Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 12: A Question Answered, is a Secret Lost

Lash and Li'Ana stared at one another across the room, he inside his warm house she outside waiting to come in. He gave her a rueful smile, making his way towards the glass door. Unlocking it then opening the door he made a grandiose gesture with his hands, ushering Li'Ana across the threshold. She smiled at his antics and walked through his kitchen towards his living room. Most of Lash's home was an open clear view, very few walls existed. Save for his bedroom, the guest bathroom, and his art studio. The rest of his home was a collection of half-walls, furniture, and soft petal curtains giving the illusion of walls. Li'Ana walked towards his living room and went to his gas fireplace. Turning it on, the fire came to life! Already giving off warmth as Li'Ana shivered. Lash wasn't sure how long she had been outside waiting for his return.

“So....?” Lash let the question hang in the air as he moved towards the kitchen.

Lash took out a pot, glasses, and began to make Morning Dew Tea. Watching the water boil, he turned to look back at Li'Ana she had taken her coat off and draped it over one of his coaches. She walked through his home admiring his paintings, as well as a few hand crafted sculptures. Then as if coming to a decision she went back to his living room, and took off her high heels that Lash hadn't noticed before at the party. Little details that he missed bothered him and Saurian. But they are mortal after all. Having the tea ready, Lash brought the pot, glasses and table setting over. Placing them on the coffee table between them. Li'Ana slid herself across the coach after she got a glass of tea, an expression of delight that Lash remember the tea she liked. Dottie the Brownie spirit made it a point to refill his tea collection. Lash watched as the exaggerated movement from coffee table, to coach, to drinking made Li'Ana's dress ride up her body, revealing her legs most enticingly.

“I heard that you were coming home alone, so I thought, why wait for your call?” Li'Ana's deep ocean eyes stared at Lash across the tea glass, she had taken a deep pull and was now licking her lips. Before she leaned forward to refill her cup, her overly abundant cleavage bouncing in front of Lash. His eyes narrowed slightly, but a smile did tug on his lips for the show.

“So before I begin Li'Ana, do you have any questions for me? I may not answer them but it would help to give me an idea of what kind of atmosphere we have?” Lash watched her carefully place her tea glass down. She leaned to take a deep breath, her chest rose and fell with the effort.

“I know you have some attraction for me Lash. But, its not as much as I'm use to. May I ask what you find unappealing about me?” Li'Ana kept her eyes down, watching him out of the corner of her eyes. A grimace showed on his face before he pointed at her, more pointing at her chest.

“Those are not your natural size are they?” Lash gestured to his own chest to emphasize his point. Li'Ana closed her arms over her breasts as if she was shielding herself from some kind of attack. A clear glare of hostility in her eyes.

“I know they are not, Li'Ana. My partner can smell the magic around you, specifically around your chest. You have been specifically enhancing that area, why?” Lash spoke softly. He only had a single sip of his tea before he sat down on his coach. His body was tense, waiting for a moment that Li'Ana would attack him. Only the attack didn't come.

“In my experience with men. Bigger has always been better.” Li'Ana sat up straight, sticking her chest out to empathize her point. She looked at Lash with hopeful eyes expecting him to be drooling. The look of concern, was all she got and it unbalanced her.”Y...You don't like bigger?”

“Li'Ana a few things. One; I don't know the entire concept behind glamour but I do know that bigger breasts can actually cause health issues, back pain, and an imbalance when moving around. Two; Even before I became 'this' I've enjoyed breasts like any straight man would, but having huge assets did not interest me as much as confidence. Li'Ana you are confident in every single thing I've seen you do! But, the scale tips side ways when you try to be something your not? I wont presume to know you, but it seems like this makes you as uncomfortable as I think it does?” Lash had counted down his fingers to illustrate.

Li'Ana flopped down across the coach, all sense of grace evaporating out of her. She snagged her coat and covered herself up. Not because she was cold but her pride and plan had been undone by assuming every man was the same. Saurian whispered across the link telling Lash that the glamour around her chest was gone. A visible tension, and weight eased out of Li'Ana's shoulders. Lash was confused because Fae Glamour in all of his readings didn't work that way. That was how a 800 pound troll was able to drive him to the ceremony. They could fit in a car that clearly wasn't big enough, and move around as if they were a standard human. Li'Ana then removed her coat, and her breasts and become a C-cup. Very modest, reaching up she massaged her neck and let out a breath of relief.

