Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The King and An Otherworldly Revelation.

[Time skip: 1 Hour Ahead]

We hurry outside.

Only me and Albart are heading to the castle with Lucius and his men in tow. They will be guarding us on their own horses and our carriage will have a separate driver, unlike last time with Carmine.

“Let’s go, Justy” says Albart signaling the driver to move.

The carriage is quite comfortable. Truly fitting to the name of a fantasical world. The carriage doesn’t have any suspension, probably because there isn’t a concept of one in this world. But everything else looks quite top-notch.

The carriage’s interior is red. Red curtain and red seats. The windows glass looks well made. It is surprising to see the glass of this quality in an era like this. Magic sure revolutionizes.

They never required mechanics until now so maybe that’s why there isn’t much advancement in mechanization. Surely magic could be incorporated as fuel and many things could be done with that.

We speedily travel through the noble’s ring into the innermost part, which is the castle. We travel for about fifteen minutes and then the castle gate shows in the front. The carriage goes through the main gate as Lucius informs them of our arrival. The carriage moves into the gate and eventually, we end up in front of the castle’s entrance.

As the carriage stops, we get out of it and Lucius informs them one more time that we had arrived.

This was such a rush that I got forced into some Noble’s clothing. Definitely not to my taste. The suit or I should say the dress I’m wearing is a less-frilly one. They were gonna make me into a princess or something but I outright refused and ended up wearing this as a result. They said that I would need to show my dignity in front of the King.

The castle. The huge castle in front of me. at first, it took my breath away as I had seen nothing as high as this before. I mean I have seen Tokyo tower but it isn’t as high as this castle.

This pure white castle, lined with several golden decorations, towers over the sky. The huge tower that is in several places looks intimidating if someone isn’t used to them. The top of the Castle also has a single bell.

I wonder how they check the time here?

Just as I was thinking this,

“The king is waiting for your attendance in the Throne Chamber.” Says a Man, probably a noble as he comes out of the castle.

The noble leads the way in front and we walk behind him. I glance at Albart and find that he is quite stiff.

“Why so nervous? Is something wrong?” I ask.

“N-No Great Velkra. I just haven’t seen the King for so long. I wonder how he will react to this…” he says.

Oi! You told me he wouldn’t be angry! Don’t make a face that’ll put ME on edge!

As I scold him in my mind, we walk quite a distance and arrive at a big gate, probably leading to the throne,

The man stands in front of the gate and shouts.

“ Albart Weskin and THE ELDER DRAGON have arrived!”

At the signal, the gate opens with a dim hum.

As the gate opens, I see a bunch of people standing on each side of the throne in a line. Every one of them stares at us as we walk in towards the throne. Eventually, we stop as we get near enough and stand in silence.

The King sits on the throne in a splendidly dignified matter with a fist to his chin. About Forty to Fifty years old. A strand of white stretches through his blonde hair. Sharp features. He emits an aura of a formidable presence, truly fitting to that of a king.

“His Majesty will now address!” says a man standing beside the King.

The king sits straight and looks at Albart. He stares at him for a moment and opens his mouth,

“Albart. Introduce.” He says.

Albart flinches and looks at me in search of an answer. I give him a reassuring nod and face back.

“Then, Your Majesty, Let me introduce her, This is Great Celestial Dragon Velkra.” He says as he bows to the king and courteously waves a hand towards me.

The King looks at me.

Hmm? Appraisal? Why does everyone think that they can go on appraising me? it’s an invasion of privacy!

“That was quite rude. Do you not believe him?” I say in a condescending tone.

The King’s eyes open wide and he stands up in a rush.

“Is that really the elder dragon?”

“So young?” “She’s a beauty…” says one.

“Is she telling the truth?”

“Maybe the Weskin family is looking for attention. It can't possibly be true that an elder dragon accepted them…”

I hear whispers all around me, doubting, that I couldn’t be the Elder Dragon.

The King moves towards me and stands face to face. The atmosphere in the throne chamber goes heavy and every single stops.

Just as I was about to say something, the King falls to his knees with a fist to the ground.

“You Greatness, It is truly an honor to meet such a superior existence. Please forgive my utmost insolence. I am Youlias Shaun Namil Diacis. The King of this lowly place.”

Eeeeh?! What! Why is he kneeling to me?!

The crowd goes crazy with whispers.


“So it is true!” “ She is the elder dragon!” “I can’t believe…”


After several exchanges in the crowd, they all fall to their knees.

I can’t see them like this or I’m gonna faint from the tension!

“You can rise,” I say so they can get up.

The King rises to his feet and looks at me with a gaze of utmost respect and admiration.

I don’t understand why an Elder Dragon should be respected like this. What have they done to earn this respect?

“I have something to ask,” I say.

“ Whatever you desire, Great Velkra.” Says Youlias.

“Tell me, why does one respect Elder Dragons?” I ask.

This is basically for my knowledge. I just don’t understand why.

“That’s absolutely

because one strives for greater heights. And this height is always achieved by Elder Dragons. And also in the past, Elder Dragons have helped humanity. Not much but their interference has caused plenty of revolutionary changes.” He says as he explains.

I see…

“Your Greatness, Do you desire my throne?” he says.

Where did that come from?! I don’t!

“Desire your throne?”

“Yes.” He says.

“No, I do not. I wish to live without any problems. I just want to spend a happy life. And it would be best If you allowed me to stay in this Kingdom in peace. As for the matter of Albart and his family, I have already taken them in. They say that they would love to serve me.” I say.

“I have no objection over that matter. I just desired that Albart should have informed me in advance so that I could prepare a reception. Not a soul here would object to your desire to take them in.” he says.

