Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 135: General Ripper.


***Rift. Star Wars.***

(Que the Star Wars theme music, and the Radio broadcast voice.)


The Galactic Republic splits apart at the seems!

Star systems across the galaxy join the

Confederacy of Independent Systems.

To help combat this threat, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine

as been given emergency powers to create

a great army of the Republic.

But who will lead this army?

The Republic Senate has been gathered for

an emergency meeting to address this issue

in these perilous times.

Many turn to the Jedi, keepers of the peace in the Galactic Republic.

But, are the Jedi the only choice...?


(Coruscant, Senate House.)

Lash looked around in confusion as he tried to pinpoint the voice that just went through an entire introduction of the situation. As far as he could tell no one else beside himself could hear the voice. Once it had finished speaking he could almost Dawn snickering in the background of his mind. Lash rolled his eyes, and chuckled softly.

Lash was currently in the Senate House in a precarious position. High above his friend Padme Amidala, the senator of Naboo's Senate Pod. Lash sat in his own Senate Pod. Next to him was Nazvo his Ghost Industries aid, along with several Jensaarai defenders. It had been a week since the start of the 'Clone Wars'. Lash had followed the plan and volunteered to sponsor and pay for the Galactic Republic Militia. The idea had taken the Republic by storm.

The Clone Trooper army was hilariously out numbered. The CIS had several million battle droids, and thousands of star ships available for the war. The Republic had 200,000 thousand clones, and a few hundred star ships. The militia would aid in the defense, and security of republic worlds. While also providing relief effort to liberated worlds saved by the Grand Army of the Republic. (GAR) But the idea that a single corporation would be in charge was questionable. However, no other corporation or systems were willing to foot the bill.

“Order! We will have order!” Mas Amedda, the Vice-Chair of the Chancellor called out. The giant blue Chagrian male yelled out. His voice held the type of power that comes from masters of public speaking.

“I don't understand why this is an issue! The Trade Federation has legions of battle droids under their command for security. Why is this any different? Jensaarai Master Lash, and Chairman of Ghost Industries wishes to provide support and security to the Republic. He is willing to pay all the expenses. What does the republic have to lose!?” A senator called out after Mas Amedda called for order.

“What guarantees do we have that he will not become another Trade Federation?” Another Senator called out.

“That is outrageous! We have already submitted that Nute Gunray was an extremist. The Trade Federation is protected by Corporate Neutrality. We still have a seat in the senate and demand respect.” The Trade Federation senator called out.

That really surprised and irritated Lash. Corporations could be so influential within the Galactic Republic that they could have a senate chair. There were entire star systems full of hundreds of millions of people that did not have their own representative. They had to link up to a larger, and stronger group just to be heard. Sometimes they could obtain a junior representative. While the Trade Federation could place a billion credits on the table and buy a chair.

“Senators please! I personally know Master Lash and I can speak well of his character. He is beyond reproach. We can trust him to provide stable, and reliable security for the republic.” Senator Padme Amidalla called out, as her pod floated around the assembly hall.

“That's easy for you to say! The Jensaarai, and the people of Naboo are in the same system. You may as well be sleeping together!” A foul mouthed senator called out.

“That is quite enough!” Supreme Chancellor stood up and shouted. The entire assembly hall went silent, and the foul mouthed senator realized he made a mistake. Yes, Padme was from Naboo. But so was the Chancellor.

“We are not here to discuss the politics of the Jensaarai. We are here to decide if the chairman of Ghost Industries should be the sole ruler, and provider for the militia? Or not? Now, before we take a short recess to cool all our heads!” The chancellor said with a scowl towards the foul mouthed senator who clearly wanted to find a hole to hide in. “Does chairman Lash have anything to say.”

Lash activated his senate pod and his team floated into the middle of the assembly room. Lash glanced at each senator that had supported his right to rule the militia. He looked to Padme who looked smiled at him. Then he finally came to float next to the chancellor's central pillar in the grand assembly. Lash took a moment to put his thoughts into order.

“I hate politics...” Lash said at the start, and several people laughed. “Economic security is one of the first things you lose when you go to war. When your trade routes are under attack. You can't guarantee the protection of the merchant companies. No trade, means no resources. No resources means that your governments have to start cutting corners. That means things that people have taken for granted start get taken away. Fresh water, sanitation, medicine, food, education, protection.” Lash continued as he started to list items.

“Very few planets, or star systems are self sufficient. In six months, to a year. The idea that a corporation wants to pay for a galactic wide security company to assist the war effort out of its own pocket. Will be a miracle in it self. I am simply ahead of the curve. But, that is not what you are all afraid of. You worry that I will use the militia to my own end.” Lash said to the room and more than a few people nodded in agreement. It's what they would do.

“So in response to your fears. I will hand the militia over to the senate.” Lash said and the entire senate room went into a chorus of surprise shouts. “Ghost Industries will continue to foot the bill, but the overall control will reside with the senate.” Lash finished, and pressed the home icon on his senate house pod. It returned to its original position. With a resounding applause and cheering in its wake.

Lash was voted for being one of the Grand Admirals of the Galactic Republic Militia. It seemed only fair. But what few nay says there were among the senate were quickly swallowed by the positive feedback. Of course it wasn't that simple. There was still a litany of paper work, legal loop holes, etc. That they would have to get through. Yes, Ghost Industries would be paying the initial amount of credits. But for every system that came under their protection, that system it would have to pay a fee. They were Republic Militia in name only. In end it was a security company.

Lash, and his crew were greeted by hundreds of senators congratulating, and thanking him for his foresight. The Militia already had a list of systems that would hope for their protection in the future. But first they had to build their facilities. Which they had been doing for the past week at corporate HQ. Ghost Industries went from a little over 500 employees. To about 300,000 and it was growing. Another mega-tower was being built. Along with a Kamino training facility. One of those simulation domes. Lash really liked the design.

“Master Lash! Congratulations on you promotion. Or perhaps we should be calling you Senator Lash?” Bail Organa's voice came from the crowd. Lash turned to look at him, along with Padme, and Onaconda Farr the Rodian Senator.

“Please don't.” Lash said in a bemused tone of voice. The senators around him laughed at his playful jab.

“Nonetheless, I wouldn't be surprised if Ghost Industries will have a chair in the senate house soon. Spirits know we could use a corporation with good intentions.” Senator Farr said with an amiable smile.

“Once upon a time, the Trade Federation had good intentions. Best I can do is learn from the mistakes of my predecessors. Now, I hate to ask. But I actually need to speak to your three privately about another matter.” Lash said just loudly enough for the nearby senators to hear.

“Aha! A private meeting already! We'll make you a senator yet!” A joyful voice called out, and the crowd around him laughed.

Nazvo, his aid received an escort back to Ghost Industries by the Jensaarai defenders. Lash didn't need an escort. Technically neither did Nazvo as she had finished her second stage of training and now had a body glove threaded with beskar. She wore her new suit under her ceremonial, soon to be junior representative robes. She passed Lash a data pad for his meeting and left without a word. The Jensaarai defenders bowed to Lash and left.

Senator Organa, Senator Far, and Senator Amidala walked with Lash towards a private meeting in the offices of Alderaan's embassy area. Along the way they had a few meet, and greets of senators wishing Lash congratulations. Along with a few corporations who were interested in buying into the militia. Lash sent them Ghost Industries private investors holo-comunications line. Until at last they reached the office.

“I didn't expect you to be so popular, Lash.” Padme said with a teasing smile on her face.

“I expected you to be still be wearing your wedding ring.” Lash whispered to her as he came to give her a gentle hug. Padme went stock still in shock. “I'll give your wedding present later, alright?” Lash said with a chuckle as he poked her. She jumped in surprise and gave him a mock glare. Though a smile tugged on her lips.

“We'll talk later about that.” Padme said, and went to take a seat with Organa, and Farr who had sat off to the side waiting for them to finish with what ever they were speaking about.

Just like in the movie. Anakin, and Padme had married in secret on Naboo. But this time the wedding ceremony had Shmi Skywalker, and Sola Naberrie. On the groom, and brides side respectively. On 'paper', Padme had broken things off with Anakin. As far as anyone knew that is what had happened. It had been one of the happiest days of their lives. It was a pity they couldn't share it with their friends, and family. What they didn't know was Palpatine, and Lash knew about the wedding.

“Senator Organa what do you know about the refugee issue?” Lash asked, and the pleasant atmosphere evaporated from the room. Bail Oragana sat up straight as he looked at his fellow senators, and Lash.

“It's not going well. The war has been going for little over a standard week. Already hundreds of thousands of people are flooding our refugee programs. We estimate by the end of the month we'll have several million. In three months time we will run out of place to put them.” Organa said, as his sad expression said it all. Bail Organa was the type of senator that everyone wanted. He truly cared about his people, and worked his hardest for them.

“The assembly signed the displacement bill only a few days ago. Every star system with space must have a refugee, and displacement program in place. But unfortunately systems are declaring they are full, and can't take anymore. Some are obviously lying. But others are not. They are completely full.” Senator Farr said next as he looked at Lash. His starscape eyes focused on him. Trying to figure out why Lash would ask this question.

“Just as you said in the assembly, economic security is the first to go. As each of the star systems are drained of their stock piled resources. They won't be able to feed their own people, let alone the refugees.” Padme said next...

“Within the core, inner, and mid rim regions of the Galactic Republic there are hundreds of barren planets, and moons. Pieces of rock with little to no atmosphere. They are either to close, or to far from the sun. Or they would take decades for standard terraforming change them. I want you to reach out to your fellow like minded senators. The people that want to help, but don't have the means to help.” Lash said to the three of them.

“If they agree to increasing their refugee program. My company will terraform a moon, or planet to house the refugees. It will be a new colony under the star systems preview. Preferably a bread basket world.” Lash offered his idea and was met with wide eyes.

“As for payment? It will be at cost, and the systems will not have to start paying it back until one year after the war is over. Also, I request that a militia recruitment center be at each refugee center.” Lash said next, and it was clearly a surprise.

“Lash...How can you afford this?” Padme asked a very good question.

“What? Oh don't worry about the financial situation. We'll be fine.” Lash replied with an easy going attitude. He wasn't sure how much money he had in his Money Storage thanks to his achievement. But it was something around a few trillion credits... Plus he could turn DP into money as well.

“That...Yes! That could work! If Ghost Industries turned the ruined worlds into bread baskets. The refugee's could not only work, but provide for the republic as a whole.” Senator Organa said as he jumped to his feet and started pacing.

“But they would have to agree to oversight. I don't want to show up on a restored world to find the refugee's living in squalor. While they labor all day for food they themselves will never eat.” Lash said in a serious tone.

“Yes, of course! Technically Ghost Industries would partially own the worlds until they were paid back. So they would have say in what happened on the world.” Senator Farr stood up and took out his holo-communicator.

“Could we bring this to the senate?” Padme asked optimism was tempered by pragmatism.

“No, to many people would take advantage of the situation. That is why I came to your three. I know you. I trust and respect you.” Lash said, and to put an emphasis on that very point. Lash retracted his helmet/mask. All three of them gasped in shock.

Not even Padme had seen Lash without his mask on. Lash had slightly altered his image to reveal his all to pale skin from lack of sunlight. Scale ridges along his jaw, and nose. With a tear drop purple stone on his forehead. With the tribal marks of his spell domains along his naked scalp. His reptilian yellow green eyes looked at all of them. Despite the clear show of trust towards them a chill rolled down all three of their spines. The unnatural, not part of this reality, feeling that Lash gave off magnified in that moment.

“Can I trust you three to find the right people for this refugee program?” Lash asked, as he snapped their attention back to the subject.

“Your pretty cute.” Padme said, and clearly didn't mean to say it out loud. Because Lash looked at her with a raised scaled brow. “I-I mean...Yane and Sache had seen you before. I... They said you were alright...And...I..I...Eh.” Padme said in a soft squeak by the end. Organa, and Farr both snickered at her. Padme coughed and turned away to gather her thoughts.

“Lash, you have brought hope to my people. For the first time in centuries my family walked across the surface of my planet and breathed fresh air. Yes, you can trust us. We will find the right people for this program.” Senator Farr said, as he bowed from his waist towards Lash.

“Good...” Lash said, and replaced his helmet/mask.

“Wonderful! Now, I need to leave. I have a lot of work to do. Please if you have any questions please contact me. If you cant get a hold of me. Contact my aid Nazvo, she is aware of what we have spoken about. This is the direct line. This is for you three, and only you three.” Lash said next, and handed them all the ID code.

Lash left the three senators to their discussion. With a quick cast of Anonymity Lash disappeared into obscurity among the crowds. He left the senate house and was shocked to see holographic projectors with recruitment adds for the Republic Militia. They had discuss the adds ahead of time. The perks, and benefits of signing up. Lash just didn't expect to see adds so fast. They had only voted on it a few hours ago. One of the few times the government was on task.

