Doomsday Descends: My Villainous Destiny

Chapter 41: Fill Out a Form

Human adaptability to the apocalypse exceeded their own expectations. They quickly grasped the dangers of the new world. 

These zombie kings, or high-level mutated creatures, were indeed extremely dangerous but also carried significant rewards.

The birth of a zombie king was rare, and Donghua City had just such a creature. A level 1 evolved individual once tried to take on the zombie king alone, only to be torn to pieces in seconds. 

The stronger the zombie king, the more refined its energy core. The Blood Bear's sudden aggressive expansion might also have been an attempt to consolidate the forces of Donghua City to hunt this zombie king. 

Wang Hai intended to use this information as a gift to gain entry into Dongdu and secure a better future.

After two to three hours, a magnificent city finally appeared before them.

“Is this Dongdu?” Wang Zhi widened her eyes in awe, staring at the scene before her.

As a resident of Donghua City, Wang Zhi had visited Dongdu a few times in the old world, but never had it been this impressive. 

The gray concrete and steel walls enveloped the city, imposing and solemn, like a divine fortress. 

Massive searchlights on the walls illuminated the surrounding area as if it were daytime. Armed helicopters patrolled back and forth, and the walls bristled with countless gun placements.

Describing this city as an impregnable fortress was no exaggeration. Having witnessed the collapse and fall of cities, the grandeur of Dongdu was even more striking.

The searchlights on the wall focused on the off-road vehicle. Wang Hai and Wang Zhi quickly got out, raising their hands to show they meant no harm. 

They knew that Dongdu was already aware of their approach. Along the way, they had been stopped by evolved individuals from various shelters who were inquired about their intentions. 

It was then that Wang Hai learned these shelters had become satellite outposts of Dongdu.

Their movements had been reported to Dongdu. As they approached an entry point, the tight security appeared. 

Over a hundred heavily armed soldiers manned various positions, supported by several high-caliber machine guns and cannons. 

Wang Hai also noticed a few individuals in black uniforms exuding an aura of extreme danger, watching them coldly. These were undoubtedly evolved individuals.

A high-ranking officer approached, looking at Wang Hai with an arrogant expression. “Name, identity, and purpose,” he demanded.

This officer, though not an evolved individual, regarded Wang Hai as if he were an ant. There was no hint of the usual deference ordinary people showed towards evolved individuals. 

This superior attitude did not anger Wang Hai; instead, it instilled a sense of fear, reminiscent of the old world where commoners faced high-ranking officials.

Wang Hai understood that this officer, despite being an ordinary person, had the immense power of the Qin family behind him. As a wandering evolved individual, he could not afford to provoke such power.

“My name is Wang Hai, a level 1 evolved individual with a D-level fire control ability. This is my niece, Wang Zhi, also a level 1 evolved individual with a B-level shadow camouflage ability. We have important information to report.”

Wang Hai honestly disclosed their details, and Wang Zhi stood silently, feeling an overwhelming pressure from these people. 

The officer scrutinized them before nodding slightly. “Fill out a form first,” he said.

Fill out a form… 

Wang Hai felt a twinge of irony, as if time had turned back to the old days when everything required paperwork. 

Nevertheless, he complied, quickly filling out the form. They were then escorted through the gate into Dongdu city.

Inside Dongdu, Wang Hai and Wang Zhi were awesome by the scene. Neon lights adorned the streets, casting a vibrant, cyberpunk glow. 

While not as bustling as the old world, this spectacle was enough to bring tears to their eyes and fill their hearts with awe. Dongdu was an apocalyptic utopia.

No wonder so many evolved individuals were eager to join Dongdu and serve the Qin family. Compared to Dongdu, their shelters were more hovels. Wang Zhi marveled at the grandeur of this city, now the private domain of a single family, the Qin family, who had all awakened abilities. 

Truly, they were a family favored by the gods, if gods indeed existed.

At the Qin Mansion, Qin Jun was in a conference room listening to his subordinates' reports.

“Young Master, we've cleared most of the zombie hordes around Dongdu. All the nearby shelters have submitted to us.”

“However, due to the significant changes in the earth's surface, a new survey team is mapping the area, and the first version of the map should be ready in three days.”

“Additionally, we have received information about other regions. In what was formerly Qingjiang Province, there's an organization called 'Dawn Hope,' which has incorporated some remnants of the original military and has over a hundred evolved individuals and tens of thousands of ordinary people.l

“There's also the 'Northern Army,' originally the Second Northern Group Army, which survived the apocalypse with many of its members' awakening abilities.”

Qin Jun nodded, unsurprised. As time passed, more shelters and large organizations would undoubtedly emerge. This was the most suitable societal structure for this dangerous era—warlords dividing the land.

However, these organizations posed no immediate threat to the Qin family. The expanded earth's surface meant these organizations were still far from Dongdu, and even collectively, they were not yet a match for the Qin family's power.

Qin Jun's main focus remained on his own strength. Just then, Xie Han entered the conference room, interrupting the meeting. 

The generals and officials showed no signs of displeasure and nodded politely to Xie Han, recognizing her as Qin Jun's close confidante and personal bodyguard, even sharing his bed. They dared not offend her.

Xie Han approached Qin Jun and whispered, “Young Master, we have just received news that two evolved individuals from Donghua City have information about a zombie king.”

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