Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 155: All Parties Moving Together

As the bright moon and bright gold Universe Ring loomed over the world of the Palace of Horrors, if any were still on its outside and had looked towards the sky, they would have opened mouth's in shock, feeling an unprecedented amount of terror due to a shocking scene.

With a sinister peer of eyes and mouth, the blood-colored moon made a menacing grin as the mouth opened, spewing out a dark breath that swept towards the Universe Ring behind it.

The more of this dark breath that contacted the Universe Ring, the more the brilliant golden light that shone from the Universe Ring had faded, as it slowly began to dwindle with each passing moment.

Curiously, all life and nonlife could now hear the pipe organ's spooky music from this distance. Its sorrowful notes gave a dismal feeling to the world and a vibrant spirit of the blood moon, fueling its power with each note played.

Looking at the current scene, it was clear that it wouldn't take long for the Universe Ring's effects to wane completely, and once that happens, it was certain that a disaster like no other was sure to break loose.


Back within the Palace of Horrors' walls, inside of the Labyrinth sector, Delkan's party had finally arrived at the exit located at the core regions. He looked at the craters and destruction everywhere with a frown on his face while thinking.

'Where did they all went? What's with that previous announcement?"

Delkan pondered with a complicated look in his eyes.

While Delkan spaced out, his lackeys promptly examined the area before coming by his side and reporting.

"Young lord, the marks from these battles are still fresh; I believe that if we were to hurry right now, we should be able to catch up to that party."

"I know that humph! Let's hurry and get a move on; I'm getting a bad vibe about this wretched place."

Delkan answered in a disrespectful tone; not even bothering to hear his lackeys reply, he hurried onward with a set of deep, thoughtful eyes.

The lackeys didn't dare to express discontent; they hurried along with Delkan, soon after leaving through the entrance of the main halls of the Palace of Horror.

Much further ahead of Delkan's party, Nero, Elly, Mikan, Ivy, and Lily were currently pressing through the oddly long hallway at incredible speeds. They rapidly moved past dozens of standing statues and even empty armors used as ornaments by the side of peculiar paintings.

Though these objects were unique, none of them had a mood to enjoy them; their eyes now fixed towards the dark end of the halls with urgency and a pure focus.

At this time, two individuals that were a little distance in front of them glanced behind them with a tinge of surprise, but that soon faded as they spoke to their party.

"Well, Wild Silver, Graceful Tyrant, you sure took your time in catching up. What took you two so long?" Crazy Blade said with a smirk.

Thunder's Daughter rolled her eyes at his words but said nothing in the end. Her attention was still directly in front of her.

"You big bloke! What are you saying? It's not like you had to fight that darn master of the labyrinth, so don't go acting like you were initially ahead of us!"

Elly said angrily; it seemed she didn't like Crazy Blade's words.

Crazy Blade chuckled; he didn't mean any harm by it and only wanted to ease his tension for the current circumstances. He looked at Elly and spoke, "Haha, don't take it so seriously; I was only, as you human's say, pulling your anatomical limb."

"Huh?" Elly, Mikan, and Ivy said in unison, feeling that the statement was off.

As expected, Thunder's Daughter gave Crazy Blade a look as she spoke, "It's pulling your leg, Crazy, don't go acting smart when you know you haven't attended your multi-cultural classes!"

Crazy Blade clicked his teeth and replied, "Che! Whatever!"

Elly and the others looked at this with somewhat teasing looks; it seemed that they took pleasure in his misfortune. Nero only now gave Crazy Blade and Thunder's a quick look, causing bits of their stat sheets to appear before his eyes,


[Name/Title: Crazy Blade]

[Tier - Novice Rank Digitizer]

[Level 8 | Class: None]

[Race: Sharkian]

[Next Level EXP: 3640]

[Current EXP: 3629]

[Influence: ??? | Prestige: 1700 - Famed Novice]

[Health: ???/???]

[Skill: ???]



[Name/Title: Thunder's Daughter]

[Level 8 | Class: None]

[Race: Thunder Eel]

[Next Level EXP: 3640]

[Current EXP: 3638]

[Influence: ??? | Prestige: 2100 - Famed Novice]

[Health: ???/???]

[Skill: ???]



'Their strengths are as I'd expected. It looks like they aren't far from Level 9 either. If that's so, Elly should be nearing it as well. I'm not certain of their actual combat strength, but if anything, they should both be at a similar level or even stronger than I am...'

Nero thought to himself after inspecting the details of their stats sheet. When he made his conclusion, his eyes then shifted from them onto the path in front of them, pitch-black as if there was no end to the halls.

His eyes then shone in a green ray, peering further beyond the sight of darkness and wall-mounted lamps. Eventually, he caught sight of another figure, a slender-bodied girl with fox-like features.

'Hmm, it's her. When did she get by us?'

Nero thought as he didn't know when Mia got past them. He thought for a bit, even thinking about the disappearance of Red Rain before he muttered in a soft voice, "It looks like there are far too many weird characters in the Novice Zone..."

Elly, who heard Nero's words, glanced at him with a harsh light in her eyes, it even seemed as if she was moments from exploding, but before she fell to her true nature, she bit her lips, forcing herself to calm down as she asked in a gentle voice.

"Nero, who are you talking about?"

Adult Nero, who was distracted, made a slight snicker as he heard this; he looked to see how his younger self would escape this one.

Nero didn't seem phased by Elly's words; he stared at her before looking away with a faint smile on his face as he spoke, "Who knows?"

After saying such words, he ran ahead of Elly, leaving her to guess for herself. Elly seemed to have reached her limit, her anger erupting in full as she stared at the fleeing Nero, chasing behind him as she cursed, "NERO! You're the weirdest one! Just you wait, I'll show you!"

The others gave them a look but didn't think much of it; their thoughts were too focused on the threat looming on the horizon. All but Ivy, who looked at the scene with deep eyes as if having a tinge of jealousy, she gripped her fists silently with thoughts known only to herself.

As all parties swiftly made their way forward, a distance before them at the very end of the hallway, a towering door stood erect with two doorknobs. Vaguely, the pipe organ sounds could be heard from behind it, as a dim reddish light shone from beneath its cracks, illuminating a portion of a dark hall.

Suddenly, after a bright red light, Red Rain had appeared directly before this door, but rather than opening it, she silently stood as if waiting for the others while speaking strange words.

"It's dangerous but workable; I'll simply have to test him here..."

Following those words, her eyes then glowed before showing a bright diagram filled with numeric runes, a look that seemed it could pierce through all things, seeing the truths of even destiny itself.



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