Dominator In Naruto

Chapter 122 – New Teacher?

"Mm," Guren blinked, tilting his head, looking up, "So...this Mr. will be my teacher?"

Kisuke Urahara laughed, "Hahaha, No. Aren't you a cute little lady, easy on the eyes, but I am waiting for your friend, Guren? I heard he's a boy."

Guren pointed at his face, "I am Guren, Old Man."

"Guren, Old Man?" Kisuke Urahara tilted his head, darting his head between Guren and Naruto, as if asking if this was true, "Huh!!!!"

Naruto sighed, a bit embarrassed, nodding, making Kisuke sigh, looking towards the cat on his shoulder, "Doesn't that remind us of someone."

Yoruichi nodded, covering her eyes with her paw, "Don't remind me."

"Ahhh!!!" Naruto jumped on his feet, pointing at Yoruichi, "You can talk!"

Guren scratched his head, "So you have seen talk frogs, snakes, and slugs, and this is what you are surprised about?"

"But...but it's a cat, this is different!"

"No, it isn't," Shikamaru shook his head, turning his attention towards laughing Kisuke. Who seemed to be observing everything as well, "So aren't you from the other side? On top of you are from the afterlife. I thought we weren't supposed to interact unless it was vital? Has something happened?"

Kisuke scratched his head, "Well, not see, I am not a part of Soul Society anymore. I was exiled."

"Oh," Shikamaru's eyes sharpened, "If you don't mind us asking, then why?"

Kisuke scratched his cheek, "Well, because I was the one who created...Hogyoku."

"Hogyoku!" Naruto looked at him in shock and aw, with Shikamaru sharing his sentiment, "You did?"

"Ahaha," Kisuke scratched his head, looking at Guren's curious but unsurprised eyes.

"Yes, and Aizen wanted it, so he totally made a situation where I came out to be the culprit and hence exiled. I totally got played."

"I see," Naruto relaxed in the chair, "So...are you here to take it back?"

"Take it back? No, no," Urahara waved his hand, smiling at Guren, "Captain of Third Division told me about the boy. His eyes were affected because of the Hogyoku's presence and gained the same power as the Hogyoku. I am here to observe...and...even though we might not interfere between your conflict with the Otsutsuki. We do not wish for something like the Hogyoku falling in their hands."

"Oh, so you are here to protect me?" Guren's eyes were filled with doubt when Yoruichi jumped on his head, patting his forehead, "Kisuke is also a genius inventor. And it seems there are a lot of new technologies popping out on your side. Some could be dangerous to this world's balance, let alone the other. If the other side found you, then it could cause a world war on the other side. Well, it's not like you would understand these things."

"Hmm, you seem to be asking for a lot of information," Shikamaru narrowed his eyes, "You expect us to just give you all that access."

"Of course not," Kisuke took out funky glasses with stars like eyeglasses, "Glasses that let you see souls!"

"I made those, and better," Guren sat down, watching him with interest than curiosity.

"Uh," Kisuke took a hit but didn't give up, "Very well, tada!"

Urahara took out a book, "Soul Sensing System, based on Chakra Sensing System. It will allow you to Sense Hollows that are out of Soul Society's Reach and warn all the Shinigami that has been tasked to this world."

"I see, that does seem useful," Shikamaru nodded, "We have been hearing reports of more Hollow attacks."

Urahara held his hat, "Because more Hollows are starting to discover this world. And to match that!"

Urahara took out another book, "Soul Sealing Techniques! 101 ways to seal a Hollow before the help comes!"

"Hmm," Naruto looked towards the book, impressed but confused, "I understand that Hollows are troublesome, but we can defeat them."

"It's not about whether you could defeat them or not, but you shouldn't defeat them," Yoruichi raised her chin, standing on Guren's head, explaining.

"Hollows are creatures when the souls of departed stay behind and become twisted. Every hollow represents a human soul or more depending on how many souls that hollow has observed. A Shinigami's Zanpakuto can separate and purify those souls and send them to the afterlife; others will just kill it and kill all those souls inside it as well."

"I see, certainly that troublesome," Shikadai looked towards the book, "So it's better to spread this technique and point some strong Shinobi's on Hollow Duty?"

"That's what we expect," Kisuke opened his fan, "I hope that's enough for a good exchange."

"But, isn't that Soul Society's Duty?"

Kisuke froze, maintaining the expression on his face after he heard Naruto's question, "Sharp, aren't you. You are one of those that instinctively reach the core of the matter."

Yoruichi laughed, sitting on Guren's head, "Instinctive hot head and the smart adviser...why does that remind me of someone."

Kisuke's mouth twitched, sighing, "Why do I have to deal with the troublesome ones."

He closed the fan, narrowing his eyes, "Well, the thing is. That Soul Society had been preparing to fight against an enemy for decades. Someone with a hot head went ahead and defeated that enemy on his own, and so Soul Society's in a bit of chaos over what to do."

"Hmm? Isn't that a good thing for them?" Naruto asked.

Shikamaru raised his finger, "Now, Naruto. It's the same as Sasuke going out there preparing to fight against the Otsutsuki. The Village preparing for the final battle, putting our money, effort, propaganda, and even training the younger ones for a final battle. But at the last moment, our target was taken away from us. All those new Genins, Chunin, Jonin, Weapons, Institutions, Inventions, and everything down the drain."

Kisuke clapped his hands, "Great, you understand. Now Soul Society has to assign everything somewhere else. Moreover, there are many strong souls from this world too. So there have been talks about creating another Branch of Soul Society over here, but...let's just say all that is complicated and long. Like creating another village would be for you, and it might take some time to sort everything out."

"Ah, so they might not be able to act for some time," Naruto stared at the book, thinking, looking up, "But I still have a feeling that you are here for some other reason."

"You do? Ahahaha," Kisuke scratched his head, "I wonder what that might be."

Naruto felt two pleading eyes gazing at him, taken aback, "Fine, I'll allow it."

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