Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The talk about my Birth.

“Great Velkra…. I have failed you.” Says Albart.

“Stay quiet for a while. The pain isn’t fully gone.” I reply.

His wound is completely gone but the pain needs some time to recede.

What the hell was that anyway? I know heroes have special powers but that was too powerful. That even managed to hurt Albart who’s many levels above The Hero. That skill… would it hurt me?

“This is why I was the one going to fight him!” I say.

“I truly have failed you. Even they didn’t get to fight…” says Albart.

“This is not your mistake! We just didn’t know anything about him! And Twixie! Tell me everything next time he appears! You didn’t tell me about that skill!” I shout.


Don’t sound so sad! This is your mistake too! All of us are equally accountable for this!

“Vejetar! Don’t stop me from doing something ever! I’ll kill him next time I see him!” I say to Vejetar.

“Mom… please calm down…” says Anikia.

“But Anikia! He stopped me from killing him, Albart wanted to fight him. I knew he was dangerous but I let him go anyway! It’s my fault too! We are all responsible for this!” I say.

“I’m sorry Velkra….” Says Vejetar with his head hung low.

“Damn it!” I say.

This was not planned. None of this was. Now that hero would interfere with everything I do. He’ll get in the way when I try to save the Demons. And every other time when I try to do something!

“Let’s just go home…” I say.

I look at Albart and smile now that I remember something.

“I’ll tell Caryl that you requested my lap to put your head on,” I say.

“Guh?!” he springs up and sits straight hearing what I just said.

“Please don’t! Even Carmine could kill me!”

“Pfft!” Zanim lets out a muffled laugh.

Willis smiles at Albart while the mood lightens up along with Anikia and Vejetar.

“But damn that was a powerful hit. I thought you were going to be halved from that sword.” I say.

“Indeed. I did not expect that. But I noticed something.. his sword had a scratch on it…” says Albart.

“His sword had a scratch? Hmm… if I remember correctly when his sword landed on my shoulder it did make a cracking sound. It sounded as if it cracked. So maybe he got it fixed?” I say.

“Is that so…? to think the sword that cut me cracked when it landed on you…” says Albart.

“Let’s go home, Velkra.” Says Vejetar.

“What do you mean ‘Go home?'” I say.

“Um… can’t I call your home my home too…?” says Vejetar fidgeting.

“What are you a girl? Stop that. Okay. Just don’t be a nuisance.” I say.

“To think you’re calling me a nuisance…  It’s sad…” he says.

“Just shut up and grab Willis and Zanim. I’ll take Anikia and Albart.” I say as I stand up from the ground.

“Great Velkra… we are sorry that you did not get to see us fight…” says Willis along with Zanim.

“Don’t think about it so much. It’s good that you guys weren’t hurt too.” I say as I pat both of them on their shoulders.

“Get close Zanima and Willis. Let's go.” Says Vejetar.

“Come on guys, let’s go,” I say as I round up Albart and Anikia.

Once they all round up, I use the spell I always use.

“[Wind’s Embrace]” I say.

“To think you can even use my element with such precision.” Says Vejetar as he uses the same spell to make Zanim and Willis float.

I bring out my wings and get ready to take off. Just as I’m about to take off, I notice that Vejetar doesn’t have his wings out.

“Hey, can’t you use your wings?” I ask.

“You take off using your wings? You should take off with your feet first. It’s more fun that way.” He says.

Does he mean I should open my wings mid-air?

I put my wings back in and look up, ready to thrust my feet.

“Hang on guys.” I say to Albart and Anikia.

“One, Two, Three, Now!” I say as I thrust my feet upward.


“[BOOM]!” a shockwave goes through space.

“[CRACK]!” the ground cracks and forms a crack that could fit three SUVs in it.


“AHHHHHH!” screams Albart.

“MOM! TOO FAST!” says Anikia.

“Hang on! I’ll slow down once I open my wings!” I say back.


“[Flap]!” I open my wings mid-air.


“I thought… My heart was going to stop…” says Albart.

“It’s cool but it’s too fast…” says Anikia.

“Sorry, sorry,” I say.


Moments later, I hear another boom. And after another several moments, Vejetar comes into view on my left side.

“Your ascent is quite powerful I should say. How old are you anyway?” he asks.

“You know it’s rude to ask a woman’s age. But I’ll tell you anyway. I’m…” I say.

How old am I anyway?

[About two weeks.]

“Two weeks maybe?” I say.

“Heh?” says Vejetar.

“Heh?” says Zanim.

Vejetar looks at me dumbfounded. His jaw was about to drop. Zanim looks t me with an expression that can’t be described. It’s so funny.

“That’s the truth. Or should I let you appraise me?” I say.

“But how… how did you become an Elder Dragon in such a short time…?” says Vejetar.

“I don’t understand it either. I just ended up like this after some events.” I say.

“Who was your mother? You must not have any Elder Dragon’s blessing or else we would’ve known if one of our people had managed to evolve…” he says.

“I don’t know. I just ended up in a cave after I was born from an egg.” I say.

“An egg? There is no way that an egg could be in a cave. And you cant become an Elder Dragon if that spot is occupied by another one. One element can only have a single Elder Dragon. Since you evolved to have al of them, it isn’t quite possible. You are an anomaly if I should say.” He says and stops.

He thinks for while and looks at me with concern.

“An egg can only be made by a… Female Elder Dragon…Other Dragons have to reproduce. How did an egg end up in a cave… My sisters didn’t make an egg.” He says.

“Have you asked them about it?” I say.

“If they would have made one… We would have… known….” He says as he stops to look at me with even more concern.

“I… would know… I do…know…” he mutters to himself.

Everyone is just listening to us talking in silence.

“Mom… What is wrong…?” asks Anikia.

“I don’t know…” I reply.

“Velkra… It wasn’t just me who felt the pain… when Gelda disappeared. All of us felt it. And before that… we felt her soul… separating a small piece…” he says and stops.

“What do you mean separating?” I ask.

“Separating. I mean that her soul was dividing itself into two pieces. One of them was smaller…” He says.

What the heck is he trying to say? I don’t understand.

[When Females conceive, of any race. It is said that their soul breaks a small piece of itself which merges with Baby’s soul… Master…]

“There hasn’t been an Elder Dragon in history… To make an egg so we might not have paid it much attention to it in all that pain… but since this phenomenon also takes place in other races… we can say that Gelda made an egg…” he says and stops.

“So you’re trying to say that this Gelda is my Mother?” I ask.

[Most probably…]

“There is o other way an egg could exist without an Elder Dragon making one. And the only one that comes to mind is… Gelda. Her soul dividing into two pieces. You must be…you have to be…” he says.

“How can we say that I’m her daughter?” I ask.

“I’ll just have to ask… Lumin. He knows how to visualize one’s soul. He’ll help.” He says.

“Let’s just go home for now,” I say.

“Yes. Let's just go home for today…” he says.


I definitely need to meet the Elder Dragons now. My origin.

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