy's family was already dead.

Lash retrieved the red light saber and pulled the kyber crystal out. This was one of Enfarious crystals. He pocketed that one. Retrieved the other Acolytes crystal, the same. Then chased after Unduli, though he made sure to clean any video footage of him from any camera in the room. Again there was absolutely nothing. This places security was sloppy.

An alert went through his communication line. Obi-Wan had arrived with the ground forces, and the plasma bridge was activated. Lash sent a quick data-packet about the x-crossed prisoners and their set to explode restraints. Horrifically the droids on the walls started firing into the shanty town. Bombers in the main hanger flew out in every direction. Orders from the tactical droid to destroy every citizen controlled village. Blissfully Anakin, and Ahsoka were on site with star fighters, and a wing of clones to take them down.

Lash found Unduli at the primary shuttle pad with a look of defeat on her face. Tambor was dead on the ground with a blaster wound in the back of his head. Lash ran up and looked at her. She pointed at the tactical droid. Ah, the droid must have had orders to kill Tambor instead of being capture. Well, no matter! Lash used Corpse Repair, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Kiss of the Grave. One by one Tambor's injuries faded away. The hole in his head repaired, then with a stuttering breath he returned to life. Yes, he may have acquired a 5k (Just barely) midi-chlorian count. But he was alive!

“What happened to your student?” Unduli asked, as Lash restrained Tambor.

“He's dead...” Lash said simply, but put a detached cold tone into his voice.

“I'm sorry. Losing someone you taught to the other side can be hard.” Unduli said, as she came up to him and placed her hand on his arm.

“I taught them better than that. I knew that several Jensaarai joined the CIS. But to be a dark acolyte? That isn't what we teach. We are to find balance, not...” Lash said with a tone of indignation. He received several points of experience in Acting. What little good it would do till the developers were done.

“What of his family?” Unduli asked.

“We'll look for them. They more than likely dead. That may have been why he joined the CIS. But that isn't why he stayed.” Lash said, as he pulled Tambor to his feet and got him moving.

Despite the distressing moment they were still in a battlefield. More than once a rogue droid came around the corner and attempted to shoot Tambor. Lash used his Deflection field to keep the man safe. While Unduli, and Lash moved him towards a secure location away from stray blaster fire. Within a few hours clone troopers rushed towards their location along with padawan Barriss Offee. She arrived with a smile that soon wilted at the tense mood in the room. Unduli gave her a slight smile and a bow. While the clones secured Tambor.

Lash excused himself, he went to retrieve the body of his dead student. He said as much out loud, and across the communication line. A few surprise questions were sent his way, especially from the Jensaarai defenders. As soon as they had reconnected with the galactic wide network Lash would send a role call through the Jensaarai students. Get a list of people who were under duress. If they chose to join the CIS, more power to them. If they were forced? Well, we all had our parts to play.

Some bit of good news. The solar sailors that they had tagged had escaped the fight and flew off towards their destination. Every stop they made a single tight beam of data went back to Militia HQ, and there for went to Republic command. A little over thirty two standard hours Master Windu's fleet showed up to find Ryloth more or less liberated. Small pockets of droids remained. But they didn't have any reinforcements, and no central command.

Lash had thrown himself into his work and went to secure Ryloth for its reformation. Militia soldiers, technicians, and relief workers moved into the scattering villages, and towns. While Kala'uun the spaceport was renovated to stellar class. Turned out there were different grading to spaceports. Which made sense of course.

Landing Field: Often nothing more than a leveled area of dirt or duracrete, this kind of spaceport had little to no services or flight control, often not even a beacon. What was available was often affordable by the average spacer, but lacked in quality. (Wookieepedia!)

Limited Services: Included a control tower with landing beacon, small sheds with docking, storage and maintenance areas for only the most primitive repairs. Often nearby areas were used as landing fields if the spaceport was full. Supplies and goods had to be purchased from outside the port. (Wookieepedia!)