“Do you do that for every human you meet? Or is it for everyone?” Lash asked with a wry smile on his face. This earned him an acidic glare from Li'Ana. She visibly pouted at him, the cool fae princesses facade broken by a moment of truth. She drained her tea, filled another glass and drained that one before she answered.

“EVERYONE! Thank you very much! I've been an envoy between the mundanes, and other society members for years! Decades even! Every single man and women I've ever met as always enjoyed bigger! Its won me a lot of favor, and has been used as a political tool successfully I mite add!” She spoke with indignation. She took off one of her rings and placed it on the table between us. Lash looked at it with interest. -Spell charm comes from this tool! Yes! Not glamour but something more! Nasty trick!

“Transmutation. Mundanes wouldn't see through glamour, but most societies would. They expect glamour, but when they see, smell, feel, and even taste the real thing? It must excite them. So, you got a transmutation item.” Lash was surprised, but felt like a fool for being so.

Fae knew the political game well. They were not afraid of using their wiles male or female skills to obtain victory. Then here comes a human male that prefers a lithe and amazonian build over a fantasy of bigger is better. This made Erik Lash pause and think. They liked bigger, they were a guy, breasts of any size were amazing to look at and to hold, why are they different? Saurian, that was the difference, Saurian thought differently. He was a hunter, bigger did not always mean better. He picked up the twitches, actions, and ques that led them discovering that Li'Ana was not naturally this way. This made both Lash and Saurian concerned for her.

A few minutes passed, Li'Ana had drained the entire tea pot and demanded more from Lash. She stayed under the cover of her coat hiding not just from him but the outside world. Lash went to his alarm and window control and activated the shutters. The metal fell over the windows, the shades closed, and a new mystical security system called the Gargoyle kept mystical spy-ware out of his home. While making more Morning Dew Tea for Li'Ana he noticed she ditched the coat, and was massaging her neck. Clearly more at ease now that the transmutation spell was no longer effecting her. Lash set the new pot of tea down and refilled her cup. She took it gratefully, but still glared at him. Then stiffened when she saw Lash move behind her.

“Hold still, I've got something that might help.” Lash held his hands in front of him until he saw her nod. He then placed his hands onto her back, and shoulders. A shiver ran through them both, first because of the tactile contact, Li'Ana's skin was smooth as silk, Lash's hands were strong and a bit rough from his days of molding stone. Then the other reason was like two circuit breakers making a connection. Activated one of his most recently acquired spells...

  • The Nature Domain Spell, Sooth; This spell used the natural flow of energy found in every living thing and balances them out. Using magic as a supplement. This helps cleans out toxins, acidic muscle build up, dietary waste. Essentially a physical therapist greatest dream for any client. Then the spell holder absorbs and converts the negative by product and turns it magic to be recycled becoming ambient energy in the air. So no clean up! And its Eco-friendly!

Li'Ana let an audible moan escape her lips, as her eyes fluttered close. She leaned her head back against the coach breathing deeply. She took a deep relaxed breath as every muscle in her body went from being rigid to relaxed. She was a wet clay in Lash's more then capable hands. Then he cast another spell...

  • The Nature Domain Spell, Nature's Supplement; This takes natural magical energy and converts it in to minerals, vitamins, proteins, and water. All of the essentials the body needs. Can also be used as a mild restoration power for healing. Though it doesn't close wounds and mend bones, it will help the body heal faster. Not to the naked eye, but to a trained professional this would be a miracle.

Li'Ana bit her lips, trying to suppress another moan, as her whole body wiggled in place. Lash watched as she rubbed her thighs together, her finger tips traced lines up and down her legs, stomach, arms, chest, then reached up and grasped Lash's hands. Her eyes opened and all hostility was gone, and now a spark of passion and desire was found. Lash could see that Li'Ana kept looking at his eyes, then back at his mouth, then back to his eyes. It was clear what she wanted, and Lash wanted to give it to her. But... -No! No! Partner-Lash. Li'Ana is vulnerable, she needs a place to be safe. Lash hated to admit it but Saurian was right. He gently moved from Li'Ana's grasp. Then went back to his seat, a table separating them. Li'Ana was clearly confused, it was when the sensation of the two spells wore off that she found her foundation again. There was a brief moment of hesitation, before she seem to understand why he didn't take the initiative. She looked both angry, and grateful.

