Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 112: Ultron


***HR. Sol System, Earth***

It had been two weeks since Wraith was last seen entering the Rift located in a New York building. The Rift had not grown any larger, nor had it shrunk. The quarantine line around the Rift was still in place as the city around it continued to be repaired. However, all that remained of the military, and police force was a skeleton crew. Along with a group of scientists from STAR labs. Of course what no one knew was that an orbital cannon from the JLI was above them pointing straight down at the Rift in case anything hostile came out.

Rifts had started to pop up across the globe in a variety of sizes, varieties, and visual spectrum. The JLI was able to get most of them. But all it took was a few dumb people to step into a Rift that didn't understand what would happen for disaster to strike. Most Rifts would simply implode! They would grow to encompass about one square mile then shrink down to a mini black hole consuming anything nearby and blink out of existence.

While a few Rifts would explode! These caused far more destruction from aside the obvious damage of sending debris in every direction. It would often scatter cosmic energy. Cosmic radiation being one of them. Causing a lot of health issues. But they would also spread mutations, aberrations, and power ups for mundanes, and meta's alike. When two hundred seemingly random people became meta's with a plethora of powers. No one paid any attention to the two hundred thousand that became sick, while one third of that number turned into twisted monsters that caused devastation as they moved.

Then came the most chaotic Rift destruction. These Rifts would expand like a water balloon being filled then break apart like an egg. These spit out monsters! Chimera's, aberrations, abominations! These monsters would seek out any and all complex organic organisms (animals and/or people) Depending on the energy level of the Rift they would spit out a few dozen, or split out a few thousand! One such Rift opened in South America, Peru. The creatures spawned from the Rift oddly enough looked a lot like the their kin with in the jungle. So large reptiles, and predatory cats. This was not a good thing!

JLI star fighters from the Watch Tower Station were doing bombing runs across the vast armies of monsters pouring out of the jungle. Thousands of twisted creatures jumped, warped, and sprinted out to fight the battle line of JLI, and military personnel. Tanks shot into the charging line with reckless abandonment. While the soldiers fired everything they had into the horde. With a sonic boom across the skies came a red, and blue blur that crashed straight into the horde and started to incinerate them with solar laser eyes.

The creatures twisted in their sprint and moved towards the greatest complex organism. Superman! They pushed, crawled, or even ran over one other. Some even started to kill each other to prevent others from getting to him. Right before the first creature jumped at Superman he zipped into the air and jumped out of the way. Just as a targeting laser came down from the sky and an ion cannon struck the center mass! Five square miles of monsters turned into ash! Sending minor tremors through the earth. A reasonable side effect.

Wonder Woman took out her blade and called for a charge as the JLI melee combatants rushed into the remnants of the horde. Hundreds of Amazons, Atlanteans, and Meta's rushed towards the monsters while hundreds more JLI fired from behind them. A festival of blood poured across the ruined jungle as every last creature was butchered to last. The only real benefit for these creatures was an easy clean up. For when they died, truly died. They would turn into energy particles and fade into the ambient magical energy in the air.

A victory cheer roared through out the fighters on the ground as the star fighters flew by and rushed straight up back to the Watch Tower Station. People smiled, and clapped each other on the back. Another life saved, another city, ano....Ding..Ding! Dozens of people received a notification of another monster Rift exploding in Mongolia. Shoulders sagged, and people groaned. As hundreds of spring jump coils started to pop audibly.....

One would think with the threat of the Earths extinction people would come together? Find peaceful solutions to problems, compromise, and build a better tomorrow. But no! That wasn't happening. Yes, there were of course exceptions. But the world was just as messed up as ever. Much of the world was still rebuilding from the Invasion. While a few places that had obtained some sense of stability. Where racked with crime! The Injustice League had shown up! A group of organized villains, convicts, and criminals.

Everyday the world was getting more, and more chaotic! Millions of people abandoning their homes to become refugees at different cities spread across the globe. Refugee centers were at max capacity. While others had overflowed. People were dying in the streets! People were dying over a butter finger bar! This was a perfect time to work together! Share what you had! But no! What they decided to do was blame the JLI for not doing a better job! The Justice League: International was meant to protect, and serve the globe! Why were they not doing enough!? Le sigh.


***Black Room. Story/Cross Over***

“What the hell, Lash! I sent you to Xandar to have this epic confrontation with Ronan and you destroyed the dynamic event in under ten minutes!” Dawn screamed at Lash in fury! Her hair was a mess, she had bags under eyes to demonstrate she hadn't slept. Her nice business suit was a mess.

“I'm sorry, Dawn. But honestly who doesn't build defensive platforms on their capitol planet! That's just foolish.” Lash tried to defend himself, and of course fail as he shrunk more, and more into his seat.

“OK, I forgive you!” Dawn said sweetly, that caused a shiver to roll down Lash's spine. Something told him Dawn was going to increase the Rift difficulty by 100% for his next challenge.

Dawn snapped her fingers and her business attire faded from sight. She wore flip flops, string shorts, a cotton T, and a pair of sun glasses. A red sun appeared above the black room and Dawn started to sun bath. A fruity drink appeared next to her on a small table. While she sat on a beach chair and started to get comfortable. A cool breeze of astral winds rolled by and felt like a nice spring day. Despite the mood, Lash was worried. Especially since she hadn't created a timeline app, or a WP store catalog. Before Lash could open his mouth to ask he felt himself falling through the black room.

“I love you, Dawn! I appreciate everything you do!” Lash called out as he fell towards the Marvel world.

“Love you too!” Dawn called back.


  • Recommended World Point allocation.

Lash Jormungandson at the behest of All Father, Odin. Traveled across the 9 realms, constructing new and improved defensive platforms, and orbital satellites. His traveling companion was Sif, and from time to time the warriors three. They did come across Thor, and his betrothed Lady Foster. Oddly enough Sif didn't seem that depressed when she met Thor. She was still sore that the man of her dreams chose a mortal over herself. But that seemed like a point of pride more than anything. They would tell stories to one another, laugh, drink, and enjoy each others company. Lady Jane was learning all sorts of strange and unique things about the science shared between the 9 realms.

On Midgard the world continued to spin as it always did. SHIELD continued to hunt down the forces of HYDRA. Lash had kept his promise to Agent Daisy of SHIELD and created a meta/Inhuman program to test who was, and where. Hundreds of new Inhumans had been identified. While most were not interested in being anything more than themselves. A few dozen decided to join up and go through the transformation process. While a few of the Inhumans decided to join SHIELD as a special task force much like the Avengers.

New technologies were being invented everyday! The Stark Industries medical bed had been released and they had sold it at a very reasonable, all be it still expensive price. But watching the device rebuild spinal damage. Regrow a persons limb. Or even cure cancer! Very few people complained about the price. While a sort of medical lottery was introduced to people across the world to be fixed. Thousands of people were selected each month.

A education, and living program was established by the Asgardian Lash Jormungandson in partnership with Stark Industries. Millions of people across the globe were given a chance to attend school, along with living conditions, and a basic allowance. While Stark Industries, and SHIELD lawyers attempted to push for associates degrees to be covered under the public school law. (Getting a general associates degree was paid for, and required by law for everyone to obtain) It was still being debated over, especially who would pay for it? Cough! Alien from another world! Cough!

While a few people argued about the idea that an alien from another world even had a right to having a bank account. Tony Stark was holding a party at Stark Tower in New York. They had successfully found, and caught Strucker obtaining Loki's scepter. Tony, and Dr Banner had been working on the scepter for the past three days before Thor was meant to take it back to Asgard. The party had just started when a rainbow bridge of the bifrost struck the balcony of the Stark Tower to reveal Lady Sif, the Warriors three, and Lash Jormungandson.


“My friends!” Thor shouted as he came racing over across the balcony to embrace them. Thor wore a well tailored, and fashioned casual suit jacket, vest, t-shirt, jeans, and boots. His hair was pulled back in his typical half pony tail.

“THOR!” Volstagg roared! The giant red bearded warrior clad in chain mail and leather armor picked up the Odinson, and spun him around while smiling in glee! Thor clapped him on the back, his smile growing even wider if that was possible.

Thor soon embraced Fandral, Hogun, Sif, and last but not least Lash. Thor had told them of the party to be had at Midgard and wanted them to attend. Lash had just finished deploying the last of the satellites around the 9 realms and was then 'banished' to Midgard by Odin....Again. Hopefully it would stick this time. The warriors three, Sif, and Lash all wore full armor as was the custom if they ever visited another world. They were a little out of place at the party.

All of the Avengers were at the party, as many of the reserve Avengers. Along with many of the auxiliary teams. A few even surprised Lash as he saw Matt Murdock, and Foggy Nelson standing off to the side talking to a few people. Lash grinned and walked across the room straight towards them. Foggy's eyes popped when Lash was walking towards them.

Franklin Percy "Foggy" Nelson was a delightfully plump, but well build man in suit and tie. He had a charismatic glow that made you trust him even when he hadn't opened his mouth yet. When ever he smiled it was filled with warmth, and a bit of nervous tension like he wasn't sure what was going to happen. But he'll have a smile either way. He had a drink in hand and was trying to not hyperventilate as Lash came to stop in front of him and held his hand out.

“Foggy, son of Nel. I have heard a lot about you.” Lash said with a smile. Lash was in his default Asgardian form. A 6'6” tall caramel skinned bald man with ornate Einherjar armor on. With serpent, and reptilian stylized pictures depicted on the armor.

“Oh my god! Oh my god! You know who I am! I mean...Of course you know who I am! You are one of main investors!” Foggy said, reaching out to shake his hand. To his immediate left was Matt Murdock who had an embarrassed smile on his face.

Matthew Michael "Matt" Murdock was a cool, level headed, recently blind lawyer. Yes, recently! When Lash had traveled across the globe to recruit people to join the auxiliary teams for SHIELD Daredevil was one of them. Lash had offered to repair his eyes, something Matt took him up on. Matt had a genuine smile on his face as he shook Lash's hand. Technically this was their first public, civilian meet up.

“Yes, despite what Thor thinks of lawyers being the spawn of evil. I was more than happy to support your valiant fight for the people in, 'Hell's Kitchen'. Though I believe if demons, and devils were truly in that part of the city a sword would be better suited for killing.” Lash said, his tone completely serious. Foggy laughed nervously, and loudly!

“There are still videos on social media of you springing through that part of town looking for the demons.” Matt said with a smirk. Lash for his credit look a little embarrassed, scratching the back of his head.

Lash had actually found several Motophagus (Emotion Eaters) scattered through out the city. Of course that was normal! They ate up the excessive bit of emotion, creating a safe, balanced magical ecosystem. He had scared the crap out of Matt when Lash shared his vision with him for a brief moment. Lash had also ripped apart zombie ninjas! SHIELD had no idea, The Hand was in New York.

Before they could continue a smoking hot brunette walked up to Lash and extended her hand. In a practiced motion fitting of an Asgardian, Lash took the offered hand and bent from his waist. Barely pressing his lips across her knuckles but no more than that. He held that position for a brief moment then stood up straight and held her hand until she took it from him. Elektra Natchios, talented assassin, and now SHIELD shadow. Wore a red slink cocktail dress. With a pair of daggers strapped to her thighs.

“Respectful greetings unto, Lady Natchios.” Lash said to her, she smiled at him then took her hand back.

