Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

My Past.

I had to go to the mansion for some discussions with the family and eat some food. After I told Youlias about the attack and also about my plan, I went back to the mansion with everyone.

Their reactions while flying were still gold and I loved them.

Once we got back to the mansion, Albart told Willis to get us some dinner and we are now eating at the dinner table.

Everyone looks a bit worried. The news of the attack could be troubling them. I wonder why I don’t feel as much as threatened as these lots are. If it’s a natural trait to be fearless then I’m very thankful for my reincarnation. I mean I would’ve had my legs shaking in front of that demon if I was in my previous world.

I couldn’t even stand in front of a man that had a gun. And ended up dying because of that. should I thank those muggers? They got me to this world and I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t loving it here.

The world is full of magic and fantasy. This is a situation most imaginative people wish for. Even if they think that it isn’t real. So it is a gift and a blessing for me. a person who doesn’t have any memories of his past, an empty shell of his-self that was never there anymore. Or maybe there is something or everything? Just locked up somewhere?

That talk is so depressing for me when I remember how it was when I woke up and didn’t know where I was and who I could be. The dread of everything unknown to me. I did end up adjusting but it wasn’t right away. It took me a whole year to get normal and back on track. I tried to go back to school. I did go back but I didn’t find the studies anything interesting. It seemed I had a friend or two there.

It was their own thing that they didn’t even talk to me after I lost my memories. They could’ve tried to bring them back as good friends could do. But they didn’t. I could feel their hesitant gazes on me whenever I went to school.

In that brief time, I dived into the world of anime and novels. I read a bunch of manga. Mostly about fantasy. Isekai. That made me settle a bit more into the unknown.

Now I’m here. If I had no memories of my previous life, I would surely be freaked out. But I think since I’ve already experienced being in an unknown world, I am pretty calm.

I don’t blame anyone for distancing themselves from me. especially the girl who was supposedly going to confess or I think had already confessed. Honestly, I don’t remember how it was. She looked pretty pained and I think it was better for her if she left me alone.

I say that I had no one that I could love but maybe it wasn’t like that before that accident?

I hope I can get several of my memories back.

“Great Velkra? You have stopped eating….” Says Albart.

His voice snaps me out of the train of thought that I was going through.

“Oh yeah… I was just thinking about something.

Should I tell them about my past? Maybe not…

[You should tell them]


[You told me a gist of it, didn’t you? Even I want to know all of it. The backstory of my master whom I will to serve till I perish.]

Don’t say stuff like that. it puts me on edge. You want to know too?

[Yeah. I told you about me and Fervie, right? It would be fair if you told me more about yourself.]

Then come out and eat with me.

[But I don’t wanna~]

I’m not telling anyone then.

[Okay. Okay]



A ball of light emerges from my chest.

“Happy?” says the small voice.


“Great Fairy You were inside Great Velkra?!” Spurts Albart as he was taking a sip of water.

“ I’m Twixie. Did you forget my name already?” says Twixie.

“Yes, I haven’t. I was just surprised to see you emerging out of Great Velkra…” says Albart.

“Really~?” Twixie gets closer to his face and peers in his eyes.

“Y-yes… I forgot your name…”

“See? That’s what happens when you don’t show yourself. Everyone forgets about you.” I say teasing Twixie.

“But that’s not fair!” she says.

“What isn’t? People are popular when they show off.”

“Now please, Great Velkra. Don’t tease Great Twixie that much…” Chimes in Felia who was standing behind me all this time.

She takes Twixie in her palm gently.

“You’ll spoil her too much, Felia,” I say.

“Oh please… She’s is very cute…” she says.

“What?!” exclaims Twixie in an angry tone.

“There, there Great Twixie….”

Felia tickles Twixie’s cheeks with her finger.

“Eh, he he he…” She chuckles.

“You’re enjoying that right?” I ask Twixie.

“Huh? Oi stop it!” she pushes back Felia’s Finger.

They start bantering but I have something on my mind right now.

“Great Velkra… You seem troubled… Is something the matter? Is the food not to your liking?’ says Caryl.

“No, no. I just wanted to tell you guys something about myself.” I say.

Felia turns her attention toward me and Twixie turns around, still sitting on Felia’s palm.