“I wanted to, Li'Ana. But my partner's advice won me over. You need a safe place right now, not some one to take advantage of you.” Lash said softly. Li'Ana looked up, then crossed her arms emphasizing her now reasonable chest. She turned away with a 'humph'! But Lash could see the barest tug on her lips.

Li'Ana's dress was a little lose now. She still looked stunning it, but the folds of her dress around her breasts kept slipping as she moved. Lash got a little more of show then the dress was designed for but Li'Ana made no move to adjust. After a few minutes she cleared her voice.

“So, are those new abilities what you got from The Endless? We don't have record of you having a spell domain.” Li'Ana finally turned to look at Lash. She was gritting her teeth, and looked angry. But Saurian could tell that she was more relaxed then she has ever been around them.

“Yes! Its the nature domain.” Lash said, as he finished his now cold tea glass. Made sure the Li'Ana's glass was full before he settled back, leaving his glass empty.

“I see.... The court all saw that you partially transformed yourself. When Torloth and Viktor nearly came to blows. The Councilors were impressed that you stepped up, and prevented the confrontation.” Li'Ana was clearly hesitant when he said 'Nature'. As well as 'Partial Transformation'.

“Li'Ana, I've been a part of this world less then three months can you fill in the blanks for me?” Lash said. Confusion clear on his face. Li'Ana blanked for a moment then smiled at him. She sat up straight and took on a teacher guise. Looking cute doing it.

“Nature Domain is a hard domain to learn, and comes with its own set of troubles. Normally the world chooses its champions, if 'The Endless' let you learn it then that means you are also one of the worlds chosen. Which means that you are a friend to all plant and nature related entities, sentient or not. Even if you chop a tree down, or eat meat it wont matter to nature. Nature follows the circle of life, as long as you give back as much as you take you'll be fine.” Li'Ana stopped to make sure Lash was paying attention, he was! He was also taking glances to look Li'Ana over, clearly enjoying the view. This earned him a smug smile from Li'Ana as if to say 'Aha! Got you!'

“Being a Beast Talker, the Nature domain will help. Since a majority of the creatures you will be speaking to on behalf of the Wardens are related to nature, mundane or otherwise. Also there are many plant oriented entities in the Super-Natural Societies that may look at you more favorably. Even the Fae! Though we are not plants ourselves we have always considered ourselves children of nature.” Li'Ana took a moment to drain her tea glass and filled it again before she continued.

Partial Transformation, is another ability that is the mark of a powerful Alpha of Were-Breeds. Certain high ranking members of packs can learn the ability this always places them on high with in the pack. But generally its a Alpha only ability. Being able to transform half way, or even portions of your body means that you are just as dangerous in your human shape as you were in your full shape. It also shows that you can transform quicker. Instead of it taking a hour...”Li'Ana said before Lash interupted her.

“An hour!? My transformation takes less then 10 minutes!” Lash blurted out. This earned a wide eyed and shocked expression from Li'Ana.

“L...Lash that's not possible. The quickest recorded Were-Breed Alpha transformation is clocked at 43 minutes. The bones have to break, the muscles tear, the overall mystical energy effectively breaks down the body and rebuilds it. The entire body! There is no....” Before Li'Ana could continue.