Standard Class: These spaceports had fully staffed and equipped flight-control centers and on-site restocking services. The spaceport often had a small shipyard and was capable of minor repairs and modifications. Costs for these services could go up to double the normal price and took twice as long to finish. Quality ranged from mediocre to very good. (Wookieepedia!) This was what Kala'uun was currently at.

Stellar Class: Spaceports had landing and docking for nearly any kind of vessel. Shipyards and repair facilities surround the port and were capable of any repair job or modification, assuming that the customer was willing to pay. The quality of service was very good and affordable. Stellar Class spaceports often had a Customs office on site and a large Navy presence in the system. (Wookieepedia!) Unfortunately, Ryloth would not have that for a long while. But this was the level that Lash wanted to bring it to.

Republic: Spaceport were the most luxurious and modern spaceports in the galaxy. A wide array of docking facilities and the most lavish and advanced amenities and services were available for spacers. The system's companies and merchants had offices directly at the spaceport. A captain often didn't even need to leave the port to conduct all of his or her business.

Customs offices were often staffed by highly competent officers, and the government kept a high presence at these ports. Troublemakers, such as smugglers, could expect thorough searches and checks and to feel the full extent of the law. (Wookieepedia!)

Lash's first objective along with any Jensaarai Defender capable of Elemental Manipulation – Earth was to create a shield wall around Kala'uun. By his side were Ahsoka, Barriss, and surprisingly Luminara Unduli, or just Luminara. As she had insisted after their mission at Lessu. More than likely it would be many months or even years before he would see either of them again. As the Republic Army, and Navy was expected to leave in a few days.

The natives of Ryloth were...Surprised to say the least when a the city of Kala'uun received a new wall over the course of several days. Thanks to Ability Trainer, Lash received a lot of experience and many of his defenders, and present Jedi learned to manipulate Earth. However, unlike a duraconcrete wall. This wall could be dug through. So they would have to place seismic sensors in case any native predators decided to burrow through.

Presently Lash was on top of the wall as he used Material Shaping to carve a section out. By his side was Luminara as she watched him work. Since the mission at Lessu she would go out of her way to spend time with him. Though Lash believed she was worried about him. Some part of him had wondered why he had killed the boy. While his his partner, Saurian argued it was a practical solution to the problem. The big lizard had been oddly silent for most of the Rift. It had been good to hear from him.

“So a building made from Force energy attracts the Force. While the inscriptions you gave me can be inscribed with the Force. To create a medium?” Luminara asked, as she looked through an old leather bound book that Lash had given her.

“Correct, there is dark side, light side, and neutral in the manual. I would highly encourage you to read the whole manual before you try any of the inscriptions. Only using light side on a building can lead to an messy imbalance to the energy currents in the area.” Lash said, as he carved another rampart section to the wall.

“Example?” Luminara asked, as she kept pace with him on the wall. A fierce wind whipped by and pulled on them both before they planted their feet. Luminara raised a hand and created a simple shield until the wind died down.

“When you saturate yourself with a single aspect it increases your absorption rate. This may seem like a great idea in the short term. The longer term issue is that you become numb to any kind of energy. Now, one could argue that the Light, and the Dark sense each other just fine. But what about the gray?” Lash pointed out, then continued to speak before she could respond.

“Did you know that on Coruscant alone there are over a dozen Sith temples?” Lash asked, and this time waited for her reply. This brought Luminara up short.

“Master Lash I believe the Jedi would ha-” Luminara began but stopped when she remembered what they just discussed. “But we sense the dark just as much as they do us?” Luminara questioned.

“Yes, but Coruscant is covered in gray energy. Light, and dark mingled together. The Sith and Dark Side Force users, use this to their advantage. The Jedi are so use to the Sith waving a sign around that they are here to fight. So that is what they expect.” Lash replied, and continued to carve the wall.

“So by the simple fact that the temple is infused with the light. We have become blind to what is around us?” Luminara questioned.

