Diamond company shoots commercials, you shoot Titanic

Chapter 77

The plot did not stop with his sigh.

The scene changed.

The courtyard of Duan Xiaolou's house.

Where the red carpet was laid out at the wedding, there was a large white banner with the words"Duan Xiaolou is doomed."

Various white slogans were posted on the eaves and trees.

The bicycle that was standing upright at the wedding fell to the ground.

Duan Xiaolou's roar came from the house.


Cheng Dieyi rushed into the room dragging his sword upon hearing the sound, but was soon beaten out by Duan Xiaolou. In the room, Juxian hanged herself.

There were wine and food on the table, the brazier on the ground was still smoking, the mosquito net on the bed fell to the window, and the flame of the red candle was still jumping.

Everything seemed like the day after a lingering rainy night.

And the woman in love, wearing a wedding dress, was forced to leave the world.

She was not wearing shoes, just like when she came to find Duan Xiaolou.

The photos on the wall were still intact.

The two people were separated in the middle by the red candle.

Just like what Duan Xiaolou shouted in front of countless people

""I have drawn a clear line between her and me."

In front of the screen.

Everyone covered their faces and sighed.

There was not a drop of blood in this scene, but it made everyone feel the bloody cruelty.

Juxian was brave and resourceful.

Especially during this period, she did not hurt anyone.

Duan Xiaolou wanted to expose Cheng Dieyi, but she stopped him.

The sword that Cheng Dieyi cared about most was thrown into the fire, and she rushed to save it.

She wanted to protect both Cheng Dieyi and Duan Xiaolou.

It happened to be these two people, one exposed that she had been a prostitute, and the other declared that he had drawn a clear line between him and her.

One of them hit her.

But who can be blamed...

In that environment, who can blame Duan Xiaolou for being a bad person?

It seems that there is no way to blame anyone.

Even Xiaosi is not the initiator. Without him, they may have come to this point.

Dieyi said,"We have come to this point step by step by ourselves."

But behind each step, there is a driving force, that is the times.

The times forced them to make choices step by step.

If there is a choice, who would be willing to be a prostitute, who would be willing to sing for the enemy?

If you want to blame someone, you can only blame the times and fate.

The film did not give everyone time to continue to sigh.

The scene changed.

Time came to 1977, back to the gymnasium at the beginning of the film.

Duan Xiaolou recalled the scenes when they were young, and sang the lyrics of"Sifan":"The little nun is only 28 years old!"

This inadvertently awakened the memories of Xiaodouzi in Cheng Dieyi's heart.

"I am a man, not a woman."

The dream is over.

The sword falls to the ground.

The film ends.


Section Chief Liu sighed and raised his hands to cover his eyes.

Xiao Douzi was taught by his master to be faithful to one person, but was dragged into the play by his master, his senior brother, and that era to become Concubine Yu.

But later, the positions of Overlord and Concubine Yu in the play were taken away one by one.

Juxian took away his senior brother outside the play, and the Overlord on the stage also parted with him several times.

After a lot of effort, he reconciled with Juxian and got back the Overlord on the stage, but Xiao Si took away Concubine Yu on the stage.

In the end, in the revelation of the distortion of human nature, the former Overlord stabbed him in the back.

The Overlord in the play disappeared completely.

Only Concubine Yu was left alive in the world.

In the end, a word from his senior brother made him suddenly realize that even Concubine Yu was fake.

He was a man.

It was wrong, all wrong...

But even though he realized that it was all wrong, he finally stayed faithful to one person.

Whether it was for the opera or for Overlord


In the screening room, only a few people had wet eyes, and most people did not cry.

But everyone felt that they were shocked and their scalps were numb, and their chests were stuffy, as if a big stone was pressing on them.

Section Chief Wang raised his hands to cover his face and sighed deeply.

He originally wanted to go home happily after watching the movie, but now...

I won't be able to sleep well tonight.

This movie is too emotionally contagious, and it's heartbreaking.

But I also want to watch it again and take a look at the details that I have overlooked.

It's really heartbreaking and tangled.

In the front row, the two directors did not signal to turn on the lights.

Let everyone wait for a while.

Zhou Wen sighed softly,"I thought Duan Xiaolou was the real overlord at first, but now it seems that Duan Xiaolou is a fake overlord, but it's not easy for him either. His master died, his child miscarried, his wife committed suicide, and his house was covered with white slogans. It takes a lot of courage to survive."

Li Zhiming nodded,"They are all good people, and this is the most uncomfortable."

Another five minutes passed.

Li Zhiming signaled to turn on the lights.

He stood up and told everyone:"After you go home, if you mention this movie to your family, you can say it's good, but don't reveal the content and tone."

Everyone nodded.

I understand, of course I understand.

If it's called a tragedy, many young people may not watch it.

After everyone stood up and greeted each other, they sighed and left.

Li Zhiming sat back in his seat.

After watching the movie, there was nothing wrong with the content.

Next, we have to arrange for it to be broadcast.

He originally wanted to arrange for the TV station to broadcast"Farewell My Concubine" from the Lantern Festival to the beginning of school.

But the movie has been shot and the young people are on vacation, so there is no need to wait another month.

Move it forward.

The Spring Festival is a good opportunity, but unfortunately...

He glanced at the screen and sighed,"It's a pity that this movie is not suitable for the New Year."

Zhou Wen nodded,"Indeed."

At this moment, Xiao Xia passed by, and his ears accurately captured the key words"not suitable for the New Year", and sighed silently in his heart.

It is already January 21st, and the New Year is February 5th.

The movie still needs to be reviewed, and the TV station still needs to arrange the broadcast time.

It seems that Director Chen's movie will not be released until after the New Year.

Oh... After watching it, I really want to discuss it online, but it's a pity that netizens haven't seen it.

The colleagues who came to see it today are either unfamiliar or too old to discuss.

Just hold it in.

I have to hold it in for another month, which is really annoying.

She sighed, walked out of the hall, and took out her cell phone.

Director Li said that you can tell your friends that the movie is good.

Then it's okay to post it on WeChat Moments, hehe

"Director Chen’s new film is so good, but it’s a pity that it probably won’t be released until after the New Year. I really want to discuss the plot with someone, woo woo woo. Clicking send, she threw the phone back into her pocket and went home after work.

���In the screening room.

Li Zhiming pondered for a while, then turned to the secretary behind him and said,"Hurry up and ask the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television to review it quickly. CCTV will show it for a few days before the New Year, but not during the New Year. It will be broadcast after the Lantern Festival. It will be released online before the New Year."

Although CCTV will not broadcast it during the New Year, the public can watch it on the Internet if they want to.

Li Zhiming emphasized again,"Hurry up, let them hurry up and try to broadcast it in January!"

Secretary He nodded quickly,"Hurry up, definitely hurry up."

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