Lash stood up and walked away form the coach. He took a stance, he had gained several skills, abilities, and a spell domain. He was curious what Saurian looked like now. Then, he groaned as his skin began to shift to scales, claws extended. His cloths began to shift with him using the skill, Spacial Item Shifting. Saurian's tail came from Lash rear, it was long, elongated mass of muscles as spikes adorned the tip, a dorsal fin grew along his tail, then back, up to the base of his neck. His back, specifically his spine had huge plates of scaled armor. The center area's of Saurians back, legs, arms, chest, neck, and tail had plate scales, while the intermediate area was studded leather, while the area's of movement were soft leather. Saurian was deep forest green in the light, but nearly black in the dark. He had a Raptor fore-claw on each foot, three fingered and thumb claws on hands. His skull crest had grown, up, and jutted side ways. Horns began to grow from the tip of the crest as well as the sides, still very small. Showing his adolescent stages, Saurian was still hunched over, but even then he was 5' 8”, if he stood up straight he would easily pass 7'. But from nose to tail he was over 10' long. Bones broke, muscles tore, but the whole process was not even 5 minutes. There stood Saurian, as his reptilian yellow eyes kept Li'Ana dead center.

Li'Ana was standing now, just like Jessabell did before she had what looked like a silver dagger in her hand. The Fae must have some sort of spacial bag. Not the first time he's seen them do this, but normally it was things like cards, or letters. She was visibly shaken! Her whole body was shivering with nervous tension. Her feet were spread, taking on a casual defensive stance. Saurian pulled his lips apart revealing his many razor sharp teeth, and a few molars in the back. Letting her know he was an omnivore. A long forked tongue flickered from his maw tasting the air around them.

“Greetings, Huntress-Li'Ana. I am Saurian-Hunter, Partner to Druid, Shaper, and Warden Erik Lash.” Saurian, did a half bow.

Keeping his eyes on Li'Ana. Unlike Jessabell, Lash could not speak across a telepathic link using a Pack Bond skill. So only Saurian would be talking out loud. His voice was harsh to the ears, like a crocodile that had learned to speak. The voice vibrated through his chest. But what also happened a nearly translucent energy filled the room now. Calm Emotions activated, Li'Ana stopped shivering, her eyes became focused no longer driven by fear or uncertainty. She stepped forward, reaching out a hand like a child would towards a dog they had met. Saurian's eyes narrowed but stepped forward lowering his snout to let her touch him. The silver dagger flickered from sight, when she made contact. Gently caressing his scaled snout. Despite Saurian's appearance he is not cold blooded, the scales were warm. She smiled, before taking her hand back.

“What are you?” Li'Ana said.

“Saurian is a Hunter. Created from the machinations of a great being.” Saurian said in a grave tone. This was the second time he had openly said that. Erik was again reminded that both Lash, and Saurian new that they were in a game. But, could not break the 4th wall and tell others. But Saurian was the only one to skirt the border.

“Aren't we all... The Fae are created by we assume 'The Endless' but even that is a guess. At least it seems you know your creator. Thank you for showing me. Yet another thing that makes you different from Were-Breeds we know.” Li'Ana went back to the coach and sat down, tucking her legs under her. She stared at Saurian.

Saurian moved with the grace of a predator tucking his claws up so he wouldn't scratch the floor. Lash did learn that Dottie and the Brownies did minor repairs on his home, but didn't want to test the limit of it. Saurian was larger now, with a casual lift of his tail and his arm he moved a coach aside and sat down on the floor near Li'Ana. He watched her carefully, the effect of Calm Emotions still in play. They stayed that we for several minutes. Li'Ana raised a manicured eye brow as something dawned on her.

“Wait... How are you doing this? I've heard of Alpha's exerting control over their packs. Inciting emotions in them like rage, fear, calm. But I'm not a were-breed. I cant be in a pack. But...” Li'Ana felt that her emotions of fear, excitement, and confusion would rise...Then level out, under the effect of the skill.

Saurian tilted his head to one side, much a dog does when they hear a sound. Then returned to his neutral stance. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before halting the energy cascading over Li'Ana. Slowly her emotions bubbled over again. Fear went hand in hand with curiosity. She tucked her self further into a ball on the coach.

“Saurian is not a Were-Breed as Huntress-Li'Ana speaks of. We are not tied to a moon, nor a primal spirit of the super-natural world. We are created for a purpose, meant to work together with Partner-Erik Lash. Saurian-Hunter is not a native to this world you and Partner-Lash call home.” Saurian spoke in his reptilian base tone, or neutral voice...For him.

