Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1271: Looking at the Warmth from afar

Chapter 1271: Looking at the Warmth from afar

The sharp claw hesitated for a moment before reaching for the glasses again.

At this moment, the extinguished blood-red in the left eye boiled again. The 3 huge constellations faintly revealed their roaring faces as a strong voice in her mind shouted, “Kill him!”

‘Quilliana’ screamed, and the claw that stretched to the glasses pierced toward Chen Rui’s throat.

Lightning speed.

But in the soul, the flow of time seemed extremely slow. Countless consciousnesses, countless scenes… flashed by.

Kill him!

An irresistible will had been integrated into her life since she was born.

This was fate.

She had fought more than once, but in the end, she was unable to reverse her fate and sank completely into destruction and hatred.

She didn’t have many conversations with him. Since she met him plus the sentence just now, he said a total of 36 sentences. Every word and every warmth in her memory was in her mind.

“This is a pair of magic glasses I made temporarily…”

“You will come back, right?”


“I’m waiting for you.”

Hate and destruction quickly overwrote these.

Inescapable, endless fate.

This trace of soul had survived until now, and it was not living for the sake of existence.

She just wanted to see him again.

“Kill him! Kill him!” The voice sounded again.

Irresistible fate.

You don’t need to hate, because there is more than hatred in your eyes…

The claw swung out with all its might.

Just to touch the warmth from afar.

Chen Rui’s vision froze.

The moment Blanche’s claw approached his throat, there was a sudden pause. Then, the claw stabbed back into her own blood-red left eye.

The left eye seemed to be shattered, and countless flaming blood spurted out. The 3 constellations that showed roaring expressions made a shrill explosion and completely collapsed.

Chen Rui flew over with all his might and desperately caught the falling figure.

That vaguely delicate face was full of boiling blood. She couldn’t even open her eyes, but her expression was extraordinarily calm. It was the first time in her life that she was so calm.

“Blanche! Blanche!”

… Is it over?

His voice was calling her name.

It was a pity that she couldn’t speak. She didn’t even have the strength to look at him again.

Her was getting lighter and lighter.

I would love to see him…

What is that warm feeling?

His tears?

I finally touched the warmth of the dream.

I thought I have lost him, but he has never left me.

And that inescapable fate is getting farther and farther away.

In my eyes…

Chen Rui embraced that slowly fading body as tears blurred his vision.

Neither potion, item nor ability was omnipotent. Blanche’s consciousness and soul had long been integrated with the Abyss Will and they were inseparable. From the moment she destroyed her soul, the most basic origin collapsed, just like the annihilation of Michael and Gabriel.

“I will take you home, our home.” Chen Rui kissed the face that almost vanished.

Home… She seemed to feel it and hear it. She smiled slightly before completely vanishing.

There was only a dot of red light left in the air. It was a broken red crystal ball.

There was still dried blood on it. This was the last thing she left for him.

Chen Rui carefully held the crystal ball in his hands. He closed his eyes as if he could still feel the pain at that moment. Not only physically, but also deep down in the soul.

Yet there was something that surpassed all pain.


When he opened his eyes again, the blood-colored solar system completely dissipated, and the scene returned to Nightmare Volcano.

Unlike previously, the huge eye in the sky, the Book of Creation, and the Book of Destruction all disappeared, leaving only the huge altar. The 3 statues on the altar collapsed like the 3 constellations in the blood-colored solar system, and the Abyss monsters also disappeared one after another.

However, the Abyss monsters were not the most worrying factor now— In the sky, the original bloody cloud had disappeared, replaced by a ‘reflection’ like the Demon Realm. It was rapidly approaching the ground at a faster rate than before.

This was the most terrifying crisis.

The entire main plane was facing the greatest catastrophe.

Although Blanche was annihilated and couldn’t even speak even when she was dying, the trace of consciousness she deliberately left behind in the crystal ball told him the biggest secret.

The Abyss Will indeed began to recover long ago. The reason was that it used the power of the Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction to absorb countless destroyed life forces in the human world. However, this recovery was only preliminary. It was still far away from a complete recovery. Not only that, it would continuously consume power to wake the silent bodies, which were the huge ‘corpses’ that Chen Rui saw.

Because of this, they were eager to devour the life and origin of the entire main plane. Similarly, to maintain the current state of the bodies, they couldn’t exert too much power.

Because they had been annihilated once, they almost completely lost the power of eternity and immortality. The fear and dread of the ‘Will’ toward the supreme key was far beyond imagination. After sensing Chen Rui’s presence in the human world, out of caution, the Abyss would not face him in themselves. Instead, they immediately left the Nightmare Volcano for the Chaos Realm.

Before leaving, the Abyss Will left the God’s deterrence projection and Blood Spider Mandala. The purpose was to let Quilliana seize the supreme key. Therefore, Quilliana had been trying to induce Chen Rui to activate the supreme key.

Chen Rui guessed it right. If he really activated the supreme key at that time, then there was only one result, being seized.

He still guessed wrongly that the Abyss Will left early. The Chaos Realm that was about to overlap was actually just a projection, and the purpose was naturally to lure him to use the last trump card. Therefore, there was that ‘empty’ feeling later on, because the God’s deterrence supporting the space was exhausted during the attack.