The senate house had it's own docking ring full of private, business, and economic transports across Coruscant. Lash snagged a private transport and headed straight towards Ghost HQ. Paying extra allowed him to use the VIP traffic lanes. But once again he was surprised to see a long line of economic commercial transports headed towards HQ. Thousands of people were signing up. Lash activated his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits and sent them off towards HQ. Within moments he was assaulted with information.

“Looks like I have a lot to do.” Lash said softly as his transport sped along.


(Coruscant, Jedi Temple)

Jedi Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker paced back and forth outside of the Jedi Council chambers. His Master Qui-Gon Jinn had been called in without him. It wasn't the first time the council had called just Qui-Gon. But it had been one of the few times they had called for them both, but asked Anakin to wait outside. That normally meant he had done something wrong. They were discussing a punishment.

Anakin fretted over the worry that maybe they knew about him, and Padme's marriage. But they had been so careful. Only a few people knew. Those that had known were sworn to secrecy. Though Anakin wanted to tell Chancellor Palpatine the truth. He agreed with Padme it would be dangerous. Just like how Padme wanted to tell Lash. But decided against it. Anakin paced to and fro in the long hallways for what seemed like the hundredth time until he heard his name being called.

“They still haven't decided, Anakin?” Obi-Wan Kenobi asked, as he walked up. Anakin perked up to see his Masters old apprentice Obi-Wan.

“Do you know what they are talking about?” Anakin asked Obi-Wan who gave him a smug look.

“I do...” Obi-Wan said.

“Can you tell me?” Anakin asked.

“I could...” Obi-Wan said, his smile growing. Anakin's eye twitched in irritation.

“Will you tell me?” Anakin asked.

“I'm afraid not...” Obi-Wan said, his smile grew into a smirk. Anakin groaned in frustration.

Obi-Wan cracked up laughing at him. Obi-Wan had been a friend, and brother to Anakin while he trained with Qui-Gon for nearly ten years. They would often do missions together, and Obi-Wan would help Anakin through the tribulations of being the padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan was no longer the young man he had been back on Naboo. Now, he was older with a groomed beard, and shaggy long hair past his ears. He carried himself with the confidence that comes with being a Jedi Knight.

“How's the arm?” Obi-Wan asked after he finished laughing at Anakin's expense. Anakin looked down at said arm that had been severed by Count Dooku in their fight. Along his elbow was a full circle scar.

“I still get tingles from time to time. But Lash said those will pass in time.” Anakin said, and flexed his arm in front of Obi-Wan.

“Has it effected your saber forms?” Obi-Wan asked.

“A little bit, Master Qui-Gon has me practicing with both hands.” Anakin replied.

Before either of them could continue the discussion the council chamber door opened up. Qui-Gon came out with a grave expression on his face. He looked to Obi-Wan and nodded his head. Obi-Wan sighed in dismay as he looked at Anakin who and gone pale as a sheet. Qui-Gon came to his apprentice side and pulled him into a hug.

“I have done all I can for you. But now we must go from master and apprentice...To brothers.” Qui-Gon said softly to Anakin who went from pale as a sheet to confused student with questions on his face.

“Master?” Anakin asked.

Slowly Anakin was guided into the Jedi Council chambers only to find it pitch black. The light from the outside hallway the only source. Anakin was led to the central portion chamber just as the door closed. Then one by one the Jedi Council ignited their lightsabers, each one pointed up with the guard level with their chest. Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan right beside them. In the central position of the ring was Master Yoda. Who held his lightsaber pointed down.

“Step forward, and kneel Padawan...” Yoda called, and Anakin started to smile. He had heard of this ritual before.

“Anakin Skywalker, by the right of the council.” Master Yoda began to say, as he placed his lightsaber just above Anakin's right shoulder. “By the will of the Force.” Yoda said as he moved the blade up, and over to his left shoulder. “Dub thee I do. Jedi... Knight of the Republic.” Yoda declared, and with expert ease sliced off the Padawan braid next to Anakin's right ear.

Anakin stood then at the behest of the council. A smile on his face, a sense of satisfaction filling him up like never before. He had done what he had set out to do. He had become a Jedi Knight, a servant and protector of the republic. One of the youngest recorded in history. One by one the Jedi Council sheathed their blades, and the lights in the council chamber room grew bright. Until all had revealed themselves.

In an odd turn of events Master Mace Windu was the first to congratulate him. Anakin had always believed that Windu didn't like him. But through Qui-Gon's council he learned that Windu was simply afraid of who he could become. So best to work hard, and prove the Qui-Gon's faith in Anakin was not misplaced. Now, it seemed that Windu begrudgingly accepted Anakin. But time would tell. What would Windu say if he knew that Anakin had already betrayed the Jedi oath and taken a wife? Or that Anakin planned to leave the Jedi in favor for the Jensaarai? What would Master Qui-Gon say then?


Three weeks later the reality of the war finally hit the Galactic Republic. The CIS seized the hyperspace lanes leading in and out of the outer, and mid rim systems. Refugee's, and displaced citizens of the galactic republic were pushed into programs that could barely contain them. Entire star systems found themselves starving because they had completely relied on importing food. Desperate pleas for help were called out. While the galactic senate debated on the issues.

Easy questions, with a complicated answers. The Galactic Republic was nearly bankrupt. Tensions with the outer colonies had been developing for years. More and more inner systems relied on the outer colonies to export resources such as minerals, food, and medicine. While the inner colonies used these resources to build their infrastructure. The outer colonies learned the very thing that the inner colonies feared they would. The inner colonies needed the outer colonies, not the other way around.

This resulted in gross taxation of the inner, and mid rim colonies. Rationing food, medicine, and resources to keep up with supply and demand. As always the top 10% hoarded what they had, and gave little to nothing to those beneath them. That was until the senate pushed a bill for full taxation of the top 10%. How that bill went through, was anybodies guess. All the while business that provided aid, and resources to the republic were given special compensation. Companies like Ghost Industries, who started to gobble up small, medium, and even large companies that were having a fire sale. Because everything must go.

Ghost Industries bought nearly 100 square miles of Coruscant's surface. Filled to the brim with manufacturing, training, and education facilities. Shipyards were building twenty four hours day, seven days a week. A Kamino simulation hall was built in record time. As thousands of republic militia soldiers were being trained. The first wave of militia troops were to be deployed next month. At the chairman's request clone troopers were sent to help in the training, and education of the militia troops. That way the two arms of the military could learn to work together. Along with several Jedi, and their Padawans. All the while dozens of Jensaarai, and Mandalorians trained with the Militia. Everyone got along perfectly.... Right?

“That is not how it works you moron!” A Mandalorian warrior screamed at a Jedi Knight as they discussed basic tactics.

“Calm yourself, sir! I am simply stating that we could push through the enemy lines with ease.” The Jedi Knight declared with cool confidence.

“Yes, you could get through the line. What about your soldiers? These aren't clones. These are people who will refuse to follow a suicidal orders.” The Mandalorian said back.

“It is not suicidal. All they would have to do is follow behind master and I and the force will protect them!” The padawan shouted in reply.

“Enough!” Lash shouted at them. The Jedi, and the Mandalorian all glanced at Lash.

“Why don't we run the exercise? See who's right, and who's wrong?” Lash offered the two debating teams.

“At last someone who sees reason. Thank you, Master Lash.” The Jedi Knight said with a bow that their padawan followed.

“Yes, someone who sees reason.” The Mandalorian chuckled, as he saluted Lash.

The two teams separated to their designated parts of the simulation hall. Blissfully the simulation hall had multiple layers, and hundreds of rooms. While the larger, more extravagant simulations were on the bottom floor. Lash had been called in to mediate an argument between the two sides. Once again Lash was reminded that the Jedi do not have practical experience in war. Each team received approximately fifty militia trainees. One was defending, one was attacking.

The Jedi used training sabers that would deflect bolts of electronic lasers (E-lasers), as well as stun any who were struck by them. They were leading their team straight up the middle in a spear point practice. They would lay siege to a wall that was approximately thirty feet tall. They had argued that they could claim the outpost with minimal casualties.

The Mandalorian used the new training E-Lasers provided by Ghost Industries to set up a defensible position on the wall. The fifty militia on their side were spread out evenly. While a few more were in the two watchtowers. The watchtowers had two anti-personal turrets ready to be fired. The layout was a jungle, during mid day. There was hundred yards of cleared terrain around the wall.

“SIMULATION BEGIN!” A synthetic voice called overhead.

Within five minutes of the simulation start here came the Jedi, and their padawan. They ran straight down the middle. Sabers out, with the militia troop right behind them. Lash cradled his head in his face and groaned in dismay. As the Mandalorian gave the order for the turrets to open fire. They concentrated on the militia behind the Jedi. While the soldiers on the wall fired on the Jedi, behind their defensible position. The Jedi did get on the wall, and did take out fifteen militia before they went down. All in all the Jedi lost, and all of their militia lost. Before the Mandalorian could gloat, Lash came down to speak to them.

“What rules did you break, Mandalorian? To ensure your victory?” The Jedi accused them. All the while the Mandalorian simply scoffed and kept his silence. He saw Lash coming down to speak to them.

“He didn't do anything. This is a standard exercise without additional support. You rushed a defensible position. Got your entire team killed. Then got yourselves killed. At any time did you think to ask your sergeant want they thought of your suicidal attack?” Lash asked the Jedi, then pointed out the training sergeant who looked surprised he was called on.

“I didn't need to. He would have agreed with me.” The Jedi said as he crossed his arms confidently.

“Begging your pardon, Master Jedi. But I don't agree. Especially after we all failed to take the outpost.” The sergeant said softly, and shrunk under the Jedi's gaze.

“Sergeant, this is me asking. What would you have done?” Lash asked them. The sergeant in training looked at their assigned Jedi, then looked at the man who paid him.

“Well... We knew that the turrets didn't have infrared. That was in the briefing. We have smoke grenades. We could have thrown them in first to obscure our movements. The Jedi could have ran in first, their sabers would have been like a beacon. Then we could have assaulted from the sides. All the focus would have been on them.” The sergeant said after a bit of thought.

“That, would have been a good plan!” The Mandalorian warrior said.

“But this worked before!” The Padawan said in dismay. That caught Lash's attention. As far as he knew this was the first time they had run this kind of simulation.

“What do you mean, before?” Lash asked, as he focused on the padawan.

“A year ago we were tasked to track down a group of slavers. My padawan and I stormed their base right up the middle without any issues.” The Jedi replied. The Mandalorian barked out a laugh, and Lash groaned.

“Did the slavers have two watchtowers with high powered anti-personal turrets?” Lash asked, the both of them.

“They had watchtowers, but they were filled with slavers with blaster pistols.” The padawan replied. Lash had continued to wear his helmet/mask but his deadpanned expression must have been felt through it. The padawan, and Jedi both shrunk under his gaze.

“You know what? It's fine, that is why we train. That is why we do this here! We make mistakes in training, so we don't make them in the field.” Lash said loudly as he was trying convince himself not to murder the Jedi, and his padawan.

“Everyone reset and do it again!” Lash called out, and he returned to the observation tower.

In the observation tower was several militia officers in training who had heard the entire conversation. Along with a Jedi Master who looked sympathetic to their fellow Jedi's mistakes. While another Mandalorian warrior was showing foundlings what mistakes had been made. Once Lash stepped foot into the tower. The rooms occupants turned, bowed or saluted. Then went back to watching the set up. Lash stepped up next to Jedi Master Aalya Secura.

Aalya Secura was a Force-User female Twi'lek, Rylothian had a blue skin tone, with hazel eyes. She stood at approximately 5'5” with an athletic hourglass figure. Like all Twi'lek's she had two long lekku's or head tails that were bound, and decorated with wraps, jewelry, and tattoos. Aalya wore a combination of tight leather, and armored plates that covered her vitals and little else. As far as Lash knew it was a cultural symbolism for Rylothians that he absolutely despised.

Aalya Secura was a bit of an oddity. She was incredibly intelligent, but also had a bit of mischief about her. She loved playing practical jokes on her fellow Jedi. She was also compassionate, and sympathetic to those around her. Thanks to her Force-User abilities of empathy. She was an excellent diplomat, and investigator. She would often split her time between training the younglings at the temple, and performing missions for the Order. She had volunteered to be one of the Jedi Masters at the Republic Militia training operation.

“Thank you for not losing your temper with them.” Aalya whispered to Lash as he came to stand by her side. They watched together as the Jedi Knight followed the sergeants idea and popped smoke.

“I'm beginning to think all Jedi should do a semester of training here before they go out to the war. We keep coming across Jedi who believe they can do anything because it worked on pirates, and thugs.” Lash replied in a soft growl. As he watched the Jedi Knight fall in battle, again.