“W..Wait! You just said you are not a native of this world? Then....Wait no that's not right every alien the Societies have met are Mundane. I mean we've always assumed that any planet with a living civilization must have their own super-natural world. But we.... That's right, Lash was human until a few months ago, according to the test we administered he still is! That means...You..You, Saurian are the Alien. Your using.. I mean, you have joined Lash like a symbiotic relationship.” Li'Ana corrected herself when she heard Saurian growl at her for the word 'using'. Both Lash and Saurian were clear they were partner's. They didn't use each other, they were family.

“Saurian-Hunter, and Hunter-Lash are here at the behest of their creator. To live, to hunt, to thrive! That is what the great being desires, and that is what we will accomplish. Just as Li'Ana-Huntress has masters, just as she has a mission. But this is why Li'Ana is dangerous. Saurian wishes Li'Ana to be our friend, our ally, our pack. But Li'Ana does not trust us, Li'Ana will use us to further her own gain. Friendship is a two way trail, not one. A one way trail is a game trail.” Saurian said, staring at Li'Ana carefully reading every minor movement.

Li'Ana's ears perked at that mention. She opened her mouth, once, twice, three times trying to refute what he just said. Then closed her mouth, she reached for her coat again attempting to hide from Saurians gaze. Saurian could see that she didn't understand why she was acting this way. But Saurian knew that emotions are raw and untainted after the Calm Emotions was used. -Aha! So that's why! Lash said across the link.

“It....Its not that easy to trust people, Saurian. I'm 82 this year did you know that? The Fae council only lets envoys remain until they reach 100. Then we are separated, with our wins and loses. What we have achieved will allow us our pick of assignments. I've had to lie, cheat, steal, even kill to keep my own life, and to ensure my own future. I'm not like Jessabell! Even if she doesn't want to stay in the political path of a councilor. She can fall back on her warrior heritage. Me, this is all I am. I'm not a hunter like you say I am. I'm just a administrator. Its all I was ever good at.” Li'Ana's emotions were raw, and plain as day on her face. Her body shuddered at the realization that she just said that all out loud.

But, some part of Li'Ana was thankful. She hadn't spoke about her worries with anyone in decades. Li'Ana looked up at Saurian only to reel back in surprise. Saurian had moved forward with out her hearing him move. He had turned his head so that he could look at her with his eye. Given his reptilian snout, and facial features he could not look at her like a human would with out poking her with his mouth. Li'Ana squeaked! Before she knew what was happening she was being held in Saurian's lap. He was sitting cross legged forced to lean forward slightly at the account of his tail. He wrapped his now strong arms around her, careful of his jagged scales, and claws on his hand. He rubbed his head against her own.

“Huntress-Li'Ana is wrong. There is more then one way to hunt. Not all of them involve blood, and claw. Your chosen arena is no less dangerous then the field of battle, or the jungles of home where anything could attack at any time. Saurian is different, maybe he his were-breed. But does not follow the same rules as you know them. When was the last time, Li'Ana had a friend? Not a political chess piece to move and sacrifice, not a mask with a friendly face. But a friend? Someone to share troubles with?” Saurian said softly, his voice vibrating in his chest. Li'Ana could almost feel his voice instead of hearing it.

“I...don't think I've ever had a friend....” Li'Ana said in a quiet voice.

“Then we'll be the first, if you would 'declare' it then we will join you in our pack. It is small, but strong. A friend, a family.” Saurian said. Li'Ana curled up in a ball instantly becoming shy. A tiny voice spoke.

“Erik Lash, and Saurian-Hunter. I, Li'Ana Tuscan von Lok-Scholar of house Lok declare you my friend.” Li'Ana said in a voice quiet as a mouse. Then like an electrical current moving from one place to another. Li'Ana, and Saurian shivered softly...

  • Congratulations User! You have completed one of your Cosmic Patron's grand quest options! Though you did not seduce and bed court envoy, Li'Ana you have earned her trust, as well as a piece of her heart she has never given any one before. Though if you play your hand right you may end up sharing her bed as well. Since you be-friended both envoys you will receive an appropriate reward.

    • Reward; Minor Glamour Charm evolves into Glamour; Traditionally only the Fae were the ones that would could create a Glamour naturally. Over time super-natural societies learned the magic to create spells, and items that could simulate this racial trait. But, now you have the same ability pure-blooded Fae have. With out being a Fae. Both human form Erik Lash, and Saurian have this skill.

