Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 133: Force Martial Art


***HR. Africa, New Atlantis Settlement.***

On the western coast of Africa several villages, towns, and cities had come under control of Atlantis. They have volunteered to be placed under the rulers of the oceans. During the first invasion against Rofl Dex's armies they had been left to the mercy of not only the local warlords but their corrupted government officials. Once the power was returned, and communication was reestablished. Their government found that Atlantis had taken the coasts.

King Arthur Curry proclaimed that they were aiding in humanitarian aid. They would release the cities, towns, and villages back to the people once they had rebuilt the civilian, government, and military infrastructure. The nations of Africa who had their cities taken from them were not happy about it. But as metal shards rained from the skies, and cybernetic soldiers poured out. They were very thankful for the help of Atlantis.

The armies of Atlantis, Xebel, Fishermen, and Brine stormed the beaches and took the fight to the cyber-slaves that rushed into the coastal cities. The people ran towards the oceans, towards massive ships that could accommodate them. Hydro energy shots filled the air like rain. Then a storm of flesh, and bone arose from the water. The Karathen, the mighty titan of the oceans had shown up, and shown up hungry. The great monster sent her tendrils, and tentacles to ensnare metal shards and cracked them open like crab shells.

Hundreds of cyber aerial drones flew through the air and harassed the creature like bees attacking a bear. The Karathen sent a psychic scream across the beach. The cyber-slaves, and drones had their main processors burst like water melons. Then the mighty titan dove back into the water at the behest of the King. Cities across the world were under siege, and the Karathen was still hungry. Cheers erupted from the people. For them, the invasion was over before it even began. Just goes to show. Don't fuck with the people of the ocean.


Arthur Curry, King of Atlantis stood at approximately 6'3” (1.9m). With a wild mane deep brown hair. He had a collection of braids, and jewelry tied into his braids. Along with a combed, and stylized beard that touched his chest. He was wide as door without an ounce of fat on him. He wore golden fish scale armor that covered him from neck to toe. In his left hand was the golden trident of King Atlan. The weapon vibrated in the man's hand. The spell inscription on the weapon glowed faintly.

Arthur looked tired, worn out, and all around pissed off. He had spent the day talking to diplomats that 'demanded' his help with securing their commercial, and financial holdings. Who cared about the people, the leaders of the nations worried about their money. As far as Arthur knew, the machine intelligence was still on Earth preparing for the next attack. The diplomats were informed of this little tidbit and they still demanded that Atlantis help them secure their banks. Arthur said no, plain and simple.

When Arthur returned to the water he was accosted by the high borne of the people of Atlantis. They wanted to raid the surface and take over more land. The people on the coastal cities were practically begging to be under Atlantis rule. Arthur assured them that they will do all they can for the relief aid. But made no mention of a take over or not. This was not how he wanted his people to connect with the surface. So in the end Arthur settled for standing on the beach. Half on land, half in the water.

As the sun set, and darkness took the world. Arthur stared up at the skies to see the ocean of stars. Shooting stars raced across the skies every few minutes. But he knew it was debris from the battle burning up in the atmosphere. All the same it was beautiful to see. He closed his eyes and listened to the tide wash up against the beach. He tried to block out the noise of people, the fires burning in the distance, and the occasional gun shot. Why did he sign up for this job again?

“Arthur?” A feminine voice called out. Arthur turned to see his lovely wife walking up to him.

Y'Mera Xebella Challa, daughter of King Nereus, and Queen of Atlantis stood at approximately 5'9” (1.7m) with vibrant red curly hair that was swept past her shoulders, and held out of her face by a simple three point golden crown. She wore a form fitting green fish scale armor piece that went from neck to toe. With a golden belt, along with a golden A for the buckle. Her hourglass figure made some believe she was fragile. She was not. Mera was a trained as a warrior since childhood. She knew how to use every part of her body, and mind as a weapon.

“Mera? How are the cities up north?” Arthur asked as he dismissed his trident. The magical weapon turned into pure energy and flowed into his body.

“Secure, the Karathen says thank you. She was hungry, and there are only so many whales, and krakens in the ocean.” Mera said with a smile, as she came to her husbands side and wrapped her arms around him.

Arthur took a moment to wrap his arms around his wife and just embrace the feeling of her by his side. No matter where he laid his head at night. This, right here was home to him. They stayed together like that for several minutes before Mera regretfully pulled away. She gave him that look. The look of 'We have work to do.' Arthur sighed, and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“What's on the agenda?” Arthur asked.

“The Watchtower will complete its initial repairs tomorrow. They'll be able to start sending supplies to the distribution centers the day after.” Mera began to say. Arthur was confused, that sounded like good news.

“The Thanagarians contacted us once communication was established. They saw that Brainiac was attacking us. So they sent an armada to... Help us.” Mera said next, and a feeling of dread came over Arthur.

“When are they showing up?” Arthur asked.

“A few days, a week at the most. Which according to Hawkman, and Hawkwoman is not a good thing. Because traveling from Thanagar to the Sol System would take weeks to accomplish.” Mera said with a grimace.

“Which means they already had a fleet in the area. Can we tell them we don't need help?” Arthur asked.

“We can, and we have. Unfortunately they don't trust the Hawks anymore, and their original deal was with Wraith.” Mera said, as she brushed some of her hair back behind her ears.

“So big the big lizard on the line...” Arthur said, as he fiddled with one of Mera's locks of hair.

“He stepped into a red Rift a little while ago.” Mera said, as she swept her hair back out of his reach. Arthur didn't try and snag her hair like he normally would.

“So not only do we have to deal with Brainiac's forces, we have a military fleet of Thanagarians who are here to 'help us'. But will not leave unless Wraith tells them to leave? We have no idea when he is coming out of the Rift. So now we have two armies attacking us?” Arthur said as he cradled his face with his hands.

“We have one hostile force, and one frenemy.” Mera corrected him.

“Oh! I have an idea!” Arthur said as a thought struck him.

“Careful, you might hurt yourself.” Mera said with a smile, as Arthur gave her a playful glare.

“Well, we do have allies in the alternate reality right? Why don't we ask AR-Superman for some help?” Arthur suggested, and Mera stopped short.

“That is actually a good idea...” Mera said, a little shocked.

“Don't look so surprised. Wraith gave me the full package in here.” Arthur said as he tapped his noggin. Mera gave him a bemused smile and kissed him lightly....


***Rift. Star Wars.***

(Planet of Naboo.)

Celebration! The trade blockade, and invasion of Naboo was over. The Trade Federation, and their Viceroy Nute Gunray were on their way to Coruscant to stand trial. Pity that the trial would never get anywhere. Nute was to well connected to ever go to prison. He'd make bail and would never be seen in the core systems again. Palpatine would make sure of that. But aside from Lash, and Palpatine no one on Naboo knew that. In the minds of the people justice had been served.

The City of Theed was filled with color as decorations had been placed around the entire city. On the royal road from the main gate, towards the palace a parade of military figures marched past street after street. Gungan soldiers in their finest armor, and gear strode forward. Drummers played a triumphant beat that caused the heart to beat quicker. Trumpets played, and people cheered. Members of the royal security force were spread through out the parade. Along with the Jensaarai Force-Supers in full armor. Lightsabers out, they whirled them around in an artful display. Lash walked out in front of his people throwing his daggers into the air like a juggler.

Behind him was General Jar Jar Binks, Captain Tarpals on their Kaadu's. The avian-reptile creatures they used for mounts. Behind them was Boss Noss who was riding a giant fambaas. A reptilian amphibian, on four legs, long tail, and a snout. The creatures had been domesticated by the Gungans, and this one was dressed up nicely. They even painted its scales. Boss Noss waved from his seat in his ceremonial garb.

Eventually the parade reached its destination. Standing at the top of the footsteps towards the palace was Queen Amidala (real one) wearing another flamboyant white gown with white feathers along the side, a full moon white fan on the back. Her hair done up in several braids, and top knots. Along with a painted pale face, and silver chain crown over her forehead. By her side were four handmaidens. Wearing ornate turquoise robes, with hoods that partially hid their faces. The Jedi Council stood behind, and off to the side. Along with Chancellor Palpatine, his elite guard, and several elected officials.

Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi stood off to the side. Qui-Gon with his new Padawan learner Anakin Skywalker. While Obi-Wan with his Padawan braid removed, and ordained a Jedi Knight. Shmi Skywalker stood with them with a smile on her face, wearing Naboo royal blue, and purple silk. R2-D2 had been cleaned. His white, and blue colors shinning brilliantly. But not as much as C-3PO's golden shell.

Boss Noss dismounted and strode up the stairs. Jar Jar, and Tarpals were behind him. Then behind them was Lash. Lash stood off to the side, with Jar Jar, and Tarpals. While the Queen gave Boss Noss the orb of peace. A glimmering white orb that glowed with iridescent light. Noss raised it above his head and cheered. The crowds went wild. The Queen glanced at Anakin who smiled at her. She smiled back, then looked back out across the scene.

The cheering continued for several minutes then just as Noss was about to relax someone tapped on Lash's shoulder. He turned around to find himself back in the black room with Dawn. She was still in her Hutt form and was sucking on a hooka and blowing smoke rings. The floor was covered in pillows, and Dawn-Hutt lounged on a giant couch. Her green skin glowed slightly, and her yellow cat like eyes peered over at him. Lash chuckled and came to sit down on the pillows in front of her.

“So, are you staying? Or going?” Dawn-Hutt asked, as she sucked on the hooka.

“I'd like to stay, and let my rewards ride to the next.” Lash replied, and Dawn-Hutt nodded in understanding.

“You have 500 WP's to spend, remember there is a point total cap that you can't cross.” Dawn-Hutt said to him. Then pulled on the hooka again, she blew the smoke out with a glazed expression on her giant slug like face.

“What did you want to do with the third moon of Naboo?” Dawn-Hutt asked before Lash could pull up recommendations.

“Oh, I was going to practice terraforming it. The third moon was a barren rock, just like Gaia's moon. But now that I think about it. That would have been more difficult than I planned.” Lash admitted to her.

Normally Lash would have used his favorite obsidian obelisks and created a verdant jungle around them. Then create the planetary shields to help create a viable atmosphere. Then restart the moon's core, etc, etc. But he realized a problem. All of that was magitek. He was the only available source of magic in the galaxy. Unless he was willing to plug himself in, and stay there forever. It wouldn't work.

“Can I purchase things from the Dream Store while I'm up here?” Lash asked, and Dawn-Hutt pulled up a store window for him.

Lash typed in 'The Force' into the search engine and hundreds of examples came up. Once again Lash was reminded that abilities are often based off of the Users perception. One person could want alchemy and they would get potions, medicine, and enchanting. While another would get alchemy with transmutation. As in Full Metal Alchemist, transmutation. Then another User would want both. That alone would mean that alchemy had three different options.

