Diamond company shoots commercials, you shoot Titanic

Chapter 130

In the picture, the story continues.

The two survivors returned to the space station and found that Luo Li, who stayed behind, had grown old.

He had waited for 23 years, 4 months and 8 days.

Hibernation can only slow down the aging process, but it cannot make people immortal.

He didn't want to waste his life in hibernation, and tried his best to study black holes.

The people in front of the screen stared at the screen in a daze. He stayed in the space station alone for 23 years, from an aspiring young man in his thirties to over fifty.

He spent his best life in a confined space.

It can be said that his entire life was dedicated to mankind.

And despite waiting for 23 years, he didn't blame his teammates.

Oh... great.

In the picture, Cooper walked to the robot that stayed behind and asked the robot to play the videos sent from the earth in sequence.

The first video began to play.

His son looked almost the same as when he left.

"Dad, let me tell you something. I graduated and ranked second in the school. Grandpa came to attend the graduation ceremony."

Cooper smiled, tears welling up in his eyes.

Fortunately, the child is doing well.

But he started crying while smiling.

This is a video from more than 20 years ago. He missed the whole process of the child's growth.

The son continued:

"Oh, and I met a girl. I think she's the one for me."

"Her name is Zhou Wan, this is her photo"

"Murphy stole her grandfather's car and crashed it, but she was fine."

The first video ended.

The second video came on, and the son looked to be about 25 or 26 years old. He picked up a baby from the side and said to the camera with a smile:

"Hi, Dad. You're a grandfather now."

Seeing this, Cooper calmed down a little.

Although he was still crying, he also smiled with relief.

His son continued:

"His name is Ku Hong. I wanted to call him Cooper, but Wan Wan said let's do it next time."

"Grandpa said that he just wanted to say that he had a great-grandson, and there was nothing else to say.

The woman next to him took the child and waved the child's little hand towards the camera.

"Baby, say goodbye to grandpa.

Cooper also smiled and raised his hand to say goodbye to his grandson.

The screen flashed and the third video appeared.

The son was already in his thirties, with a beard and looked very old. His tone was very low.

"Sorry, I haven't messaged you in a while."

"Because Kuhong……"

The son's voice was a little choked up, and he held his forehead with his fists.

After a moment, he continued:

"Grandpa died last week. We buried him with Mom in the wasteland behind the farm."

"And Ku Hong is also buried there. That was the place we reserved for you."

Cooper felt as if a heavy hammer hit his head. He felt dizzy and stared at the screen in a daze, crying silently.

In the last second, he was still waving to his grandson, and in the next second, he learned that his grandson had been buried.

For a moment, the feeling of helplessness, helplessness, and powerlessness swept over him from all directions.

All he could do was to continue listening.

His son continued

"Murphy also came to the funeral. We don't see each other very often, but she came this time."

"Can't you see the message I sent you?"

"These messages have all floated into space and disappeared. Wanwan said, people have to look forward, I should let you go"

"That's right, Dad, I'm going to let you go."

Cooper had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

The wormhole has changed over the years, and their equipment is not enough to send messages back, so they can only receive messages.

He can only listen, but can't tell the child that he is still alive.

The son sighed and continued:

"Dad, I don't know where you are, but I hope you are safe."


As the screen went dark, the background music stopped abruptly.

Cooper touched the screen, looked around, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

What should he do?

What should he do? His son is already in his thirties. How can he see his child?

He really hopes that his son will appear again and not disappear from his life like this.

After a moment, Cooper helplessly held the screen with both hands and sighed.

At this moment, a woman's face appeared on the screen. Her face still had the resentment of her childhood, and also a hint of helplessness.


Cooper looked at the screen and his eyes turned red again. He murmured,"Hello, Murphy."

The music started again.

In front of the screen, the moment Murphy appeared, countless people shed tears.

Perhaps it was because of the regret of the separation on Earth that made the reconciliation at this time so painful.

Unfortunately, it was still a one-way video. Cooper could only cry and could not answer.

In the picture, Murphy expressed his thoughts.

"Today is my birthday. This birthday is special because you told me"

"When you come back, we will be the same age."

"Today, I have reached the age when you left. So now you should come back."

The daughter wiped her tears and turned off the video.

Cooper burst into tears.

The daughter still remembered the promise, but how could he go back?

In front of the screen.

Even Li Zhiming wiped his eyes.

Alas, life seems to have been fast-forwarded.

Everything that is regarded as a treasure is nothing in front of the universe and nature.

In another screening room.

Minister Wu also cried.

For Cooper, for empathy.

And for his"Father's Love Without Borders" box office.

This is fucking cheating!

The same story about family affection, this dog Chen Xiao actually used time dislocation!

