Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Evolution and the Appearance of the Servant.



What does she mean by that?

Wait… Who is she?

I slowly try to open my overly heavy eyes…

"Master! Come on! You've evolved three times already! How many times do you plan on evolving?"

The moment I open my eyes to a blurry vision I see a ball of light floating in front of my face.

A ball of light?

The ball of light was of a glowing golden color…

But what is it?

"Master! Are you awake now?"

Why does she keep calling me master?

I try to blink a few times to try and clear up my blurry vision…

"Who… are you?"

"Me? I'm your servant from now on!"

Servant? What is she talking about?


My vision clears up a bit…

What I see is… a bit shocking…

A girl is flying in front of my face…

Green eyes, Blonde hair, and a green dress. She has wings protruding from her back, resembling that of a dragonfly.


"What's wrong master?"



"Why are you so small?!"


What I saw after my vision had gone back to normal was an extremely tiny girl.

She looked like a normal person to me… Perhaps it was because of my vision.

The sense of distance had gone numb…

"Why am I so small? Of course, I'm small."

"How can you say 'of course' so lightly?! I've never seen anyone as small as you!"

She's so small that she could fit in between my palms!

"You aren't making any sense master…"


Why am I talking to her like I know her?!

"Who are you anyway?! And why are you so close to my face?!"

"I'm your servant now!"

"What is this servant stuff you keep talking about?!"

I try to lift my head, trying to stand up because I was lying on the ground.



"Ow! What the hell?!"

Something hits the top of my head as I lift it…

I look up to know what hit my head but…

"What's the ceiling doing so close to my head?"

I see the ceiling above my head as I look up…

Then I look down…

"Oi! This is too high! What am I doing so high up?!"

When I look down, I Find the girl about a story down…

"Hey! When did the ceiling get so low?"

"hmm? The ceiling hasn't gotten any lower…"

The ceiling's not lower?

"What do you mean?"

"Come on master… you looked so dumb while saying that…"

"Tell me already!"

"It's not that the ceiling has gotten any lower but you've grown taller!"

She shouts in a fed-up manner as if I had annoyed her…

She's mad?

"I've gotten taller? I can't even see you clearly from up here…"

"Then I'll come up there…"

She flaps her tiny wings and flies toward my face again…

Should I talk to her?

I mean she's the first person I've seen since I came here…

And I don't know anything about this world…

I don't even know how to live as a dragon.

"So? What's going on here?"

"Hmm… I think you entered the library and the book of wisdom might've chosen you…"

"Chosen me?..."

"Yeah that book was supposed to choose its worthy wielder, so… it chose you… it seems like it."

"What does it have to do with me being taller?"

She looks so disappointed…



"You looked so dumb when you said that… Again."

She looks extremely annoyed too...

"What's so dumb for a person to ask for a reason about why he got taller all of a sudden!"

"It isn't, but… your face looked so weird and dumb when you said that."


"You were making a dumb face, and that's it. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to explain…"

She's annoying too…

"Come on! Just tell me already! Why am I so tall right now?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure myself…"

"And you roasted me for looking dumb?!"

This girl…

"Well, I do have an idea about what happened…"


"I think when the book chose you it caused you to evolve."

Evolve? What's she talking about?

"What does that mean? I don't know about this evolution stuff.."

"Evolution means when a magical race or a magical beast transcends to a greater level…"

"so I'm a magical race?"

"Yeah… when the book chose you as its worthy owner it gave you all the knowledge and its energy…"

This book! I Swear-!

She countinues...

"Since the energy transferred into your body was so pure and strong, your body wouldn't have been able to withstand it so the energy brute forced your evolution…"

She had put a finger on her chin and looked up as she thought aloud to herself…

"My evolution...? So I evolved?"

"Yes, but not once…"

"What do you mean by 'not once'?"

"Actually… you evolved three times while you were sleeping…"

"Three times?"

"What was your evolution stage before?"

Evolution stage?

Oh, she means the thing from the menu?

"I think it was 'New Born'?"

"So… evolving three times would put you at…. What?!"

"What?! What'd I do?"

I say that because she's now touching my face all of a sudden…

"W-what's wrong?"


She says in a serious tone…


"You're an elder dragon now…"

"Elder? Is it bad? Is it a problem?"

"No no, it's not a problem but… For a newborn to evolve into an elder this fast is… rare. I think this has never happened before…"

So being an elder dragon is a big deal?

"What's so surprising about this?"

I'm conversing so comfortably with her now…

"Master. An elder dragon emerges after tens of thousands of years when a normal dragon goes through multiple evolutions over time. A normal dragon will take thousands of years to evolve, building its strength, energy, and combat prowess…"

Normal dragon? So I wasn't a normal one?

I was a baby dragon I think…

"What do you mean by a normal dragon?"

"I mean greater dragons.."


"How many stages of evolutions are after a newborn?

"There are a total of three for dragons."


"First, a newborn will evolve into a lesser dragon. Then a lesser dragon will evolve into a greater one and then it will evolve into an elder. Dragons went extinct years ago… the only ones that remain are the elder ones and a few greater ones… and I'm not sure about it now because I've been sealed here for so long…"

"So I just jumped all of them to the elder stage?"

"No. You went through all of them. That's why you kept sleeping for five days. You glowed a bright rainbow color every time you evolved. And one more thing. You didn't just get taller, you're also bigger and stronger than before."

"I can see that."

The library that I thought was so huge at that time now seems as if it is a cage holding me down.

I can't even stand up. Or even lift my head fully.

That's how big I am now.

"You just said something about you being sealed here…"


"Yeah. I've been meaning to ask. What is this place? Who are you? Why are you here?"