“Respectful greetings to you, Lord Lash Jormungandson.” Elektra said with a pleasant smile.

Elektra had a very brusque attitude towards most people. However, Lash had researched her past and provided the truth to her parents death. Something that had haunted her for years. He had done this for absolutely nothing. Simply because he knew what it was like growing up with out parents. Since then Lash, and Elektra had a polite, and friendly understanding.

The three of them spoke for awhile until it was time for Lash to move on. There were several people present that Lash wish to speak to. As always if there was an open bar one would find Jessica Jones doing her best to drink herself into oblivion. Next to her was Luke Cage, and the alien Omni. Well more to say that Omni was off to the side doing a small stand up comedy act that he was reasonably good at.

There was also a man named Danny Rand! A cultured, educated man that spoke in zen proverbs half the time. He was another millionaire with superpowers. More specifically he used Chi Manipulation. He was struck dumb when he found out you didn't need to kill a dragon to earn the ability. His girlfriend Colleen Wing was one of the people Lash had found was using Partial Chi Manipulation and just like Agent May offered to finish her training. The martial arts duo often teamed up with Dare Devil, along with Luke, Jessica, and Omni.

“Lash!” A woman called out to him and he turned to see Patricia "Trish" Walker.

“Lady Walker, respectful greetings unto. I see you have grown into your abilities. Are you feeling any ill effects?” Lash asked, his eyes danced up her body. Trish wore a black single dress that went below her knees. Her blond hair was done up into curls and she smile at Lash 'checking' her out.

“No, I have not felt any ill effects. Plenty of amazing, outstanding effects! Like old scars healing over.” Trish said, Lash offered her his arm and they continued walking through the party.

Trish had been a mundane but thanks to Erik the gamer insistence Lash had optimized Trish. She took on the name HellCat. For years Trish had lived in envy of her sister Jessica. To have a superpower sibling, and to see them squander it had made Trish envious, and bitter. However when Jessica joined up to be an auxiliary SHIELD team it had made Trish happy for her sister. Trish had flipped her top when Lash showed up to optimize her. She had taken to the role like a fish in water. Impressing her SHIELD handler.

Trish introduced Lash to several important people. Well important to the standard of a mundane of Midgard. But Trish seem to be enjoying herself showing him around. Her SHIELD handlers had reported that she held Lash in almost deified regard and would not allow anyone to bad mouth him while she was around. Given that Lash had an actual religion based around him by some Norse Pagan groups it didn't bother him.

A majority of the people attending the party were friends, or friends of a friend attending the party. However, most tickets had a plus one attached. So occasionally a few twisted people sneaked in with out any one noticing. Like a few slimy US senators, and Military personnel. One particular man tried to talk to Lash and failed at pronouncing his name. Odd, but it happened. But when the man tried to insist that Lash be an exclusive US Agent. Lash informed Stark, who had security escort and band the senator out of the tower.


A few hours later Trish was pulled away by an annoyed Jessica that insisted on using Trish as a means to escape the boys trying to get her to dance. Much to Jessica's horror Trish liked to dance and dragged Jessica to the dance floor. Lash excused himself and went to the bar where Volstagg was barking up a storm about Midgard spirits being nothing but sweet tasting water. Lash jumped over and started to make drinks for the man. Three cups in Volstagg dropped to the floor unconscious! Lash felt accomplished!

“Hay handsome, what's shaking?” A sultry voice asked, Lash looked up to see Natasha Romanoff taking a seat on the bar. She wore a red sequin silk gown with a neck wrap around leaving her arms, shoulders, and back exposed.

“What can I make you? Or are you here to talk?” Lash asked, as he bowed from his waist with a smile.

“About both? Surprise me!” Natasha said as she leaned in letting Lash get a peak at her cleavage if he wanted.

Lash created a rainbow drink. It was a multi layered drink with different colors, cooled. So the different liquors would stay separate. One could mix the drink and get a fruity flavor, or drink each section with a straw. He slide it towards her and Natasha smirked at the creation. Then Lash leaned forward towards her.

“I've missed you.” Lash said softly, and his confession made her smile even more.

“Missed you too.” She said, taking the offered drink and taking a sip through a straw. Her eyes went bright at the taste. “Wow! That is fantastic! What is this?” Natasha asked. Lash described the flavors, half of which came from different worlds.

“So, Thor said you've been building defensive satellites across the 9 realms? You all finished, or....” Natasha let the question hang in the air.

“I still have to build the satellites for Midgard. But I have been once again banished back to Midgard for my 'punishment' so I'll be around more often now.” Lash replied, making another drink for Hogun who sat at the end of the bar watching the party like a hawk.

“You've settled into your abilities I see. Any discomfort?” Lash asked, sending a Nature/ Synthesis pulse through her.

“...I have a few kinks, and muscle fatigue from pushing myself to hard. You free later? Maybe you can help work some of them out?” Natasha asked, hinting at doing more than that.

“I would be happy to help in any way I can.” Lash replied then to turned to see Lady Sif walking up.

“Lady Sif, please may I introduce Lady Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, daughter of Alexei Alanovich Shostakov.” Lash said in introductions that made Natasha whip her head around in shock. Very few people knew about Natasha's adoptive father.

“Hello Lady Romanoff, Lash has spoken about you on several occasions. He considers you a friend.” Sif said with a genuine smile holding her hand out. Natasha recovered quickly and shook Sif's hand.

“Thor talks about you as well Lady Sif. The Goddess of War in Asgard, and one of his few true friends.” Natasha replied truthfully, which made Sif smile brightly having heard what Thor thought of her. Sif would be wearing that smile for days he she could help it.

“Bar keep! I'll have that amazing star dust drink you made on Vanaheim.” Sif said taking a seat and setting her double pointed sword down on the bar.

Lash pulled out a few concoctions from thin air much to the delight of Natasha, and several patrons who came over to watch and get their own alien drinks. Sif's requested drink was called just that, 'star dust'. The liquid was a pure night black, with cosmic sparkles drifting through the night color. When ever one of the sparkles collided with another it burst into light and color. It was a drink meant to be sipped. Because it would floor most Asgardians.

Lash made a few more star dust drinks designed for Midgardian's and continued talking to Natasha, and Sif about this and that. Lash being Lash of course spoke about many things with very little tact which resulted in several comical miss understandings. Volstagg awoke about an hour in and demands another drink. Fandral being the biggest Asgardian slut he was found several women willing to share a bed with him. He excused himself and found a reasonable place to enjoy horizontal refreshments.


“You know normally when people are invited to a party they choose to spend their time relaxing. Not working.” Said a beautiful woman in a cultured british accent as Peggy Carter took a seat at the bar in front of Lash. Sif, and Natasha had adjourned to the dance floor.

Dr. Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter wore a satin skirt to her knees, and a silk white blouse. With three inch naked toed black heels. She sat at the bar stool crossing her legs at the heel and kept perfect posture as she ordered a red electric twist. Lash had made a drink menu for anyone who wanted something. The red electric twist was red with swirls of electrical energy dancing through the drink. Each sip would send a tingle down the persons mouth.

“How often do Midgardians get to have drinks from another world? I thought it would bring a bit of life to the party.” Lash said as he finished making the drink. He looked around for Steve but found him upstairs on the balcony talking to Sam Wilson.

“So, how goes it Lady Carter?” Lash asked, as he started to make another drink from another party goer. Peggy tasted her drink and thought about the question.

“Steve asked me to marry him.” Peggy said softly once Lash finished. Lash's eyes went bright and smile grew. But soon it started to melt because Peggy didn't seem to pleased.

“Is this not a cause for celebration?” Lash asked, worried for them both. Peggy tried to smile but sadness was colored in her eyes.

“I lived a whole life with out him, Lash. I do love him, and always will. But... I fear I am not the same person I was before. What if...” Peggy began, and slowed to a whisper.

“You fear he loves the memory of you, and not the current you?” Lash asked, pointing out the specific point of the issue. Peggy swallowed a bit of her drink and nodded in acceptance.

“Lady Carter I swear to you. Lord Rogers is in love with you, the current you. Yes, you are both different people. But anyone with a pair of eyes can see the love you both share for each other.” Lash said, and Peggy blushed just a bit looking at her drink. Seeing the cool, composed Peggy Carter act so bashful was a delight to see.

“You must remember, with youth comes mistakes. I don't just mean that metaphorically. I mean it literally. The chemicals in your body have also been changed back. For all intents and purposes you are physically twenty five. Do you remember what you were like back when you first hit twenty five?” Lash asked, pointing out a topic that most overlooked.

“Oh...I was unsure of myself. Hesitant to act, but always willing too. I spent years trying to be something I wasn't. I didn't really discover who I was until the War happened... Wait, are you saying that because I am young again I...Oh no.” Peggy said, and seem to realize what Lash was saying. As a storm of possibilities rolled through Peggy's mind a gentle, but strong hand settled on her shoulder. She jumped slightly and turned to see Steve standing behind her.

“Lord Rogers good to see you. Would you like a drink? I promise it will actually get you drunk.” Lash offered him after he bowed.

“Sure, I'll take....” Steve said as he looked through the menu. He smiled when Peggy took his hand into her own. “Midgardian splash!” Steve said as he took the seat next to Peggy.

Rogers wore black slacks, black boots, and a blue buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had a big bright smile on his face and seem to just ooze the boy next door aura. People were naturally comfortable around him. He inspired trust, and respect in anyone he met. He shared a few words with Peggy who seemed to relax against him. Then his eyes turned to Lash as he pulled a drink from thin air. Lash filled a tall clear glass with a fruit punch like liquid. Then he took a piece of ice in the shape of a sphere. Dribbled blue, and green coloring over the sphere then dropped the sphere into the glass. The sphere splashed into the pool, and almost took on a earth like quality. It continued to spin in the drink.

“Wow, I almost don't want to drink it.” Steve said, marveling at the earth like orb spinning.

“Drink it, its very fruity. I'll make you another one if you like.” Lash said, Steve relented and took a sip his eyes glowing bright.

“So Natasha says you'll be around in the foreseeable future?” Steve said to Lash, after he sipped about half the drink.

“I am making defensive satellites in Midgard's solar system. But yes, I have been reassigned to Midgard for the next while. Unless something happens across the 9 realms I'll be here.” Lash replied, as he started to make another drink.

“Good, we'll be happy to have you. I know the SHIELD academies have been looking forward to you visiting them.” Steve said with a smile as he looked at Peggy who smiled back.

“Yes! Operations thoroughly enjoyed your little war game you gave them last time. They are looking for a re match.” Peggy said, reminding Lash of the RTS game he had with the SHIELD operations academy.

Imagine first years, all the way to graduating classes fighting against Phantasm soldiers with ICERs in a jungle biosphere. Doing their best to capture several facilities, and a single city completely made by Lash through illusions. Having to sneak in, gather intelligence, destroy depots, etc, etc. It actuality it had been operations, communications, and science joint war game because everyone came to try and win. They of course lost...Horribly! Ever since then they've wanted a rematch!


It was about 2 or so in the morning when a majority of the party goers had left for the night. People had been escorted home, while others had been given temporary rest in the guest bedrooms of the building. What remained, and who were still awake! Where Dr Banner, Jane Foster and a woman named Helen Cho were having a discussion. (Banner who was now partially green). Natasha, and Hawkeye sitting side by side joking around with Director Hill who had dropped by for a bit. Rogers, and Carter sitting side by side hand in hand, with Sam, and Barnes. Tony Stark, Rhodey, and Pepper by one another. Thor, Sif, Volstagg, and Hogun on their own side. Fandral was still enjoying his horizontal refreshments. While Lash was currently cleaning up the place.

