Diamond company shoots commercials, you shoot Titanic

Chapter 132

Before people recovered from the shock of the explosion, the next shock hit them.

In the picture.

The explosion caused the space station to spin rapidly and fall towards a nearby planet. Once the space station exploded, they would be trapped in outer space.

Cooper's eyes became firm.

At the same time, the music of the organ sounded, and the audience's hearts gradually rose to their throats with the sound of the organ.

Cooper asked the robot to analyze the rotation of the Eternity.

Amy asked:"Cooper, what are you going to do?"


As soon as the words fell, the sound of the organ suddenly increased, and the magnificent sound echoed in every cinema.

Every emphasis seemed to hit people's hearts.

The director of the City Entertainment Production Department looked at the big screen in disbelief.

This music gave him goose bumps, as if it was a hymn to human courage, telling of the unyielding will of mankind.

This is definitely not an electronic synthesized sound, but... a live recording!

Real shooting and real recording, how much money was spent on this movie?

At this moment, he was completely convinced.

Not to mention the technology, just looking at the shooting attitude, he was convinced of his defeat.

In the picture.

Cooper drove Drive the spacecraft under the Endless, let the spacecraft and the Endless rotate synchronously, produce relative stillness, and then the docking can be completed.

This is simply an impossible task.

The huge rotation speed made Amy faint directly in her seat.

But Cooper managed to pull through and successfully completed the docking.

At this moment, the music reached its climax.

The alternation of light and shadow and the accents of the organ were perfectly coordinated, making the audience hold their breath and even burst into tears, moved by the feat of mankind.

The docking was successful, and the spacecraft started the reverse propulsion, slowly restoring the rotation speed of the space station to normal.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief.

"I failed the third subject and couldn't help but shed tears"

"I almost suffocated watching a movie"


However, the audience and the survivors were only happy for two seconds before the next storm hit.

They had entered the gravitational range of the black hole, and they had just escaped from the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den.

Part of the space station was destroyed, and they did not have enough supplies to return to Earth.

The remaining fuel was not enough to support them to reach the last planet.

Cooper proposed an idea: let the black hole pull them over, and after reaching the critical orbit, throw away the two spacecraft as boosters, and rely on the gravitational slingshot effect to shoot the space station to the last planet to migrate to.

The gravity of the black hole distorts time, and these few small operations took 51 years on Earth.

But they had no choice.

When they approached the black hole, they first released the detachment cabin where the No. 1 robot was located and sent him to collect data.

Cooper also separated his spacecraft and fell into the black hole.

He wanted to strengthen the slingshot effect, and he also hoped to fall into the higher-dimensional universe, go back to the past, and see his children.

After all, for the earth, he had been away for more than 70 years.

Cooper drove the spacecraft to the black hole.

It was pitch black all around.

After a while, countless points of light hit the spaceship like gravel.

Cooper struggled and finally ejected himself from the cabin before the spaceship exploded. Miraculously, he was not swallowed by the black hole, but seemed to have entered a tunnel and kept falling down.

Finally, he fell into the five-dimensional space, where time existed in a physical way.

He found the day he left home, hoping to stop himself from leaving.

He pushed the bookshelf desperately to make the books fall, and used Morse code to pass the word"stay".

He didn't want to leave home, and he didn't want to miss his child's life.

Cooper stood behind the bookshelf, pleading in his eyes,"Murphy, hurry up. What does it say?"

As he wished, Murphy quickly deciphered the code

"Don't let him go, Murphy, don't let me go, Murphy."

But what happened next made him feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

Across the bookshelf, Murphy cried,"He said to stay, Dad! Don't you believe me?"

Cooper remembered that he had heard these words before.

On the day he left home!

He thought it was Murphy's trick and insisted on leaving.

It turned out... everything was destined and nothing could be changed.

Cooper was extremely desperate and burst into tears.

The furthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth, nor is it the separation of life and death.

It's that I am standing behind your bookshelf, watching myself leave, you grow up and leave alone, but I am at a loss.


Minister Wu was completely convinced when he saw this.

They said it was supposed to show human touch, but this was too much.

Such strong emotions were actually integrated into a science fiction film, and he deserved to lose.

