Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Return from Marcella.

After that, We went flying back to the mansion. Lord Vejetar did not say a thing after that until we arrived. We landed down in the garden and made our way inside to the dining room where we had left everyone.

Just as we opened the door to the dining room, we come face to face with great Velkra.

“Come on! Where were you guys? I thought you were in trouble or something…!” she says.

Her expression looks quite worried indeed. We said that we would be back in several minutes but it ended up taking much longer than expected. It is our mistake but I cannot actually say that to Lord Vejetar.

“Great Velkra…” I try to speak but I’m interrupted by Lord Vejetar immediately.

“Sorry for making you worry, Velkra. I just wanted some fine fish for you to eat. Look, I got you something fancy.” He said as he took the Black Storage Box from my hands.

He places the box in his hands and then opens it,

“Here, I was looking for this. I have actually eaten it before and it’s quite delicious if I should say.” He says.

Indeed. This fish is quite rare and its taste lives up to its name. I’ve heard how savory and rich its fat is. Some people may like to eat fish fat as well but fillet is what I’ve heard about.

But… Great Velkra seems displeased somehow.


[Perspective change: Velkra.]

It’s been more than half an hour now and they haven’t come back yet. What happened? Were they attacked on the way? I can’t help but be worried. I feel some sort of unrest from Willis’ connection with me.

Come to think of it. Ever since I came to this world, I haven’t had even one chance to sit back and take a breather in peace. Will my life always be like this?

If this is how it’s gonna be then I can’t help but be a bit mentally exhausted but having this much in my life comes with its perks too.

Previously, I didn’t have a life that I could be proud of. I mean I did enjoy t but I wouldn’t say that I accomplished anything in that life.

I just moved out of my relative’s house and went on to work, got my first pay, and died just after that. I was just starting to get on my feet but that ended pretty badly.

Here… I can say that I am playing a somewhat prominent role. At least, in other people’s lives. Everyone here is being affected by my existence. The Weskin Family, Their Servants, Their Guards, The Demons…. Anikia, Lucy… Carmine, Felia… Even Zanim… Everyone. They are all together because of me. I’m not saying that they couldn’t have known each other if I wasn’t here but the one who actually brought them in a sense is me.

Their lives have changed drastically and it will keep changing, I’m sure of it. When I take the decision that I have thought of…

First, I gotta bring those blockheads back. I don’t know what happened to them, at least they could have sent me a signal or something. Communication is a pretty big problem here, isn’t it?

[They’re fine…]

How do you know, Girl?

[Wah… you don’t understand do you, Master?]

What? Is there something I don’t know?

[If something would have been wrong, I would have already told you. Last time I contacted them through your connection with them. I’m sure it was called like… [Soul Bridge]? Yeah, that. That’s how I know.]

Why can’t I sense that information then?

[Because I’m the one processing it and relaying it to you. You just need to ask me. I can let the information flow through you if you want…]

Can’t we both know it at once? You can use both of us to process it, it’ll lessen the load on you too.

[Hmm… that could be pretty ideal. And yeah, I turned off [World Perception] for now.]

Why though? We need it to detect enemies, don’t we?

[Yeah… But I was getting tired of handling so much information ya know? I wanted some peace. Oh… ]


[I think you had a … skill… where is it? Come on? Where’d it go…]

What are you doing?

She sounds like she’s going through something right now.

[Found it! Yeah! [Parallel Thought]!]

What? Isn’t that a skill that makes it like you have multiple minds or something? Why do I have it? I don’t think I’ve had it before

[Oh you had it. I just didn’t tell you about it, You have so many skills that it’s a pain to go through them. I just went through some of them tomorrow.]

I don’t have that many skills do I?

[You’re saying that? You have more than 100 skills, and those are the normal ones. It takes effort to analyze them you know?]

More than a hundred normal skills…? I’m a monster, aren’t I?

[You’re realizing that now…?]

So? What are you gonna do with that skill?

[I'm going to turn it on and explain after I analyze it.]

How long is that gonna take?

