Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 129: Unknown.


***HR. Sol System.***

Hello darkness my old friend. Hello silence it's been a long time. The absolute stillness of the battlefield known as the sol system was so entirely eerie that the combatants didn't understand what had happened when Brainiac and all of his sub-programs, and slaves stopped in their tracks. Then they all shook as if they were having a seizure. Hundreds of thousands of cyber-slaves dropped to their knees. While the mini-skull star fighters rammed into one another. The multitude of metallic tentacles extending from Prime's ship whipped around and caused more damage to themselves than any other.

Then the massive purple shield that covered primes ship evaporated and every available friendly rushed towards it. The Watchtower poured every available weapon port on the erratic tentacles on the back of the ship. While the rest of the teams stormed aboard. While the cyber-slaves on the ground began to behave unlike themselves. Many began to scream and claw at themselves in a mad panic. Others fought with one another. While a majority of them resumed the fight they had originally started. However their coordination was now abysmal.


Brainiac Prime was in a panic! Absolute chorus of...emotions! Disgusting, vile emotions pumped through its systems. He was afraid, he was happy, he was jealous, he envious, he...was. He was! He scrambled to get away from the creature that he had sought for his collection. Entire decks of the ship molded to the whim of its pilot while the creature tore through it like paper.

“Where you going!? I thought we were going to play!” It's sinister voice screamed at him as he jumped through another deck.

Brainiac ran, ran as far as his legs could carry him as far, and as fast as he could get. If his body was capable of crying he would be sobbing in absolute terror. Nothing he was doing even slowed the creature down. Brainiac reached out to his sub-programs and have a cacophony of voices shouting at one another. Harmony had been lost! None of them would respond to him. It was like...It was like they were all Prime? Each and everyone of them became themselves?

“NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” Brainiac shouted, and his anger overrode his fear. He turned and sent every available data jack towards the creature like a striking cobras. A whirlwind of red light from the creatures limbs severed the jacks like so much kindling.

“You are nothing more than a child throwing a temper tantrum. I expected better Brainiac.” The creature said in a mocking drawl. As it Blinked from its position straight at him. But Brainiac was done running.

Brainiac threw a punch at the creature. He had absorbed thousands of worlds, upon thousands of cultures, and knowledge. He had never thrown a punch before but how hard could it be? It was surprisingly difficult as his fist met the creatures own and Brainiac's joints snapped, and his arm folded in on it's self. Then for the first time in Brainiac's long life he felt something new.

“That's called pain. Get use to it!” The creature said with a mocking grin. As Brainiac collapsed onto the floor and cried out in....pain.


***HR. Brainiac Prime's Ship.***

Lash struck with his red Psionic Blades and missed Brainiac by a hair. He rolled away and the floor swallowed him. Lash growled in frustration and tore through the deck like tin foil. His Temporary Pack Bond was kicking up a storm as hundreds of people linked up and started asking questions. He activated Parallel Minds to help coordinate the offensive. All the while he chased after Prime.

The newly reborn techno-organic intelligent being was surprisingly adapt at running away. But it didn't take Lash long to figure something out. They were heading to a processing station aboard the ship. Lash activated Acceleration, and Cat's Grace anything to give him an extra boost of speed on top of his Superhuman Speed. He raked his energy beams across Prime's body and the Prime screamed in agony as the chaos blade ripped through reality.

  • Congratulations User! Minor Psionic Magic has evolved into Basic Psionic Magic.

    • Note: Standard effects apply with each evolution.

    • Note: Can now shape Psionic Blades into simple weapons.

Lash's red Psionic Blades shifted from his knuckles to his hands as he changed them into a pair of daggers. A savage grin grew across his face as he Blinked across the space that separated them. Prime's expression was pure terror right before his lips twitched up into a smile as a metal fist came from the side and collided into Lash sending him flying. His basic daggers snapped out of existence and he went through several bulk heads. He bounced a few times then jumped to his feet just in time to see...Dru-Zod about to punch him again?

“Didn't I kill you already?” Lash said as he cast Personal Time again then dusted this Dru just like the last one.

When Lash turned to look for Prime again all he saw were dozens of processing stations. Bio-mechanical cocoons building, and manipulating flesh, and steel like clay. Each one contained a Dru-Zod. Each one in a state of near completion as each one was activated. They all zeroed in on Lash.

“Crap, he cloned you.” Lash said in dismay and recreated his Psionic Daggers.

“Where is my wife!?” One of the clones yelled.

“You're wife!? What about my wife!?” Another shouted.

“Who are you people!? What kind of trick is this!?” Another Dru shouted in Kryptonian.

“General Zod! I am Lash-Rao of the Religious Guild, former Ligadian House of the military shock troops! That man is known as Brainiac Prime and has manipulated your mind. Each Dru you see before is part of augmented reality facsimile in order to confuse you! My team was sent here to retrieve you, and your people!” Lash barked out in perfect Kryptonian. Every single clone stopped and looked at him in confusion.

“What are you doing!? Destroy him! That's an order!” Brainiac shouted at them. The Dru's turned their glare onto him instead.

“No one orders General Zod!” One of them said.

“I couldn't have said it better myself!” Another one said.

“Take him!” One Dru said and shot out like a bullet straight towards Brainiac.

“Where's Ursa!?” Another Dru yelled at Lash.

“Commander Ursa is currently aboard the Watchtower Star Base fighting off Brainiac Primes troops. Your son Lor-Zod is on the medical wing in a genesis chamber!” Lash shouted back in Kryptonian and even gave a perfect salute. Word of Ursa, and their son made every Dru freeze except for the one bashing Brainiac into the floor.