    • Your Cosmic Patron is impressed with your ingenuity. Is highly entertained and will think on what to give you for your next task. But reminds you that you still have two or more super-natural societies to befriend. Good Luck!

-Welcome to the family, Li'Ana. Lash's voice said across Basic Telepathy. Li'Ana sat up straight, bumping against Saurian.

“Lash!? How can I hear you!?” Li'Ana said, a deep base laugh came from Saurian.

“Now, Li'Ana is part of pack. She is friend, she is pack-mate, she is family.” Saurian said before he nuzzled Li'Ana. She laughed, a sweet innocent sound that even she didn't recognize.

“Is this why, Jessabell laughed at the ceremony? Did you Saurian say something funny, but no one could hear it?” Saurians growling-purr was all the confirmation she needed. She smiled wide, now understanding it. This meant that she was at the same position as Jessabell now. But, then understood that Lash didn't have to do this. He could have chosen to only allow Jessabell. Then it dawns on her, Warden Lash is doing his part, he is staying neutral. But, he's gained two new friends and allies out of it. In a brief moment Li'Ana realized she had been out played by a human who had been a super-natural creature for less then three months. But, she couldn't be upset over it. She was happy...

Saurian and Li'Ana stayed on the floor for the next few minutes before she asked if she could speak to Lash face to face. She stood up, and watched in fascination as Saurian shifted back, in under five minutes no less! Then she was even more surprised that when Lash re appeared he was still clothed. Both astonished, and all be it a bit disappointed she couldn't see Lash naked. Lash internally took notice that the overall pain threshold was different. He felt that if he needed to he could shift again with out doubling the pain level like before.

“May I just assume that you don't understand the relevance of all that you just did?” Li'Ana asked Lash.

She moved to the tea set on the coffee table and took it back to the kitchen. Her movements compared to before she first came to his home to now were completely different. Calm, relaxed, like she didn't have to put on a show. Even though Lash still enjoyed watching her move. She caught him watching her ass as she walked towards the kitchen to put the dishes aside. She raise her brow at him, but a satisfied smile crept up. Li'Ana's ass unlike her breasts was all natural. The word, 'Thick' comes to mind. Lash had only felt it slightly when Saurian had her in his lap, the scaled armor was useful but it was still natural armor. Sensation of touch was duller then other places. Saurian also didn't have reproductive organs! He was smooth in his crotch area, he also didn't have any nipples. Erik, was still confused about why that was. He understood that reptiles don't to have nipples, but they do have reproductive organs! Don't they?

“One; You broke the transformation record, by a large margin. Two; Not only did you break it once shifting to your primal form, you reverted back in record time and kept all your cloths. Were-Breeds shred their cloths when they transform. Three; You created a pack bond with a none were-breed. I've never heard of, seen, or read about that happening. Four; You exerted emotional control over a none were-breed. We all saw what you did with Woods, and his Lion Pride. But we assumed it was an Alpha beast talker talking to the beasts of the Lion Pride. But maybe it was both? Five; You established a telepathic connection with a none were-breed. Again that is rare! Alpha's can send basic information across a pack link. Emotions, sometimes simple messages. May I assume you are capable of complete conversations?” -Yes, Huntress-Li'Ana. Though our pack bond, as well as our link has a limited range.

Li'Ana was surprised again, still caught off guard by the long list of amazing things Lash was doing. She began to pace back and forth between living room and kitchen. Lash stayed standing, watching her move back and forth....Or watching her ass move back and forth. He is paying attention! He swears!

“We should tell people about the transformation time. But every thing else, we should keep to ourselves. I'll assume Jessabell is doing the same. Or she is being very careful about who knows. Save it as trump card, as well as a chip for future moves.” -Already Huntress-Li'Ana is referring to us as family. Saurian-Hunter is pleased.

Li'Ana froze in her pacing, realizing he was right. She wasn't thinking about how she could use this. But how 'they' could use this. About how to protect Lash, and Saurian. How she could protect her friend. She looked up with a worried expression. -Friends, help friends Huntress-Li'Ana! We are family. Just as you said with nature, as long as you give back as much as you take. This is, how humans say. A two way street. We will help you, as you help us. Family.

