Don’t panic when the apocalypse comes, stock up on food first and then guns

Chapter 19 Perfect Stem Cells

The girl in the mirror looked to be no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, with bright features and a palm-sized oval face without any blemishes.

Her facial features were very good-looking, but she was too dark and thin, like a yellow-haired girl.

Jiang You tilted his head slightly, and the girl in the mirror also tilted her head slightly.

The smooth, black, shoulder-length short hair flows like fine satin.

Jiang You thought of something, took out a fruit knife from the space, and cut his palm, causing blood to flow instantly.

But it only took less than a minute.

The fresh wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The corners of Jiang You's mouth rose crazily, and his eyes shone with a sickly light.

Repeatedly chanted in his mouth.

"It actually succeeded."

"...That dead old man succeeded..."

She raised the knife and dropped it, and a piece of her little finger fell into the pool with blood.

As for the broken part of the little finger, the white bone residue among the bright red flesh and blood is particularly frightening.

Jiang You waited patiently. As time passed by, blood trickled down, and the flow rate became slower and slower.

More than an hour later, a red blood line was surging on his severed finger, and new flesh was growing.

Just like a gecko's tail being cut off, a new finger is regenerated.

After a long silence, Jiang You murmured in a low voice.

"Is this...the doctor's genetic modification...successful?"

What's going on? She's reborn. Shouldn't she go back to before everything started?

How could this be?

After a while, a burst of arrogant laughter erupted in the bathroom.

“Hahahaha, it worked!

That dead old man killed thousands of people with superpowers, and what he never finished until his death actually succeeded!

Hahahahaha! ! ! ! "

She covered her face, crying and laughing at the same time, looking like she was having a schizophrenia.

It worked!

Although he was not sure, Jiang You guessed that it was probably because his rebirth broke a certain so-called genetic sequence, which led to the success of the doctor's genetic experiment.

and so……

Jiang You's face was mixed with tears and blood, looking a little miserable. She looked at her bloody hands.

The skin of the new intact little finger is as delicate and smooth as a baby's.

She should be happy, what a thick golden finger.

With such a tenacious vitality, as long as she doesn't seek death, she basically won't die.

But I don’t know why, other than being happy.

There is still a desire in my heart to destroy everything.

This abnormal regeneration ability was the result of her being tied to the experimental table like an animal for countless days and nights.

The blood on the body was drained time and time again, the flesh was cut off piece by piece, and the results were obtained through countless studies that were worse than death.

Some senior officials even knew about her special physique and came to the Forbidden Island in person to watch the experimenter slice off her flesh and blood and then put it on a plate.

They enjoy the freshest ingredients with elegant knives and forks, even if the ingredients themselves are looking at them with resentful eyes.

Every part of her body was missing.

Limbs, skin, flesh and blood, even internal organs...

The doctor's research results were successful, but no, they were not completely successful.

It was still far from his ideal planarian physique. Planarians could grow into as many bodies as they cut into pieces.

She looked at a severed finger in the pool.

The severed finger melted into a pool of blood in less than an hour and was washed away by the current.

Bones and flesh will decay quickly without the flesh and blood of the main body, and cannot regenerate into independent individuals like planarians.

So she's not yet the perfect gene the Doctor dreams of.

Jiang You cried and laughed.

Finally, she washed her face and looked at herself in the mirror.

The originally withered and yellow hair is now black and smooth, the originally black and yellow skin is now fair and tender, and this ridiculously pretty little face...

how beautiful.

But the thought of the blood surging from her wound made her feel a little nauseous.

Rebirth, it turns out, cannot go back to before everything started.

After all, she is still the monster in the Forbidden Tower...

"Hello, monster Jiang You."

The girl in the mirror tilted her head and raised a bright smile.


Then he hit the mirror with his fist. The bathroom mirror shattered and the fragments fell to the floor.


As soon as he got up in the morning, Jiang You walked to the balcony as a habit and looked down. The water had completely receded.

The road was covered with dry mud, and the streets were full of zombies wandering around.

There is a clear dividing line between the upper and lower parts of the water-soaked building.

There were no screams or passing traffic. The city was as quiet as death.

Only the roars from the zombies were left.

She opened the window and let a few big-headed flies into the house.

At this time, the flies have mutated, each one is about the size of a thumb, and their flying speed is much faster than that of normal flies.

The buzzing sound was endless.

Jiang You was eating popsicles while practicing his powers with those flies.