“Great Velkra, If you are troubled by the matter that you discussed with Mr. Souma back at the castle, no matter what happens, We will be your faithful followers and you will be our Great Velkra. It doesn’t change anything.” Says Albart.

“I know. I know that you guys respect me very much. But not telling you about my past would be unfair.” I say.

“Your past? But Great Velkra… You said you were born not long ago…” says Carmine, Now looking at me with a confused expression.

“Exactly. It is not the past that I have in this world, but the past I had in the other world.” I say.

“Other… World?” asks Carmine.

“I guess it would be confusing if I didn’t explain…”

Explaining to them the basics of world travel. Reincarnation or Transmigration. Transmigration through summoning.

“There are two ways that people could get into this world from another world. Do you know that?” I ask them.

“I know that there are heroes that come here from another world but not the other you might be talking about…” says Carmine.

“I too, do not know of the other way.” Says Caryl.

Lucy is sitting quietly, curiously listening to the conversation. Her serious face is too cute for the heart if I focused too much.

“One is the summoning of heroes, Known as I would like to say, Transmigration. From what I know, They are summoned by Mages using high amounts of mana. Am I right?” I say.

Most of this knowledge is from manga and anime. That’s why I ask their opinion if I’m wrong.

“I have heard of this. But I have never seen it myself.” Says Carmine.

“Right. Then there is another one. Reincarnation.” I say.

“Reincarnation? Is that truly possible?” asks Caryl.

“The proof sits right in front of you.”

At that Carmine and Caryl, both look at me wide-eyed.

“Surprising isn’t it?” I ask.

“It truly… is. I never thought…” mumbles Carmine to herself.

Lucy is still looking at me confused.

“Lucy. It means that I’m from another world.” I tell her.

“Velkra-nee is from another world?!” she exclaims.

Her delayed reaction is so cute.


“Awesome!” she says.

“Now back to the topic. Let me tell you who I was.” I say.

“Certainly, Great Velkra.” Says Albart.

“I was a man named Kaneko Fuji in the other world,” I say.

“A man?!” the reaction comes from my left. It was Felia.

“Yeah. I was 19. I worked a part-time job…”

“Part-time?” asks Albart.

“It’s a name for working fewer hours,” I tell him.

“So you worked in the other world? What kind of work did you do?” asks Albart.

“Hmm… I worked at a local Fast Food Outlet. Uhh… I worked at a place that sold food ready to be eaten. Like a food stall but a much bigger one… a restraint maybe?” I say.

“I see…”

“I was the Cashier. The person who receives the money from the customers.” I say.

“So you collected the money they were meant to pay?”


He seems to understand.

“So I received my pay for the month that day,” I say.

“'Pay' means that you got paid for your labor?” he asks.

“Yup. Now I was home. I wanted to get something from a Convenience store that was nearby… they were mostly things to eat and my manga…” I say looking up.

“Great Velkra… I don’t understand ‘Convenience store’. And what is this ‘Manga’ you said…” asks Carmine.

“A convenience store is a shop that has nearly everything you need for everyday life. Food and some bunch of other things…” I say.

“And What about this ‘Manga’?” says Albart.

“Manga is an art that tells a story. It’s not a single picture but on many pages as in a book.” I say.

That’s the best I can describe a manga.

“So you could buy art at a place that had things for daily life?” asks Albart curiously.

“Yup. And good ones at that.” I brag a bit.

“Goodness…” he says.

“So back to the topic. I left my house, locking up everything. I went to the shop and bought some stuff. when I wanted to go back, some people wanted me to give them my money and one of them had a gun. I gave them the money but they didn’t let me go. That’s why I ran.”

“What is this ‘Gun’?” says Caryl.

“A gun is a weapon that can fire projectiles at unseen speed,” I say.

“Really?!” That reaction comes from Carmine.

“Yeah. So in fear, I ran from them. I wanted to head to where they couldn’t hurt me and ended up in an accident with a car.” I say.

“A ‘Car’?” now says, Lucy.

“Car is a type of carriage that does not require horses. It is driven by fuel and machines. I guess you won’t know what machines are…just know that the carriage hit me so hard that I was sent flying in the air and got injured pretty badly.” I say.

“How painful it must be…” says Caryl.