“Yes, which is why the Sith can hide in plain sight. It also helps that the Jedi rarely travel to the lower levels of Coruscant. That planet is so corrupt. Even leaving the senate out of the equation. There are so many crime lords who live, and thrive on that planet its disgusting. Did you know Coruscant has a thriving slave market?” Lash pointed out another sensitive subject for the Jedi.

“No, I didn't.” Luminara conceded.

“This is why Jedi who spend there time on the outer rim are far better at hunting Dark Side Users, then Jedi who spend so much time on the inner, and mid rim. They are exposed to all the currents of energy. Many Force Users could argue that the Force doesn't have a light, or a dark. It just is a law of the universe. Like gravity!” Lash said, as he smiled at the dancing midi-chlorians above him.

“Then how do you explain the different aspects of the Force?” Luminara asked, a slight smile on her face. There was a spark of curiosity now in her eyes. Like a student absorbing knowledge. It had been many years since Luminara had last been taught.

“A reflection. The Force reflects the User. The Jedi seek knowledge, they seek peace, to be of service. So the Force a universal truth, and in many ways a sentient energy provides. While the Sith seek power, control, and greed. The Force provides. That is also the fundamental flaw of wielding the Force. Technically both sides of the spectrum are in fact the truth. Of course this is all up to theory, and debate. Simply because you ask a Jedi. Do you follow the will of the Force?” Lash asked, and pointed at Luminara who responded.

“Of course!” Luminara replied with a smile.

“So do the Sith.” Lash said, and Luminara stopped in confusion.

“No, Master Lash. The Sith work to bend, and control the Force.” Luminara said.

“Aha, remember what we just discussed. The Force reflects the individual User. The Force it self is alive. When Sith barely begin their training, or even Dark Side Users. They have no real control over the Force. If the Force was truly alive. Then couldn't it just cut it self off from the newly initiated?” Lash asked and Luminara stopped again in thought.

“The Sith masters help their apprentices.” Luminara pointed out.

“Right, one could argue that point. But what about those that don't have masters. You don't need a teacher to learn the Force. It definitely helps! But what about people were are self taught. Why doesn't the Force squash those that seek to manipulate it? Unless, it doesn't want to? Unless the dark, and the light are part of the same current. Just different reflections of the individual User?” Lash asked, as he finished his section of the wall and looked up to see a torrent of midi-chlorians in the air. They were stepping into theory, and philosophy right now. However, this was all things that the Jensaarai would discuss.

“But if they are reflections of the User, shouldn't each wielder of the Force be different?” Luminara asked, as she chewed on her lip a bit.

“Not necessarily, students are molded by their masters. If their masters say something. Then the student has no reason to doubt them. This way the reflection changes from the perception of the User. But this is also why students of the Force have natural talents. Because the Force reflects what they know about themselves.” Lash replied, and moved on but soon turned around to see that Luminara wasn't following him anymore.

“Luminara, remember this is all just theory. It has prominence of course. How many times have you heard, or come across a primitive planet with a tribal society that has shamans? Spirit callers? These are people who have learned to wield the Force. But oddly enough they are light or dark. Such a balance doesn't even come up for them. Because one could argue that the fight between the light and the dark are all just a reflection of the User.” Lash said, then came to Luminara and cast Calm Emotions. The poor Jedi was frozen stiff with indecision. She blinked as the spell took effect.

“We are just talking Luminara. I'm not trying to covert you.” Lash said with a chuckle.

“I know that. I... Just never thought of it that way.” Luminara said in a cool voice.

“Master Lash! Master Luminara!” Ahsoka Tano called out. The two of them turned to see Ahsoka, and Barriss running up to them.

“Padawans did you finish your patrol of the city?” Luminara asked, as the two young girls came running up.

“Yes, Master Luminara. The people are uneasy. They fear they traded one military occupation for another.” Ahsoka replied with a grimace.

“Right, cause between all the medical aid, food, and building supplies. We are secretly killing people?” Lash growled out in irritation.

“Many of the people we spoke to wish for us to leave as soon as possible. It's not out world they said.” Barriss supplied another response.

