Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 115: The Red Room


***HR. Watch Tower Station***

(Helena Wayne aka Huntress)

“I don't understand why we need new uniforms! I like my uniform!” Power Girl said with a petulant look on her face. Helena rolled her eyes at her friend and pulled her along towards the Public Relations module.

“Power, you wear a skin tight white spandex suit! Do you remember the battle at Gotham with Slimo? He burned your suit off and you spent the rest of the fight hiding behind a very small piece of clothing? It went up on social media for over a year?” Helena pointed out an old memory of home. It made her sad for a brief moment, but the look of pure horror on Power Girl's face was enough to pull her out of it.

“But.... I got a better one made after that.” Power Girl said in a soft tone of voice and looked down at her feet.

“Look, Hex made it very clear that if we want to join this realities JLI we have to get uniforms done. You can keep your color scheme but you have to wear actual armor.” Helena continued, and smiled at Power Girl.

Helena, Kara, and Fredrick decided to take Hex up on the invitation to join the Justice League: International in this reality. They knew that sooner or later Apokolips forces were going to come looking for them. It was still up to a debate if Darkseid was a multi reality being? Or if there was a Darkseid for each reality? Either way! They three would hopefully be ready for them. They spend a grueling three days in a debrief where they were asked any, and all questions about the invasion. Methods of operations, counter measures, how did their reality react?

In exchange Helena, Kara, and Fredrick got brand new identities in this new reality. It didn't take Hex long to figure out who they were. Or rather who their copies were in this reality. Helena was shocked to learn that her father Bruce, and mother Selina were just about to get married in this reality. In fact they had learned that this reality was about twenty or so years behind Helena's reality. Hopefully that meant it would be a while before Darkseid showed up. Hopefully.

Kara aka Power Girl was nostalgic as she saw her younger self on the station. Kara Kent this realities Super Girl wore a full JLI uniform and looked far more professional than Helena ever remembered her Kara acting when she was that young. But what was strange most of all was Helena's Kara was that she saw her aunt Lara Lor-Von, and her uncle Jor-El here! Apparently they got pulled out of a time fragment Rift by someone named Agent Wraith.

Helena cleared her thoughts as they stepped inside the Public Relations building. She wasn't sure why they were sent here to start the process for their new uniforms. But it apparently started with selecting a code name, and ensuring no one had the same name so it could be coined? They were also getting the public identities set up in the module. Fredrick looked the most out of place. He had been released from the medical module today and was beside himself looking at the station.

Soon a delightful cat-man named Kyoko led them into a private room and he was very bubbly, and a bit to flamboyant for Helena's taste. But Kara, and Fredrick got along with him very well. They talked about color schemes, wanting to keep this and that for their uniforms. Apparently it wasn't that easy either. Different tiered versions of the uniform were available and they had to get trained on each piece of tech before they could have it. This place reminded Helena of her farther, Bruce. He had drilled every single aspect of her tools abilities and what they could be used for into her.

“So, Helena are you married to the purple?” Kyoko asked, and Helena snapped her attention back to the discussion.

“What? Oh I...I mean no? I've always like conservative colors. But purple was my one color that I felt was mine...So?” Helena said, but trailed off as she remembered having the same discussion with her mother...Her recently dead mother. Kyoko easily read between the lines and let the subject go. But he quickly drew a very nice color scheme for her armor. Helena admitted it looked nice.

“I like that!” Helena said, and Kyoko smiled at her, showing a bit of fang has his tail twitched back and forth behind him. Helena was really tempted to grab it.

Kyoko the cat-man wore a black pin stripped suit that was tailored to his particular body type. He looked like a panther of some kind? His sister Mezo who joined him after about thirty or so minutes was a mountain lion, and Helena and Mezo got along perfectly! Helena settled for a light weight armor type. Black polymer suit, flex plates over her vitals, along with a mask. Apparently masks were standard! Then she had a tiger purple stripped pattern into her suit. Hinting at her hunter style.

Power Girl went with a light weight armor type, still confused why she needed armor. Until she heard that the suit would make her largely immune to Kryptonite. After that Kara stopped complaining. Her suit was pure white, with gold, and red highlights across the armor. She wanted a cape, but apparently you had to be trained on them? There was an entire martial art style that incorporated capes, cloaks, and such. Helena understood that better than most. Her dad had used his cloak as a shield, as well as a weapon. So, in the end Kara didn't get her cape until later.

Fredrick was our IT guy. Mother box had been returned to him and he was being fitted for a technical assist suit. If we were ever deployed that is. More than likely we would be given a city to patrol and Fredrick would be our Over Watch guy in the chair. Still, he was really into making his uniform. Fredrick never said anything but Helena knew the guy had been a tiny bit jealous of Kara, and her.

“Wait, the JLI don't own the tower?” Kara asked Mezo who was shaking her head in a clear no.

“No, technically our grandfather owns the station. The JLI are just renting the space. Vici our mother, and he created the tower.” Mezo replied, her voice paused Kyoko's conversation with Fredrick about the wrist mounted holographic computer.

“Who's your grandfather?” Helena asked, in her home reality Bruce, had paid for most of the Watch Tower's materials. While the Guardians of Oa had loaned a defunct space station.

“You would know him as Agent Wraith. He's currently handling a Rift on Earth. Otherwise he would have introduced himself to you when you were speaking to Hex. He takes the whole alternate reality thing seriously.” Mezo said politely, but from her tone of voice it was clear she wanted to move on.

Fredrick asked a few follow up questions about the specs of the tower. But eventually they continued designing the suits, as well as finding suitable code names. Thankfully Huntress, and Power Girl had not been taken yet so they kept their old names. While Fredrick had to really think for his own. Eventually they had a detailed design, and they were sent towards the training hall. They would first be trained in the different aspects of their suits before they would get their own made.

There in the training hall Helena met the owner of the module, Kimiko. A 5'5” woman with yellow skin tone, jade green eyes, short black hair just long enough to be tied back, and two short red horns at the crown of her head. She was apparently an Oni? Helena had no idea what that meant. But they must have been incredibly strong because when Kara stepped into the fighting ring with her. Kimiko had Kara on the ground and in arm lock in under ten seconds!

Helena had watched Kara, and Superman fight against one another and it was an earth shattering experience! Now she watched a young woman who probably didn't weight over a 120 pounds! Make Power Girl tap out. It wasn't until their 5th match that Helena found out that the arena they were in had a power inhibitor tech built into it. So everyone who steps inside starts at the same strength level. So it's all skill at that point.

Helena never realized how much Kara relied on her strength to fight. On her abilities as a Kryptonian. It had been a wake up call for her. When Helena stepped into the ring she didn't do much better. Yes, she did last longer. But Kimiko was just like her father. She had trained in every form of martial arts and knew how to change, and adapt to fit the situation. Just when Helena would start to find a pattern Kimiko would change it up! Needless to say it was frustrating!

Out of the three of them, Fredrick lasted the longest. Simply because the man had no idea how to fight and Kimiko wasn't a bully. After the first tap out, Kimiko started to teach him how to throw a proper punch. Kimiki was cold, indifferent, but was focused on being a good teacher. Would offer praise when people improved, and would admonish someone when they kept making the same mistake over, and over. Helena couldn't help it but admire her for it.

“I heard this place has a bar in it, and even Kryptonian's can get drunk. Want to go?” Kara asked, they were both watching Fredrick getting tossed around the ring.

“Ya...I think... I think we are going to be ok here.” Helena replied, as she winced when Fredrick was tossed again onto the floor.

“I think we will too.” Kara said, with a smile of her own.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Avengers Compound***

(Lash Jormungandson, of Asgard)

Lash had showed up with the city of Attilan on the very day he was suppose to attend the United Nations informal meeting. Director Hill had thankfully informed the council as for the change people attending. When a giant floating city sits just outside of New York people tend to notice! King Black Bolt, and Queen Medusa arrived with a royal escort and sat down in the room with hundreds of attendance, senators, foreign diplomats, and leaders of the world. When they found out that they were rules of a InHuman nation that had existed for thousands of years, on the moon no less! It was a little hard to swallow.

“It was only a matter of time before this happened. We can no longer pretend like the Inhuman threat doesn't exist. Each and every one of them is a lethal weapon and now those weapons are aimed directly at us. Make no mistake; this is an act of war. Unless we take a stand and fight back now while we can, we will be complicit in our own extinction.” A woman by the name of US Senator Ellen Nadeer said when the informal meeting began. She was selected by the pro superhuman registration act group.

This started a very loud shouting match among the leaders of the world. While Black Bolt looked over at Lash who rolled his eyes dramatically. In the two days that Lash had rebuilt their home the tension filled atmosphere between Lash and the royal family mellowed out a bit. Medusa still didn't like Lash. But had to admit that their way of life was dying. They had also failed to rule as a monarchy as Lash showed clear evidence of their lack of trying with the outer ring of their city.

“The floor recognizes, Lash Jormungandson of Asgard to speak.” The presiding councilor spoke and Lash went to the stand to speak. He zeroed in on Nadeer who glared at him in response.

“I was asked to attend this meetings because of my experience with how other planets in the universe at large deal when their species takes a jump forward in evolution. Be it a natural step, or an engineered step. I have seen it it time and time again. If the majority chooses to make an enemy of the minority it never ends well for either side. Especially when that minority in comparison is stronger.” Lash said, and created several Phantasm images of different planets across the universe.

“I am reminded of a Midgardian philosopher. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. -Wayne Dryer. Right now the entire planet is in turmoil because their friends, their neighbors, their family are being encrusted in stone. Then pop out of their stone chrysalis with powers. Some of these people take advantage of their new found gifts and use it to their advantage not always being benevolent with them.” Lash said, as he looked at the entire assembly.

“While others seek to use their new abilities to help their fellow humans. And I assure all of you, that humans and InHumans are one species and I have the actual scientific fact to prove it. Unless we have flat earth believers in here. Then there is no helping any of you.” Lash said, and a few people laughed. “While there are also people who don't want powers. They simply wish to continue living their lives.” Lash continued, as he pulled up several examples of recorded incidents of people being publicly revealed and discriminated against. Them, and their families by simple association.

“The Superhuman registration act is a violation of civil rights! It will lead to persecution, discrimination, and the eventual escalation of change of the law. If you pass this law, then eventually people are going to demand that any InHuman be placed in designated neighborhoods. That will lead to specific schools, jobs, living conditions. Then they'll be placed in camps, and eventually death. Earth has a long history of humans being amazingly intolerant of anything slightly different than those in power. I would hope you would all learn from the past and not make the same mistakes again.” Lash said, and zeroed in on Nadeer who was grinding her teeth.

“Thank you, that is my opening statement. I'll take questions now.” Lash finished, and several people were called on. While a few jumped to their seats to start shouting they were told to wait their turn.

“Why don't the Kree just come back and pick up their experiments?” A pro registration act leader asked. While the leaders against looked at them like they were insane.

“Sir, the Kree are a malevolent universal power that would be more than happy to retrieve the InHumans. They would also continue to change existing humans into InHumans because in their eyes they are better suited for the many wars they fight. If we ask them to come here, Midgard would come under occupation by another group of people.” Lash replied, showing several images of Kree destroying entire worlds just to get what they want.

“How do we know this is not another form of occupation? How do we know that these people are not just sleeper agents here to overthrow our government?” Asked another pro registration leader.

“Because InHumans didn't choose to be this way. They were captured by a technologically superior race and experimented on thousands of years ago. They lived, they died, and new InHumans were born. Approximately 1/3 of the populace on Midgard right now is an InHuman.” Lash said, and as soon as he said the accurate number the whole room burst into an uproar. Wait, did they not know the numbers? Even Black Bolt looked surprised by the number.

Lash eventually had to invoke the spell Silence to ask a question of his own. Once everyone understood they had lost their voice. Which was a grave insult for a lot of people. Lash asked a simple question. “Tell me, what do you all plan to do with when another alien invasion shows up? I guarantee it will happen. Do you plan to revert back to throwing sticks and stones at a vastly superior force? Or do you plan to use the assets you have on hand?”

“Why would aliens come here?”

“Why did the Kree? Free resources! Free labor! Like it or not the Sol System is on the map. It's been on the map for centuries. The only reason you haven't been invaded before was because of Asgard. But now even we can't protect you forever.” Lash replied, and showed a galaxy star system map and showed at least six different groups that would be interested in Earth.

“All the more reason to find, and register the InHumans! If they all get trained on how to use their abilities it will be better for everyone!” A leader that was in between both sides spoke.

“So you would have them all have a GPS sewn into their skin like some kind of animal for being born different!” A 'against' leader shouted, and that started another round of arguments. Then Black Bolt stood up and Lash Silenced the whole room again.

“The floor recognizes the ruling king Black Bolt.” The master of ceremonies said. Then Medusa walked up with him.

“My husband can not use his voice, we have created a sign language and I will speak for him.” Medusa said, and the room understood. Medusa stared at Lash then looked at Bolt who started to sign.

“Though this argument is valid, the law is moot. We the rulers of Attilan will not take any part in the registration of our own people. To do so will be considered an act of war.” Bolt said through his own sign language, and Medusa spoke for everyone.

“You would attack us for defending our people? Our way of life!” Nadeer stood up and shouted at them.

“You are attacking us. You are attacking people that have done nothing wrong other than being different from you. We do agree that InHumans that break the law should be punished. But punishing everyone simply for wanting to live? Yes, that is an act of war.” Black Bolt said and looked at Nadeer who looked like she wanted to murder him.

Senator Ellen Nadeer was a complicated. During the battle of New York when the Chitauri attacked she had lost her mother. She, and her brother Vijay Nadeer were in the city celebrating a birthday party and when the Chitauri attacked a leviathan struck their home and killed their mother. Since then Ellen had sworn to defend her home against any, and all alien threats. She had been the biggest anti-Asgard supporter. Now she was the leader of the anti-InHumans group in the US.

“Tell me, Senator Nadeer. Why haven't you, and your brother signed up on the volunteer sign up list?” Lash asked a question that had been bothering him. Bolt looked at him, as did the whole room. “Oh I'm sorry did no one know that? Ellen, and Vijay are both InHumans.” Lash replied. Ellen went visibly pale, and all the leaders on her side looked at her like she was some kind of freak.

“I AM NOT A INHUMAN FREAK!” Ellen shouted like a banshee then her eyes went wide as Lash pulled up her blood test and it showed the InHuman genetic marker. Lash than pulled up the blood tests of several leaders, and leaders families.

Why was this important? All of the pro registration act leaders had already claimed to have gone through a blood test to show their support. Of course they knew it would destroy their careers if the people found out that if they were InHumans, or if any of their families were. So they used their considerable pocket books to erase that little tidbit. But when you have access to Technomancy nothing is ever truly erased. So now not only had they lied. They used their positions to hide the truth.

It didn't matter that Lash essentially hacked into medical files to make his point. Approximately half of the pro registration leaders were either InHumans themselves, or someone in their family was. The millions of people that stood behind them simply because they all hated the InHuman menace were shocked by that turn of events. The meeting soon devolved into a shouting match that Lash was not inclined to silence anymore.

In the end the Superhuman Registration Act was put on hold. It was not gone. But it would be discussed, especially with the new all be it not entirely recognized as of yet, InHuman nation of Attilan. The royal family returned to Attilan and Lash asked them to find a place in one of the ocean's they wanted. A SHIELD InHuman liaison was assigned. Lash said he would build an island chain for them once they picked a spot. Lash returned to the Avengers compound just in time to find Natasha packing a travel bag.


“Hay, I didn't know you had another mission?” Lash asked, as he stepped into her room.

“I don't, I have a personal thing I need to take care of.” Natasha said with out turning around.

Natasha's hair had grown just long enough that she could tied it back into a pony tail. Her long curly red hair was tucked behind her ears when she turned around to look at Lash. She wore a black tank top, form fitting black pants, and black boots. Her green eyes sparkled a bit when she looked at Lash. He wore a gray pinned stripped suit that he had worn for the UN meeting. Along with a blue tie that she had bought for him.