I just bombarded her with a bunch of questions…

She looks confused now…

"First, let me introduce myself! My name is… name is… name?"

She tries to say something about her introduction, but stops.

"What's wrong?"

"Master. I can't remember my name…"

Her eyes get teared up as she says this…

"Oi! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

She seems too sad…

"No, it's nothing… I just… can't remember my name…"

"Why? Did you hit your head or something?"

"Come on, master!"

My attempt to console her fails amazingly…

"It must be because of the seal…"


"Yes. I cast a seal on myself that I would sleep until the day this book will choose someone."

"You lost your memories because of it?"

"it seems that being sealed for so long takes something away from you…"

I can probably sympathize with her because I've experienced memory loss…

I didn't remember anything, let alone a name.

"But how does being sealed has anything to do with it?"

"Being sealed for so long must cause a toll on the body..."

"I see... so your body suffers consequences if you stay sealed for so long?"

"That's a trivial matter now. I've lost it now. But I'm still a bit sad because an old friend gave me that name…"

"Old friend?"

She had a friend?

No no, I shouldn't be rude…

"Yes. We built this whole place together.... Her name was Fervina…"

She is the person from the book?

"Is she the one who made that book?"

"Yes. We made that together."

She looks up nostalgically…


Someone get me that woman!

I'll give her a word of my mind! That book!

"She died so long ago… but it seems like yesterday…"

She's dead?

Forgive me, woman. I'll forgive you too.

"The trigger for my seal was set for her death. I consented to the duty of this book. She was such a good friend but… Humans don't live that long… she got old… and I'm sure she died a peaceful death…"

Humans don't live thousands of years.

Another harsh reality.

Scientists were working on ways to prolong life but… I doubt if there's a way to reverse the natural law.

"So, what about this library? How did you guys build it?"

"The books in silver were the magic gathered by us over years… the books were a complete compilation of all the magic there is in the world. We worked to the bone to achieve that. I volunteered to be the servant of the person, The book of wisdom will choose as it was my friend's ultimate creation of magic. The person who could wield all the magic in this library should indeed be a legendary creature. Bearing the amount of magic and energy present in this library isn't a trivial matter. Of course, we also put the factor of requirements of virtues. That means you met that requirements."

Did I meet the requirements of virtues?

I don't think I'm that virtuous of a person…

"We built this place with earth magic. She built all the structures and I gave her the decoration designs… this took such a long time."

She looks up again in nostalgia…

"If I may ask… is there anything else here other than this library?"

"Hmm? Of course, there is Master. This isn't just a library, you know? It was like our secret hideout. She was a named mage, and I was her trustworthy companion. We went on all sorts of adventures and enjoyed ourselves…"


So the magic users are called mages.

I can understand that much.

"So? What else is here?"

I should ask for a way out of here…

"There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a treasury, Magus room, a Magic items room, a Wardrobe, Teleportation room, bathrooms, toilets, this library, and an experimentation lab. That about sums them up"

I guess that's what you'd expect from a secret hideout…

"So this is a place to live I guess?"

"That is the premise."

I get the idea now.

They couldn't afford to leave all this magic and everything to someone else so they decided to place the legacy in the person who seemed to be the most suitable.

The book of wisdom would choose the person, which was built by them.

Then the person could use the magic and everything else according to the need and she will be there to guide them in the role of a servant.

"So… master… what's your name?"

"My name?"

"Yes. I don't remember mine but you can tell me yours."

My name huh?

Am I supposed to keep my human name?

But I'm not human anymore.

Should I abandon my former name?

It's just that… I have no attachment to the former world.

I'm not in that world anymore…

Should I do a fresh start?

"I have no name."

"You don't have a name, Master?"


"Then Master! I've got a wonderful idea! We should give each other names!"

Names? That could be fun.

"You can give me a name first."

"Okay, Master! Then… hmm…. Vel… Vel?... Velfin? Velfin…. Kramik! No no this sounds a bit lame… then… Vel? Vel…kra?  Ooooh! "




"Yup Velkra! Velfin means brave and Kramik means strong. These are words from the language me and Fervina built for secret use."

So that's what the language was on the road back there and in the book?

"Velkra…. Hmm. Sounds good to me. It gives a unique impression I guess?"

"It's good, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's pretty good."

"So master. Give me a name too."

"Hmm… wait. What are you anyway?"

"You've been talking to me for so long and didn't know what I was?"


"Anyway, I'm a magical race called a fairy."

See, I knew it.

I didn't know it but I knew it somehow.

Small, has wings, glows…

All the characteristics of a fairy.

So… a fairy-like name?



No no, it seems a bit repetitive because I've read it in many mangas.

Then with a T?


"Hey, how about Twixie?"


Her eyes go distant and then the color comes back… along with flowing tears.

"Hey! You alright? Are you that happy?"

"Yes yes… don't worry about it. I just remembered something."

"So do you like it?"

"Yes. I accept this name 'Twixie' that you have bestowed upon me."

Just as she says this, she glows in a bright golden color and goes back to normal.

"What happened there?"

things have been so unusual that things don't surprise me anymore...

"I evolved. When a magical race greater than one's existence gives another one a name, they are bestowed their blessing and they evolve becoming their subordinate."

"You evolved? Just by naming? So your under my blessing now?"

"Yeah, I'm now under the blessing of the mighty celestial dragon."

I think she just said something very important there, but let's leave it.

I want to get out of here.

"Soo… how do I get up again?"

"Oh, I see. You're so big that you can't get up, right? We've got a solution for that."

"A solution! Tell me! I'm dying here sitting still for the past hour!"

"You can just transform into a human form now, can you?"


Human? Form?


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