Discussion: How the Nine-Tails led Naruto astray

Chapter 3

The sound of the falling wind resounded in his ears, and Naruto suddenly opened his eyes wide. Under the influence of the red chakra, his eyes turned into vertical pupils, his fangs protruded and became sharp, and the beard marks on his face became rough. At this moment, Naruto was like a beast in human form.

But the strange thing is that even if his face became ferocious, his will was not affected at all. He was still Naruto and did not run away.

Above the rift, Jiraiya stood on a big tree, watching Naruto's body oozing red chakra, and his weathered face instantly showed shock and joy: "Did Naruto succeed?"

Below the rift, red chakra wrapped around Naruto's body, and the whistling wind could not cause any harm. It was as sharp as a knife scratching the face before, but now it became as subtle as a breeze.

"I feel that chakra." Naruto's eyes lit up, and he bit a scar on his right thumb without thinking. As blood flowed out, Naruto's hands began to form seals quickly.


"Spiritual summoning technique!" Naruto pressed the air with his right hand, and as he gritted his teeth and shouted, huge smoke rose from the place where his right hand was pressed. With the intense consumption of chakra, he could clearly sense that a huge body appeared in the smoke.


"Where is this!"

Four huge welding sounds into the wall, accompanied by a full-throated voice, pulled Naruto out of the huge chakra state.

Naruto fell on the dark red huge body. Although it was still a bit painful, it was not falling on the ground after all, which was already good.

"I'm saved." Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great! Super big!" He looked at the huge crimson back under his feet. Although he couldn't see it completely, he could see that there was no tail behind the body, which meant...

"I succeeded!!!" Naruto shouted excitedly.

Naruto was really excited at this moment. Not only did he extract the chakra of the Nine-tailed Kurama, but he also summoned such a big toad. Now even the lustful immortal would look at him with admiration.

Jiraiya now really looked at Naruto with a new eye, but not because he extracted the Nine-Tails' chakra, but because this guy dared to stand on Gamabunta's head and act wild. You know, except for Minato, Gamabunta would not obey anyone, even himself.

"Stinky brat!" Sure enough, the next second Gamabunta exploded.

The toad asked him to arch his body, and Naruto fell down almost uncontrollably, rolling towards Gamabunta's big face, until the rolling stopped, Naruto covered his head and sat up, and then he saw the toad face in front of him that was almost the same size as the nine-tailed horse.

"Do you know whose head you are yelling at!" Gamabunta looked at Naruto with a pair of huge frog eyes, with undisguised anger in his eyes, "But on the head of my toad boss Gamabunta!"

Naruto froze.

The frog face in front of him gave him a completely different feeling from when he saw Kurama. If he felt more fear when he saw Kurama's huge body, then Naruto felt more... a sense of humor when facing Gamabunta.

Yes, he saw humor on Gamabunta's face.

Gamabunta frowned. This kid looked a little familiar, and the red chakra and those eyes, wait, what's wrong with the look in this kid's eyes?

Gamabunta suddenly felt unhappy: "You idiot kid!"

The voice was huge, and the powerful breath from his mouth blew against Naruto like a storm, blowing him away without noticing. Fortunately, he quickly grabbed Gamabunta's pipe, otherwise he would really be blown away.

Naruto held the edge of the pipe tightly, glanced at the abyss below, and then swallowed his saliva.

If he falls down again, he will be hopeless. Although most of the chakra used was Kurama's, Naruto's own chakra has been almost used up. Another summoning may not succeed.

In the sealed space, Kurama lies on the ground and watches what is happening outside. Naruto is fighting with Gamabunta just like in the original book. However, Gamabunta was not very likable when he first appeared. It was not until his second appearance in the Chunin Exam that people knew that he was a guy with a sharp tongue but a soft heart.

And most importantly, Gamabunta probably also determined at that time that Naruto was the son of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, which also led to

Later, he helped Naruto countless times.

He said "little devil, little devil", but in fact, he still cared about Naruto very much in his heart.

"Ku...Ku Lama!" Naruto, who was deformed by the wind pressure on Gamabunta's back, shouted, "Give me...Give me some more chakra!"

He could feel that he was about to collapse, and his chakra was almost exhausted. Now the only way he could think of was to ask Ku Lama to borrow some more chakra.

"I don't." Ku Lama looked at this scene with a smile.

His tone was a little arrogant, and it sounded like Ku Lama was unwilling, but in fact, Ku Lama knew that if he gave Naruto his own chakra after his chakra was exhausted, even if Ku Lama didn't deliberately influence Naruto, Naruto would not be able to suppress the negative emotions in Ku Lama's chakra.

Naruto is too weak now.