“Did you just get back?” Natasha asked, walking up and fiddling with his tie. Lash reached out and wrapped his arms around her. Natasha smiled a little and snuggled into his arms, and chest.

“I did, I'm sorry I didn't come back early.” Lash said to her as his hands started to dance up and down her back. She let out a content sigh then begrudgingly stepped back to look at him.

“It's fine, we can talk about it now.” Natasha began, but started to hesitate about what she wanted to say. That was unlike her. Natasha for the most part would always plan her conversations before they happened.

Lash turned around and shut the door to her room. Then pulled up two chairs for them to sit in front of one another. Natasha chewed on her bottom lip for a bit. Lash took a moment to use Deductive Reasoning, reading her body language. She was obviously nervous about something. He sent a Nature pulse through her and didn't find anything wrong with her. She had reached her peak physical condition over a year ago. Not as strong as Rogers, but close.

“What do you know about, The Red Room?” Natasha asked, and Lash leaned back a bit. Raising a brow at her. She kept her gaze leveled with his.

“The Red Room, also known as the Black Widow Program, was a top-secret Soviet brainwashing and training program. The program takes young women and turns them into the world's deadliest and most elite assassins.” Lash said to her, and received a Lore prompt for experience.

“We have unconfirmed reports that it's been reactivated.” Natasha said in a soft whisper. Lash took Natasha's hands into his own and smiled at her.

“When do we leave?” Lash asked, and Natasha's smile lit up the room.

“This isn't a SHIELD operation, or Avengers. It will be just us.” Natasha said to him.

“May I ask why, this sounds just like something they would be interested in?” Lash asked, as he sent his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits to start searching for any thing about, The Red Room.

“Because we believe it's being backed by the Russian government. Off the books of course, but if SHIELD starts poking around... If the Avengers show up it will be treated as an invasion of sovereign borders.” Natasha replied, then squeezed his hands then got up and started packing again.

“So low profile, no back up, no resources. Just ourselves. Should be fun.” Lash said and smiled at Natasha who smiled at him.

“Whats our first priority?” Lash asked as he stood up and started pacing around the room. He started to create several holographic windows so Natasha could see what he was working on.

“I have... People on the ground that may know whats going on. But first, we need to change the way you look.” Natasha said to Lash who paused to look at her. He smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. A smirk grew across her face.

Lash used a Glamour to hide his tribal marks, changed his eye color to ice cold blue, his skin tone became pale, and he grew shoulder length red hair just long enough to pull into a pony tail. He made minor adjustments to his body. Inverted triangle body type, several small scars across his face. Little nicks and cuts. Along with a gruesome scar across his throat. Unfortunately he forgot about his tailored made suit and he tore the suit when he moved. He rolled his eyes but stopped when Natasha's eyes were wide in shock.

“OK...That was easier than I thought.” Natasha said as she walked over to run her hands over Lash.

“Its not a hologram? It's like Loki? Appearance change. Can you do that to other people as well?” Natasha asked, and Lash smiled as he combed his hands through her vibrant red hair and turned in true blond, then gave her light blue eyes, and a caramel skin tone.

“Wow! This will make it easier to get around.” Natasha said as she walked towards the bathroom and took a peak at herself. “Can you change anything else?” Natasha asked as she walked back into the room. Lash looked at her with a raised brow.


“I take it back this is not as fun as I thought.” Natasha said, as they were traveling side by side through the airport. Lash tried to conceal his laughter but ended up choking on a bit of saliva when Natasha pinched his side.

Natasha had asked for a larger breast size. Not understanding that a Glamour is just as much an illusion as a physical change. So as far as she was concerned she had gone up two sizes. It would be several days, if not weeks before she would get use to it. But Natasha pulled Lash to the side and had him adjust her back to her normal size. She breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Lash as if it was his idea all along. Lash shrugged helplessly.

Lash had never been to this realities Russia before. So he couldn't use Tree Stride, and though he technically could use Digital Stride he didn't like the side effects. He'd have to purchase the next evolution when he got a chance. He could have used Portal Creation above Norway again! But Natasha shook her head in dismay at the idea. So they booked two private tickets on a nice airway.

Lash had created passports based on their new looks with in minutes thanks to this tech-spirits. They passed through security with out issue. They were a married couple going to Russia visiting family. Technically true, that was who Natasha was meeting. Her adoptive family. Father, mother, and sister. Lash knew about her adoptive father, well he knew his name. That was about it.

They were shown to their seats and sat side by side. Lash held Natasha's hand in his own and played his thumb up and down her skin. More than once she gave him a pointed look. He was distracting her. People kept glancing in their direction. Almost to the point that a paranoid person would suspect they've been identified. But Lash just knew the truth. They were both fairly attractive people. When you are good looking you tend to attract attention.

The flight across the North Atlantic Ocean was easy going. A vast ocean only interrupted by a giant flying city at the mid way point. Everyone gawked, looking at the huge metropolis. Natasha leaned across Lash's lap as he had the window seat. Something he was more than happy to allow as he placed his hand on her ass. She smacked his arm, but he didn't move his hand. She rolled her eyes at him and looked at the city.

Attilan was a sight to behold with its dome down, and the city completely repaired. Towering structures stretched up towards the sky. While the anti-gravity drives under the city kept it aloft. It floated, more than flew across the ocean. Lash knew they were looking for underwater islands. Places to set up, and set anchor. Lash said he would build them an island chain. But working from a few hundred feet versus a thousand would be easier. Natasha leaned back from the window and took a moment to kiss his cheek. He smiled at her, and she sat back in her seat. After she pulled his hand away from her ass.

“You are going to get me in trouble one day.” Natasha said softly.

“Only one day?” Lash asked, and Natasha rolled her eyes at him.

The flight across the ocean took about seven or so hours. Natasha had pulled up the arm rest separating them and fell asleep across his chest. He had leaned back to let her. He brushed his fingers through her hair and relaxed just a bit. Or at least that is how it looked from anyone looking at them. In reality Lash was pouring through data that his tech-spirits sent him. He used Parallel Minds to help him comprehend, and memorize the information.

As far as he could tell, The Red Room was still in active. There was not a single word of it on any email, any data slip, any form of communication. Which could mean everything is on hard copy. Their facilities could be cut off from any ethernet, or even a hard line. Which meant it would need direct access. They could have an entire update, modern facility. But in a closed system. Normally his tech-spirits could ride any transmission waves. Even a radio would work. But nothing!

Ding! Lash received a message from SHIELD. The worlds governments noticed his absence. Lash was a high profile individual. If he went down the street and ate a local diner governments around the world would know about it. Half the staff, and half of the customers at the dinner could be undercover agents. They would take note of what he ate, drank, and what he said. What he was wearing, and how he looked. If he took an interest in anyone that person was followed, a background security check was done on that person. It was nuts!

However, many governments knew that Lash and Natasha had a relationship together. So when he received the message he understood that they would also be looking for Natasha. Natasha was not as high profile as the rest. Yes, people would notice her. But she spent most of her life learning how to blend in. Many of the missions she did for SHIELD and the Avengers was kept off the news. So the public as a whole didn't see her all to often.

They had about an hour before they were landing and Lash gently nudged Natasha with his Dream Domain. She reached out and snuggled into his arms, and wrapped her arms around his midsection. She was mumbling in her sleep. When ever they slept side by side Lash always used his Dream passives to ensure she had good dreams. Even used Dream Walking on occasion. A soft tone went above them notifying them they were on their final approach.

“Hmmmm.... Can't they take longer? I was having a good dream.” Natasha said into Lash's chest and slowly leaned back to look around. Her hair was messed up a bit, and eyes were groggy. Seeing her like this always made Lash smile.

“Sorry beloved, but once we arrive at the hotel you can get back to your dream.” Lash said as he kissed her nose. She scrunched up her face and pressed her hand into Lash's face like he was a snooze button.

“Where is our hotel anyways?” Natasha asked, she was slightly loud about it. Playing a part.

“Booked in a luxury suite at the four seasons.” Lash replied, and said the address to her. She smiled at him.

“Private jacuzzi?” Natasha asked suggestively, a few people glanced their way as the plane started to tilt.

“Of course! I'm told the balcony has a great view of the city as well.” Lash replied, and kissed her cheek.

“We are now arriving at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport. Thank you for traveling with us!” The pilot said over the intercom. After a few minutes our plane linked up with the access port and private first class was let off first.

Now, why were they in Budapest, Hungary instead of Russia? Because this is where Natasha's sister lived...She thinks. Its been a while since they had seen one another. Yelena Belova was another Black Widow trained in, The Red Room. Natasha, and Yelena had been placed in the same home as a cover operation back during the old days. When Natasha was taken in by SHIELD she asked that her adoptive family be placed in protective custody. However, when SHIELD and Hydra had their falling out her family split up to stay hidden. Hydra is petty enough to go after Natasha's family.

Budapest was an interesting city to say the least. Photogenic is what the advisors claimed it was. The Danube river ran through the city. The river was large enough for ships to pass through it bringing an additional method of tourism. Which also brought a boos to their economic statues, and chance for a better criminal element to exist. More money always attracts more crime. The city it self was a mixture of old, and new. Reminded Lash of Sokovia before the renovation.

Of course Sokovia was neighbors with Hungary. Just another resource to use. Lash had already sent a private message to Zemo about, The Red Room. The king said he would look into for him quietly. Lash, and Natasha took a cap to their hotel. They checked in, and were showed a luxury suite that could be mistake for a home. One master bedroom, with another two bedrooms. A living room, kitchen, and dinning room. With a balcony, with a jacuuzi! It was a shame they would not get a chance to use it.

As soon as they dropped off their bags. They messed up the bed, rifled through the kitchen. Essentially made it look like they had been there! Then Lash cast Anonymity on both of them and they walked out of the hotel. Then they took a walk. Lash watched Natasha as they walked through the city. For a brief moment Natasha wasn't on a mission anymore. She was remembering a different time, not necessarily a happier time. But time where she had a family of her own.

They walked across the Széchenyi Chain Bridge a two lane bridge made in the old days. Connecting the Buda and the pest portion of the city. At least that is what Natasha told Lash with a smile. He wasn't sure if she was joking or not. The bridge was high enough for river boats to pass under. It was a great example of Midgardian humans coming together to build something great. They took a bus to get further into the city.

Natasha talked about the Ruin Pubs in the city. Apparently they were a collection of old ruins that several bars had been placed in. Staying to a theme it was several roman, and jewish temples, and structures that had been partially renovated. Lash could feel the history oozing off the walls. Maybe when they had finished their mission they could come back and enjoy a night off. Apparently Natasha knew a few pubs that were off the beaten path that were a lot more fun.

Budapest was one of those cities that you could easily fall in love with. It was also one of those cities that you could easily disappear in. A lot of the city was in a desperate need of renovation, and retrofitting. Much of the old town was just barely holding on as new technologies were being invented to work around the ancient stone craftsmanship. But there was also a since of self in the city. A soul as it were, Lash could feel the spirit of the city brush up against him. The city was old, and developed its own conscious mind. More than once Lash caught a child, or and older adult looking at Lash with a glassy expression.

This was the spirit of the city temporarily possessing an individual. It wouldn't hurt them, just use them as a temporary looking glass. Lash snagged Natasha's hand to stop her as the were in the neighborhood that Yelena was suppose to be in. But she wasn't sure. There were no CCTV camera's here. But Lash didn't need that. He walked over to a little girl who looked to be about ten years old wearing a nice sun dress. It was the middle of spring in the city. Lash took a knee and looked at the little girl. Much to the confusion of Natasha.

“Hello, may I ask you a question?” Lash asked, and the girl smiled.

“You just did, but I'll let you ask another one.” The girls voice was a combination of voices. Normally that would seem disturbing but instead it sounded soothing. Like several old friends speaking together.

“We are looking for Yelena Belova. This one's sister.” Lash said, as he gestured towards Natasha who was confused about what was going on. The little girl looked at her and smiled.

“It's been sometime since this one came back home. She is welcome here, I know of her sister. She lives near by. I'll tell you where if you help me with something.” The girl replied, continuing to use several voices.

“Of course city spirit, how may this one be of service?” Lash asked, bowing his head in humility. The little girl reached out and softly touched his shoulder length red hair.

“Such a sight to see humility in one so strong. The world needs more like you. My bones are rotten and are in need of repair, or removal. Promise me you'll help me and I'll tell you where this ones sister is.” The spirit asked.

“Of course! I would be more than happy to help you recover. I hope you will tell your children that I'll be making changes to the city?” Lash asked, essentially if he showed up to repair the city as Lash Jormungandson the city officials will be compelled to allow him to.

“Yes.” The spirit replied, and Lash felt a connection between them. The promise had been made. The spirit turned to Natasha and told her where Yelena was. Then the little girl skipped away.

“Lash, what was that?” Natasha asked him as he stood up to look at her.

“When cities reach a certain age they develop a sense of self. The older the city, the more developed that personality is. A city like this, it is very developed. Those were are sensitive to it can speak to the spirit. Generally, a favor, for a favor.” Lash said as he took her hand in his and pulled her along.

“OK.... So this is like a Kamar-Taj thing?” She asked, being pulled along she glanced back at the little girl who waved at her and continued on her way. Natasha waved back, a small smile on her face.

“The masters of Kamar-Taj could indeed speak to the spirit of the city. But you don't need to be a sorcerer to communicate with them. City spirits are like aspects of nature. They are not good, or evil. They simply look after their children. The people who live there. If the scales tip to one side to much it creates an unfavorable position in the city. So, the city will often seek aid in balancing the scales.” Lash continued his line of thinking.

“So, wait the spirit of Budapest remembers me?” Natasha asked, pulling him to a stop so she could look at him.

“Yes, in many ways this place is your home. I saw it when we first started walking. In many ways this place is your home. Yes, you are still keeping to your training. But more than once I've caught you smiling as you relive a memory you had here.” Lash pointed out and Natasha pouted at him.

“Maybe it's just the company that is making me smile?” Natasha said with a petulant look. This time she walked forward pulling Lash along.

“Yes of course, how silly of me!” Lash said, and she shot a glare back at him.

“So, what did it mean by rotten bones?” She asked after a few minutes.

“Many old cities have old sewer systems, canals, catacombs, etc. Because of how the city grew many sections of the city have fallen into disrepair. Only ever receiving stop gaps, and temporary fixes. Unless something major happens, like a whole apartment complex collapsing. The city spirit understands I can fix these area's with out much fuss.” He replied and then an older man walked by and handed Lash an old city map. Natasha looked at the exchange in confusion.

“Parts to focus on.” Lash said, as he unfolded the map. There was a lot of red markers! Specifically sewer systems, canals, some old residential building areas. Lash took a moment to assign one of tech-spirits to looking into these areas.

“There is no rush. As a city spirit, they think in decades or even centuries. A few weeks is nothing to them. We'll finish up, and I'll come back. Or we can come back? You can show me around the city on an actual vacation?” Lash said with a smile, and Natasha grinned at him. Tempting offer!


It was growing close to sunset and they arrived at last at a living complex. Smaller apartments on the bottom floor. With larger homes at the top. Natasha walked up to the resident address sign and found a familiar name. Lash used Machine Control and easily opened the locked door. They slipped inside and walked up the stairs as the elevator was out. Literally, the elevator carriage had been removed. They walked up taking each flight of stairs two at a time. Lash left several spell marks on each floor.

When they hit the tenth floor they walked down the hallway and kept an eye out. They moved to a door and found it unlocked and partially open. Natasha pulled out a side arm and gently pushed the door in. Her gun was level, as her eyes darted around the room. Lash walked in behind her and gently closed the door. He sent a Nature pulse out, then linked up with Natasha with Temporary Pack Bond. She shivered for a moment then glanced at the kitchen. Life pulse was standing there.