The Force could mean a plethora of things. The Force control of elemental energy. Force control of kinetic energy. Force control of reality. So Lash pulled up a tool tip that connected to his keywords to help narrow down his search. Typed in Star Wars. Hundreds of options were pulled up. That was when he saw User reviews for some of them.

“Dawn, is Star Wars one of the Dream Engine's available story lines. I don't mean a Rift, but the actual world?” Lash asked, and Dawn-Hutt nodded several times.

“Does that mean I'll meet some VI avatars running around like I did in the MCU Rift?” Lash asked. Though they didn't do much, it was still nice to see several VI Asgardians.

“No, not this time. That was changed by the developers. The extra coding for the VI Avatars in a fixed story cause problems for the original User of the Rift. In example several Jedi VI Avatars hunted down Palpatine before he was revealed as Darth Sidious. Destroyed the whole story for the original Rift Walker.” Dawn-Hutt replied, as she focused her eyes on him.

“Couldn't they just pick and choose who would follow the story and who wouldn't?” Lash asked, and Dawn-Hutt nodded.

“They could, but for now they did the easiest option and removed the VI Avatars from the Rifts.” Dawn-Hutt replied, then sucked on the hooka again. She blew scented smoke on to Lash's helmet. He chuckled at her and returned to his shopping.

“Dawn, what is Force Manipulation? I got it as a sub-ability when I mastered Telekinesis.” Lash asked, as he glanced up at her.

Force Manipulation is...What many would call a broken ability. The issue that many have is that you have to learn to use it yourself. You were given Force Manipulation not just because you used DP, and AEP to max out Telekinesis. But also because of you other existing abilities.” Dawn-Hutt replied, then conjured up a bowl of something. Pulled out a living creature and popped it into her mouth. Lash winced when he heard the thing squeal for help before she bit down.

“So I can't buy a manual?” Lash asked with a chuckle, and she shook her head.

Lash looked up Force Manipulation and found that the information on it had been blocked. The listing was there, and several hundred Users who had it. But the method of control, and what it could do was removed. That was pretty rare! So it was a hidden ability. Once the Dream Engine was fully released people could go to alternate websites to find guides. But for now, his options were limited.

Can I buy a Star Wars Galaxy map?” Lash asked, and with a flick of her wrist Dawn-Hutt brought up the requested store page.

  • Star Wars Galaxy Map: The User is granted a record of the basic galaxy map of Star Wars. In their current timeline. Additional options are as followed....(See tool tip.) 100 DP.

    • Sub-Note: Will work in tandem with Map.

  • Star Wars Galaxy Map: The User is granted a record of the entire known galaxy map of Star Wars. Including smugglers routes, government access, Jedi, and Sith lanes. Additional options are as followed...(See tool tip.) 500 DP.

    • Sub-Note: Will work in tandem with Map.

  • Star Wars Galaxy Map: The User is granted a record of the entire known, and unknown galaxy map of Star Wars. Every star system, every hyper space lane, paths through dangerous portions of space. Including an interactive map that allows the User to select and learn the info of the area. Additional options are as followed...(See tool tip.) 1,000 DP.

    • Sub-Note: Will work in tandem with Map.

  • Attention! The User has purchased Star Wars Galaxy Map, 1,000 DP.

    • Side-Note: Has been linked to Map.

Lash closed the store catalog and pulled up his Map in the black room. A giant holographic model of the galaxy blew up the room. He even saw the entire unknown region mapped out. The Chiss Ascendancy was on the map. Along with several others... Who were the Yuuzhan Vong? Lash pulled up a star system and got nothing but ???.

“Sorry User that is tied to a story event.” Dawn-Hutt supplied an answer.

“Well that can't be good.” Lash said with a chuckle and closed his Map. He then pulled up the World Point page and saw something he immediately bought.

  • Transformation of Veruna: The User spends several months on the third moon of Naboo, Veruna creating machines that help restore the moon. Fully automated, and within a year the moon is capable of supporting life. All be it barely. 50 WP.

    • Side-Note: The User obtains several blueprints, and designs for terraforming engines.

    • The User has purchased, Transformation of Veruna for 50 WP.

As soon as Lash spent the points he received memories from his time on the moon. He had scoured through the galactic holonet for engines to transform the moon. Then with Science Intuition and several other abilities he redesigned and improved them. He met several issues along the way. Just as he expected he couldn't make magical technology work. But it was a challenge he enjoyed. Then as quick as the memories came it was over. Lash found himself still in the black room.

“That's new!” Lash said as he turned towards Dawn.

“Yes, the developers put it in. The User's can now have access to a collection of memories per purchase. It helps them paint a better picture for future purchases.” Dawn-Hutt replied, as she settled back against the couch she sat on. Hands on her giant belly.

  • The Jensaarai Order: The Jensaarai Order is formed, and bound together by family beyond blood. The User spends time setting up the organization, and establishes an enclave on the third moon of Naboo, Veruna. 50 WP.

    • The User has purchased, The Jensaarai Order for 50 WP.

Same as before Lash felt a coursing river of memories pour into his mind. As he was transforming the moon to support life he created vast underground networks of tunnels, bunkers, and self contained bio-domes under the moon's surface. Places to train, and places to stay. As he used his magic the Force rushed in to gobble up every last ounce. But the effect was the same. He created a temple that was saturated with Force energy. Then within a few years the moon would have a jungle on it, if he had anything to say about it.

  • Criminal Syndicate: The User spends several years to establish themselves as a criminal mastermind. Creating a vast network of information, trade, smuggling, and other illegal deals. He is both friend and enemy to organizations like the Pykes, and Black Suns, among others. 50 WP.

“Tempting, but no thank you.” Lash said, as he brushed the selection away.

  • Business License: The User spends the time and the credits to become a fully certified and licensed chairman of their own company. Allowed to work in the core, inner, mid, and outer rim colonies. 50 WP.

    • The User has purchased, Business License for 50 WP.

Once Lash had finished with the moon of Veruna he went to Coruscant and met his 'friend and ally' Chancellor Palpatine. Informing him of his desire for a business. Palpatine supported and directed him to the right people for an expedient certification. A few thousand credits later and Lash was the proud owner of Ghost Industries. With all the rights, privileges, responsibilities, and taxes towards the Republic. Within weeks of obtaining the license he was contacted by system government in the mid rim that was curious if he would be willing to change one of their moons into a different biome type. He agreed, and spent the next month turning a desert moon into grasslands. Allowing the system government to grow abundant crops on the moon.

  • Force Martial Art: The User spends time on Naboo training, and educating the people about the way of the Force Martial Art. An ancient tradition that allows even none Force Users tap into the inner workings of the Living Force. 50 WP.

    • The User has purchased, Force Martial Art for 50 WP.

Once Lash finished with the desert, now grassland moon. He packed up his equipment and went back to Naboo. Where he kept his promise to the Queen who was about to finish her term. The Force Martial Art was created by an ancient order of monks from a history long forgotten. It allowed them to tap into the Force. No, it didn't make them Force Users. But the martial path allowed the practitioner to channel the Force for improved vitality, mental discipline, and self defense. Despite the cultural ideals of pacifism. The people of Naboo took to the art like fish in water.

“Dawn, why are most of these 50 points and above?” Lash asked.

“Because the world is working against you. You have to spend more WP than you normally would. Another reason why you get so many WP's at the end of each event.” Dawn replied.

  • Sith Holocrons: The User obtains a collection of Sith Holocrons from ancient, and powerful Sith. A wide variety of subjects, designs, and diaries are preserved within. 50 WP.

    • The User has purchased, Sith Holocrons for 50 WP.

  • Jedi Holocrons: The User obtains a collection of Jedi Holocrons from ancient, and powerful Jedi. A wide variety of subjects, designs, and diaries are preserved within. 50 WP.

    • The User has purchased, Jedi Holocrons for 50 WP.

  • Jensaarai Holocrons: The User obtains a collection of Jensaarai Holocrons. A wide variety of subjects, designs, and diaries are preserved within. 100 WP.

    • Side-Note: The User has created the Jensaarai years before their original timeline. The User must spend additional points to obtain the information.

    • The User has purchased, Jensaarai Holocrons for 100 WP.

Lash highlighted each one than purchased them together. Just as he intended he received memories of him standing in the great library of the order. From the very fabric of reality entire shelves were filled with Sith, Jedi, and Jensaarai holocrons. The Sith's had pyramid shapes, the Jedi dodecahedron shapes. While the Jensaarai had pyramids inside of dodecahedrons. Then Lash realized he made a mistake. He needed security in this room desperately.

  • General Purpose Droids: The User obtains the necessary facilities to create, house, maintain, and sustain a small army of Droids. From 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th class types. Quality over quantity the User applies their own abilities to improve on the design and each Droid. Which makes it far more capable then their factory version. 100 WP.

    • The User has purchased, General Purpose Droids for 100 WP.

Lash had quickly blocked off the library to prevent his students from going through it. It wasn't that he didn't trust the Jensaarai, it was everyone else. Once the Jedi found out about entire shelves of Sith holocrons they would demand that Lash give them up. He was sure Palpatine would come to his defense...After Lash provided him with copies of each. More on that later. The droid factory was installed within days of the library being filled. Unfortunately these droids were not Technomagical Constructs. But Lash still improved their designs dramatically.

“Alright User! Anything from the Dream Store you would like to purchase?” Dawn-Hutt asked as she slipped off her couch and came over to him in that slug slink way.

“No thank you, Dawn.” Lash replied, and soon found himself falling through the floor of the black room with Dawn the Hutt waving her arms at him in goodbye.


Mandalorian Lash, and Master of the Jensaarai Order caused a large ripple in the galaxy as a whole. Having coming to the assistance of the people of Naboo in their time of need his reputation was favorable to say the least. The new Supreme Chancellor Palpatine went as far as to say he considered Jensaarai Lash to be a good friend, and advisor for years to come. The news that this new order of Force Users already had several hundred practitioners stumped many people. Where did they come from? Surely the rumors were exaggerated?

As his exploits spread across the galaxy more than a few people asked the government of Mandalore if they recognized Lash as one of their people. Duchess Satine Kryze made a public statement that she was happy that the people of Naboo were safe. But the people of Mandalore did not recognize Lash as one of their own. This begged the question of who Lash was. This was solved simply by asking him. The Jensaarai Master, Lash confirmed that he was not from the planet, nor was he genetically related to the people. But he does follow the martial path, tradition, and creed of their warriors. He was sworn in several hundred years ago. He is the last remaining chief of clan Ghost Claw.

Within weeks of his public statement, nomadic tribes of Mandalorian warriors arrived in Naboo space seeking council with the Jensaarai Master. Lash welcomed them with open arms as long as they didn't make war with their neighbors. Upon the completion of the temple on Veruna the practitioners of the path, and several hundred Mandalorian warriors had a home. While the surface of the moon was being rapidly transformed into a livable environment.

Within weeks of the moon's surface becoming capable of sustaining life. Lash left for Coruscant under Mandalorian warrior guard. He acquired his business license, and certificate. Once he completed the biome transformation of the desert moon within record time. His business propositions went through the roof. Several Mandalorian chiefs requested that Lash restore their home world. Lash agreed as long as Duchess Satine allowed him to. Until then he returned to Naboo to keep a promise.