[Dunno. Depends on the complexity of the skill.]


Ha~ Where are they… What’s taking them so long?

[They’ll be back soon.]


“Great Velkra. Can you tell us in greater detail… what happened exactly in the demon realm…?” says Albart.

We’re still in the dining room waiting for Willis and Vejetar to come back.

“What do you wanna know about?” I ask.

“What caused us that feeling? We do not understand it fully.” He said as he looks at everyone with concern.

“Hmm… I have a skill.” I say.

“A skill? What do you mean?” he asks.

[Just like what I said. Tell them that it was the connection that made them feel a portion of what you felt there.]

“So… I have an angelic skill called [Angel of light: Urias]” I say.

I hope they don’t freak out. I’m getting the idea that having Special skills isn’t a norm in this world.

“An Angelic Skill?! That is truly amazing, Great Velkra!”

This time Zanim is the one who stands up in a flurry and says that.

“Is it? Anyway, I used that skill to heal Anikia. She was Dying from an illness caused by an excess of mana. Her body was on the verge of breaking and she fell unconscious as she fell down the throne. I just couldn’t see her like that so I took the illness upon myself using my angelic skill. And what you felt was a portion of what I felt back there as I fell unconscious.”

“You took it upon yourself… I see. You are truly kind. So that is what we felt…” says Caryl, who’s also sitting with us right now.

“I think The Elder Dragons don’t fall ill because they’re immortal so I just did what I thought was right at the time. I didn’t think that it would actually knock me out for a few days.”

“But it was more than a week here.” Says Lucius.

“Oi Lucius, When did you get here?”

“Just now, Great Velkra. You didn’t know I was behind you?” he asks.

Having [World Perception] does that to you, Mister Lucius.

“I didn’t. I’m trying to reduce the load on Twixie for now.”

[Oi! I’m the one who turned off the skill! Liar!]


[Damn you!]

“I don’t quite understand but it’s good to know that Great Twixie is taking a break. Where is she if I may ask…?” he says.

“Here,” I say as I point to my chest.

“EH? Ah. I… I’m sorry to have asked.” He turns a bit red and stutters.

Did he misunderstand that?

“What I’m saying is that she’s inside my chest. It’s her skill.” I say.

Come out, Miss Shut-In.


You’re coming out, Alright. Where is the skill that makes you come out? Where’s the eject button? Where is it? Ah found it! [Eject]!

All of a sudden, my chest lights up in a golden light and particles start to come out.



Just as the particles come out. Twixie also flings out of my chest into the air. She lands on the Dining Table in front on her face.

“What do you think you’re doing, Master!” she says.

“Nothing. I just wanted you to touch some grass. Or actual matter that is.”

“Mmph… It’s bright.” She says as she rubs her eyes.

She looks around the room for a bit and then turns to me.

“So? what now?” she asks.

“What do you mean what now? Go take a bath or something.”

“No. I’m going back.” She says as she flies towards me.

Just as she jumps towards me, I grab her in my hand and hold her up.

“What are you doing, Master…?” she says.

“Albart. Call a maid.”

“Understood. Juna, Come here.”

Albart calls over a maid from the other side of the room that leads to the kitchen, I think…

A maid with Pink hair steps in from the door. She’s quite womanly I should say. She might be in her early twenties…

“Great Velkra desires something.” He says.

The maid walks towards me and stands in front with a smile on her face. I’ve actually seen her before when I was being dressed in this mansion for the first time.

“Take her. Give her a bath.” I say.

“As you wish, Great Velkra.” Says Juna and takes Twixie from my hand.

“Hey! Wait! Don’t! AHHHHHH!....” she tries to resist but ends up being unable to escape as she was dragged away.

“That should be good.”

“It’s my first time seeing a fairy…” says Lucius.

“It is my first time seeing one, too,” says Zanim.

“Really? Are they that rare?” I ask.

“They barely come out in hundreds of years. That is why no one in generations might see them.” Says Zanim.

Hmm… I gotta find more fairies then.