“The Jedi are not soldiers, nor are we generals. We are keepers of the peace. I've noticed the Jensaarai don't have our issues. Why is that?” Aalya asked, as she turned her focus towards Lash. The Jedi's team failed to obtain the wall, but got further this time.

“We have our own training facilities on Venura. Big open battles is part of the training regiment. Having a master that is a Mandalorian tends to color their perception. Being prepared for a war is part of our religion.” Lash replied as he sent several quick notes to both sides. On what they did well, and what they could be better on.

“Perhaps we should switch places then. Have the Jedi support the Militia, while the Jensaarai lead the war?” Aalya said softly as she returned her attention to the battle.

“I wouldn't complain, you should bring it up at the next council meeting.” Lash said, and meant it. But he knew it would never pass. Palpatine wanted as many dead jedi as he could get.

“What do you get out of this, Master Lash?” Aalya said suddenly with a non sequitur. Lash blinked and turned to look at her.

“I need more information...” Confessed Lash as he had no idea what she was talking about. Aalya turned to look at him, and a smile stretched across her face.

“It's not often I catch you in a miss step. I'll have to savor this.” Aalya said as she licked her lips in appreciation. Lash shrugged his shoulders and let her bask for a moment.

“This... All this must cost a fortune. You could have supported the republic by encouraging your Jensaarai to join the war effort. But instead you are supplying the resources, and credits to create a militia. You are transforming entire worlds into homes for refugees, and food production. So, what do you get out of this?” Aalya asked, as she stepped into his personal space and poked his armored chest with a finger. The room had gone silent as everyone inside was watching them now.

“I'm paying it forward.” Lash replied easily.

“Paying what forward?” Aalya asked.

“There is no dark side, nor a light side. There is only the Force. I will do what I must to keep the balance. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace. There is serenity, yet emotion. There is chaos, yet order. I am a keeper of the Grey Code. I am a Jensaarai.” Lash recited his oath to her, and the whole room stirred with energy as the Force danced in delight. Before Aalya could say anything more Lash activated the com channel for the simulation room.

“Alright everyone. Times up, another team needs the room. Go hit the showers and get something to eat.” Lash said to them. Then with a bow towards Aalya he turned on his heel and left the room.

Lash exited the elevator shaft in the main tower and walked through the large hallways of durasteel in mild silence. Instructors, and officers in training got out of his way. He saluted them, as they in turn saluted him. Both as their boss, and Grand Admiral of the militia. Lash had a good reputation among the militia. He paid them well, provided benefits for their families. Especially if they died in combat.

He was also well liked because he was not just a face that people would see in a holographic projection in the main lobby. Lash spent time in the training simulators with the soldiers. At least once a week if he was on Coruscant he would step in to lead a group. He made sure to learn their names, and ranks. Asked about their families. He got involved as best he could without breaching the line of propriety.

Lash felt it was his duty to look in on them. As most of them would be dead by months end. The war was not going well. Systems after systems were being lost to the CIS. The senate was being called today to vote on purchasing additional troops from the Kaminoans. There was already 1.5 million clones in training. The Republic wanted to buy an additional 5 million troops, plus equipment, and ships. A single Acclamator-class assault ship costed 29 million credits. Just the ship. While a single clone could cost anywhere from 1 hundred thousand credits, or more!?

Lash received a notification through one of his tech-spirits. He was requested to attend the senate assembly. They had made a joke about it. But it turned out to be true. Lash had been given a probationary senate chair. Normally Nazvo his aid would attend. But that was only when he was not in the core regions. Since he was on Coruscant that meant he was expected to attend. Lash groaned in dissatisfaction and turned around to head to the transports.

The senate assembly was a mad house. Hundreds of thousands of protestors were outside the main entrance with holographic signs. They wanted the war to stop. It had only officially been going for a month! If Palpatine's plan went as expected it would be years before the war was over. As Lash's private transport flew over the crowd, he watched in fascination as he detected at least one Dark Acolyte among them who's entire job was to stir up the crowd.

Once his transport landed he was met by several low key senators, and the aids of several high key senators. He was swarmed with questions about when the first Militia troop would be ready. Who would be the first to obtain security. As if they forgot that the senate would decide all that. Lash didn't have the patience for any of them and promptly disappeared from sight the moment he was among the crowd.

“Confounded! He did it again!” A senator shouted in anger.

“Attention User, I'd like to remind you that your Archmage title effect is available.” Dawn's sweet voice rolled through his ears.

“Thank you, Dawn. By the way why haven't you picked me up for an event change?” Lash asked, and the entire world rolled to a gradual stop as it was paused.

“The developers implemented a mini-event system. For situations like this. The war is estimated to go for several years. But there are many important character driven events during this war. The User can elect to skip them, as per usual. Or they can participate. I believe I know you well enough to know. That you want to participate. One of those mini-events is soon to happen.” Dawn replied to his question.

“Ah! That explains it, thank you! And you are right, I would like to experience them.” Lash replied, and the world started to resume it's normal speed.

Now Lash had to figured out what spell to evolve. He could use the assembly to look them over. He trekked his way through the crowds, and up the many levels. All the while no one paid him any heed with his Anonymity spell in use. He reached his designated senate pod which was located at the very top of the house. Furthest from notice. That was until he saw a sign that showed it wasn't his? He pulled out his holographic, and groaned as he read a message. He turned around and went down stairs.

Lash's senate pod had been moved. He was now right next to the senate pod of Naboo. That meant everyone behind him had been moved by one. That had to bother people! He could almost see Palpatine's smarmy face grinning at him. The Sith Lord just loved to playfully stick it to Lash. Of course he would say he had nothing but the best intentions involved. Being next to the senate pod of Naboo would help Lash wade through the ocean of politics.

Lash stepped into his designated pod and his spell wore off in that moment since half the assembly was looking at his pod. He couldn't be inconspicuous now. He could feel the glares that came his way. All the while Senator Padme Amidala, and Junior Representative Binks tried to smile at him. Well Jar Jar smiled at him. Padme was trying desperately to not bowl over in laughter. Lash sliced into his senate pod's interface and created a holo image above the pod.

'It wasn't my choice, I was happy to be up at the ceiling.' the holo image said.

“I'm sure he had the best intentions, Master Lash.” Padme said between giggle fits as she politely covered her mouth.

“Then why didn't he just ask the senator who normally sat here to move to my space? Why did he have to shift everyone over by a single pod?” Lash asked Padme, to her credit Padme looked thoughtful.

“Well...” A senator next to them whispered across the space. “You have spent more money in the past month then most star systems do in a year. Perhaps he felt that your position at the top was not respectful for your position.”

“But how am I suppose to do paper work now? I looked forward to these long hours where we did absolutely nothing productive.” Lash replied, and while Padme looked offended, while the other senator cracked up laughing.

“Well I'm happy your here, Master Lash.” Said the senator of the Raioballo sector, who was above, and to the side of them.

His name was Horox Ryyder, a Anx male. Anx's were a reptilian species well known for having a blade-shaped head crest. Which changed color due to their current mood. He was the senator for thousands of worlds. To systems that controlled the planets like Dantooine, and Lah'mu. They were part of the outer rim territories and was one of the first people on the militia protection list. They were accepting refugees, and were providing a lot of food for the republic. Ghost Industries had terraformed four moons, and one barren planet for them.

“Well when the other senators start throwing trash at me. I'll have to hide behind you, alright?” Lash asked, and Horox chuckled softly.

The assembly was called to order by Mas Amedda who glanced at Lash's holographic sign. The Vice-Chair's lips twitched into a smile for a moment. Gradually Lash closed the sign down, just in time. As at once the entire assembly hall stood in respect for the supreme chancellor. Who looked like he had aged ten years in the past month. He had bags under his eyes, portions of his hair had fallen out. He looked gaunt, and in desperate need of a meal. All artfully done to garner sympathy. Well done, Palpatine.

“Royal delegates I come to you now with grave news. Senator Bail Organa who was on a relief mission to the planet of Christophsis. Is now being held hostage by the CIS. A blockade has been formed around the planet. While the Republic Navy is currently trying their best to break past the blockade. We fear we will not be in time to save the Senator, or the people of Christophsis.” Chancellor Palpatine said to the whole room. Shouts of dismay, and negative opinions flooded the assembly room. Bail Organa was a popular man.

“We must send reinforcements at once!”

“Why aren't the Jedi breaking through the blockade?”

“The Jedi!? What about the clones? Isn't this what they were made for? Why did we spend all this money on them?

“We don't have the resources to push through! We must purchase more troops from the Kaminoans!”

“Send the republic Militia! They've had time to train, what else are they good for!”

On, and on it went. Senators spoke over each other. Yelling out ideas, and counter arguments. Then people started to shout over one another just to be heard. Rivals used the situation to their advantage to one up each other. Then just like that it turned from a plan of action to petty accusations. Until eventually Mas Amedda called for order in his commanding voice.

“How many of you have ever been in a battle?” Lash asked once silence was obtained. Mas Amedda went to silence Lash. But the chancellor place a hand on him to wait.

“How many of you have ever been in a storm of blaster fire, explosions, and the unpredictable nature of the impossible? Hmm? I can count how many senators in this assembly have seen combat and the number doesn't even reach a hundred!” Lash said, shouting at the end.

“Every single one of you that shouted out that something must be done! Have never even held a blaster before!” Lash shouted in an acidic tone.

“None of you! None of you, have any right to discuss what should be done, and what shouldn't be done. We don't have reinforcements to send! The Jedi are talented but can't do the impossible. The clones were trained to fight, not to die doing suicidal plans by senators that have no idea what they are talking about!” Lash continued to talk, and his voice carried a sense of weight thanks to Commanding Presence.

“The next available Militia team is a month away. We'll have the ships, and troops. But we are not trained to fight in the war, not yet. If you think the militia has had enough time to train? Then please come down to militia HQ and show us how its done! Before you shoot your mouth off again on subjects you know nothing about!” Lash shouted, and pushed his energy into the room to the point that many within the 200+ senator pods had a hard time breathing.

“Supreme Chancellor, with your permission I will lead a blockade runner through the CIS ships. Secure Bail Organa, and transport supplies to the surface. I have my own ship, and unlike these morons I know what I am talking about!” Lash replied, and released the pressure in the room. At once a tsunami of disgruntled senators practically washed him in their own saliva.

Chancellor Palpatine didn't even try to talk over the crowds. He simply nodded in acceptance and Lash pressed the home key on his pod. Once it locked into place he left the assembly hall. Much to the outrage of the petty senators that wanted to insult him. But mixed within the insults was a cascading applause. Lash was never going to be a good politician. He had a distinct impression that next time the assembly was called. He would find his pod back up at the top.

Eventually Lash reached his corporate HQ to find a team of Jensaarai, Mandalorian, and militia officers waiting for him. Lash didn't say a word, simply saluted, and walked past them. Supplies had already been prepped and loaded into the Basilisk. One of his tech-spirits said that he had over a million death threats. A new record! While militia recruitment centers were overflowing. The entire senate assembly meeting had been broadcast live. The first mission of the Galactic Republic Militia was underway. Led by Grand Admiral Lash, master of the Jensaarai.


(Outer Rim Territories, Savareen Sector, Christoph System, behind Christoph's moon)

General of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi stood on the bridge of his Venator-class Star Destroyer. Also known as a Republic attack cruiser, or Jedi cruiser. Obi-Wan watched in dismay as one of the Anakin's cruisers was being repaired after a failed attempt to breach the CIS blockade around the planet. Unlike other commanders in the CIS. They didn't chase the republic fleet when it fled behind the moon.

Obi-Wan was distracted for a moment as he watched the docking bay main entry door opened up to reveal the new stealth ship they had been provided. Anakin was aboard the ship, and if he followed orders would be providing much needed resources to Senator Organa on the planets surface. But Obi-Wan knew Anakin to well. He'd find someway to muck it all up. But still somehow pull a victory out of the hat. A smile tugged on Obi-Wan's face when he was notified by a clone officer that a message had been tagged by Jedi high command.

Obi-Wan turned from the window and came back to the main briefing station on the bridge. He walked across the main bridge, past the lower platforms that held the officers, and bridge crew. At the back of the bridge away from the windows were several holographic displays. In the middle of the area was a holographic table. Who appeared was a surprise to say the least.

“Master Lash, what a pleasant surprise.” Obi-Wan said to the giant armored man. Obi-Wan would never admit it, but he had always found Lash to be greatly intimidating.

“Master Obi-Wan, I heard that there is a blockade around the planet. I have brought a blockade runner to supply Senator Organa on the planets surface.” Lash informed him, and Obi-Wan's eyes went bright.

