Diamond company shoots commercials, you shoot Titanic

Chapter 134

It was ten o'clock in the evening on October 1st.

Chen Xiao returned home, went to the bathroom to wash up, and prepared to... go to bed.

How could he go to bed at ten o'clock?

Let's go to the e-sports room!

Is this playing games?

No, no, no, he was just testing whether the system's"e-sports skills" were easy to use and how wide the scope of application was.

It was the National Day holiday, and he also planned to take a few days off.

Things like organizing scripts were easy. As long as the hands were fast, five days would be enough. Secretary He would find everyone on the 10th, and he would have time to start on the 5th.

Before that, on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, he had to study the skills in the system carefully.

For example,"food tasting skills","diving skills", and"beast taming skills". He also had to take time to perform a play in the martial arts hall, take two photos, and upload them to the Internet to create a persona of working hard to learn martial arts.

Thinking of this, he also finished washing up. He put the toothbrush cup back on the sink, left the bathroom, and went to test the e-sports skills.

At the same time.

As he expected, the discussion about"Interstellar" on the Internet was soaring.

In fact, movie lovers have been discussing"Interstellar" since the National Day holiday.

The crew did not buy hot searches, but how could the marketing accounts miss this wave of popularity?

With the help of marketing accounts, before the movie was broadcast, entries related to"Interstellar" climbed to the top ten of the entertainment hot search list.

At this time, just one and a half hours after the premiere, the first place on the entertainment list was occupied by [The premiere of"Interstellar" is over! ].

The editor who wrote this entry has a conscience and did not spoil the plot.

But netizens who have watched the movie certainly couldn't help it.

So everyone started a topic【#《Interstellar: My thoughts after watching it. Spoilers are included. #】

Premier audiences and netizens who are not afraid of spoilers flocked to it, and it quickly reached the seventh place on the entertainment list.

"No one stood up and applauded after watching it, because everyone was kneeling"

"I love it so much! Director Chen is worthy of being able to film the mission of the Ministry of Science and Technology into a touching masterpiece. If life is a closed-loop circular ruin, then the starting point and the end point are love and family affection waiting for us. Love it so much!"

"I was still crying after watching it. What moved me most was not the father-daughter relationship, but the power of human beings. We often attribute miracles that are beyond our control to gods or God. But in this movie, miracles do not come from gods, but from ourselves."

"To the middle-aged man who is eating melon seeds in row 4, Hall 2 of Magnolia Cinema in Shanghai, I curse you to be a sunflower in your next life!"

"What the hell is this that got in here? Hahaha"

"I am speechless. Dai Meng has such an honest face, but she did the worst thing."

"Matthew's acting is really amazing, I feel like he's even better than before. I'm also a father. The scene where he stood behind the bookshelf made me cry."


The most discussed topic was the movie content, followed by the actors.

However, many people who watched the premiere came for the director's reputation.

So in this topic, in addition to the movie and the actors themselves, the most discussed topic was the director who did evil.

"Chen Xiao, you are not a human being!"

"Are the trailer and the feature film the same thing?! I brought popcorn to watch Save the Earth, and you stabbed me with a knife. What are you going to pay me back for what you owe me?"

"Chen Xiao's movie promotions, not a single word can be trusted. Last time,"Farewell My Concubine" was sweetly deceiving me as a peerless sweet drama. I watched it on New Year's Eve! 凸(艹皿艹)"

"That trending search was not bought by the crew. I heard it was bought by a CEO. His company went bankrupt this year."

"You tricked me into watching"Farewell My Concubine" on New Year's Eve, you deserve it!"

"Don't call me Director Chen, call me Chen Dao instead"

"How can one knife be enough?"

"Chen刕. Three knives pronounced lí, is a surname, but it seems no one has this surname now."

"I know, this is an Internet term, an upgraded version of"刀", which means going crazy or wanting to kill someone"

"Chen 别别!"

"Damn it, don't bring that up. Chen Kuku looked at me and trembled in his heart. Aren't you afraid that what you said will come true? Who knows what he will shoot next?"


At the same time, Xiao Liu, an employee of Jiahao Animation, a subsidiary of Jiahao Entertainment, was lying at home and browsing his phone.

Seeing netizens discussing what Chen Xiao's next work would be, he was moved.

He knew what it was!

The project of"The Divine Chef Xiao Fugui" had already started in mid-September and it is expected to be completed after the new year.

The leader told them that this animation project did not need to be kept secret, as long as the plot was not leaked.

Oh, of course I have to tell you. He also wants to gain two fans.

He typed quickly with his thumbs.

"I know! Director Chen's next work is"The Divine Chef Xiao Fugui", which is a collaboration with our company."

As soon as the comment was posted, I received a lot of replies within five minutes.

"Is it fake? His crew always keeps their mouth shut."

"It must be fake, what kind of name is this? Hahaha? A food movie?"

"I testify that it is true. It is an animated film. It is a cartoon for children. The company requires no spoilers, but it does not have to be kept strictly confidential. It is estimated that we will be able to see the trailer by the end of the year."

"Brothers, they are both employees of Jiahao Films, it is probably true"

"Ah? Why would Director Chen make an animated film? No, I want to watch a movie, or a TV series is fine."

"Should I just give him the script? He's a screenwriter."

"Hiss——Chen Daodao is the screenwriter, Xiao Fugui is a person's name, right? It won't end in a cackle, right?"

"Animation, definitely not. It sounds like a unit drama. Please show it during winter vacation! I also watch director Chen's animation!"


In a high-end residential area in the capital.

Minister Wu fell on the sofa in his home, checking the market feedback on his mobile phone.

Seeing the topic of"Interstellar" on the hot search, he clicked in and saw:"Director Chen will make an animated film next."

He was stunned for a moment. He raised his other hand to rub his eyes and took a closer look.

It really is an animated film!

He sat up all of a sudden.

His daughter who was passing by was also startled by him.

At this moment, she suddenly understood what it meant to"sit up in shock from a dying illness". It turns out that parents are the best teachers.

Minister Wu put down his mobile phone and looked out the window in disbelief.

What the hell?

Deputy Director Wang told him an hour ago that he was going to make an animated film. Chen Xiao really made an animated film?

Deputy Director Wang is an insider, right? Damn!

Minister Wu rubbed his head.

Impossible, what kind of coincidence is this?

He pinched himself hard.

Hiss - it hurts, it's not a dream, what kind of coincidence is this?

Forget it, I'll go donate money everywhere tomorrow. Then consider making a short drama.

People like Chen Xiao who make blockbusters should not make short dramas. Hey...

He sighed, put down his phone, and got up to take a shower.

He took a step, paused, and slowly turned back.

He saw a pack of tissues in front of the photo frame next to the TV.

Damn! Who put the tissues in front of the photo frame!

There was a row of words written vertically in the photo frame, from top to bottom: unlimited money.

When the tissues were put in place, they just blocked the bottom words, and it became...……

"There is no money to be made!"

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