Diamond company shoots commercials, you shoot Titanic

Chapter 85

The plot continues during the live broadcast.

The time is 8:40.

Blue-toned images are being shown on the televisions of thousands of households.

Xiaodouzi staggered out of Zhang Gonggong's mansion and picked up an abandoned baby by an old well.

People who were still eating dinner put down their bowls and chopsticks.

I was so upset that I had no appetite and couldn't eat.

The same was true for the young couple in the hotel.

After watching for 40 minutes, I only took two bites of the grilled fish.

Seeing this, I really couldn't eat at all.

But I still wanted to know the fate of Xiaodouzi next, and I couldn't bear to change the channel.

What to do?

Don't eat.

Anyway, I can't eat even if I change the channel, so I continue watching.

The two put away the grilled fish on the table, feeling depressed, huddled at the head of the bed, and hoped that Xiaodouzi would have a good day soon.

In the picture, the troupe is taking graduation photos.

Like countless ordinary people.

Knowing that separation is just around the corner, I always have to leave a commemoration for the future. It seems that only in this way can I be willing to go to the hustle and bustle of the world.

Time soon came to 1937, Cheng Dieyi and Duan Xiaolou parted ways, and he sang The Drunken Concubine alone on the stage.

A clown appeared in the screen, half kneeling on the ground,"Madam, Gao Lishi toasts you."

Then the camera turned and Qingmu appeared in the camera.

The scene cut to the backstage.

R himself was trying on Duan Xiaolou's costume, and there was also a clown with white eyes and nose standing behind him


At Fang Rong's house.

A hint of admiration appeared in Ge Lao's eyes, and he clapped his hands.

"Are these shots suggesting that those officers are clowns?"

"Well done, a bunch of clowns, get the hell out sooner or later! So comfortable!"

"Putting aside the fact that he changed Peking Opera randomly, this guy is really good at it!"

Fang Rong smiled and said nothing more.

Changing Peking Opera randomly?

Just wait and see, is it a random change or a breakthrough?

In the picture.

In the theater, the flyers of D fell to the ground.

There was a commotion in the audience.

Cheng Dieyi seemed to live in his own world, with his right hand raised high, his left hand flat, and slowly squatted down to lie on his right side.

The audience gradually quieted down.

Among the flyers on the ground.

Cheng Dieyi slowly stood up, half squatting to gather flowers, smell flowers, look at flowers, pinch flowers, and break branches.

His movements were elegant, but he was like Yang Guifei who was really abandoned by Emperor Minghuang of Tang. The whole person They all exude a desolate feeling.

But within a minute, the whole place went dark. This is the R army investigating the underground D radio station.

Cheng Dieyi didn't care whether it was dark or bright around him, he was completely immersed in the play, raised his sleeves and danced, spinning faster and faster.

The theater was powered on again, and the people in the audience exclaimed when they saw his movements.

Even Qingmu took off his gloves and applauded.

Cheng Dieyi was spinning, and he withdrew his right foot, and the whole person fell to the ground, doing the lying fish movement again.

The camera zoomed in, with a desolate look.

This person is both Yang Guifei and Cheng Dieyi.


In front of the screen.

Ge Lao stared at the screen in a daze, his eyes full of shock.

In the past, when everyone performed the segment of"The Drunken Concubine", they focused on being drunk.

After adding the action of smelling flowers, the drunken state, charm, and elegance are integrated into one, and each feature is fully demonstrated.

These beauties further highlight the desolation in her heart.

The subsequent spinning dance and lying fish action raised the beauty of this Peking Opera to more than one level.

This... This is not a change, it is simply an injection of soul.

His breathing slowed down, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his palms.

Fang Rong looked at Ge Lao with a smile.

Old man, you are sweating profusely, right?

He smiled in his heart and said,"Senior, this is the part that Director Chen improved. Please give me a few pointers, just a few words, to help him improve!"

Ge Lao came back to his senses, glanced at Fang Rong, and quickly looked away.

Point out, give me a few pointers?

How to point out?

Let him think about it for three to five years, and he can't figure out this effect.

He is really regretting it now.

I really shouldn't have criticized the crew of Farewell My Concubine at the seminar a few days ago.

Anyone who knows a little bit about Peking Opera can see that the spinning fish dance is a stroke of genius.

It integrates classical dance into Peking Opera, but retains the charm of Peking Opera without being abrupt.

After watching it, he even doubted whether that kid was the reincarnation of a Peking Opera master? Or did he get the true teachings? He actually raised this opera to a higher level!

How could he get out of this situation?

Mr. Ge was so embarrassed that his face turned a little red.

After a long while, he slapped his thigh and uttered a few words:

"This is obviously a talent from our Peking Opera world who is going to make a movie."