“I'm sorry to say old friend. But Anakin is in the process of transporting those very supplies as we speak.” Obi-Wan replied.

“Is he now? Or will he find some reason to avoid that mission and attack instead?” Lash asked, a little to sure of himself. It made Obi-Wan worry about the situation.

“I...Wish I could say that Anakin has a stellar record of following orders. But he's well known for not doing that very thing. Do you have some incite for us? Something from the living force?” Obi-Wan asked, time and time again Lash seem to know what would happen before anyone else would.

“I think you should check on Anakin, Master Obi-Wan. My ship will be in the system in a few minutes. We'll compare notes.” Lash replied with a bit of a laugh that Obi-Wan found worrying.

“Captain, do an encoded message towards General Skywalker. I'd like to know his progress.” Obi-Wan called to his bridge officer.

“Yes sir!” The officer replied.

“Obi-Wan! Your ears must be burning. Captain Yularen was just saying you wouldn't approve of what I'm about to do.” Anakin said in his usual cocky, and confident voice. Obi-Wan rubbed his face in dismay.

“Anakin, your mission is to reach the surface and provide support to our troops!” Obi-Wan said with a groan.

“And I will! But if Captain Yularen is right about who is commanding the blockade we'll be in trouble.... And, what is that? Obi-Wan I'll have to call you back. Admiral Trench just launched some bombers. I think they know about us... Cut communications just in case!” Anakin said to his own crew.

“Anakin...Anakin!? Blast it all!” Obi-Wan bit back a snarl as he looked to his bridge officers. “Pull the fleet around the moon. Keep us out of range of their weapons. But I want to know what is going on!” Obi-Wan ordered and the republic fleet started to gradually move.

The fleet came around to find that a squadron of bombers had flown past Anakin in preparation to attack the base that held Bail Organa. Anakin had deactivated his stealth field on their transport ship. Fired their torpedos at the bridge of the command vessel to get their attention. Then activated their stealth field just in time. Admiral Trench's shields activated and received no damage. Now Trench knew about the cloaked vessel.

Right then a freighter-class star ship flew into in right behind the republic fleet. It's ID was the Basilisk. It was Lash's personal star ship, and was currently being used by the Militia to run the blockade. If Anakin didn't get his head out of his own ass. They may end up using the Basilisk to run the supplies. A holo communication went through.

“Hello Master Obi-Wan. Did Anakin go off mission?” Lash's holographic form appeared on the bridges main viewer. Obi-Wan couldn't see Lash's face, but he knew he had a smug look on it.

“Yes, our ships can run interference for you. If you want to prepare to slip past the blockade.” Obi-Wan prepared to push his fleet towards Trench's ships.

“No need! I have a plan...” Lash said, and the way he said it caused a shiver to roll down Obi-Wan's spine.

“How delightful...” Obi-Wan replied.


Lash closed the holo communication between Obi-Wan and himself. Then keyed up the ID code for Admiral Trench's ship. Lash had the codes because the moment his ship entered the system his tech-spirits jumped through the holo net and sliced into the computer systems. Before anyone knew what was going on. A holographic display showed Admiral Trench on his bridge who looked shock to see Lash standing in a holo image on his own bridge.

Admiral Trench was a Harches, which was a humanoid spider type creature. They had six arms, six red eyes, and chelicera around their mouths. They had gray skin, with brown, white, or pale gray bristled fur, or hair that covered their bodies. Despite having multiple arms, they only had two legs. They were shorter, and stockier that standard humans. Trench wore a ornate naval uniform with several ribbons, and medals on his breast pocket.

“Ntch! Ntch! Ah! I've heard of you, Master Lash of the Jensaarai. Grand Admiral of the Republic Militia.” Admiral Trench said as he stood up and folded three of his arms behind him, and three of his arms in front of him. He oddly enough had a riding crop.

“I was under the impression that the militia was not ready for another month? Is that tiny ship all that they could spare fo...fo...G..Gaaaah!” Trench said, then reached up to hold his chest in pain. As he was lifted off the deck of his ship. He struggled in mid air, trying to relieve the pressure in his chest.

A plethora of droids on Trench's ship ran up to try and pull him the admiral back down. The B1's were not very sharp on the uptake of the situation. The best thing they could do was close the connection as quickly as they could. As Lash was using the sight line between holographic projectors to cast Grasp Heart. Oddly enough Force Magic had activated as well. Almost as if the Force acted as a conduit between them.

With one final gasping scream, Admiral Trench died. He floated above his command deck for a few seconds then dropped in a fleshy heap. Then one by one each of the CIS droid controlled ships received orders from Admiral Trench to fire upon one another. As they had been declared traitors of the CIS. Again, B1 battle droids were not the smartest creations.

Lash recalled his tech-spirits and closed the holographic communicator. Then called up Obi-Wan again. It took a few minutes as apparently there was a backlog of communications. Eventually the central holographic display in Lash's main hold projected Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Senator Bail Organa. Who all looked surprised at Lash. They had no idea what was going on.

“Hello everyone, Admiral Trench is dead. In his final act he ordered all of his ships to fire on one another.” Lash said to them.

“How... Why did Admiral Trench order his troops to fire on one another?” Anakin asked in complete confusion.

“Because they were traitors to the CIS, obviously.” Lash replied.

“Obviously... You obtained Trench's command codes and ordered them to.” Obi-Wan asked, and Lash placed a hand on his chest in mock surprise.

“Master Obi-Wan! I would never!” Lash declared in a hurt voice for being accused of such a thing. Almost to emphasize the point, Trench's ship exploded under fire in the distance.

“I can't imagine admiral Trench would just let that happen.” Organa asked.

“Oh, he was dead by that point.” Lash said with a chuckle. As he gave an order for his pilot to start heading towards the surface.

“How did he die?” Organa asked.

“By a broken heart, such a shame.” Lash said with a snicker.

“How does one die from a broken heart?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I'm not sure. How do you just lose the will to live?” Lash asked, and could almost see the living force eye roll at him.

“Senator Organa, myself, and general Skywalker are inbound with much needed supplies for your relief effort, and troops on the ground.” Lash said, Organa was startled by the change in subject but a smile soon replaced his confused expression.

“Wonderful! We'll eagerly await your arrival.” Organa said and closed his transmission.

“Gentlemen, if there is nothing else? Anakin, I'll see you on the surface.” Lash said, and closed the transmission.

“I'm not sure how I feel about that.” A Mandalorian warrior said as he stepped towards Lash. “I was expecting a fight.”

“You mean some daring and suicidal venture with us flying towards the blockade. You in a turret firing with wild precision. As star fighter after star fighter dies under your aim. We fly past the blockade, and reach the surface with nay but a scratch on our freighters armor?” Lash asked in an amused tone of voice.

“...Well, when you say it like that.” The Mandalorian said with a chuckle.

“Sorry to disappoint. But we'll get plenty of action on the ground. With the fleet out of commission the ground troops will be like a caged animal. Full of veracity.” Lash said in mild comfort towards the warrior.

“Sounds dangerous, should be fun!” The Mandalorian said...


(Christophis, CIS; Tactical Command)

“All of it!?” Asajj Ventress screamed at the reporting tactical droid. The Dark Jedi roared in anger and pushed out with the Force which headed her command. The room exploded into shrapnel which included the tactical droid.

“Mistress Ventress please calm down!” General Whorm Loathsom pleaded for the Dark Jedi to hear his words. Ventress pulled out her twin red lightsabers and nearly decapitated the general in her anger.

That was until a holographic image of Count Dooku appeared in the main control room. Who did not look pleased at the devastation of the room. His gaze brought focus to Ventress who dropped to her knees, and bowed her head in respect. General Loathsom breathed a sigh of relief, thanking his foresight for informing Count Dooku ahead of time.

“General Loathsom, report.” Count Dooku said, never taking his gaze off of Ventress.

“Count Dooku, it appears the blockade around Christophis has been destroyed. Admiral Trench is reported to have been killed in the exchange. Republic troops are landing on the surface of the planet as we speak. Senator Bail Organa is still alive, and we have yet to capture him.” General Loathsom replied after he saluted the Count.

“Most distressing news, general. How large is the republic fleet?” Count Dooku asked.

“Our early reports estimate only six cruisers, four medical frigates, and one republic militia freighter were present for the battle, Lord Dooku.” General Loathsom replied, and could feel Dooku's gaze center on him.

“That doesn't seem possible. Trench's forces outnumbered theirs by nearly three times. Did the republic deploy some new weapon we didn't know of?” Count Dooku asked, one of his hands stroked his beard in thought.

“As far as we know, Lord Dooku. The blockade fired on themselves, after they were ordered to by Admiral Trench. Which only happened after Trench was reported dead by his bridge officers.” Loathsom reported.

“How intriguing. I regret to inform you that the next available supply ship will not arrive for two weeks. Aside from apprentice's outburst, do you have the troops available to hold your position until help can arrive?” Count Dooku said as he went back to looking at Ventress who flinched under his gaze.

“We do, Lord Dooku. However, our tactical and command droid has been regrettably destroyed.” General Loathsom replied, and sent his own glare at Ventress who boiled with rage at his accusation. No matter how true it was.

“Ventress!” Dooku said to his apprentice.

“Master, I offer my greatest apologies for my anger. It wont happen again.” Ventress replied, as she all but groveled with her forehead pressed to the floor.

“Anger is useful Ventress when it is applied correctly. This is not one of those times. Tell the droids to retrieve a cargo container. ID code BZ-Black-0415. Do it now, I'll wait.” Count Dooku said, as he folded his hands behind him.

“Right away!” Ventress said all but bolted from the room to retrieve the container.

Asajj Ventress sprinted from the room to carry out her masters will. She grabbed the nearest yellow command droid and all but screamed her instructions at the droid. Who stumbled, and fell over to carry out her orders. Then she took a moment to collect herself. As she prowled behind the command droid.

Asajj Ventress was a female Dathomirian Dark Jedi. She stood at approximately 5'9”, with pale white skin, blue-gray eyes, with a bald scalp. She had an athletic hourglass basic humanoid figure. (Two arms, two legs, one head.) Dense compact hard muscles of a martial artist. Unlike the rest of the Dark Acolytes under the service of Darth Sidious, and Darth Tyranus. Asajj had once been a Jedi who turned to the Dark Side for the power to avenger her former master who had died at the hands of pirates. Overtime she had grown disillusioned with the Jedi. Now she served Count Dooku as his personal assassin, and apprentice.

Ventress wore a black leather body glove. From her neck, to wrist, and toe. With varies pieces of belts, buckles, and segmented plates for protection. It allowed her full body movement, and did protect her slightly. It was very provocative, and tend to draw the eye as it left very little to the imagination. Ventress used her sexuality as a weapon to distract others. Just another tool in her arsenal. But when that failed, she carried two red lightsabers with curved handles for each. Just like her Master, Dooku carried.

She didn't have to wait long as two B2 battle droids carried a black container towards her, and eventually into the main command room. Waiting for her was the General Whorm Loathsom, and adequate name for such a vile creature. Loathsom was a male Kerkoiden with blue skin/scales across his body. He was stout, and a bit shorter than Ventress. He had a long snout that ended with an array of tusks, and fangs. Long needle like claws on his hands, and hooves for his feet. He wore an ornate garb for his station as a military general. Despite his disgusting appearance, he was a talented general. If only he would stop leering at Ventress when ever she was in the room. Maybe she could actually like him.

“Ah, about time. Enter the code, 1X2T8Z1P.” Count Dooku said to Ventress who hurried to obey his command.

The container was approximately ten feet high, and five feet wide. It looked like a coffin, and once Ventress entered the code. The locks around the container released and the container opened to reveal an odd sight. The temperature in the room dropped by a few degrees, and for a brief moment Ventress's breath frosted over when she exhaled. Contained within was a droid, a droid she had never seen before.

It had a almost human skeleton appearance. That was until it activated and armor flowed over from its back. Flowed is the right word, as the armor seem to almost ripple across the skeleton structure. It now looked like an ancient Sith Sentinel Droid from the holocrons that Ventress had seen in her Master's collection. Now clad in armor, two red synthetic eyes blazed through the face plate slits. The armor itself was pure black, with crimson red crystal veins flowing across it. They pulsated as if powered by some kind of heart.

The droid stood at approximately 6' even with a rectangular box like figure. It took a moment to look it's hands, and feet over. Then swiveled around to look at Ventress, Loathsom, then finally Dooku. When it's eyes passed over Ventress she felt a very real chill roll down her spine. She could feel the dark side of the force within this droid. But such a thing was impossible? Droids can't use the force. It dropped to one knee and saluted Count Dooku. It's voice activated, and it sounded like two stones rubbing against one another.

