Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 152: Everyone's Victory, The Mysterious Red Rain

As Nero continued his fight against Crooked, the battles occurring elsewhere were already beginning to wrap up, the quickest amongst them already having concluded due to the Digitizers' overwhelming power.

With a heavy bang, the large corpse of a powerful Midnight Werewolf fell to the ground with a pile of similar corpses after its pitiful yell; its body severed into two as a familiar jagged-edged shark tooth blade stabbed into the earth before it.

Crazy Blade stood before it with his hand holding onto his blade's hilt as he stared annoyedly at the Midnight Werewolf.

"Such an annoying thing, it wasn't even that strong, yet it dared to block the path with those animals, now we're one step behind whoever had managed to venture to the core parts of the labyrinth."

As Crazy Blade said this, he uprooted his blade and gave it a hard slash to the right, splashing the blood from its edge before he sheathed it on his back, but as he did this, a voice sounded by his side.

"Crazy, you've got to learn when to stop complaining, so what if someone got there before us? It won't change anything, not to mention that there's a master that controls this room."

Thunder's Daughter said as she wiped a few bits of blood from off her face, trying to keep a clean appearance.

Crazy Blade shook his head as he stared at her and responded, "Fine-fine, I suppose your right. Still, I'm curious about that so-called master of the labyrinth, and even that big wig behind him, something tells me that this entire dungeon might just be a tad bit different from the others."

Thunder's Daughter gave him a look with her eyes flashing with lightning as she replied, "Indeed, I felt it the moment we came here, even the rules of the Universe Ring are a bit strange, it almost feels as if it's... slipping..."

"What? Are you sure about that?" Crazy Blade said in alarm.

"I am, but I have no way to prove it," Thunder's Daughter said with a somewhat complex look on her face.

Crazy Blade had a solemn look as he stared upwards as if trying to peer through the misty and concrete walls to the outside scene. He thought for a bit before speaking with sharp eyes.

"If it's so, and the rules are indeed slipping, we might be in quite the trouble. Hmm, we shouldn't waste more time here. Let's hurry and end this dungeon mission."

Thunder's Daughter nodded as the two looked at each other before employing their movement techniques to hurry from this outer entrance of the core regions, vanishing behind the hazy scene towards its depths.


In another sector, much like that of the path taken by Thunder's Daughter and Crazy Blade. Delkan, along with his cronies, were already engaged in a fierce battle against a pack of werewolves.

At their forefront was another of the Midnight Dark Werewolves, which clashed against Delkan with two other werewolves, driving him into a slightly suppressed situation. The battle was a fierce one in which both sides clashed with no side coming out as the superior.

"Die you blasted beast, Raging Tempest!"

Delkan shouted as he struck his glowing polearm forward; this caused a spiral of magic energy to fire towards the Midnight Dark Werewolf from its tip, making it seemed no different from a chaotic cyclone aiming to crush all in its path.

As if it expected it, the Midnight Dark Werewolf grinned before doing a backflip and roaring, releasing a dark bright of energy that crashed into the attack; the blast created an explosion that pushed back both parties by a few meters distance.

"That darn wolf! How can it be so strong?"

Delkan cursed as he stared at the wolf before him that had a cruel glowing energy; it wasn't originally this strong, but after having killed a few of the surrounding wolves. It had used some talent ability to absorb their essences, making its strength stronger than the norm.

"Young lord, we can't hold on any longer; hurry on without us!"

One of the lackeys said as they struggled against two separate werewolves. Delkan frowned as he looked at this. He didn't want to travel by himself as he didn't know what might pop up. Hence, he had momentarily fallen into a daze.

As if it saw the change, the Midnight Dark Werewolf's eyes shone in a cruel ray; it dashed at high speeds from its previous position arriving upon Delkan in less than a few seconds as it stabbed its claw towards his heart.

Delkan sensing the danger, was a bit panicked; he gritted his teeth as he reached for his sleeve with a dangerous light in his eyes as he cursed out loud.

"Insolent wretch, it's you who forced me to use up my charm!"