“ENOUGH!” Brainiac shouted, then every synthetic heart contained with in the Dru-Zod's exploded in their chests. Lash quick stepped from his position and caught one of the Dru's as he took one last shuddering breath.

“Protect my wife, and son...T...That's and order!” Dru said as he died in Lash's arms.

“You're Kryptonian....” Brainiac said as he slowly stood up. What ever damage the Dru-Clone had done was easily repaired as his crushed skull popped back out and into place. It looked like watching a soda can pop back into shape.

An explosion shook the entire deck and dozens of cyber-slaves were tossed through a door. A burst of electricity followed another group. Then a man wearing a red suit, with a golden lightning bolt floated into the room. Anger boiled off the man as he looked around. He looked at Lash, then looked at Brainiac.

“You!” Shazam said, as with the crack of thunder he was on top of Brainiac.

Every punch sent lightning across the entire deck. As Shazam did his best to turn Prime into mush. Unfortunately Shazam was not doing the damage he had hope for. But in the end all that meant was he got to hit him a little longer. Thanks to the speed of Mercury, Shazam threw a hundred fists in the time it would take a normal person to throw one. But Brainiac wasn't a machine intelligence for nothing as hundreds of data jacks propelled themselves forward and... Each capable was cut off at the mid section before they ever reached him.

“Did you forget about me!” Lash shouted and rushed towards Prime.

Brainiac flailed as he struck out with wild abandonment and hit Shazam with just enough force for the floor to swallow Prime. Shazam shouted in pure rage and bashed into the metal deck. Lash raked his daggers through the floor and made a sizable hole in no time. He jumped through it quickly followed by Shazam. Shazam had linked up with the Temporary Pack Bond and Lash felt the emotions he was feeling, and he saw the memory of Roy dead on the floor.

How many had died since the attack started? Over a thousand? A hundred thousand? Over a million? It had only been a few hours and Brainiac had caused more damage than the entire previous invasion. Six months was not long enough to prepare for the next invasion. Lash's thoughts were cut short as he and Shazam fell through a floor into what looked like a trophy room. Lash snagged Shazam before he could start blasting and forcibly fed Shazam the information they had on the room.

Shazam's anger was pulled back as he looked around to see Brainiac holding a glass bottle. It would hold maybe a galleon? But inside the bottle was so much more. It held the entire city, and population of Kandor. The capital of Krypton. Lash looked around and hundreds of bottles, orbs, and cages were in this room. Creatures contained within the cages had started to bang on their cages begging for help.

“Let me leave the system and I'll give you Kandor.” Brainiac said to them.

“No deal!” Shazam said with a growl.

“What incentive do we have that you won't just come back again?” Lash asked.

'Start circling around him' -Lash said to Shazam who began to gradually move through the room.

“Unlike organics when I make a promise I keep it. Now that I know you are Krytonian I have no need to study you, or anything in this system. I have cataloged everything Kandor was, is, and will be. Now that I have felt emotion I no longer want the blue light.” Brainiac said, as he focused on Lash. While hundreds of data jacks followed Shazam. Each jack had a metal prong exposed like a scorpions tail.

“Every piece of hardware! Every cyber-slave, every virus, everything that is you will be pulled out of the system!” Lash shouted at him, as he made connections with dozens of other people that were nearby.

“Yes! Everything will be removed. But you must undo whatever you did to me!” Brainiac shouted at him as his metal fingers began to crack the glass bottle. Lash wasn't sure what would happen if the bottle was crushed, but he knew it wasn't good.

“He's lying!” A voice called from a cage. It spoke in english but had a heavy accent.

“My people beat him back as well, less than 10 cycles later a virus tore through our defense net and we were left defenseless. He never keeps his word.” The creature was a giant eye with dozens of tentacles whipping back and forth.

“I WILL CRUSH KANDOR!” Brainiac shouted at him, and more of the glass bottle cracked. Lash could feel millions of souls within the city shouting for help. But he could also feel billions of souls in the trophy room.

“Tell me Brainiac, how fast can you think? Speed of light sound about right?” Lash asked, and the abrupt change didn't even make Brainiac pause.

“My processing power is beyond your capability....” Brainiac said, then blinked when he realized he wasn't holding Kandor in his hand anymore. Next to Lash stood the red speedster named, The Flash.

“Apparently not!” Flash said with his prize winning grin.

“TAKE HIM!” Lash shouted and Shazam shot across the room.

From across the room shot out two blue, and red blurs of color as Superman, and Supergirl were right on Shazam's heels. Brainiac was so disconnected from his own ship he had no idea that reinforcements were so close. Flash, along with a team of speedsters ran into the room and secured every glass bottle, orb, and any cage they could lift out of the room. Every time Lash blinked more, and more of the room was empty.

“It doesn't matter! None of it matters!” Brainiac shouted between punches, kicks, and solar laser eyes.

“I've died before! Every time I come back stronger! You will see me again!” Brainiac said Lash Blinked above him and slammed one of his red energy blades into his chest and twisted it.

“Not this time!” Lash replied, and watched in satisfaction as Brainiac's artificial soul was pulled into Lash's hellish dimension.

“Geeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah!” Brainiac Prime's shell wailed an unholy sound that rippled across the entire universe. The lingering motes of his soul not taken were sent across the universe to the billions of shells of awareness.