After all, I have experience, and once I practice again, I will make rapid progress.

It only took two days from the initial large-area breeze to condensed into a mass and compressed into a wind blade.

She can use the wind blade to accurately cut off the heads of flying blowflies.

The round fly heads fell to the ground one after another. Why did Jiang You feel that his green eyes were so delicate?

Although she has mastered the accuracy, it cannot be used too many times due to the level of the power, and the distance cannot exceed ten meters, so she can only attack at close range.

But as far as elementary evolutionaries are concerned, this is already the limit.

Although the doomsday breaks out, it does not mean that mankind will perish.

Living things will find their own direction of survival.

When zombies break out, even small animals like flies and mice can mutate, let alone humans.

There are also people among humans who have awakened various superpowers that are different from ordinary people. These people with superpowers are called superpowers.

There are four main types of abilities.

The first is the body enhancement system, including strength enhancement, speed enhancement, smell, hearing, vision and other five senses enhancement, as well as body enhancement and sound enhancement.

Strengthening abilities are also the most common abilities.

The second type is elemental abilities: including gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The third type is natural abilities: wind, thunder and lightning, and ice.

The fourth type, unsequenced ability: This kind of ability has no sequence, no rules, and is awakened completely randomly.

And extremely rare.

The known unsequenced abilities in the previous life include mental abilities, healing abilities, invisibility abilities, space abilities, etc.

Superpower levels are divided into 6 realms and 3 levels.

F is the primary level, and so on, level A is the highest level.

People with abilities beyond A level may exist, but she has never seen them.

When Jiang You died, he was an A3 level superpower.

In a small base, it is enough to have an A3 level superpower.

While she was practicing her powers, a lot of things had happened outside.

Some people were bolder than other survivors from the beginning. After the water receded, they walked out of their homes with weapons and fought the zombies to the death.

Then I discovered that this kind of monster is not that scary in the early stage. As long as you are brave and careful, you can still deal with it.

So they risked their lives to search for supplies. This group of people were at the forefront and had the advantage of being the first to arrive in search of supplies.

Some people hid at home until they ran out of ammunition and food before they mustered up the courage to face the monster.

But it was already too late. Food and easy-to-find supplies had already been taken advantage of.

More and more people are getting over the initial fear and finding ways to survive.

Because of heavy rains and rising water, many supplies have been damaged.

Most of the various grains exposed outside have been soaked.

Only the well-packaged food or canned drinks have not been damaged.

It's just that at this time, as long as it is food, even if it is moldy and rotten, you can still eat it even if you are extremely hungry.

There are millions of residents in City A. Even if half of the people turn into zombies, the remaining population is still a terrifying number.

With more wolves and less meat, disputes will naturally become more cruel.

Scenes of killing or being killed are happening all the time in every corner of the city.

Some are relatives, some are friends, and some are strangers.

No matter whether these people were white-collar workers, rich people, workers, or bosses before, no one mentioned their assets at this time.

The only thing useful is the weapon in your hand.

Whoever has a bigger fist can speak.

Between life and death, dramas of husbands and wives turning against each other, brothers killing each other, and sisters turning into enemies are happening all the time.

Trust between people has dropped to freezing point.

Jiang You is not in a hurry to go out. She has stocked up on supplies herself. In addition, she has taken over the largest foreign supermarket chain warehouse in the city. Now she has enough supplies in her space to last her a lifetime.

As for zombies.

The current zombies probably haven't grown crystal nuclei in their brains yet, so they are not in a hurry to do anything.

The crystal core is an energy body in the zombie's brain.

Not just zombies, mutated beasts, mutated plants, and even people with superpowers.

As long as they are evolved creatures, they will have such an energy crystal in their brains.

This is a concrete manifestation of the gathering of supernatural abilities.

Absorbing crystal nuclei is beneficial to any living thing.

Absorbing crystal cores can help superpowers advance; mutant animals and plants or zombies can evolve faster by swallowing crystal cores.

Even ordinary people can have a chance to awaken supernatural powers by swallowing and absorbing crystal nuclei. However, ordinary bodies cannot bear the power of crystal nuclei, so there are only three results from doing so.

One is to break through the limits between life and death, awaken powers, and become a person with powers.

The second is to explode and die.

The third is to be infected and become zombies or other monsters.

Compared to the latter, the possibility of becoming a superpower is less than [-]%.

But even this [-]% possibility is enough to make people crazy.

After all, in the apocalypse, strength is everything.

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