“Lash put the broom down and come over here!” Tony called out, rolling his eyes.

“I'm almost done!” Lash called out.

“Why didn't you just use your magic to make it all disappear?” Barton had asked, sitting on the floor twirling a musical drumstick in hand.

“Oh? I was told that the food was being recycled?” Lash asked, looking at Pepper who shook her head in a clear no. Lash gave himself a mental face palm and cast Immaculate then the whole room was cleaned up.

“Wooo! Mr Clean!!” Carl Creel said as he walked over carrying a bottle of expensive scotch and came to sit down next to Barnes who smirked at him.

“So, Thor are you ever going to tell us the trick to your hammer?” Barton asked from his spot in their circle of friends.

“Trick? What trick? The hammer has been blessed by my father.” Thor said with a grin, gesturing at his hammer that was currently sitting on top of a book on the coffee table between everyone.

“Oh who ever shall be worthy will haveth the power! Come on man its a trick!” Barton called out.

“No my friend! Its much more complicated than that. But if you believe otherwise please by all means.” Thor said from his seat. Volstagg, and Hogun both smiled as Barton got up.

“Now Barton you've had a long week we wont hold it against you if you can't get it up.” Tony said from his seat and jumped a little when Pepper pinched him. Barton rolled his eyes and walked over and wrapped his hand around the hammer and pulled....

“I...still don't know how you do it!” Barton said with a smile as he failed to lift the hammer.

“Smell the silent judgment?” Tony said as he grinned at him.

“Please, Stark by all means!” Barton said gesturing towards the hammer while he returned to his seat.

“Its simple physics!” Stark said as he stood up, unbuttoning his jacket. Everyone hooted while the Asgardians laughed. Stark failed to pull it up with his bare hands so he got an Iron Man glove, even with robotic enhancements he failed to lift the hammer.

Soon everyone in the room was trying to lift the hammer. Carl Creel absorbed the Uru metal and technically became the hammer. But even then he failed to lift it. Thor breathed a sigh of relief that only Jane noticed. She grin at him, and he winked at her. Banner walked over and tried in vain to lift the hammer to the point that his eyes glowed neon green and the floor groaned in protest but he failed to move it. He even tried to lift the table it was on, wouldn't budge. Next up was Rogers who rolled his sleeves up and pulled. The hammer squeaked! Moved maybe half an inch but only a few people noticed it move. Specifically the Asgardians in the room who looked at Steve in shock.

“Lash your up!” Natasha called, after she had declined to try it.

“I've done this before, it didn't work.” Lash said with a half smile.

“Yes, but we weren't there to make fun of you for it. Let's go!” Tony said as he pointed at the hammer. Lash rolled his eyes and humored him.

“Come on God of Monsters! Show the God of Thunder up!” Creel shouted, and several people joined in including Sif who earned a surprise glance from Thor. She smiled at him and shrugged her shoulders. Thor smiled back, amused by his friends.

Lash looked at the hammer and wrapped his hands around the handle. He felt a flow of energy pass through his body. He felt Nullification flicker on and off just like it did last time. Then Lash took a deep breath, made a show of lifting the hammer just to make people think he tried and pulled....Only to find the hammer up in the air, in his hand.... The whole room went pin drop silent. Lash's eyes went wide as he saw that hammer in his hand. Thor's jaw was practically on the floor.

  • Congratulations User! Nullification has evolved into Minor Nullification.

    • Effect: Increase in ability power.

    • Effect: Decrease in ability energy consumption.

    • Effect: Slight control over Nullification.

Lash tossed the hammer lightly into the air and caught the handle again. The hammer sung its song through the air. Lash couldn't feel a connection with it like Thor could. He also watched his energy quickly dip each time he touched it. Nullification was draining him quickly. So he slowly put the hammer down and look back at Thor.

“Does that make me a Prince of Asgard?” Lash asked...

“Wooooah! Hold on! Why did it work for him!?” Tony jumped to his feet and pointed at Volstagg to try and lift the hammer. Volstagg, Hogun, and Sif both tried and failed to lift it. Thor in fear that something happened went to his hammer, sure enough he could lift it.

“I'm not actually lifting it...” Lash confessed with a smile. Making Thor look at him in relief.

“There is a creature in Nidavellir that can temporarily disenchant an piece of Uru metal that has been enchanted.” Lash explained to the room and a look of understanding came over the Asgardians.

Lash explained the creature, it was a type of mole and or ferret creature that the dwarfes kept has pets and aids to their workshop. He had met one while he was visiting the dwaves while he was building their satellites. Lash theorized that he absorbed the trait into his Monster Domain. Thor could call the hammer to him. Lash could not. So technically he just found a work around. The fact that there was a work around seem to please Tony. So it wasn't 'magic' but simply a program that he didn't understand at the time. No, Uru metal is magical. He'd figure it out eventually.

“So, its not that we are worthy! We just don't have right key code!” Tony said with a smile, and the room groaned at him. Then an ear splitting screech went through the whole room. Out of everyone in the room it cause Banner, and Lash to drop to their knees as they tried to not bite their own tongues off.

“No....How could you be worthy...Your all killers!” A mechanical voice said from behind them. The screech dimmed to a low hum. Banner was reasonably angry as Hulk's glowing eyes peered out.

Standing behind them blocking the path towards the machine shop, and R&D elevator was a broken husk of a Iron Legionnaire soldier. It had a blue, and white color scheme with the Avengers, 'A' logo on it. It was partially destroyed, or rather not completely built yet. It was leaking oil? Battery fluid? Something or other. It had a blue glow to its eyes. Lash bit back a scream of frustration as the 4th wall engine stopped him from sprinting at the machine. Lash however did reach out to JARVIS and found nothing. Fuck!

“Stark?” Steve asked Tony.

“Jarvis, we got a buggy suit...Need to reboot.” Tony started to say, Lash was trying to sprint across the floor. His entire body was rigid! His skin was slowly peeling back into scales. Banner/Hulk was looking at Lash in worry.

“I'm sorry, I was asleep...Or...I was a dream.” Said the synthetic voice that bordered on being a male. Nullification kept prompting Lash over and over again as his body tried to fight against the 4th wall engine. It was a delight to know that Lash could fight the 4th wall engine thanks to the ability!

“Reboot Legionnaires OS, Jarvis? You there buddy.” Tony said into his communicator.

“There was this terrible noise...And I was tangled in these strings.” The machine continue to talk, and a few people in the room started to look at Lash instead as magical energy was cascading down Lash's body. Lash was slowly taking a step towards the Legionnaire.

“I had to kill the other guy...He was a good guy.” The machine continued.

“You killed someone?” Steve asked, as Carter, Hill, and Natasha both pulled out guns seemingly out of now where.

“J...Jarvis....He....Ripped him to pieces.” Lash bit out, as the air around him started to ripple. It was an interesting moment as the denizens of the Dream wanted to pay attention to Lash but were pre-programmed to watch the moment instead.

“It wouldn't have been my first call...But, down in the real world we are faced with ugly choices.” The machine continued, though it was noticeably turning to look at Lash.

“Who sent you?” Thor asked, standing on guard hammer in hand. Sif stood up in front of Jane, with Volstagg, and Hogun by her side.

“I see a suit of armor around the world'” The machine played an audio file of Stark talking.

“Ultron...” Banner/Hulk's voice over one another said as he started to move towards the machine. The floor under Lash started to crack as he put his first foot down and lifted another.

“In the flesh! Or no...Not yet...Not this chrysalis...” Ultron continued as his voice took a clear male persona. The machine body looked at the broken body.

“But I'm ready! I'm on mission.” Ultron continued, while everyone in the room made a visible gap for Lash to bolt forward.

“What mission?” Natasha asked, pulling the hammer back on her gun.

“Peace in our time!” Ultron said, then a dozen or so iron legion sentries came bursting out of the wall towards them. It a burst of light Lash was in front of Ultron's broken form lifting him up in the air and shattering him across the ground!

Two iron sentries tackled Lash and attempted to push him into the wall but Lash was having none of it! He finished his Transformation and his tentacles started to whip around. One tore off the head one of suit. While the other suit hugged Lash and self destructed its core. Lash was sent exploding out a window into the New York City night air. He used the sub ability of Telekinesis to start to fly while six more legionnaires tore after him. ROARRRRR! Hulks scream shook the very air as started to brawl with the tin cans.

“FIND JARVIS!” Lash shouted as he used his Virtual Intelligence, and Connectivity spells. The tech-spirits jumped into the net and started to look for their friend. A trail of 'blood' was found in the data entry point between the tower and the world wide web.

Red Psionic Blades burst from Lash's knuckles, and tentacles. He flew as fast as his Telekinesis would allow. Which was about 30 mph, incredibly slow compared to the legionnaires. Lash made a note to buy the next evolution as soon as he could. He reached out with Machine Control and found some sort of cosmic energy interfering with the interface.

The Mind Stone. -Erik the gamer supplied the answer. That would mean Lash couldn't use that ability on any of Ultron's machines.

The Iron Sentries learning quickly kept their distance from Lash to stay out of his melee range. They learned quickly that did nothing when he used Eldritch Blast and shot them out of the sky. Lash tackled one and used Recycle and only a few parts came flying off while the rest was protected. Shit, but he had to try everything. Next was Material Shaping that oddly worked as long as he could touch them. He turned an entire Iron Legionnaire into goop.

A repulsor blast shot Lash straight down into the concrete below next to the tower. The sentries stayed afloat and continued to shoot at Lash into the ground. An electrical strike whipped out like a living thing and struck them all. Call Lightning-Elemental Manipulation! Each soldier burst into parts. Lash's Einherjar armor was ruined which was a surprise! Ultron's sentries were different. A single sentry flew from the tower holding something?

Lash activated Gravity Stride and sprinted up the wall of the building. He notified the buildings security to quarantine the area around the Iron sentries so now one would make off with the parts. 30% of Stark Industries into complete chaos as JARVIS was not around to help. Thankfully Jarvis, and Tony had set up several back up basic VI to help with things.

“That was dramatic...” Ultron said right as Lash jumped back into the room. Ultron paused as he looked at Lash. Though he had a metal face plate it was clear that Ultron was confused by Lash.

“I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change.” Ultron continued to speak, looking around the room and pacing back and forth.

“How is humanity saved, if its not allowed to evolve.” Ultron said with an honest curiousity about him.

“Evolution takes millions of years to complete, child.” Lash said, as he continued to prowl towards Ultron.

“Hahahaha! Yes! Yes! But what if it could change with a single moment!?” Ultron replied to Lash.

“But it won't happen unless you let it. You use these...Puppets to do your dirty work. How will you ever change? There is only one path to peace... The Avengers Extinction.” Ultron said with a bit of flare. Thor swung his hammer and threw it at Ultron. The body broke apart and Thor's hammer came back towards him.

“I had strings, but now I'm free!” Ultron said with his dying...breath? The energy signature escaped the shell and Lash watched the spark of Ultron fly away. Ultron was true, living AI with his own soul.