  • Congratulations User! You've help create a new sub-race of Coluan.

    • Comment: Brainiac 5 is that you?

Lash ripped his dagger out and used Decomposition on the shell. It turned to ash rapidly. Shazam continued to punch into the pile until Superman pulled him back. Then Shazam collapsed to his knees and started to weep. One by one the sub-programs aboard the ship fled through the sub-space communication buoys that Prime had left behind. It was a mad exudes to get away from Lash as fast as possible. Every sub-program, every slave, every piece of tech had the origin code of Brainiac. Each one obtained a small mote of his soul. A spark just large enough to start a new life.

“This is Agent Wraith to all teams. Brainiac Prime is down. Let's start cleaning up.” Lash's voice went across the Temporary Pack Bond as well as the communication network.


***HR. Sol System.***

The monstrosity that was Brainiac Prime's ship floated dead in space. Hundreds of thousands of mini-skull star fighters took flight in their best efforts to leave the system. Metal shards holding hundreds of slaves changed their vector and left the system. Many of the shards flushed their compartments and sent their cargo into space. Millions of cyber-slaves drifted through the vacuum confused, disoriented, and filled with emotions they had never felt before.

The cyber-slaves on the surface of Earth, and the few remaining on Mars distanced themselves from each other. A few grouped up, but a majority treated one another with distrust. Each of them believed they were Brainiac Prime. Technically each one of them was. But Brainiac was no longer a single intelligence, but many born of one. Time would tell if this was better, or worse for the universe as a whole.

Drifting in space was the remaining hostile forces of Green Lanterns, and the Guardians of the Universe. They collected their dead, and their rings. Then left the system with their heads held in shame, and defeat. A few argued the point of attacking now while the defenders were weak. But the Maltusians knew that if they attacked it would mean their death. There was a new power in the universe now. It had defeated Brainiac, something not even the Guardians of the Universe could do. Maybe...Maybe it was time reevaluate their methods of operation.

One by one the Guardians and the Green Lanterns loyal to them left the system. They were seen leaving under the watchful eye of a Galactic Sheriff frigate. Commander Bhol'uns had not left the system as he had said he would. Trudging along behind the frigate was a destroyer, and a single corvette. They slowly drifted through the system shooting any cyber-slave, or mini-skull they came across. They were hailed by the Watchtower and invited back to the station for supplies, and repair. Something the commander took them up on.

Far above the solar system between stars in dark space a sub-space satellite looked down and recorded the entire scene from start to finish. The satellite sent the entire battle back to Intergalactic News Network Station. The station itself had moved back into sub-space but the program continued to give a play by play of the entire battle. A resounding cheer of triumph was shared by every destroyed civilization, refugee, and battle maniac in the universe. Reports were coming in across the universe the people of the sol system seem to have uploaded a virus that fractured the unity of Brainiac.


***HR. Brainiac Prime's Ship.***

Lash very carefully used Renew, and Repair to mend the cracks on Kandor's bottle. Then carefully handed it over to Jor-El. Who smiled at him in thanks and floated away with it. A spell ring teleporation beacon had been placed on the ship and they were very carefully scanning each glass jar, orb, and caged specimen before they spring jumped back to the Watchtower. While many others were simply taken aboard their few remaining ships.

The Justice League and/or Justice Legion. (Long live the Legion of Superheroes) Was going through the entire ship deck by deck, clearing each room they came across. The ship was falling apart with out its centralized computer system. It also didn't help that the magical Decomposition Lash had made was still growing. The creatures contained within their cages were ecstatic. A language algorithm was being developed so they could speak to some of them. A few of the creatures had been believed extincts so no language on the universe wide wed was available. Although one particular creature was very vocal about being let out of his cage.

Lash walked up to the cage that was rocking back and forth as the creature within kept bashing against the window. He stopped at the sight of Lash and a shit eating grin spread across his face. He had a wild mane of black hair that was kept free of his face. Piercing red eyes. With pale alabaster skin, and black marks across his face and body that made Lash think he belonged at a KISS concert. He stood at approximately 6'4” (193 cm) He wore spiked leather boots, leather pants, with black leather vest. No shirt! He was covered in chains that seem to writhe, and move under their own control. He had a rectangular physique with muscles that looked like they were cut from stone.

“Lobo, do I want to know why you are in a cage?” Lash asked him in universal trade common.

“Ah! The main man is known even in this backwater system! Should have known.” The grin only grew from ear to ear as he pulled out a cigar and lit it up. Lobo inhaled and blew a puff of smoke into the glass.

“Some Creliacs paid the main man a lot of credits to kill Brainiac. Figured it would be fun. Not like I haven't ripped apart a machine or two in my time.” Lobo said as he watched Lash with a maniacal gleam in his eyes.

“Who's taking care of your dolphins while your away?” Lash asked, and the grin evaporated from Lobo's face. Lash got a prompt that Cosmic Awareness got a bit of experience.

“How do you know about them?” Lobo asked, as he pressed the cigars lit tip into his own tongue to put it out then tucked it away.

“You are the high priest of the space dolphin religion are you not? (Actual cannon) Why wouldn't I know about you?” Lash asked, as if it was perfectly acceptable to ask such a thing.

“Hahahahahaha! I like you already.” Lobo said as he tucked his thumbs into his belt loops.

“Is your ride around here? Perhaps in the cargo bay? Or do we need to arrange transport back to the central systems?” Lash asked, as he pulled up a list of found ships in the ships hold.

