Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Demon takes a beating and Arrival of Wind.

I don’t need to obey that brat of a Demon lord.

I am a demon myself. I do not care about anyone who gets in my way.

And the thing I love the most is. Killing!

Look at all these humans squirming in fear! This is amazing! I’ve never felt something like this before!

That Lizard thought that he could take me on! He’s gonna die now!

You want me to show my loyalty, screw you, Demon Lord! I’ll go on my own and prove that I am stronger than you! By killing these humans!

“You called for me?”


What was that?


This aura! What the hell is that!

A Girl? She’s talking to the lizard?

Wait. What is she doing?


The lizard is glowing? Is he evolving?

Hnngh. I can’t move under the weight of her extreme aura.


She’s looking at me!

I’ve never felt fear! Never! Come at me you bitch!



[You want me to limit your stats?]


[As I said. I can limit your power output as long as I’m in your body.]

Why would I need that?

[You’ll see.]

I don’t wanna do it right now. Maybe later.

I boost myself with my wings and dart towards the spot with the smoke.

It takes me a split second to get there.

I look around when I arrive.


Wait. These people… Are they… dead?

“Great… Velkra…”

I hear a voice calling to me.

I look around once again and see a man in red and black. I look in the direction of the crater and find that a dragon newt is lying there immobile.

Hey… Isn’t that?

[Yeah. It’s the dragon newt you met the other day]

Is he gonna die?

[Probably. I can see from here that his vital organs are shattered and he’s burnt pretty badly.]

How can you tell that?

[I told you already. I can use some of your skills, but not as good as you can though.]

I see. Can I save him?

[You can. If you grant him a blessing.]

Do I need to do that?

[You could heal him with a higher healing spell but you’ll find it much more interesting if you took him in.]


[I mean. He called out to you, right? He should trust you. Wouldn’t it be better if you took him in?]

He is pretty strong. And would he happen to know about The Dragon Kingdom?

[Probably. Every creature related to Dragons knows about it.]

Then. I’ll give him my blessing. A reason should not be necessary for saving a life.

But these people.

I’ll cut him up. That’s for sure. This scum I see in front.

The sadness and pain he’s caused to these people who now lie dead. I cannot look over this. I can feel their pain in my heart. The emotions they left behind. I can sense them. My skills. They are a blessing yet they can be painful sometimes. This is one of them. Their suffering is entering my heart.

[Save him first.]


I fly down to the Dragon newt.

I see… so your name is Zanim.

“Tell me. do you want my blessing?” I say.

“Great… Velkra?” he says.

“If you don’t you’ll die. I don’t mind having you as my subordinate.”.

You will die. I can’t let you die until you tell me about The Dragon Kingdom.

“I want… Your Blessing…. Great Velkra.” He replies.

“Then. Let me say this. I grant you my blessing.”

I say that and I put my hand on his forehead. His body glows a white color. A moment and his consciousness fades.

[He’ll be fine. He’s just passed out from the stress. He’ll need to recover.]

I see. Then…

I turn around and glare at the man in red and white.

“Tell me your name scum. Celestial Elder Dragon Velkra stands before you.” I say in a voice of great authority.

“You want my name? I am The Flamia Redblood. Who do you think you are barging in on my fun? Do you think you can beat me? this killing. You cannot prevent this. As the demon army is marching through tomorrow. You cannot stop me from my fun of killing these insects! Do not dare to interrupt me!”


Twixie. Limit my power when I attack him. I’ll make him suffer.

[Roger. Limiting basic stats. You’ll fight him without your skills, right? I guess Hand-to-Hand should be the best approach.]

You sound like an assistant informing me of my duties. Ha-ha.

Let’s make him suffer, shall we?


Sadistic we are.

I lunge toward him at great speed. But not as great as my original one.

“Huh?!” he lets out an exclamation.

He didn’t expect this, did he?

“What the F-?!”

I give him an unseen punch. There is no way one can see something faster than his eyes.

The punch lands on his stomach with a sound of an explosion.

“GUH!” he lets out a grunt and goes flying with blood splattering from his mouth.

I get to the side as he goes flying.

“[BOOM]!” he crashes into a wall of a nearby building.

I felt several ribs cracking too. Good.

Running at speeds no human can see. Not a normal one. Even when I have my power limited, I can be this strong. Not even he could see me if he wanted to. I get to the building where he crashed.

“Come out!” I scream

“You scum! Come out! I’ll play with you! You want to see some killing?! I’ll show you what pain is!” I say.

The pain of the moment you burnt them alive! The pain you caused when you crashed and sent the people flying!

“You think you can beat me!”

he comes flying out of the dust cloud.