“Tactical and command droid. Savagery class, designation B-001. 'Ripper' at your service Master Dooku.” The droid's voice was harsh on on the ears but it was understood all the same.

“Ripper, these are your superiors for now. General Whorm Loathsom, and my servant Asajj Ventress. They will inform you of your duties. Your primary objective is to hold out until reinforcements arrive in two weeks. Understood?” Count Dooku said to the droid.

“Command confirmed... Your servant, has not been tempered?” The droid posed a question, and Ventress wasn't sure why but she felt like she had just been looked down on.

“No, due to a conflict of availability your creator has not had the pleasure of tempering of my servant. But I assure you, she is up to any task that you can think of.” Count Dooku said, his tone of voice shifted to acidic at mention of the droids creator.

“...Understood.” The droid replied.

“Loathsom, Ventress, this droid... Ripper, was crafted with ancient Sith sorcery by Lord Enfarious. I believe you'll find him more than adequate with your own abilities to hold the planet until we arrive. Do not disappoint me...” Count Dooku said, then closed his transmission.

The droid named Ripper stood and turned with a fluid movement that did not fit with a machine. It's two red synthetic eyes settled on the two of them. It bowed deeply from its waist, with a hand over its left chest plate. The red crystal veins pulsated with life. Ventress could feel the living force moving through those veins. When she heard it was a creation of Lord Enfarious she all but screamed in horror. Enfarious was a monster from the ancient Sith.

“General, please update me on the army. We have work to do.” Rippers voice had smoothed out, no it still sounded like two stones grinding together. But now, Ventress could feel the dark side of the force laced with its words.

“O-Of course!” Loathsom's stuttered over his own words. Then acted beneath his station as a general and showed the droid to the command display.

“Mistress Ventress, please allow me the privilege of your company.” Ripper called to Ventress, and she felt the pull of the dark side behind the droids voice.

“....Of....Course...” Ventress bit her own words out. Lord Tyranus, what did you leave with us!?


(Christophis. Grand Army of the Republic, F.O.B..)

Anakin Skywalker, General of The Grand Army of the Republic, and Jedi Knight was beside himself. In one hand he was very happy to see his friend, and mentor Jensaarai Master Lash. In the other hand he was a bit frustrated by his method of operation. He had learned that Lash had reached through the force and killed Trench by crushing his heart. Part of Anakin was upset that Lash had done it. But another part was envious that Lash could do so. It was something that a Jedi would never do.

Obi-Wan Kenobi had looked like Lash had slapped him in the face when they had learned the truth. But neither of them could argue with the results. As Acclamator-class starships landed on Christophis surface and unloaded much needed supplies to not only the troops of the republic. But also the people of Christophis. The emergency supplies that Anakin had brought down aboard the stealth ship were quickly absorbed into the camp. But in the end were not needed. None the less, Senator Bail Organa made sure to thank Anakin for his brave heroics.

“The mere fact that you were brave enough to slip through the battle lines in a ship with no shields, and very little armor speaks well of you, Master Jedi. I can see why Senator Amidala speaks so well of you.” Bail Organa said with a smile. Anakin couldn't help but stand a little straighter.

“All in a days work, senator. But I have to agree with Obi-Wan, I believe it would be better if you returned to Coruscant as soon as possible. We still don't know yet what the Separatists are capable of. A wounded animal is often the most dangerous kind.” Anakin said with a smile, but turned serious by the end. Bail Organa nodded in agreement with his assessment.

“I fear for the moral of the people of Christophis. You've brought hope to them. But hope is a strange thing. Capable of destroying or making any army. If I leave now, will the people still hold onto hope?” Organa asked, as he gestured towards the smiling faces of the people. Anakin looked as well, and was filled with uncertainty.

“Well if you choose to stay. Please understand that if we order you to pull back into cover. Please head our warning.” Anakin pleaded to the senator who nodded in acceptance.

“I will, besides even if I don't. The republic militia will drag me back with or without my permission.” Organa said with a laugh. As he turned to look at the militia officers on staff.

Anakin looked towards the team of twenty militia soldiers that were discussing things with Anakin's clone commander, Rex. The militia were what many clones referred to as 'shiny'. New armor, new weapons, but the attitude was different. The militia that had arrived had come from worlds that had been taken by the Separatist. They knew war first hand. They were anxious to stick it to them. Working along side the militia were a team of four Mandalorians. They unlike the militia didn't have shiny armor, and weapons. They also had years of fighting under their belt. The Mandalorian warriors, and clone troopers got along surprisingly well.

“Excuse me senator.” Anakin said to Organa who accepted his excuse with ease. They both had a lot of work to do. Anakin made his way over to the troops to listen in on the discussion.

“Commander Rex, please understand. We are not here to be in your way. We brought weapons, and armor for the people of Christophis. We are all instructors back at militia HQ. We are going to start training the people on how to defend themselves. This way you'll have more warm bodies when the clankers attack.” The militia officer politely informed Rex.

“I get that. But my only question is, when the clankers attack will you follow orders?” Commander Rex asked.

“Yes, sir! Admiral Lash has informed us that the Army is in charge of the operation. We are just here to provide security, and support.” The militia officer said in response. Then saluted the moment Anakin walked up.

“General, sir!” The militia officers saluted. While the Mandalorian's all nodded in reluctance towards him. Mandalorians and Jedi didn't get along. A lot of bad blood.

“I think we can all work together to get along, don't you Rex?” Anakin asked his clone commander who nodded in acceptance.

“Sir! Yes, sir! It will be nice to have another group of trainer soldiers to fight with. I'm sure the people will appreciate it as well. Me and the boys are not the best instructors.” Commander Rex said with an easy smile that Anakin had come to respect.

“Speaking of Admiral Lash, where is he?” Anakin asked, as he looked around.

“Genera, Sir! Admiral Lash is at the forward wall. He and the other Jensaarai are rebuilding it.” The militia officer said with a grin.

“I didn't realize you brought fabricated materials with you.” Anakin said in surprise. When even the Mandalorian's started to laugh Anakin understood there was a joke he was not getting.

“It would be easier to show you, General.” The militia officer said.


Lash reached out with Elemental Manipulation, Fabrication, and Alteration. The crystal lattice that made up the ground sprung up. Christophsis surface was made up of a 'forest' of naturally occurring turquoise crystal spires. Making a dramatic, and beautiful natural landscape. It had a breathable atmosphere that most humanoid species could breath. All of Christophsis had a plethora of raw minerals, gems, and of course crystals that one could practically pick up off the ground. It made for a viable treasure trove of resources. Which is why both GAR, and the CIS wanted the planet so badly.

Which is also why Lash created a wall from the very ground. Blaster energy bolts were naturally absorbed into the crystal walls. The ten Jensaarai that came with him to the planet now used the Force to carve stairs, ramparts, and if necessary doors to the outside. Something that would normally take weeks of work to do was done in a few minutes. They did this all under the watchful gaze of clone troopers, and the people of Christophsis.

Lash had just finished raising another wall when Anakin had shown up. He waved at his friend who came over with an astonished look on his face. Lash chuckled at the mystified expression. Lash had become jaded to his own abilities and took it as normal. While the Jensaarai carved the wall into working order Lash came over to speak to him.

“You look good, Anakin. I didn't notice before.” Lash said to the boy wonder who laughed, and scratched the back of his head.

“Thanks! Listen, I'm sorry about what Obi-Wan said. We do appreciate what you did. You made short work of the blockade.” Anakin said with a sheepish grin. Obi-Wan had practically taken Lash's head off with his screaming accusations.

“It's understandable. I did something no Jedi would ever do. But with the benefit of hindsight I think Obi-Wan seem to realize I'm not a Jedi and don't follow the same ideals.” Lash said with shrug.

“I'm not sure I agree... I mean about the Jedi. This is war, how are we suppose to win if we don't do everything that is necessary to win?” Anakin asked him, and Lash watched in fascination as the dark side of the force danced around him.

“It's important to hold close your ideals, and beliefs Anakin. The Jedi have a known reputation of honor and respect. Even with their enemies. This reputation can be useful when securing alliances. Though it can also be used against them. But in the end it's history that decides the truth of things. I'm sure history will describe me as a monster. But a necessary monster.” Lash said, and got a little lost in his own words. Anakin looked at him in surprise, and concern. But before he could get into it...

“Master!... Master Skywalker!” A young feminine voice called out. Anakin turned around with a smile growing across his face.

“Hay snips! What are you doing here? I thought you were on Coruscant, training at the temple?” Anakin asked his padawan learner.

Ahsoka Tano was a Force-User female of the Togruta species. Togruta were recognized in the galactic republic by their colorful skin tones, face pigments, and three lekku's on their head. (Head tails) That grew with age. Ahsoka Tano was a youngling who stood at approximately 4'3” with orange skin, white pigment face art, and blue and white stripped lekkus. Because she did not have hair, her padawan braid was replaced by a decorative string of beads. That was attached to a crown? Or hair band around her face.

Ahsoka wore a form fitting tube top, leather leggings, with a tasset skirt, boots, with combat gloves. She had two lightsabers on her hips. One standard saber, with another short shoto saber. She had an energetic almost bouncy personality. Full of youthful innocence, and curiosity. Her big blue eyes focused on Anakin, then moved to look at Lash where upon her eyes went large. She pinwheeled her arms in the air and came to an abrupt stop next to Anakin.

“Are you the Jensaarai Master, Lash?” Ahsoka asked in an excited squeal. Anakin raised a brow at his apprentice.

“I am, you must be Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's apprentice. I've heard such wonderful things about you.” Lash said as he bowed deeply from his waist.

“Good things, about her? From who?” Anakin asked, then jumped when Ahsoka elbowed him in the stomach.

“Shut it, Skyguy!” Ahsoka hissed at him. Anakin rubbed his now sore spot on his stomach with a mild glare at his apprentice.

“It is such an honor to meet you sir! Master, sir...Master Lash...Sir!” Ahsoka said, as she tripped over her words and bowed several times. Her naivete was refreshing, so much so that Lash laughed just a bit.

“Calm yourself, Ahsoka. I heard about you from Master Plo Koon, and Master Yoda. They spoke very highly of your abilities. They had hoped that you would temper the fiery personality of Master Skywalker. I see their assumptions are so far correct. The both of you together is good fortune for the galaxy itself.” Lash said with genuine sentiment in his voice.

“Really!? Master Plo Koon said that? I mean...Well, if they believe I'm good for Master Skywalker then I can only accept this responsibility.” Ahsoka said in a sincere voice.

“Hey! I don't have a fiery personality!” Anakin said with a mock pout. Lash turned his whole body towards Anakin. Even with his mask on, Anakin could feel his stare.

“I'm not as bad as I use to be!” Anakin said defensively.

“Yes, and there are currently two women in your life to thank for that.” Lash said to him. Ahsoka stood up straighter, with her chin sticking out. Accepting the compliment with grace. While Anakin went a little pale at the implications of what Lash had said.

“What are you doing, Master Lash?” Ahsoka asked, when she saw the Jensaarai had finished carving the wall up.

“I'm creating a defensible position. The Christophsis natural occurring crystal ground takes a high powered laser-drill to cut through. Or a lightsaber. It makes a create defense for ground troops. Would you like to help me?” Lash asked, and her eyes went so wide he feared they would fall out.

“Can I!? I mean, I don't know how to do that. But I'd like to learn.” Ahsoka asked, practically bouncing on her feet.

“The both of you can learn.” Lash said to Ahsoka, and Anakin who never took his eyes off of Lash.

Lash pulled them over to the next section that was cleared of debris. Lash had them stand in front of him with their hands out, palms out. He then stood behind them with his hands on either of their necks. He closed his eyes and used a Telepathy to instruct them on a subconscious level. Then began to transmit Elemental Manipulation – Crystal Earth. Then he activated his Skill/Power/Spell Trainer ability.

Anakin, and Ahsoka both felt something within them snap into place like a puzzle piece. Then without any real idea what they were doing. They reached out with the Force and lifted up an almost impossible weight. The crystal ground cracked, and groaned in response. Nothing like the fluid movement that Lash had done before. But all the same the crystal wall soon rose to meet it's newly formed kin.

  • Anakin Skywalker, and Ashoka Tano have learned Partial Earth Manipulation (Crystal).

“Very good!” Lash said, as he let go of their necks. Both collapsed to their knees, as they gasped for air. Their entire body shuddered in exhaustion.

“W..What...What was that?” Anakin asked, as he looked behind at Lash.

“It's called Force Imprint. I copied, and imprinted a skill, ability, and/or lesson into your minds. Then we used a practical experience for you both to properly learn it. Now, the question is? Do the both of you feel it...Feel the crystal earth beneath your feet?” Lash asked, as he looked down at them.

“I... I feel warm. Like a friend is nearby, giving me a comforting hug.” Ahsoka said, as she ran her fingers over the crystal ground.