Lash moved forward, almost as if by instinct. He swallowed Li'Ana in a hug. She squeaked in surprise! But settled down just as quickly, she curled up in his embrace, standing against him. Tucking her arms up and burying her face into his chest.

“You go back to the Summer Court Councilor and tell them you found out that we can transform in under 10 minutes. Tell them that you convinced me to reveal one of my 'cards' to you. This will help improve your position. As you have only been assigned as our official liaison for less then twenty-four hours. I think it would be a good 'chip' for you.” Lash said, his arms like a muscled wall around Li'Ana keeping her sheltered if only for a moment. His fingers played up and down her naked spine causing her to shiver but not because she was cold.

Li'Ana shifted against Lash, and for the first time she felt his erection grow stiff, pressing against her. A grin grew across her face, glad that her face was hidden. Li'Ana was an envoy of the Summer Court. She had used her female wiles to seduce, tame, and negotiate to win over her competitors, and peers. Men, women, creatures of power. Some of them she enjoyed, some of them she did not, but at the end, it was the job. But... This was different, she wanted Lash to have feelings for her. She reached up wrapping her arms around Lash's neck, she played her fingers across his bald head, as well as feeling the new tribal mark decorating his skin.

Lash was momentarily stunned before he leaned his head down, and met Li'Ana's lips with his own. Their first kiss had been a part of the Warden ceremony. Though he had enjoyed it, as he knew she did to. This was the first real kiss he shared with her. But before they could really begin to explore. -No! No! Young ones! There will be times for sexual intercourse at another time! Saurian said. Both Lash and Li'Ana froze. Before Li'Ana stepped back and laughed! Her smile dazzled Lash, before he began to rub the bridge of his nose.

“Saurian...Are you, Jealous?” Li'Ana spoke softly, as she tapped a finger to her lips. Lash raised a brow, curious what the answer would be. -Of course not! Huntress-Li'Ana! Me and Partner-Lash share one mind, one body, one soul. If you kiss him, you kiss me. If he plays with your milk-sacs, I play with your milk-sacs. If he penetrates you, I penetrate you! Saurian said. There was a brief pause.

“Ah! Ahahahaha! HAHAHAHA!” Li'Ana for a moment didn't know how to react, some part of her felt insulted as she covered her breasts with her arms. But then realized that Saurian was not being petty, he was telling the truth...From his perspective. She then laughed, laughing harder then before she fell to the floor and continued to just that! Just like before, Lash realized this laugh was genuine like so many of her recent emotions around them.

“And why, must we stop? Partner?” Lash spoke with a clear irritated tone. Li'Ana continued to laugh but looked up at Lash. A hint of gratification in her eyes. -Because, there is someone watching your home! They are waiting for Li'Ana to leave. A spy me thinks! This made both Li'Ana and Lash freeze. Turning towards the windows, they were shuttered, tinted, and even had the gargoyles keeping watch. Then Lash was confused, how does Saurian know that....

  • Congratulations User! Your skills, Sensory Awareness, Pack Bond, Telepathy. Have all increased in rank!

    • Sensory Awareness: Has now increased its range by 10 meters. Please take note that it is still limited by line of sight! You cant see through walls....Yet.

    • Pack Bond; The overall range has increased to 2 square miles, and is not limited to line of sight. Additionally, the overall stat and attributes boost as increased to 10%. Who needs coffee? Just hug a Saurian in the morning!

    • Telepathy; The overall range has increased to 2 square miles, and is not limited to line of sight. It has also developed a method to translate language. So no matter what language you or your allies think in. You'll understand each other. Please note it is one way until it evolves or other individuals are part of the pack.

Before Li'Ana could even ask for specifics she heard the balcony door open! She saw a vague glimmer of Lash leaping across the street that separated his building from another. Soon after, the newly appointed Gargoyle's came to life! One came to guard the open door, also guarding Li'Ana. Two more flew off to chase after Lash. She stood up, gaping at the open door.

“Did...Lash just leap across the street?”

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