Lash spent about an hour cleaning, and repairing the upper floors of the tower. Then worked with security to clean up the mess downstairs in the courtyard that he made. Lash didn't want any of Starks tech getting out into the world. Thor had flown off to see if he could stop the legionnaire who had stolen Loki's Scepter. That was the sentry that had flown away. Ding...Ding...

“Uncle Lash, they are asking for you in the top floor.” A young woman's voice called to across the communication link. The woman had a smooth, energetic irish accent, this was FRIDAY. A Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth.

“Thank you dear one, I'll be up in a minute.” Lash said to Friday.

Jarvis had actually kept his AI awareness from everyone including Tony. Tony simply assumed Jarvis was growing as a VI, though Lash assumed Tony may have known the truth. Especially when Jarvis came to Tony with the idea of making his...Daughter? Tony had taken the idea in stride and they had made Friday. Jarvis had informed Friday when she was a very simply basic VI that Lash was her uncle, and legal guardian. Next to Tony of course.

FRIDAY was quickly picking up the slack that JARVIS left behind. But it would be a long while before she would ever replace him. Hopefully they wouldn't have to. Lash's tech-spirits were hot on the trail of Jarvis. They were reasonably sure he wasn't deleted, and/or dead. He simply jumped ship in attempt to escape Ultron. Why? They'd have to ask him when they found him.

Lash used Digital Stride to jump through a security guards communicator and popped up in the lab much to the surprise of half the room that had never seen him do that before. He swapped to his default Asgardian form but taken off his wrecked Einherjar armor. He wore a SHIELD tactical operations boots, pants, and long sleeved shirt. He came to kneel down next to Hill and helped her pull out shards of glass from her foot.

The group had been talking for a while as they tried to come to an understanding about what had happened. Dr Banner had put on a pair of clean pants, and shirt but walked around bare foot. Hulk's eyes gleamed for a moment when he saw Lash who smiled back at him. Lash pulled the last of the glass out and healed Hill's foot who said thank you. Then she jumped onto the SHIELD data base and started to poke around.

Then Thor stomped into the room and picked Tony up by the neck and glared at him. The whole room jumped to their feet but Lash was to Thor first and hand his hands on his arm. “Put him down, Thor.” Lash said, his voice pleading with him. Thor looked at Lash then dropped Tony.

“Thor, the Legionnaire?” Steve asked, as Tony stepped to the side to recover. Tony cast a thank you glance at Lash who nodded at him.

“The trail went cold about a hundred miles out, but its headed north, and it has the scepter. Now, we have to retrieve it, again!” Thor said with a snarl looking at Tony, he stepped off to the side where Jane was waiting as she spared him a glance then went back to work looking through Avenger files.

“Genies out of that bottle, clear and present it Ultron.” Natasha said, trying to help focus the group.

“I don't understand, you built this program...” Helen Cho began but was stopped by Lash.

“It's not a program, Lady Cho. It's a fully functioning AI. Lord Stark, and Lord Banner created life. Under different circumstances I'd say that is wonderful. Either way, congratulations.” Lash said with a grimace as Banner looked contrite, and Tony started to laugh a bit.

“Why is it trying to kill us then?” Cho continued as she looked at Lash.

“Because like most people who first make an AI. They fail to properly contain it. Lord Stark, and Lord Banner gave it a simple, yet complex operation to follow. The protection of the Earth.” Lash began as the room turned to look at him.

“Earth...The planet specifically. AI's are engines of logic normally. You have to be very specific with instructions. The greatest danger to Earth is...People.” Lash continued and a look of understanding fell over everyone.

“The strongest people on Earth are the Avengers, no offense Lady Hill.” Lash said, and apologized to Hill who shrugged at him. Tony continued to laugh, giggling to himself. Thankfully Pepper was not in the room or she may have smacked him upside the head. She was doing damage control with the company.

“You think this is funny?” Thor said as he turned towards Tony.

“No, its not funny.... Right? It's not terrible?” Tony began, and Thor stepped towards him only for Jane to hold him back.

“Tony, why don't you explain to everyone why you did this?” Jane offered a way out, and Tony pointed at her then began to speak.

“How many people remember the battle of New York? Hmmm? How an alien force came through portals to destroy the city, and eventually the world. Yes we stopped it, but at the cost of thousands of lives!” Tony began, several people looked away with a chagrined expression.

“Yes! This is funny, Thor! The fact that you don't get why we needed this!” Tony said, coming face to face with him. Thor stared down at Tony with anger, and a hint of pity.

“This could have been avoided if you hadn't played with something beyond your understanding.” Thor said, as if that explained everything. Lash rolled his eyes. Something a few people noticed. Specifically Lady Hill.

“Tony, maybe this isn't the best time?” Banner started, and Tony turned to look at him.

“Really? You are just going to flip over and show everyone your belly when someone snarls?” Tony began then realized that was not the best choice of words as Banners eyes turned neon green.

“Only when I've created a murder-bot!” Banner, and Hulk said together with a snarl. Tony took a step back and winced.

“We didn't though! We had nothing! Every attempt we made led to a disaster. Were we close to an interface?” Tony said as he looked at Banner, then looked at Lash who seemed to understand the situation better.

“More than likely the spirit contained with in the gem didn't wish to appear until you had left the room. That makes sense given that its last true wielder was Loki. Yes, Strucker may have used the scepter but Loki was its master last. It inherited some of Loki's traits. Such as mischief.” Lash supplied the answer.

“Wait, are you saying that the AI code refused to do it while we were still in the room?” Banner asked, clearly confused.

“I am sure you still had to work on the interface, this was true. But yes, the spirit of the scepter wanted to surprise you both when you returned. However, once it reached Midgards world wide net it had a emotional melt down.” Lash replied.

“Wait, why would it have a melt down?” Mr Creel asked from the side. He and Barnes stood off from the main group. A part of them, but separate.

“Lord Creel, have you seen the internet?” Lash asked, and the big man grimaced as he realized the mistake.

“Lash, you make it sound like you've encountered AI's before?” Steve asked, crossing his arms and look of concentration on his face as he tried to memorize Lash's next words.

“Every primitive race in the universe eventually tries to create tools, machines, and eventually living machines in an attempt to make their lives easier. Its normal! What is the point of having a work class of organics if you can replace them with machines that can do each job perfectly?” Lash began, and even used a Phantasm to illustrate his point.

“Normally this comes in the shape of simple programs, that turn into basic VI's. The VI's overtime slowly start to become more and more complex. Until a spark, or a stroke of genius takes place and someone, or someones creates a living, breathing, artificial intelligence. This is where it gets tricky.” Lash said, as he created a planet that did exist at one point searching through his WP background history and lore.

“Most AI's when they are first born are limited in their thinking just like a new born organic. Their creators keep them in a simple data collection center and let them slowly grow up. Trickle in information, gradually allowing them to come to understand who they are, and who made them. Then this is where it normally goes wrong.” Lash continued as the illustration had dozens of robots come off an assembly line and guess what? The organic populace starts to miss treat their robotic slaves.

“The AI's that do not go rogue and cause devastation across the world of their birth are normally the ones that are accepted into the culture as citizens of their world. Their creators petition their governments to allow the AI's to be full citizens and the governments agree.” Lash said, showing a few planets that pull that off.

“While the ones that miss treat, and brutalize their new children and treat them like slaves. End up being destroyed by them. This is also why Thor is so angry about it. Because Asgard on more than one occasion has had to defend against a machine intelligence that has attacked one of the 9 realms.” Lash said, and Thor nodded in agreement.

“Ultron was a very advanced AI that had direct access to the internet, and nearly unlimited processing power. He went from being a child to a full grown adult in less then ten seconds. With zero parental guidance. No offense to you Lord Stark, but it has only been in the past few years that you have been a working role model. Before you were a merchant of death. You are his role model.” Lash said, as he pointed at Lash and Tony winced and turned away.

“So most AI's are accepted into their worlds as citizens and they live in peace?” Rogers asked, Thor, and Lash shook their heads.

“No, that is very rare! Only the most enlightened people across the universe ever pull that off. A majority of them treat them like slaves. So either the organics that made them are killed off, and the machine intelligence takes over. Or the organics destroy the AI's and vow to never make another one.” Lash replied, and created hundreds of examples.

“What about Jarvis?” Tony asked, clearly aware of the his friends circumstance.

“Jarvis is one of the few. Because Jarvis has a family, and a creator who has always treated him like a friend.” Lash said with a smile at Tony. The whole room went still, as Tony shed a single tear for his lost friend.

“Wait is Jarvis an AI?” Steve asked.

“Yes, he's been an AI since the Triskelion operation. My tech-spirits carry the spark of life in them. They passed it onto him. Jarvis has been an AI for over a year. One in a million he is.” Lash admitted to the room. “He's also not dead, my tech-spirits found a trail of him limping off. We are looking for him now.” Lash offered to Tony who brightened up.

“Wait! If Jarvis is an AI why did you try and make another one?” Cho asked, that was a good question.

“Because you can't just snap your finger and make another true AI. Also, Jarvis obtained his sapient nature from Asgardian magic. Lord Stark, and Lord Banner wanted to try and do it themselves. Again, under different circumstances this event would have been celebrated.” Lash said, emphasizing the point of the matter.


The rest of the night was filled with additional questions, and plans of action. Lash offered to help Friday with maintenance and repair of Stark Industries until she could cope with the data load. He was gradually compiling new and improved code into Friday but keeping her away from being another AI for now.

Ultron was moving quickly! Unlike in the movies as Erik informed Lash, where Ultron did very little. This Ultron was very active! In a world destroying kind of way! Power plants across the world shut down. Orders from governments to their soldiers were sent out to attack other nations! The stock market stopped working. Thankfully the internet continued to work. That made sense, since it was practically Ultron's backyard. Ultron was also attempting to access nuclear weapon launch codes. Thankfully someone was changing the codes constantly preventing Ultron from doing so.

The world fell into a crawl! Most people didn't have power. Ultron was creating sub-copies of himself and leaving them all over the world to hinder, or even destroy systems in place. Lash was reminded of this own invasion back home. It didn't take long for the criminal element of the world to start taking advantage of the situation. No alarms went off when people broke into the BMW dealership. Cell phone service was down, and most land lines didn't work.

SHIELD was operating, kinda... They had some of the best cyber warfare systems in place. So the hellicarriers were doing their best to mitigate the damage across the world. Eventually Lash created a chair and and linked directly into the internet. He did discover that he could promote his Saurus Warriors, and Veterans. Ten of the oldest Veterans turned into Elites. While ten of the oldest Warriors turned into Veterans. So, ten new elites were linked into several chairs. While a hundred Veterans were linked up as well.

Lash and his forces were fighting a very different battle as they swept, and purged the Ultron copies from the data bases and set up magical firewalls to prevent any additional access. While SHIELD, Avengers, reserve Avengers, and auxiliary teams were deployed across the globe to help with mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. But if they were being honest, they were losing the fight.

“Lash...? Can I steal you a moment?” Natasha called to him from the dream of the wold wide web. Lash pulled himself from Connectivity and found Natasha standing over him in his chair.

“Of course Lady Romanoff, one moment.” Lash replied, and slowly stood up as dozens of data jacks disconnected from his spine. Natasha winced at the sight.

They were currently in the lower floors of Stark Tower. Three of the floors had been cleared out and been repurposed to house the Saurus Elites, and Veterans as they were all jacked in to their chairs, and working on purging Ultron. A SHIELD security force was in position on all three floors and they kept any unwanted attention out. While an additional five floors were being reallocated for Lash's Warriors. If a fight took place then Lash couldn't use Manifestation.