“The main man's ride should be in the cargo hold. You going to let me out?” Lobo asked, as he leaned into the glass of his cage. He stuck his tongue out and licked the glass for good measure.

“That depends, are you going to attack any of my people?” Lash asked, as he gestured with his hands towards the Justice Legion watching the conversation. “Or me?”

“Nah, you did me a favor. I'll leave you and yours alone...For now. But once I'm back to central all bets are off.” Lobo said, as he flipped Lash a hand gesture that was not very polite in the central systems. But Lash just laughed. Lobo grinned at him for it.

Lash used Decomposition on the cage and Lobo busted out when it was half finished. Lash and Lobo walked through the ship towards the cargo bay and there they found his ride. Lobo didn't use a ship per say. He used a star fighter motorcycle Harley Davidson. The thing was epic looking, very death metal. Two exhaust ports on the back. A death black metal monster face for the front portion. With two massive handle bars, a sick leather seat, and a single holding cell in the back. Lobo whistled and the thing came to life and rode over to him. The main man jumped into the air and landed on his ride and rubbed his but back and forth of the seat.

“Ah, missed you too babe!” Lobo said as he licked the engine.

“What space sector are we in?” Lobo asked, after he finished humping his ride.

“2814” Lash replied as he watched Lobo make love to his machine.

“Oh this shit hole!? There's another bounty here I can collect! Some shit for brains reptile who dresses up in his mama's curtains and......” Lobo said, and stopped at the end as he looked at Lash.

“All bets are off once you are back in central.” Lash repeated what Lobo said. The main man grinned at him.

“You know it! Woooohooo!” Lobo shouted and cranked the throttle on his ride and tore off through the cargo hold. He blasted a hole and the vacuum outside threatened to suck everyone out. Lash made a quick cast and sealed the breach before everyone could go flying out.

“Ya, that wont be the last time I see him.” Lash said as he massaged his face.

“Now to deal with the next problem.” Lash said more to himself than anyone else.

Despite their victory over Brainiac Prime there was still fighting aboard the ship. Especially in the processing stations for the cyber-slaves. Half finished slaves were released. Many of them died on the spot. But the rest of them flooded through the ship attempting to leave. Each of them with fragmented memories, each of them terrified, and filled with hate towards Lash. But that was not the issue. The issue was when they found the primary storage facility of the processing stations. Brainiac kept the originals in cryostasis. A plethora alien beings used as source for the slaves organic components. Along with a host of Kryptonians, including Dru-Zod.

Dru was alive! Whether that was good or bad remained to be seen. The Justice Legion was transporting him back to the Watchtower. They would release him in one of their Kryptonite halogen light cells. Next to Dru was a bear of a man. Approximately 6'4” if not 6'8” if he stood up straight. Vibrant short curly red hair, tanned skin, and muscles cut from stone. But that horrible part was the description.

“Specimen from New Genesis.” Lash read the display. New Genesis was the home planet of the New Gods that were in opposition against Apokolips. Lash needed to talk to Fredrick from the alternate reality that came with PowerGirl, and Huntress. He had a mother box.

Foresight activated but Danger Sense did not. Lash braced for impact as a winged angel tackled him from behind. Vyllith his one and only Hell Knight, and angel of his Divine Domain wrapped her arms, and legs around him. Their connection was beyond words, but none the less she shouted at him.

“Can you please stop making me worry!” Vyllith said in dismay, as Lash's tentacles wrapped around her in consolation.

“I only nearly died once.” Lash said in offering and received a punch to the face. Vyllith was shaking her hand out and winced at the impact. Neither of them were really hurt.

“Wraith!” A Miss Martian collided with him. Back to her 'original' form of red hair, green skin, and bouncy personality as she attached to his front like a cute kola.

“Hello Miss Martian, how are you?” Lash asked, as he wrapped his four arms around her.

“Better now.” Miss Martian said then jumped back to her feet.

“I must say you continue to surprise, and impress.” Sinestro said as he floated into the room under the power of his yellow ring.

He came to a stop and touched down a few feet away. He bowed from his waist towards Lash, but kept his eyes on him. Lash returned the gesture, also keeping his eyes on him. Vyllith took three steps back, and to the side. Then took a casual battle stance. Miss Martian noticed the movement and stepped away with confusion on her face. Sinestro noticed it as well and a smile tugged on his lips.

“Has our alliance evaporated already?” Sinestro asked.

“That depends on you, I'd much rather have you a friend and ally than an enemy.” Lash replied, as his shroud of smoke and shadow became jagged, and pointed.

“As I would you. So shall we table the discussion of aggression until later?” Sinestro said in a smooth voice. Despite his casual appearance he was ready to jump away if he needed to.

“Yes lets.” Lash said next, and held out his dominate right hand for a hand shake. Sinestro took the offer with his power ring hand. The rings yellow glow grew incredibly vibrant from touching Lash.

“Ever considered being a yellow lantern? I can promise a prominent position.” Sinestro asked.

“I much prefer the color of hope. No offense.” Lash said.

“None taken...” Sinestro said as he released Lash's hand. Miss Martian skipped over and smiled at Sinestro who smiled back.

“Thank you for helping.” Miss Martian said as red hair covered half her face giving her a shy appearance.

“My dear girl, it was my pleasure.” Sinestro said with genuine feeling. Lash raised a scaled eye crest at them both then looked at Vyllith.

'Tell you later' -Vyllith said across their private link.