“You got that right. It hurt like hell. And I lost too much blood I think and I died right there. That is when I gained consciousness the next time I was in a cave. And I found out that I was a dragon.” I say.

“But… how did you meet Great Twixie?” says Albart.

“It feels weird when you say ‘Great’ Twixie,” I say.

“Hey!” comes a shout. But I won’t pay any attention.

“ I traveled in the cave and ended up in front of a big gate outta nowhere. Do you remember the thing I asked back at the castle? The library.” I say.

“Yes, the library of the great mage. Right?” says Albart.

“Yup that one. I found it down there.” I say.

“Really?! That’s amazing! Can I see it too?!” Exclaims Carmine.

“Sometime, yeah,” I say.

“But Great Velkra, It is in the legends that there lies the Book of Wisdom in there…” says Albart.

“Exactly. I went in there and I got chosen by the book and then evolved into an Elder Dragon.” I say.

“I think you might have omitted some important details, but even so… to think that the legend was true… and the book chose you…” says Albart.

Carmine is looking at me dumbfounded.

“That is when I met this shorty here” I sat pointing at the little thing in Felia’s palm.


“But the most important part isn’t that. I wanted to tell you something that happened before I came here.” I say.

“It wasn’t?” says Caryl.

“The thing I want to tell you is that I don’t have any memories of my past in that world,” I say.

“But you already told us what you were in the other world…” says Lucy.

“No. even before that, I lost my memories of my family and everything else. I came here when I lived after having those memories lost.” I say.

“How…?” says Albart in a concerned tone.

“I was in another accident a few years back. My parents died there and I was alone after that.” I say.

“What a tragedy…” says Caryl putting a hand over her mouth.

“So to say, I don’t understand any of the things you might do with a family. I don’t remember my parents and their love. I don’t remember the person that loved me romantically there. I don’t remember my friends. Everything. I lost everything.” I say.

“Great Velkra… you must not feel alone now…” says Felia, Tears in her eyes.

“Don’t cry now. It’s not that sad…” I say.

“But it is… not knowing anything about your parents is… I understand it…” she says.

“Understand it?” I ask.

“Great Velkra. We are your family now. You will not be alone anymore. We will always be by your side. I hope that you could experience things you have never experienced before.” Says Albart in a confident voice.


These people… they truly are…

“Father is right Velkra-nee! I’ll be your little sister now! Don’t be lonely anymore!” says Lucy.

I want to hug her so bad.

“Thanks, Lucy. You’ll make a great little sister.” I say.

Her face lights up in happiness. I hope she finds happiness too.

“ Now that you have gotten that off your chest. Do you feel better now?” says Albart.

“Yeah. But now, there is another thing.”

I wanna ask them if they are okay with sending Carmine and Felia to the Demon Realm with me.

“Are you sure you want to send them with me?” I say.

“What is there to be sure of? They are not non-combatants. Felia is the most efficient martial arts practitioner and expert. With her weapon handling, she will be more than fine. And Carmine is a Competitive mage. Her Element was Fire before but now she has three of them. Space, Wind, and Fire. She got them when you gave the blessing. Even we have multiple elements now. So it shouldn’t be a problem.” Says Albart.

“You underestimate us, Great Velkra.” Says Carmine.

“Truly…” says Felia.


A ball of light enters my chest.

“Oi! That sneaky-!” I say but I’m cut off by Felia.

“Oh Great Velkra, Don’t be so harsh…” she says.

You sneaked in here!


I can imagine you making fun of me!


Come out next time and I’ll eat you!


“Come to think of it… how can you speak without blushing now?” I ask Felia.

She isn’t blushing but talking casually now.

“Please… It takes a lot of energy to be composed in front of you, Great Velkra…” she says with steam rising from her head and her ears twitching. Her tail is waving fast too.

“Composed?” asks Albart.

“Oh, it’s nothing Father.” Carmine cuts off.

“I’m gonna go to bed now. You two should sleep too.” I say.

“We well.” Says Carmine.

After that, I got up and got changed for bed. Lucy wanted to sleep with me so I ended up cuddling with her.

If I cuddled with a little girl like her when I was back in the previous world, o would have been arrested. But there is nothing but affection as a sister here. And I’m a girl too.

After a while, both of us doze off.


I have to protect them at any cost. My new family….

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