The Force Martial Art taught to the people of Naboo did not stay on Naboo. The Mandalorian warriors had requested the manuals of the art. Lash gave it freely, and even showed additional texts for a more lethal method. He sent the complete manual across the holonet. This had an unexpected consequence. Force sensitive children not discovered by the Jedi reawakened their connection to the Force by practicing the martial art. Hundreds of newly awakened Force Users were identified. But the Jedi were well known for not taking teenagers, or adults. But the Jensaarai did.

Lash spent the next few years teaching new arrivals at the Venura Temple. As he continued to nurture the moon's surface. Within three years one could walk the surface freely, and see trees growing. The solar system of Naboo became a very secure place to visit. As Mandalorian ships patrolled the space. At the mark of the fifth year Duchess Satine agreed to allow Lash to try and restore their home world. As it was now a brutal desert thanks to war, after war by their very own people. As well as outside forces.

Unfortunately the outer rim was not a safe place to be. Filled with pirates, slavers, and the occasional assassin sent by Nute Gunray. Lash met all sorts of people on the outer rim. But he was escorted by Jensaarai, and Mandalorian warriors. But anyone who knew Lash, understood he was the most dangerous person in the escort. The stories people told of him seemed so outlandish that they almost seemed to belong in a story book.

After two years of hard work the radiation on Mandalore had subsided. The atmosphere was slowly repairing itself. Tree's and grass could be seen here and there across the surface. While rain clouds were found at the polar caps. The people of Mandalore strove to restore their home. Entire research and development teams were established and funded. Lash kept the designs of his terraforming engines close to the chest. But he did help them create several genetically altered plant specimens that could help restore the environment.

By the ninth year the planet had obtained an arid environment. In the past the people of Mandalore lived in bio-domes, or cubed cities. To hide away from the sun, and the radiation of their home world. Now, new cities were being built. Stretches of land were cultivated, and turned into farms. Mandalore traditionally imported vast amounts of food. Now they could grow it themselves. But despite the peace the Mandalore was experiencing. All was not well in the Galactic Republic.

Hundreds of star systems were leaving the republic to create the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It also seemed more than likely that hundreds more would join them. The republic was not what it once was. Filled with corruption, and stagnation. The people were tired of the bureaucracy two step. Nothing was getting done, entire planets were suffering. So the Confederacy was born. Led by the former Jedi Master, Count Dooku. This new power in the galaxy has brought the people of the republic to the idea of making a centralized military. A vote has been called, and senators from across the stars were coming to Coruscant to vote on the Act to create a Republic Army.


(Que Star Wars Theme Music)

There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several thousand solar systems have declared their intentions to leave the Republic.

This separatist movement, under the leadership of the mysterious Count Dooku,

has made it difficult for the limited number of Jedi Knights

to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.

Senator Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, is returning to the

Galactic Senate to vote on the critical issue of creating an

ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC to assist the overwhelmed Jedi....


(Above the planet Coruscant, in Senator Amidala's ship.)

Lash stood in the cockpit of the Senator's ship with two Jensaarai, and one Mandalorian by his side. The pilot of the ship received clearance from the Coruscant ship traffic control tower. They approached on the far side of Couscant as far possible from the main assembly of embassies. All in an effort to avoid the assassination plot against Senator Amidala. Three N-1 Naboo starfighters were their escort. They twisted their ship until it was upside down. Which was right side up for where they were landing.

It was cloudy today as they passed through the atmosphere. Or was that smog? Lash hated this planet. When he had first set foot on the surface he broke down and wept in despair. His escorts had thought he was under attack. He explained that the Force was incredibly out of balance on the planet. In truth his Nature Domain had screamed in agony. He had spent several days trying to find the surface of the planet. He never found it. It was just layer, after layer of metal, and concrete. Although his Technomancy Domain loved it.

But back on task. The ship found its landing platform, and the starfighters landed on the same platform. Lash and his team joined the royal security force in escorting the senator off the ship. Lash came directly to her side and Sabe the former handmaiden that looked nearly identical to Padme smiled up at him. Though his helmet kept his features covered his presence made her feel safe. She took his hand into her own and squeezed it as the ramp pulled out.

“We'll be fine, one way or another.” Lash replied with a squeeze of his own then let go as he stepped out.

The procession made their way down the landing ramp just as the embassies land shuttle arrived. Lash stepped out and saw the pilots to the starfighter looking at him. He glanced at Gregar Typho who wore the pilot uniform but kept his saber on his belt. By his side was another pilot, with a clear feminine build. Lash glanced behind him just as Sabe stepped off the ramp. Danger Sense and Foresight activated and Lash created a Telekinetic shield. A scatter shot missile collide with the shield. An explosion of spectacular proportions rocked the whole landing pad.

Everyone rallied on Lash as he was the safest place to be. A Rune of Destruction was crafted in record time. Then a beam of Eldritch Blast shot out from him. It obliterated the automated drone that was in the process of flying away. Then the entire landing pad came under fire. Blaster bolts, missiles, and several assassin droids jumped onto the pad. Lash maintained the shield as the Jensaarai, and the Mandalorian jumped into action.

Gregar ignited his lightsaber and went to town on the droids. While the other Jensaarai deflected bolts of blaster fire. The Mandalorian pulled out a long ranged rifle and started to take out each shooter. An assassin droid jumped at the feminine pilot by Gregar, she slammed her palm into the things chest and it was catapulted off the platform. Lash watched with a smile on his face as the escorts took out the assassination team. He reached into his Nature Domain and called on Weather Control and cleared the fog/smog out of the area. A mild tornado not even category one formed and within minutes the whole area was clear as day.

Eventually the police arrived to secure the area. Lash pulled down his shield gradually as he looked around. Eventually the senator was granted a full escort towards the embassies. It infuriated Lash that they didn't have that to begin with. But it was all part of the plan to destabilize the republic. Palpatine had been very specific. So Lash agreed to go along with it. But senator Amidala was never to be killed. Why? She was important to Anakin.

“It seemed you were right Master Lash. This is becoming a habit.” Padme said to him as they rode the transport to her embassy.

Padme sat down next to him in her royal security force outfit. She had disguised herself for safety. While Sabe had volunteered to be the decoy. Despite her training, Sabe was pale as a ghost on the transport as Gregar spoke to her. Trying to offer some form of comfort. Lash looked back at Padme and shrugged his shoulders.

“Sooner or later I'll be wrong. Hopefully it will be with something mundane like if it will rain or not.” Lash replied in a light tone that made Padme smile at him.

Padme had been 15 years old when she had been Queen during the invasion of Naboo. Now she was approximately 24 by standard count. She kept her approximate height of 5'5” (1.6m), while her rich brown hair was long, and curly past her shoulders. She had an athletic hourglass form. Strong muscles that could cave in a droids chest. Padme was a Force-Super but never joined the Jensaarai. Despite not being trained she kept a natural balance between the sides. Then her brown eyes narrowed in on Lash as he had been looking at her for a while now.

“What? You always do that. Makes me feel like you are looking through my very being.” Padme said with a bit of a pout.

“That's cause he is, milady.” Gregar said from his seat. In truth Lash was looking through her Source Code for any issues.

“Any predictions about the vote?” Padme said, as she brushed her hair back and leaned into her chair.

“The vote will never take place.” Lash replied with an easy attitude. If Palpatines plans went through, it definitely wouldn't.

“What makes you say that?” Sabe called out, she looked a little better.

“Republic security would never admit it. But 16 different senators have been assassinated, you would have been 17.” Lash replied, and the whole transport looked at him in shock.

“Our contacts in the criminal underworld confirmed the kills.” Said the Mandalorian warrior with them. His voice was a bit rough, but full of youthful vigor.

“Does the Force have any insights Master Jensaarai?” Padme asked Lash who took a moment to consider.

“Violence creates more violence. Peace, and understanding creates more of itself.” Lash said softly, and used Calm Emotions on the whole transport. To create a sense of peace, as if the Force had spoken through Lash.

“What do you think, Lash?” The Mandalorian asked.

“I think the republic needs at the very least a security force. Imagine how much they could accomplish if the hyper lanes if the mid, and outer rims were patrolled? But creating an army will only incite the separatist to make their own. Then all it will take is a spark to ignite the flames of war.” Lash replied to the question than glanced around to everyone in the cabin.

The security transport fell into silence as they traveled to the Naboo embassies. Where upon which they were flooded by questions by the embassy staff. There had been a report that Senator Amidala had been killed, and that the senate had been informed. Padme rushed to put on a decent piece of garb that made Lash roll his eyes at and all but flew towards the senate house. Her security escort, and Lash by her side. The republic guards were surprised to see Amidala alive and rushed her in.

“Must I remind the Senator from Malastare that negotiations are continuing with the separatists. Peace is our objective here... not war.” Chancellor Palpatine said to the assemble of senators in the senate house. Padme had arrived midway through a discussion.

Padme stepped into her selected senate pod much to the surprise of several people including a very flustered and happy Jar Jar Binks who all but swallowed her in a hug. Eventually Padme pulled herself free and activated her pod so she could grab everyone's attention. Lash stayed at the waiting chamber as he kept a sharp eye on the surroundings.

“My noble colleagues, I concur with the Supreme Chancellor. At all costs, we do not want war!” Padme called out to the senate which was stunned into silence. Then an outbursts of cheering and applause ushers in the entrance of Senator Amidala.

“It is with great surprise, and joy that the chair recognizes the Senator of Naboo, Padme Amidala Naberrie.” The Chancellor called out with a smile on his face, and a look of relief. He glanced at doorway where Lash resided and Lash nodded his head towards him.

“Less than an hour ago an assassination attempt was made against my life. A scatter shot missile, and several assailants attacked myself, and my security team. I am happy to report that none of my people were killed in the attack. But I am afraid that the reason behind the attack is because of my steadfast defense against the Act of creating an army. But there is clearly those within the senate that will stop at nothing to ensure this Act goes through.” Padme spoke clearly, and with confidence that her way of thinking was justified. Hundreds of senator's agreed with her. While hundreds more declared her out of line.

“I warn you, if you vote to create this army. War will follow. I have experienced the misery of war first-hand. I do not wish to do so again.” Padme declared and her voiced carried a sense of weight that was more than just her tone. But almost a palpable ripple of energy washed across the senate house. Hundreds of senator's seem to pause and think.

“My motion to defer the vote must be dealt with first. That is the rule of law!” Another senator called out. They must have said something before Padme had arrived. Padme stared daggers at the senator but kept her peace. While Palpatine gave her a look of sympathy.

“Due to the lateness of the hour and the seriousness of this motion, we will take up these matters tomorrow. Until then, the Senate stands adjourned.” Palpatine said to the assembled senators, and they were adjourned. Padme's pod came back to her assigned doorway. She glanced at Lash who shrugged and took up an escort position by her side.

