Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Some more talk and An Emergency.

What is it with this world’s Gender Bending tendencies?!

This is so unnecessary! If a person is coming to this world, give them the previous gender! I get it with the reincarnation but Transmigration?! Let them live in peace!

I can’t even say anything because it could be just her case!

And you! I thought I told you about that!

[Ah. Hmm. I forgot.]

Were you even listening to me?!

God… this girl!


Don’t act like you’re crying! Stop it! I can feel the guilt in your voice!

“I took such a long time to train and worked hard to build up my skill. After all, I had to pay Mr. Youlias somehow, that’s why I decided to serve him. It’s a fantasy world after all.”

“Great Velkra. May I ask what your world was like?’ Says Youlias.

They’re accepting this very well…

“You aren’t bothered by this talk of otherworlders and reincarnations?” I ask.

“Actually, I was a bit confused but I get it somehow. You used to be a being in another world, died, and reincarnated here, right? It does not change the fact that you are my master and an Elder Dragon.” Says Albart with confidence.


“It is as he says. Anything does not change the fact that you are a being in the supremacy. Even the fact that you were born not long ago. Transcending the realm of a race into divinity is truly a miracle itself. And Elder Dragons are the miracles themselves.” Say Youlias.

They truly love Elder dragons.

[They don’t love me!]

What do you mean?

[I mean I’m not pampered as much as you!]

Hey! I’m not being pampered! Maybe I am? That’s not the point! The thing is that you refuse to come out! How is someone meant to ‘Pamper’ you if you become a shut-in? and in my hair at that!

[I won’t come out!]

Man, she is going on the wrong path… I would have to drag her out to make her touch some grass…

“For the matter of your Transmigration,” I say.

“Transmigration?” Asks Youlias.

“It’s a term I’m using to describe his summoning. So about that, let's just conclude it by saying that there is a possibility that you were accidentally summoned as the events align about the demon lord’s appearance and your summoning.” I say.

“Okay…” Says Souma.

“Don’t look so down. We will find a way to send you back. If there is one at that.”

“Thank you…” he says.

Should I call him he or she? This is why gender-bending is confusing. And sometimes dangerous.

[Probably he. Since he is a male now.]

Go to sleep!

[No! I’m having fun skimming through your skill!]

Hey! Don’t look! They are my skills!

[Oh! I found an interesting skill in my stats! It’s-]

Nope! Not interested! Don’t turn it on! You’ll explode inside me or something.

That was a wrong phrasing, right?

[Yup. It was.]

Shut it!

“So. Great Velkra, would you like something to eat? Perhaps you should stay for dinner? I’ll have them make up something special for you.” Says Youlias.

“As much as I would like to stay, the family is waiting for me back there. They were quite uneasy about the summons you see.” I say.

“Then allow me to send a messenger. He will inform them via a sound recording magus.” He says.

“Sound recorder? You have that here?” I ask.

“He does. I was surprised at first too.” Says Souma jumping in the talk.

Would it be okay? I mean they must be waiting for me back there.

“Great Velkra, you can stay here and I can go inform them. This way they would be at much ease instead of hearing from a messenger. I will come back soon.” Says Albart.

“Really? Then do that. I will stay here and greet the family.” I say.

“Family?” asks Youlias.

He doesn’t have a family? I’m sure he would…

“Your family Youlias. I’m curious.” I say.

“Oh, I see. You want to meet my wife and kids. I got confused there.” He says.

“Then Albart, head to your mansion as I call my family here to meet great Velkra.” Says Youlias.

“Then, Excuse me,” says Albart and promptly stands up.

He walks to the door and it opens. He turns back and bows with a hand to his chest.

“He sure is nice…” I say.

“He is a close friend of mine. We used to play when I often snuck out of the castle. He is a cheerful man. Trustworthy and diligent. You won’t meet anyone like him probably.”

So he thinks very highly of him… but even so, played together, huh?

They must be the somewhat same age. I wish I had my memories.

“Now, Souma. Go and get Marie and everyone else.” He says turning to Souma while sitting.

Souma gives an assuring nod and exits the room with a thump on his chest.

“What was that?” I ask.

“That’s an expression Soldiers and Warriors tend to do when they express loyalty or reassurance.” Says Youlias.

I see…

“So? Who’s in line for the throne?” I ask.

“Hmm… that is a sudden question, isn’t it? Are you interested in politics maybe?” he says.