Natasha walked towards the kitchen and slowly turned the corner. Then the wall between the kitchen and living room slid sideways and a woman stepped out and pressed a gun towards the back of Lash's skull. She cocked her gun, and Natasha glanced back at Lash with a, 'Really?' Lash shrugged his shoulders. Thanks to Sensory Awareness Lash could see who it was.

Yelena Belova was an attractive young woman with blond hair tied back in a french braid that went a little bit past her shoulders. Cold blue eyes, a hourglass figure that was wrapped in a blue t-shirt, leather jacket, and form fitting khaki pants, and black boots. She also had pink fingernail polish, cute. Her eyes were cold as she glanced at Natasha not recognizing her. She pressed the barrel into Lash's head harder.

“Who are you, and what do you want?” Yelena said in Hungarian.

“Hello sister, could you please not point your gun at my boyfriends head? Trust me when I say you wont enjoy what happens after you pull the trigger.” Natasha said in Hungarian as she lowered her gun, but didn't holster or click the safety.

“Sister?....Natasha?” Yelena asked, an expression of confusion in her eyes. Lash slowly raised his right hand up, Yelena pressed her gun deeper into his head but he rolled his eyes. He waved his hand in a simple gesture and Natasha's Glamour faded with a wash of green, and blue light.

“Good to see you sister... Are you here to kill me?” Yelena asked, as she moved to the side to obstruct Natasha's sight line. Then she blinked and found that she was fifteen feet away and not holding a gun. Personal Time, and Bending. Lash was holding her gun in his hands and laughed.

“It's not loaded.” Lash replied in Hungarian with chuckle as he put it down on the dinning room table. Natasha chuckled a bit, holstering her own gun as she walked into the room. Yelena was staring at Lash, and Natasha as she looked around the room.

“What was that!?” Yelena shouted at them.

“Sorry about that, the first time around can be a little disorienting. I am Lash Jormungandson of Asgard.” Lash said to Yelena and bowed from his waist towards her. Natasha walked to the side of Lash and looked at Yelena with a smile.

“That doesn't explain what you...GAH!” Yelena shouted in panic as they were all now sitting around the dinning room table together.

“Stop doing that!” Yelena screamed at Lash who smirked at her. “I swear, Natasha! You leave for years.....DAMN IT!” She screamed again as suddenly the table was full of food and she had a cut steak in front of her.

“Ok...Let's cut that out for a bit.” Natasha smiled at Lash who shrugged and cut into his own meal.

“You...Y...Wow this smells really good.” Yelena said, and grumbled as Lash poured her a nice red wine.

“So...Wow, this is amazing. What brings you home?” Yelena asked, as she cut into her food and savored the steak that Lash had pulled out of the air. Lash had used Personal Time several times to get the affect he needed. Thanks to Telekinesis he had manipulated Yelena to be sitting at the table, very carefully.

“Do you know where mom, and dad are?” Natasha asked between her own bites of food.

“If I remember right dad's in prison some where up north. I don't know why, and mom she... I think lives in the country side some place. We don't really stay in touch. After Hydra's reveal we all separated. They bombed our home. But we already had another place off to the side under another persons name. Just like mom always said.” Yelena said, and Natasha smiled.

“Always have a place no one knows about.” They both said to each other.

“Found him.” Lash said after a minute, he located Alexei Alanovich Shostakov. They looked at him in confusion before Natasha smirked and took a drink of her wine.

“He was sentenced to prison for attacking a government official of the Russian government. That is the public record. The unofficial record is that the official had ties to a sex trafficking ring. He broke the mans legs, and arms.” Lash reported to them.

“Ya, sounds like dad.” Yelena said a fond smile on her face. Then she looked at Lash in mild confusion. “Do you have computer lenses on your eyes, or?” Lash produced several holographic windows for them to look at. Natasha flipped through one with practice ease. It took Yelena a little bit to get use to the interface.

“What is your mother's name?” He asked.

“Melina Vostokova. The picture they have on file isn't her.” Yelena said, but that didn't stop Lash from visiting SHIELD and looking through its files. He quickly found a picture that Erik said was hers. Then Lash hit a dead end.

“Hmmm... I can't find her.”

“Ya, that sound's like mom.” Natasha replied.

“We were all survivors of, The Black Widow program. While Alexei...Dad was Russia's bad attempt at making a super-soldier that could rival Rogers. We'd all been placed together to look like a family. It was a good cover. Made family moments a bit awkward since all we ever talked about was work.” Yelena said, she had settled half way through the meal. Lash could see the tension melting off of her.

“Then I got caught by Barton, by SHIELD. I got them immunity, and protection.” Natasha said next, and Yelena scoffed as Natasha looked at her in confusion.

“Ya, until we received orders to do kill a few people, steal this, do this. Of course we didn't say no. It was what we were trained to do. Of course now that I think about it the people who ordered us were probably Hydra.” Yelena said, and Natasha looked at with a troubled expression.

“I didn't know that. I thought you all left the life?” Natasha asked.

“No, of course not. All three of us kept it to ourselves. It was important that you not be distracted.” Yelena replied in a bitter tone.

They ate in silence for a bit. Natasha reevaluating her life's choices with the benefit of hindsight. What if...? One of the most dangerous game anyone can play. When dinner was done Lash snapped his fingers and the remains turned into magical energy that made Yelena smile. Easy clean up. They took the wine bottle and sat down in the living room. The two ladies spoke about this and that while Lash continued to search through information. Then one of Lash spell marks he left on the stairwell flared to life.

“We have company... Tactical team, well trained, and well armed. They are all women.” Lash said they all stood up together and Yelena walked across the room pulled out a wall panel and got several loaded side arms, and a sub-machine gun out.

Lash pointed at Natasha and reformed her Glamour, and then moved off to the side. He quick cast a FN P90 sub-machine gun with several magical attachments. He knelt down and faded from view much to Yelena's confusion. Then Lash established Temporary Pack Bond with Yelena as she had registered as friendly. A shiver rolled through her spine and she became aware of her surroundings. Then a flash bang shot into the room and it exploded with no effect as Lash cast Silence, the 'bang' was removed, while the bright flash was swallowed by Darkness Manipulation.

Then the windows crashed inwards as three woman in form fitting tactical gear repelled in but were shocked into submission through ICER rounds in Lash's weapon. The door crashed in, and Lash quickly put down everyone who came in with clear, brutal precision. Hitting the spaces between their armor. Then he rolled a small metallic ball into the hallway outside the home and it sent a blue shock wave through the hall way shocking the other three women into a seizing fit.

Clear. -Lash said across their link.

“I...We didn't have to do anything.” Yelena said, a little disappointed.

“Ya, welcome to my life.” Natasha said with a bitter tone, but she had a smile on her face when she winked at Lash.

Lash moved over to one of the woman and pulled her mask off. Then did the same for the rest. Natasha, and Yelena pulled the others from the hallway inside the home and pulled the masks off. Lash quickly put their faces into the SHIELD database, and did a quick search for them. One of the women had been missing for over five years. Then Danger Sense, and Foresight activated.

Lash activated Personal Time and proceeded to get everyone as far away from the window as he could with in his 60 ft radius sphere. Then he used Fabrication to make reinforced wall between them and the wall. Then canceled Personal Time, a resounding BOOM! Shook the whole floor as anti personal tank round went flying through the window. Thankfully the people living above, and below were not there.

“Everyone ok!?” Lash shouted, as the ringing from the shot made Natasha, and Yelena look around in confusion. They had both been in the house just a moment ago. Yelena was getting really annoyed when ever Lash did that.

Lash reached out and cast Cat's Grace on all three of them. Then raced down the hallway, and down the stairs. Yelena, and Natasha hot on his heels. Lash had to be careful what abilities, and spell craft he used. He couldn't be identified while he was here. That was also why the reinforced wall he had made in the home had fallen to pieces once he was done with it. A quick call to emergency services went through. Even though it seemed that people in the city were trying to stop it from going through Lash's tech-spirits hacked the communication network. From a cat being stuck in a tree to a full blown terrorist attack was called in.

Lash popped out of the front entrance to find a APC (Armored personnel carrier) sitting in the street with its tank barrel still pointing at the tenth floor. Lash sprinted over, jumped on top and ripped the steel hatch open and dropped inside to find three very surprised soldiers. Three shots were fired in quick succession, three unconscious forms. ICERS were amazing. (Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns)

Now, one would ask. Aren't ICERS a SHIELD thing? Yes, but they have been slowly given out to police, and military forces in controlled circumstances. Having a none lethal option for riots, and hostages situations where you are not sure who is who. It's nice to have! So, someone with an ICER is rare, but not unheard of. Lash snagged the ID's of the soldiers then climbed out. Yelena had pulled her car around a nice little blue sedan. Lash climbed into the car and they were off. Just in time for another APC to roll around the street corner and chase after them.

“Why aren't you going all scaly and ripping the tanks apart!?” Yelena shouted as she drove away with the APC barreling down on them. Thankfully this one didn't have a tank barrel on it.

“To high profile! If Lash shows up in his kaiju form its like an army invading a country. He's considered a global threat in some cases!” Natasha shouted back and pulled out a mid to long range rifle from a bag and started to assemble it.

“Well that's one negative of being the good guys I guess.” Yelena growled in dismay as she pulled the steering wheel to one side to avoid a car. As the APC simply drove over it with out care.

Lash reached out with Telekinesis and created a curved ramp from the Telekinetic energy. So the APC hit the ramp, one side of it went up, and twisted sideways. The entire APC fell on its side and slid to a stop. Yelena cheered, just in time for fifteen motorcycles to come around the corner. All of the riders were young women in military gear. More people from the Red Room. Thankfully they had helmets on, so Lash pulled the window down and started to shoot them one by one.

“Pull off to the side and wait.” Lash said as he cast Anonymity on the car, and themselves. Yelena wanted to argue but Natasha told her to do it. So she found a parking spot and waited. Several more motorcycles went flying by. Then another APC, followed by several black unmarked SUV's....None of them stopped.

“Wow... That is a nice trick.” Yelena said.

“So, I take it they were from the Red Room? They must have had Yelena under watch.” Lash had checked for bugs but had found none. But he didn't think to establish a baffle field around the house. His mistake!

“Not only that, but those soldiers were part of the Hungarian military. So this goes a deeper than we originally thought.” Natasha said, chewing on her bottom lip until Yelena slapped her shoulder.

“Stop that! Mom kept telling you not to chew on your lip.” Yelena said with a bit of snark that made Natasha roll her eyes.

“Found her.” Lash said, and pulled up a window. It was a cellphone picture of tourist couple in the countryside taking a photo. Melina Vostokova was seen in the background stepping into her home.

“Ohhhh...Mom's going to be angry she got caught on camera.” Yelena said with a smile. Lash gave her the address and they were off.


About thirty minutes in they left Yelena's vehicle under a bridge. Lash created a new one for them. A blue mini-SUV in memory for Yelena's currently on fire vehicle. Lash jumped into the drivers seat and drove towards the countryside. Natasha, and Yelena were talking in the back about life. He chimed in from time to time but mostly stayed quiet as he continued to process information. The local news declared the attack in the city the work of human first terrorist groups who believed a Inhuman had been found. Thankfully no deaths had been reported, and only minor injuries.

Lash's tech-spirits found a video camera of several women in military gear being carried away in ambulances. But the ambulances never made it to the hospital with their patients. About half way there several SUV's stopped them and put the women, now awake into several vans and they took off. A man flashed a Hungarian security badge and the ambulance drivers were told to be silent about it. Lip reading program. The tech-spirits tagged the vans, then followed behind them. They swapped vehicles three different times. Then drove out to an 'abandoned' military base that had received an upgrade. Yes, on the outside it looked old. Not on the inside.

“I believe I've found one of their facilities. Still looking through the floor plan.” Lash said, and the two ladies stopped bickering about who had stolen who's shirt a few years back. Two holographic windows up for each of them.

“How are you getting this?” Yelena asked, as the floor plan continued to update.

“One of my tech-spirits tailed the transport vehicles and found them here. Then they jumped from vehicle, to vehicle until they stepped inside the base. Each tech-spirit is it's own wireless connection. So it sends its information to the next tech-spirit who sends it either directly to me, or through several satellites. Asgardian magic.” Lash said, and finished simply with a horrible plot device that always made Erik the game cring. Plot hole!? What plot hole? Magic, duh!

“So alien technology, that is all you have to say.” Yelena let out a humphed and went back to looking at the floor plans. Natasha giggled a bit and leaned over and kissed Lash on the cheek.

“Thank you...” She said to Lash who nodded.

“Looks like they have training facilities here, but this is not the main hub. Just a barracks. Home away from home. The Red Room had been dismantled, and many of its records had been burned. So they must be working off of partial information.” Natasha said, remembering how it had been burned from the inside out.

The tech-spirit listed approximately 50 Black Widows on site. With about 200 auxiliary troops, logistics, support, arms, and ammunition. Standard stuff that every army of super assassins needed...Oh wait a minute. They found a medical testing room. The Black Widows were sitting down and a data jack was being inserted into the back of their skulls. Lash's tech-spirit slipped through the security firewalls and started to carefully look through it.

Fuck! It was a Chitauri neural link. As long as the Widows were awake, and with in range of each other they are able to link up. That created a network that allows them to react faster. It also let them know when one went, or was incapacitated with out being seen. It helps them process information faster. Thankfully the optimal range was 60 ft. So pretty limited, but from the research they had, they were making vast improvements everyday.

So the doctors were downloading the visual stimuli from the fight. What happened, what didn't happen. What could have been done better. Then they shared this same information through a data link with every Widow that came in. Making the next fight that more dangerous, and they were able to improve quickly and efficiently. The problem it seemed from the operation was it completely stripped them of any personality. Their ability to have independent thought, no will of their own. They were essentially machines.

“Oh my god...” Yelena said as she covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes had grown misty as she watched the data jack feed go through.

“This is so much worse than I thought.” Natasha whispered softly. “Can you fix them? If we get them out alive can you fix them?” She asked looking at Lash.

“Yes, easily.” Lash said with 100% certainty. It wasn't much different from the operation they had made for the meat puppets back home.

They drove in silence after that. The good mood had evaporated. They occasionally asked Lash about what kind of operation he could do. He tried his best to explain it through medical, and scientific terms. But a lot of had come from Ethan, Naya'il, and Samanthei. While Lash had used Re:Implant to help pull the meat puppets poorly augmented forms. But either way Lash knew he could fix the Black Widows.

Eventually the two of them fell asleep in the car and Lash persisted through the night. Melina lived far enough away from the city, through the twisting roads of the old country where a lot of the streets were not marked. You simply needed to know where to go, or have a SHIELD satellite above the planet helping a driver navigate.

Melina lived in a nice two story home, with a wine cellar. At least that is what the public records stated in the local city hall. The house had been purchased several decades ago and was technically owned by one Devon Mctuckit, who had temporarily loaned it to his loving niece! Molly Mctuckit. The house was located in a small rural town of less then a thousand residents. But only a few hour drive from a city. A quiet, sleepy little village. Known for having a nice bed and breakfast for travelers. Great hiking trails, and a wonderful pie festival once a year.


It was early, early morning when they pulled up the gravel driveway of the home. It was still dark, but the kiss of blue light was on the horizon. Lash sent out a Nature pulse and received one life signal inside who had woken up and was moving through the house. No computer, no satellite, no phone? Well none that were turned on at least according to his Technomancy when he sent another pulse through the house. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Immaculate on Natasha, Yelena, and himself.

Several spell rings wrapped around them and spun around with vibrancy. Lash remembered to use a baffle field to keep the light show out of sight. Once it was done Natasha woke up with a start and looked around. She looked fresh, and clean and she peered at him in confusion. Yelena woke up in the back seat with a red imprint from the seat belt. But aside from that she was awake. Confused as to why she didn't have road lag. Then they both realized they were not moving, and had stopped in front of a house.

“Anything I should know?” Lash asked.