"How can it be said that a film director was invited to shoot a Peking Opera promotional video?"

"I was totally misled by you! This is obviously a rising star in our Peking Opera world, go support them in the film industry!"

As he spoke, he lost his confidence.

Mrs. Fang couldn't listen any more.

If she continued to listen, she was afraid that she would laugh.

""Mr. Ge, I have something else to do. Old Fang, please chat with Mr. Ge."

She smiled politely, stood up, turned around and rolled her eyes.


These old guys only know how to pretend!

What a good child, but this old man just refuses to admit that he has made a good improvement.

He also said that the new star of the Peking Opera world should support the film industry.


Change the subject. He is too obsessed with face and refuses to eat oil or salt!

If I had known earlier, I would have made him fried salted fish for dinner today, and put in a lot of oil and salt.

Behind her, Fang Rong smiled.

Mr. Ge is just an old stubborn.

But from today on, the old stubborn man has nothing to say.


At the same time, in another part of the capital,

Director Li closed the file on the computer in front of him, leaned back in his chair and rubbed his brows.

He picked up his phone and checked the time.

It was almost half past nine, and the movie was probably halfway through. He made a call to confirm the situation.

He called Secretary He.

"Xiao He, what's the situation?"

"Good evening, Director Li!" Secretary He's somewhat excited voice came from the receiver,"I'm at the TV station now, and the ratings have broken 4, the highest data in the movie channel in the past three years!"

Director Li's heart skipped a beat, and then he immediately calmed down.

With the level of"Farewell My Concubine", this is not surprising.

Listening to the occasional excited conversations coming from the other side of the phone,

Director Li felt helpless. The high ratings are worth being happy about, and it's okay for the people in the movie channel to be happy.

Why are the people in the department also happy?

Don't put the cart before the horse.

He put away the joy in his heart, and said in a serious voice:"Xiao He! What I'm asking is the preparations for the publicity of opera. We made this film to promote opera, not to earn ratings for the movie channel!"

Secretary He on the other end of the phone calmed down instantly and shuddered.

Since the construction of the old street, Director Li has been in a very good mood.

Three months have passed, and he seems to have changed into a different person, smiling at everyone he sees.

He almost forgot that he was once a stern leader. He was actually holding the phone with his leader, staring at the ratings, and laughing with the TV station.

He was really crazy.

Secretary He quickly replied:"It's ready! Tonight at 10:50, the premiere is over, and our official media will release movie commentary and opera videos"

"Yes, that's OK."

Director Li was silent for a moment.

He estimated that the number of plays on the opera channel would reach a small peak.

The cold winter of opera might be coming to an end.

He thought for a while and arranged:"Xiao He, you arrange for someone to find a program to teach opera singing, a simple one, using the opera in"Farewell My Concubine" for teaching. If there is no such program, record it now. And put it on the opera channel and online platform."


"I would like to remind you that the commentary video should also be released on a large scale. Ensuring the rebroadcast of"Farewell My Concubine" and the number of views on the online platform is the basis for attracting the public's interest in opera. Do you understand?"



Time passed slowly. But the time on the screen was moving forward quickly.

Countless film critics opened their mouths slightly, staring at the raging fire and distorted facial makeup on the screen, and were shocked to the point of goose bumps.

Before watching the film, some film critics expected that the official film was formalistic and sloganeering.

Now it seems that the film is indeed shouting slogans.

But the slogans shouted were actually the wrong ones!

Is this the film made with the support of the Ministry of Culture?

How dare they shoot it!

The era when husbands and wives, fathers and sons, and teachers and apprentices exposed each other in order to protect themselves, that bloody era, was actually filmed by the Ministry of Culture?!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of respect in their hearts.

Only by facing history can we face the future. It's a great film!

What are you complaining about?

I firmly support Director Chen and the Ministry of Culture!

After another 10 minutes, the film came to an end amid the shock and tears of countless people across the country.

Many viewers who had been holding back for a long time sighed and rushed into the toilet. After coming out, they still sighed.

In a home theater in a villa, a woman in pink was crying sadly.

The man said in a domineering tone:"Nana! Don't cry. If you cry again, I will let the whole world accompany you!"

Seeing that Nana's tears did not stop, the man picked up the phone:"Secretary, buy me a hot search, just buy 'Farewell My Concubine, a sweet drama, a must-see at the beginning of the year!' Quick, I want this title to appear at the top of the hot search list within one minute!"

A woman in a brown nanny uniform passed by the door, glanced at the two, secretly rolled her eyes, and complained:"Crazy husband and wife.……"

So, while the Ministry of Culture released video explanations and opera videos, a strange title was slowly rushing to the top of the hot search list.

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