Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The next day, Dong Kai's parents rushed over from their hometown, and then there were endless calls (Germany) bombardment (kidnapping) bombing (frame).

The other party's parents acted both hard and soft, telling how difficult it was for their family to send the child to a university, and even offered to compensate them [-] yuan for private affairs.

"I've made it very clear to the police," Han Xin refused mercilessly, "We don't accept any adjustment or forgiveness, and we don't need any compensation. As for the account itself, it doesn't belong to him, so it should be returned to the current account owner."

"You can do it all right, this child has been studying for so many years, and he is finally going to be a leader..." Dong Kai's mother begged softly, which made Han Xin feel agitated.

"I'm doing it for your son's good! Let him learn a lesson so that he won't do more terrible things in the future!" Han Xin said angrily.

"No, our child has been kind-hearted since he was a child, and he is still a child!" Dong Kai's mother said pitifully, "Please give him another chance, he has learned his lesson!"

"A 22-year-old child?" Han Xin said, and sent Dong Kai's insulting and provocative customer service words on WeChat. "Seeing this, do you still think you know your son very well? These are all words from your son!"

The other end of the phone fell silent. Obviously, the mother did not expect that her son, who is usually polite and polite, would be able to swear such nasty words and threaten the little customer service girl like a gangster.

"My suggestion is that you'd better let him take the responsibility, otherwise he escaped punishment this time, and the next time he gets killed might be murder and arson." Han Xin snorted coldly, "At that time, there is really no turning back!"

After finishing speaking, Han Xin gave the other party the customer service number of Xuefeng's trading platform, and handed over the follow-up communication to Bai Xiaofeng: He is the type who eats soft but not hard, and this kind of mother can easily make him think of his own mother and soften his heart, but he cannot be soft-hearted in this matter.

After that, Han Xin was not in the mood to play anymore, so he went shopping in Qingyang City, bought some souvenirs, and set off on his return journey.

After returning home, he returned the equipment to the company, and the company edited and released the incident quickly in the later stage.

Although at the end of the video, Han Xin was a little confused when Dong Kai's parents made such a fuss, but the effect of the video was very good, and most viewers supported their platform's resolute reconciliation.

The audience at station D expressed their "joy" and "just want to punish this kind of retrieval dog who wants to take advantage of the loophole", especially the few words Han Xin reprimanded the college student, which made the audience clap their hands and applaud.

After the video was released, the number of fans of Han Xin's account skyrocketed by 20 to [-] fans, approaching [-] fans, and the search volume of Xuefeng Trading Platform also skyrocketed.

The number of views of the video exceeded 100 million on the same day, and it came to No. 3 in the ranking list of the whole station on D Station that month.

As for Han Xin himself, he returned home and waited for the next job order.

From this case, he obtained 150 DP points, which also gave Han Xin a clue: the amount of DP points obtained depends not only on the complexity of the case, but also on the meticulousness of his analysis.

Now with this 150 DP, Han Xin can learn some new abilities again.

The "special ability" upgrade option only needs 50 DP points, while the upgrade LV1 of the detective ability is 100 points, and the upgrade cost will gradually increase after that. In other words, his 150 DP points now allow him to learn one main ability and one special ability.

To be honest, this incident is still a bit suspenseful. Dong Kai happened to be skipping class when he went there, otherwise it would be a bit dangerous for him to face a boy from a department alone.

Although most of the retrieved dogs are people who only dare to yell online, there are also some vicious people. Han Xin still has to consider his own personal safety, so he first learned the "self-defense" in the "special ability".

According to the description on the mobile phone, "self-defense" is a combination of joint skills, grappling, judo, Tai Chi and other techniques.

Behind this ability, there is a remark "it is better to use it with detective time".

"It's all come to this point, what is there to believe or not?" Han Xin shrugged.

After clicking "Learning", Han Xin only felt that his whole body was excited, and there were a lot of skills about "self-defense" in his mind.

This directly excited Han Xin: Although it is not enough to say that he is invincible all over the world, but with this self-defense technique, at least the third-rate characters like little thugs can't hurt him.

However, for the remaining 100DP, Han Xin chose the faction ability of "Don't lie to me".

As far as his work is concerned, he mainly deals with ordinary people, so it is very important to be able to distinguish the lies of the other party.

As for the criminal mind... Retrieving the dog is not a psychopath, the priority of this ability should not be that high, right?
Han Xin was lying on the bed and pressing happily at the moment, when Jiang Lin suddenly pushed the door open and said, "Tomorrow, your Uncle Hao recommended a girl to you to meet her, did you hear that? You are almost 27, and you don't even have a girlfriend."

"Understood." Han Xin readily agreed, and Jiang Lin was a little surprised by his straightforwardness.

Normally, Han Xin would be very impatient when faced with his mother’s urging questions in this regard, but his mother didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart at the moment: he had learned a lie detector ability of “don’t lie to me”, and he just wanted to find someone to try it, wouldn’t he hit the gun?
So, this afternoon, he asked the girl out, found a relatively secluded coffee shop, ordered two cups of coffee and some desserts, and chatted with her.

This girl is Su Jing, 28 years old, more than a year older than him. She looks pretty good, with regular features and a slender figure, with lean, shoulder-length hair. The fly in the ointment is that her chest is a bit flat.

The family conditions of the other party are not bad. Although the mother has diabetes and needs to be taken care of all the year round, the father has set up a home improvement company to run outside.It can also make 20 a year, which can be said to be a good match with Han Xin's family.

That's all the information introduced by the parents of both parties, and the next step is for the two to communicate by themselves.

The two came up and exchanged a few simple greetings, and then they were ready to get down to business.

"Well, everyone is here to get married, some questions may be a bit straightforward, I hope you don't mind." Han Xin took the vaccination in advance.

"Yes, I also like to open the skylight and speak brightly." Su Jing nodded with a smile, "What do you want to ask, please ask?"

"How many boyfriends have you dated?" Han Xin picked a less aggressive one.

"Hmm..." Su Jing murmured, this time was very short, only about a second, but the details of the other party's face "clicked and clicked" in Han Xin's mind like a camera, and Han Xin could clearly analyze Su Jing's various facial details and movement details in his mind.

"Count the online dating one..." Su Jing smiled playfully, "Four."

(End of this chapter)

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