"Ku~la~ma~" Naruto's voice was very long, tears, snot, saliva were flowing on his face, and it was hard to tell whether he was crying or begging, "I really can't hold on any longer!"

Although he was a rookie, he was still self-aware.

"Ha, you have to believe in yourself." Kuroko's face was full of funny.

"You guy!!!" Naruto was angry at Kuroko's tone: "Kono! Even if you don't lend me chakra, I can hold on, damn it! Just watch!"

"Hey, the sealed space is so quiet~" Kuroko pretended not to hear it, "Naruto, the car (toad) is ready."

"Kono!!!" Although Naruto didn't know what Kuroko meant by this sentence, he could feel the strong malice in his words.

Kurama watched everything that happened outside as if he was watching a movie. From Naruto's unwillingness to admit defeat and wanting to conquer Gamabunta to Gamabunta's unwillingness to lose and taking serious action, Naruto's bet with Gamabunta ended in failure.

Anyway, Naruto fainted, and Gamabunta was the one who decided whether to win or lose.

The moon had climbed up to the sky without knowing when, and the sky was full of stars, shining on Gamabunta and Naruto like a guiding light.

Konoha was quiet after nightfall. Except for the hospital where he was still working, there were not many places with lights on.

With the loud sound of Gamabunta landing, all the doctors and nurses were attracted by the smoke and dust rising into the sky. They looked at the empty front field where the loud sound came from with a little surprise and puzzled faces.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, in the not-so-small front field, two pairs of huge toad footprints were imprinted on the ground, and Naruto's figure was lying quietly in it, with a smile on his face, as if he had dreamed of something happy.

The doctors carried Naruto into the hospital, and they saw at a glance why the child fainted.

But none of this mattered. In the dark, starless sealed space, only shadows covered the cell door, making the figure of Kurama looming.

"Bang!" Kurama slapped the cell door "gently", making a sound, "Hey, kid, the flowers of hope are all blooming, how long do you plan to sleep here?"

Outside the cell door, Naruto was lying in the water, and the waves gently slapped his muddy face.

Perhaps Kurama's movement was too loud to wake Naruto up, his eyes slowly opened, and he looked at the ceiling of the underground sewer blankly.

A drop of water dripped from the ceiling and fell on his face. The cold feeling made Naruto wake up instantly. The whole person bounced off the ground, sat in the water and looked around, his face still blank: "Did I win?"

"Unfortunately, you lost." Kurama smiled sinisterly behind him.

"Ah?" Naruto turned his head and touched the back of his head stupidly, then he seemed to react and slammed the water in dissatisfaction, "Damn it, if I had enough chakra, I would definitely win!"

After saying that, Naruto stood up angrily and looked at Kurama: "If you lent me chakra at that time, I would definitely win."

Indeed, if Naruto still had chakra at that time, with his perseverance, as long as he didn't faint, he might really win if Gamabunta really killed him.

Unfortunately, the Shadow Clone Technique he used in the end made him exhausted, and he fainted without a drop of chakra left.

"Humph." Kurama grinned, pointed at Naruto outside the cell door and taught him a lesson, "Even if you rely on me to win, what's the matter? Is that your own strength?"

Naruto was stunned.

Kurama continued, "If you can't even see your own strength, and you can't cover it, and finally have to rely on me, do you think you can still grow?"

Naruto was confused by Kurama's sudden words. He touched the back of his head stupidly, and his momentum unconsciously weakened: "But, aren't you part of my strength?"

"Who told you?" Kurama said disdainfully

, raised his chin, "Kid, although 'I' do have a good impression of you, 'I' have not recognized you yet, and you are just a young and inexperienced kid now."

"And you think I am part of your strength, so let me ask you, do you really trust me?" Kurama stared at Naruto, and Naruto's figure was reflected in his blood-red eyes.

Naruto froze in place.

Perhaps he was a little overwhelmed by Kurama's question. After a long silence, Naruto slowly shook his head: "I... don't trust you."

"Ha." Kurama showed such a look, "Then how can you have the face to ask me to lend you chakra? Rent? I can give you the previous rent, but I want to cancel it now. Do you agree?"


Naruto doesn't need to answer this question. Kurama knows that he is a monster who almost destroyed Konoha twelve years ago. Even Naruto will not be so heartless as to let him out, even if he now admits that he has no interest in Konoha.

People and monsters can talk, but monsters cannot become people.

The starry sky outside was still bright, shining through the window onto Naruto on the hospital bed, as if coated with a layer of silver gauze.

The waterway in the sealed space was still dark, and a prison door stood in the shadows. Outside the prison door was Naruto, and inside the prison door was the Nine-Tails.

One was silent, and the other was smiling.

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