Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Saving The Demon Lord.

“Who dares to enter the castle uninvited?” Comes the voice of a little girl.

What the hell…?

I hear a little girl… Is she the demon lord? I really don’t hope so. I don’t wanna fight a kid.

“Answer me. Who are you?” says the kid.

“We come from the Human Realm. We want to discuss some matters.” I say.

“Velkra… are you sure?” asks Carmine.

I think she wants to know If I’ll fight the demon lord or not. I definitely don’t want to hit a kid.

“I won’t be fighting her. For now.” I say.

“Fight me? Why would you need to do that?” says the kid.

“I’ll introduce myself first. My name is Velkra. I am the Celestial Elder Dragon. This here is Carmine De Weskin. And this is Felia Damirus. These are my companions.” I say.

“What does that have to do with me? You are the ones who come here without permission.” Says the kid.

“That could be said the same for your army. You are invading another realm too. If I want to, I can invade yours without any struggle. I am not threatening anyone but consider your position first.” I say.

“So a person from the human realm has finally come for negotiation. Took you long huh?” she says.

“I have indeed come here to discuss the invasion. Keep in mind that your army is captive inside my barrier on the other side of the gate. They have two choices, come back here and wait till this matter is solved or they can be crushed under a gravitational spell solely created by me.” I say.

This would put a bit of weight in my favor if she doesn’t want to listen to me. She still hasn’t shown her face. The shadow still looms over the throne.

“You… I will call them once the negotiations are completed. You people refused to negotiate and now you come here with my army in the capture? You sure have some gall.” She says.

Are those really the words of a little girl?

“Who refused?” I say.

“We had a confrontation with the hero and one of your Kingdoms many times but they denied hearing our thoughts. Are you afraid now? That we might capture your Kingdom?” She says.

“First. Let me tell you something. There isn’t only one Kingdom in the human realm like you have here. If you are saying that you had an interaction with the hero and His Kingdom in the past then they are the worst people you could have talked to.” I say.

“Is that so?” she says.

I can hear her voice soften a little bit. I think she’s relieved about something. A kid cannot take this much responsibility.

“As you can see. Our world is now on the verge of collapse. We needed another place, somewhere to move to so that we could survive that is why we tried to negotiate with humans but they refused to.” She says in a light voice.

“My Queen! Is everything alright?!” comes a voice from within one of the hallways.

A moment later, a woman comes out running. She has a child, several months old in her arms and the Child is crying.

“Jaria. It’s alright. They are here to negotiate. They could be our hope for survival.” The kid says.

The Demon Lord’s voice is a bit frail. She is quivering while she talks. I wonder what's up with that.

“But Queen! Your condition is not stable as much for you to talk!” Says the woman.

The atmosphere in the hall becomes still. The demon lord goes silent and the woman looks up to the throne with pleading eyes, signaling worry about something.

“Let me talk. This might be the last chance for my people’s escape.” Says the Demon Lord.


“Jaria. Go take care of the children. I need to take care of this.” Says the Demons Lord.

“…Understood… My Queen.” She says.

“What is up with her?” I ask.

“Do you want me to tell you?” Says the Demon lord.

“Please do. I want to know what happened here.’ I say.

The destruction here is unnatural. There are signs of a battle. Battle with something huge.

“Long time ago. We lived happily. There were fields of green, Enough food, Clothes. It rained often. We all lived happily.” She says.

She pauses for a second as if trying to catch her breath. She takes a deep breath and starts talking once again. I feel as if her condition isn’t good. As in on the verge of…

“But then… They came. We don’t know who they were but they said they wanted to harvest something. They came with big Monsters. They opened many gates and used something to overload this world with mana…” She pauses.

She catches her breath with a gasp. I don’t want to make her talk but this info is necessary…

“They overloaded and caused great calamities. Of course, we tried to fight them. But we didn’t stand a chance because we were not strong enough. They should have taken the thing. But they didn’t and left without a word. If they would’ve taken it, Maybe we won’t be in this much suffering. They should've put us out…[Cough][Cough]!” she pauses as she begins to cough uncontrollably.

“Hey, are you alright?!” I shout from below.

“I’m… Fi…ne…” comes a broken voice.

“No, you’re not! Let me come up there!” I say.

“Don’t. I don’t want help. I can’t be cured. The damage is already… done…” she says and stops.

A moment later, a body comes tumbling down the stairs. It makes a thump and falls flat. It was the girl that was sitting on top of the throne.

“Hey! Wha-?!” I stop mid-sentence as my eyes fall on her.

What the hell? Her skin… it’s got black patches…

“Felia! Check if she’s still alive! I don’t want her to die!” I shout in desperation.

“Velkra!” comes Felia from behind.

She places her head on top of her chest and listens carefully. A second passes by and she lifts her head.

“Velkra. She’s not breathing but I can hear faint heartbeats. Can we do something? Her condition looks irreversible…” says Felia.

No… not a kid… not like this…

“Velkra! Don’t you have a spell or a skill! She’s going to die at this rate!” shouts Carmine in a panic.

