Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 190

Pettigrew Peter and Lockhart didn't dare to say anything more, Voldemort would not need their opinions, this was just Voldemort talking to himself.

Because of Voldemort's orders, Peter Pettigrew controlled Lockhart with the Imperius Curse.

Originally, it was just to have one more chess piece that could be manipulated and would not be suspected if manipulated.

Lockhart's character and identity are simply excellent pawns. As a result, Voldemort also knew how terrible Cassandra was.

Not only the terrible strength, but also the checks and balances shown by Cassandra, which made Voldemort feel his scalp tingling.

Of course, Voldemort's body came, and he would be very disdainful of Cassandra's methods.

Only the most powerful magic power is the most powerful ruling power. As the Dark Lord, he only needs to spread fear. What kind of boring tricks are politicians using?

But now he couldn't ignore Cassandra.

It is impossible to let Cassandra integrate the British wizarding world before the main body returns.

Therefore, Voldemort prepared today's scene.

On the one hand, Dumbledore's reputation was discredited, and even Dumbledore had to get out of Hogwarts.

On the other side, Cassandra was treated as a Death Eater, thrown into Azkaban, and forced into the ranks of dark wizards at a young age.

Of course, there is the most important point.

That is one thing Voldemort has always wanted to do but has never been able to do, and that is to purify Hogwarts and let all Muggle-born wizards die!

He wanted to do this since he was a student, but unfortunately Dumbledore has been guarding Hogwarts, and Voldemort has never had the opportunity to do so.

Hogwarts only needs one Slytherin, pure blood wizards are supreme!

As for the remaining half-blood wizards, they could be servants kneeling at the feet of pure-blood wizards.

"Where do I start to purify first... that's right."

"She seems to have a little Muggle-born girlfriend... Hehe, she just so happens to be a Gryffindor."

"There is no need for an academy full of fools and idiots."

Harry put on the Invisibility Cloak and led Lockhart and Luna towards the Gryffindor common room.

Only Madam Pomfrey, who was dying in the school hospital, and Luna, who was petrified and absorbed her soul power, were left behind.

Luna was still lying quietly, with surprise in her eyes.

Exactly what Luna saw that day may never be known.

Unless, Luna can personally tell others what happened that day.

"It was Ron's mouse, Scabbers, who ran up to Harry, turned into a strange looking man, and put a spell on me."

Luna held Cassandra's hand. In Cassandra's dream, she didn't need to wear glasses, and could see Cassandra's face up close.

With tears in Cassandra's eyes, Luna finally woke up safely, and the farce at Hogwarts came to an end.

Now, there are only her and Luna in the school hospital.

The moonlight shone on Luna, and Luna's golden hair seemed to really shine.

"That nasty mouse, I must kill him!"

Cassandra gritted her teeth with hatred.

She had known Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew, but since she wasn't supposed to know that, she didn't take it upon herself to say so.

So much so that she almost forgot about it afterwards, after all, Ban Ban had to deal with things and enemies that Cassandra had to face.

It's really not worth mentioning.

But it was Scabbers who almost killed Luna.

"Don't do that."

Luna smiled sweetly, reaching out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Cassandra's eyes.

"Don't hate others, and don't hurt others because of me, it will change the shape of your soul."


Cassandra was startled, but saw Luna's hand brushing towards her forehead, and a moon rose from Cassandra's forehead.

But right now, it's just the shape of a crescent moon.

And from Luna's body, a little rabbit sprang out and landed on her shoulder.

"Yes, everyone's soul has its own shape."

"Your soul is like the moon. It is beautiful and charming, but it is thousands of miles away from others. It touches people's heartstrings but cannot be touched."

"I'm a little embarrassed that you praise me so much."

Cassandra laughed too, reaching out to touch the rabbit's ears.

The rabbit looked at Cassandra with silver eyes without blinking, as if there were endless words in those eyes.

"Cassandra, do your best and don't take my affairs too seriously."

The rabbit suddenly spoke, and made Luna's voice.

"Maybe it's also good. I can stay by your side in this way, and I don't need to wear glasses to see you."

Cassandra was stunned, and looked at Luna in confusion, a sense of great fear suddenly appeared in her heart for no reason.

Then, in her startled eyes, the humanoid Luna disappeared.

Only one rabbit remained.

The rabbit jumped into her arms, curled up quietly, and then closed his eyes.

Before Cassandra could respond, the rabbit also began to fade away, as if it would disappear at any moment.

"Good night, Cassandra, and sweet dreams."

Cassandra woke up with a start, looking out the window at the deep moonlight and the crescent moon in the sky.

Where is there any good dream, it is obviously just a nightmare.

Cassandra rarely dreamed.

Because she is habitually using Occlumency, it is difficult for any chaotic thoughts to disturb her.

But today, she not only dreamed, but also dreamed of Luna.

Thinking of Luna, Cassandra suddenly panicked.

How is she doing now?

Thinking of this, Cassandra no longer has the mood to sleep.

"More than."

"Little master, do you have any orders?"

"Take me to Hogwarts."

"But this time..."

"For the person I'm going to see, it doesn't matter what time it is sooner or later."


Dobby already guessed who Cassandra was going to visit.

After Cassandra changed her clothes, Dobby reappeared, took Cassandra's wrist, and brought Cassandra to Hogsmeade.

Normally, Cassandra would write to Hogwarts and wait for Yuga to pick her up.

But at this time, obviously no one will come to receive Cassandra.

So Cassandra said directly: "Take me directly to the school hospital."

Dobby obeyed Cassandra's order without hesitation, and took Cassandra to Apparate again.

But this time, when Cassandra came back to her senses.

She is not in the school hospital.

Instead, it fell backwards as if being knocked into the air by someone.

With a snap, Dobby snapped his fingers, which prevented the two of them from falling to the ground in embarrassment.

And Cassandra fixed her eyes, and it turned out to be the gate of Hogwarts in front of her.

Outside the gate, there is an invisible magic barrier.

This barrier extends upwards, and the arc seems to wrap the entire Hogwarts.

In an instant, Cassandra knew what it was.

In the last Hogwarts battle in the original book, the joint spell released by the professors blocked the first wave of Death Eaters' attack.

Even if Voldemort broke the joint spell, he tried his best.

And now, this spell has appeared above the castle, what does it mean?

Did Dumbledore decide to activate this joint magic every day in order to express his disapproval of Cassandra?

Cassandra felt that she probably didn't have such a big face... probably.

At the same time, Cassandra was reminded of something strange.

In theory, the letter from the Daytime Board of Trustees had reached Hogwarts.

Under Cassandra's behest, Draco and the others should have started to flatter Dumbledore crazily.

Even if it didn't work, Draco and Lockhart should write to Cassandra to tell Cassandra the result, but Cassandra didn't receive any letter today.

Now it seems likely that it wasn't Draco and Lockhart who forgot to report to Cassandra.

Rather, the entire Hogwarts was divided by this defensive magic, and the news inside could not be transmitted to the outside world.

Cassandra, who realized this, sank to the bottom of her heart.

Is Dumbledore going to make any big news?

To completely seal Hogwarts, is this a plan to put all the eggs in one basket to catch the basilisk, and wait until the basilisk is caught before calming down the negative news from the outside world?

It really seemed like something he could do.

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