Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

My anger.

He is connected… to them?

[Master. Do you mean the… Monster?]

Call it those things Blare.

[Do you mean… the Blare…?]

Yes, Twixie. That’s exactly what I mean.

I’m still held by Albart’s hand and his other hand is ready to draw his sword. I look up at him and say, With some feminine charm, just to surprise him.

“Um… Albart… I can stand up now…” I say with a finger to my lip and blushing a bit.

“Ah! Yes! Sorry, Great Velkra!” he says and backs away as if jumping away from a burning flame.

That right there was to lighten up the mood a bit. We won't be able to think if we worry too much. Now that I look at him much more closely, he’s on the handsome side. The more than average ones.

“Ha-Ha! Look at your face Albart!” I say, pointing at his Distorted and ashamed face.

“Please! I apologized! Great Velkra!” he says.

“Eh~? Maybe I should tell Caryl about this, huh?” I say teasing him to the point he tears up a bit.

“Please! It’s even scarier that she’ll be happy about it!” he says as he pleads for me not to tell.

But… that Caryl. She wouldn’t object? Scary. I thought she was the kind to keep her husband to herself.

“I thought she would kill you and any other woman you try to get together with,” I say.

“She definitely would but she would be overjoyed if that woman was YOU! That is what is scary! Her not getting angry! I’ll die from the stress!” he says.

“Oh come on~ you wouldn’t die that easily…” I say and I turn to The Hero’s party.

The hero is now on his two feet. But wait… his face. It’s already healed?

[He actually has [Fast Regeneration]]

I see… but how does he even get these skills when he was so bad when we first met him?

[You’re asking the same question that we just answered a while ago.]

Ah. Yeah. Sorry.


The hero now standing is staring at me. It’s like he doesn’t even intend to fight anyone but me. He looks at me as if he would dash forward if I move a muscle toward him. He knows that he won't be able to put up a fight against me. That is why he is standing, waiting for me to make a move.

“Hey, Dragon girl. Where’s that Cat-woman? I want her. She’s a rare one to find you know? Only a handful of her race remains after the great slaughter that Brinis did made them extinct. And, most of the handful are females. There are males too but I kill them every time I see them.” He says them.

This guy…

And Brinis...?

“And why do you think I’ll let you take her? And why do you want her anyway?” I say in an angry tone.

He looks at me. Just from his look, I can sense what kind of disgusting thoughts are in his mind.

“You wanna know? It’s because the Cat-Women that remained of that race are all my slaves. I wanna complete my collection. She would be a fine piece to play with.” He says.



[Master… Please Calm down! You’ll kill everyone here! Including Albart and everyone else! They can't endure your aura!]

“SCUM!” I shout.

I let my aura loose that I had been subconsciously suppressing.

The land under me shakes as if it would shatter. The skies go black and thunder flashes. Huge thunderclaps are heard as my heart beats with anger. The air grows heavier as if someone was pushing you from above with such force that, Albart and Everyone else’s feet crack the ground beneath them. They hold their heads in extreme pain. That is also the same for The Hero and His Party.

A bolt of lightning falls on the tree beside us, sounding like a big explosion. The light from the bolt and the heat from the fire turns the scene here into a battlefield. My eyes glow red as they look at The Hero with rage.

I did not get angry like this when I was Fuji. But this feeling, is the feeling of being connected to someone and feeling their regret. Felia’s Regret. The regret that she failed to save her family and the people of her race. The Hero’s remarks defile it. I cannot bear to hear such words when someone is wounded in their heart.

The Hero and his Party Fall to the ground.

“Ve---lkra… Con—tain… i-t! You-re… Goi--ng to ki-ll… th---em wi—th this!” says Vejetar who is also on the ground.

He isn’t affected that much as compared to everyone else but he’s still clenching his strength.

“Why Vejetar? Why should I stop it? Isn’t it better to just kill him?” I say looking at him with my glowing red eyes.

Vejetar is surprised to see me like this as he is looking at me with wide eyes. He probably didn’t see me mad before.

“Velkra… L-ook… You—ll… Kill them…” he says with a suffocating voice.

I look around to see that Albart, Willis, Zanim, and even Anikia are on the ground struggling to breathe. No. it’s like they’ve stopped breathing already…

“Shit,” I whisper to myself.

After saying that, I calm myself down. Enough to not kill them. But the Clouds and rumbling is already gone. What was that anyway? Did I do that?


At once, every single one of them, including The Hero’s party gasped.

“Are you guys alright?” I ask.

“[Cough]! [Cough]! [Cough]! Y-Yes!” They say in unison.


I'm glad I didn’t kill them. Damn…

“Velkra… You should learn to control your anger,” says Vejetar as he puts a hand on my shoulder and gets up from his kneeling position.

“You’re seriously saying that after hearing all of that?” I ask.

“You wanna kill him? Go ahead. But don’t complain when Brinis comes knocking on Diacis’ door. You think that Diacis’ Army can face the biggest and most influential Kingdom in this world?” he says as he holds me by both of my shoulders.

“So what if they attack Diacis? I’ll wipe out their army.” I say.

“Wipeout? Okay. Look at him. Look at him and tell me if they aren’t dangerous. The anomaly in his mana should prove that much. You think there won't be any collateral damage? You’re wrong. You care about them, right? Try not to make any rash decisions. I know you’re strong and everything but… I don’t want to lose you too.” He says.

Me… too? What does he mean by that? I can feel a tinge of sadness from him. What is it?

[Master… He’s right. Let’s not do anything rash…[

“And you want to free the Cat-women right? I can see that from your eyes. If you kill him, how can it be guaranteed that they would be freed? They’ll just be sold to other people for their bodies!” he says.

All I’ve heard from people is that Elder Dragons don’t involve themselves with any race. But why is he going so far to stop me from this?

Aren’t Elder Dragons secluded and reserved?

“Why go that far to stop me?” I ask.

He looks at me with surprise and then his eyes grow soft.

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt…” he says.

God damn, he’s like a big brother. I wanted to deny that.


What was that about?




“Velkra… Always remember. We are connected. All of us are. We sometimes catch a glimpse of what we feel individually. You just felt my feelings, didn’t you? I felt them going towards you. You just haven’t met anyone else but I’m sure you’ll mature the connection with them at that time.” He says.

My eyes suddenly start watering up. What is it? I don’t know. But what I feel is extreme regret.

“What do you... regret…?” I say.

His eyes then start watering up.

“Not being able to save my little sister.” He says.


His… Little sister?


Hi! I'm not uploading every day. it's just because I can't get enough sleep if I do so. That is why the schedule has been one or two every two days.

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