“It's technically a Republic world. But one could argue that the Republic hasn't been there in the past. Thousands of years of miss treatment won't be erased in a few days of well wishes.” Lash said with a dismissal tone.

“Either way we'll be on our way soon enough. Though I worry for you Master Lash. Or maybe I should worry about the fool who tries to stop you from helping?” Luminara asked Lash with a smile on her face.

“I've done this before. The locals will begrudge change. They may even fight us. But many will come to enjoy the benefits of the change. We'll of course reinforce the cultural knowledge of the people. That is one of the greatest issues when one tries to uplift a society. They forget who they were, and accept outside influence. I've fallen for that before and refuse to do so again.” Lash said, and had stumbled through a memory from one of his past lives. His voice had grown distant and the Jedi had looked at each other in question.

“Forgive me, I went off topic. I believe there is a evening feast from Senator Syndulla tonight? I trust you'll all be attending?” Lash asked, thankfully Syndulla knew to say thank you. Though that pool had already grown putrid just a bit.

“We are! I mean, we are right?” Ahsoka asked Luminara, and Barriss.

“Yes, we will be. As will Master Skywalker, Kenobi, and Windu.” Luminara said with a teasing smile at Ahsoka.

“So, what are you two wearing?” Lash asked the young padawans who looked like deer caught in the headlights.

“Wh...what?” Ahsoka asked? Lash began to rub his hands together gleefully.


The grand festival / celebration was held at the capital of Lessu. Though every city, town, and village across the planet held a feast of some sort. The Republic splurged and provided the food. While the natives provided the entertainment. It actually lasted three days, this way the Army, Navy, and Militia could take proper rotations to attend. Lash had made some well designed, and provocative sheer belly dancing outfits for the padawans, and any one else who asked.

Then Lash imprinted a skill Dance – Belly Dancing. In an assortment of Twi'leks, and nervous padawans. Much to the surprise of many Lash pulled off his suit of armor and put on a pair of pants adorned with bells on his hips, ankles, and wrists. He joined the group on stage and danced the night away. It was surprisingly a big hit. Though Lash assumed he got more attention simply because he took his armor off. Most of his fellow companions had never seen him without his armor on. Though of course Mil'Gix told the story of how she first met Lash.

On the third, and final night Lash was horrified to find out that a holographic recording had been made of his dance routine with Ahsoka, Barriss, Luminara, and Obi-Wan who was surprisingly good dancer. Was now on the galactic wide net. Though he should have suspected it. Lash took it with poise and grace by drowning his sorrows in a tub of alcohol and vowed to never take his armor off again. But it only got worse.

The next day bright and early in the morning he discovered above the city of Lessu, and Kala'uun was a giant holographic display the dance routine on repeat. It had over one billion views, and counting. Lash could almost hear his Cosmic Patron cackling at him. Or maybe it was Dawn? Or perhaps the people of Ryloth? Though he definitely received a lot more positive attention from the Twi'lek females he walked by.

Ahsoka, and Barriss had refused to look at him after the video had gone up. The dance had been a silly little thing that they had thoroughly enjoyed but were now severally embarrassed. Anakin took every moment to give them a playful jab to the point that Ahsoka nearly attacked him with a light saber. Luminara had actually asked for a holovid for more intensive training in the dancing art. She found the exercise enjoyable. Lash provided it of course and offered to teach her next time they saw one another.

“I'm sorry for the part I played in this debacle. It was meant to create a lively atmosphere, and perhaps a bond with the people of Ryloth.” Lash said to both padawans as they stood on the landing pad towards the Accalamator Class starship.

“We know Master Lash... It's just... I.. didn't even know I could get a fan club.” Ahsoka said, as she continued to blush and refused to look at him.

“Master Luminara has decided to put dancing into my daily training. I rather enjoy the flexibility it provides. Though I will admit to never wishing to dance in public ever again.” Barriss confessed as wrung her hands a bit.