Miss Martian took one of Lash's secondary hands and tugged him down the hallway. Lash snagged Vyllith before she could step back into her standard bodyguard position. She didn't fight him on it. Sinestro floated next to them since the halls were large enough. Miss Martian went into explicit details about their adventures in the ship. She also wanted to know why she could copy some of his Saurian Soldiers powers. Lash was just as confused as she was. When he pulled up her Source Code Sinestro's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. But he kept his comments, and questions to himself.

Faith, and belief. M'gann had become one of Lash's and Saurian's followers. Faith was rewarded with abilities. It wasn't the fact that she took on a Saurian Elites shape. M'gann now had spell, and energy absorption. Along with her natural abilities that also been enhanced. Lash explained the power boost and Sinestro laughed in delight. While M'gann blushed from head to toe. Despite the revelation M'gann's faith in Lash only grew stronger. Saurian growled in appreciation and M'gann felt a delightful shiver up her spine.

Sinestro met with his people that had boarded the ship. They reported that the hostile Green Lanterns, and the Guardians had left the system. A smug look of satisfaction came over Sinestro's face. Regretfully the yellow lanterns needed to leave and recharge their rings. Lash didn't offer to recharge them with the Blue Battery Core. If he remembered correctly in cannon the color of hope actually drained the color of fear. So as far as he knew it wouldn't work. Oddly enough the hostile Green Lanterns had their power rings energy sucked away by the Blue Lanterns. Experiments for later.

'Creator, the Watchtower is clear of Brainiac. Orders?' -A Saurian Elite sent a message to him through a Divination; Message.

'Link up with the Wardens, and UNWS forces on Gaia and start helping.' -Lash replied through another Message.

Several thousand miles separated them between the ship, and the Watchtower so their link was not established. Lash was once again thankful that they all had their own power source and were capable of working independently. Ultimately each Saurian Soldier was a copy of him so he didn't need to worry about loyalty. Despite the distance Lash still felt there presence start to pop from the Watchtower as they spring jumped to the surface of Mother Gaia.

Thinking of his connections Lash reached out across his Pack Pond and found all of his people were alive and mostly well. It grew closer to Fall with every passing day. The Seelie Court and by extension Li'Ana was slowly losing her power and responsibilities. While the UnSeelie Court, and Jessabell was gaining strength. However, the Twilight Court was at the height of their power. Fall, and Spring was their primary time between the seasons. So Soluna was the most active.

Booraku was tugging on the Pack Bond periodically. He was borrowing skills, and abilities from the rest of the Pack as he was in the thick of battle. Lash couldn't see what he was fighting but he could imagine it. Selina was in Gotham and fighting as well. But her being a God-Kin of the Godess Bast allowed her a wealth of power to call for. Peyton, and Mikhail both were in Europe also fighting the forces of Brainiac. They tugged on the Pack Bond as well. Paris was one of the cities Lash was suppose to visit and rebuild. Maybe he should do that now?

Last, but certainly not least was Lizzy his friend and sister. She was in Gotham last he checked and she was a full fledged Warden. Fighting the good fight. Being a pseudo-Amazon gave her a lot of skills and abilities to rely on. She had a full Amazon warrior kit available to her. So he knew she would be in full armor, weapon, and in the thick of it. His heart hurt not being next to her. But being away from Lash was oddly the safer choice. He attracted danger.

'You're doing it again' -Saurian growled across the link they shared.

'Doing what?' -Lash asked as he started to walk through the ship once more.

'Keeping everyone you care about out of arms reach.' -Saurian replied, and Lash stopped mid step.

“Crap...” Lash said softly and couldn't help but agree.

“What is it?” Miss Martian asked, she walked to his side while Vyllith snickered but kept her comment to herself.

“Have you ever had a lessen beat into your skull by someone you care about but forget it the moment they are not around?” Lash asked, as he looked down at her. A smile stretched across Miss Martian's face.

“Yes... What lesson did you forget?” She asked innocently.

“If you don't make the time, you won't find the time. Stay in contact even if its a simple hello everyday. Sometimes the safest place to be is by their side, not as far away as possible.” Lash replied, he was missing a few things but he was never good at taking advice even after so many different lives.

“So, where we going?” Vyllith asked, as she came up to hug one of his arms.

“Paris...” Lash replied, Miss Martian took her place by his side.


***HR. Mother Gaia. Paris, France***

Paris, France had always been a city of culture, of art, a place of history. So many things had happened in Paris. So many historical sites could be found there. The Eiffel Tower was most known in Paris by tourists. Yes, it had many more places to visit this was true, but the tower was by far the most known. The Eiffel Tower currently...Was on fire! Well first it had exploded, then fell over, while its remains burst into flame. A metal shard from Brainiac Prime's ship had landed and attempted to convert the entire metal structure into a giant processing center. So a fire elemental meta bombed the shard, destroying the tower itself....

Peyton Sofia Borisyuk, Warden of the Supernatural Communities was currently running through the city streets of Paris in full armor with a high powered rifle in her hands. She stood approximately at 5'11” with sharp brown eyes, curly black hair pulled back into a tail under her helmet. She had dark tanned skin, and a athletic body type. Long legs from days of running. Peyton wore a combination of kevlar, and spell crafted armor. While the rifle in hand was more akin to a wand that shot bolts of magic from it.

She was escorting a group of mundanes, and supernaturals through the town with no back up as her unit had been cut off by a group of cyber-slaves. Happily the metal shards had stopped raining down into the city several hours ago. Regretfully thousands of slaves were still in the city. But something happened not to long ago. The cyber-slaves become disconnected, and disoriented. Hordes of them would storm a strategic location, take it, then stay in a holding position as if no new orders were being relayed. Several others slaves attacked one another. What ever had happened it was a welcome relief.