After sensing that Quilliana’s power collapsed, the ‘Will’ made a decisive decision. They did not hesitate to overdraw their power that had not yet fully recovered to further stimulate the power of the Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction, wanting to destroy the entire main plane in advance. This included Chen Rui who held the supreme key.

Even if they couldn’t kill Chen Rui, as long as they destroyed all the lives on the main plane and recovered their real strength, it would be easy to kill Chen Rui instantly.

Just in case, before accelerating the destruction of the world, they did another more decisive move, sealing off the Mysterious Land.

However, these Wills who thought that everything was under their control were still unable to control everything after all.

For example, human nature.

Another example, the [Star Gate].

At the Ghastly Floating Land.

A door shining with faint starlight opened.

When Chen Rui entered the Ghastly Floating Land, he felt a strange vibration in his soul, as if he sensed some kind of strong fluctuation of consciousness. Countless images that he didn’t have before quickly flashed through his mind.

Fierce battle.

The sky was full of countless interlacing lights. There were many familiar figures: Angels, fallen angels, dragons, elves…

They were not controlled mass-produced monsters like the Abyss, but real lives with autonomous consciousness. Just for their fanatical faith, they risked their lives and fought desperately.

In a flash of light, hundreds of super powerhouses were instantly annihilated, including Pseudo-God powerhouses. The scale, level and intensity of this kind of battle would be unimaginable if one hadn’t witnessed it personally.

Chen Rui suddenly understood. The Battle of Gods!

Although I didn’t see God, even in any era in the later generations, it is impossible to have such a large number of powerhouses!

At the same time, he also vaguely understood why Michael, Satan and those who had experienced the battle of Gods wanted to become gods at all costs. Even the peak stage Pseudo-God is an existence that may fall at any time in this kind of battle, let alone ordinary powerful people. Everyone is just cannon ashes and pawns in the game of the gods, unless… one becomes a player.

The images of the fierce battle flashed across Chen Rui’s mind. The next moment, the wandering spirits appeared in front of him like a tide. The white figures almost filled his entire vision.

Some kind of change seemed to have taken place in Mysterious Land. The rule that restricted the strength above Demi-God was gone. There were many more powerful existences in the wandering spirits.

Chen Rui knew that these wandering spirits were transformed by the souls of the original battle of Gods. Now they must be attacking under the will of Gods. He didn’t want to fight these souls, and he didn’t have time to spend here. The world outside was facing the life and death moment.

He took out the cracked red crystal ball and crushed it.

The surrounding space suddenly twisted strangely, and an upright vortex door appeared in front of him.

This was the only privileged object obtained by ‘Quilliana’ as the highest oracle. It could directly enter the last Chaos Realm in Mysterious Land, and it was also the real intention of Blanche to leave him the crystal ball.

She didn’t know that he could go straight to the Ghastly Floating Land, but she left her last hope and wish to him.

Take her home.

This was Chen Rui’s promise to her, and also to Duoduo as well as all relatives and friends.

Without the slightest hesitation, he flew into the vortex.

The moment Chen Rui entered the next space, before he could clearly see the situation in front of him, countless overwhelming powers came from all directions. The level of these powers was far beyond what he could bear. They were definitely not something that the constellation power could resist. Even if he could be resurrected 10,000 times, he would be annihilated in an instant.

The source of power was those huge ‘corpses’!

Chen Rui couldn’t resist. However, his hand was shining.

Magic card, ‘King of Darkness’.

At this time, he had already used the supreme key without hesitation.

At this moment, time and space seemed to pause, including all the surging power.

When the blood-red light shone throughout the Chaos Realm, Chen Rui didn’t see any light. He seemed to have entered another world.

It was chaos.

Drowsy, lifeless and lightless, filled with a sense of stagnation and dead silence.

It seemed that everything was destroyed.

This scene made Chen Rui feel inexplicably familiar.

This is what it looks like after the world is destroyed? Could it be that the supreme key just now made the whole world…

Wait a minute, no!

This familiar feeling… is the Super System! To be more precise, at the very beginning of the Super System, it was the ‘chaotic’ state before the creation of universe!

Why am I in this place? Where’s the Chaos Realm? The will of the gods?

Just when Chen Rui was surprised, an indescribably powerful origin power appeared in the chaos. It seemed to be brewing.

Then, violent vibrations and explosions occurred. Light appeared in the space, and the feeling of stagnation disappeared because of ‘time’.

‘Life’ also appeared, because there was ‘death’. This was life and death.

Similarly, this was also a cycle of destruction and creation.

There was a process of creation of the space with lives one by one. Unlike the Super System, the spaces where life lived were not all planets, but some were intersected parallel ‘domains’.

This series of evolutions had passed quickly. In the eyes of Chen Rui, a bystander, it was the ‘fast forward’ process of the creation of this universe and life.

The scene changed again, and he came to a sunny space. Chen Rui, who had witnessed the evolution of the universe before, clearly felt that this was the ‘domain’ formed by the most origin essence in the evolution of the universe, or the so-called… main plane.

The main plane retained the 3 most powerful origin forces that created the world. The strongest of these 3 origins was not creation or destruction, but the origin that gave birth to ‘existence’ after destruction and creation. That was ‘life and death’.

This was the Book of Life and Death, the Book of Creation, and the Book of Destruction.

TL: Secret unravel?

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