“That is a great idea! We should-” Anakin said from his spot on the landing pad but was interrupted.

“Shut it sky-guy!” Ahsoka shouted at him, turned on her heel and stomped off.

“I'm not sure what the big deal is? It was an enjoyable time. After all I've done far worse, and even more embarrassing things in my path as a Jedi.” Obi-Wan said with a suave smile on his face. He shook Lash's hand and strode off towards the ship.

“Your better man than I am, Obi-Wan!” Anakin said with a smile, then turned to shake Lash's hand. “Could you teach Padme that dance?” Anakin whispered softly.

“Yes, next time I'm in I'll drop by.” Lash said with a chuckle. Anakin smirked and a gleam was in his eyes.

“See you around, Master Lash.” Anakin said with a skip in his step.

“Goodbye, Master Lash.” Luminara said with a bow from her waist.

“Goodbye Master Luminara. Padawan Barriss.” Lash said, and bowed to both of them.

There were of course other Jedi who had attended the siege of Ryloth and Lash made sure to say goodbye to them as well. Even dropped by Master Windu and paid his respects. Who begrudgingly did the same. Then the Republic Army, and Navy pulled out of Ryloth. While the Galactic Militia remained behind. Now the real work could begin.

Less then a day had passed since the military pulled out. When the Chieftain of Clan Rahl showed up. Several Kom'rk fighters flew towards Kala'uun and landed at the spaceport that was under construction. Taking one of the few landing pads inside of the mountain. They brought supplies to the Rylothian people, while the chief came to talk. Lash was on the shield wall placing sensor beacons. The next storm was due in about a week or so depending on wind changes. They needed the shield wall complete by that point.

Chieftain Til'Nix showed up on the wall with Mil'Gix, Vi'Lon, and several others. He wore a standard Mandalorian armor set with a base green color (Duty) with stripes of blue (Reliability). Given there environment on an unfinished wall he did not remove his helmet. He stood at approximately 6'2” with a wide frame. On his back was a streamlined rising phoenix jet pack. In fact all of Clan Rahl had jet packs.

The delegation of Mandalorians stopped a few feet from Lash and waited for him to finish the wall he was working on. Three Jensaarai defenders came to stand off to the side, as did several militia officers on patrol. Once finished Lash came over and placed his right fist over his left chest, his left hand behind him and gave a bow from his waist. But kept his face tilted up so he keep his eyes on the Chieftain. One of Til'Nix's guards stiffened but didn't say anything.

“Grand Admiral of the Republic Militia, Master Jensaarai, and Chieftain Lash of Clan Ghost Claw greets you.” Lash said to them. Lash used his several titles to politely inform them that he was here as all three. So be mindful of what they said.

“Chieftain Til'Nix of Clan Rahl greets you.” Til'Nix said in return and slammed his fist to his chest but didn't bow. His voice was rough around the edges, more of a guttural growl.

“So, are you here for business or pleasure?” Lash asked, as he pulled up a camera feed on his helmet's UI.

“Bit of both.” Til'Nix said as he looked towards one of his men who pulled out a holographic pad and produced a very lively dance routine. Lash hung his head, and his shoulders drooped.

“How far as my reputation fallen?” Lash asked with a deep throat growl. Til'Nix, Mil'Gix, and Vi'Lon laughed a little. While the rest of the guards tried to politely muffle their own humor and failed.

“I would say your reputation has seen its highs and lows. But that is not the only reason we are showing you this.” Til'Nix gestured and the holographic image changed to a video of Pre Vizsla speaking.

'This is who you have called to be the next Mand'alor ? This creature that is less than a man? Who parades himself before those that are lesser than us? Mandalorians use to span the stars, and bowed to no one!' -The holographic image continued, and Pre Vizsla spit on the ground.

'This Jensaarai is no Mandalorian, and has corrupted our time honored traditions! Death Watch is the new future. We will make the Mandalorian people great again! I hear by challenge Chieftain Lash of Clan Ghost Claw to a trial by combat! Here on Concordia by standard months end!' -The holographic image shut down and Lash took a slow deep breath.