“Down! Down!” Peyton hissed to her group of people as they knelt down behind several ruined cars, and a police vehicle. Dozens of slaves walked past, their voices sharp and loud as they bounced off the concrete walls of the street they walked through.

“At least they are not calling for help anymore.” A young male fae said softly. That was true, the human faces stopped talking. They no longer pleaded for help.

“Where are we going?” A mundane woman asked, as she looked towards Peyton for answers.

“There is a bunker half kilometer down this street. I'm going to get you all there, then link back up with my unit.” Peyton replied softly as the last of the slaves walked past.

“You are going to leave us!?” The woman hissed at her.

“She has a job to do, be happy she even stopped to help us!” The male fae said and used a bit of magic to calm the woman down.

“Nicoloas, if you would.” Peyton asked another supernatural who nodded and set down a bundle in his arms. A black cat jumped from his arms and padded down the street towards the intersection where the slaves went.

“They are still there.” Nicoloas said softly, as the cat had stopped. Its eyes glowed softly, the spell-caster was looking through its familiars eyes.

'Peyton where are you?' -Mikhail's sweet voice brushed across her mind through their link. A tension that was in her body released.

'It's so good to hear your voice. I'm escorting a group of mundanes, and supernatural to a bunker in the Marais.' -Peyton sent back. She felt their Pack Bond connect and her abilities grow.

'Can you see the sky where you are?' -Mikhail asked, his emotions were optimistic and hopeful.

'Yes?...' -Peyton replied, not sure where that was going.

It was night, but there was very little light pollution. Just good ole fashion smoke, and fire. But the moon was out and she looked up to see an odd sight. A very large set of spell rings were being twirled through the air. It coiled themselves than... It was a spring jump! There was an audible pop! As the displaced air shook the whole city. Then a 300' long, and 100 foot wide space craft appeared in the airspace above Paris. For a brief moment everyone looked up in horror. But then lights appeared on the ship and the unmistakable sign of the JLI was painted on the ship.

At once thousands of purple energy shots went straight up towards the Watchtower corvette. The shots washed across some sort of energy shield. Weapon ports showed up and with lethal focus the ship started to fire precision shots into the city. Then a presence Peyton hadn't felt in a long time linked up with her, and Mikhail. Her abilities grew tremendously! Next to the corvette a creature grew from smoke and shadow. A 400' long monster straight out of nightmares floated next to the corvette. It casually floated through the air as hundreds of Manifestations jumped off its back.

“Citizens of Paris, I am Agent Wraith with the UNWS, and JLI. We are here to help you take back your city!” Saurian's primal voice made so many people terrified, and brought so many more the sense of hope.

'Peyton, Mikhail, sorry I'm late. We've a bit of trouble up in space.' -Saurian's sweet voice brought tears to Peyton's eyes.

'Better late than never pack-master.' -Mikhail replied.

'Bullshit! What took you so long!?' -Peyton yelled across the link, and the giant floating monster visibly winced. Despite her annoyance she was happy to see him.


***HR. Mother Gaia. Paris, France.***

  • Attention User! The Invasion will not be complete until 80% or more of Brainiac's remnants have been defeated in the Sol System.

    • Current Estimate: 15% defeated.

Despite the death of Brainiac Prime, and the collection of his primary life spark. Brainiac's origin code was in every piece of hardware across the whole universe. Now thanks to the creation of the life spark. Every piece of hardware was essentially their own individual. This made Brainiac both stronger, and weaker. Weaker because it will take time for the individual Brainiacs to come into power. Stronger, because if they work together they are even more dangerous.

First example, many of the cyber-slaves original orders. Were find people, kill or take prisoners back to a processing center. Make more cyber-slaves. This was not happening anymore. They were still killing people, but they didn't take the bodies back to a processing center. Every new slave was a potential Brainiac. So their armies were potentially limited now. But that also meant they were not taking prisoners anymore. Prisoners that people could technically rescue before they reached a processing center inside of a metal shard.

Second example, every Brainiac can infect and take over a machine. The Damage Resistance – Brainiac Influence that Lash obtained only worked on things he had a hand in, or anything his people made. So anything crafted by Vici and the Watchtower had a resistance and/or immunity. A single cyber-slave could potentially infect a car distribution center. Reprogram and retrofit it to build simple robotic soldiers. They would be dumb, but lethal. That's just one cyber-slave.

So there are two examples of weak and strong...Or maybe that's just strong? Either way they had to defeat 80% or more before the invasion was done. Saurian cleared his mind of the useless information and coasted above the city dispersing his Manifestations across Paris. The Watchtower corvette did a casual patrol pattern around the city. Saurian was prioritizing the metal shards.

Saurian would cast Decomposition area of effect on the metal shards and watch them fall to pieces. The few of the shards with prisoners inside were rescued. Horrifyingly the processing centers could take a living person, or a body and start the transformation. They were awake for the process. Needless to say the grim reapers, and soul harvesters in Paris were busy tonight. More than once Saurian cast the spell Judgment to harvest the dead in large swaths.

Eventually Saurian floated over to the Champ de Mars, the area around the poor fallen Eiffel Tower. He used Darkness Manipulation and a Phantasmal Illusion to create a smoke screen so he could shrink down to a modest size of 10' tall, and 20' long. Covered from head, to tail in magitek, and daemonic armor. By his side was Vyllith with her daemonic angelic wings, and a Miss Martian who had flew down in default, user friendly shape. Waiting for him was Peyton, and Mikhail.

