Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 132 – Hanabi

"You are doing really well!"

Hanabi shifted her body, thrusting her fingers forward, only for her hand to be parried. It didn't matter how many times she tried or how many angles she tried; they all seemed useless. Moreover, the boy in front of her was soaking all that she tried, but he seemed bored.

Guren stopped, putting his fingers between her breasts and stomach, causing her body to freeze up, "This is not why I am here. I want to learn more about the use of Byakugan. Not to fight, but to survey."

He already had experience with Byakugan because of Kaguya's powers, and he already used the other body to master it. But there was a big problem with it. The sight in that body came more from Byakugan, its own senses, spiritual energy-sensing of Shinigami, and the True Sight that he already possessed. So this Byakugan, while allowing him to see more than 10 km, didn't possess the same sight as that one.

If he had to give an example, it would be like seeing 144p resolution after you are used to watching 8k.

Hanabi slowly pulled away, putting her arms in the other's sleeves, sighing, "You know as much as I want to. I can't just teach you the clan's secret?"

Guren burst forward, hugging her, burying his head in her stomach, his head touching her breasts.

"Guren!" Hanabi blushed, unsure should she push him away or not.

He raised his chin, his nose brushing against her cleavage line, his big golden eyes looking into hers, " one will ever know."

Hanabi pressed her lips, patting his head, stroking his hair, "Even though you are so cute that I can't bear to refuse you...but that is something I can't do...ask anything else?"

"Hmm," Guren buried his face between her breasts, making Hanabi blush a little.

"Guren~!" Hanabi protested.

"Shh...let me think."

"Fine," Hanabi pressed her lips, running her fingers through his hair, smiling at the boy that she watched grow.

"Will you stop doing that?"

"No, they are too good," Hanabi grinned, enjoying the feel of his hair, "I am going to play with them a little more."

Guren leaned over her, sliding his leg behind her ankle, pushing her a little. She let out a little surprised squeal before falling down on the training floor.

"Guren?" Hanabi spoke out in surprise, about to raise her body when she felt something hard against her body. She froze, feeling the heat against her stomach. She turned her thighs inwards, biting her lips, "Guren...?"

Her eyes met with his, peering into hers, his breath erratic, a blush covered his cheeks, "It's all your fault...can you teach me something else?"

Hanabi gulped, her eyes becoming blurry. He was so cute that she felt terrible for rejecting his request. Moreover, seeing his flushed face, the uneven breath, and the heat that she felt against her body. She couldn't help but feel her body react so strangely to that. It was like being drunk. For some reason, she wanted to mess him up so bad.

Guren traced her cheek, planting a kiss on her lips, and Hanabi's eyes went wide.

She could feel lightning cross her body, lighting her up with pleasure, and she let out a moan, kissing him back. She held her hair, kissing him harder than he kissed her, sucking on his tongue. Suddenly she pulled away, breathing in, " am I doing...?"

Guren peered into her eyes, and she started feeling blurry again, feeling her thighs become wet, hearing his clear voice ringing in her ear, "Let's go take a bath in the hot spring? Mixed bath?"

Hanabi broke away from him, trying to take her attention from him. Still, all she could do was think about tearing apart his clothes, taste every inch of his skin, gulping. Even though she knew what would happen if she accepted the offer, she couldn't help it try to convince herself that it won't, "Ok."


"This feels so good~!" Guren relaxed in the hotspring, closing his eyes, relaxing.

"Glad you are enjoying yourself," Hanabi smiled, darting her eyes around the mixed bath. Since she booked it for the two, she didn't have to worry about anyone else coming. She was looking away when she felt arms wrap around her bare skin. Her breath ceased; the two tiny hands caressed her skin, not touching her breasts or her sex but expertly moving around them.

His soft and silky hair brushed against her back, lips kissing her shoulder blade, "Sister Hanabi..."

Hanabi blankly stared up, feeling her head become heavy, "Yeah...?"

"Yeah!" She pulled away, her chest heaving; she turned around to look at Guren, "You are a naughty boy!"

Guren tilted his head, acting innocent, "What are you talking about? I was trying to give you a massage. Using Byakugan."

"That's not how you do it," Hanabi stood up in the hotspring, forgetting that she was naked. Even though she minded, she tried to think he was just a kid.

"Teach me?"

"Fine, sit up."

Guren sat up on the rocks, hiding his lower body with a cloth, but Hanabi could still the hard object that the cloth barely covered.

She felt a moan trying to come out of her mouth, making her sit down on her knees in front of his, cupping his neck, tracing his jaw, breathing in as she took in his cuteness.

She traced his shoulder, slowly massaging them, using her chakra to rub them, hearing his moan lightly. She caressed his hair, stroking his chest, pressing her palm against it, "Does it feel good...?"

"Yes," Guren relaxed in her arms, groaning at her touch, feeling her chakra stroke him inside out.

Hanabi nibbled her lip, touching him more, even places where she shouldn't while doing a massage. She sat upon his thighs, pulling him closer, resting her forehead against his, "Mm."

Guren gazed into her eyes, making Hanabi want to peer them away, but she couldn't. All she could do was breathe harder, only to hear his whisper.

"You stopped...massaging."

"I did...didn't I?"

Guren cupped her cheeks, planting a kiss on her lips, sucking on them, pushing his tongue inside her warm, wet mouth. His hand reached inside the water, putting them on her thighs. He spread them, ensuring that she was straddling him and that she did.

Guren moved his mouth, holding her breasts, taking her nipples between his lips, pulling on them.

"Mmm...that feels so good...sweety..."

Guren rested his hand on her waist, circling his tongue around her nipple, wetting it with a light, hidden smile on his lips.

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