“She probably has the entire house ready to blow, an escape tunnel leading to a car. With a small arsenal under the house.” Yelena said, and Lash sent a Elemental pulse through the ground via Earth. Sure enough there was a tunnel!

“No, I mean. Should I call her mother, or?” Lash asked with a smile looking at Natasha who blushed and looked away. Yelena had a huge grin on her face.

“Ohhhh...I didn't know you two were so serious.” Yelena said with a teasing grin.

“Talk about it later!” Natasha said as she jumped out of the car and started walking towards the door.

“For what its worth, you have my blessing!” Yelena said and jumped out of the car as well.

“Nat...Nat! Let me go first. Remember you don't look the same right now.” Yelena said to her and Natasha gave herself a mental facepalm. She stepped back and Yelena knocked on the door. She knocked twice up by the doors corner, once at the door knob, then three times at the bottom.

She received another set of knocks on the inside of the house. Natasha walked up and did the next set. Then received a reply, they both looked over at Lash who had locked the car doors and was walking over. Yelena knocked a few more times, it had taken Lash a moment to realize they were speaking in code. Then they received a serious of knocks. They two ladies turned around and started to head for the back door.

Lash sent out a wide area of effect Technomancy pulse that covered half a mile. His tech-spirits searched around looking for any bugs, or watchers. Nothing was found, he knelt down and sent a pulse through the earth asking a question. Melina out did herself, she had found a place that no one thought to look. If those tourist hadn't taken a picture of her, he wouldn't of found her either. He had erased the picture from the web. Hopefully that would be enough.

He went around the house to see Yelena, and Natasha hugging an older woman. She had long brown hair with streaks of gray in it. A good figure, strong athletic build but signs of age were starting to show. There was a warmth to her. More to say she had a mamma bear warmth to her. Family is forever, hurt her family and you will die. Lash liked that kind of feeling. Melina turned to look at him as he approached.

“Lash, can you...” Natasha asked and he gestured with his hand. He didn't need to do it, but he liked to. It made people assume he had to use hand gestures to cast, a good deception. A green, and blue wash went over Natasha and she reverted back to her default form. Melina smiled at the sight, then turned back to Lash.

“So, after all these years you finally bring a man home to meet me?” Melina asked Natasha who in turn blushed a bit.

“I've already given him my blessing! Now he just needs yours, and papa's.” Yelena said, and winced when Natasha punched her in the arm.

“Well come on inside, its early but we can make breakfast!” Melina said and pulled everyone inside.

Lash pulled off his Glamour at the breakfast table so they could all see what he really looked like. Yelena let out wolf whistle, and was hushed by Melina. But Melina did glance at Lash a bit then winked at Natasha giving her a leer. Natasha did the typical, 'oh my god, please kill me' look that any daughter does when she brings a man home to meet her family. Lash recast his Glamour simply because he knew he would forget otherwise. He also made breakfast! Which was another plus in his category according to Melina.

“So, we should get your father next?” Melina asked after breakfast. They had laid it all out to her and she agreed to help them end, The Red Room. But they needed their family back together again.

“Shouldn't be an issue, give it another ten minutes.” Lash said, and the three of them looked at him. Then Natasha sighed loudly and hung her head in dismay.

“What did you do?” Natasha asked.

“What? It seemed a hassle to go up to Siberia to retrieve him. So I sent a burner phone to his cell. Speaking of which.” Lash said as he stood up from the dinning room table and pulled out another burn phone and set it down in the living room much to the confusion of the other two ladies.

Then a bright flash of green, and blue energy washed across the room. Millions of digital code exploded from the cell phone and took the shape of a humanoid. Little by little the lines of code took shape, and started form a man. A man wearing a dirty, gray, prison jumpsuit. With a big bushy black, and gray beard. Silver teeth, bald head with long hair along the sides. Muscular arms, but a bit of a gut. He collapsed onto all fours once the Digital Stride was over.

“GAAAH! Gaaah! What the fuck! What the fuck!” Alexei shouted over and over as he gripped his head. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Immaculate on him. Old injuries healed, bones snapped into their correct place, scars faded, and the unbearable smell coming off of him went away.

“Alexei language!” Melina shouted at him in that mamma bear voice that made Yelena, and Natasha wince, as Alexei automatically said.

“Sorry dear!” Alexei said, then blinked and looked up at them. He looked around the house then looked up at Lash. He was the only one he didn't recognize.

Alexei climbed to his feet and looked around a smile growing across his bearded face. Tears began to stream down his cheeks. Melina had a bemused expression on her face as she walked over and hugged him. Then Yelena, and Natasha came over and it was a happy family reunion. With Lash standing off to the side with a smile on his face. He took a holographic picture of the scene and filed it away for later. After a bit Natasha stepped away and walked over to Lash.

“Ummmm Dad...this is my boyfriend, Lash Jormungandson of Asgard.” Natasha said, and Lash bowed from his waist. Alexei looked Lash over with an appraising eye. Alexei and Lash were almost the same size. Lash had about two inches on him, and he was 6'6”.

“I think they should get married.” Melina said to Alexei who looked at her.

“Mom!” Natasha said with a grimace and turned to hide behind Lash then she seem to realize who she was hiding behind and tried to move away only for Lash to snag her and hold her close. She struggled in his arms and finally relented.

“I am just saying, you've been together for several years. I'd like some grandchildren.” Melina said nonchalantly.

“MOM!” Yelena, and Natasha both said together. Then Natasha glanced back at Lash and her ears turned red.

“Oooooh! I haven't seen little Natasha do that in years!” Alexei said at last, taking a moment to tease his adoptive daughter.

“OK! Enough, can we not talk about my love life while this is going on?” Natasha said, her demand was met on deaf ears.

“Would you like something to eat?” Lash asked Alexei who smiled at him, his silver teeth gleaming!

Lash went back to the kitchen. But he quickly crafted some new clothes for Alexei. Watching Lash pulled energy from the air and craft it into fabric was an interesting sight to all of them except Natasha who had grown desensitized to it. She shrugged her shoulders like it wasn't a big deal. Even though she still did enjoy watching Lash do it. Alexei sat down at the dinning room table in a fresh pair of jeans, boots, and flannel shirt with a big smile on his face. He ate several plates of eggs, steak, and baked potatoes, with bacon! Along with two pots of coffee!

“Aaaahhhhh...Food is good.” Alexei said in satisfaction as he finished his plate. He automatically stood to help clean up the dishes but smiled in delight as Lash snapped his fingers and everything was done already.

“Aha! Yes, I like this one. Much better than that one boy you brought home before. What was his name, the one with the bow!” Alexei said to Natasha who rolled her eyes at him.

“Barton was not my boyfriend, he is a friend from work. That is all.” Natasha said in a very whiny tone.

“Well he's a boy, that's a friend. What is that called, help me out here, dear.” Alexei said to Melina who had a amused grin on her face.

It was an interesting dynamic to watch. From what Yelena, and Natasha had told Lash about the family. It had been several years since they had all been together. But they all picked it up like they had seen each other like it was yesterday. Lash could relate, he was like that with Lizzy back home. No matter how much time passed they still treated each other the same. But Lash Jormungandson didn't have any family aside from his father the World Serpent that had been asleep the whole time. So, the family dynamic was...Heart warming.

“Not that I don't enjoy teasing Natasha. But won't they freak out when they find out dad's missing from prison?” Yelena asked, hugging Natasha from behind. Natasha looked like she wanted to scream and wiggled out of her sisters arms.

“There were no camera's in the solitary confinement cell Alexei was placed in. The cell phone was an old flip phone. Several guards were bribed to take it to him. All were paid through dummy accounts that no longer exist. Yes, they will be surprised he is gone. But there is no clear evidence who he escaped.” Lash said, as he pulled Natasha to his side as he sat down. Natasha begrudgingly sat down next to him. She refused to look at him, but allowed him to take her hand into his own.

“Please! Please, call me dad!” Alexei said with a grin, and Natasha bit back a scream. Alexei cackled like a mad man! Lash liked this man.

“So, together again... I wish it was under better circumstances.” Melina said, a sad smile on her face. She reached out and took Alexei's hand into her own. He gave her a squeeze and smiled back.

“What do we know about the new, Red Room?” Alexei asked, and they laid all out for him.

Before the Red Room had been a part of the Soviet Union. Now, it was a professional assassins school that worked with the Russian government but was ultimately a private organization. Corporate espionage, thievery, assassinations, spy craft. But then they got into the twisted aspect that they had recently discovered. How many young girls had been kidnapped? Taken to the Red Room to undergo a surgery that would strip them of themselves. Lash's tech-spirits had searched high and low at the one facility they knew of. There was not a single list of other locations. However, Lash believed he could pull that information out of the men, and women who worked there. Hopefully.

“What about SHIELD? The Avengers? Why are they not here tearing it all down.” Alexei said, his voice took on a hint of hope.

“Government connections, and threat of invasion by a super powered army. With the Superhuman Registration Act currently dead in the water. All it would take is a superhuman, and alien task force sent into a sovereign nation to spark another war, let alone the registration. Director Hill doesn't want that. The Avengers don't want that.” Natasha replied, there were several other nuance level details that would also tip it not in their favor.

“So, we do this ourselves? With a bit of help from our new son in law?” Melina asked, a smile tugging on her lips when Natasha rolled her eyes at her.

“So no large dinosaur, no Asgardian army, just a magic man who can manipulate time?” Yelena said with a smirk. “Should be real easy.”

“Indeed, but first I need to optimize all of you.” Lash said, and Natasha grinned at the look of confusion on every ones face.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Molly Mctuckit residence***

(Yelena Belova)

Yelena threw a punch at her sister Natasha and her punch made a crack sound as her joints popped softly. She twisted and pulled around with a kick that Natasha aggravatingly dodged out of the way. Natasha did a back flip and nearly took Yelena's head off with her foot. Yelena pushed herself forward and she could feel the bio-mechanical implants that Lash put in her assist with the attempt. She brought the heel of her foot down in an axe kick and broke the stone ground beneath their feet. Yelena felt her joints lock up in place. She was forced to freeze for a moment as the implants assisted with the damage she just caused to herself.

“Over extended again, didn't you?” Natasha said, as she walked around to help Yelena up.

“Shut up! I'm fine.” Yelena said, but took the hand up with a grimace. She felt her body trying to adjust to the new abilities.

“I like this...” Yelena said softly.

“Being together again, or the being optimized?” Natasha asked as she walked over and snagged a water bottle.

“Both! It's good...It's good to see you again, sister.” Yelena said, walking over to get her own bottle of water.

Yelena and Natasha were outside the house in the backyard in a fenced off area that mother used for training. Yelena had been the first one optimized and she felt amazing! The changes were subtle. She had read up on Captain America's changes on how he grew several inches, and gained muscle mass. Yelena didn't do that, well maybe she gained an inch here and there. But it was all dense, lean muscles. But what was most peculiar was if she thought about it a progress bar was brought up across her eye lid.

“Stage one complete.” Yelena said, as a prompt went across her vision thanks to the UI program.

“Time to go running then.” Natasha said and pulled her inside to get changed.

Yelena went along with her sister and smiled. Mother was sitting in the living room talking to Lash, and father. Dozens of windows were revolving around Alexei, as bits of code flashed by Lash's face. Yelena had to admit that if Natasha wasn't with him she would take a chance on him. The man was seriously handsome in a barbarian sort of way. Yes, Yelena understood that the way he currently looked was a...Glamour. Of what ever it was called. But still, wow! He was good looking. Then he glanced at them and his eyes reflected like a wolf would and it sent a shiver down her spine.

“Stage one done? Time to go running.” Lash said, and Natasha laughed as she walked over and kissed his cheek.

“Should I go to?” Mother asked, Yelena looked at her. Really looked at her.

Mother had lost her gray hair, and her wrinkles had smoothed out. She looked almost as young as they did with a few exceptions. Her eyes told the story of her life. Yelena still thought it was insane that Lash could Restore Youth to people. Father looked the most different. Gone was his big busy beard, and silver teeth. Now he was trimmed, clean, and back to being in shape. His gut was gone, and he looked like nordic warrior.

“That is up to you. Eventually you'll all be running. It will help your bodies get use to the changes. Though father-Alexei will be a bit. The experiments they did on him are very sloppy.” Lash said, as he scrolled through something he called a Source Code.

“Go.... We'll be fine. Give us men a chance to talk!” Father said, and Yelena rolled her eyes. Happy to see she was not the only one.

All three of them went upstairs to change. Lash had created sports wear for all of them. It made Yelena blush just a bit at the idea that Lash knew her sizes down to a centimeter. Yelena stood up in front of a full length mirror in the guest bedroom and smoothed her hands over legs. The running pants looked good, then she slipped on her cross strap sports bra, and jacket and flipped her hair back. She was idly checking herself out when mother peaked in.

“I know a nice boy in town that you may like?” Mother asked, and Yelena sent a withering stare at her.

“Funny...” Yelena bit back.

“Well, maybe when this is all said and done you could join Natasha on the Avengers.” She replied, and Yelena froze in the mirror and turned to look at her.

“What Lash did to us can't be reversed. We are just like this now. Which means we are classified as superhuman. SHIELD, and the Avengers will be interested in seeing if we are interested in helping. Lash said there are a collection of assignments that do not involve killing.” Mother said as she walked into the room to fix Yelena's collar.

“What do you plan to do?” Yelena asked.

“I'll go if you go.” Mother replied.

“Do you think dad will?”

“Maybe... Lash said he can alter his physical appearance. Alexei has always been a good soldier, even when the military wasn't good to him. He may not want to leave. But maybe he will. We'll see!” Mother said, and turned in time to see Natasha walk into the room in her running gear.

“Let's go!” Natasha said and they all went back down stairs.

Yelena nearly jumped out of her skin. Or as Natasha said it looked like cat jumping into the air when someone stepped on their tail. Sitting in the living room were three large, large pure black dogs. Who were watching them as they came down. They looked like wolves, and sat at perfect attention. Natasha walked up with out missing a beat and started to pet them one by one. Each dog leaned in, but didn't wine when she moved on.

“Who are these beautiful things?” Mother asked as she walked up and started to carefully pet them.

“These are your escorts as you go for your run. Alpha, Beta, Charlie.” Lash said, as he pointed at each dog/wolf. They had collars on with their names inscribed on them.

“Do we need escorts?” Yelena asked, flexing her arm. Alexei guffawed and grinned at her.

“They are more for me than anything else. Also this.” Lash said, and Yelena felt like something had plugged into her head. She could feel voices in her head that were not her own. She loved, and hated this feeling. She could feel Natasha, mother, father, Lash, and the wolves now.

“Also the wolves can grow to the size of a car and rip through tungsten with ease.” Natasha said with a grin as she rubbed one particular dog behind the ears. The other wolves looked composed on the surface but their feelings were irritated. They wanted ear scratches too!

After a few minutes of ear scratches they all left through the back door. Lash said he was about half way done with father and they would join them when they finished. Mother took them on a running trail that went through the whole town. At first it was slow going. It was like they skipped the walking lessons, and went straight into running. Yelena, kept stumbling over her own feet. Her UI said she was processing stage two, what ever that meant. She'd have to ask later.

“Yelena! Slow down!” Mother called out and Yelena slowed to a crawl.

“How...How are you so fast?” Mother said as she came up to her gasping for breath.

“Fast? I'm going slow, aren't I?” Yelena asked in confusion as Natasha came to a stop behind them.

“You were running at 24 kph.” Natasha said with a grin. Yelena's eyes went wide.

“What?!” 24 kph (15 mph) was unbelievable. “Natasha how fast can you run?” Yelena asked.

“I can do about 32 kph (20 mph) for long distance. While I can sprint at 48 kph (30 mph) on level ground for about an hour.” Natasha said with a grin.