Who can beat this fucking?. Family affection seems so powerless in the face of time.

Time... There is no time to do anything, the children have grown up, the father-in-law and the little grandson have passed away.

Too powerless.

Whether it is bringing in the protagonist or being a producer.


Just like the diving fate of"Father's Love Without Borders" will not disappear because of Minister Wu's sadness.

The astronauts' pace of exploration cannot stop because of their families.

In the space station, the three living people discussed which planet to go to next.

Cooper believes that Wan's planet is more reliable.

First, Wan's planet is close.

Second, he himself is The leader is an excellent astronaut.

Third, he is still sending messages, while Mengde on another planet has been out of contact for three years.

And Amy thinks Mengde's data is more reliable, because Mengde is her lover and he will not lie to her.

She thinks that maybe they spent more time analyzing the known logic.

And love itself exists.

Perhaps, love itself is a high-dimensional existence, something that humans can perceive beyond time and space.

Just like Cooper can feel the love of his children in the previous video.

Maybe they should believe it, although they can't really understand it yet.

After some discussion.

They finally chose to believe in the known rationality and go to Wan'en's planet.

At least, this planet is closer.

The three of them arrived at the planet with robot No. 1 (Tas) by spacecraft. No. 2 (Keith) was left to guard the space station.

Here is an endless glacier with snowflakes.

They came to the cabin and woke up Wanen who was in hibernation.

As soon as Wanen appeared, the atmosphere in various cinemas suddenly became relaxed.

In a cinema in Magic City.

A child pointed at Wanen and giggled,"Buttocks, fell on your buttocks!"

Not only children, but adults also recognized him.

This person appeared in an interview on the movie channel.

At that time, not long after"Farewell My Concubine" won the Golden Lion Award, CCTV also did a small report on"Interstellar".

Although the news clip was short, it was forwarded many times on the Internet.

Dai Meng, who played Wan En, was praised by many people for his professionalism and set a benchmark for actors because he repeatedly jumped down from a seven or eight-meter snow hill and fell down.

The child's mother wiped the child's mouth and whispered,"Shh, baby, don't talk loudly in the cinema, keep watching."

The child's father looked at the screen and nodded in appreciation.

This actor is good-looking and has been widely reported. He must be a positive character.

He turned his head to his son and said,"Baby, study hard, and you must be such a dedicated and studious person in the future"


The child's mother asked in confusion:"If this person is still alive, then this planet can survive, right? But the movie is only halfway through."

"I guess the next step is to bring the Earthlings over."

""Yeah, that makes sense!" The mother looked at the child and whispered,"Baby, you have to learn from this uncle in the future."

The child held the popcorn and nodded seriously,"Yeah! Learn from the uncle."

On the screen, the story continued.

Four astronauts walked on the endless glacier, and Wan En introduced them to the situation of this planet.

The gravity here is only 80% of that on Earth, and the ammonia content in the air is extremely high. Humans can't stand breathing for a few minutes. But under the surface, there is another layer of surface, where there is breathable air, suitable for human survival.

The robot traveling with him has aged and retired.

He was left alone to hold on.

At this moment, a message from Murphy came through the wormhole.

Amy's father passed away. Before his death, he told Murphy that the gravitational equation could not be solved because of the lack of data inside the black hole.

There was no plan A, only plan B to colonize with fertilized eggs.

Murphy mistakenly thought that her father had abandoned her, and she burst into tears and questioned Cooper.

Cooper was in pain and wanted to return to Earth.

After a brief discussion, everyone decided that others would set up a base to carry out Plan B, he returns to Earth.

At this time, Raleigh, who has studied black holes for 23 years, gave a point of view. The black hole near them has aged, and perhaps the data needed for the gravitational equation can be obtained from it. He hopes that before Cooper returns to Earth, Robot No. 1 will go in and get the data.

Cooper agreed.

Robot No. 1 also agreed.

Before leaving Wann Planet, Cooper helped others to implement Plan B.

In order to build a new base, Robot No. 2 drove another spacecraft, carrying Amy's experimental equipment, from the space station to Wann Planet.

Cooper hopes to build a camp as soon as possible and asks Wann to take him to the exploration site.

Wann took him there, and the two jumped off the cliff.

In front of the screen.

When everyone saw this scene, they remembered the scene of Dai Meng rolling down in the report and laughed.

The lady who came to watch the movie with her family touched the child's head and whispered:"Here we are, a new home, let's see what it looks like?"

As soon as she finished speaking.

Wann suddenly unplugged Cooper's communicator and pushed him off the cliff.

The laughter in major movie theaters stopped abruptly.

Everyone stared at the screen in a daze.

What's going on?

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