Dragon Ball Strongest Son Gohan

Chapter 14

Chapter Fourteen One Move! Spike Kulim (for collection, for flowers)

Are you going to die here?

Klin was already seriously injured at this time, and he and Vegeta couldn’t even hurt Culim even with their hands.

Moreover, the other party was always in a state of playing with the two of them, and didn’t take it seriously at all.

He was really desperate, he couldn’t beat and beat, and he couldn’t escape!

“Goku, Gohan, where are you now!”

How much he hopes that Goku and Gohan will show up in front of him at this time.

“Hey, little bald head, seeing you look so painful, I will show compassion and end your pain!”

Kulim smiled slyly, showing two rows of white teeth, and after knocking Vegeta away with a punch, he turned to look at Klin.

Goku, goodbye Gohan…

Tien Shinhan, Yamcha, I’m sorry, I can’t bring you back to life.

Klin looked at the blue sky and smiled desperately.

He had already died once, and if he died again this time, even Shenron would not be able to bring him back to life.

Kulim lifted his right foot and stomped hard on Klin’s big bald head.

With a sly smile on his face, the feeling of killing is really addictive!

Klin slowly closed his eyes, waiting for death to call.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to resist, but that he has no strength in his whole body.


Kulim’s right foot was heavily stepped on, the ground suddenly cracked, and rubble flew around.

It’s just that the bloody scene as expected did not happen.

“Sorry, I am late!”

Hearing an extremely familiar voice, Klin felt like he heard the heavens.

“Sorrow… Gohan!”

Klin opened his eyes abruptly and looked at the familiar face, tears of excitement swirling in his eyes.

“Great, I’m saved!”

“Leave it to me for the next thing!”

Son Gohan put Klin down and slowly walked towards Kulim, Jis and others.

“You…you are Kakarot’s son!”

Vegeta also walked out of the rock pile with difficulty, looking extremely embarrassed.

His whole body was scarred, his battle uniform was in tatters, and his right arm was supporting his left arm. Obviously, the entire left arm was useless.

“Yo! Another one to die!”

Kulim watched Son Gohan walk over, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Now, you can play for a while!

“Still Saiyan!”


Behind Kulim, Guice and Bart sneered and said, “It’s only five thousand combat power!”(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

With five thousand combat power, even the little bald head before him can’t keep up.

“Hey, I like killing this kind of wild monkey the most!”

Kulim clenched his fists and walked towards Son Gohan.

“one move!”

Son Gohan looked at the big Kulim and stretched out his index finger, his voice faintly vomited out of his mouth.

Sure enough, the limbs are well-developed and the mind is simple, even the basic dangerous aura can’t be felt.

“What’s the trick? Hahaha, are you scared stupid before hitting you?”

Kulim burst into laughter.

“Your laughter is really annoying!”

Son Gohan’s eyes were cold, and his whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

Neither Guise nor Bart could clearly see the trajectory of Son Gohan.


A faint voice sounded in Coulim’s ears, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and the laughter stopped abruptly!

Son Gohan’s fist hit Kulim’s temple hard, and his head suddenly burst like a watermelon.

Blood was splattered, Kulim didn’t even utter one more word, and the headless body shook a few times and crashed to the ground.


Vegeta’s eyes widened and his face was full of horror. He felt like he was dreaming.

This is absolutely impossible, this kid only had less than a thousand combat power more than a month ago.

Kulim is a powerful character who can’t hurt him even if he does his best.

It was so vulnerable in front of Kakarot’s son!

One punch?

How could he be so strong in just one month.

“Damn, my dignified King Vegeta was surpassed by an inferior Saiyan son…Unforgivable!”

Vegeta’s nails dipped deeply into the flesh and blood.

Self-esteem has been greatly damped.

“Kulim… unexpectedly lost to that Saiyan kid, this… how is this possible?”

With cold sweat on his forehead, Guise looked at Kulim’s headless body blankly, muttering to himself.

“Huh! Kulim, the bastard, died in the hands of a wild monkey with such carelessness, which is really a shame to our special forces Kinho!”

Although Bart was also extremely shocked, he felt that Kulim must be too careless to be successfully attacked by Son Gohan.

“Let me end this wild monkey!”

Bart has always been very confident about his speed.

With a swish, disappeared in place.

When he appeared, he had already appeared behind Son Gohan.

“Die me! Wild monkey!”

A huge energy ball came out of Bart’s palm and stamped it on Son Gohan’s back.


The violent explosion made gunpowder smoke everywhere, dust filled, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

“Huh! I thought there were two accidents! It really was the fool of Culim who was too careless.”


Bart believes that few people can be intact under his blow.

“It seems that you are very confident in your speed!”

A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Bart was shocked, and turned to Guise without even looking.

Then I looked around in a panic, but couldn’t find the shadow of Son Gohan.


The cold voice sounded again, and Son Gohan appeared strangely in front of Bart, hooped Bart’s neck and twisted it hard.

Bart had no life in an instant, and fell softly from the air.

“Sorrow… Gohan, that’s amazing!”

Klin looked at Son Gohan, who had eliminated Kulim and Bart in a flash.

Son Gohan at this time is like a god of war, and that kind of aura makes people afraid to approach.


Kulim and Bart, who had a combat power of 60,000, were killed in just a short time.

Seeing this situation, Guice shivered all over, sweating like rain. No matter how naive he was, he would never think that both times were caused by carelessness.

Suddenly turned around and flew out.

He is very clear that he will not run away at this time, and he will definitely end up like Kulim and Bart!

PS: The writing may be bad, and some arrangements may be unreasonable, but I just want to add something!

I hope everyone will support you. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can mention it. Pippi Shrimp will definitely refer to your opinions carefully!

Once again, I would like to invite everyone to collect and vote for flowers! *

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