He is still standing in front of me leaving his throne. That alone is a pretty big thing for the nobles it seems… they are wide-eyed at the King's softened expression. I’m sure they haven’t ever seen him like this. He must be an all-dignified Emperor here.

“Great Velkra, I would like to introduce someone. May I have your permission?” He says.

“You may,” I answer.

He turns back to the man who announced King’s address before and gives him a signal with a nod.

The man turns and brings out a person with him.

He walks with the person in tow. A man clad in Shiny armor. A sword to his waist. Emitting an aura of power and technique. Truly a master in combat. Or so his skills are. That’s because I’m appraising him.

Name’s Souma Kazuhiko?

Oh. He’s the man from before. The one who tried to appraise me at the Kingdom’s Gate. As he is brought out, my eyes meet with his.

He looks at me in utter confusion. Trying to discern how I managed to appraise him.

He steps down from near the throne and walks toward the King.

The King signals him to kneel. He steps down and kneels in front and then steps up again looking at me in utter surprise.

He is definitely dumbfounded. He’s trying to piece out why I’m here and why is the King bowing to me.

The King opens his mouth to address him.

“This is Great Velkra, The Celestial Elder Dragon.”

How did Albart know that I’m a Celestial Dragon? Probably something from the blessing.

“Great Velkra, this is Souma Kazuhiko. I would like to have some help in his matter. If you would like to give me some of your precious time.” Says Youlias.

So he wants me to talk about him? Is he totally fine with the subordination matter? Well, whatever.

“I’m not particularly occupied. I was going to have some breakfast when your summons came.” I say.

“That I truly apologize for.” He says.

This Souma Kazuhiko is still standing in a daze over me. Is he bewitched by my beauty? I think he doesn’t know that I’ve seen him before.

“Actually, I’ve seen him before,” I say.

“Oh? May I ask where?” says Youlias.

“I was entering this Kingdom with Carmine. He tried to appraise me back there but failed splendidly. His face was quite the sight to behold.” I say.

It truly was funny. His fail.

“Oh. He was on a mission

back then. I sent him to inquire about any news about the Mana Storm. Come to think of it… He told me Weskins brought in some prisoners.” Says Youlias.

“They were bandits who attacked Carmine on her way here. I saved her carriage. That’s how I ended up here.” I say.

“I see… then allow me to pay my gratitude. By any chance, did you spot a Mana Storm near this Kingdom?” he asks.

“Mana Storm? Oh! Do you mean the big tornado? I ate it.” I say.

“Ate… it?” Both Souma and Youlias look at me in confusion.

“Don’t pay it mind. I just took care of it. It means that the storm won't be bothering anyone. Might need to fix the road though.” I say.

Just as I say that, a wave of whispers once again goes through the crowd.


“She took care of it?!” “But mana storms are not a thing to be played with!” “What does she mean by eating it?!”


Wait… I noticed his name just now. I’m used to hearing names like this… is he… Japanese?

A wave of realization runs through. I appraise him once again. I see…

“As for the matter you need to discuss Youlias, Please let us move to a private space,” I say.

“Certainly. These reactions are truly splendid to watch but they weigh on one’s mind. Let us move to my meeting room.” He says.

He signals some people to open the gate we came from. The gate opens and the King himself leads us to his meeting room. This Souma is still silent…

“Do you need to bring Albart, Great Velkra?” Youlias asks.

“Absolutely,” I say.

“As you wish.”

I sense a mood of disappointment in Youlias’ expression. Sadness.

“The King looks sad. Why is that?” I whisper to Albart.

“That is… Because I was a close aide and a good friend to him. I know his other side. The soft one.” He says with nostalgia.

I see… I didn’t know that. That’s why he said with confidence that the King won’t be angry.

We walk for a bit and arrive at a gate. The soldiers standing in front of the gate open the door for us and shut them behind us once we enter.

“Then Great Velkra, Please take a seat.” Says Youlias.

He waves at the set of ornamented furniture placed in the meeting room. This room is full of such intricate wallpaper that it’s driving me dizzy. So many patterns…

We sit down. The door opens and a servant brings us some tea and sweets to eat. I take a biscuit from the tray in front of me and take a bite.

“Mmmh… this is delicious!” I say in excitement.

The King’s stuff is amazing!

I phrased that wrong. His food stash, that is.

“I’m glad that this is to your liking.” He says.

Albart takes a sweet and eats it.

“It truly is splendid.” Says Albart.

The King looks at Albart with a gaze showing nostalgia.

“You truly did become her subordinate didn’t you?” says Youlias.

“Yes…” says Albart lowering his gaze.

Were they that close?

“ Let me tell you something before, Youlias, I don’t like a stiff mood. Be casual with me.” I say.

Souma is still standing behind Youlias.

“Then… Let me drop my serious façade! Can I talk like this Great Velkra?” says Youlias.

His attitude took a drastic turn… does everyone have a split personality here like Felia?!

“You can. I’m going to drop all the formalities too.” I say.

“Here we go again…” says Albart with a relieved sigh.

He must be very close to him.

“No. Seriously Albart! I didn’t think you would jump at an opportunity before me!” Says Youlias.

“Hmm… it was a mutual agreement within my family. So we ended up doing it. We never had an ulterior motive. Not that any elder dragon has excepted any subordinate before.” says Albart.

They are chatting now. I’m left out.

[Hey Twixie, you alright in there?]

[Yes Master! It’s very comfy in here!]

Wondering where she is? You’ll find out soon.

“so Youlias, that thing you wanted my advice on,” I say.

“Oh yes. You see. This kid here, Souma Kazuhiko, seems to be from another world. Or in specific terms, I should say he is an otherworlder.” Says Youlias.

See. I knew it.

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