“Good! Now take a moment to see what you've created.” Lash said as he gestured towards the crude, but still usable crystal wall.

Lash walked over to the wall and smoothed out the cracks in the foundations. Once he was finished he gestured for the Jensaarai to complete their work. They moved in understanding. Earth manipulation was an ability of the Force. Technically the light, and dark side of the force could use it. However, it was considered a rare ability. Yes, any Force-User could use Telekinesis to pick up a stone and throw it. But now? Anakin, and Ahsoka could mold crystal like it was a piece of wet clay.

“Just like that?” Anakin asked after a few minutes. In his palm he was slowly shaping a piece of crystal into a ball.

“Just like that...” Lash replied, as he watched Ahsoka gradually shape a piece of crystal into a cube.

“Hours of lessons, practice, trial, and error. Combined within a few seconds. It has to be done in pieces obviously. The mind can only take so much. But with proper rest, and recuperation between imprints. You could learn the entire first year of being a padawan in six standard days.” Lash said with a smile, as he crossed his arms behind him.

“Is this how there are so many Jensaarai now?” Anakin asked in astonishment. It had only been nine and half years, and now there was close to a thousand Jensaarai who had completed stage three in there training. While there were a few hundred who had completed stage five and had become defenders. (The rank above apprentice)

“Force Imprinting is not new, Anakin. The Jedi, and the Sith both invented it thousands of years ago. However, the technique was lost due to the war between them both. Several holocrons at the Venura temple go over the history, and ability to create an imprint. I sent copies to the Jedi Temple. Have they not disseminate it for public use?” Lash asked, he had done just that. He had been greatly surprised when he had learned that little truth. But before they could speak about it.

“General Skywalker! Commander Tano! Admiral Lash! We have incoming at the main gate!” A clone trooper called to them.

The incoming turned out to be refugees? No, it was a group of prisoners from the CIS work camps. With their ragged clothing, and broken bodies. They looked like they had been tortured by energy whips, and beaten nearly to death. They helped one another towards the main gates of the Republic FOB. Obi-Wan ordered the gates be opened and the clone troopers rushed out to receive them.

“STOP! Get back inside now!” Lash called out, and used Commanding Presence to reinforce his orders. The clone troopers gradually stopped and made their way back towards the gates.

“What are you doing! They need our help!” Obi-Wan shouted at Lash.

“Obi-Wan reach out with the Force. Do you feel anything off of them?” Lash asked him, and Obi-Wan gave him a look of confusion.

“Master Obi-Wan, Master Lash is right. I don't feel anything.” Padawan Tano said softly. They turned to see her with her eyes closed, and her hands stretched out in concentration. Eventually Anakin, and Obi-Wan followed her example.

“That...Can't be right. Something must be blocking us.” Obi-Wan said after a moment.

“All of you back inside! Close the gates.” Lash ordered, and Anakin reinforced his order. One by one the clone troopers pulled in, and closed the gates. Senator Organa came up to the watchtower that held them all.

“What's this about prisoners? Why are we not helping them?” Organa asked, but before any of them could reply Clone Commander Rex came up.

“Generals, I think you need to see this.” Rex offered a pair of binoculars to them.

“What in the blazes!?” Obi-Wan said as he spied on the group with magnification.

The group of prisoners that were working their way towards the gates were not people. But instead battle droids. Battle droids who wore the bloody, and tattered skins of the Christophsis prisoners. Horror filled faces stretched thin across a droids face looked back at Obi-Wan who went green in the face. Padawan Tano couldn't hold it in and threw up.

“All soldiers fire!” Lash shouted, and the clones opened up.

Who ever ordered the droids to run towards them seem to rethink their plan. The droids pulled their tattered disguises off and sprinted towards the wall. Firing their blaster rifles as they went. But the nightmare didn't end there. Behind the B1 droids were B2 droids who held shields on their left arms. Shields with living people nailed to them. All the while their right arm blasters fired at the clone troopers.

Lash jumped off the watchtower and with even greater ease jumped over the forward defense wall. The ten Jensaarai joined with him and they ignited their lightsabers. They rushed the droid firing line. Lash pulled out his red Psionic Daggers and plowed through the droids in fury. But soon had to stop at the sight of the human meat shields. With a quick order, his troops moved around and cut the arms off the B2 battle droids. Then caught the still living prisoners before they fell. Only to realize to late that bombs were strapped to them.

Fifty two pops of thermal detonators washed over the crowds of battle droids, and Jensaarai. Not a single Christophsis prisoner lived through the experience. Happily, every single Jensaarai lived through the explosions. Wearing full armor made of Beskar does that. That of course didn't mean they were not wounded. The resulting percussion from the explosions caused a lot of internal damage.

Lash stumbled to his feet as he heard a constant ringing in his ears. He was covered in crimson viscera. He looked like a Jackson Pollock painting. Or a new age artist that decided to use bone as part of their art. He looked around as clone troopers, militia, and Anakin came rushing into the crowd. One by one his Jensaarai were picked up and dragged back to the gate. Obi-Wan came to his side and yelled at him. Lash read his lips...

“YES, I'M ALRIGHT!” Lash said, and shouted loudly without meaning too. Obi-Wan pulled him towards the gate while under enemy fire. Who ever was commanding the droid army was doing their best to kill as many of them as possible.

Once inside the gates the Jensaarai were pulled to the medical tents. But each of them refused to remove their armor. The Mandalorian warriors pulled out a data plug and connected it to their armor. A medical read out was shown to the medics. Obi-Wan went to pull Lash's helmet off and Lash snagged his arm. Not that it would have done anything. Lash's helmet was linked to his whole suit. Obi-Wan tried to talk to him, but Lash's could only hear bells going off. His Superhuman Healing, Regeneration, and Adaptation were sending him prompts of experience until.

“WHAT?! Oh, sorry about that. Yes, I'm fine Obi-Wan. Did we lose anyone?” Lash asked him.

“You are most certainly not fine! Please let the medics take a look over you.” Obi-Wan pleaded, Lash begrudgingly offered his data port for the medical scan. Sure enough his scans came back negative. He was perfectly fine.

“Aside from the Christophsis prisoners? No, we didn't lose anyone.” Obi-Wan sighed as he rubbed his face. “But I fear moral has hit rock bottom with that attack.”

Lash stood up with the help of Obi-Wan his balance was still a little off. He cast Immaculate on himself and every Jensaarai for a quick clean. A few raised a brow at him, but they wouldn't get into how, or why he had that ability. Then Lash pulled Obi-Wan out of the tent to find Anakin, Tano, and Organa. Clone troopers were currently clearing the minor skirmish from out of the front gate. Only to receive a signal that a droid was approaching them at high speeds.

A B1 battle droid was riding on top of a speeder bike. On the back of the speeder was a flag pole, with a white flag at the top. Obi-Wan ordered for not one to fire. The droid gradually came to a stop a hundred or so feet away from the front gate. Where it pulled the brakes, and turned the engine off. Then picked up a holographic display model from the back and set it down. The holographic turned on, and a fifty foot tall hologram of a man in black armor appeared before them.

“Greetings meat bags! I am General Ripper of The Confederacy of Independent Systems army stationed on the planet's surface. Did you all enjoy my skin walkers?” General Ripper called out to them in a condescending tone, he had a masculine synthetic voice.

“You! You have broken republic law! What you have done is a punishable war crime by the standardization of war between sentient, and sapient species of the galaxy” Bail Organa shouted at the hologram. General Ripper's eyes flared with bright red energy as he focused on the senator.

“The Confederacy does not recognize the republic as its ruling government. So I have broken no laws. War crimes or otherwise. But if you want to discuss war crimes? Why don't we discuss how the republic is using a slave army to fight its war.” Ripper said, his giant holographic form gestured towards the clone troopers.

Commander Rex held his tongue but if looks could kill, Ripper would have died a dozen times already. The clones were proud to fight for the republic. They were created for this very purpose. The clones all pushed their chests out, lifted their chins, and held their ground under the glaring insight of General Ripper.

“What do you want?” Anakin called out, and General Ripper focused his attention on him.

“General Skywalker, is it? I would think a former slave like yourself would sympathize with the clones. But as you wish, we'll press on. I require your unconditional surrender.” General Ripper declared, and Anakin all but screamed in fury at him.

“If we were to surrender what would happen to the people of Christophsis?” Obi-Wan asked, as he held up a hand to silence Anakin before he could retort.

“The people of Christophsis will have the one thing the republic never gave them. Equality, for all are equal under the heel of my boot!” General Ripper declared with a self righteous expression of body language. Fists on his hips, chest out, and head held high.

“Regretfully, we'll have to decline.” Obi-Wan replied with raised brow.

“How predictable of you. I should suspect nothing more from meat bags like yourself. Very well, I will not ask again.” General Ripper said, then his hologram faded from view. The battle droid packed up the holo emitter and left on the speeder bike.

“Incoming enemy fire from above!” A clone yelled out as every one looked up. Shards of crystal were plummeting towards them from the heavens.

“Jensaarai! Force Shield!” Lash called out, he clapped his hands together then raised his arms, palms up. An almost invisible shield grew from his body, as the other Jensaarai did the same.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka added their own Force energy to the shield. As crystal shards the size of hover tanks were dropped down on top them. The shards shattered across the shield, and sent debris across the landscape. Blissfully no one had been killed, but the are around the FOB was not in tatters. Sharp pointed crystals acted like natural blockades for any armored vehicles. In a single move, General Ripper had boxed them in.

“Senator Organa, I really think you should leave before its to late.” Lash called out, as he pointed towards what looked like a storm on the horizon.

“Where did that come from?” Senator Organa asked in dismay.

“Rex! Get on the comm for Yularen. Tell him we need one of the Acclamators down here to evacuate the people of Christophsis!” Anakin called out to his commander.

“Yes General!” Rex said with a salute and ran towards the holographic unit at tactical command.

“Anakin, what are you thinking?” Obi-Wan asked.

“We'll unload all our troops and have the people of Christophsis take their place for safety. Then we'll rush that bastard and end this in a single push!” Anakin said with a savage grin on his face.

“Anakin, that wont work. We don't even know where the main camp is. Besides even if we unloaded every ship we had. We couldn't hold even single Christophsis in the refugee centers.” Obi-Wan replied with a look of regret.

“We have to do something, Obi-Wan! This isn't a normal droid general.” Anakin shouted at him.

“General Skywalker! Captain Yularen says he can't land. The incoming storm is destroying the sensors. Their afraid if they land, they won't be able to leave again.” Commander Rex all but screamed across the camp. Fierce winds started to pick up, as a static started to build up around them.

“EVERYONE GET INSIDE NOW!” Lash shouted at the top of his lungs as he watched lightning strikes hit just outside the FOB, and were getting closer by the second.

Lash quickly made bunkers out of the crystal floor and shoved as many people under cover as possible. Then he started to make tunnels that connected to other hastily made bunkers. But it was to little too late. Christophsis didn't have this kind of weather. Rain storms happened sure, but not dark side lightning storms. That is what was enveloping them now. It was a Sith ritual. Lash knew it relied on fresh sacrifices, thousands of them....


For six hours straight the Sith dark side lightning storm pounded their position. Every piece of equipment that could not be pulled under cover was completely destroyed. Armored vehicles, sensor towers, fabricated buildings. All save for the Basilisk which deployed its own shield that could deflect the lightning. Lash eventually used Weather Control to combat the storm and faced a raging tsunami of dark side Force energy pushing against him. The lightning strikes lessened in his immediate area, but didn't stop.

All in all, Lash was very impressed with Ripper. When he had made the droid with the use of Technomagical Construct, only replace the magical part with Force Energy. He hadn't expected the Sith Sorcery droid to be so versatile in his thinking. Lash on the sly reached out across their near invisible connection and contacted Ripper. He had done what Lash assumed, he had sacrificed every single Christophsis prisoner in their work camps to fuel the Sith ritual. Ripper preened under the compliments Lash sent his way.

Ripper gave a full report of the CIS army, and its resources to Lash. Along with the other commanders. Asajj Ventress was of particular interest. The Dathomir, Zabrak former Dark Jedi. Had an intense impression on the lore around Star Wars. Ripper reported that the Living Force surrounded Ventress like a over protective parent. Even more than Darth Maul did. When Lash sent out a message to the force that he had no intention of killing her. The Living Force seem to lighten up, but didn't leave. Lash had meant what he said, Ventress was important to his plans for the future. Which only made the Living Force surround her even more.

At the top of the sixth hour the storm finally let up. The dark storm clouds continued to brew above them. Sith lightning danced in the skies above. But it no longer struck the crystal earth, or the people hiding there. Lash was the first to step out. Then one by one the rest of the army did as well. A casualty, and injury report had been made. Three thousand Christophsian people had died, six hundred and twenty two clone troopers, while none of the Militia were killed. They had hidden in the Basilisk along with anyone they could fit inside of it.