“Did you do something?” Padme whispered to Lash as they moved through the senate house.

“I did nothing, that was all you.” Lash replied, and Padme looked concerned.

“I may have to take you up on lessons in the future. Just so I don't do something by accident.” Padme said softly, and Lash agreed. Unfortunately in a few months none of them would have any time to do anything they wanted.

Half way through the senate house a chancellor elite guard arrived to escort Padme towards the Supreme Chancellor's office. They cut through the tide of senators, their entourage, journalists, and sycophants. As they moved through the senate house Lash saw the midi-chlorians in the air dance around in excitement specifically the light side of the Force. That was when he knew Jedi were around. On their way towards the Chancellors office they were met by Senator Bail Prestor Organa.

Bail Prestor Organa stood at approximately 6'2” (1.9m) in height. He was an older human male. With short black hair, and a groomed beard. Wisps of gray hair had settled in along his temples, and the edge of his beard. His brown eyes were insightful, and full of concern for the future. He had a tan skin color. He stood up straight, with his shoulders back, and his chest out. No matter where he was he looked like he belonged there. He also had a smoothed, educated voice that set people at ease.

“Senator Amidala I am happy to see you are well. I feared the worst as we all did when we heard of your assassination. I should have known no harm would come to you with Master Lash at your side.” Bail said with a brilliant smile, as he nodded his thanks to Lash who bowed to him.

“Senator Organa thank you for your kind words. I fear that the attack will only embolden those that seek to create an army.” Padme replied with a strained smile as they continued towards the chancellor's office.

They were stopped at the chancellors office door, and his aid notified the chancellor of their arrival. They didn't have to wait long. The door opened and Lash saw several Jedi council members in the room with the supreme chancellor. Including, but not limited to Yoda, and Mace Windu. The former seemed pleased by their arrival, while the latter was happy to see Padme. Windu was not pleased to see Lash. Over the past nine years several Jedi had left their order to join the Jensaarai.

“With you the force is strong... young Senator. To see you alive brings warm feeling to my heart.” Yoda said to Padme has he stood up all 1'9” of him. He shuffled forward with his walking stick and smiled at Padme who smiled back.

“Thank you, Master Yoda. Do you have any idea who is behind these attacks?” Padme asked, as she folded her hands in front of her.

“Our intelligence points to the disgruntled spice miners, on the moons of Naboo.” Mace Windu said as he stood and came to the side of Yoda. Padme looked at him then glance back at Lash who shook his head.

“I don't wish to disagree, but I think Count Dooku is behind the attacks.” Padme said and Mace Windu shot a glare at Lash.

“You know, M'Lady, Count Dooku was once a Jedi. He wouldn't assassinate anyone, it is not in his character.” Mace Windu said next. As he folded his arms into his sleeves and counted to ten quietly. So easily riled up the Master Jedi was. Thankfully no one could see Lash smile, but Chancellor Palpatine did have a glint in his eye.

“He's a political idealist, not a murderer.” One of the other Jedi Masters said next.

“In dark times nothing is what it appears to be, but the fact remains Senator, in grave danger you are.” Yoda said with great concern in his voice. As he placed his hands on his walking stick to keep his balance. Palpatine took a moment to stand and glance out the window. The room focused on him as he did so.

“Count Dooku has always avoided any kind of conflict. It appears he has no desire to start a war. Why would he kill you? To what end?” Palpatine asked as he turned around to focus on Padme who fidgeted just a little under his gaze.

“I don't know... Just a feeling.” Padme confessed and a look of understanding came across everyone's faces. Especially the Jedi, they understood that better than most.

“You think what do, Master Lash? For us words of wisdom you have?” Yoda asked as he focused on him.

“It's not the miners I can tell you that. Whether its Count Dooku or someone that is part of the Confederacy doesn't matter. Because we have no proof. We should still take senator Amidala's feelings into consideration. How many times have the Jedi gone off to Force knows where on less?” Lash said with a bit of humor in his voice. It was a playful jab that made Yoda chuckle, and Windu glare at him.

“Master Jedi, may I suggest that senator Amidala be placed under the protection of your graces?” Palpatine suggested and a look of surprise passed over Yoda's face. He glanced back at Lash.

“I can't stay with her. I have obligations on the outer rim. Rebuilding an strained environment to feed the planets populace.” Lash informed him, and the room understood. Windu looked conflicted but begrudgingly approved of his actions.

“Do you think it is a wise use of manpower during these stressful times? I have personally inspected Senator Amidala's security force. Even with out Master Lash available they are formidable.” Senator Organa asked.

“Chancellor if I may comment, I don't believe it is necessary....” Padme began to say.

“Oh but I disagree...” Palpatine replied.

“Chancellor please! I don't need or want any more guards.” Padme said her facial expression clearly stated her disagreement.

“I realise all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you are familiar with... an old friend like... Master Qui-Gon...” Palpatine suggested, and Padme went still as she considered that possibility. Palpatine nodded at Windu who nodded back.

“That's possible, he just returned from the mid rim over a trade dispute between two trade companies.

“I could be shown to see reason if Master Qui-Gon is available.” Padme admitted with reluctance.

“Then it's settled!” Palpatine said with a brilliant smile. That was soon mirrored by the rest of the room.

“I'll have Master Qui-Gon report to your embassy as soon as he is available.” Windu said with a smile towards Padme.

Padme gave a reluctant and depressed smile. Like someone who had just excepted their fate. Yoda began to shuffle slowly through the room and the Jedi Council took measured steps for him. Until one of the chancellors aid's brought Yoda's hover seat for him. The old Jedi climbed into his seat and looked back at Lash with a mindful expression on his face.

“I did offer to restore your youth.” Lash said to him, and Yoda shook his head with a smirk on his face.

“Even I will return to the force one day Master Lash. I will not delay it one minute longer. Even if I would enjoy walking around without a cane... No, to invite you to the Jedi temple I would like. As my guest.” Yoda said softly, as the Jedi Council looked surprised by the offer.

In the years since Lash established the Jensaarai order he had never been invited to the Jedi Temple. Though he had left an invitation to the Jedi to visit Venura's Temple. This of course had brought several Jedi to join the Jensaarai so they could learn, and understand the complex workings of the Force more than the Jedi allowed. Since then Lash had the distinct impression that some of the Jedi Masters wanted to string him up, and burn him as a practitioner of the dark side.

“I'll try and visit before I leave for the outer rim.” Lash said, and bowed towards him. Yoda accepted the answer and left.

“A moment of your time, Master Lash.” Palpatine called out. Lash looked at the security force for Padme who nodded. The two Jensaarai, and the Mandalorian were outside the office waiting for them. They would see Padme safely back to her embassy.

Palpatine had the room cleared of even his elite guard who left without a word. He then activated his office inner security system so shutters covered his window, the doors locked, and a baffle field was erected around the office. Palpatine sat in his office chair and relaxed. The weight of the galaxy on his shoulders. The chancellor looked older now. His hair was white, and his face was full of wrinkles. Even if his body was still that of a young man. Thanks to the Force, and Palpatines Sith alchemy he would live for several hundred years if he could help it. Lash reached out and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss on Palpatine. His midi-chlorian count remained the same due to the fact that Lash already pushed his threshold several years ago. But all the same, Palpatine was filled once more with vigor.

“I need you to visit Kamino. The war is soon to arrive and I want no mistakes.” Palpatine said with a smile on his face.

“Very well.” Lash replied simply.

Lash and Palpatine talked shop for a few more minutes. Then he left to conclude his business on Coruscant. His reasoning about visiting the outer rim was true. The planet of Rodia was a toxic swamp thanks to their own species destroying themselves in a chaotic war. Lash was taking several world engines (Krypton Technology) to the planet to help clean out the toxic environment. His equipment, storage facility, factory, and ship bay was located at the factory section of Coruscant's top layer. With the help of Chancellor Palpatine, Lash got a great deal on an old disused building.

Lash boarded a first class transport pod from the senate house towards his building. It was operated by a service droid and the interior was roomy, and relaxed. Lash sent word ahead that he was inbound so he wouldn't surprise his workers. Over the course of nine years Lash now had a little over five hundred employees that worked in his Ghost Industries company. Though they specialized in transforming moons, and planets into other biome types. They also built fully customized dynamic class freighters. Lash's factory had a waiting list as long as his arm with people who wanted custom jobs done.

Lash glanced out his window as he passed through the 'city' limit of the central area of Coruscant. As odd as it may sound. Coruscant did not use every available area of its surface to complete capacity. There were miles of disused sections that had fallen into disrepair. This meant anyone who could afford these disused sections had complete privacy. Though that also meant it would be hours before the police would arrive. That mattered little to Lash as he had his own private security on staff.

Ghost Industries building was a towering structure that was often referred to as a Mega-Tower. The original complex had been taken down, and rebuilt to accommodate the structure. The entire tower could house well over five thousand people. Along with space for their families. Full amenities were given for education, entertainment, relaxation, and private transport pods that would take them into the capital city proper. While auxiliary facilities were attached to the tower for construction of the ships, and world engines.

Lash stepped from his transport and watched it leave as a security escort came out to receive him. Waiting with his security team was Nazvo his aid, and fellow Jensaarai. Nazvo was a Mirialan female. She had light green skin, shoulder length black hair with one side of her hair braided. She had vibrant purple eyes, geometric tattoos around those eyes. The tattoos were cultural marks of her people for accomplishing a task of merit. She had a toned, athletic figure. She had completed stage one of the Jensaarai training. Which allowed her to carry a lightsaber. She currently wore a form fitting jump suit in navy blue, with boots, belt, and vampraces.

“Master Lash, welcome back.” Nazvo said with a cool voice. Lash took a moment to bow from his waist towards her, and she returned the gesture.

“Anything out of the ordinary?” Lash asked as he started to walk inside the tower. Nazvo by his side, she pulled up a data pad and handed it to him. The security droids in the escort walked in lock step around them.

“Several requests from private contractors want to offer three times our standard contract to jump ahead of ship construction. I informed then that it would be a no. But I would send their requests to you regardless.” Nazvo said, as she kept pace with Lash. The security doors opened up and they walked into an environment controlled interior.

“Tell them I said no. We are first come, first serve. We don't skip corners, and concentrate on quality.” Lash replied, as he signed several pages of information.

“Very well, the government of Rodia is looking forward to your arrival. They regret that they can not provide a military escort. Their space forces are stretched thin protecting one service ships they have.” Nazvo said next, and Lash stopped mid stride. The entire security detail stopped with him as Nazvo looked at him in confusion.

“Send word that we'll bring a single dynamic class freighter with us. It will be placed in a lottery for the people of Rodia. The freighter can assist them with their trade ventures in the future.” Lash replied, as he signed the order and sent it to the factory. They had a few freighters stored away for such an occasion.

“....Why?” Nazvo asked, a look of puzzlement on her face.

“Just a feeling...” Lash replied, and started to walk again. Nazvo accepted that answer without a word. Being a Force User herself, the phrase 'Just a feeling' was used often.