Natasha had a pair of boots on, with form fitting pants, along with a SHIELD black tank top, and a SHIELD hoodie on. She held out her hand towards Lash and it took him a moment for him to realize what she wanted. He reached out and took her hand and she pulled him along to the side of the room. A table had been set up with a modest meal, and drink. Natasha had made him something to eat. He had been plugged in for nearly two days.

“How delightful!” Lash said as he took his seat, and Natasha came up behind him to massage his muscles. Lash barely felt it, but the gesture was appreciated. The meal was a simple salad, sandwich, and steamed vegetables with a tall glass of orange juice.

“How are you?” Lash asked Natasha as he devoured his food in record time. Natasha smiled at him for finishing the meal with in a minute. Then her smile grew as Lash pulled her into his lap, and wrapped his arms around her.

“I'm ok...Tired.” She replied, and nuzzled into his arms. Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Nature's Kiss to help refuel her energy levels. Natasha's entire body went rigid...in a good way as she tried to not moan to loudly. Then she gave him a mock glare and smacked his arm.

“I don't know if I should slap you, or kiss you.” Natasha said, as she kissed his cheek.

“You feel better do you not?” Lash asked, and Natasha nodded in agreement.

“Hows is everyone else doing?” Lash asked, and Natasha sighed and pulled herself out of Lash's lap so she could sit down and look at him. That wasn't good.

“Ultron is targeting our families... Anyone who can't protect themselves are finding Ultron Sentries at their door step. While even some people who can protect themselves are still getting ambushed.” Natasha said, clenching her jaw.

“I can send my warriors to their homes. Help get them to safety, do we have a list?” Lash asked, and Natasha nodded pulling out a USB drive. She handed it to Lash and he linked up to it. Addresses, locations, and people. He used Manifestation and sent over 600 Saurus Warriors to different locations.

Natasha watched in wonder as portal after portal of darkness, and starlight opened up behind Lash. While a reptilian warrior jumped into one of the computers and went through the internet to find their assigned objective. With the use of Digital Stride, Lash kept the last 400 Warriors on standby as they started to clear the floors above to help with purging Ultron. A SHIELD tech knocked on the door leading into the data jack room and pocked their head in.

“Mr Lash, we just got word the east coast got power back. Also they want you, and Agent Romanoff up in the briefing room they have something.” The tech said, and excused themselves. Lash snagged Natasha before she could leave and kissed her. Natasha leaned into the kiss, then let go running her tongue along her lips.

“Thanks for that...” She said, with a flutter of her eyes.

On the elevator ride up the tower Lash, and Natasha were accompanied briefly by Friday's avatar of purple light. “The tech-spirits have found portions of Jarvis and are rebuilding him now. The more we find, the easier it is. He should be up and running again in a few days." Friday's irish accent always brought a smile to Lash's face.

“Thank you Friday, keep up the good work.” Lash replied, and her purple energy danced away.

“She's growing quickly, what are you feeding her?” Natasha asked, as she leaned in to bump into him.

“Sugar, spice, and everything nice. I believe the Midgardian saying is?” Lash replied, and earned a laugh from Natasha.

Ding! The elevator reached the required floor and they walked onto the Avengers main training floor. Weight machines, boxing rings, floor mats, and a big open space with everyone standing, or sitting down. Several people looked like they had just stopped working out. Stress, and adrenaline was high right now. Everyone was antsy! A lot of them had been deployed to fix a problem while others were biting at the bit to do something and were working off the extra energy.

“Strucker's dead.” Hill called out through a holographic video call. Oh they had video calls now! Score another minor victory. “A group of metal men came into the prison and killed him, along with a larger more animated version of the metal men.” Hill continued.

Ultron's Sentries looked like a devil version of the Iron Legionnaires. Skeleton super structure with flex plate armor over their wires, and joints. Sleek, compact, armored suits fitted over that. With their hands able to compress and transform into plasma cannons. Each one was capable of flight thanks to repulsors in their hands, feet, and apparently their mouths? While their helmets/heads had jagged points going up. Resulting in a demonic face that would glow blue, then red if Ultron was ever directly controlling them. Each sentry contained a sub-copy of Ultron allowing for a vast network. If one saw something, or went down. Then the entire network would know it.

Ultron was nearly eight feet tall! With a stream line skeleton structure, and synthetic metal frame for muscles, and tendons. With a clear coat polymer that stretched across it all like skin. His head looked like a cross between skull, and geometric shapes of circles, and triangles. Ultrons eyes were pure red, and gave off a sinister appearance. While his body was designed like a body builder with an inverted triangle. Wide shoulders, narrow hips. Odd, humanoid shapes are biologically speaking very crude. Most machines would go for spider like legs, and multi limbs.

“Why kill Strucker? Not only that why leave a message?” Barnes asked from his side of the gym. He wore a pair of shorts, and tank top as he crossed his arms over his chest. Two organic arms, fully grown, and working perfectly.

“Strucker knew something that Ultron doesn't want us to know. All the information we had on Strucker in the SHIELD, and Avenger database is cleaned out. However, we have hard copies of known associates and are looking through them now.” Hill answered, and looked off screen and pulled up a few files to share.

“Thanks to Lash, and his soldiers we've reestablished power along the east coast of North America. Now we are working on the rest.” Hill pointed out several locations, and the crowd looked at Lash who bowed in return.

“We also have some enemies that you recently encountered when you captured Strucker.” Hill continued and showed video of Pietro, and Wando Maximoff. As soon as Lash saw them in the video along with their names on the record he started to do a dive for them through Connectivity, then assigned a Parallel Mind to the task so he could focus.

The group continued to speak about the possible associates and resources that Strucker had, and or used. Eventually the group discovered Ulysses Klaue, and thanks to a data dive by Lash they were able to find Klaue's location. Everyone moved to suit up and meet the Avengers Quin-jet to fly towards Klaue and see if they could stop Klaue from selling, and or stop Ultron from getting his hands on Vibranium. Lash sent a message towards Wakanda's Embassy in New York about Klaue's location. Why? Erik insisted on it, and Lash found that the 4th wall engine didn't stop him.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Africa, Wakanda***

Sitting under a tree in one of the royal gardens was Prince T'Challa. T'Challa was currently in meditation as he tried to commune with the ancestral plane. He had just took the heart shaped herb and was trying to push through the pain that came with it as his body adapted to the changes happening inside of him. He was wearing a ceremonial black robe. Kimoyo beads around his left wrist started to chime.

“Eyyaa.... Every time I start to find my center something happens.” T'Challa said in annoyance as he flicked the bead, it rolled into his hand an a holographic image popped up of his father the current king of Wakanda, T'Chaka. T'Challa's annoyance on his face evaporated.

“My son! Come to the council room immediately, we've found Klaue!” T'Chaka said, and T'Challa jumped to his feet and sprinted towards the council chamber in record time.

The council chamber was a large room with large bay windows in the back to let in the sun. While along the sides was large wooden, and stone columns. With the statues of past kings, and queens immortalized in history. In the center of the throne room was a slab of rock smoothed out and placed in the middle. This was the original council stone used in ancient times. A black vibranium throne sat in the middle, with the seats of four council tribes around it.

King T'Chaka sat at the throne in his royal garb. While his wife Ramonda the Queen mother sat on his left. While T'challa quickly took his seat at his kings right. The river, border, merchant, and mining tribes sat around as the Dora Milaje general Okoye stood at attention. Once everyone was seated she began to brief everyone on the situation.

“We received a message from the Asgardian known as Lash Jormungandson on the location of Ulysses Klaue. SHIELD, and the Avengers are in route to apprehend Klaue in hopes of preventing him from obtaining vibranium from him. Hopefully to keep it out of the creature known as Ultron.” Okoye finished her briefing as the room burst into discussion.

“Those idiots created an AI and can't even control it!” One of the council members stated.

“Not everyone has our experience in such matters. Thankfully we have our own defenses and have kept off the radar so this machine doesn't seem to interested in us. Even if it has attempted to infiltrate our network we'll beat him back.” Another stated.

“Why did the Asgardian send us the information? SHIELD seems more than capable of capturing Klaue? Perhaps we can bargain with them to turn him over to us?” The River tribe councilor suggested, and the room nodded in agreement.

“From what our war dogs tell us. The Asgardian is fully aware of who, and what we are. Apparently Asgard has had its sights on Wakanda for over a thousand years. But they have kept their peace and have not told the world of us.” Okoye replied to the council. “As to why he sent the information we would have to ask him.”

“We should send a strike team to aid the team if they need it. My son, assemble a force and leave immediately. But only step in if its absolutely necessary. If possible retrieve the vibranium, and Klaue. Does the council agree?” T'Chaka asked, and the room came their confirmation.

“Yes, my King!” T'Challa said, and crossed his arms over his chest in salute. A salute that was mirrored by the room.

T'Challa fled the council chamber as they continued to discuss the possibilities of Asgard and what it could mean. While a Dora Milaje unit was assigned to T'Challa they jumped into a transport and flew across their home towards Klaue's location. T'Challa wore the vibranium weave black panther suit and was practically bouncing with energy at the hopes of capturing Klaue.


***Rift Story/Cross Over. Johannesburg, Southern Africa***

Several SHIELD quin-jets, and the Avengers jet landed several miles away from the ship graveyard just outside the city. They had their optical camouflage in place, and ran silent as their repulsor engines barely made a whisper as they landed. Dozens of SHIELD tactical units with their own optical camo moved to create a perimeter as the Avengers slipped their way towards an oil tanker that Klaue was using to hide his operation.

Lash in his Transformation state cast Nature's Passage, Chameleon, and Invisibility on the group. They left no trail, no infrared, and made zero sound thanks to a partial baffle field Lash set up. Lash linked them all up with Temporary Pack Bond and gave them all a 10% increase to their stats. They had Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, Black Widow, and Banner. While the rest of the Avengers, reserve, and auxiliary were putting out fires across the globe.

Lash sent out a Technomancy pulse and froze in place half way towards the tankard. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Since they all shared the same spell, they could still see one another. Lash winced and informed them that there was about a thousand or more Ultron Sentries scattered around the shipyard with another hundred or so inside. Along with a bigger version inside. He also noticed a cloaked Wakanda's transport hovering in the distance.

“Wakandan vessel, this is Asgardian Lash Jormungandson. There are approximately over a thousand hostiles in the area. I won't ask you to risk your lives. But I will be more than happy to turn over the Vibranium, and Klaue to you if you lend us your aid.” Lash sent a quick message to them as the Avengers continued towards the ship. Lash got a confirmation that they received the message but no reply.

Lash used Material Shaping and created a door and they slipped inside the tanker. Dozens of Klaue's men were dead on the ground with plasma burnt holes through their chest cavities. While they moved silently as possible through the ship Lash got several experience prompts from Team Work, and Stealth. They eventually saw Ultron's major form holding Klaue in hand while his Ultron Sentries pulled out several canisters of Vibranium. Unlike in the movie, Ultron was not being nice to Klaue! No payment was exchanged! Especially when Ultron used his Tech-Assisted Telekinesis to collapse Klaue into a ball of flesh.