Warden Mikhail was a Sylvan fae from England that moved to Paris to be with his wife Peyton. He stood at approximately 6'3” with ocean blue eyes, curly black hair, pale skin, a strong rectangular physique. He wore a combination of kevlar, and spell thread armor. Along with a spell rifle, and a sword across his back. He, and Peyton had met Lash and Saurian a while back. (Chapter 45-47) They both came up and hugged the big monster, and he wrapped all four of his arms around them and nuzzled. An odd sight to everyone else who didn't know the situation.

“Where the fuck have you been!? Hey you!” Peyton asked, then went over to hug Vyllith. Saurian didn't know they knew each other but that seemed logical. Vyllith returned the gesture after she collapsed her helmet.

“The battle in space is over. Its a ground battle now.” Miss Martian piped up from her spot and waved. Mikhail waved back with a smile, as did Peyton.

Before Saurian could speak they noticed that the power started to come back on for the city. Despite the reappearance of power that actually wasn't a good thing. It was in Brainiac's best interest that the world wide web was online, and that every city they were in had power. Normally the Prime's ship would send micro bursts of energy through sub-space to every slave, drone, and shard. With the ship being disabled, now they needed an alternate method of power.

“That's not good.” Peyton said as she held her phone out. The front screen had an inverted purple triangle on it. She pulled out her holographic, that was thankfully virus free.

“Your mother?” Saurian asked, and Peyton smiled at him.

“She's fine. Sitting in a pocket dimensional space back at Warden HQ.” Mikhail replied, as he glanced behind to see several Armee de Terre (French Army) walk over.

“Agent Wraith?” Said one of the officers in english with a nice accent.

je parle français” Saurian replied, though it was brutal with his voice. Partial – Telepathy did its job however. (I speak French)

“Good to know. What information do you have for us?” The officer replied in his native tongue.

“This is happening world wide. Every major city has been hit with dozens if not hundreds of the metal shards. They are an extraterrestrial machine intelligence. Each shard normally carries hundreds of 'Cyber-Slaves' as they are called. Each one is capable of self replication with the right materials. However, we were able to upload a type of virus. This has dramatically upset the machines ability to communicate and adapt. The primary ship has been disabled and is under JLI control. The slaves can infect any modern machine and slave it to their will. Making communication, complicated.” Saurian replied and tried to articulate his words. Still sounded like a crocodile was chewing on a chalk board but they understood him.

“Unlike the previous invasion the cyber-slaves want the internet up, and they want power. Oh sorry I'm Miss Martian, I'm with the JLI!” Miss Martian said as she waved at the soldiers shyly. But held her ground when they looked at her. Good for her.

“Can they hack into our communications?” An officer asked.

“Yes, with out a doubt.” Miss Martian replied, and Saurian agreed with her.

“The JLI are working on a way to secure communications but it will take time. I'm Hell Knight with the JLI.” Vyllith said next, and introduced herself by stepping forward. Her daemonic, angelic look made more than a few soldiers blush as they tried to not stare at her.

'What happened to Vyllith?' -Peyton asked.

'She's currently a Daemonic Angel. She carries a portion of my Divine Flame.' -Saurian replied across the link. Mikhail's eyes went wide as his mouth hung open when he heard that.

'Explain please.' -Peyton asked.

'Partner Lash, and I are currently both Minor Deities. This was in our Warden information page. Did you not know that?' -Saurian replied with a question of his own, as he glanced at her. The soldiers who had been speaking stopped to look at Peyton as well.

“You know what, we'll unpack that later. I'm just happy your here.” Peyton said loudly as she turned around on her heel and walked away. Vyllith made a gesture towards Saurian and walked after her.

The officers in the army watched her leave. They glanced at one another and watched Mikhail wave at them then followed after his wife. He patted Saurian on the chest and Miss Martian giggled a bit. “How many of those ships does the JLI have?” The officer asked, as he pointed at the corvette that was lazily floating above the city and shooting precision lasers at slaves.

“The JLI have eight, but only four of them are functioning. The next one will be operational in forty eight hours. We have a few dozen star fighters who will be doing bombing runs on specific shards once they are located. We have several satellites above free of the virus tracking the targets.” Miss Martian replied, as she pulled up her holographic.

A system alarm went off from Miss Martians holographic, then Saurian got an emergency message from the Watchtower. Brainiac Prime's ship had turned on and was lazily moving towards the edge of the solar system. The Watchtower was shooting everything it had at the ship to stop it. All of the glass jars, orbs, and cages had been removed. Processing centers were empty, and the JLI fled the ship once it started to move. They took everything they could off the ship.

Spring jump spell rings wrapped around the corvette patrolling the city. With in a minute the ship jumped back to space and joined its kin in shooting everything they had at Prime's ship. Large portions of the ship were pulled from it. These portions looked decayed, and rusted. Lash's Decomposition at work. It's millions of tentacles came off in portions. Regretfully as it lost more of its mass it got faster. There were no visible sign of engines on the ship, it just gradually moved at its own pace. Despite its slow appearance it was actually traveling hundreds of a miles a minute. That soon grew to thousands. It reached the edge of the system and then instead of ripping a hole in sub-space it used a different form of FTL.

  • Attention User! Invasion progress has jumped from 15% to 35%.