As they moved through the tower they came across officer workers, technicians, and security personal on patrol. Everyone waved, and said hello. Lash said hello in return and addressed every individual by name. He even stopped several times to ask about their families. This always surprised so many people when he visited. The amount of time he must use to memorize his staff, and their lives always warmed their hearts. When in reality one of his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits fed him the information.

They made their way towards the factory floor just in time to see one of the world engines being loaded into the military grade cruiser that Lash had bought from one of his former clients on discount. The world engine looked like a giant disk with a drill in the center piece. It would drill into the ground, and anchor itself. Then send the required particles through the atmosphere. Along with a plethora of several other activities.

While the cruiser looked a giant kraken or squid from Earth. A almost triangular head front portion, with a long round body, then the back of the ship's edge rounded off on itself. Where the 'eyes' would be were primary weapon ports The engines were placed in a circle pattern around the back. While bulbous protrusions decorated the ship's exterior. The entire ship had a ocean blue color scheme. Overall the cruiser looked like it was designed after an aquatic creature, and gave the appearance that it may be alive. It was approximately 2600' (800 m) long, and 900' (274 m) across.

It had been primarily a troop transport vessel way back when. It had been scheduled for decommission and scrapyard processing. But Lash had wanted to buy it. So his client sold it to him at cost. Five million credits for the whole thing. A ship that was two generations obsolete. Now? It was worth three times that. Lash had gone to town on the ship, pulled it apart. Replaced everything he could. The important thing was on the outside it looked like an old ship. But once you got inside, it was a whole another beast entirely. The ship's name was Serenity.

Lash inspected the cargo that was being taken towards Rodia. Including a newly built dynamic freighter for the lottery he wanted. He spoke to the crew, and the support staff that would be staying on the planet while the engines did their work. The world engines were mostly automated pieces of tech. But it was still a good idea to have staff on site. Once everything was checked, and rechecked Lash took a transport back into the city towards the Naboo Embassy.


(Coruscant, Naboo's Embassy.)

Padawan learner Anakin Skywalker, and apprentice to Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn was nervous. He smoothed his hands over his Jedi robes for what seemed the hundredth time. He ran his fingers through his short blond hair, and checked his Padawan braid. Then he checked his hood to ensure it was perfectly balanced. Then he rechecked.

“Enough Anakin you look fine.” Qui-Gon said to him with a gentle smile.

“I'm sorry master. I...I. It's been almost ten years since I've seen her. I just want to look perfect.” Anakin said softly as he went to smooth his robes again.

“Remember to focus on the moment, Anakin. Don't let your feelings cloud your mind. Take a breath and focus. Otherwise you'll trip over your own feet like you did on Sin'tani ship during that party.” Qui-Gon said with a smirk on his face. Anakin paled at the memory and took a moment to clear his thoughts.

Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and Padawan Anakin Skywalker were currently in a lift that was taking them to the apartments that Senator Amidala lived in. It had been many years since they had seen each other. Though they had both heard many things about Naboo over the years. Qui-Gon stood at approximately 6'4” with long brown hair past his shoulders. He had two braids on either side of his head that linked back behind his head. Kept his hair out of his face, but free in the back. He had a trimmed beard on his face, with flecks of gray growing. His blue eyes were warm, and full enthusiasm as he watched his apprentice center himself. Qui-Gon wore the traditional garb of the Jedi. Warm earth tones of brown, clay, beige, and pearl white. However on his forearms were Jensaarai vampraces, a gift from a friend.

Anakin Skywalker stood at approximately 6' even with short blond hair, a small ponytail in the back, along with a Padawan braid behind his right ear. He was nearly 19 years old by standard count. He had a strong athletic figure, though he looked a little disportioned. He was still growing. His blue eyes looked clear as he opened them. But his fingers continued to smooth over the leather fabric of his Jedi uniform. The color tone was in darker shades of brown, sand stone, and almost gray color. He had Jensaarai plated gloves on. A gift from a friend.

The moment the elevator door opened they saw a familiar sight. Jar Jar Binks stood there. Jar Jar had changed in several ways over the years. He had gained a bit of muscle mass, and moved with purpose and confidence. He wore the ceremonial garb of a junior representative of the galactic senate. To represent a minority in a sector of space, the Gungans specifically. Jar Jar was no longer the bumbling fool he had been before. His transformation had been gradual, but a few had noticed the change. One aspect was his speech.

“Master Qui-Gon!” Jar Jar said in glee as he came over and took Qui-Gon's hands into his own.

“Hello Jar Jar, it's good to see you again.” Qui-Gon replied with a smile as he shook Jar Jar's hand.

“Yes it is! Me am happy to see you! Oh my, me forget myself. This is... Anakin? Little Anakin!?” Jar Jar said in glee as he looked Anakin over.

“Hello Jar Jar!” Anakin said with a genuine smile. Then balked as the Gungan picked him up off the floor and twirled him around in glee.

“Me so happy to see you! Look at you! So big, so strong!” Jar Jar said happily until Qui-Gon cleared his throat.

“Oh my, me forgot myself again. Sorry!” Jar Jar said with a grin as he let him go. Anakin smoothed his robes out again and looked a little put out. Qui-Gon just smiled.

“Come! Come! Senator Amidala was just finishing her exercises. She's all sweaty!” Jar Jar said with no sense of modesty as he guided them through the home.

Anakin titled his head to one side like a dog would when they heard something interesting. He kept pace with Jar Jar, as Qui-Gon trailed behind. It didn't take long for them to hear shouts, and the sound of weapon against weapon. They came into the main living area to see all of the furniture pushed aside. Padme was in the middle wearing a martial art gi in the color gray. Her long hair was done up in a top knot so it was out of the way. As she moved it was clear she had wrapped her chest. But either way she looked rather...Attractive to the young Padawan. However Qui-Gon took notice of who she was fighting against.

Gregar Typho in a martial gi of his own fought against her. While Lash coached them both. They both had two foot long pain sticks in either hand. The sticks did exactly as they sounded. Administered nerve pain with every strike but no permanent damage would take place. Gregar had reach, technique, and skill. While Padme had flexibility, mobility, and speed. They moved almost to quick for the eye to catch. Lash pointed at one of the servants in the room and they slammed two metallic cymbals together. The sudden noise pulled Padme's attention and Gregar stuck a pain stick into her gut. She screamed in pain and dropped.

Before anyone could react Anakin was sprinting towards Gregar. But he stopped short of pulling his lightsaber as Lash simply raised his hand and the Padawan was frozen in place by the Force. Gregar looked surprised at the frozen Anakin then looked at Qui-Gon who walked the rest of the way into the room. Jar Jar looked around in confusion. What? What had happened?

“Distractions happen in a battle. It's good that you noticed. But you directed all of your attention on the sound. Which left you open. But this is why we train. But I think we'll call it here for today. We have Jedi guests.” Lash said clearly to the whole room.

Anakin felt the Force release him just in time for Qui-Gon to put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Anakin had rushed in without thinking...again. It was one of his many faults that Qui-Gon was still working on. Anakin would see someone in trouble and just react. It happened several times in the Jedi Temple. He would come to the defense of other students. Even though they were all training.

“Master Qui-Gon! Hello, I'm sorry I didn't mean to show you something like this.” Padme said as she slowly stood. She massaged the spot where she was struck. A greenish blue energy wrapped around her and she breathed easier. She sent a thankful nod towards Lash who nodded as well.

“It's perfectly alright, Senator. I am happy to see that you take your self defense martial art training seriously.” Qui-Gon said as he bowed towards her. Anakin was quick to clear his throat and bow as well. Padme turned to look at him and surprise came over her face.

“Anakin? Is that you! My goodness you've grown.” Padme said with a bit of a blush as she tucked her gi in more. Suddenly a little bashful.

“.... So have you... grown more beautiful I mean. I mean... Much shorter for a Senator. I mean.” Anakin said and began to fumble over his words before.

“Anakin! Why don't you step into the ring with Gregar and let Padme have time to clean up.” Lash called out, and Gregar perked up in excitement as he twirled the pain sticks.

“...YES!” Padme cleared her throat. “Yes, please excuse me.” Padme said as she all but fled from the room. Anakin's face had turned a bright crimson, while Qui-Gon laughed at his Padawan's expense.

Several servants followed after Padme to help her look more presentable. While Anakin took off his coat, and took up the pain sticks. He cleared his mind and stood at the ready. Then Gregar attacked with no warning what so ever. Anakin quickly adapted and danced around the ring holding a defensive stance that slowly worked into offense. He was trying to learn Gregar's style. But the moment he'd start to get a feel for him. Gregar would swap out for another combat form. Eventually Qui-Gon came over to Lash who was watching the spar.

“Good to see you, Master Lash.” Qui-Gon said with a smile. Lash reached over and shook his hand but kept his eyes on the match.

“You as well, Master Qui-Gon. You've been focusing on technique over strength with him?” Lash asked, as he pointed at Anakin.

“I have, Anakin has a lot of raw strength, and talent. But he needs to be tempered. So we work on skill, technique, and analyzing a opponents method of attack.” Qui-Gon replied.

“Have you been giving him those training simulations I sent you?” Lash asked next, as Gregar scored a hit on Anakin's leg. Anakin bit out a yell then attacked with a ferocity that only left him open to another attack. Gregar was a talented Jensaarai and wouldn't fall into a trap like that.

“We both have. It is amazingly complex and even deals with trade, and diplomatic relations.” Qui-Gon said absently as he watched the fight.

Lash had sent the equivalent of a 4X strategy came to Anakin through the holonet. It started off really easy, with a simple skirmish mission between two sides. Then when you completed a mission you would be given a rating. Then the next mission would introduce a new element to the game. Doing it in bits, and pieces. Until eventually you were running entire star systems. But you had to worry about moral, troop supply, economics, etc, etc. It was a very detailed, and realistic game that got harder as you played.

“Good, you'll need it in the future.” Lash said as he saw the dark side of the force dance around Anakin in delight as he got stronger, and stronger.

“That's enough!” Qui-Gon called out, and even had to grab Anakin's arm to get his attention. Gregar jumped out of the ring and waited as Qui-Gon talked to his apprentice.

“Alright Anakin, take out your lightsaber. You'll get to fight me.” Lash said as he stood up and Anakin went pale as Qui-Gon looked amused.


(Naboo Embassy housing, Padme's bedroom.)

Senator Padme Amidala stepped out of the shower in a bathrobe. One of her selected handmaidens Dorme stood in the room waiting for her. A smile was on Dorme's face as she watched the Senator go through her wardrobe in dismay. Padme had a large assortment of clothing to choose from. Yes, not as large as when she had been a Queen. But being presentable as a Senator was important. You needed to have a collection of colors that would be pleasing to the eye, and not sew any discord. Certain species couldn't see some colors.

“Is there something I can help you with, Senator?” Dorme asked, Padme all but jumped as she had been whispering softly to herself.