“I didn't realize I was being called the next Mand'alor ?” Lash said, as he tried to digest that video. He sent a request back towards Ghost Industries HQ for clarification. It would take about a day or so, unless Nazvo had no idea.

“It's being whispered among the younglings. Some of the fractured clans you have given home to have reinforced these whispers into rumors. While a few prominent Clans have neither confirmed or denied an interest in you becoming the next leader.” Til'Nix said, as his guards put the holographic away.

“It also helps that several young Mandalorians have become Jensaarai themselves.” Mil'Gix said softly from her Chieftain's side. Now that they stood side by side. Lash understood they were parent and child.

Lash stepped away for a moment and went to the edge of the shield wall he had been working on. He searched through his memories and tried to remember. This was not how the Star Wars lore went in the novels. Pre Vizsla didn't publicly announce he was the leader of Death Watch for another year. But, Mandalore was different now. The planet was on the mend. The different clans had a place to train and grow stronger. Beskar was being given out to those that proved themselves. Lash was in the middle of it all.

“This was not my intention. I wanted to help my people, not lead them.” Lash said as he turned to look back at them.

“Often those that don't want to lead are the ones most suited for it.” Til'Nix said to him. Lash turned towards the Chieftain.

“What does Clan Rahl think on this matter?” Lash asked, but he felt he knew the answer.

“What better time than a galactic war for a new Mand'alor to be chosen.” Til'Nix said with cool confidence, and all of his people nodded in agreement.

“You said it yourself, Master Lash. A war is coming. Having the Mandalorians united would make it that much better.” One of his defenders said to him. This caught Til'Nix and his people off guard.

“A vision of the future granted by the Force. However prophecies can, will, and have been changed by the actions in the present.” Lash gave them a vague answer, but that was enough for now.

“By months standard end? That's in three or so weeks. He does not know that I'm participating in a war?” Lash pointed out a flaw in Pre Vizsla challenge. But knowing the man, that may have been the point.

“It's to show where your loyalties lie. The Mand'alor would put their peoples needs before any others.” Vi'Lon said next.

“What does Duchess Satine Kryze have to say about this?” Lash asked, as he received a data packet from Nazvo. Apparently she had received permission from the Supreme Chancellor to allow Lash to meet on Concordia if he so wished.

“The Duchess has not deigned to speak to those beneath her station. Such as those who still follow the warrior traditions of her peoples ancient ways. However, how people in the capital says she is nervous. Even going so far to request Jedi assistance in a diplomatic matters should things go wrong.” Til'Nix replied with an aggrieved tone of voice as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Which they will publicly deny, but still send someone in secret. The Duchess is the leader of the neutral faction in the war. Unless they agree to pick a side they can not obtain public resources. Qui-Gon Jinn is training on Venura and is no longer a Jedi. So they'll send Obi-Wan Kenobi on the mission.” Lash said as he pulled up a holographic display and started to read through some information.

“Qui-Gon Jinn is training to become a Jensaarai?” Til'Nix asked in surprise.

“Yes! Have you met him?” Lash asked, as he turned to look at him.

“We've... 'met' on occasion.” Til'Nix replied, more than likely they had fought.

“Well I've received permission from the Supreme Chancellor to accept this challenge in order to ensure a peaceful transition between opposing parties.” Lash said as he pulled up an official notice and showed to anyone who wanted to look.

More than likely the duel would come under CIS attack. Or Palpatine wished for Lash to use the Mandalorians in the war, or the unification of the galactic empire. Or, better to have all your targets in a single place. Who knew with that man? Lash still wanted to visit Dathomir to return the books he retrieved. Did he go do that first? Or do it after?

“So, you'll accept the challenge?” Til'Nix asked.

“...Yes... Mand'alor the Renewer sounds like a good name.” Lash replied...

“Hail! Mand'alor the Renewer!” Til'Nix shouted out.


First draft, raw, unedited.

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