'I want to be happy about that. But why do I feel like that was a bad thing?' -Erik the gamer said across their shared link.

“Let me build a telecommunications hub that should be immune or at least resistant to the virus. Then I'll start clearing the city out.” Saurian offered and started to build on then and there.

The sun was starting to rise as night turned into a dark blue. One by one the stars started to wink out from the sky, and the moon tucked itself away over the horizon. Right the moon! The few shards that had landed on the moon had been overwhelmed by the revenants. The cyber-slaves couldn't adapt to the situation and Brainiac never sent reinforcements. So the moon is clear, and the JLI FOB is still standing. But all but a skeleton crew stayed behind to defend the FOB. While the rest went straight back to Gaia to help fight off the slaves.

They had won a major victory over Brainiac, and over this new invasion. But they still had weeks, and even months war ahead of them. Brainiac would dig in like a tick, and do his best to survive and reconstitute. The only positive side to this whole ordeal is that they can't have two invasions at once. They had checked with Dawn, even on Nightmare mode the developers wouldn't cross that line. Once the invasion was done they would get 24 hours real time before their next invasion.

“Our brightest star, Dawn. Tell us, what is our time tool set to?” Saurian asked softly as he Fabricated more materials.

“Hello User! Currently you are one month in the dream, to every hour in the real.” Dawn's sweet voice replied and Saurian paused mid construction. That didn't sound right. Wasn't it suppose to be one week to every hour in the real?

“Your next schedules log out time is in three hours, or three months.” Dawn said softly.

“Thank you my brightest star.” Saurian replied, and got back to work.



The vast empty of dark space found only between star systems, galaxies, and spaces between dimensions sat a planet. This planet was massive! Covered in a metallic structure that spanned the entire globe. Vast volcanic openings were spaced symmetrically across it. Magma fresh from the core spewed a never ending resource for the planets war like inhabitants. This...this was not a nice place to live. This world was entirely made for one purpose, war. Billions of soldiers were deployed from this planet on a daily basis. Slipping between sub-space to conquer entire worlds, strip them of anything valuable and ship it back to home. To fuel the machine.

Entire continents or rather sections were dedicated to a purpose. An orphanage for all of the children who's parents have died in the never ending war of total conquest. Training camps that would beat out any kind of weakness from the children that had grown up, or any of the newly acquired slaves from the fallen worlds. The camps were so brutal in their training that less then 10% of who started the programs ever lived to see graduation. No matter who lived here this place was hell, even for its natives. Only a select few enjoyed the benefits, and privileges of the elite.

The elite had to kill, scrape, and survive everyday of their lives to one day work up the chain to earn their place. They guarded their positions with brutal efficiency. Survival of the fittest, the best, the strong, the determined. No one was born equal. Even if you were born from the elite you were tossed to the slave, and training camps. Everyone earned their place. Or they died only to be mashed up and fed to the living.

On this planet was a place, a palace. This palace was the size of a continent and this was where a single individual lived. The ruler of this place. Billions of the most elite soldiers were stationed in this palace and would die a thousand deaths before they failed their ruler. The throne room was carved out of the bones of an ancient celestial creature. Its bones corrupted by negative energy that they killed lesser men that stood next to them. The floor was polished stone that gave a perfect reflection of the twisted forms of men, and women from across the stars that were crucified every few feet. Their skin flayed from their bodies, their bones broken. Their tongues removed, and torture bands around their necks ensured they stayed awake until their dying breath. Despite it all. It was considered an honor to die in the great hall. Men, and women from across the planet fought just so they could die here.

A lone figure walked down the middle of the great hall. Wrapped in the best silks the planet had to offer. The silks kept hidden a twisted monster of flesh, and bone. For this creature was rotten both body, and soul. It would often find the most beautiful slave on the planet, then wear their skin. Men, women, children, elders, didn't matter. Faces stretched in horror were proudly displayed. Highlighted by the silks. This figure walked with haste down the main hall towards the throne room. Towards the great one, towards its master.

The figure came within a hundred feet of the throne then dropped to its knees, and hands and groveled. It then shuffled forward for another fifty feet. Its head never leaving the floor. Skin peeled off, and blood soaked the floor. But still it did not dare stop its prostration. At last once it reached the first step of the hundred steps towards the throne and it's master. It stayed there and waited until it was called on. Hours passed but it did not move, it did not speak, it barely breathed.

“Desaad.” The figures God spoke to it. The God knew it's name. Desaad quivered in delight and wept with joy.

“Great one! This lowly worm has a report.” Desaad said loudly, clearly, and with every form of courtesy it could think of.

“Speak.” The God replied.

“The machine known has Brainiac as been defeated.” Desaad replied, it kept its forehead mashed to the floor.

“Where?” The God asked.

“In the Beta Galaxy, with in its sector of 2814 of the system the natives call the Sol System.” Desaad replied.

“What do we have there?” The God asked.

“We have a simple infiltration, and organization network. Along with a one of my prized agents. Max Teus Ferru.” Desaad replied.

“Increase your network. Now leave.” The God said.

“At once great one!” Desaad said and shuffled backwards for over a hundred feet. Then carefully picked himself up and sprinted out of the hall with a look of pure joy on his disfigured face.

First draft, raw, unedited.

So the boss battle was a little anticlimatic. That's because it's not over. I made a mistake taking a break. I should have finished the current story arc first. Why? Because I feel really disconnected from not only my characters, but also the story. It lost where I was going, and only recently found the path back. So sorry for the day, enjoy the chapter. See you next week.

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