“Oh... I.. Well I don't have anything official left today. I know Lash would prefer me in something practical. That's just Lash. But, well we have guests.” Padme said, and blushed just a bit. Dorme smile only grew.

Over the course of an hour they settled on a sheer silk gown that went from sky blue, to cream colored yellow. The gown left her back exposed, and the top wrapped around her neck. It was held in place with a metal clasp. The sleeves of the gown started at her elbow, and covered her forearms, but left her biceps exposed. Her hair was done up in several braids, and pieces of jewelry were tied in. Her feet had silver slip on shoes, and wrap around straps. Along her waist was a belt with a hidden knife. (Lash would insist). Once she was done she admired herself and nodded in satisfaction.

Padme, and Dorma returned to the main living area of her apartments only to see Anakin jumping around the house in an attempt to get away from Lash who was chasing him. Anakin's lightsaber was no where to be seen. Qui-Gon had doubled over in laughter as he watched his apprentice shout for help. But a smile was on his face. While Lash skipped from furniture to furniture as if he was light as a feather. But Padme spotted a clear smear of what looked like a toliperry fruit? She had several in her kitchen. A kitchen that looked like a tornado had gone through it.

“What is going on in here!?” Padme shouted and Anakin looked towards her, gaped and was close lined by Lash.

“Ohhhhh! Now your mine!” Lash shouted in triumph and grabbed Anakin and began to tickle him without any mercy. The pure shriek, and natural laughter that came from Anakin was a surprise to Padme. But only made her grin.


After several minutes of torture aka tickle attack. Lash cleaned off his visor which had been smeared by a surprise attack by Anakin during their duel. The young Padawan had flung a red fruit straight at him. It did absolutely nothing to him, so his Danger Sense didn't activate. Lash needed to learn not to rely on it so much. So his visor was filled with fruit. After that he yanked Anakin's lightsaber out of his hand and chased him around the apartment.

Several hours after the incident they were all sitting down for dinner. Well more like everyone sat around the table to eat while Lash just watched. The people of Naboo had learned sometime ago that Lash didn't need to eat. As dinners normally go work, politics, and religion come up from time to time. They discussed the Confederacy, the issues that the mid, and outer rim were dealing with. Lash's motivation to help republic worlds. Then the difference between Jedi, and Jensaarai.

“Master Yoda invited you to the temple?” Qui-Gon asked during the discussion.

“He did, any incite for me?” Lash asked, as he turned to focus on Qui-Gon.

“Maybe they want you to teach a saber lesson?” Anakin said with a smile then yelped as he felt a tickle at his side. Lash wiggled his gloved hands at him. Padme covered her mouth as she laughed. Anakin for his part just looked embarrassed.

“My young Padawan may not be to far off. Several Jedi who have visited the temple on Venura have reported that your lessons are very insightful. I believe mean younglings could benefit from your lessons.” Qui-Gon supplied an alternate answer that made sense.

“Perhaps they have a mission for you?” Gregar suggested.

“You are going to the outer rim. It would make a good cover.” Padme continued the thought after Gregar.

“Either way I need to get going. We are leaving tomorrow for Rodia.” Lash said as he stood up from the table. Everyone else stood as well.

“So soon? I was hoping you could help me with a simulation mission that you sent me.” Anakin looked hopeful.

“Did you obtain an advisor yet?” Lash asked him, and Anakin nodded. “Listen to them, unless you've got to the part where they could be corrupt. Then run them through internal security then listen to them.” Lash said next, and Anakin looked horrified.

“Oh no! Maybe that is why my supply trains keep getting raided!” Anakin shouted, then ducked his head in dismay. But Padme looked interested.

“What's this about?” Padme asked.

“I'll let them explain it!” Lash said with a chuckle and turned to leave. But Padme stopped him and beckoned him to lean down. He did so and she kissed his mask's cheek.

“Good luck.” Padme said softly and Lash bowed his head.

“Always.” Lash replied.

Lash bid his fellow companions goodbye and left the embassy housing district. There was still plenty of time left in the day. All the same Lash sent a message through the holonet to the Jedi Temple. He would be arriving soon, as Master Yoda's guest. He received a prompt reply. They would have someone waiting for him on arrival. Lash obtained direct access so his transport made a bee line to the Jedi Temple and avoided the traffic lanes. The sun was setting, and bathed the city in brilliant hues of fiery orange. Lash had to hand it to Coruscant. The sunsets here were nice.

Lash's transport landed at the designated location and took off once he was free of it. He walked across the pathways leading to the central gate of the Jedi Temple as he admired the architecture. Now, one may remember that Lash had declined the request to visit the temple before due the 'Tapestry of the Living Force.' This had been explained away by the fact that Lash could strengthen his Force Blank ability. Allowing himself to walk in the Temple without going insane. Lies within lies.

As he walked up the central stairway he passed more than a few security guards who looked at him. Then he eventually came across a Jedi or two who recognized his armor style for the Jensaarai. But none of them stopped his travels. Until he met his escort. An older woman who wore the garb of a staff member of the temple. She had a simple smile on her face as she bowed from her waist towards Lash.

“Ah, I was hoping it was you. Hello Master Jocasta Nu.” Lash said to her and returned the gesture.

“Welcome Master Lash, I've been looking forward to your visit.” Jocasta Nu replied, as she turned to walk with him.

Jocasta Nu, was a Force-sensitive human female, as well was a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order who served as the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives. In this role, Nu was the primary caretaker of the extensive Archives, helping her fellow Jedi find the information they needed while controlling access to several restricted vaults and artifacts. She stood at approximately 5'7” with white hair pulled back tight across her scalp into a bun. Hair sticks were placed with care into her hair. She had light pale skin that still glowed with someone who exercised daily. Her blue eyes held vast amounts of knowledge. While she always had a schooled expression on her face. It was her eyes that gave her away. Despite her professional demeanor she enjoyed teasing her students.

She wore a crème colored brown wrap around robe that reminded Lash of a samurai gi from home. She had stylized letters, and glyphs from the ancient texts written across the hem of her clothing. Her gi pant legs were black, a contrast from her robe. She wore no lightsaber. But Lash knew she was well versed in close quarters combat. When ever she passed other staff members, or Jedi she would bow her head and address them by name. They would do the same. She had an excellent memory.

“Did you get the copies of the holocrons I sent you?” Lash asked as they moved between the halls.

“I did! Thank you for that. Several of our archives were incomplete but now they are finished thanks to your donation. Reading the diaries of Jedi Masters from hundreds of years ago have been an enriching experience.” Jocastu said with a smile.

“My offer still stands you know.” Lash said to her, and she rolled her eyes at him.

“Just as Master Yoda said, I too will refuse you.” Jocasta replied.

Lash had offered to restore the youth of several Jedi Masters. Regrettably not a single one of them took him up on the offer. Changing, or altering a living thing into something else was a forbidden practice to the Jedi. It was something that the Sith did often. Though restoring their youth could have so many benefits for the future they declined on the rule of law. Lash had convinced them that only those that were Force Users could have it done. He didn't want senators beating down his door for a treatment. The Jedi also assumed it involved some dark ritual. Little did they know that Lash could just snap his fingers and make it happen.

“It's too bad. I would have asked you out on a date if you had accepted.” Lash said softly and Jocasta stumbled over her own feet. Lash caught her before she fell, and a blush crawled up her neck, into her face. She cleared her throat and whispered a thank you before moving on.

Lash tried, and failed to contain his laughter and Jocasta promptly ignored any more attempts at conversation. Any time she glanced at Lash a blush would appear in her cheeks. Her eyes would wonder up and down his armored form and Lash could tell she was thinking about things that she hadn't thought about in a long time. Lash may or may not have been using Subliminal Seduction on her. Just a little bit.

“Master Yoda, I have brought Master Lash.” Jocasta called through a door that led to a meditation room.

“Yes, thank you, him in please send.” Yoda called out, the moment the door was opened Jocasta all but fled from Lash as fast as her legs could carry her. Yoda spied through the door at the retreating back of Jocasta. Then his eyes narrowed in on Lash as he entered and closed the door behind him

“I asked her out on a date. She turned me down.” Lash replied with a bit of humor in his voice. Yoda's eyes went wide then he chuckled softly.

“In Master Lash please come. A seat take, a few things I would like to discuss with you I have.” Yoda asked, and gestured for Lash to take a seat in a meditation chair.

The room was approximately 200 sq-ft room with a window to the side of the setting sun. Several assorted chairs, and cushions were available for several different body types. The chairs conformed to fit the weight of the user. The color scheme was warm earth tones. Lash settled down, and he heard his seat groan in protest. He weighed nearly 500 pounds in full armor. He sat up straight and turned his focus on Master Yoda.

“The Dark Side clouds our vision. Use all of the tools at our disposal we may find ourselves at the edge of a cliff before it's too late I'm afraid that if we do not. Master Qui-gon, of your abilities to read the living force and master Obi-Wan speak. What path should the Jedi take?” Yoda asked, and Lash leaned back in surprise.

“Master Yoda, when was the last time the Jedi fought a war? I don't mean a skirmish, or a battle on a single planet. I mean a full wide galactic war?” Lash asked after he thought about his response. Yoda's expression became disheartened, and his shoulders sagged.

“Been too long it has. It war do you see in the future is? There is no way to prevent it is?” Yoda asked.

“The tapestry has many threads. Nothing is certain. But most signs point to yes. If I make a suggestion? A tool to help the Jedi in the future.” Lash offered, and Yoda nodded in agreement.

Lash pointed Yoda to the same 4X strategy game he gave Anakin, and Qui-Gon. He suggested that Yoda make this a part of their standard curriculum. Lash knew it would be effective because he had bought the game from the Dream Store and placed it up on the holonet. It had 4 million subscribers, and that number was only growing. Also there was a ten credit subscription fee a month that to the owner that was of course Lash.

A temple guard was called for Lash after about an hour. Lash had helped Yoda get past the first mission of the game and explained the benefits of the 4X real time strategy simulation. When he watched Yoda obtained narrow focus on the battle with the same look of a pro gamer Lash knew the little goblin was hooked. Lash once again encouraged Yoda to spread it through the Jedi Temple. Then moved to leave the temple. He noticed Jocasta made a squeak and hid behind some book shelves when he walked past the archive room.

Lash was allowed to use a Jedi transport where he had it take him directly to his corporate HQ. Nothing happened along the way and Lash wondered if their had been another assassination attempt on Padme while he was gone. He admitted to himself that he was worried about her. She was important to Anakin. But in the end if she were to die. Palpatine could use Shmi as another catalyst for his downfall. Lash arrived at the HQ and made a beeline for the Serenity.

When the sun rose over the city once more Coruscant ship traffic control gave them the all clear and Serenity left its berth and headed out into space. They took the Corellian Run hyperspace route. It was often used by smugglers transporting narcotic drug called, spice. It was also a major commercial path for merchants heading out into the outer rim, or coming back.