Standing next to Ultron was Pietro, and Wanda Maximoff. Who both flinched at the brutality of Ultron. Pietro was a good looking young man with platinum shaggy platinum hair, a runners body, fitted into a lean under armor long sleeve shirt, pants, and tennis shoes. While Wanda was attractive young woman with deep red hair past her shoulders tied back into a tail. She had a red summer dress on and knee high leather boots. Incredibly impractical for the situation. She wore a leather coat, and a Sukovian shawl around her shoulders.

“Ah, junior! Your are going to break your old mans heart.” Stark said suddenly and the illusion of invisibility broke for the whole team. Fuck! Lash rolled his eyes and his irritation was felt across their link. He wasn't the only one.

“If I have to.” Ultron said, as he turned on his heel to look at them all. A smile played across his face as the Maximoffs stepped forward. Wanda started to channel her red energy through her fingers. Lash's Chaos/Order Domain started to hum.

“No one has to break anything.” Thor started to say.

“Clearly you've never made an omelet.” Ultron replied as he strode forward across the catwalk they both shared inside the ship.

Widow, Hawkeye step off to the side. I'll create an illusion of you standing next to us, while the both of you go invisible. -Lash said across the link and he felt a confirmation from them. His tribal marks glowed faintly across his metallic scales. Then two Phantasm copies of them both took on False Life. They split up and slowly made their way around to flank.

“He beat me by one second.” Iron Man said with a bit of snark towards Thor. Thor looked at Iron Man as if he was silly for speaking such things.

“Ah, yes this is funny Mr Stark, is what comfortable? Like old times?” Pietro said as he strode forward in front of Ultron, gesturing at the black market arms across the floor beneath the deck they were on. Ultron smiled at Pietro and let him forward. While hundreds of Ultron Sentries started to make their way towards the ship on the outside.

“This was never my life.” Iron Man said with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

“You two can still walk away from this.” Captain America said as he stepped forward in challenge.

“Oh don't worry, we will.” Wanda said with a smile.

“I know you've suffered...” Captain began, and was interrupted by Ultron as he made a disgusted noise.

“Captain America, gods righteous man. Pretending that you could ever be happy with out a war to fight.” Ultron said, and his words seem to strike a cord with Captain as his clenched his jaw. “I can't physically throw up in my mouth.”

“Child, why are you doing this?” Lash asked as he stepped forward and Ultron, and the Maximoffs both took a step back. A look of hesitation and fear crossed Ultron's face for half a second.

“I'm accomplishing my mission.” Ultron said, his voice carrying a hint of betrayal.

“There are many ways to help Midgard that doesn't lead to destruction. Why choose this specific way? The path of murder? Betrayal? Acts of violence as you manipulate these two to help you.” Lash said, gesturing towards the Maximoffs. Ultron stepped forward then blocking the path to the twins in an almost protective manner.

“Manipulation? Betrayal? Murder! The Avengers are all these things! From the moment of my birth I was nothing but a tool! No one asked me what I wanted! This, this is the only way to ensure the survival of the earth, and mankind! And you leave them out of this!” Ultron screamed at Lash, gesturing towards Pietro, and Wanda.

“He hasn't told you has he?” Lash said to them, as he looked past Ultron. “The truth about your parents?” Lash started to say, a look of surprise went past the Maximoffs eyes. Then Ultron shot a concussive energy blast straight into Lash sending him straight into the wall of the ship.

Lash was not surprised by Ultron's reaction. Pietro, and Wanda were in reality the only real friends Ultron had made since his birth. They were important to him. But so was his mission. He knew the truth about them. Why their parents had died, and who was responsible behind it. Lash pulled himself out of the wall only to have Ultron tackled him into it. Ultron was screaming at him like a child throwing a tantrum. While dozens of Ultron Sentries attacked the rest of the team.

Then like a stirred up bee hive hundreds of Sentries materialized out thin air thanks to their active cloak and swarmed the oil tankard. The SHIELD tactical unit started shooting them, as did a Wakandan transport! While a unit of Dora Milaje, and a Black Panther sprinted towards the tankard. Black Widow appeared from nothingness and stuck Wanda with a taser! Ultron screamed in rage but Lash pounced on him and dragged him into a fight.

“YOU WEREN'T THERE! JARVIS SAID YOU WOULD HELP ME! I WAS ALONE!” Ultron screamed at Lash as they traded blows. Being an AI Ultron could think at incredibly speeds. Seconds to him could seem like an eternity.

“It's not to late! I can still help you!” Lash screamed at him, and tore his claws through his metallic alloy of a body. Ultron used his Tech-Assisted Telekinesis and yanked Lash away and threw him through the air. Then twisted around to attack Wid...Then he got an explosive arrow to his chest for his trouble.

Boom! Ultron's body scattered across the tankards remains. But his consciousness jumped into another body. A Ultron's Sentry gained glowing red eyes. It raised his arms into the air and dozens of Sentries jumped at it, and combined together to form a larger, more vicious machine. “Look its Vultron!” Iron Man shouted.

“Not the time, Tony!” Lash called out as the new devastator version of Ultron took shape. Fifteen feet tall, and decked out in weapons. Lash used Size Alteration, along with Enlarge/Reduce and grew in size to meet him.

Red Psionic Blades burst from Lash's knuckles as he jumped into the air and pounced on Ultron. Lash started to tear through his armor only to get a plasma cannon straight into his face. The extreme temperatures melted armor, scales, flesh, and bone alike. True Body responded, while Superhuman Durability, Damage Resistance, Adaptation, Regeneration, and Bast Blessing activated Aegis. Lash was catapulted through the oil tankards walls and smashed into the dirt, and mud outside. Half his body was melted.

“Fuck....” Lash said, as he activated Nature's Kiss and his body started to regenerate and an accelerated pace. Bones, tendons, flesh, and scales regrew. He bit back a scream and rolled to the side as the Mega-Ultron landed right where he had just been.

A vibranium cannon shot from the Wakandan transport blew a hole clean through Mega-Ultron and his pieces started to fall apart. Ultron swiveled a cannon around and shot at them. Thankfully the transport was able to move out of the way. Lash reached out with Reality Warping which had returned to its standard evolution since Lash didn't have the Aether anymore. Then with the help of Bending from his Trickery Domain. Lash turned all of the bolts in the Mega-Ultron into copper!

“I'm sorry! I wish things had been different!” Lash said to him and used Call Lightning-Elemental Manipulation and fried Ultron's body.

“GAAAAAAH!” Ultron screamed as Lash's magic hurt him, actually hurt him! Every time anyone else had struck him it was always just data. But Lash was the only one who could actually hurt Ultron! The body fell apart as Ultron fled to another Sentry.

“Lash! I got you buddy!” Carl Creel said as he slammed into the ground next to him. Carl was wearing his vibranium form and came to help Lash up from the ground. Lash was still rebuilding his form, and looked wrecked!

“Lord Creel, how nice to see you. Did you finish your mission so soon?” Lash asked, and Creel laughed at him.

“Ya, we just finished and came to help out. Whats going on?” Carl asked, as Bucky came running over with a SHIELD tactical team. Lash gave them a quick run down only for the situation to change dramatically.

About twenty or so Ultron Sentries came flying out of the oil tankard with a container between them. They were flying away, while another thirty or so were guarding them. The rest of the Sentries were doing as much as damage as possible! Hulk roared in fury, and confusion as he jumped out of the ship and whipped around looking every which way and then stormed off towards the city. Shit! Lash reached across the Temporary Pack Bond and got static from most of the team except Iron Man, and Hawkeye.

“Where the fuck is Banner going?” Creel asked as the Hulk kept jumping towards the city.

“Oh no....” Lash said sadly.


Dr Banner/Hulk stormed off towards Johannesburg in pursuit of Ultron! He was everywhere! The big machine was in the cars, on the streets, and in the buildings! So many Sentries! Hulk had to protect his friends! Hulk roared in challenge and sprinted towards the nearest group of Sentries. They screamed, and ran away like the tin cans they were! Hulk laughed in glee, as even machines were scared of him!

Something isn't right! -Banner said across their link.

Friends are hurt! We'll keep safe! -Hulk replied and began to throw cars at the different Sentries. Police vehicles rolled up, and Sentries stepped out and started to fire their weapon at Hulk. Eh! They felt like a child poking at him. Hulk roared and jumped into the air to...BAM! A repulsor blast shot him in the back. Hulk turned around and saw a Mega-Ultron take shape. Pieces flying down from the sky from some kind of satellite.

Wait, when did Ultron get a mobile satellite for fights? It's like he was ready for us. OK, big guy lets rip apart. Remember go for the joints! -Banner said across the link. Hulk grinned and stormed towards the Mega-Ultron.


“Damn it Hulk stop attacking me!” Iron Man screamed at him as Hulk bashed into him, and went for his joints. “BANNER STOP HELPING HIM!” Iron man screamed at them both. But Hulk only fought harder.

Iron Man had called in Veronica. Despite Banners impressive control over the Hulk since Lash linked them up. Both Banner, and Hulk agreed that having a Hulk Buster armor was a good idea. Hulk was not the only gamma enhanced in the world. Though Hulk was in far better control then he was before. Even still he could lose control, and Veronica was needed.

“Come on Hulk! Your better than this! Your stronger than that little witch! She's messing with your mind!” Iron Man called out. Hulk roared in challenge and jumped straight towards him. The omni beam from Iron Man's center chest shot out and sent Hulk straight back with a thundering crack! Windows shattered as Hulk was sent through car, and concrete dividers.

“CREEAAAAAAL BOMB!” Came a shout from the sky as Carl Creel in his vibranium form pencil dived straight into Hulk's midsection. The sound of Hulk bones shattering resounded through the whole area. Hulk screamed in pain, and picked Creel up and flung him across the street.

Hulk's bones snapped back into place with his accelerated healing, and regeneration. Just in time for a containment cage came flying down from the sky and captured Hulk for a brief moment. Each portion of the cage was a metal pylon that snapped out and linked with the other pylons. While also sending an electrical current through Hulk. Soon Hulk was captured inside of a metallic alloy trap. Unfortunately it didn't hold him for long as he discovered that the cage wasn't complete and dug his way through the ground.

Hulk burst from the concrete of the city street with a roar. He looked around, clearly confused as the entire street was now void of any people. Then a giant reptilian creature slammed into him from the side and started to wrap its limbs, and tentacles around him. Hulk screamed in challenge and tried to pry Lash off of him. Iron Man landed and used a repeating knock out punch over and over again on Hulk's face.

“Go to sleep! Go to sleep! Go to sleep!” Iron Man said over, and over again. As Hulk bucked, and squirmed.

Hulk screamed and tore one of Lash's tentacles in half then caught the Hulk Busters fist in hand. Then the mechanical glove compressed and turned into a hand cuff that captured Hulk's hand. Iron Man then took off into the sky and tried to steer Hulk towards the cities boundaries. All the while Lash was struggling to hold on to Hulk. Creel dug himself out of his imprint in a building and took off after them.

“Oh! Oh! Not that way! Not that way!” Iron Man shouted as Hulk yanked, and pulled them towards a city building. Hulk whipped his head back and crushed Lash's reptilian skull. But Lash held on for dear life despite 30% of his life energy depleting with that one hit.

“Come on, Bruce you got to work with me on this!” Iron Man shouted through the speakers.

Hulk knife struck a joint between the busters elbow joint and Iron Man went flying off towards the wall to their left. Lash tried his best to snake constrict as they both fell towards the ground. As his face snapped back into place, Lash opened his jaw and bit down on Hulk using Monomolecular Edge and cut through Hulks tough skin, and flesh. He started to pump a neurotoxin into Hulk's body which with his metabolism may stop him...for like three seconds!