That was it. That was when Yelena truly understood what had happened. Yes, she felt stronger, faster, better than before. But now, she understood she was more than human. Superhuman was the word. But that felt like an over simplification of the situation. They let mother set the pace, and Yelena got to watch as they slowly picked up the pace. To the point that they had to visible slow down when they passed by a house, or part of the town unless they wanted the authorities to be called on three speeding women in sports wear.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Molly Mctuckit residence***

(Lash Jormungandson, of Asgard)

“Cancer? Are you sure?” Alexei asked, looking at the holographic display.

“Yes, the serum they gave you made you stronger. But dramatically shortened your lifespan, at the cost of your cancer cells mutating. I've fixed it, your fine now. But as far as I can tell they understood this would happen. They never told you?” Lash asked Alexei and the old warrior shook his head in sadness.

“I would have done it either way. I was proud they selected me. I still am. I did a lot of good work for mother Russia. But I've been betrayed to many times. If the women end up going to SHIELD, and the Avengers so will I.” Alexei said with a shuddering breath. He was a patriot through and through. But beat him down enough, and even a loyal dog will bite back.

“Well, technically Russia is part of the security council. We do have we could make an Avengers team for Russia specifically.” Lash suggested it, and he could feel Erik wiggling in excitement. A large grin grew across Alexei's face.

“That would be something to see!” Alexei declared.

Lash finished correcting the Source Code, and used Awaken Trait, and Re:Implant on Alexei. Several spell rings inscribed with hundreds of spell scrip danced around Alexei some going clock wise, others counter clock wise. There was a flash of light and the process was complete. Lash saw a progress bar for Alexei's optimization at (0.01%), stage zero.

Alexei aka Red Guardian was interesting. He had Enhanced Strength, and Enhanced Speed and that was it. Well not just that, he also had sub dermal metal polymer alloy inserted into him. Lash wasn't sure how the procedure was done but it must have been brutal! Turned out Alexei also had partial Accelerated Healing but all his body ever did was try and repair the damage the alloy was doing to him. So Lash just merged the alloy literally into his skin like a weave. Then gave him the same optimization he gave everyone else.

Strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, stamina, healing, regeneration, intellect, senses, and age reduction. Same stuff Rogers had, just to a lesser degree. Imagine if Captain America was a 10 on the power scale. While an olympic athlete was a 1, anyone who was optimized by Lash was now a 5. Lash's notification beeped at him and Alexei's implants notified him that his strength, and speed had finished ahead of schedule to stage one.

“Time to go running! You were already fast, so we should be able to catch up pretty quickly.” Lash said, and Alexei grinned at him.

Lash used Darkness Manipulation, Animancy, and False Life to craft two more shadow hounds. Alexei came back downstairs in a pair of shoes, shorts, a tank top, and a huge grin! Lash chuckled and they locked up the house and took off down the path at a quick pace. Lash cast Anonymity on them both. If anyone saw them they would think they were two cyclist going down the trail at the rate of speed they were going. With two very large dogs by their sides.

“So, you and Natasha?” Alexei started, breathing easy and relaxed as they started to pass the 10 mph mark and climbing.

“I was waiting to ask, you and Melina for your blessing. Yelena already gave hers.” Lash said simply in reply. Alexei barked out a laugh!

“You most certainly have mine! I am sure Melina will agree as well. But best to ask. I learned a long time ago you don't assume anything with these women.” Alexei said, and shook his head as he remembered how many discussions, and arguments he had with them. Looking back at them, he could only smile fondly.

They ran, and ran over twenty five miles. It was a big trail! Went through the whole town. Several paths diverged from the main path that would lead to little cafe's, dinners, and gas station for energy drinks if needed. Lash, and Alexei sprinted past several groups of people who whistled at them. A few got angry at the 'cyclists' on the trail. While a few were amazed at the size of the dogs running by their sides. The shadow hounds made zero sound as they ran. Lash could see that they were not so much running, as gliding across the ground like a shadow.

It wasn't until they were on the other side of the valley that they finally caught up. Natasha, Yelena, and Melina were chatting with a few people by the trail. They looked like they were stretching their muscles out and preparing to continue their journey. The people were a collection of young men, and women who were nice. Lash didn't get a single ping with Sherogoth's Blessing from any of them. No taint of sin, or hell. Though a few of the men did ogle the three women.

“Honey!” Melina called out with a radiant smile at Alexei who came sprinting in and slid to a stop. To any one else looking he looked like he had pulled the breaks on his bicycle. When the young man who was trying to flirt with Melina saw the towering monster of Alexei they man visible paled.

“My love! Sorry it took us so long to catch up! Who's your friend?” Alexei said as he walked up and wrapped Melina in a hug and stared at the man with that friendly/Unfriendly. 'I see what were you trying to do face'.

This is Trevor he is visiting his grandparents in town. He invited us to a BBQ but I told them we had family business.” Melina said and kissed Alexei's cheek.

“Aha! That is very nice of you, Trevor!” Alexei said as he clapped the man on the shoulder and gave him a 'friendly' squeeze. Trevor for his credit didn't call out in pain! Just clenched his teeth and bore it.

“Dad! Please stop torturing him and let him go!” Yelena called out, and Alexei looked ashamed at his actions though he did hide his grin.

“Aha! Of course! Of course!” Alexei said, and gave Trevor a friendly smile.

Lash smiled at the man and went to Natasha who smiled at him and kissed his cheek. A few people frowned at that. But looked around for Yelena's other half. Lash made a gesture at Yelena and gave the all clear sign to the men, and women in the group who smiled at him for it. Then Lash caught Yelena glaring at him and Lash winced and hid behind Natasha who barked out a laugh! All the while the dogs sat off the side sun bathing, and kept a watchful eye on the area around them.

“Charlie! Lets go!” Yelena said in a growl as she took off, her dog jumped to its feet and chased after Yelena. A few people started to run as well but were soon out paced by Yelena.

“Come on, we are about half way done. Should be back in time for lunch!” Melina said and started off with Beta. While Natasha took Alpha. While the other two dogs were named Delta, and Echo.

After a bit Alexei sprinted forward and caught up with Melina. Then Melina came back to Lash who took up the rear guard. Alexei wished Lash luck across the link and Natasha, and Yelena were confused on who was speaking. They hadn't learned the skill yet. Though Natasha could do it when nothing else was going on. Lash was surprised Alexei picked it up so quickly. Melina ran side by side with Lash their respective dogs by their sides.

“So, Alexei said you wanted to ask me something?” Melina asked, her breathing was even and her strides were strong. She was making good progress.

“I have Yelena's, and Alexei's permission. I... was hoping to get your blessing to ask Natasha's hand in marriage.” Lash asked, and Melina stumbled for a brief moment then caught herself from falling. She let out a joyful smile, that froze on her face as she pulled on his arm to come to a stop.

“What's wrong?” Lash asked her, his eyes full of concern.

“Lash... In the Red Room... We go through a graduation ceremony.” Melina began but Lash held up a finger.

“I know, the optimization fixed that.” Lash said simply. Melina's eyes went wide and she took several steps back. Her heart rate spiked and she started to hyperventilate. Lash quickly cast Calm Emotions and her breathing slowed. A calm, composed look came over her face.

“You are saying we can have children now?” Melina asked.

“Yes, even Alexei. Though I don't think he realized he had been sterile. But all of you are healthy and fertile now.” Lash replied, and received a big hug from Melina. He had never seen Calm Emotions break so easily. He hugged her back with a smile of his own.

“Yes! Yes! I give you permission, and my blessing!” Melina shouted, she let go and sprinted down the trail. Lash could feel her need to talk to Alexei.

About fifteen minutes later Lash heard Alexei scream in shock as Melina tackled him from behind! They rolled across the forest path. Natasha, and Yelena dropped, tucked, and rolled. Expecting some sort of attack. But all they saw was Melina kissing Alexei and Alexei was reciprocating with gusto. Lash caught up with them then and explained the situation. Yelena's eyes glistened with tears as she stood up and all but tackled Lash in a hug.

They eventually found their way back to the house. There were only two showers in the house and the ladies did a complicated game of rock, scissors, punch? To see who got what. Of course it was Melina's house so she got the master bathroom. She invited Alexei to join her. The man had a huge grin on his face as he accompanied his wife. While Yelena won the second shower. Lash had the dogs stationed around the house. The longer they were around the more experience he was receiving so he thought it would be good practice.

When everyone got their turn in the shower. Though Lash just used Immaculate they came down for lunch. Lash was cooking and had several holographic windows up. One of them was a menu. What did they want to eat? While the others were several CCTV's of confirmed Black Widows traveling through the city that had left the barracks facility they had found. Lash noticed the specific glow coming from Melina, and Alexei that comes with a wonderful round of sex! Yelena, and Natasha had the look of pure torture on their faces as their 'parents' made cute, romantic gestures towards each other.

“I need to find someone for myself.” Yelena said.

“I know some outstanding men, and women on the Avengers that you may like. How do you feel about lawyers?” Lash offered and Yelena had to stop and think about it.

“Do you have any siblings, Lash?” Melina asked, and Natasha winced a little.

“I have many brothers, and sisters to call my own! Many remain on Asgard, though Thor does visit Midgard he is already betrothed to Lady Foster! Most do not come to Midgard though that may change in the future. Midgard is quickly becoming and interesting place to visit.” Lash replied, not paying any mind to Natasha, and Melina's mother daughter dialogue. (They stared at one another and conveyed an entire conversation)

“Parents?” Alexei asked, and Natasha winced at the mention and came around to hug Lash. The room got quiet.

“It's alright... My father is the world serpent Jormungand. While my mother died in child birth.” Lash replied and kissed the top of Natasha's head. Alexei looked like he wanted to throw himself into traffic.

“Espresso!” Yelena suddenly said as she selected something from the holographic menu. It was a monster of whip cream, chocolate, low fat milk, and three different types of coffee beans. Lash smiled at her and jumped to get the drink ready.

“Oh, another benefit of the optimization is your metabolism burns a bit faster. So feel free to indulge in foods. Your waist line is not something you have to worry about.” Lash said to the room. Melina, and Yelena's eyes grew bright.

After several whip cream covered waffles later. They sat around the living room together looking through the collected information. The Black Widows were scattered through out the city. Lash was running a program to read the body language, as well as the Chitauri implant they carried. So far he had found thirty two more Widows scattered through our Europe doing anything from being a professional escort for several rich men, and women at parties. To professional bodyguards, thieves, and assassinations.

  • Congratulations User, Basic Connectivity has evolved into Intermediate Connectivity.

    • Effect: Slight increase to spell power.

    • Effect: Slight decrease to spell energy consumption.

    • Effect: Spell caster can now interface with Alien tech at a 15% increase of energy. (Down from 25%)

    • Effect: Spell's range has increased.

    • Effect: Slight increase to spell power's passive connections has increased. (See Tool Tip)

    • Example; Machine Control can be done from a distance as long as the machine is connected to the net.

A burst of information was poured into Lash, and he absorbed it like a sponge. Suddenly his tech-spirits moved faster through the net, and could jump from system to system with greater ease. Then he was tickled to find out that his tech-spirits could jump into vehicles now and drive them. Aha! After a brief moment of hesitation Lash asked one of his tech-spirits to jump into the Chitauri link but they were rebuked. Damn! Worth a try.

“So we have all the information from the facility? Yes? So what we need now is to interrogate them for the other locations. Lets suit up and head out. We can smash this place and move to the next one.” Alexei said at last once he finished reading a report.

“Now is a good a time as any. A majority of the Widows are in the city. It would take them well over two hours to come back if the alarm went off. As long as the video footage is authentic then there are several scientist, and trainers present we can work on.” Melina agreed, and blew up one of the maps.

“Alright, lets work out a plan. Lash, can you start to make the gear.” Natasha asked, and Lash stood up and pulled Yelena to the side who looked confused.

“What is happening?” Yelena asked.

Because it was not a SHIELD operation Lash couldn't make the standard exoskeleton suit. Only SHIELD, and the Avengers so far had that kind of tech. It was a public secret that it was designed and made by Lash. So they limited its exposure. There were several, 'black boxes' on the tech that prevent it from being reversed engineered. If the boxes were ever opened they would turn to slag. Otherwise the design was fairly similar to existing exoskeletons.

So, this time Lash went further down the line and merged the exoskeleton into the suit itself. Yelena got a form fitting, sleek, compact, tactical suit. With over a hundred snap on links. So she could customize her own set up. Boots, pants, shirt, jacket, gloves, mask, helmet. Even bullet resistant bra, and panties. Red lace, at Yelena's request. The entire suit would be lose when pulled on then with a flick of a switch on the inside jacket the excess amount would form around her body.

Lash french braided her hair and Yelena enjoyed the attention for a bit. Lash was good with his hands. He brushed, and combed through her hair. Gently tugging, and pulling into place. Then the mask, and helmet went over. The helmet came with an artificial wig, short bob layered cut hair. Meant to help keep her identity secret. Lash showed her the collar and had her press her thumbs on both sides and twist. The entire mask, and helmet retracted and compressed into the collar.

“...Thank you... For... Just thank you.” Yelena said.

“Of course sister, it's my privilege, and pleasure.” Lash replied with a smile.

Yelena went back into the living room and Alexei, and Melina whistled at the look. Melina jumped to her feet when she was called. The tactical suit was essentially the same with a few alterations. Melina had a particular set up she wanted for gear. Lash even put jump jets into her suit. Melina had experience with base jumping, and parachuting. When Lash explained the difference between the two she understood it rapidly. That is why she got that, and Yelena didn't. Though Yelena got a compact sniper rifle installed into armor.

Alexei decided on a Red armored version of Captain America's set up. With a few modifications. Such as a full face mask/helmet. With a magnetic call back wrist mount for his shield. What shield one would ask? Well the vibranium, and Nth metal shield that Lash crafted for him. The big man looked so happy he almost cried. He gave Lash a bear hug and clapped him on the back. Natasha was next and she had worn this new suit a few times before. Now in full gear Lash spent some DP and purchased the next evolution of Digital Stride.

  • Attention User! You've purchased the evolution of Minor Digital Stride evolving it to Basic Digital Stride. 20 Dream Points used.

    • Effect: Slight increase to spell power.

    • Effect: Slight decrease to spell energy consumption.

    • Effect: Slight decrease to spell side effects.

    • Effect: Slight increase to spell's range.

    • Effect: The cast may use any device with in range that they've connected to. (See Tool Tip)

    • Example: Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits have touched it, allowing the Caster to use it.

“Natasha are you alright?” Melina asked as they stood around in a circle together. Natasha looked a little green.

“I just don't like this part.” Natasha admitted. Lash shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He left several spell marks on the house and recalled his shadow hounds.

Then Lash used a phone line at a gas station several miles away from the base. He cast Digital Stride and they were all broken down into their program code and zipped through the world wide web. As the spell had gone through an evolution. The ride was less bumpy. But the amount of information they flew past was incredibly disorienting. Lash saw his tech-spirits swimming along with them like a pod of dolphins. Then in a flash! They were standing outside of the gas station. Thankfully not in front of the front door.

“Geeehaaaaa.....” Yelena dropped to her knees and tried to not throw up. Alexei didn't even try, he went off to the side and threw up his light dinner they had before they left. He pulled a flask from his belt and took a swallow.

“I see why you don't like it.” Melina said as she was on her knees taking in slow deep breaths. Natasha had ridden that particular wave before so she was ready for it. She was on her feet taking long slow breaths.

“Sorry everyone. But we just traveled 456 miles in a second. It's a nice trade off.” Lash offered, and was met with soft hostility.

“Well it was better than before.” Alexei said, mentioning when he had been pulled into a cell phone that had been delivered to his prison cell.

“Just like anything else in the Universe, if you practice something enough you will get better at it. Each time I perform it I get a little better.” Lash said, and it was true. He had gained a single level in Digital Stride just from that trip alone. Only 99 more to go for his next evolution.