Do we have something Twixie?! Anything!

[You could use your skill! The angelic one!]

Which one!


The light one? What will it do?!

[It has the attribute of healing! Use it! Just try something!]


[Angel Of Light: Urias]!

What?! Nothing’s happening!

 “What are you doing Velkra?! Hurry!” shouts Carmine.

“Oh please… Don’t die…” Cries Felia.

Can’t the healing spells work?!

[No! they’ll take time! We have to do something with the skill!]

There must be a subskill under it! Oh yeah! There it is! [Reversal]!

“Please work! [Reversal]!” I shout out loud.

At that moment, The body of the girl glows in white. Then the light turns black and it forms an orb of pitch black.

“Velkra! The black spots are gone now!” says Carmine in a happy tone.

“Her breathing is getting better too!” says Felia.

“But it was [Reversal]!”

Just as I say this, the black orb travels towards me and,

“Wait Velkra! The orb!” shouts Felia.

The orb comes close and it wraps around my whole body from head to toe. It is then absorbed in.

“Velkra! Your body!” says Carmine.

My body runs rampant with extreme pain. It gets harder to breathe and my eyes become heavy as if something is hanging on them.


I fall flat on the floor. Hah~ this is bad. Am I gonna die again? I thought Elder Dragons couldn’t die…

“Velkra! Open your eyes! Velkra!” Shouts Carmine

“Car…mine… Fe…l..ia…I can..t….talk…” I say in a broken voice with my eyes closed.

“Stay with us! Don’t leave me!” says Felia in a desperate voice.

[Master. Looks like the [Reversal] allows you to take the injuries and every ailment from upon yourself and restore them. The injury or ailment is then healed in your body separately.]

“I’ll be… fine…Tw…ixie…is..say…ing.” I talk in a frail voice.

[You will heal after some time. The process is still underway as I am talking to you.]

“Tak…e…m..e..to…a…bed…or….som..thing…” I say.

“Okay! I’ll ask for something. Velkra? Velkra!” shouts Carmine.

After that, I won’t remember anything because I passed out.



“Velkra? Velkra!” I shout with my full voice.

“Carmine! Please! Do something!” says Felia, Pleading.

“She won’t die! She said it herself! It must be something with her skill or spell! I can say for sure that she called it a reversal. She must have taken the illness upon herself to restore the Demon Lord!” I say to calm her down.

“But look at her! She looks in so much pain!” she shouts.


“Calm down! What is going to happen if we are the ones who get freaked out! Velkra will never take us with her ever again!” I say.

“But…” she stops.

“Let’s call someone for help,” I say.


“Hnnghh….” I hear a voice from my back.

I turn around to find the source of the faint grunt and see that the Demon Lord is now sitting up.

“What… Happened..? Wait… the pain is… Gone?” she says.

Velkra’s Skill must be so potent to extract the illness that the demon lord is fully restored and is now conscious and in full health.

“Be grateful kid,” I say in an angry tone.

“Grateful?” the demon lord turns around to look at me.

“You fell down from your throne and were on the verge of death.” Says Felia.

“But what happened?” Asks the demon lord in a manner fitting of a little kid.

“Velkra took your illness upon herself. Shit.” I say.

“Took…My illness? What do you mean?” she asks.

“Just as I said! She took your illness upon herself! She used a skill to restore your body and took your illness!” I shout at her.

“She did…?” she says timidly.


“What will happen to her now?” she asks.

“She’ll heal herself within a few days. I can tell from just looking at this.  BE grateful kid to the person who saved your life and is probably going to save the life of your people in the future.” I tell her.

“She is going to save my people?” she asks.

“That’s the kind of person she is! That is why she did this! She came here to talk first! Not fight!” I shout at her.

I’m releasing my anger on her. My worry. I feel bad.

“Please Carmine. That is enough. It isn’t her fault…” says Felia.

“It is her fault! Velkra wouldn’t be going through this if she didn’t invade!” I say.

“But that would mean all of them would have died in here! Us coming here saved her life and Velkra is going to save the demons just like you said!” Shouts Felia.

“But what If Velkra doesn’t wake up!”

“She’ll be fine.” Comes a voice from somewhere.

“Who’s that? Who spoke!” I shout.

“It’s me.”

I look around to find the source of the sound but I can't seem to find it.

“Carmine… There…” says Felia.

I look towards Velkra. Her chest is glowing a light golden color.

“It’s me Twixie.” She says.

“Twixie? How is Velkra!” says Felia.

“She’s going to be fine. It’s gonna take a day or two for her to heal from this.” She says.

“I see…” says Felia.

“So don’t worry and rest easy. Just take her to someplace where she can rest. Everything will be fine.” Says Twixie.

“Okay,” I reply.


“Mother… Her face… it resembles my… Mother’s…” Says the demon Lord out of the blue coming close to Velkra’s Face.

“What?” I ask.

“Her face. It faintly matches my mother’s…” she says.

What the hell…is she talking about?

I wanted to write more so you get double Chapters today! Happy double chapters!

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