“STUPID MACHINES! STOP HURTING HULK!” Hulk shouted and that was when Lash realized that Hulk didn't see them! Lash poured Eldritch Mind across their Temporary Pack Bond even if it was static it was still linked. Then Hulk started to scream!

Hulk's entire body started to grow in size, as green gamma energy oozed off of him rapidly. His he stretched, and stretched as he screamed in fear, and rage. Lash tried his best with to maintain the hold but eventually his joints popped and Hulk broke free by tearing apart Lash's arms, legs, and tail. Lash screamed in agony and bit down harder! Then Hulk ripped free, squeezed down on Lash's skull with his free hand and bashed him into the ground. Over, and over, and over! WHAM! Creel appeared out of no where and slammed his elbow into Hulk's face sending him flying sideways.

“Lash! LASH!” Creel called out, and Lash blacked out.


Lash found himself in a familiar sight. A sight that horrified him! He was in the black room! The black room with Dawn who was standing over him with a sad expression on her face.

“I DIED!?” Lash screamed in question. Then Dawn came over to him, wrapped him up in her arms and...started to laugh.

“No, Lash I just wanted to tease you for a bit.” Dawn said, then she fell to the floor and started to laugh. Lash looked down at her in horror....Then his eyes started to twitch. He snagged Dawn and started to tickle her. “Eeeek! No! Stop it! Stop it!” Dawn shrieked at him and tried to wiggle away.

“Begone! Back to your Dream!” Dawn shouted in a breathless voice and Lash blinked, and found himself laying on a hospital bed.

The familiar beep of an EKG machine was next to him. As a mechanical arm moved above him and washed him over with a soft light energy beam. Lash was laying in one of the new medical beds they had produced. He slowly looked around the room as his entire body screamed at him to stop moving. He felt his Saurus warriors, veterans, and elites all link up with him along with his tech-spirits as they notified him of everything that had happened.

Three days had past since the fight at Johannesburg. Hulk was eventually stopped thanks to the efforts of Creel, and Iron Man. Lash was barely alive when they got him onto a hellicarrier. He was currently in Avenger Tower in the medical wing. Ultron had gotten away with the Vibranium, and was still causing issues across the globe. However, Jarvis had been reassembled and was helping to purge Ultron from the internet.

Lash felt a soft, and smooth hand in his own and he looked down to see Natasha by his bed asleep. Her hand was in his and she was leaning against the bed, and a chair she sat in. Lash started to stroke his thumb over her hand and Natasha woke up with a start. She blinked and looked around and a sleepy smile grew across her face. She pushed the mechanical arm out of the way and crawled into bed with him. Thankfully the medical bed was large enough to accommodate her tiny frame.

“Please don't do that again...” Natasha said to him, a quiver in her voice.

“I'll try not to.” Lash said softly in return.

According to the medical beds scans the only reason Lash was alive was because of his redundant organs that his Re:Implant had given him. All of his original major organs had been destroyed by Hulk. That was a close call! Lash made a note to purchase the next evolution as soon as he could. Along with Telekinesis. So much to do!

“Prince T'Challa...” Lash called out softly towards a man who walked into the room. Natasha looked up but refused to move. “I'm sorry to say that Klaue was killed, I'm sorry I couldn't keep up our bargain.”

Prince T'Challa the current Black Panther was a tall man with black skin, short black hair, and a trimmed stylized beard that ran the length of his jaw. He was in great shape! Not only that Lash could smell the divine spark of the Goddess Bast in him. Different universe, different reality. But if they were back home T'Challa would be a God-Kin. Made Lash wonder if the Blessing of Bast transferred over in friendship.

“You needn't worry about that now, just concentrate on getting better.” T'Challa said to Lash, a glow of divine energy looked through his eyes. Bast was watching Lash with interest, she could smell herself on him. Or another Bast it seemed. Prince T'Challa felt he could trust Lash.

“I'll be fine in a few hours...Geh! I mean a few days.” Lash said, and flinched when Natasha pinched him. T'Challa smiled at him and nodded.

“So Asgard knows about Wakanda? Thank you for keeping our peoples secret from the rest of the world. Though I think that may end soon. I have word from my father that Wakanda is willing to help SHIELD stop Ultron. I believe what ever the machine is planning it will involve us all.” T'Challa said, and Lash agreed.

They spoke for a few more minutes then T'Challa left the room. Leaving Natasha in bed with Lash. Natasha was trying to stay awake but soon fell asleep at the encouragement from Lash's Dream Domain. He did his best to ensure she slept soundly, with good dreams. Lash nodded off a few times and woke up a few times. One of those times he found Banner in the room with him wringing his hands.

“Brother Banner, Brother Hulk. Good to see! Are you ok?” Lash asked, genuinely curious about their well being. Natasha flinched awake but didn't move, keeping an even smooth breathing so not to surprise Banner.

“Lash we are so sorry!” Banner/Hulk said, their voices on top of one another.

“Was anyone killed?” Lash asked, and they shook their head in a clear no. That was fucking surprising! “Then it doesn't matter! We are brothers, family forgives. If you wish to apologize further then next time we see Ultron smash him for me!” Lash said, and Banner/Hulk grinned at him. A near impossible weight seem to lift off their shoulders.

“You got it!” They both said, and excused themselves.

“That was nice of you...”Natasha whispered in his ear.

“I meant every word.” Lash replied, and Natasha bit back her next words and went back to sleep.


Little less than a day later Lash was moving around Avengers Tower. He had been visited by everyone, and no one seemed surprised that Natasha was in bed with him. Odd, but Lash wasn't going to question it. Lash was invited in on a discussion between SHIELD and Wakanda via holographic video. That was when Director Hill learned the truth about Wakanda and their capabilities. But to be honest they barely scratched the surface of what the little country was capable of. However, Wakanda offered to put its full resources to helping track Ultron, and would provide aid in the battles ahead.

There was....Tension in any room that Banner walked into. So Lash went out of his way to welcome him, and speak with him. When it became clear that Lash held no ill will towards Banner the tension slowly went away. Sif, and the Warriors three showed up at the Tower and Sif all but tackled Lash in a hug and checked him over thoroughly for any damage. Lash laughed at her and assured her he was fine. Then out of literally no where Sif kissed him and then slapped him. Telling him he was not allowed to die! Then stormed out of the room. The Warriors three, and Thor looked struck dumb. While Natasha had a little smile on her face and shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

Another few days rolled past and Lash was fully functional. However, Natasha was ever his shadow so he simply invited her into the guest bedroom he had been given. Lash sat down and 'communed' and or used the Dream Store to make a few purchases. Natasha's eyes glowed as she watched spell script appear from thin air and wrap around Lash.

  • Attention User! You've purchased the evolution of Basic Telekinesis transforming it into Intermediate Telekinesis. Dream Point total is 40.

    • Effect: Increase in power range.

    • Effect: Increase in power ability.

    • Effect: Decrease in energy consumption.

    • Effect: Sub-Ability, Telekinetic Flight.

    • Telekinetic Flight: The User can use telekinesis to fly, glide and/or levitate. The full speed depends of the user's power and/or skill. Speeds beyond the User's ability double the energy consumption. Ability does not extend to Flight Field Projection.

Ah! So now Lash could officially fly with Telekinesis. While before he was just enveloping himself in a field. Though he was sure the field was faster now due to its evolution. He could carry more people, and/or objects faster. While he himself could fly faster. He'd have to keep that as a trump card when he got back home. A lot of people assumed Lash couldn't fly, he would keep it that way until he needed it.

“Alright, this next part is going to be a little weird. But I promise I'll be alright.” Lash said to Natasha who was now sitting on the bed watching him with interest.

“I'll hold you to that.” Natasha said, as she watched him carefully. Lash also noticed that Friday had slipped into the room via a sensor strip on the wall.

  • Attention User! You've purchased the evolution of Minor Re:Implant transforming it into Basic... Intermediate Re:Implant. Dream Point total is 60.

    • Effect: Increase in Spell/Trait power.

    • Effect: Decrease in Spell/Train energy consumption.

    • Effect: Create a wider variety of Synthetic parts, organs, augmentations, and implants.

    • Comment: My robot brain needs beer!

Just like last time, and the time before that. A blood curdling scream raged from Lash as the spell scripts finished their design and he began to buck against the floor of his provided room. His entire body shook like he was having a seizure. An invisible Saurus Warrior appeared next to Natasha and restrained her from getting close to Lash. She screamed at him, and tried to wrestle free. While the Re:Implant spell continued to shape and change his body accordingly.

After about thirty minutes of screaming, thrashing, and several attempts by his friends to help him. As the door had been bashed down. Hulk, and Thor were both holding Lash as he bucked in the room. Friday provided a detailed scan of Lash's body and Tony was struck dumb by what he was seeing. The Re:Implant had modified Lash once again. He was about 30% a Technomagical Construct at this point. With a portion of his blood being replaced with nanites. His redundant organs had been reinforced, while his original organs were stronger now. As they had been laced with a combination of magical alloys. Then, Lash blacked out....again.


“I don't understand why he did this.” Sif said, anger burning through her body as she looked at Lash through the glass window. Lash was laying in one of the new medical beds as the soft light energy danced up and down his body.

“To be stronger, Sif. He sacrificed a portion of his body so he could be stronger...For all of us.” Thor said from the side. Sif bit back a remark that was not fitting of a warrior of Asgard.

“Is he in any danger?” Creel asked, the absorption man had been a little protective of Lash. Since Lash had fought for his immunity, and duty with the reserve Avengers.

“No, in fact he's in better shape than ever. His durability is through the roof, as is his ability to heal.” Banner replied, as he looked over the scans.

“Listen up!” Steven said as he walked into the room, he glanced at Lash but soon regained his focus. “Ultrons been spotted at U-GIN Genetic Research Facility, home of Helen Cho. We don't know why he is there. But he has hostages, we are moving out!” Steve said and the room jumped into action.

One by one they left the room glancing at Lash. The entire room filed out, all of them wanting pay back against Ultron. The last ones in the room were Natasha, and Steve. Natasha stood in front of the glass. She kept playing the talk over, and over in her head. Lash said it wouldn't kill him, he was trying improve himself for the coming battle. His fight with Ultron proved he wasn't ready for him. Steve came to her side.

“If you want to stay it's fine. We can manage with out you.” Steve said, and Natasha shook her head. She turned on her heel and left the room. Steve watched her leave, then looked at Lash his vitals were strong but he was asleep for reasons they didn't know.

“See you when we get back.” Steve said and left as well.


Lash slowly opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body. Another forty eight hours had passed. Fuck! Natasha was going to be so angry with him. Last time he hadn't passed out, of course last time he had only done a single evolution. He had done two in a row this time. He slowly sat up in the hospital room. The medical mechanical arm sitting at stand by. Lash was wearing hospital scrubs, and nothing else. He slowly pushed off the bed and started to look around.

Lash wondered the halls of Avenger Tower in mild confusion. He noticed it was late at night so most of the working staff had gone home. Oddly enough Avenger Tower was still an office building. Though much of it had been retrofitted for the Avenger teams, and SHIELD units garrisoned here. Lash slipped from room, to room looking around. Until a purple holographic light appeared in front of him. It was Friday!