Lash reached out and cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Passage, Chameleon, Immaculate, Cat's Grace, and Animal Eye on the group. Renewed, and filled with energy. They sprinted through the landscape with ease as the very forest allowed their passage. Thanks to Animal Eye they could see in low light vision. Assisted by their HUD. They soon achieved 30 mph through the forest. Very nice!

Lash established Temporary Pack Bond with each of them. Further increasing their abilities by another 10%. Once they reached the ten mile mark before the base the split up each taking a different cardinal point as Lash dove into the ground with Earth Swim. This was an interesting experience since Lash had always been in his Transformation state, or had Saurian driving. He moved through the earth like Aquaman did the ocean. Arms flat to his sides, legs back, and he simply propelled himself forward.

Thanks to his Nature-Elemental Domains. He had a passive Earth sight that let him see, or rather feel what was around him. He passed under hundreds of landmines and sent Technomancy pulse through the ground. They were old enough that couldn't just shut them off. He'd have to go to each one and manually turn them off. So he informed the other four about them. He received a confirmation reply across the link from all of them.

He continued to swim past the barbed wire fence, under the different roads. Then he hit the subterranean rooms. Because every military base needs a vast underground structure not shown on the plans. The tech-spirits had done a comprehensive job of mapping the installation. But Lash found at least six more rooms. Large rooms not mapped out. He had no idea what was inside. There was a type of energy? Harmonic frequency passing through the walls that prevented him from looking in. That was odd.

One by one the guards were taken out. The tech-spirits would relay any information back to the security desk. A simple Phantasm illusion with False Life, and Bending took the place of the downed guards. They walked, talked, and could even touch. But they were not the original guards. Lash swam down to the lower levels, the lowest one and he sensed a malevolent energy there. He could feel a creature screaming in pain. It sent negative energy rippling through the ground.

Unlike the other rooms this one was not shielded. More to say it was, but what ever was inside kept breaking the field every time it screamed. Lash timed his approach and slipped between the Earth, and reinforced concrete into the room. What he found was not what he had expected.

We have a problem. -Lash said across the link. He sent a metal image of the problem to them across the link.

Standing in the room chained to the wall with a Chitauri machine attached to his spine was Emil Blonsky aka Abomination. Abomination was approximately 6'8” feet tall, though he was hunched over. With a bone rigid spine, that currently had a Chitauri machine attached to him. Abomination was explosive neon green. With bone blades extended from his elbows, knees, and knuckles. His body was wide as two doors, and his muscles were just as impressive as the Hulks. Hundreds of chains were wrapped around him, and linked to the wall anchored their by Chitauri metal.

“GGRRRAAAAAAAAH!” Abomination screamed! The sound rippled through the whole room, and was felt through the earth itself. He had a maddening look of rage, and mind breaking insanity on his face. Then the machine attached to his spine would hum with power and his facial expression would relax.

In between screaming fits his face had a glassy, no one was home expression. A trail of drool escaped his mouth. In between screams a group of scientists came up and pushed a needle into his neck and pulled out his blood. Then quickly stepped back just in time for another scream of rage to shake the whole chamber. The scientists all wore ear protection but even then they reflexively covered their ears. Emil Blonsky, and Samuel Sterns had been missing from the Vault since the falling out of SHIELD, and Hydra. No one had any idea where they went. Obviously Hydra had taken them. But they hadn't been seen in years. Lash did a quick search of the scientist present and identified at least six men, and women on the Hydra red notice.

The Red Room was working with Hydra. A secret door slid to the side that left the main chamber. The scientists left the room leaving behind a screaming Abomination. Lash left the room with the scientists under cover with Invisibility, and Anonymity on the off chance his his first spell failed. Though he wasn't sure if he would look like a security guard, or another scientist in their eyes. The door to the lab closed first before the next door opened up. The next room they walked into was a false lab. No camera's, no phones, no electronics of any kind. Shit!

That meant that Hydra had working contingencies against him. They knew he could infiltrate technology so they had used that to their advantage. Make a weakness into a strength. The scientists took their samples out of the false lab with Lash following them. The four up top continued to take out the guards and replace them. While Lash sent a message to SHIELD. They didn't need to be quiet about this anymore. Having Abomination was a great reason to send in a tactical team.

Several Black Widows walked right by the scientist and barely even registered their presence. It looked like they were on the way to bed? They were in sleeping wear, and had fresh mint on their breath. Brushed their teeth and their handler was taking them to their rooms. The science team went into another room and Lash saw fifteen centipede soldiers with green skin, and glowing green eyes. They were...Bigger. Is the best term used. Then he recognized Ultron tech implanted on one. He had a bracer on that could wrap around his arm and change into a cannon. Great.

“Well, well, well...This is an honor.” A smooth, cultured voice went over the intercom. Everyone in the facility froze in place.

“Lash Jormungandson, of Asgard. I see that you have found our little home. Not only that, you have informed SHIELD of our activities. I knew you would eventually find us. I have been looking forward to testing my genius against your own.” The man continued to speak. Lash moved back, and out of the room.

“I have to say it was a true test of my abilities to see if I could create a security system for you. The guards that your people have taken out do not exude the same thermal image of a living person. They are room temperature.” The man continued, and Lash gave himself a mental face palm. He forgot to do that.

“Next I placed tactile pads across the floor in every room. However, none of those are going off. So I have to assume you discovered those.” The man continued, Lash's tech-spirits had. They were a good alarm system, as well as a way to save power.

“But what gave you away more than anything else, and I assure you with my intellect there were many pieces to find. Its that you have a trifling amount of energy that deteriorates from you. It leaves a trail, that I have discovered. I do not know where you are, but I know your in the base.” The man continued to say, and once again Lash growled at his own stupidity. It was his ambient magical aura. He 'flexed' and cut off the ambient energy at its source.

“Attention all forces this is, The Leader! We have been infiltrated. SHIELD is aware of our location. Activate protocol: Falling Rain.” The Leader aka Samuel Sterns said across the intercom.

The whole base went into lock down. Red alert lights came on and everyone jumped into action. The centipede soldiers got up from their chairs and with a bit of mental focus activated their gamma genes. They grew in size by a few hundred pounds. Not as large as Hulk, or Abomination but close. Sterns had taught Hydra how to stabilize the serum. While the Black Widows quickly got dressed and deployed through the base in full kit.

Lash pulled his Invisibility off and stepped into the hall as the gamma soldiers stopped to look at them. The lead soldier smiled at him and roared, then charged down the hall way. Lash reached out with his Telekinesis but felt his Grave-Necromancy Domain move in and he suddenly learned a new spell.

  • Congratulations User! You've learned a new Grave-Necromancy Domain Spell.

    • Grasp Heart: The Caster creates a ghostly claw capable of reaching through flesh, and bone to grip the targets heart. Then twists, tears, and pulls the heart out of place. Or causes severe trauma and pain.

The man screamed in pain and dropped to the ground just as quick. He struggled for a brief moment then slowed to a stop. Blood seeping out of his mouth. Lash had reached out, and felt his hands wrap around the mans heart. He twisted and pulled. The heart was torn out of alignment. The spell had taken 15% of his energy, but he was already almost full. He looked up at the rest of the soldiers were frozen for a brief moment. Then Lash reached out and used Grasp Heart again. Another soldier screamed in pain and dropped.

“Stop him!” A soldier screamed and they all tore down the hall way. Thirteen to go!

Lash reached out with both hands, targeting two soldiers at the same time for twice the amount of energy. One by one the rest of the soldiers died. The last one died swinging his big meaty fist right past Lash's face as he died. Lash dropped to his knees and took in huge lungfuls of air. Then the wall next to him slid open to reveal fifteen more.

“Fuck...” Lash said, and rolled to the side as the soldiers reached for him.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Hungarian countryside. Red Room auxiliary facility***

(Alexei Alanovich Shostakov aka Red Guardian)

“Down!” Alexei shouted and threw his new shield down the hall. The metal disk bounced off the walls, and sliced through the guards with ease. The shields edge had a red electric glow to it. Then it bounced off a wall and spun back towards him.

“How's the door coming?” Yelena shouted as she took up a position next to the corner and shot down the hallway with her rifle. Alexei stood by her with his shield raised. Behind them Melina, and Natasha were prying a wall panel off for the manual release of the door that had closed behind them.

“Five more minutes...” Melina said, Alexei grinned at Yelena's eye roll.

“Come on...you...stupid...fucker.” Natasha said softly.

“Natasha, language!” Melina said to her.

“Really? ….Now?” Natasha said with a bit of snark as the metal panel was removed. A resounding roar was heard from the hallways and Yelena started to shoot. A giant green man was sprinting down the way towards them.

“I got this!” Alexei shouted as he sprinted down the hall. Yelena's bullets were barely making a dent in the thing.

“Yelena! Flip the switch on the side and wait for it charge up!” Natasha called, and Alexei soon tuned it out as he bashed his shield into the giant green man.

Alexei bounced back with the force of a truck hitting him. He did a back flip mid air and pushed his legs off a wall to come flying back with a yell of glory! A battle axe made out Vibranium appeared in his outstretched hand and he cleaved it into the green mans neck! A violent spray of green blood burst like a fountain across Alexei. He grinned, and looked back at Yelena who had wide eyes and was shouting at him to move. Alexei felt, more then saw the attacker. He rolled forward into a somersault, just in time for a blue energy beam to escape Yelena's rifle. It left a quarter size hole in the next green man's skull.

“Aha! Good hit my baby girl!” Alexei shouted, and turned around with a grin. Axe, and shield at the ready.

“Nat! What did my rifle just turn into?” Yelena asked, as she shot another blue beam of energy down the hallway.

“Electromagnetic rifle, it shaves off a small piece of lead from the magazine inside the handle and propels it forward. You have to wait five seconds between shots but you have a thousand rounds.” Natasha said as they were twisting the door open with the manual release.

“Dear god in heaven! That is amazing!” Alexei shouted. As another blue shot went through another head.

“Well technically Lash is the God of Monsters.” Natasha called back with a grin.

Then several green soldiers came around the corner wearing riot gear, while another one in the back carried a M134 Minigun. When Yelena shot her rifle the riot shields glowed with blue energy and deflected the shot upwards. It did nearly bowl them over. But they were kept safe. The green assault soldier squeezed the trigger and a 2,000 rounds per minute went flying down the hallway.

“GET BEHIND ME!” Alexei called out and his shield folded out growing larger. The the cacophony of bullets bouncing off the Vibranium/Nth metal shield rang through the whole hallway.

Alexei grit his teeth and attempted to angle the shield as the bullets bounced back through the hallway and tore through what energy shields the soldiers had. Yelena dropped to the ground and aimed between the floor, and the shield. A few inches was just enough for her to shoot out the gunners foot. When he dropped to the floor in pain she shot him again in the head. Before one of the other soldiers could pick up the gun Alexei screamed and sprinted down the hall axe raised.

“GAAAAAAH!” Alexei shouted and butchered the soldiers with maniacal glee!

“Got it!” Natasha shouted and the door was pulled open only to reveal Black Widows standing there with weapons trained on them. “Crap.”


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Hungarian countryside, Red Room auxiliary facility***

(Lash Jormungandson, of Asgard)

BAM! Lash was thrown into a reinforced concrete wall and was punched repeatedly into it by two super green soldiers. Adaptation, Damage Resistance, Natural Energy Absorption, Superhuman Stamina, Regeneration, Energy Manipulation, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, and Superhuman Reflexes sent him prompt, after prompt of experience. He should fight with out Transformation more often. He was getting a lot out of the fight. Despite their sledge hammer blows t hey couldn't break his Reality Armor that he had cast on his suit. While True Body was canceling all Critical Hits.

Eventually between blows Lash pulled out a razor wire and wrapped it around one of their arms and pulled, activating Monomolecular Blade. He pulled the wire through Superhuman Durability skin, flesh, and bone like it was wet clay. The green soldier screamed in fury. Lash pushed his way out of the wall and flipped the wire up and around the other soldiers neck and yanked! Then whipped the wire around like a whip and sliced through the other soldier.

“Wow....Alright who's next?” Lash asked as he turned around and saw a green soldier with a mini gun aimed at him. He squeezed the trigger and hundreds of bullets raced towards Lash.

  • Congratulations User! The Spell Deflection has evolved into Minor Deflection.

    • Effect: Slight increase in spell power.

    • Effect: Slight decrease in spell energy consumption.

    • Effect: Slight increase in spell range.

    • Effect: Slight increase to spell shape manipulation.

Lash activated Deflection as the bullets ricocheted into the surrounding area. Some of them even went back towards the attacker. His spell energy was plummeting fast! So he sprinted down the hallways and broke off to the right away from the gunner. He desperately wanted to change. To cut through them all like paper. But all of the camera's were still on, and a chitauri energy current was coursing through them. Lash's tech-spirits were breaking through the firewalls but it would take time. Sterns was determined to record Lash in action. Why, he wasn't sure. But Lash's gut instinct told him not to shift. So he didn't.

Lash! We've found an explosive. It has Chitauri tech attached to it. We don't know how to disarm it. -Natasha said across the line and Lash slid to a stop. He looked around the base, above him as he zeroed in on the area they were in. Thanks to sterns he couldn't swim through the walls due to the energy currents.

Leave the complex! I know where the Red Room is. -Lash replied back and sent a source of information he had obtained after he devoured a scientist of rank. The real Red Room was in Moscow, Russia. In an underground complex that had been tunneled out using Chitauri technology thanks to Sterns.

“It seems our time together is at an end. I have to say you've been a great opponent. Never using your full potential has left me wanting more. I look forward to seeing you again soon. But one last parting gift from me to you. Say hello to Emil for me.” Sterns said over the intercom system. Then a caustic blue energy rushed through the whole complex.

Lash screamed out in pain as his Technomancy Domain flared across his magical pool. While several portions of his Re:Implant temporarily shut down. Adaptation spiked with experience as it tried to work around the problem. It felt like thousands of ice picks were being driven into his body over and over again. Then after a few more seconds the pain subsided to thousands of thread needles, then just a soft ache. Just in time to hear a rage filled roar to shake the whole complex. Abomination was loose!

Natasha, all of you need to leave. This is going to be bad. -Lash said across the link as he pulled himself to his feet. As he felt the whole complex shake as Abomination was tearing his way through the floors back to the surface.

If you die I'm going to kill you! -Natasha shouted at him across the link.

I won't die. I still have to ask you a question. I had to get your families blessing first, but I have it now. Just need to the right time to ask. -Lash replied and activated his Transformation sense the EMP shorted out all electronic devices he could let loose again.

Then I'll be waiting. -Natasha said, then Lash felt her and the group move away from the complex as fast as they could move. BOOM! An explosion rocked the floor he was on and he heard a rage filled shout echo down the entire hall.

“Shut the fuck up, Emil!” Lash shouted, his animalistic voice filled with his own anger. Abomination stomped through the base, they were on the third sub-basement floor. Emil went through a few walls but eventually he came around the corner to see Lash standing in his hybrid form.

Abomination stood at his full height of 8'3”. He wasn't slouching like before. His entire body glowed with green gamma energy. The bone blades grew from his knuckles, elbows, and knees. A savage grin growing across his face. His body was going through a transformation in preparation for battle. By the time he was done Lash, and Abomination were thirty feet away.

“Never seen you before.” Abomination said, his voice was rough, and sounded like a cement mixer.

“I am Lash Jormungandson of Asgard, God of Monsters.” Lash replied, and he reached into his Domain and the energy that all monsters shared flared. For a brief moment Abomination almost bowed his head. Then he shook his head and snarled at Lash.

“So if I kill you, I'll be the next God? Sounds like fun!” Abomination said, then before Lash could even blink Abomination was in front of him. Then Abomination was behind Lash with out his left arm!

“GAAAAAAH!” Abomination screamed as he gripped his stump. He had crashed through the wall into the next room and pulled himself out of the next imprint. He held his bloody stump with a look of shock, pain, and confusion on his face.