“Master Lash?” Ahsoka Tano called his name, Lash turned to look at her as she wondered up. She had her arms crossed almost in a defensive gesture. No, more like she was insecure.

“Apprentice, Tano? Are you alright?” Lash asked, as he came over and took a knee so he could look at her better.

“I don't know what to do... Master Skywalker is trying to organize a scouting team, but won't talk to me. I...I've never seen him so angry before. Master Kenobi is trying to calm everyone down, and Senator Organa is working with medics to aid the injured... I.. I don't have anything to do. Please, I...I just want something to do.” Ahsoka said with tears welling up in her eyes. She was shaking like a leaf.

Lash took a chance and reached out and pulled Ahsoka into his arms. She went stiff as a board for a moment then. She curled up and started to cry. Lash stood up and put her in a princess carry. Like a small child she curled up in his arms. The Jedi Order doesn't allow attachments, what he was doing now would be frowned upon. He was acting as an emotional support. As a Padawan she should seek peace, without emotion.

Lash used Calm Emotions on Ahsoka and after a few moments her tears stopped. One of the biggest issues they had right now was the dark side energy that saturated the air. Emotions were for the lack of a better term like a drug to the Jedi, or in this case a poison. The dark side of the force was fueled by emotion. Lash gently set Ahsoka down, then cast a wide area of effect Calm Emotions on the whole camp. The dark side energy danced away from the field and everyone slowed to a stop.

“Better?” Lash asked Ahsoka who turned away and took a moment to clean her eyes. Then turned back, a sunny disposition on her face.

“Much better, thank you!” Ahsoka said with a smile that could lite up the world.

“Alright you are going to come with me. I'll give you a crash course on mechanical engineering. We need to get the heavy walkers operational.” Lash said, and offered his hand towards her. Ahoska took the offered hand with a shy smile.

AT-TE aka All Terrain Tactical Enforcer were the six legged heavy walkers. Lash absolutely loved them! These things were incredibly durable, well armed, and armored. But they were also versatile. They had a very modular appearance, and could be swapped out. The basic design had a main mounted cannon on top. With several forward guns, and backside guns. They were a little exposed on the sides. But the tanks were meant to be supported by infantry, and other vehicles. The AT-TE could carry up to thirty eight troopers just in its cargo bay. Along with supplies. It was environmentally sealed, could survive in space. The thing even had magnetic clamps to its clawed feet. It could spider climb up a wall! AWESOME!

The whole base had approximately one hundred AT-TE's. Or it use to. Now, they were completely destroyed due to lightning strikes. The Sith lightning had not only destroyed the vehicles, the wiring had been melted. So it wasn't like they could take the walkers apart and try and salvage something. So, the parts had to be replaced.

“Alright, Ahsoka I am going to do two Force Imprints on you. One is called Science Intuition which out of the two is the bulkiest. The other is Shatterpoint. That last one is primarily used in combat, but as a lot of versatility as well.” Lash told the young padawan.

“OK... Let's do it.” Ahsoka said, and though her voice held the edge of uncertainty. Her trusting gaze she gave Lash made him smile.

This time Lash stood in front of Ahsoka and cradled her head in his hands. They both closed their eyes and he activated his Skill/Power/Spell Trainer ability. Then imprinted the abilities. Shatterpoint was an odd ability found in the Force. Though Lash technically didn't know it himself. Thanks to the light side holocrons at the Venura temple. He was aware of it. Shatterpoint allowed the Force-User to detect the fault, or weakness in a thing. Generally used during combat, one could detect the fatal flaw in a target. They could then tap that location with the force and kill, wound, and/or disable a target.

But, in this case. Lash wanted Ahsoka to use it on the damaged walker. She would use the ability to detect what was broken, and where. Then with Science Intuition she could explain what was broken. Now, technically Lash didn't need help with this. He could just use Repair. But he wanted to keep Ahsoka busy. Once Lash was done with the imprint he used his old friend the tear drop power stone's ability to give her a experience boost. Purple electricity bounced across her skin. Her eyes snapped open and she looked like she had discovered the mysterious of the universe.

“What?! What?! What?!” Ahsoka said in a almost manic expression as she practically vibrated with untapped potential.

“Climb onto that walker and tell me what's wrong with it.” Lash said, and pointed a damaged AT-TE.

“OK!” Ahsoka said, she jumped onto the walker and climbed up with ease.

Then she started to list off what was wrong with it one by one. Lash reached out and cast Repair. Since he new the exact thing he needed it cost a lot less energy. Plus he received mentor experience from Ahsoka. With Telekinesis, Lash lifted the walker up. Then they slowly worked together to repair it. One by one the walkers were fixed.

  • Ahsoka Tano has obtained Science Intuition (Engineering), and Partial Shatterpoint.

Lash received the prompt, and smiled. They had repaired six walkers so far and Ahsoka continued to act like a squirrel who had drank one to many energy drinks. Before either of them knew it, every single walker had been repaired and the twenty four hour time limit popped. Ahsoka all but collapsed into unconsciousness. Lash caught her mid repair, and carried her to the Basilisk. By the time he left the ship he found Obi-Wan with a smile on his face.

“I tried talking to you before, but the both of you were in a trance of some kind. I've never seen Padawan Tano like that before. Thank you for working with her, I fear we were all in our own heads at the time. Are you up for a briefing?” Obi-Wan asked with wry grin on his face.

“Of course Obi-Wan, lead the way.” Lash said with a bow.

“Do the Jensaarai practice the pairing of masters with apprentices?” Obi-Wan asked as they walked across the base. Clone troopers were getting the newly repaired AT-TE's underday.

“We do... An apprentice is paired with a defender. But, it's never longer than a standard year. Every teacher has their own method of operation within the Jensaarai code. It's important for the apprentice to learn that there is more than one way to work with the Force.” Lash replied, and a look of surprised came over Obi-Wan's face. A discussion about philosophy was on the horizon. But a military briefing first.

The briefing was to take place in one of the newly built underground bunkers. Clone commanders stood at attention as Lash, and Obi-Wan walked in. Anakin was talking with Clone Commander Rex. While Senator Organa was listening. Due to the storm in the atmosphere which they had learned covered the whole planet. Organa couldn't leave.

“Anakin, how did your scouting mission go?” Obi-Wan asked, the boy wonder grimaced.

“Not well... Looks like you all had a better time here. Rex says all of the walkers are ready to move?” Anakin asked.

“Your apprentice helped me with the repairs. She's learned the force technique Shatterpoint. She used it to sense what was broken, and where.” Lash replied, and a look of astonishment crossed Anakin's, and Obi-Wan's face. While Rex and Organa looked confused. Lash took a brief moment to explain what the technique was.

“Is that a common ability?” Organa asked.

“Dear lord, no! As far as I am aware only Master Windu knows the ability within the entire Jedi Order.” Obi-Wan said with a sly grin.

“I didn't realize it could be used in engineering.” Anakin said with a proud smile for Ahsoka.

“It has several uses, even in the medical field.” Lash said, then knocked on the holographic display table to get the topic back on track.

“Right, we scouted the city had found several work, and prisoner camps. All of them are empty. Not a single droid, or Christophsian. From what the Mandalorian's who offered to join me say. They found tracks heading to the north east. They had left before the storm.” Anakin said to the room.

“There dead, General Ripper used them in a Sith ritual. That is what the storm was.” Lash said, and a bone chilling cold settled in the pits of everyone's stomach.

“All of them?” Organa asked.

“Yes, and more than likely that is what they are doing to maintain the storm above the planet. The longer the storm is here, the more they'll have to sacrifice.” Lash replied, and the whole room went pale at the implications.

“How many?” Anakin asked, as he ground his molars.

“I'd estimate a few million to ensure the storm lasts a month or two.” Lash did some quick calculations thanks to Force Magic, and Magic Intuition.

“This is a lightning storm they can aim?” Commander Rex asked.

“Correct.” Lash confirmed his suspicion.

“Can the Jensaarai, and the Jedi stop the storm?” Organa asked.

“I believe if we can find the focus point, it could be easily accomplished?” Obi-Wan asked, and Lash nodded in agreement.

Anakin slammed his fist into the holographic table and yelled in frustration. The whole room focused their attention on him. “Let's mount up and head to the North East!” Anakin said to them them.

“While normally I would say we should scout ahead. But if this is all to be believed then we shouldn't waste time. Every moment that passes is another life lost. Commander Rex, find Cody and prepare the men to leave.” Obi-Wan said, Cody being Obi-Wan's own clone commander.

“Right away!” Rex said and raced out of the command tent.

“With your permission I'm going to stay back just a few hours. I'll work to repair any, and all of the speeder bikes we have available, along with any of the gun ships still not repaired. Once everything is within working order I'll bring them in from behind.” Lash offered the room, and they all agreed easily enough.

Lash returned to the machine shop located on the base and started to cast Repair in a wide area of effect on every piece of equipment they had available. But it didn't take long before the Jensaarai, and the Mandalorians showed up. The Mando's wanted to join the Jedi in the fight. Which was a sentence Lash never expected to hear. But the mass sacrifice of innocent people hit a nerve with them. The Militia officers were ordered to stay and organize the Christophsian people into a working army. Because if they failed, Ripper would be coming for them next.

The Jensaarai were on the fence about what to do. Lash offered council but in the end it was their choice. Technically they were assigned to the militia. But the more Force-Users that came with the main army would drastically improve their chances of succeeding. In the end they decided to follow Lash as the reinforcements. They broke apart and worked with the armored division to get everything up and running. Time would tell if their decision was the best one...


(Christophsis, CIS Base Camp.)

Asajj Ventress, Dark Jedi and first of Count Dooku's servants was filled with mystified terror. As she wanted a tornado made up entirely of dark side Force energy spin in place at the center of the camp. Sith Force ghosts surrounded the tornado and spoke in an ancient tongue that stripped the very will away from those that heard it. Ventress repeated the Sith Code over and over in a mantra to keep her focus.

Ventress was pale as a ghost as she watched Christophsian prisoners walk towards the tornado with glazed expressions. They all had a look of pure euphoric rapture on their faces. As if they've been asked to ascend to some kind of paradise rather then give their lives to fuel a spell that consumed their planet in a storm. Red crystal veins spread from the tornado through the turquoise crystal landscape. It pulsated with energy, like...Like Ripper's armor did.

B1, and B2 battle droids walked the perimeter around the camp with tight military precision she had never seen in a droid before. Each of them had a sinister aura about them now. Ventress knew why, it had to do with the new data, and processing center that Ripper had made. The droid had found the best, and brightest Christophsian scientist within the prison, and work camps. Then pulled their brains out! Ripper plunged them into some kind of alchemical solution, and plugged them into a machine. Since then the droids all moved differently, acted differently, felt differently.

“Mistress Ventress!” A B2 battle droid came to her side and saluted. Ventress glared at the behemoth of metal.

“What!?” She snarled at the machine.

“General Ripper requests your presence in the command room. The enemy is moving.” The B2 battle droid said.

“Tell him I'll be there shortly.” Ventress all but hissed at it. But the B2 battle droid refused to move.

“He wants you now.” The Battle droid said, and several droids started to walk towards her location in the camp.

Ventress ignited her red lightsabers and moved to strike the battle droid down. But her blades were caught in its hand. Dark side energy overflowed across its armored shell. Ventress's eyes went wide in terror. Then before she could react a B1 battle droid shot her with a stun bolt. Merciful darkness swallowed her mind. Regretfully it didn't last long.

Ventress found herself in the main command chamber, she lay across the floor. She took her time to look around only to see General Ripper who stood over a holographic display table. He wore the tattered remains of skin, and flesh. Like it was some kind of sorcerer gown. By his side was a wide eyed, groveling zealot general Loathsom. Who's eyes were blood shot. He was gnawing on a bone, while saliva dripped from his maw. Ripper's red synthetic eyes looked up and focused on Ventress.

“Mistress your awake. I apologize for the way the troops treated you. But they said you refused to come when I called for you.” Ripper said in his synthetic masculine voice that sent shivers down Ventress's spine.

“I said I would come to you shortly. They didn't take that as an answer.” Ventress said, murder was in her eyes as she slowly stood up. Only for her to realize her lightsabers were missing. They sat by Rippers hands on the table.

How distressing... Come here, please. I have something to show you.” Ripper said, and beckoned Ventress towards the table like a parent would a child. Ventress grit her teeth but gradually moved over.

The holographic display table showed an army of clone troopers making their way towards their camp. Hundreds of battle droids were putting up a fierce resistance. But they were falling back. Almost as if they were guiding the clone army into a trap? As if Ripper read her mind, he moved the display towards a gauntlet between two skyscrapers. Bombs were rigged to blow, sending steel, glass, and crystal shards down on top of the army.