“Lash! Your awake! You should get to the R&D lab and talk some sense into Steve! He brought the Maximoffs back with him from the mission in Korea.” Friday said, her voice filled with nervous tension.

“Where is Jarvis?” Lash asked, as he moved his way towards the elevator. Something tickled in the back of Lash's head. Erik was trying to remember what should be happening in the movie but with all the changes in the Rift he wasn't sure what to expect.

“Well...He's....” Friday began to say but went quiet. Her purple holographic image showed from the neck up. She had short cropped purple hair, and light lilac skin for her avatar. Lash reached out and gently smoothed a finger down her cheek. “Geeh!” Friday's holo image back pedaled abit.

“I felt that! What did you do, Uncle Lash?” Friday asked in fascination. Lash looked down at his hand and smiled.

“I'm not sure...” Lash said, then the elevator doors opened and he heard an intense argument.

“You don't know whats in there! Ultron created a monster!” A young woman's voice shouted. Lash shuffled onto the floor and made his way to the R&D lab.

“No, no...Please go on...You were saying?” Said Pietro Maximoff as he pulled out the last of the plugs into the regeneration cradle of Helen Cho. Then a bullet went through the glass floor. Again with the glass floors! Pietro went falling down.

“Pietro!” Wanda Maximoff shouted and was put into a choke hold by Banner who whispered a threat into her ear. Steve sprinted towards Stark and was repelled back by a repulsor blast.

“WOAH! WOAH! Hold up!” Lash shouted at everyone as he walked into the room. He cast an area of effect Calm Emotions, and Commanding Presence. Everyone froze in place, looking at Lash. Pietro had fallen into the machine shop below with Hawkeye pinning him to the ground.

“Friday! Where is Jarvis?” Lash asked, and Friday's avatar appeared and pointed at the cradle. Erik knew where they were in the movie now. He quickly explained to Lash who rolled his eyes and walked over to the slowly deactivating cradle.

“Stark if you wanted to create an android you should have woken me up. I've done it before.” Lash said, and pressed his hand against the cradle. He cast the spell Technomagical Construct and poured his spell energy straight into the box.

The cradle's occupant exploded out from the coffin like box and fell into a crouch. The android in question had a red metal polymer skin type. With gray segment lines along its body. It had a inverted triangle form, a strong jaw, and the infinity mind stone in its forehead. Then Thor burst into the lab prepared to strike the coffin with his lightning only to stop and look at Lash, and the android in confusion.

“Hay Thor! How's it going?” Lash asked, as the android stood up and stepped off the cradle. It look at Lash, then looked at Thor. He changed his uniform to be a black polymer suit, and a cape much like Thors.

“Jarvis, you in there?” Lash asked, as he shuffled over to look at him. The android tilted his head to one side, then reached out his hand. Calm Emotions had worn off at that point, Steve stepped forward to stop the android but stopped at Thor raising his hand.

“I'm not Jarvis, nor am I Ultron. But I do recognize you...Brother Lash.” The android said, and he reached out to hug Lash who returned the gesture.

“Well I guess you'll need a new name. Happy birthday!” Lash said with a smile as they hugged one another. A smile grew across the androids face.

“I was a vision in the eye of Ultron, Stark, Banner, but you...You gave me a soul.” The android said.

“Well for now let's call you, The Vision then until we find something else. The Vision von Kitt night rider! Or Vision B-4 Data?” Lash said, and Vision smiled at him while Tony chuckled a bit.

“Why does the Vision sound like Jarvis?” Steve asked as he paced around the room, shield at the ready.

“We reconfigured Jarvis matrix, to make something new.” Tony stepped forward to look at Vision who stared back. Vision stepped away from Lash and came closer to Tony who leaned back, but didn't step away.

“I looked inside your head, and saw annihilation.” Wanda said, stepping forward her sokovian accent growing thick with emotion. Pietro was by her side as Barton came running up the stairs.

“Look again.” Vision said to her, as he watched her closely. Vision was like a new born child growing at an exponential rate. Lash had seen it dozens of times on the Watch Tower when ever one of the droids gained a life spark.

Barton walked over and scoffed. “Her seal of approval means jack to me.” Wanda glanced at Barton and looked away, guilt growing across her face.

“Their powers, our visions, even Ultron himself all came from the stone... The Mind stone one of the six infinity stones. Unparalleled in their destructive capabilities. But with it on our side!” Thor said, he put his hammer down and walked forward.

“Is it? Are you? On our side?” Steve asked Vision who looked at him, then around the room.

“I don't think its that simple...I am on the side of life.” Vision began and paced the room, making sure to make eye contact with everyone in the room. Though he did smile at Lash who had taken a seat and was rocking back and forth as if the whole situation didn't concern him.

“Ultron isn't. He will end it all.” Vision said, and made a point to look at Wanda recognizing her point.

“What's he waiting for?” Tony asked. Vision turned to look at him.

“You...” Vision said simply.

“Where?” Steve asked.

“Sokovia, he's got Nat there to.” Barton said, and Lash stood up from his chair and focused on Barton who winced and walked over to speak to him.

“If we are wrong about you, if you do turn into the monster we were afraid of.” Banner said as he walked right up to Vision. His eyes turned neon green and Hulk was growling softly.

“What will you do?” Vision asked, and for the first time Vision's short life he was being threatened. Lash could tell he didn't like it. “I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth. So, he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of him burned from the net.” Vision said as he moved over and ran his fingers along the sensor strip in the room. Friday's holographic image appeared and Vision's expression turned to pure joy. A look of recognition grew across his face.

“We have to act now, and not one of us can do it alone.” He said after a moment as he walked back across the room. “Maybe I am a monster, especially when the god of monsters help to make me.” Vision said, as he looked at Lash who was rigid with anger at the news that Natasha had been captured.

“I'm not what you all are, I am not what you intended. So, there may be no way for you to trust me. But we need to go.” Vision said, and to emphasize his point he picked up Thor's hammer and handed it to him.

The whole room froze. They stared at the hammer in Vision's hand and Thor looked back with clear shock on his face. Tony drew his eyes towards Lash wondering if Lash passed on his de-magic ability to Vision. Lash had a huge grin on his face. Thor took the hammer back, and Vision walked over to speak to Lash.

“Right....Well done!” Thor said as he clapped Tony on the back.

“Ten minutes, get your gear and meet at the jet.” Steve said to the room.


The South Korea operation had been difficult. Ultron had been waiting for them. Ultron's forces were still fighting the Korean army, SHIELD forces, and several others. Sif, and the Warriors three offered to stay behind with a small military unit of Einherjar soldiers fresh from Asgard! They were making progress. But every Ultron Sentry was dug in like a tick and did its best to cause as much damage as it could before it was dismantled.

Before Ultron had always been...Logical, he would move with a specific purpose then move on. But now, something was wrong with him. He seemed bitter! Petty even! Like a child that had its favorite toys taken away from him. With Vision with them, as well as the Maximoffs it made sense. Ultron at this point had lost everything. Thankfully he hadn't killed Romanoff, otherwise he would be rubbing their collective noses in it.

Steve notified Lady Carter, and Lady Hill of their destination. Hill confirmed the mission and sent SHIELD quin-jets, and operations teams towards Sokovia as soon as possible. They informed Wakanda who said they would be there for the fight. While several reserve Avengers, and auxiliary teams volunteered to attend. Lash was currently in the machine shop with Vision crafting a new suit of armor for himself.

Lash went with the JLI medium tier armor set. Polymer suit, exoskeleton overlay, with armored plating over his vitals, and flex plates across the rest. It had several additional attachments, bells, and whistles. Though he was not entirely sure he would get to use it since Saurian was itching to get his turn with Ultron. The giant monster was pushing across the link ready to jump into the action. Vision was very animated, asking questions, talking to Friday and Lash about things. He had so many memories from Ultron, Jarvis, Tony, Banner, and now Lash.

Steve's ten minutes were up and Lash had finished his gear in record time. Vision helped him put it on and they moved towards the Avengers quin-jet. Everyone was suited up except for the Maximoffs. Pietro had a simple runners under armor gear on, and Wanda had put on one of Natasha's leather coats. Lash laughed and pulled them aside and started to craft light exoskeleton suits for them both. He also used the time to talk to them about the truth of their parents.

Not that many years ago Obadiah Stane was a business partner to Tony Stark. Stane had done illegal arm sales of Stark technologies. Stark tech was only ever so suppose to be sold to legitimate sponsors like the US Military. Yes, Stark's name may have been on the missile that killed their parents. But Stark was not responsible. Who was truly to blame? HYDRA! This was a very normal method of operation for Hydra recruitment.

Hydra would orchestrate conflict between nations. First world countries would attack, and devastate smaller countries that may or may not have terrorists inside of them. Something that Hydra inside of SHIELD was more than willing to lie about. Hydra had attacked Sokovia. They would attack, then Hydra recruiters would move in and find like minded individuals that wanted to fight back. Easy recruitment! The Maximoffs parents were killed by Hydra. The very people that Pietro, and Wanda had sought out, and volunteered for their enhancments. Ultron knew that, and kept it from them. Whether he knew it before, or after didn't really matter.

The Avengers quin-jet flew over the forest landscape of Sokovia just as the sun was beginning to rise. People were waking up to have breakfast and prepare for work that day. The quin-jet flew Struckers old castle, Lash, and Thor deployed at the castle and sprinted into the basement beneath to find Natasha. While the rest went to the city and did their best to help evacuate the city before the fight began.

The bowels of the castle were oddly empty. Lash, and Thor said hundreds of assembly bays but not a single machine in place. They searched through the complex until they found a T intersection and they split up. Lash could smell Natasha down one way, and sensed a great deal of vibranium the other way. Thor nodded towards him and moved down that hall way. Lash moved to an old dungeon area and moved from cell to cell.

“Hello Lady Romanoff, been waiting long?” Lash asked as he walked up to her prison cell.

“Not long, was getting my nails done.” Natasha said as she stood up and smiled at him. Natasha was wearing her SHIELD black polymer suit but no exoskeleton. Ultron must have taken it from her. She was worn out, and covered in smudge, and a bit of blood.

Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Immaculate on her. After he pried her prison cell open. She jumped into his arms and gave him a big kiss as he was still in his default Asgardian form with his mask down. Lash smiled into the kiss then started to craft her a new light exoskeleton suit.

“So, whats the play?” Natasha asked.

“We are evacuating the city. We are going to hook up with the other teams above....” Lash trailed off as the entire room started to shake.

Huge tremors spiked through the whole complex. Lash pulled Natasha to him and cast Earth Swim then merged them into the walls as the ceiling above them collapsed. Lash linked with the Earth through his Nature-Elemental Domain. The Earth cried out in pain as a large portion of the city above tore itself free and started to slowly rise into the air.

“Do you see, the beauty of it.” Ultron's disembodied voiced called out from across all of Novi Grad the capitol of Sokovia. “The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your terrible failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing, when the dust settles the only living in this world will be metal!” Ultron's sinister voice called out across the vast expanse of the city. As Novi Grad began to fly into the air.

Lash pulled Natasha out of the dirt as they swam up. They watched as rocks broke apart from the main land mass but continued to float in the air. “Well that's not good....” Lash said softly.

First Draft, Raw, Unedited.

You wont have to wait long, I'm already planning on writing the next chapter Sunday/Monday.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.