Lash was standing over the left arm. From the forearm down was by his side. A red Psionic Blade from his knuckles. One of his tentacles touched the severed limb and turned it to ash. Abomination glared at Lash and flexed his severed arm. A burst of blood poured out, then new bone, sinew, tendons, flesh, and skin were growing. Well at least the bone was growing before Lash was across the room and attacking him.

Abomination for the first time since he changed into his new shape...Was running! He jumped, rolled, and sprinted away from Lash as fast as he could go. Going through walls, and reinforced concrete. He jumped through floors. But he was keeping away if only barely. Lash used Blink and popped right in front of him and slashed with his energy blades. Then his tentacles would shoot out Eldritch Blasts cutting the very fabric of reality.

“Is this all you have!? This is fucking pathetic!” Lash shouted at Abomination, trying to temp him.

“I thought the great Abomination was a monster worthy of a real fight! But all he is doing is running!” Lash shouted, continuing to bate him. Abomination roared in rage but eventually found his goal. The outside!

The Chitauri EMP had gone for over a hundred miles in every direction. Lash's tech-spirits jumped into him so they wouldn't be trapped at the base. This way they were not also draining his energy. Abomination finished growing his new arm and started to pull trees out of the ground to throw at Lash. Until he used Plant Control the tree's roots wrapped around Abomination who had to pull it off of him first before..Blink! Lash appeared before him and swung his blades. Tuck and roll! Abomination scooted out of the way.

“Fight me with out your weapons and we'll have a real fight!” Abomination screamed at him.

“So the coward speaks! He wants me to give up an advantage because he thinks life isn't fair!? When has life ever been fair! Emil Blonsky new that fact when he joined the military. How many lives have you destroyed as they screamed about life being fair!? You are pathetic! You will die, like the trash you are!” Lash shouted at him and used Compulsion on Abomination.

As it was the middle of the night Lash used Darkness Manipulation to create stabbing weapons from the shadows. Hundreds of blades stabbed into Abomination but it hardly slowed him down. He tore up trees, large rocks, and tossed them all at Lash. Lash would in turn use Elemental Manipulation to throw the rocks back at him. Then Mud Marsh to slow his movements. Then Abomination did a thunder clap! The sonic boom! Sent Lash and everything that wasn't nailed down flying into the air.

Abomination jumped into the air and brought his fists down on top of Lash. Who burst into Illusion Domain particles of energy. Abomination blinked then rolled out of the way, his Danger Sense was very high. Lash swung his blades from Invisibility. Abomination went to clap again only for hundreds of tree roots to burst out of the ground and wrap around him. It bought a few seconds for Lash to appear and slice straight into Abomination's chest cavity then he Blinked away before Abomination could get a hold of him.

“Gaaah! Fuck you! I can't die here!” Abomination shouted then tore the roots off and jumped through the air. Only for another mean, green machine to fall from the sky and tackle him!

Up above them a SHIELD quin-jet was cloaked. When Abomination had been sighted Banner had jumped into a quin-jet and they did a high velocity burn to get here as fast as they could. Lash used Acceleration, and Cat's Grace to sprint through the forest to the crash site. He soon came to a stop when he saw Banner/Hulk standing in his Avengers polymer suit glaring at Abomination as he pulled himself out of the crater. Lash rolled his eyes and Blinked right next to Abomination who jumped to the side just as Lash slashed the area.

“Why are you just standing there! Hit him!” Lash shouted at Banner/Hulk who blinked at him. Startled by his sudden arrival.

“Letting him get up.” Banner/Hulk's voice said together.

“Why!? So he can get his bearings? So he can plan? So he can get away and kill more people!” Lash shouted at them and sprinted across the field towards Abomination who looked terrified of Lash zipping towards him at untold speed.

To them it was a test! It was a duel, a battle of strength to determine who was the best. To Lash it was a life or death fight that may result in Abomination getting away and killing more people. Banner in some sort of perception was the glass is half full kind of guy. He hoped that he could help, or cure Emil and save him. Hulk just wanted to prove he was better. Both were incredibly childish and Lash didn't fucking care!

Eventually Banner/Hulk seem to understand that Lash was going to kill Abomination. So they stepped in to try and stop the fight. Thankfully who ever who was in the SHIELD quin-jet got him to stand down and just make sure Abomination didn't run. Hulk didn't like it. Abomination was in a panic now. Every time he tried to jump away Hulk was there to prevent his escape. While Lash was 3x is normal speed. Strips of flesh, and bone were being shaved off piece by piece.

Then Abomination took a step and his foot fell into a mud hole. He lost his balance for half a second and a red energy blade decapitated him! Then Lash pounced on top of the body and started to use Soul Bite, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve. But before he could even get three bites in he felt Hulk pull him off and try and restrain him. Lash snarled, and roared in rage as he Blinked out of Hulks arms and pounced back onto the body to eat more.

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained Superhuman Healing.

    • Superhuman Healing: Allows for the User to heal at an accelerated rate far beyond normal human means. This works in tandem with several other abilities, including but not limited to Regeneration. (See Tool Tip)

  • Congratulations User! Superhuman Strength has evolved into Minor Superhuman Strength.

    • Effect: Slight increase in abilities power.

    • Effect: Slight decrease in abilities energy consumption.

    • Effect: Slight increase to additional abilities linked to power. (See Tool Tip)

  • Congratulations User! Superhuman Durability has evolved into Minor Superhuman Durability.

    • Effect: Slight increase in abilities power.

    • Effect: Slight decrease in abilities energy consumption.

    • Effect: Slight increase to additional abilities linked to power. (See Tool Tip)

“Stop! Brother Lash, stop!” Hulk shouted at Lash as he continued to eat Abomination. Once Lash ripped the mans heart out and ate it was when he finally stopped. He whipped around snarling like a mad beast at Hulk. His tentacles raised up like cobra's ready to strike.

“Lash....it's me. Brother Hulk....” Hulk said as he had his hands up trying to calm Lash down. “I've been where you are now. Just breath, find your center. You helped me...Let me help you.” Banner/Hulk's voice combined together then.

Energy poured off of Lash as his body went through his changes. The impurities in Lash's body oozed out. His body grew denser, stronger, and his injuries quickly healed faster than before. He prowled across the broken body of Abomination and moved towards Hulk on all fours. His scales rattled like a venomous snake. Hulk slowly retreat making sure to watch his movements. Then the quin-jet landed and Lash's six reptilian eyes glanced that direction as the bay doors opened up. Natasha came running out.

“Natasha wait!” Hulk shouted, then Lash Blinked across the field and was in front of Natasha. Hulk twisted on his heel was prepared to bolt forward only to freeze. Lash was nuzzling Natasha like a dog would who missed its owner.

“OK! OK! I'm happy to see you too!” Natasha said with a smile as she pushed Lash back. His spike tail wagging back and forth. Banner/Hulk breathed a sigh of relief.


“Brother Banner, Brother Hulk. Thanks for keeping me level.” Lash said. Banner/Hulk who was now more Banner than Hulk smiled at him. They wore the same purple polymer suit but had gone down a few sizes. A green glow from Banners eyes told Lash Hulk heard the thanks.

They were currently in a SHIELD quin-jet flying towards Moscow. Officially SHIELD wasn't here. They had contacted the Hungarian government about the facility and the government officials friendly to SHIELD would arrive. Lash had cast Decomposition on Abomination. His body was a pile of ashes now. He was sure that would piss someone half. Thankfully there was zero footage of Lash in his transformed state. Neither was their footage of Hulk, Natasha, Yelena, Melina, and Alexei who were all sitting in the quin-jet together.

“So, its not armor you wear. You are like this big green guy here. You change into something else?” Alexei said from across the passenger seat. He pointed at Banner who shrugged.

“Yes, like Banner I have another version of my self with in. He is called Saurian. Saurian however is far larger than the shape you saw.” Lash replied, and Banner/Hulk grinned at him.

“So whats the plan?” Yelena asked from her side of the quin-jet. She was cleaning her rifle. Holding it affectionately like one would a pet.

“SHIELD still doesn't have any actionable intelligence on the Red Room. So they can't go in, especially in the Russian capitol. However, Bruce will be on standby the moment we do get evidence of Hydra's involvement in the facility. Hydra is a clear and present danger.” Natasha said, as she gestured towards Banner with a smile who returned it.

“Even after everything we found?” Alexei said in irritation.

“Its bureaucratic nonsense dear, you know that better than most.” Melina said to him, he crossed his arms over his chest still unhappy about it.

“The political officials are claiming its an isolated incident. There is no clear evidence of Hydra being involved.” Natasha replied.

“One misses the days of when the bad guys would paint their evil symbols on the walls.” Banner said to the room and they laughed a bit. Hydra was known for that. Painting the skull, and tentacles symbol all over the walls.

“It also didn't help that Sterns EMP fried all the records in the base. The Black Widows were no were to be seen. While the fallen green soldiers remained. But they being around doesn't prove that Hydra was involved. At least not to the UN.” Natasha continued, and pulled up a holographic thanks to Lash.

“The Red Room is located here. In the financial, and economic district. A lot of money goes through there. People with fingers in every aspect of government, trade, and business. Perfect place to hide a base underground. There are multiple entry ways. Several in the Moscow metro rail way. Along with three commercial building entries.” Natasha went down the list of bullet points about the plan.

The plan was simple. They would each take an entrance and move in separately. Lash raised a brow at that plan of action. But he was reminded that they were all essentially superhuman now. He would double check their gear before they left to help give them an edge. The other issue they had was they had no layout of the inside. What ever Sterns had done to prevent Lash, and this tech-spirits from finding the hidden rooms in the alternate facility. He had done through this whole complex. His tech-spirits were swimming around the system trying to find a way in.

The other issue they had. Sterns knew they were coming. Why? Well because Abomination wasn't on the news. The fact that there was not even a mention of the man would tell Sterns that Lash had beaten him. But Sterns also knew that SHIELD, and the Avengers wouldn't break the borders with out a good reason. Building the base in the center of the city was the perfect shield as it were.

Lash recast his Glamour not only on himself but on Natasha, then changed Yelena, Melina, and Alexei. Along with Anonymity to help them hide as they made their way into the city. A SHIELD hellicarrier was currently sitting just off the edge of Moscow airspace cloaked and ready to move in at a moments notice to support the operation once they had proof. Banner came with them. Under his own Anonymity, and Glamour. Lash altered his polymer suit. So as long as Banner didn't swap out for Hulk he just looked like a big bruiser with Superhuman Strength. Thanks to the Inhumans that was possible!

Moscow was a pretty city! A lot of rich culture, art, and design went into making the city. Yes, like all cities they had bad places. Slums, industrial areas. But there was a lot to see. What surprised Lash the most was the metro subway stations. Holy crap! Marble columns, crystal chandeliers, mosaic tile floors. Apparently Stalin went on a power trip back during his reign. (He did those often) He wanted to prove his peoples metro stations were better than others. Despite Stalin being a piece of work. Lash had to agree this was a nice place.

  • Congratulations User! The Domain of Illusion Spell, Anonymity has evolved into Minor Anonymity.

    • Effect: Slight increase in spell power.

    • Effect: Slight decrease in spell energy consumption.

    • Effect: Slight increase to spell duration.

That was a nice surprise as Lash walked into a office, and commercial building. No one spared him a second glance. He made sure to tighten up his ambient magical energy this time. He even went so far as to give himself a tailored suit so if his spell snapped off he would at least look like he belonged. Along the way through the building he created a ID security badge. Continuing to sell the lie. The building had a parking garage next to it, along with its own basement garage for the VIPs of the building.

Lash waited for a bit until the private VIP elevator was called down to the main floor. Lash stepped into the carriage with another gentleman who looked at Lash, blinked then went back to ignoring him. The elevator went up several floors. Lash, and the man stepped off together. Lash moved down the hallways towards a set of double doors that led to an office that was empty. The office had a very nice view of the city, along with a private bathroom, and bedroom for those long hours in the office. Or apparently late night visits as Lash found a pair of panties tucked away in the sheets.

He walked up to wall and felt the Chitauri energy running through it. He looked around the room until he found a hand scanner under one of the marble busts in the main room. Who ever used it apparently didn't believe in cleaning it. Lash got every finger print fresh from the scanner and reapplied it. With a satisfying beep! The door in the false wall pulled back for an elevator. Lash walked in, but put a briefcase down to stop the door from closing.

The entire elevator had a current of energy running through it. Lash jumped up and pushed the ventilation shaft shutter aside, or rather opened it up. Most ventilation shutters are screwed into place. It was something Erik found funny. In movies they always climb up with ease. But in reality you would need a screw driver, and or drill to get up. Lash just used Material Shaping to melt the screws. Soon he found himself in a elevator shaft that ran up the entire length of the building. So this wasn't the only office with access. Then a long shaft down.

He pulled the briefcase free of the door and pulled it up with him with Telekinesis. Then replaced the ventilation panel back down. He looked around and spotted at least six different camera's and another nine automated micro drones that flew around. Motion sensors, infrared. electromagnetic, ultraviolet, the full spectrum sight lines. So Lash cast Nature's Passage...Fuck! As soon as the spell went through a automated drone swiveled his way. Lash dove off the elevator shaft into the dark below. Of course the camera's would be designed to pick up the minute ambient energy. Half way down the shaft Lash used Gravity Stride to suddenly run along the wall. Then he stopped using it to continue down the way.

Gravity Stride was a racial trait. Lash, and Saurian's racial traits had always been different from most Supernatural beings. Hopefully it wouldn't give them away in this situation. Through clever means of manipulating gravity Lash found the bottom and the door he needed. Oddly enough the door did not have Chitauri energy running through it. Smelled like a trap. Yes, technically the elevator had energy in it. So one would assume that if the door opened with out the elevator then an alarm would go off. Lash really missed the days when his enemies were stupid.

They know I'm here! Going loud! -Banner/Hulk roared over the Temporary Pack Bond then the entire facility shook. Well no reason to hold back now. Lash turned the door into goop and climbed through.

The other side of the door was an irritation. There were two Chitauri pulse cannons that came online and swiveled towards the door. While a crew of six soldiers looked over at Lash confused as to why a mechanic was climbing out of the elevator shaft. Then a radio signal went through their earpiece. With a thought they all turned green and got large. Unlike the ones at the other facility. These ones jumped behind cover and started to shoot at Lash. Fuck! He really missed dumb enemies!


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Moscow, metro station***

(Natasha aka Black Widow)

“I'm just saying you should be ready for the talk.” Melina said to Natasha who rolled her eyes at her.

“You really think he is going to ask me to marry him?” Natasha asked, as she they walked side by side through the Moscow metro.

“He specifically asked for our blessing.” Melina replied. Natasha chewed on her lip for a bit then stopped when Melina looked at her.

“Nat don't chew on your lip. It's bad for you!” Melina said, with a motherly glare.

“He's from another world, mom. That could mean a lot of different things. We've had arguments about this. Two very different cultures. Asking for your blessing could mean he want's to take me off world and participate in some galactic battle or something.” Natasha replied, and tried to not to look at Melina when she gave Natasha that stare that mothers give when their children are being naive.

The truth was, Natasha was terrified that Lash would ask her to marry him. She... They were to different! Different worlds! She loved that Lash spent time with her. She hadn't felt this way about anyone in...ever! But... Gah! It was so frustrating! They were about to get into a fight for their lives and she was worrying about a man she loved was going to ask her about marriage. She tried to list the pros and cons to the marriage. But kept coming up with more pros, then cons. The fact that he was over a thousand years old was one of the cons.

“Eyes up we have Widows in sight.” Melina pulled Natasha out of her own thoughts. Sure enough three women were on the other side of the hall. Hundreds of people between them. But they could both see the Red Room training on them.

“They walk, talk, and move like they are alive. But look at their eyes. They are dead inside.” Natasha pointed it out, and Melina nodded.