He wiped his eyes and sighed,"A few operations take 51 years, and a few breaths can equal the years of one's children's lives... Who doesn't regret leaving?"

In the front row, Vice President Wang was a little angry when he heard his voice.

But after hearing these words, coupled with Cooper's regretful and painful scene in the picture, he also felt like he was stabbed in the chest.

It was too sharp.

He missed his family's life. His father-in-law's, his son's, his daughter's. And his grandson's.

His daughter even felt abandoned by him.

How could he not regret it? Too desperate.

The emotions were so delicate that he felt a stomachache when he saw them.

He wanted to go to the bathroom, but was reluctant to go.

Alas... It seems that tragedy and emotion cannot touch each other. Why don't we make a comedy next time?

Chen Xiao shoots tragedy, and they shoot comedy.

Well, it's a good idea


In the picture, the camera turned.

At the same time, Murphy, 51 years ago, had just burned his brother's cornfield and was still reminiscing about his childhood in the bedroom.

When she saw the"stay" written in her childhood, her eyes moved and a light of emotion rose in her eyes.

She looked up at the bookshelf and slowly walked towards the bookshelf,"That's you, Dad, it turns out that you are my ghost."

Cooper's side, the voice of robot No. 1 came from his communicator.

No. 1 was not dead either.

They communicated briefly and learned that they were saved by"them".

The robot has obtained the data in the black hole. As long as it is transmitted back to the earth, humans will be saved.

Cooper combined with his failure to leave himself just now, and suddenly realized.

It turned out that the"they" who placed the black hole and the five-dimensional space were not others, but humans themselves. This was a self-rescue of humans.

This five-dimensional space connects the past and transmits information to humans in the past.

He is the bridge for transmitting data.

The daughter is the one who receives the data and saves the earth.

Understanding this, on the day when Cooper found the sandstorm, he controlled the sand through gravity, left the coordinates of the space agency, and guided his past self to find the space agency to ensure that the bridge was not interrupted.

Then, he traveled through the five-dimensional space, using the watch he gave to his daughter as a medium to transmit data.

He believed that his daughter would be able to get the watch.

Because as Amy said, love may be a high-dimensional existence that pulls humans.

Love will let Murphy take the watch.

As he thought, 51 years ago, before Murphy gave up his hometown, he picked up the watch his father gave him.

Suddenly she found that the pointer was moving regularly.

She was more certain at this moment that it was Dad! Dad never gave up on them and came back to save them.

In the end, Murphy successfully solved the gravity equation and realized the old professor's Plan A.

In the future, humans are also closing the five-dimensional space.

When closing, Cooper saw Amy passing through the wormhole, stretched out a hand to her, and the two completed a handshake across dimensions. After closing, Cooper fainted and was placed near Saturn with No. 1.

When he woke up again, he was in the human space station.

Humans have come to space on the space station and rescued them near Saturn.

Here he saw his white-haired daughter.

Cooper is still as young as before.

But the daughter grew from a little girl to a centenarian.

She was lying on the hospital bed, with medical devices supporting her life inserted into her body.

She wore the watch and tremblingly stretched out her hand to her father,"I knew you would come back."

Cooper sat beside her bed and held her wrinkled hand,"Murphy, how did you know?"

"Because my father promised me that he would come back"

"Yes, I'm back, Murphy."

Murphy smiled gently and said,"Dad, go. Parents shouldn't watch their children die. I have my children. Go find Amy. She is still on a distant planet, building a new home for mankind alone."

Cooper followed his daughter's instructions, took robot No. 1, and drove the spaceship to find Amy.

The scene changed.

On a distant planet.

Amy, who had just landed, stared blankly at the spaceship that was smashed by stones.

That was the spaceship of her lover, Meng De.

Next to the spaceship, No. 2 was trying to dig Meng De out of the soil bit by bit.

After a while,

Amy found Meng De's ID and built a small tombstone for him with stones.

She slowly stood up, took off her helmet, and her eyes were full of loneliness. She took a deep breath, turned and walked towards the base behind her, waiting alone for the arrival of new life in the new home of mankind.

The screen went black, and the soft sound of the organ sounded.

The audience burst into applause.

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