Their massive ship jumped from space to space with little to no down time. Lash spent most of his time in the engine room funneling magical energy into it to provide another source of power. The Star Wars galaxy method of FTL was amazing. In little over a day they had reached the outside edge of the galaxy from the core regions. That of course was in part because of the mapped out route. It was also in many ways a straight line. If they ever had to turn they had to stop, get the new input from the navigational computer and jump again.

Rodia was located in the outer rim, Saraveen Sector, in the Tyrius System. It was the second planet from the sun in the golden ratio range. Not to hot, not to cold. Rodia was a remote and swampy jungle planet. It was the home world of the Rodian species. Cities on Rodia were encased with domed environmental shields that allowed entry and exit for vehicles and vessels due to the toxic atmosphere.

Rodians were a species of reptilian humanoids. They possessed large pupil-less eyes that could see in infrared spectrum, slender snouts, pointed ears, twin saucer-like antennae that detected vibrations atop their heads, and a ridge of spines cresting their skulls. Green (sometimes yellow or turquoise) scales covered their bodies, and their skin had a rough, pebbly texture, except on the snout and hands. They were cold blooded and had blood of a green color. Females were physically distinguished by their mammary glands, and some of them were capable of growing long tresses.The Rodian hand featured five long, dexterous fingers with suction cups at the ends. (Wookieepedia!)

The Serenity entered a stable orbit over the planet as they waited for permission to land the world engines via transport shuttles. Lash came to the bridge and the deck crew stood at attention. He had an eclectic collection of species on board as well as droids to assist the organic crew. Several Mandalorian new bloods had come along to get some on site training. The Rodian's had a hunter like society and culture. Some of the Mandalorian's hoped they could hunt on the planet.

A holographic image appeared on the bridge's interface and a male Rodian with vibrant yellow scaled skin stood in the image. He wore flowing blue, and green robes. With a belt around his waist with his house symbol on it. His eyes were captivating! They looked like globes of pure starlight. He bowed from his waist as he saw Lash standing on the bridge.

“Respectful greetings to you Master Lash of the Jensaarai. I am Deent Xreen civil official elected to be your liaison. Our Senator Onaconda Farr sent word of your arrival. We are most happy to receive you!” Deent Xreen said, his voice held genuine joy.

“Thank you. If it is all the same to you. My crew wants to start right away. I don't mean to be disrespectful.” Lash replied, as he pulled up the map of the planet.

“Not at all! Our Senator informed us of your work ethic. We hope you will attend the customary arrival dinner. It is in eight hours?” Deent asked, and Lash did a quick calculation.

“I can make that, I may not stay till the end however.” Lash said next, and sent the initial planned sights for the world engines.

“Wonderful! I'll inform the delegates. You have permission to land your crew at the initial spots for scouting. Please contact me if you have any issues. The local populace as already been informed of your arrival.” Deent said then closed the holographic window down.

“All teams... Begin.” Lash called over the ship intercom. Six transport vessels left the cargo bays and flew down towards the surface. Each one with a world engine.

Lash went down with a shuttle and inspected each location himself. Once it was approved the world engines drilled into the ground. Three of the locations had been underwater, but that was perfectly fine. The world engines were placed at the north, and south poles. Then at the four points of east and west along the equator. If they were changing the entire environment to something different they would have brought more. But for Rodia they were cleaning out the toxic, and radioactive air.

Lash had spliced magical technology into the Krypton world engine design. Like a battery he went from engine to engine and refilled their tanks with magical energy. They didn't need magic to work. But it sped up the process immensely. When it was time for dinner 15% of the world's toxic levels had diminished.

The dinner itself was boring. It was a lot of hand shaking, introductions with delegates, and officials. Several nearby systems, and planets had sent officials to speak to Lash about working on their systems. Many asked what it would take to jump ahead of the line. Lash refused them all, simply stating it was a first come, first serve basis. What had really surprised them was the amount of credits it took to return a planet's environment to a healthy state.

It didn't take a lot. It was the complete alteration, or change of a biome type that costed a fortune. For the restoration of Rodia's environment it had cost approximately 50 million credits. Now, that may seem like a lot. But traditional methods of restoration would cost ten times that, and would take decades to accomplish. By the end of the dinner which Lash had left several hours before. The detoxifying of the planet had reached 35%.

From orbit Serenity deployed hundreds of thousands of automated droids. Each one carrying a nanomachine package. The tiny robotic workers were spread throughout the atmosphere. They were bio-mechanical in nature so would degrade overtime. They ate trash, chemical waste, pollution, and several other things. A standard Rodia day was 29 hours. By the dawn of the second day of their arrival the toxicity levels in the air was within the safety margin. Rodia families walked across the surface of their planet without an environmental suit for the first time in centuries.

One by one the world engines were returned to the Serenity. Lash had given the dynamic class freighter to the Rodians to hold a lottery for the ship. A young woman had won, and her family was granted a mercantile license to use it. The dynamic freighter was only 75 ft (24 m) in diameter. So it wasn't a big ship.

It had a cockpit at the front, and center portion. With a communications room down the hall. A security and main hold in the center section. A single bed medical bay. It had twin turbo lasers on its top, and underside with crew access. With an obvious engine room in the back. A cargo hold on the side, with a garage on the other. It had a port, and starboard dormitories that could hold three people each comfortably. Or could be jam packed full of people. Since it was a dynamic freighter that meant it could accept after market attachments with little to no issue. One of the key features was that each compartment could be sealed with an airlock in case of a atmospheric pressure loss. (Ebon Hawk)

Lash realized that his company essentially made millennium falcons on an assembly line. But more to say they were handcrafted carefully by expert technicians. In order to make durable, reliable, and versatile ships. As long as they were taken care of by a mechanic that was half awake, those things would run forever. The ships did come in different designs, sizes, and styles. According to the desire of the client. Lash like the design so much that he had one aboard the Serenity for his own passage.

His however was a bit larger. It allowed for better accommodations for the crew, and himself. The color scheme was vanta black as it not only absorbed light, but also signals. It was practically invisible to sensors, and eye sight. It had a reptilian appearance to it. With a scaled hide, and pointed horns and claws at the front, and landing gear. Turbo lasers were on the top, and bottom. They were automated or could be shot by the crew. With duel cannons on the either side of the ship, and another set of cannons at the front. With torpedo launchers. Lash had essentially made a gunship.

“Serenity this is Basilisk. Flight check is done, am I cleared to leave dock?” Lash asked over the comms.

“Basilisk this is Serenity control you are cleared. Good hunting Master Lash.” A synthetic voice called over the comms.

Lash pulled the Basilisk out of the cargo bay and entered Kamino into his nav computer. Unlike the rest of the galaxy. Lash not only had a complete map of the galaxy he also had the hyperspace lane coordinates. The Basilisk jumped into hyperspace. The stars bent in the view screen and Lash entered a tunnel of light. He leaned back in his chair and thought about his mission.


(Coruscant. The morning after another assassination attempt on Senator Amidala's life.)

Padme paced through her apartments as she tried to work the problem. She had been attacked again last night. They had used some sort of creatures to poison her. It didn't work out to well for them. Anakin had arrived just in time to cut them in half. Qui-Gon had jumped through the window to gain a lead on the assailant. Anakin had left the room in a hurry. It was hours later that Padme learned they had lost their lead. She all bit screamed in frustration.

Anakin, and Qui-Gon had left to receive council at the Jedi Temple that morning. Padme continued to pace back and forth in her apartments until she received a message from Chancellor Palpatine. It was not good news. Palpatine had given her an executive order to return home. Despite the fact that she was the prime opposition against the Act to create an army. Without her support the vote would go through. But she couldn't refuse an order.

The plan was that Sabe play her role as body double. She would be seen wondering her apartments and playing the part. Only a few would know that Padme had gone home. Including but not limited to Bail Organa. Who was another primary supporter against the Act of creating an army. He would do his best to hold the line. But he agreed she should see to her safety. Oddly enough Senator Organa had not been targeted, nor would he.

Anakin would escort her home, and continue to provide security for her on Naboo. While Qui-Gon attempted to track down the possible lead they had. Last night during the attempt, the Jedi had tracked the assassin down. But before they could divulge any secrets they had been killed by a man in strange armor that looked like Mandalorian gear. The method of death was a toxic dart. Qui-Gon was in the process of contacting Lash to see if he had any insights.

Padme was understandably furious of her situation and expressed it in her mood as she began to pack for the trip home. Her luggage was limited as they had decided to take a refugee ship to Naboo. A security measure. Her mood was also sour due to the fact that Anakin kept watching her. Eating her up with his gaze.

“I don't like this idea of hiding.” Padme said as she packed another suitcase.

“Don't worry, now that the Jedi Council has ordered the investigation we'll get to the bottom of this. Master Qui-Gon will work with Lash and we'll figure out who is trying to kill you.” Anakin said as he tried to lighten the mood. Padme glared at him, and he was startled by the look.

“I haven't worked for over a year against the military creation act. Only to not be here when its decided.” Padme said as she decided to unpack her suitcase and put something else in. She was stalling, she knew it, Anakin knew it. But neither of them said anything.

“Sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.” Anakin said next and a look of astonishment crossed Padme's face.

“Pride!? Anakin your young, you don't have a firm grip on politics. I suggest you reserve your opinions on the matter for a later time.” Padme sent a scalding glare his way. He swallowed audibly.

“I'm sorry m'lady, I was only...” Anakin began to say and cut himself off at the end. Padme winced when she realized he had hurt him.

“...I... I think we should visit your mother on Naboo when we get there.” Padme offered a change in subject and Anakin's eyes went bright.

“Could we!?” Anakin asked with a huge grin that was soon mirrored by Padme.

“Yes, we can.” Padme said, and finally finished packing her suitcases.

The pair of them soon arrive at a ship port on Coruscant. The only other individual with them is a tiny little droid named R2-D2. Who beeped, and whistled after them. He had a harness that allowed him to carry a suitcase. The trio soon boarded a ship bound for Naboo. Anakin takes notice of several teenagers, and young adults using the Force to float a ball back and forth. They weren't Jedi, but Force Users heading to the Jensaarai Temple. Once again Anakin found himself wishing he had joined them instead. He could have grown up on Naboo with his mother, and seen Padme more often.

“Lash told me once that you should finish your training to become a Jedi Knight. Only then could you make an educated decision to join the Jensaarai.” Padme said to him over dinner. He looked up in surprise.

“Lash talks about me with you?” Anakin asked, a sly grin on his face. Padme smiled at him, as she cut into her food.

“Yes, he talks about you often at the temple. He visits your mother when ever he's back. Tells her all your exploits. Master Qui-Gon speaks to him often, and seeks his advice on matters. I know you haven't seen or spoken to her in a long time. But she hears all about you.” Padme continued to say with a grin of her own, as Anakin had to think about that.

“Wait... Does he tell her everything?” Anakin asked horrified about the implications. Padme cracked up laughing.

“I'm sure only good things!” Padme said with a snicker. Then R2 beeped at her and she laughed so load the the people next to them looked at her.

