Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Eating A tornado and Arriving at the destination.


Level 564?!



I never opened the menu because I never needed to after that incident!

I didn’t know that I would see something this unbelievable!

I’m pretty sure that a level this high is above the normal standard!

Why! Why am I this powerful?! I never did anything, to begin with!

Why do I have this power!

Is it because I wished to be stronger? Or because I wanted to be reliable?

Can I really use this much power? If I have to then…

I better make it worth it. Let's make everyone around me happy. Let me give them a sense of security.

This tornado. Coming at us head-on. This swirling mana. What can I do about this? I have never faced any monster before. I just fought with those two and the knights at the gate. The fight with them wouldn’t be called a fight.

What can I do with what I have?

The tornado is coming closer…

What can I do? Even If we change our direction… it won’t be in time. The tornado is one of them… bigger than a category 5. The carriage is shaking hard…

What do I do? Can I use one of my skills?

Should I look through them?

My skills.

The most obvious one that I see in front is this gluttony skill.

I’m pretty sure that I got this back in the cave when I ate those monsters. But… why did I get it so easily? Was it meant for this? Or was it a stroke of pure luck? I can’t say anything.

If this tornado hits them they will definitely die. Even if I took them with me how will they hold on in this wind? The turbulence will tear their hands apart if they grab me.

There is only one thing left to do. It is to put myself on the line. Honestly, I don’t know if I can do this.

Let me think…

I should use the [Divine Wings] skill to slow it down. I’m pretty sure that Elder Dragons aren’t that weak in front of a Disaster. Because they are a disaster themselves. They can burn down kingdoms if they want to. Yet they don’t even try to interfere with humans or any other.

Then, a mere tornado shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Right? I hope so.

So once again. I will use the [Divine Wings] then I will use the Special skill [Queen of Gluttony] to devour that mana. The name pretty much tells it. I can eat anything and everything. It can devour anything and convert it into energy, or in other words Mana. Then this Is a swirling storm of mana itself. Shouldn’t be a problem right?

“Carmine! I‘m going to try something reckless! try to hold on to something! A shockwave could come your way!” I say that in the loud shaking in the carriage.

“Lucius! Lady Velkra is going to fly! Get out of the way!” she says from the window of the carriage.

“How! What will she do?!” Lucius screams.

I wonder how he and his horse are holding up in this wind. Even the other four and the carriage are still going.

“You’ll see! Just clear the way!” She screams again.

I tap Twixie in the hood.

“Twixie! You awake?” I ask her.

“How can I sleep in this ruckus?!” she says.

It’s getting even harder to talk and listen in all this wind.

“You stay here! I’m going out for a bit!” I say.


“Consider this an order from your Master!” I stop her.

“I can’t do anything can I?” she says disappointed.

“It’s not that you won’t be able to do anything. It’s just natural to protect the ones you care about! That’s why I’m telling you to stay!” I say to her.


After that, she flies out of my hood to Felia’s hands.

“Felia. Don’t you dare let her go…” I say to Felia.

“ As you wish. Lady Velkra.” She replies.

“I’m opening the door! Hold onto something!” I say that as I reach out for the door.

Just as I open the door… the door opens all the way and…


The wind is so strong that the door opens and tears off the hinges.

“How The hell are your horses holding in this wind!” I say as I scream to make my voice reach out to Lucius.

“We use enhancement magic on these horses when necessary!” he replies screaming too.

Enhancement magic?

Anyway, I’ll ask Twixie about it later.

The matter on hand is this violent tornado.

I manifest my wings and flap them open.


Just as I open my wings.

“Wha-?!” Lucius lets out an exclamation.

He looks at me wide-eyed and his mouth open in surprise.

Didn’t Carmine tell him what happened there?

I don’t have time to see the reaction to my beauty.

I’m not wearing my mask so it puts me on edge that I would blush in front of someone.

I launch myself out of the carriage. The carriage tumbles for a moment from the force but then goes back on course.

“Let’s do this!”

This is amazing! Flying in the sky with such strong winds! Maybe I’m getting a hit of adrenaline!

I zoom towards the tornado.

“Uh~ this surely is getting out of hand,” I say.

I can sense the big ball of mana in the center of this tornado.

It is pretty big, that’s why this tornado is so strong…

How should I use my [Divine Wings]?

These wings are smaller as compared to when I was in my dragon form…

I’m gonna change back to my dragon form then!

As I say this, I activate my transformation skill and start reverting to my dragon form.

I get enveloped in a rainbow light and then magnificently turn into my dragon form.

This was pretty fast as compared to my first transformation…

I guess if you transform once… it is pretty easy to change into the forms you know…

Put that aside!

“Let’s give this tornado a bit of a push!”

As I say this I activate my [Divine Wings].

My wings glow in a colorful light.

I can feel the energy charging up…

Why do I have to charge it?

Just as I feel it was charged up enough, I give my wings a hard flap.

“Take this!”

Just as I do that, a big shockwave goes through the space. Causing all the wind to go in the opposite direction.

Just from that, the tornado calmed down a little.

“I got more!”

I charge them again.

[Divine Wings]!

I let out another one and the tornado becomes more powerless.