Instantly, a piece of paper appeared in his hand, which he crumpled the moment it occurred. Following this, a bright magic power bolted from it at such speeds that the world itself seemed to be in slow motion. Before the Midnight Dark Werewolf could even react, the lights had crashed into its body, tearing it into pieces of flesh and meat.

Soon, time sped up once more, returning to normal; the lackeys who struggled against the other werewolves looked in surprise as they saw the werewolves whimpering away with scared expressions.

The leading lackey turned around and looked at Delkan, who had a sour look on his face. Noticing that look, he didn't dare to say anything as he promptly commanded everyone else to clean up the mess and loot.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! That was the only token I could borrow from the family, now what am I to use and kill that wretched, NEEEROOOO!"

Delkan cursed out loud in anger, he huffed and puffed before a short while to regain his state of mind, but he saw that his men were calmly waiting on the side once he did.

He gripped his fists tightly and heaved a heavy breath before he stared at them and spoke, "What are you doing? We don't have time to waste here. Let's get moving!"

"Yes, Young Lord Delkan!"

The lackeys replied as they soon followed Delkan, who carried a stomach full of rage as they left this area towards the labyrinth's core. Still, as their battles ended, unaware to each of them, in a remote corner, the beautiful Fox, otherwise known as Mia, stared at them with mocking eyes as she stared at a different direction with interest.

"Now then, where's that treasure?"

As Mia said this, she pondered carefully before jumping and vanishing into the dark, traveling towards the unknown.


Back within the labyrinth's core regions, very much like everyone else, the battle between Elly's group and the leading Midnight Dark Werewolf had finally met its end. Still, this wasn't due to either party's clash, but the interference of one of the Novice Zone's most mysterious rankers.

With a look of disbelief on its face, the Midnight Dark Werewolf looked at the giant hole in its stomach, it then stared at the slender palm of the red hooded young beauty that stood before him with an icy cold and indifferent expression on her face.

"You... you... how..."

The Midnight Dark Werewolf wanted to say, but sadly, it would never have the chance as its consciousness faded into the realm of the entity.

Elly looked at the person who saved Ivy with a stern gaze as she muttered, "Red Rain... I didn't think she'd come here, no... even lend a helping hand, to think that's she's so powerful. Maybe brother was right; there are quite a few characters that are keeping quite the low profile in our Novice Zone... it looks like I'll need to get more serious for the Gate of Legends."

While Elly organized her thoughts, Mikan, who had been hurrying over from another direction, finally arrived before Ivy.

"Sister, are you okay? Did you get injured? Come-come-come, show me your hand."

Mikan asked with a worried and gentle look on his face as he held onto Ivy's slender arm, his manner now nothing like his usual self, showing a sister con's clear image.

Ivy had a slightly embarrassed look on her face as she took her hand away while speaking, "B-brother, I'm fine, look, see."

When Ivy said this, she waved her arm around, showing that she was in perfect condition. Mikan sighed in replied, even if they didn't have true death in this world, he would rather die before anything happened to his sister.

Suddenly, everyone heard a buzzing sound as Lily appeared from the side of Red Rain, looking at her curiously as she asked, "You're that fabled Ninth Ranker aren't you? From what I just saw... you're strength is more than enough to complete with those freaks of the Ninth Stage. Tell me, why are you taking part in this dungeon, and why did you save us?"

Elly had now walked over from her previous location; she listened keenly with Mikan and Ivy as they stared at Red Rain with suspicious faces.

Red Rain didn't show any change in expression, her manner seeming to be eternally indifferent to all things. Her eyes soon shifted towards the black dome where Nero's battle took place as she spoke in reply.

"I came only to seek a person, one bounded by destiny."

"Huh? Destiny? What are you talking about?" Elly asked in confusion.

Red Rain said nothing as she lifted her palm, facing it towards the black dome. An odd change then occurred when she replied, "Your kind would never understand..."

While everyone was a bit confused by her words, the moment they saw her lift her hand, everyone retreated by instinct as they shared a similar thought.

'She's using that strange power again; what is she?'

Following their thoughts, a bright light shone from Red Rain, which soon after covered everything, transforming this region into a world of pure white.

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