Dragon Ball: The Strongest Road

Chapter 079

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“Huh? Unexpectedly not broken? It’s quite strong, so come again! ”

Then Vegeta directly stepped on No. 19’s fat belly with his foot, raised his hands sharply upward, and the golden aura on his body also burst out.

“Uhhh As Vegeta’s loud drink came out, the sound of “Zizi la-la” also continued to sound from the shoulders of No. 19.

“Don’t, let me go, I’ll let go immediately!”

At this point, No. 19 finally felt fear and began to beg Vegeta for mercy.

“Hey, hey! It’s night! Uh-huh! As Vegeta’s energy exploded again, only listening to the “crackling”, the shoulders of the tragic No. 19 artificial man could no longer withstand this powerful traction, and were torn off by Vegeta’s arms.

“So that’s the case, set up a mechanism in the center of the palm of the hand to absorb energy?” Vegeta turned the android’s arms back and saw the hidden mystery.

“Since you can’t do it anymore, let’s die!” As Vegeta slowly approached No. 19, No. 19 slowly retreated in fear. Gradually, approaching the edge of the pit, there was no way behind him, and he could no longer retreat.

So No. 19 decisively knelt down and begged for mercy, his head slammed the ground, and even a liquid flowed from the corner of his eye that I don’t know if it was tears or something, begging Vegeta to spare his life.

“Hey, hey, hey! Begging for mercy, I didn’t expect artificial humans to be afraid? However, as I said, today you are dead! After seeing the artificial man’s actions, Vegeta smiled cruelly at No. 19 and slowly approached him.

After hearing Vegeta’s words, he knew that it was useless to beg for mercy. So I wanted to turn around and fly out and escape from this demon hand!

“Hmph, did I say I let you go?”

Saying that, he kicked out, and No. 19, who had not yet had time to fly, was suddenly kicked into the wall by Vegeta. When Vegeta approached, he raised his arms pulled from the artificial human with both hands, and plunged into the braincase of No. 19 under the terrified and desperate eyes.

“Snap! Poof! Two voices sounded one after another, the first was the sound of special glass shattering to protect the brain, and the latter was the sound of the brain pulp being shattered.

Cyborg No. 19’s eyes were wide open, staring at Vegeta deadly, and from his eyes, he could also see the expression of infinite unwillingness, fear, despair and relief before he died. The body also went from a violent convulsion at the beginning to a complete stillness later, and died there.

“Hmph! It’s disgusting! Seeing the brain pulp splashed everywhere, Vegeta frowned, and with an energy cannon smashed the tattered corpse of Artificial Man 19 and the surroundings!

“Cut, Vic Que, you have such a powerful force, you can’t even clean up a little artificial person?” After flying out of the pit, Vegeta turned his head to look at the side where Vic was, and saw that the other artificial human had also been beaten badly, but he was still alive, and there was no point to die.

“Hmph! I just think this guy is suspicious, he should know a lot of things we haven’t learned yet, and I suspect they should have a backhand! ”

Vic with a super high IQ sensed that something was wrong, so he had been vaguely guessing something in his heart, so he never hit the artificial man hard, and just wanted to beat the self-proclaimed No. 20 artificial man to be powerless to resist again, so as to force out some questions from his mouth that he doubted.

As Vic separated from the No. 20 android again, No. 20 smiled strangely at Vic and said:

“Have you always wondered why I know your name, and why I’m not worried at all?” For the sake of your death under my ultimate biochemical weapon, I will show you mercy!” ”

“What? What is the ultimate bioweapon? What the hell is this? Hearing this thing that felt very threatening when it sounded, Vic couldn’t help but ask.

However, Cyborg 20 did not answer everyone, but continued:

“I know there is one of the most powerful of your powerful warriors, but it seems that he did not come, as far as I know, his name seems to be ‘Broly’.

In fact, I’ve been tracking you with super-small bug spy robots without you knowing, and I’ve collected things like blood or hair from every battle you’ve had.

These things contain your cells, and within the cells are the unique talents, skills, and even fighting abilities and habits of each of you.

Only the man named Broly, I originally wanted to steal some of his cells, but unfortunately, I only got the cells from the time he first came to Earth.

As his strength grew, I could no longer get any cellular things from him. In the end, my ultra-small spy robot couldn’t even get close to him, and as soon as it got close to him, it all disappeared in an incomprehensible, even strange way.

So I simply stopped working on him, only aimed at you, and over the years, with the help of the powerful cells of your people, the final biochemical weapon I studied has gradually approached perfection, and now, it is time to be born.

In the end, the fate of all of you people will die in the hands of the most perfect work I have ever produced in my life, hahahaha…! ”

Hearing a large number of shocking news from Cyborg 20, everyone was shocked to gasp for air, and the sound of Bik Bergita sounded one after another.

“What, stealing cells from our bodies to make biochemical artificial humans? Also, listening to your tone, it seems that you yourself are Dr. Gro, who created the artificial human, no wonder you look old! ”

Vic once again placed his doubts on Cyborg 20 and said to him in a definite tone.

“Hey, hey! Well… Sun Fist! Seeing that he had successfully lowered the vigilance of everyone on the other side, Cyborg No. 20 instantly laughed and used the number one attraction skill in Dragon Ball-Sun Fist.

In an instant, everyone, including Vic with the highest IQ, was sturdy and secretly calculated. When everyone regained their sight in front of their eyes, the artificial man from before had long since disappeared.

“I didn’t expect this artificial person to be so insidious, pretending to reveal the news, and reducing our alertness. We used our plotted time to escape quickly! ”

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The author miscalculated, and the protagonist of the next chapter definitely appears! )_

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