But… that mana… it’s causing the tornado to rise again!

I have to use a special skill here!

My dragon form has a big mouth so it can devour it pretty easily!

Come forth! [Queen of Gluttony]!

I say that and open my mouth in the direction of the Mana Ball.

The mana in the tornado starts getting pulled toward me.

The mana gets distorted and enters my mouth from there it is converted into my own mana and stored in my body.

But wait…

Oi! I’m devouring the ground too!

The ground distorts and gets pulled toward my mouth.

Wait! Wait! Stop!

Just as I say that the skill turns off and then everything goes back to normal.

The pitch-black clouds start to clear up and the sun pokes out from behind.

Uh~ why do I feel sick?

Huh~ Mana Overstaurated?

Does that mean that I didn’t use enough mana but recharged more than I’m capable of?

Uh~ My stomach hurts…

I gotta go back to the carriage.

I head back to the carriage and find that they have stopped and are looking at me in a trance.

“Oi! What’s wrong!” I say as I land down on the ground.

“N-Nothing… Lady Velkra… I just didn’t know that… you were a dragon.” Says Lucius still looking at me in a daze.

“I’m not a dragon. I’m an Elder Dragon.” I say to him.

“What?!” he says and falls off his horse.

“Oi! Are you okay!” I ask him.

“N-No problem, Your Highness.” He says.

“Don’t call me that,” I say to him.

“A-As you wish, Lady Velkra…” he bows his head in front of me.

I look around and find that the rest of the four are rubbing their eyes.

What? They don’t believe that there’s an Elder Dragon in front of them?

“I’m real guys…” I say to them.

“Y-Yes!” they say back straightening their backs in unison.



I transform back into my human form.

Oh? The clothes are still on?

I guess that’s why Twixie gave me these clothes…

They didn’t get torn or anything.

I wouldn’t want to do a “KYAA!” when they see me naked.

But… surprisingly… the undergarments are still intact… how though?

Were they special ones too?

That Twixie… She expected this, didn’t she?

I walk towards the carriage.

But the door’s broken…


Can’t be helped!

I get in the Carriage and say…

“Let’s go now!”

“Y-Yes!” says Lucius.

He got so stiff since he found out about me.

“Carmine… Tell him that I forbade you to tell anyone about my identity.” I say facing Carmine.

“As you wish, Lady Velkra.” She says as she bows.

“Master! That was amazing! The Whoosh! And the Chomp! How’d you do that!” Twixie says as she jumps out into my hood and pokes her head out.

“Do you intend to become a shut-in inside my hood?” I say to her.

“Don’t mind me being here! Tell me! how did you do that!” she says.

Honestly, this girl.

“I used my skills,” I say to her.

Felia is still sitting there Staring at my face with even more sparkle effects.

Stay away Felia!

“The ones you told me about?” asks Twixie.

“Yeah. One of them.” I say.

“By the way Master, I have a skill called [Assistant[. It allows me to manage someone’s skills. Do you want to allow me to manage your skills?” she asks.

“Hmm? I don’t mind…” just as I say this, she glows in a white light and goes back to normal.

“What? Did you evolve again?” I ask her.

“No no. I just gained access to the arsenal of your skills. I can use some of them too…as a bonus.” She says.

“Oi! I didn’t say that you could use my skills!” I say to her.

 “Don’t mind the details Master…” she says and she disappears into the chasm of my hood.

“Oi! Come back!”


This girl!

“U-Um Lady Velkra…” I hear a voice calling my name.

“What?” I say to the person…

“You were very cool back there…” says the person.

There! There it is! Felia!

The yuri! Don’t give me that look!

I don’t want a girl simping over me!

It was okay if she just admired me!

But she evidently doesn’t JUST admire me! There are some other feelings too!

“Felia! Don’t you dare…” says Carmine.

“You’re Bothering her again…” says Carmine again.

“I know that you’ve fallen for her but… if she just doesn’t approve of it… let it go then..”

She Just Dropped a big bomb!

She knew! And it’s true?!

“Look Felia. I’m not into that romantic stuff okay…” I say in a caring tone.

I don’t want her to turn into a yandere and hunt anyone down that likes me.

“Okay?” I ask her again.

I can see the glint gone from her eyes.

She is beautiful and everything. That’s why I think that she should love a man this way.

“Okay…” she says looking down.

“Don’t feel bad about it Felia… There hasn’t been a case where a human had gotten together with an Elder Dragon.” Says Carmine.

“Then just stay as friends. Okay?” I ask her again.

“I understand…” Felia says.

I hate breaking her heart but this is how it should be.

I’m not into that stuff. I don’t even understand the meaning of romantically loving someone.

So this matter should be wrapped up here.

Uh~ but I feel a bit sick~

“Carmine… I’m gonna lay down on this seat okay? I wanna take a nap…”

“Okay Lady Velkra.” Says Carmine.

I lay down and just as I close my eyes, I fall asleep.

“Uhh~..” I open my eyes to see that both Carmine and Felia are looking out of the windows.

It’s evening… what is it?

“What’s happening?” I ask Carmine.

“Lady Velkra. We’ve arrived. We are approaching The Kingdom Of Diacis.”

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