The Black Widows were walking around on a security patrol in the metro. To anyone else they looked very animated, full of life, and enjoying their day together. They spoke to several people about this and that. Playing the part of tourist, or people visiting families. Or just enjoying the art museum of the Moscow metro. But to anyone who had spent in the spy business they could tell. Their eyes were dead, and lifeless. The smiles never reached their eyes, and kept everyone they spoke to at arms distance. Just close to enough to kill. She had been like that.

They know I'm here! Going loud! -Banner said across their telepathic link. Melina still flinched when ever someone spoke. Then a soft rumbled was felt across the floor. The Widow patrol team turned on their heels in perfect sync and sprinted down the hall.

“Let's finish this.” Melina said and took off after them.

“Work first, then think about marriage.” Natasha said to her self and chased after her mother.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Red Room. First Floor***

(Lash Jormungandson of Asgard)

Lash tore the door open with his claws. Leaving behind a room filled with broken, and bleeding bodies. The turrets were dismantled, and Lash was in his Transformation state. At this current point in the mission. Lash didn't really care anymore if he was caught! The door screeched, and protested but was pushed open. The mechanisms were destroyed in the process. Behind door number one was a long hallway painted in red.

“HERE'S JOHNNY!” Lash shouted into the hallway. Several soldiers, trainers, technicians turned to look at him in horror.

“The Avengers have no right to be here!” A technician called out.

“I don't fucking care!” Lash roared in anger! Then he used Demon Summoning and 200 F grade demonic imps, and creatures came pouring out. They shouted, hooted, and cheered! So long they had been cooped up!

Every single person he saw had the stain of hell on their souls and the demons chased after the with wild abandonment. He was one short level away from evolving the spell. He'd get it from here! The security guards pulled out their weapons and fired but it did little damage. The bullets bounced off their leathery skin, and armor that Lash had made for them. Then the gnashing teeth, and claws tore into them like a horde of wild dogs! Their screams were delightful to hear! Lash watched with a smile on his face as his experience continued to grow until.

  • Congratulations User! Minor Demon Summoning has evolved into Basic Demon Summoning.

    • Effect: The Caster may now call up to 400 Demon Soldiers.

    • Effect: The Demon Soldiers now have F grade stats, abilities, can wear E grade gear.

    • Effect: Some Demon Soldiers have been promoted to Veteran. Allowing for leadership, and special skills, and abilities.

  • Sub-Ability, Pocket Hell has grown.

    • Effect: The User can now visit their own personal hell, and shape it to their liking. (See Tool Tip)

More, and more imps, and brutish creatures poured out of the portal. Some of them wore better armor, and even saluted Lash once they stepped out. The task masters? Took out spiked whips and cracked them in the air to get the soldiers into order as the bodies had long become mush. Groups of 30-50 were pushed deeper into the facility. Lash drew Conjuration ritual circle onto the ground and had the soldiers defend the portal. As long as it remained open they would continue to spawn and rush into the facility. He made sure to give them a order not to kill anyone with out a stain. Though they could incapacitate them. Also not to attack specific people.

Hell hours came bounding out of the portal with imp riders they raced down the hallways at the direction of their cavalry leader. Their constant giggles, and glee in the slaughter tickled Lash. He could feel his Daemonic Heritage: Count gain experience. As he walked through the halls towards his objectives. A hell hound was flung down the hall and burst into abyssal flame upon impact. Ah, something they can't handle.

Lash came around the corner to find a unit of green soldiers fighting off the horde of demons. Lash whistled and dozens more entered the fray. The demonic horde won by simple attrition as the portal back home was right around the corner. Erik was reminded of the Overlord games. Watching the hilarious, and insane gremlin creatures climb on top with no fear of death. Then a few more souls were added to Lash's hellish realm.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Red Room. First Floor***

(Dr Banner/ The Incredible Hulk)

Banner was fighting a huge pack of green soldiers and winning but only by a slim margin. The suit that Lash crafted for him was helping him take the hits. Vibranium weave apparently. This stuff was amazing. So it was a boxing match with a unbeatable punching bag. Banner duck under one hit, and swung his own shattering a jaw. Another soldier picked up his rifle and fired but the bullets impacted and fell to the floor. All the kinetic energy absorbed into the suit. Banner slammed the ground and a burst of green kinetic energy flew out in a wide area of effect. Slamming everyone into the walls around them.

Hmmm! Brother Lash make suit for Hulk! Like suit! -Hulk said to him.

Ya, you got that right. He said it would stretch to fit you. -Banner said back, and Hulk growled in satisfaction.

Banner ran down the hallway looking around for the server room. Lash said each of them would get a tech-spirit to help them. Banner wasn't sure what that meant. He had heard Jarvis, and now Vision talk about them. But Banner didn't really know what they were. But his HUD kept prompting to go in a direction so away he went. Then he turned a corner and was struck dumb at the sight of hundreds of tiny red gremlin creatures climbing, attacking, and getting destroyed by the green soldiers.

“Woooohoooo!” A gremlin came flying over and slammed into the wall. It bounced back, its giant red ears flopping this way and that. It popped its own shoulder back into place and picked up a blood covered axe. It looked at Banner, and he stepped back.

“Big Green! Big Green! Big Green!” The gremlin shouted, and jumped up and down! Then any gremlin not in combat started to shout Big Green pointing at Banner.

“What? Ya, I am Big Green. I guess?” Banner said, and the gremlin cheered and raced back into the fight. On Banner's HUD all the gremlins were marked as green for the IFF. So they were friendlies?

“Yeeeeehaaaa!” Another gremlin race past riding on a dog that was on fire? But that was enough for Banner. He'd seen a dog like that before. Lash could call them from a portal. This was a first for the gremlins but Banner would take the help he could get.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Red Room second floor***

(Yelena Belova)

“Who is this guy?” Alexei her father asked. Yelena audibly swallowed as she looked at the man in the room with them. She glanced at her implant progression meter. Stage 4 (56.23%)

“His call sign is Taskmaster.” Yelena replied.

The man standing in front of them stood at approximately 6'2”. He wore a skull face mask, with a hood covering part of his head. He had a sleek, compact suit of tactical gear on. A lot like them actually. A utility belt, along with compression pockets under the armor. A segmented armor plates across his chest, back, arms, and legs. A form fitting polymer suit. With a metallic shield in his left hand, and a sword in his right. His eyes were hidden behind a mirror like visor that was built into the skull mask.

“Report, BT-23.” Taskmasters synthetic voice came out.

“I don't go by that name anymore.” Yelena said, as she turned her sniper rifle into an automatic rifle with a bayonet. Alexei raised his shield and stepped in front of Yelena but just a little bit to the side so she could fire.

“BT-23 you are in violation of orders. Comply with directive...now!” Taskmasters synthetic voice said. His voice cold, and cruel.

“He removed the programming!” Yelena shouted at him. “I will never have to listen to your orders again.”

When Lash had looked through her Source Code he had found the brainwashing. That was how they had found them in Yelena's home that first night. She had sent word. Yelena was an agent for the Red Room. But Lash debugged her. Cleaned her out and made her whole again. She would never be a slave again! Not ever!

“BT-23 is in violation of orders. Permission to terminate?” Taskmaster said to the open air. Then sprinted across the room shield raised.

“I got him! Cover me!” Alexei shouted and met Taskmaster shield for shield. As he swung his battle axe.

Taskmaster easily parried the attack. Flipped, rolled, and spun around with his own blade. However when he went to stab Alexei, he swiveled his own shield and blocked the blade. Then Taskmaster rolled to the side as a rapid burst fire from Yelena's rifle was fired at him. Taskmaster raced towards the opposite wall run up it and jumped into the air. He threw his shield at Yelena who dodged out of the way. Taskmaster landed on his feet only to receive a swift kick to his chest from Alexei who sent him flying.

Taskmaster rolled to his feet and looked at Alexei, and Yelena. He raised his arm up and his shield went flying back to him. Everyone had magnetic armbands these days. Yelena, and Alexie's HUD showed that Taskmaster had a Chitauri neural link in his helmet. So it wasn't implanted but he could access the information. A door on the side opened up and three Widows came running in.

“Easy!” Yelena flipped a switch on her rifle and did quick easy shots of ICERS straight into the Widows as Alexei moved to engage Taskmaster. The Widows went down easily enough and Yelena turned to cover her father.

Taskmaster rolled away and threw down a flash bang! CRACK! The suits compensated for the noise quickly enough but another smoke bomb had gone off. Taskmaster sprinted from the room and took off down the hall. Yelena groaned in frustration as she and Alexei took off after him. They needed to kill him. Taskmaster was the head master of the Red Room. He trained all of them, and he was very, very good.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Red Room operations room***

(Samuel Sterns aka The Leader)

Sterns looked at dozens of computer monitors in front of him as he absorbed the information that it was giving him. A smile spread across his face as he understood that only he could truly absorb this much and still continue to solve other problems. Truly the world would better suited under his rule. He watched in amusement as he positioned his pieces into place according to the grand design. Though he did have to admit that Lash turned into a interesting opponent.

He had thrown caution to the wind and created a portal to what appeared to be another world. Interesting science the Asgardians had access to. The creatures that came out of it were by far incredibly feeble to even a normal man. But a few of their numbers were of adequate ability, and skill. All the while Lash walked through the halls dispatching Sterns expendables.

“BT-23 is in violation of orders. Permission to terminate?” Taskmasters voice came over his private line. Sterns glanced at the computer monitor and gleamed with in a half second of the situation.

“Granted.” Sterns replied and went back to watching the show. Then he saw something peculiar. Taskmaster was forced to retreat? The woman...BT-23 had remarkable reflexes, and sensory awareness. That was clearly new, and above normal human.

“Ah...Lash, you did something to her. A genius I can relate to. You see something that can be improved and you do so. A work of art BT-23 has become. No, all of them have become works of art.” Sterns looked at three former Widows, and the Red Guardian.

Then Sterns watched in interest as Banner rushed through the facility with the tiny gremlin creatures following in his wake. Banner was the most surprising when Stern had awoken from his cryo sleep by Hydra. Banner had learned to control his abilities, to control the Hulk. Or it was more to say they figured out a way to share. From the video's he had watched, Lash had done something. Implanted something in Banner that made that connection possible. Yes, a genius like himself.

Sterns had assumed all Asgardians were like this. But he soon discovered that Thor was a buffoon! Like so many others on earth. Capable of great power, and change. But they spend all day doing nothing but fighting, and participating in physical pleasures. Hedonists! But not Lash...Lash was always busy, always doing something to better the world. Even when he was taking a break, he was doing something.

“It's a pity we wont have time to talk.” Sterns said. Then he stood up and went to a panel on the floor. Stepping onto it he flipped a switch and a bright blue light swallowed him and he was gone. Gone from the room, from the facility, clear across the globe.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Red Room entrance to operations***

(Lash Jormungandson of Asgard)

“You must be Anthony Masters, or do you prefer Tony?” Lash asked Taskmaster who was in front of him now. Taskmaster stiffened when Lash spoke his name. Lash had used Cosmic Awareness before they arrived in Moscow.

“Still having memory problems?” Lash asked, as he slowly stepped into the room. The two of them started to circle each other. Taskmaster gave a stiff shake of his head, no.

“Sterns probably fixed it I'm guessing? He is a brilliant man, I will agree to that.” Lash said as he looked around the room. “You understand that he left right? You are not protecting anyone.” Lash said to him.

Taskmaster and Lash continued to do a slow walk around one another. Step by measured step. There were several different doors that led into his main chamber before the operations room. One of them specifically seem to go to a server room. While another led to an underground tram that Taskmaster could take to escape. The problem was the servers were still deleting the information. Normally this would be bad! But Taskmaster had left the door open for what ever reason. So one of Lash's tech-spirits had jumped in and was preventing the deletion, and started to download the data.

“Make a contract, keep the contract.” Taskmaster replied after a bit.

“I can respect the work ethic.” Lash said, Sherogoth's Blessing told the story that Taskmaster wasn't really a sinful individual. They did bad, they did good. What ever they were paid to do. He was detached from it. Like a doctor who has to detach themselves from their patients so they don't lose their minds to grief.

When the server room beeped, and the color of the lights went from red to blue. Taskmaster bolted for the door to escape. He understood Lash had stopped the deletion. Lash Blinked across the room and appeared in front of him. Taskmaster swung his fist and...catapulted Lash across the room into the wall making an impact crater. What the fuck!? Lash pulled himself out of the wall and looked at him.

A green glow covered Taskmaster as he grew several inches, and filled out his uniform that much more. Fuck! Sterns had turned him into a gamma mutant! Taskmaster balled his hands into fists and several soft audible pops rang out. He lowered his center of gravity and jumped straight at Lash. Who whipped out his red Psionic Blades and the energy ground to a halt on Taskmasters sword, and shield. That was another surprise! Though Lash could visibly see the sword, and shield was starting to crack under the Psionic Blade.

Taskmaster head butted Lash only to bounce off of him. Lash kicked him square in the chest and sent him flying across the room. Taskmaster flipped in the air and landed on his feet. He looked at his sword and sheathed on his back, along with his shield. Then he flexed his hands and extended vibranium claws. Just like Prince T'Challa and the Black Panther.

“I'm sorry, Anthony. Against anyone else this would have been a really interesting fight. But with me?” Lash said, he reached out with Telekinesis and threw Taskmaster straight into the ceiling with bone breaking force. Then propelled him into the floor. He did this several times.

After six or eight times bashing into the ceiling, and into the floor. Taskmaster was barely conscious. Lash walked over and flipped him onto his back. Then created a blue Psionic Blade. Maybe we can work together in the future. A good teacher is hard to find. Lash said and stuck the blade dead center. Taskmaster received an electrical shock of epic proportions even for a gamma mutant and was sent to dream land.

Taskmaster is down, Sterns got away. Server banks are secure and download of information is processing. Hydra involvement confirmed contacting SHIELD. -Lash sent across the link. A sigh of relief went through the connection.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Nidavellir***

Nidavellir was a dwarven home of King Eitri, a master forge smith as was most of his people aboard the ring. For countless millennium their people had crafted the best, and most destructive weapons in the universe. As well as crafting the best pieces of armor to protect others. Their force was a dyson sphere around the heart of a dying star. A force so pure in elemental energy it was capable of wonders not see anywhere else in the known universe.

The dwarven rings that held the dwarven kin was was multi ring structured that would spin, and rotate in all manner of directions. All meeting at two central points on either side of the star forge. The light of the forge would shoot from a opening lock mechanism and shoot into the forge. Even now the light burned, as it had burned for thousands of years. But on this day, something new was in store for King Eitri.

An alarm rang through the rings. Eitri raced to his throne room where he could find his regent. There on the monitors a massive ship had appeared out of no where! The defensive platforms that Asgard had built for them had activated and started to fire on the ship. Hundreds of satellites shooting some of the best weapons Nidavellir could create. All the while the ship took the damage and shrugged it off like some great beast.

“Notify Asgard we are under attack!” Eitri shouted to his regent.

“We cant my king! Communications are being blocked!” The regent replied, Eitri called the alarm and the dwarves on the ring ran to get into their armor and set up the rings defenses. Eitri ran to his room to get his own armor. But he also ran to an orb.

“This is King Eitri of Nidavellir! We are under attack by the ship known as Sanctuary 2. The man titan Thanos has come for us! Communications have been stopped. I pray to the all fathers that this beacon gets to you in time!” Eirti finished his message and pressed on the orb.

The orb compressed into it self several times becoming smaller, and smaller with each rotation. Then a portal made from darkness, and starlight swallowed the orb. It was a gift from Jormungand son. If by some chance they came under attack and couldn't call for help the beacon would slip between the void and race to Asgard. To King Odin, and the Einherjar armies. They just had to hold out till they arrived. The station rumbled as a proximity alert sounded off. They had been boarded!

“To arms! To arms!” A warrior ran past the kings room. Eirti was quick to put on his armor. All they had to do was hold out.

First Draft, Raw, Unedited. 27,770 words. Woooo! I have no idea if that is a new record or not. Not much longer now!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.