Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 64

These items must be used at the most critical moments.

"Little master, this is the food Madam asked me to deliver to you."

Dobby reappeared, with some uneasiness in his voice.

Cassandra looked down to see Dobby holding a plate with some freshly baked pumpkin pie.

"Little master, let Dobby have a taste first."

Dobby dared not speak ill of Narcissa, but was still worried that Narcissa would retaliate against Cassandra.

Cassandra patted Dobby's head, which of course she wouldn't let Dobby do.

I clicked on the fairy on the tip of the hair, and the fairies seemed to understand Cassandra's thoughts, and they fell on the dinner plate and began to eat bit by bit.

After a while, the three fairies ate one-fifth of a piece of pumpkin pie without any discomfort.

Seeing this, Dobby breathed a sigh of relief, but heard Cassandra say, "Tell Madam for me that the food is delicious."

"Then secretly watch her expression for me, okay?"

Dobby shuddered and nodded.

This does not violate the principles of house elves, as long as you don't speak ill of Narcissa.

After a while, Dobby came back: "Madam is very happy, she didn't ask Dobby a word, and even hummed a song."

"It looks pretty good."

Cassandra picked up the pumpkin pie, which had gone cold, and finally put it down again.

Then he said with great interest, "Dobby, how about telling me about the house elves?"

Cassandra is more interested in house-elves than in Narcissa's pumpkin pie.

For example, how do house elves reproduce; when did they begin to be domesticated and enslaved by wizards; how many house elves still exist, and what restricts their freedom?

Dobby looked at Cassandra in astonishment. If this question was heard by ordinary house elves, they would definitely cry in shame.

What a disgrace that their master should feel that they have ego?

But Dobby was also free.

Without hesitating for long, Dobby began to talk about their race.

Cassandra's eyes flickered as she listened. She didn't expect that the secret of the wizarding world was by her side.

074 Fourth Family Teacher

One of the greatest mysteries of house-elves is that they are bound to the mansion.

In other words, what they are really loyal to is not a specific person, but the owner of a certain mansion.

When the owner of the mansion changes, the owner of the house-elf theoretically changes as well.

Of course, the house-elves can resist this replacement, and can go out of their way to deliberately misinterpret the new master's orders.

This is also an inevitable reaction of intelligent creatures. House-elves also have their own feelings and preferences, but their masters have been ignoring this.

In other words, the larger the mansion, the more house-elves can be bound.

That's why Hogwarts is served by more than 100 house-elves.

And once the house-elves are expelled by their masters, they must leave the mansion and return to the magic world to become jobless vagrants, facing all the dangers and unknowns with their own energy.

For a house-elf whose house is his whole life, this is simply an extremely terrible experience.

Believe in this, countless people will deeply resonate.

Although house-elves have their own set of magic, once they start to rebel, many adult wizards are no match for them.

But they didn't dare to resist, and they didn't know the power they possessed. They had long been used to being oppressed and enslaved, and they regarded all this as the only way for them to survive.

This is not because the house elves are too stupid and don't know how to make a living by themselves, but that the entire wizarding world prohibits ordinary wizards from hiring house elves.

Once someone hired a house-elf in violation of the regulations, the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures would come to check the water meter to investigate whether the ordinary wizard had the ability to control the behavior of the house-elf.

The result is of course incapable. Ordinary people cannot use a mansion to make an ancient magical contract with house elves, and cannot guarantee that house elves are harmless to humans and animals.

This reason seems high-sounding, but it is actually using the name of the Ministry of Magic to block the possibility of the house-elf earning a living on its own, and forcing the house-elf to serve in the mansion for a lifetime.

As for why the Ministry of Magic would do this...

Just think about who owns the mansion and who is eligible to hire house-elves.

Once the house-elves are free to resign and apply for new jobs, won't the owners of the mansion want to give the house-elves a promotion and a raise?

How does this work!

This kind of villain who destroys the sequence of lifetime employment and zero annual salary must be punished!

