Douluo's God-given Soul Ring

Chapter 256: 3 elite night attacks

It was only later that Ye Wen found out that Xiao Chenyu had taken the trunk soul bone. His martial soul was an attack-type animal martial soul, and the trunk soul bone could greatly enhance the body's ability to resist blows, so it naturally matched well.

The left arm bone was taken away by Chen Shixing, and the left leg bone was taken by Zhao Xinxin.

These two soul bones were born from soul beasts around 3 years old, so they are very precious.

Once the two best disciples of the inner sect have fused their soul bones, not to mention an extra powerful skill, their soul power can be increased by a few more levels. Now I am afraid that they can really catch up with the elders at the end of the crane in the inner sect. up.

Although Ye Wen's team members also have the treasures of the Xiantao Fruit Brewing Sect to improve their cultivation, but after all, it is not as fast as absorbing such a treasure as a soul bone.

The last piece of head spirit bone was actually left by Hong Ji, the eldest sister among the four concubines, after several people discussed it carefully.

Although the age of this head spirit bone is the lowest, it was obtained by Ye Wen from a [-]-year-old ice fox, but it is especially suitable for Si Ji. With a head soul bone, the power of the four of them's martial soul fusion skills will be greatly increased, and she will steadily break through the seventieth level, reaching the point of quasi-soul sage!

At that time, as long as the suzerain shakes his hand and helps Hong Ji hunt down a soul beast that is about 3 years old, the first strong soul saint will appear among the four daughters!


When Ye Wen rewarded the four soul bones, a certain change also ushered in the army of ice soul beasts.

Thanks to the huge casualties brought by the seven of Ye Wen, the Yinlin Tuntianjiao became more and more angry, and the more angry he thought, the more he thought about it.

The anger made it no longer have the idea of ​​slowly attacking Zhao's capital, it wants to break the game!

Take revenge as quickly as possible!

It first summoned the ice python family under its command, this family is the royal family of the ice field, and it is the ace troop among the top ten legions of the orc clan!

And because of the Xiaoyue Wolf King, the elite troops of the ice wolf clan were summoned again!

The last Ice Rat clan was not spared either. Who made the Gold Eater Rat King here?

It took too long to break through the city gates with ordinary soul beasts, so all it summoned were elites who were at least a thousand years old!Among them, there is no shortage of ten thousand years level!

There are a total of 3000 elites from the three clans, and each clan produced [-] elites. If these [-] elites were injured, the vitality of the three clans would also be seriously injured!

It wants to flatten the capital of Zhao State with three thousand elites and avenge the shame of defeat!

"The human race has been fighting us for several months. They have long been used to fighting at sunrise and retreating at sunset. Today we sent troops late at night, catching them by surprise!"

The Yinlin Swallowing Flood Dragon seemed to have found the password for success, and triumphantly issued the order.

The three thousand elite soul beasts had no big goals, and the combat power of the soul beasts at night was stronger than that of the day, so they simply took advantage of it!

It's not that the Yinlin Tuntianjiao has no brains. It was just perfunctory about this war before, but now it's really opened up the situation by being irritated by Ye Wen's seven people!

"Human Race? Hehehe..."

It Silver Lin Swallowing Flood Dragon never takes revenge overnight!



In the middle of the night, tonight, the capital city of Zhao State was brightly lit up, and there was joyful noise everywhere.

In order to celebrate today's great victory, the high-level coalition forces released a trace of authority for the first time, allowing dinners and small amounts of alcohol, but the celebrations must be celebrated in batches.

The seven giants are not stupid either. In order to prevent the ice soul beasts from attacking in anger, the defensive force on the city wall has increased by more than three times than usual today!

In particular, many high-level soul masters "voluntarily" came to guard the city.

There is no way, ordinary soldiers and low-level soul masters are having fun in batches in the city, and it is natural for the strong ones to suffer.

You can't all rush to relax, can you?

Ye Wen was also included in this group of senior soul masters.

Xiao Chenyu and the others were absorbing the soul bones, and there were almost no masters on the [-]-meter city wall belonging to the Han Palace camp. He was bored in the room alone, so he simply brought a recliner to defend the city instead of a few people.

There are dozens of inner and outer sect disciples on duty on the city wall. They were not worried about the night attack of the soul beast. After seeing Ye Wen, they felt as if they had eaten a thousand catties of iron ingots in their hearts. dog.

To be honest, it was purely a coincidence that Ye Wen appeared on the city wall today.

After all, the disciples of the Dahan Palace were weak and the high-end strength was extremely lacking, so he had no choice but to go into battle in person. When the city's Chinese lights gradually went out and the noise became smaller and smaller, he was already leaning on the recliner and snoring lightly.

This place is in the north, close to the ice field, so the wind is still chilly. Without exception, the dozens of disciples on duty are all wrapped up thickly and frozen, and they are almost swaying. Only Ye Wen, who is wearing a thin white coat, is still sleeping in the dark. , making the dozens of people next to him secretly envious enough!

The suzerain deserves to be the suzerain, as far as the ability to resist the cold is beyond my reach!

Ye Wen, who was really asleep, really didn't know that many people secretly praised him for sleeping!

If you knew it, you might have to laugh.

Sure enough, the boss even farts are delicious!

It was already halfway through the night, and the capital city of Zhao State had completely fallen into silence at this time, and the only sound might be the sleepy talk of some soldiers while they were asleep.

Ye Wen on the city wall slept soundly, and dozens of disciples of the sect seemed to be affected, and many of them dozed off in the dark night of howling cold wind.

Just when a disciple couldn't bear the drowsiness any longer and was about to close his eyes and squint for a while, the extremely rhythmic snoring sound that had been ringing before suddenly disappeared!


Not only did that disciple discover the abnormality, almost half of the disciples who were already familiar with the snoring sound were awakened at the same time!

"What's going on? Why doesn't the suzerain snore anymore??"

There was even a disciple who muttered bluntly as if he hadn't woken up.

Ye Wen's snoring was like a lullaby, and most of the disciples were awakened as soon as it stopped!

"Wake up! Something is wrong! Go beat the drums!!"

Ye Wen didn't know when he was standing against the wall and looking into the distance, his tone was as indifferent as a knife!

"Ah good!!"

A few more clever disciples immediately led the order and ran to the nearest two drums and started beating vigorously!

When the drums sounded, the whole city shook!

The nearest night watch soldiers and soul masters subconsciously looked towards the white fog outside the city after waking up!

"Eh? Nothing's wrong?"

Many people didn't notice the clue at all, only a few soul emperor level powerhouses suddenly felt it, and cast their eyes into the depths of the white mist without saying a word.

In the effort of a dozen or so breaths, the originally calm depths of the mist suddenly became chaotic!

The soul masters with better hearing also shrank their pupils, and their expressions became extremely nervous!




The three thousand elite soul beast army is already approaching the city wrapped in thick fog!

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