I dodge the attack and he goes down, rolling, losing his balance.

He crashes into a nearby wall while rolling.

“So slow. Is this all you have?” I say.

He is truly unentertaining.

His face distorts with anger as I say this.

“Don’t look down on me!” Comes a scream.

He puts up his hands in a manner of aiming.

“[Crimson hell]!” Comes a Chant.


A stream of red flame flows out of his hands that are pointed at me. The flame travels at high speed headed for its target. It looks like a beast’s head in the front.

The people….

“[Dome of Falling Stars]”

I have to put a barrier around Zanim and these people. Even if the people are dead, they need to be respectfully buried.

But I don’t need the barrier myself.

The flame travels towards me and spreads upon contact with me. it wraps around me and tries to make me immobile.

“[FIIIIIING}!” it makes a charging sound.


The flame sets off a violent explosion that turns every building within a radius of 300 meters around me into scorched and destroyed rubble.

The explosion stirs up a huge dust cloud and a deep crater about 13 feet deep.

“Ku-Ku. Too weak. You thought you could go against me? The Great Flami-?!”

“[Step] [Step]”

The sound of moving rubble stops him mid-sentence.

I take a step out of the crater with my head down.

“Great? Your magic is WEAK! SCUM!” I scream letting out my aura.

The aura released puts a huge strain on someone else’s body. Like you are being pushed down from above.




[I won’t stop you. He deserves it. But do try calming down a little. You wouldn’t want to destroy this kingdom right?.]


[Why are you screaming at me?!]


“Stay away from me!” he screams as he tries to run.

I can feel his fear. His despair.

“COME FIGHT ME!” I say that and lunge toward him.

He takes out a sword from his waist.

“[SHUNNG]” The sword makes a metallic sound as it is pulled out of the sheathing.

He slashes at me with it.

I stop in my tracks, without any regard for defense.


The sword lands on my shoulder.

“[CRACK]!” then it shatters.


“Something much terrifying than you,” I say in a whisper as I pounce on him.

Mid-air I take out my claws.


I point one of the claws towards his shoulder.

“Let’s teach you about some pain,” I say as I pierce his shoulder with my razor-like claws.

“AHH!” he lets out a cry as my claw goes through. The claw pins him to the ground as he falls. I crouch beside him.

“Do you feel it?” I ask.

I’ll use one of my magic spells. [Hell’s Penance]. This looks interesting.

“AHHHHH!” He lets out a painful scream as a stream of darkness corrodes his body.

It surges through and gets into his body through his wounds.

“You feel the pain, don’t you? This is the same amount they felt. I felt it too. From their emotions.” I say.

And… there goes his hand.


“AHHHHHH!” He screams as I cut off his hand.

“PLEASE! LET ME GO!” He begs...

“Let you go? I think that’s a good idea. I could send you without both of your arms. So you can tell that demon lord that it’d be a bad idea to attack this world now. It seems you demons haven’t met any Elder Dragons before.”



I cut off his other hand.

“Where did all that attitude go?” I ask.

I take my claw out of his shoulder that pinned him to the ground. I get up.

“You may go now. Give her the message. If she still decides to attack, I’ll go meet her myself.” I say.

“Yes! Please just let me go!”

He is pretty much a coward once defeated.

He frantically gets up and tries to fly away. But every time he tries to take a flight with his skill, he falls to the ground because of his exhaustion.

I get behind him without letting him notice. I get in the position to give a soccer shoot.

“Let me help you there,” I say in a whisper.

“huh?!” he turns around but fails.


I kick his behind with such force that he goes soaring through the sky.

“I probably broke his ass right now.”

[Are you sure? You let him get away.]

Hmm? It’s fine. He won’t be able to heal his hands. Only I can heal them, because of the spell I used. And I wanted to send that demon lord a message. I would’ve gotten involved with her sooner or later. So it is good to seize the opportunity when you see it.

[He said something about an army…]

Yeah. The Demon Army could be coming here tomorrow. They must have done that in the shadows. I’ll put up a barrier around the kingdom. Can I do that?

[Yeah. Your mana is pretty chunky. You don’t need to worry. Leave the barrier to me.]



“Now what~?!” I say.

I turn around and see that there is a big cloud of dust in the air.

“That was some intense lesson you taught him.” Comes a voice from within.

Trouble always finds me, doesn’t it? I wonder what is it now.

“Who is it now?” I ask.

The man in the dust cloud walks out. A hand to his waist. Wearing clothes of green. Green clothes that look like a trenchcoat and a suit combined. Light green hair in contrast.

“Me? I’m The Elder Dragon of Wind. My name is Vejetar.”




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