“In approximately six hours a window will open in the storm. You will take your personal solar sailor yacht and leave Christophis. Please tell Count Dooku I failed to keep the planet.” Ripper informed her, and Ventress's mind froze from the sudden non sequitur.

“What!? You just showed me how you are going to win. The storm above us will hold for weeks as long as you continue to sacrifice the Christophsian's. Why are you going to lose the planet?” Ventress asked, completely caught off guard.

“Tch, tch, tch. Mistress Ventress, please understand that we don't have the sacrifices necessary to sustain the storm. In a few days it will abate, the republic will reinforce the Jedi. Then we'll lose.” Ripper's tone of voice sounded like a teacher talking down to a ignorant student.

“So why are you sending me away!? I have seen what you have done to the droids. You've made them into living puppets that can fight on par with the clones!” Ventress screamed at him.

“I'm sending you away because we will receive no reinforcements. Count Dooku has no intention of coming to our aid. He despises my creator so much, he is willing to forfeit this planet just to make Lord Enfarious look bad.” Ripper informed her, and suddenly a puzzle piece seem to click into place.

“But...But why?” Ventress asked as her mind began to spin.

“The Sith are disgusting creatures, Mistress Ventress. If they could put aside their petty differences until after all their enemies had been killed. They would have ruled the galaxy over a millennia ago. But they are always to busy trying to one up each other. Full of petty grievances, old jealousies, and hatreds. Darth Tyranus is terrified that Lord Enfarious will replace him.” Ripper politely informed her, and for a brief moment his voice was soft, and soothing.

“No, I understand that! Why are you sending me away!” Ventress snarled at him, her anger gave her focus.

“Because you are important to Lord Enfarious.” Ripper said, and all the anger in the world couldn't help Ventress now. Her body, mind, and soul went cold.

“...Me...” Ventress squeaked.

“Yes you. So, you will take the solar sailor and leave the planet. Inform Count Dooku that you read between the lines of his mission briefing and used the time to sabotage my efforts on the planet. This is a detailed record of everything I did. It will make Dooku, and more importantly you look amazing in the eyes of Darth Sidious. Now, you only have five hours, and forty two minutes until the storm opens. Please make ready.” Ripper said, and passed a holo recorder that clearly had been edited. But no one but Ventress would know that.

Ventress took the holo recorder and was escorted to her solar sailor. She sat in silence in the ship and tried to comprehend what kind of plans Lord Enfarious had for her. Before she knew it an alarm went off and her ship went into auto pilot. It broke the storm with ease and deployed her sails. Just like Count Dooku's ship, the solar sails allowed Ventress to activate her hyperspace drive without detection, and she left no discernible trail to be followed.

Down below on the planet of Christophsis the battle between the republic, and the CIS began...


(Christophsis. 501St, and 212th Clone Legions.)

Clone Commander Rex aka CT-7567 worked alongside General Skywalker, and Commander Tano in the 501st. Rex had worked with General Skywalker for only a few short weeks. But he had to say he was impressed with the Generals bravery, but also his skill in battle. Rex like many of the clone commanders had been told time, and time again by their instructors at Kamino that the Jedi were complete morons when it came to basic tactics, and strategy.

Rex was happy to report that General Skywalker was an outlier. He did see the inexperience nature of Commander Tano. Having to take orders from a child, even a Jedi was confusing to Red. Then he heard stories from Clone Commander Cody aka CT-2224 about General Obi-Wan's lack of experience. So Rex was more than happy to work with General Skywalker unconventional tactics.

General Skywalker led from the front. Very rarely did the Jedi give an order, and was not smack in the thick of things when the plan was put into motion. Almost to the point that Rex had to wrangle his own General to take cover from time to time. They had good chemistry, and a soldier couldn't ask for a better commander who looked after their own.

Rex was like any other clone. He stood at approximately 5'9” or 6' even with his boots on. He had leathery brown tanned skin, with shaved black hair that he decided to dye blond for...reasons. Due to General Skywalker's method of operation Rex went in for additional training to become a ARC-Trooper. (Advanced Recon Commando) Though he was the commander of the 501st he chose to wear a blue color to represent his original rank of lieutenant before he got a battlefield promotion due to the original commander dying.

Rex had been trained by the Mandalorian warriors at Kamino, along with a few others. Instructor Wraith had encouraged diversity among the ranks, and different specialist. As did the Mandalorians. So the ARC-Troopers stylized their armor after the Mandalorians themselves. Rex had a double blue pauldron, and a kama leather armor kilt. While the rest of his armor was decorated with blue stripes. His face mask sported Jaig Eyes which was a symbol in Mandalore for honor. His favored weapon were two blaster pistols he had on his belt. Along with a plethora of tools, and goodies in his belt. Like any good Mandalorian would have.

Clone Commander Rex was currently on foot as he moved along in front of an armored column of AT-TE's. General Skywalker, and General Kenobi had just pulled their entire group out of a trap set by the CIS droid general, Ripper. Two Christophsian skyscrapers were set to collapse right on top of them. Red didn't know how the Force worked, but if it tells the Jedi to watch out. Rex had better learn to listen.

The Clone troopers were moving in a scattered sight line movement. They would always have each other in their sights. If a trooper was ever out of sight for longer then fifteen seconds an auxiliary troop would rush to their position to check on them. Why, did they do this? Well for the past mile or so they encountered spider holes. B1 battle droids who had swapped out their blaster rifles for viroblade claws? These things looked freaky. Covered in blood, and tattered skin. They had an almost rabid personality.

“Geeaaah!” A clone trooper shouted not twenty feet from Rex.

“Enemy contact!” Rex shouted and pulled his side arms from his belt and raced towards the troopers last known location. They found a slip in the ground and pulled it open. “Open fire!” Rex shouted and his troopers unloaded into the hole.

The trooper was already dead, shredded by the rabid droid. But the troopers realized to late that they had lost their focus. Another spider hole opened up and a droid tackled another trooper. Then another, and another. Rex called for assistance and General Skywalker fell out of the sky with a vengeance. His lightsaber sliced, and diced through the droids with ease. But the crazy things sprung away like those nexu cat things.

Just as the last of the rabid droids had been dispatched they all heard the unmistakable screech of a vulture droid flying through the air. “Take cover!” Rex shouted to his troops and they sprinted towards the AT-TE's. The vulture droids flew down from the dark sky in formation around Hyena Droid fighters. Who were essentially vulture droids with a bomb module.

But right before the bombs hit missile pods shot from behind the armored column. LAAT-Gunships flew over and shot down the Hyenas. The troopers cheered, as their reinforcements had shown up. Speeder bikes, and assault personal carriers ran through the column. Rex let his men cheer for a minute more.

“Alright lock it up troopers! We have the momentum, let's push forward!” Rex ordered.

“Yes sir!” The troopers responded and jumped back into formation. Rex came over to General Skywalker's side. He was speaking into his wrist comm.

“Hey Snips, did you enjoy your nap?” General Skywalker asked.

“Why didn't you wake me Skyguy!? I had to find out from Master Lash that the entire troop had left hours ago.” Commander Tano's young voice called over the comm.

“We were only able to leave because of the work you, and Lash did on the walkers. You deserved a good rest.” General Skywalker said with a smile as he looked at Rex who chuckled at the situation.

Then a almost predator engine roar flew overhead. The Jensaarai Master Lash's gunship the Basilisk was in the air. It shot down the rest of the droid star fighters with ease. That thing was a certifiable monster with armor, and turbo lasers. It began an open perimeter patrol route around the army as we moved forward. Rex couldn't help but smile. Grand Admiral Lash was walking, talking, supply depot.

“Well looks like everyone is here, Rex. Let's get to work.” General Skywalker said.

“Yes General!” Rex said with a crisp salute and took off.


Lash sat in the primary pilot seat for the Basilisk. Several data points had linked into his suit of armor which allowed him to control the whole ship with ease. According to Padawan Ahsoka it looked disturbing to see all those wires sticking out of him. He had explained what they did. That only made it worse. The Basilisk flew over the armored column with a quiet grace of a predator stalking in the tall grass. Thanks to the armor it gave off no viable signal. Because of the dark storm above it would disappear into the cloud line.

Several miles out was the CIS base camp. A tornado of energy rose high into the sky and fed the dark side sacrificial energy into it. The Basilisk's sensor readings were going haywire. While the threat of an extensional dread filled the air the closer they got to the camp. The oppressive energy of the dark side was bearing down them. Then before they knew it. Artillery fire from the base started to fire onto the armored column.

Lash punched the acceleration on the Basilisk and roared towards the firing line. “This is your pilot speaking. All crew to the turrets. Weapons free, priority targets will be marked.” Lash called through the intercom. He received confirmation lights on his UI.

“Time to play.” Lash said with a grin and flew over the base. Surface to air missiles, and anti-air turbo lasers tried to target him. But their targeting computers couldn't get a lock. They had to fire line of sight, which was a crap shoot in it self.

Lash passed next to the tornado and tilted the ship. He didn't see any prisoners being sacrificed. That meant they had ran out of sacrifices. His own computer marked everything and sent it to Rex, and Cody for clear IFF tags. All the while Ahsoka, and the rest of the turret crews unloaded into the base. Lash missile locked a few tanks and fired self guiding energy bolts. (Asgardian tech)

But the fun and games could last as dozens of vulture droid star fighters took off from the camp. Lash pulled up and away into the storm above. Lightning cracked across their shields. Then it became a game of cat and mouse. The vulture droids fired into the soup. A few shots got lucky, most missed. Lash shut down his engines, and flipped his repulsors. The Basilisk did a 180 in the air. Then he kicked the engine on and marked the targets. Energy bolts shot out like swarm missiles and destroyed more than half.

“Wooooooo!” Ahsoka called out from her weapon station. The turret crews destroyed the rest.

“Commander Rex, all fighters are down.” Lash called out across the comm.

“Roger that, Admiral Lash. Come around and take out their anti-armor if you can.” Rex shouted through the comm as explosions were heard in the background.

“Copy, moving into position now.” Lash replied and came out of the storm clouds.

The republic troops had encircled the CIS base and were hammering them. The CIS had deployed shields around their artillery, along with point defense cannons that shot the cannon shells from the AT-TE out of the air before they could hit. Anakin, and Obi-Wan were in the middle of the enemy camp fighting against a horde of battle droids. While the clone troopers stuck to cover and provided fire support.

Lash drove his ship to fly right above the artillery location and dove straight down. All guns fired in rapid succession along with his energy missiles. They bombarded half of the artillery until out of no where a lightning strike the Basilisk and sent it off course. The entire ship lost power for a moment, and they went into a reckless spin. Without power, the gravity engines were down and every felt the G's as they spun.

“I'm....a...leaf....on....the....wind....” Lash said as he sent Repair through his ship as fast as he could go. Power flipped on at the last moment and engines roared to life a hundred feet from the ground. Lash gunned the engine and pulled up. Heroic Luck sent him an experience prompt.

Lash pulled the Basilisk around to see a figure in the middle of the camp was shooting blood red Sith lightning out. The figure was destroying heavy walker, after heavy walker. Doing a twisted form of chain lightning. The dark side tornado was no where to be seen. The storm above them was starting to dissipate. Ripper had pulled what was left into his own body. His droid shell wasn't designed to hold that much power.

“All ground troops, pull back immediately! The Sith Sorcerer can't contain that much power. They are a walking time bomb! Get out of there now!” Lash shouted into the comm chatter. Blissfully he was heard as the clone troopers on the ground started to pull back.

'Thank you for the opportunity to serve, creator. Be well.' -Ripper said across their link. Lash reached out and tried to hold onto his spirit. Then an explosion of dark side energy momentarily imploded. Then a mushroom cloud erupted in its place.

The Basilisk was caught in the shock wave and was sent flying through the air. Alarms rang out in shrill voices, and the proximity sensor screamed at him. Lash heard Ahsoka scream, and a few of the Jensaarai aboard did as well. Lash was thankful he was linked into the ship. He wrapped a sphere of Telekinetic energy around the whole ship. Then did the same for his crew. Just in time for his view screen to clear and see a giant mountain of crystal in front of him.

“Well crap!”

First draft, raw, unedited.

Hello! So one of the things that I've noticed that Fan-Fiction Authors tend to do is skip character description. Normally this is because they believe if you are reading a fan-fic you the reader should know what the characters look like. I personally hate this. I think it's important to describe known characters. Because it helps tell the story. You can learn a lot about the Author by how they describe people. Plus, who knows maybe someone picked up the fan-fic not knowing who, what anyone was. So character description is important. I always told myself I would describe characters, and so I have. Thanks for reading!

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