“Wait, what does R2 mean? That he wouldn't leave out any detail!?” Anakin asked.

“You'll just have to find out on your own.” Padme said as she covered her while she had a giggle fit.

The rest of the trip was enjoyable for them both. Anakin tried to pry information out of R2 who played innocent. While Padme teased him about it. What Anakin didn't know was that Lash had told Padme about him as well. She had spent years hearing about his adventures. Lash was a great story teller. A part of Padme was happy that Anakin was here with her. Another small part of her heart was bursting with joy. But that part she had to keep hidden.

The trio arrived on Naboo without incident. They left the refugee ship easily and thanks to his Jedi ID. They past customs with no problems. Anakin had his head on a swivel as he looked around. Naboo had always been a beautiful world. The capital city of Theed more so. But he did notice dozens of people walking around in martial arts gi clothing, carrying boa staffs. On their journey into the city proper they came across a city square that had over a hundred students mimicking a master performing the Force Martial Arts kata. He stood their open mouthed as he watched.

“I heard about the Martial form spreading across the mid, and outer rim. But I didn't think Naboo took to it so well.” Anakin admitted out loud.

“I didn't think we would either. But Lash provided several examples on how it can be a form of art all on its own. Today, its taught in every education center on the planet. It's a required class.” Padme said with a proud smile on her face.

Half way towards the palace two Jensaarai in full armor landed next to them in total silence. R2 beeped in alarm, and Anakin looked surprised that he didn't notice them. But before he could pull his saber Padme jumped into their arms. Their masks retracted to reveal Yane, and Sache. Who hugged her in response.

“Welcome home, m'lady.” Yane said with a grin. Padme gave her a playful pout.

“I told you to call me Padme! How many times have I told you!?” She said to her in whiny voice.

“Oh she knows! She just loves teasing you.” Sache said with a grin of her own.

“Welcome to Naboo, Anakin. Master Lash said you would be coming. We've informed you mother. She is waiting for you at the palace.” Sache said with a bow towards him.

Anakin all but sprinted towards the palace. Shmi Skywalker looked amazing, even younger then she should be. She had a golden healthy skin tone. Rich brown hair to the middle of her back. Warm brown eyes that brought comfort to those that looked into them. She held herself with confidence as she spoke to several students of the Force Martial Art. She herself wore a formal martial gi in a gray color. She was an instructor for the art. The moment Anakin came into view she snapped her focus towards him and a smile that could light up the room grew across her face.

“Anakin!” Shmi shouted and raced over to hug her son who picked her up off the floor and twirled her around.

“Mom!” Anakin called. Today was a good day.


(Hyperspace transit towards the Kamino system. Four days after the assassination attempt.)

Master Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn sat in his assigned Jedi starfighter interceptor class. It was a starfigher with a triangular design. It had a single cockpit, and a astromech droid compartment to the side. The starfighter was connected to a hyperdrive space ring that allowed it to travel the hyperspace. Qui-Gon rechecked his information on the Kamino system that he had obtained from Lash.

It had surprised Qui-Gon when not only could the temple's systems not identify the dart. They also couldn't find the planet of Kamino. Jocasta Master Archivist had coldly given him the cold shoulder when he had mentioned Lash's insights. That was so unlike Master Jocasta. Qui-Gon had gone to Yoda during his lessons and found an odd sight. Yoda was having the younglings play a familiar strategy game.

Yoda had admitted the possibility that someone could have erased the information from the archives. But he trusted Lash's judgment on the matter. Yoda had always been a neutral party when it came to the activities of Lash, and the Jensaarai order. When so many other Jedi Masters had been upset. Yoda mediated the issues. But the almost blind trust that he showed now, caught Qui-Gon off guard. Qui-Gon felt that the Living Force was trying to tell him something.

Lash was dangerous the Force kept telling him. Without a doubt Qui-Gon agreed. He had seen Lash's skills, powers, and abilities first hand. Now he had only gotten stronger. His order had grown into a real influence in less than a decade. And it grew more every day. But Qui-Gon also understood that Lash sought balance in the Force. Sometimes one needed to use the Dark Side to obtain it. Qui-Gon cleared his head. If the Jedi Order heard his thoughts he would be held in a prison cell indefinitely.

“Once Anakin is a Jedi Knight, I'll leave the Order and join the Jensaarai. I feel my place is by their side.” Qui-Gon said out loud. Almost as if saying it aloud made it more set in stone.

His starfighter came out of hyperspace above the lost world of Kamino. It was an aquatic planet. With the surface being 100% water. The Kaminoans had built large dome shaped cities on the planets underwater surface, and above the water on giant repulsor platforms. As Qui-Gon flew in for a closer look his astro droid notified him that the Kaminoans marked his ship and directed him to a landing pad at the main facility. The main facility of what?

Qui-Gon guided his ship down and found the landing pad. The structures were massive in scope. Much akin to the dome cities he had seen on other planets. Regretfully it was raining, a terrible storm raged as he flew. Surprisingly a soft atmospheric shield was around the facilities that allowed him to land. While only a light rain fell across the landing pad. Qui-Gon pulled himself from his cockpit and informed his astro droid to send a signal to the Jedi Temple that he had arrived and to mark the coordinates. The droid beeped at him and did as he asked.

Qui-Gon walked towards the doors to be greeted by one of the facilities keepers. Kaminoans were slender, towering, pale-skinned humanoids whose oblong heads sat atop elongated neck bones that allowed them limited flexibility. They had two large, almond-shaped black eyes with white pupils that enabled them to see into the ultraviolet spectrum. Male Kaminoans had fin-like crests atop their heads, while females were completely bald and wore unique head crescents. Their long and frail limbs gave them a graceful, gliding walk and featured small feet adapted to their extragalactic homeworld's firm seabeds and later hard flooring. Kaminoans reached adulthood at 11 years old. (Wookieepedia!)

“Welcome to Tipoca City, Master Jedi.” A female Kaminoan greeted him at the door. She bows from her waist, and her head slightly. Qui-Gon gazed up at her in wonder. It was his first time seeing a Kaminoan. Lash had said they were friendly.

“Everything is ready. The prime minister expects you.” The Kaminoan said, then followed up with. “I am Taun We, I'll be your guide. Please this way.” Taun We said softly and gradually turned around with a graceful walk.

“I was not aware I was expected. Did Master Lash send word ahead?” Qui-Gon asked as he walked by her side.

“We have never spoken to a Master Lash. Does he go by another name?” Taun We asked gently. Qui-Gon took a moment to describe Lash and Taun We admitted she had never met him before. Nor the prime minister.

That stumped Qui-Gon, how did Lash know about them then? Perhaps he had met them before? Lash had claimed he was several hundred years old. That would make more sense. Taun We led him through the facility. It was pristine white in nearly every aspect. The only difference was the pathways they walked on were highlighted in gray markings. The doors had an almost organic feel to them as they opened to the side with a fluid motion. Taun We herself wore a simple white, and gray suit that covered her torso, arms, and had what appeared to be a sort or skirt around her long legs. The few Kaminoans they came across were all polite, and wore similar garb.

Qui-Gon was led to a chamber where prime minister Lama Su resided. A Kaminoan male, the crested fin on his head rolled back down his neck slightly. He wore a more ornate set of garb with highlights of red. He bowed to him and gestured for him to take a seat. A seat that came down from the ceiling. It looked like a plant bud, unfurling to accommodate him.

“I trust you are going to enjoy your stay. We are most happy that you have arrived during the best part of the season.” Lama Su said with a slight smile. The raging storm outside was the best part of the season?

“You have made me feel most welcome. But I must confess I have come here without much knowledge on the...facility.” Qui-Gon admitted, but did not say the whole truth.

“Oh? Did Master Sifo Dyas not inform you?” Lama Su asked in curiosity. Though his facial expression hardly moved.

“Master Sifo Dyas died nearly ten years ago.” Qui-Gon replied in mild surprise. Lama Su's eyes went wide.

“Oh my. I am very sorry to hear that. We were so hoping to show him our completed product. He had such high expectations. But none the less. They have been bought and paid for. Come you must be anxious to look them over.” Lama Su offered and slowly stood up.

“Of course, I'd be happy to look them over.” Qui-Gon said as he continued to play along. Taun We opened the door for them and stepped ahead by a few feet.

Qui-gon was led through the facility and as they progressed he only had more and more questions. He saw huge towers that held what looked like children contained with an artificial womb. Hundreds of children on each tower. Mechanical arms selected the right subjects and pulled the container to be processed. Kaminoan technicians worked perfectly in sync with one another. They passed through another doorway and Qui-Gon nearly fell to his knees in shock.

Hundreds of thousands of children all nearly identical went through training courses. Classes were being held by holo simulations, Kaminoans, and older men who looked like one another. Clones, they were all clones of the same person. Qui-Gon was led through a training program. Where he watched the clones in soldiers uniform take down a mechanized target for practice. But what caught his eye was a large practice field with a simulated environment.

“Who's that?” Qui-Gon asked, as he pointed at something or someone on the field.

“That is one of our instructors, Wraith. He visits from time to time to give insight to our soldiers. This army is for the republic after all. While the Jedi Council will lead them into battle.” Lama Su said softly as he watched the simulation.

Qui-Gon stared at the individual as he ran them an exercise. The creature was easily 8 ft tall. He wore a tattered black coat. He had dark green scaled flesh, with a diamond shaped skull crest that gradually pointed up in the back. Six reptilian eyes moved with focused precision as he directed the battle for the clones. Four writhing tentacles on his back moved in sequence as he picked up a piece of hardware with them and turned it right side up. Then Qui-Gon's eyes nearly popped out his sockets. The creature pulled out two green lightsabers from his coat.

“He's a Jedi?” Qui-Gon asked.

“We had thought the same. But he denied it. He claimed there was more than one way to use the Force.” Lama Su replied.

“I'd like to meet him.” Qui-Gon asked.

“Of course, this way.” Lama Su said as they led him to an auxiliary tunnel.

By the time Qui-Gon got down to the training field the simulated combated field had reset itself. The field in question had created a snow field, with harsh wind. Mobile tank units had traveled across the field in an attempt to take a base. The creature known as Wraith was speaking to the clone soldiers when he suddenly turned to look at Qui-Gon as soon as he came into view. Qui-Gon went stock still as the Force screamed at him to run! What ever this creature was, the Force was terrified of him.

“Soldiers stand at attention. We have a Jedi among us.” The creatures animalistic voice called out. The unit leader snapped to attention, and called for his troops to do the same.

“Welcome Master Jedi. Have you come to inspect your army?” Wraith asked...

“Y...Yes, I have...” Qui-Gon replied with a shocked stutter.

“Excellent! We should do the simulation over again with the Jedi leading you. It will be good practice!” Wraith said with a grin that sent a shiver down Qui-Gon's spine... “What fun we'll have!”

First draft, raw, unedited.


I've used this for a lot of my information. Just giving credit where it's due.

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