“No, not really. It’s just that there is always someone in line for the throne and they end up fighting for it.” I say.

“Please don’t say such ominous things, Great Velkra. They might come true. But no, there won’t be any fighting. I have already decided for Justias to take the throne. His siblings show no interest in opposing him as they show great admiration for him.” He says.

[They should’ve fought a bit]

Oi! Don’t say that! I’ll kick you in there!


You-are-in-my-bo-dy so I can even pull you out if I wanted to!


Stop saying single words!

As my banter goes on with the alternate monologue interrupting monster, the family arrives.

“Queen Marie is entering.” Comes a voice from behind the door.

“You don’t need to stand up, Great Velkra.” Says Youlias.

The gate opens and a woman with brown hair walks through. An elegant walk, seeming of water flowing in a stream. She walks toward me and stops.

“Marie. This is The Celestial Elder Dragon, Great Velkra”

Youlias introduces me.

“Great Velkra, This is my wife Marie. The ones that came after her are my three children.” Says Youlias as he looks behind Marie.

Honestly, I didn’t even notice them. I was so caught up in her elegance that I forgot to look behind her.

A perfect woman. Sharp features. Probably at the end of the thirties or the beginning of the forties. Brown hair, brown eyes.

“Great Velkra, Please accept my humble greetings.”

Marie gives a womanly bow.

“I accept. You may address me casually.” I say.

“This guy here is my eldest son, Justias. He got 20 the other month you see.” Says Youlias as he thumps on Justias’ back.

Justias takes a knee to the ground.

“Great Velkra. I ask for your most merciful acceptance of my greetings.” He says.

What’s with the formality?

“I accept” I declare with dignity.

“These two are my older son and the youngest daughter. He is Wallias and she is Marianna.” Says Youlias patting the heads of two kids standing in a line.

“Come on. Do what your mother and brother did.” Says Youlias giving them a nudge.

“P-Please accept our G-Greetings!” both of them say bowing nervously.

“I accept,” I say once again.

“Thank you for visiting our Kingdom, Great Velkra.” Says Justias.

He is fitting of a Prince. Even the next King I suppose. He carries himself with brilliant caution. I can see many little details. How? The world perception, baby!

“No need for that. Let me tell you in advance. I don’t like formality.” I say.

“Y-Yes…” a sweat appears on the side of his head.

“Then let us sit down and talk.” Says Youlias.

“Let’s do tha-?!”


I look beside me and Souma has come through the door in a hurry.

“What’s Wrong, Souma?!” says Youlias in deep concern.

“There is a Demon Peer Attacking! Our soldiers and Adventurers can’t hold it!” Says Souma in a hurry.

“The news just came in! I can see the fire from the castle! What should we do, Mr. Youlias!” He asks.

[Master, don’t you think it’s your queue to say something?]

She’s probably right.

“Want me to handle it?” I say.

“Great Velkra?”

Everyone looks at me in surprise.

“What? If your soldiers and Adventurers can’t handle him, I can. I’m free anyway.”

“We can’t with trivial matters like this!” Says Youlias.

“Don’t sweat it. It’ll be over in a flash. Just get some food ready for me. I want to eat something.” I say.

I walk towards the windows that are beside a desk.

But this dress… it will tear apart if I bring my wings out….

[Fortunately, I took the Normal clothes with me. just in case something like this came up.]

Where is it?

[In my Spacial Storage]

You have a storage?

[Yup I do now.]

Give it to me.

A black space appears beside me. and from there my dress pops out.

I take the dress out.

This is pretty handy, isn’t it?

[It is. Happy?]



“Hey. Can you guys clear this room?” I say.

“At once! Everyone out of the room!” says Youlias.

Everyone hurries out of the room.

“But why Great Velkra?” he asks.

“I need to change. This dress will tear if I bring my wings out in it.”

“I see… then” he steps out of the room.

I rapidly change into clothes. It’s been so long since I’ve changed myself. Felia ogles me every time she changes me. I’m sure she doesn’t have any bad intentions. Probably.

“Come in, Youlias,” I say.

He steps in.

“Tell them I will talk to them when I come back.”

“Very well.” He says.

I step on the windows and jump out as I open my wings.

[Master, I have an idea.]

What is it?

Twixie interrupts while I’m flying.

[Want me to limit your stats?]


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