After hearing all this, Cassandra called out that she is really a capitalist!

Ah no, it cannot be said to be a capitalist.

The Ministry of Magic has been in operation for more than 300 years, so it should be called feudalism.

"Then Dobby, I'll ask you another question. If you feel embarrassed to answer... then write it down with a pen and paper."

Seeing Cassandra's kind smile, Dobby suddenly wanted to run away.

"How do you raise house elves to reproduce?"

Dobby wanted to escape very much, this question was out of the question for him, a super house elf!

However, Dobby could only answer honestly: "Our male house elves will find a female house elf to give birth to offspring, and then the owners of both parties will decide the ownership of the offspring."

Now Cassandra understood.

What wizard created the house-elf, and the house-elf must serve the wizard, but it was all a lie of the wizard to beautify his actions.

When did wizards have the ability to create intelligent creatures?

At most, it is taming a certain race of magical creatures.

At the end of the day, house-elves are good business, and too many people can't turn down good business.

"Ahem, so Dobby, I have another question."

"If I told you to find a girlfriend..."

Before Cassandra finished speaking this time, Dobby screamed, "Master is calling Dobby, and Dobby is going to serve Master first."

Then it disappeared, leaving Cassandra with a regretful face.

She really wanted to see what would happen if a house-elf hadn't been trained to be a slave since childhood.

Will it be a freer Dobby II?

Cassandra saw too many possibilities for the race of house elves.

It's a pity that they are all strictly controlled, and it may be difficult to form a certain force in a short time.

Instead, it was the fairy on Cassandra's hair that made Cassandra full of expectations.

What will they look like as they continue to evolve?

Originally, Cassandra thought that Dobby was just running away shyly, but he reappeared after a while. It turned out that Lucius really asked him to prepare the dinner just now.

"Little master, the master asked me to tell you that you will meet your new tutor tonight, please get ready."

"The master is very happy. He said you will not be disappointed."

Cassandra's eyes lit up, did she find it so quickly?

A tutor who can satisfy Lucius must not be an ordinary person.

But who would such a person be?

Cassandra requires no special preparation, she never wears makeup and her hair never needs to be done.

He just changed into a small dress, and took the stairs to wait outside the living room, which is rare.

Dobby has already prepared a sumptuous dinner, Lucius and Narcissa have also changed their dresses, waiting for this person's arrival with the most solemn gesture.

Suddenly, there was a horse neighing outside the door.

Then there was a knock on the door, and Lucius stepped forward to open it himself.

A loud voice came in directly: "Come on, let me see where is the little princess whom Lucius you praised so much, she is someone that even Dumbledore can't resist?"

"Oh, Narcissa, long time no see, how are you?"

Narcissa and the visitor gently hugged and greeted each other, obviously the relationship is very close.

"Come here, Professor, my daughter will not let you down."

The footsteps of the three were getting closer and closer, and only then did Lucius say to Cassandra from a distance: "Come out, my child."

If it was Draco, he would have been waiting for the guests in the living room first.

But Cassandra is a girl, and a lady always waits for the gentlemen to arrive before appearing on the stage.

Cassandra walked briskly, looking at the man in front of her, her eyes lit up.

This is an old man from the Mediterranean, with a walrus-like bulging belly and walrus-like body, a pair of bright eyes, looking at Cassandra in surprise.

"Come on, Cassandra, let me introduce you..."

Lucius was about to introduce someone, when Cassandra said, "Father, I know him."

Lucius was taken aback, but the visitor became more interested and asked, "You still know me? How do you know me?"

"Professor Horace Slughorn, who once served at Hogwarts, is my father's most respected professor and the founder of the Horace Slughorn Club."

"My father mentioned you to me more than once, and I have seen introductions about you in some magazines and books."

"You are a great wizard."

Hearing Cassandra's words, Horace, who was already surprised by Cassandra's charm, laughed from ear to ear.

What he likes to hear most is the unstinting praise of talented and famous people.


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