“Great Velkra. I’m sure The King would be shocked to hear what you have told us.” Says Caryl.

That is for sure. The perception of human society regarding Demons is quite biased. But he’ll understand if I tell him.

“I’m sure he would be uneasy but I want to ask him something…”.

“What might it be, Great Velkra?” asks Albart.

“We can talk about it when we go to meet him. First I gotta go find those two.”

I stand up from my seat and walk towards the door.


Just as I was about to open the door it opened by itself revealing them behind the door. They came back.

“Come on! Where were you guys? I thought you were in trouble or something…!” I say suddenly.

Willis looks at me with worry.

“Great Velkra…” he says.

Then Vejetar steps a bit closer.

“Sorry for making you worry, Velkra. I just wanted some fine fish for you to eat. Look, I got you something fancy.” He says as he takes A Black Box from Willis’ hands.

It has some intricate magic circles carved on it.

[That’s a storage box.]

I see…

He places the box in his hands and then opens it,

“Here, I was looking for this. I have actually eaten it before and it’s quite delicious if I should say.” He says.

I look at his face and immediately notice something. There’s something on his mind. Either he’s worried about me not liking what he has bought or something actually happened.

“What happened?” I ask.

“Eh? What do you mean?” he says.

“Don’t ‘Eh?’ me. You look worried.”

“Me? I look worried? No, everything’s fine!” he says as he pats my head with anxiousness.

I look at Willis and he flinches for a bit.

“What happened, Willis?” I ask.

Willis looks at Vejetar for a moment then takes a deep breath.

“The City of Marcella was attacked. It was a monster wave.” He says.

What’s a monster wave?

[It’s when a horde of rampaging Magical Beasts attack.]

“They were in great numbers. The people alone couldn’t manage to fight against them so Lord Vejetar took care of them.” He says.

“You did? I thought Elder Dragons didn’t interfere.” I ask.

After what I’ve heard, it’s pretty clear.

“I just wanted to help you. That’s all.” Says Vejetar.

“Lord Vejetar says that he felt the same nauseating mana that we felt back at the barrier. He says it might have been an attempt to gauge our abilities.” Says Willis.

“Willis!” Vejetar turns to stop him.

“You should’ve told me anyways, Vejetar,” I say

“I just…”


“You don’t have to worry that much you know? I can take care of myself too.” I say.

“I know.” He says

“I wanted to say that after sending aid to the Demon Realm, we’re going to meet everyone, Okay?”

“Really? Thank you, Velkra.” He says.

“You don’t need to thank me. We’ll talk about everything later. First, let’s eat something. And where are those girls? Get them here too.” I say.

“I don’t know why but I always feel better when you say stuff like that.” Says Vejetar.



There’s one more thing on my schedule now. Meet The Elder Dragons.



[Author's Note]

Yeah. I uploaded a new chapter. I just got over my problems.

SO I went to a university. It's a pretty prestigious one. They had a maths quiz coming up so me and my two friends along with a whole circle of friends from the same place and area participated in that. it was a blast. I wasn't ready cause I didn't know I would be going. The deadline for the submission forms had passed and I didn't sign up for it.

Turns out my two friends signed me up on their own without telling me. I was surprised but I'm glad that they did it. I wanted to go anyway.

I didn't prepare even a tiny bit for the quiz and went anyway.  Saw the uni from the inside and has my heart racing. the people were different. of course, they would because there were all upper-class bunch there. But anyway, I had quite a lot of fun there. after the quiz, we went to eat something, all of us.

about 40% of the people on the quiz were us. And we were all boys. Boys that don't talk to girls that much. These kind of boys. we were all giddy. lol.

the quiz itself was hell. All logical questions. Tell me, How would you answer this?

"There are 12 balls, all of these balls are same, but 11 of these balls have the same weight and the 12th ball has a different weight. How many balls of the same weight would it require to identify the weight of the 12th ball? you have only one pan scale."

See? it had even more difficult questions that I can't even remember.

It's been fun lately so I was enjoying it. I'm fine and well.

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