Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 1 The Magical Promotion

Chapter 1 The Magical Promotion

Today is April 2019, 4. Han Xin returned to the simple staff dormitory after a day's work, fell headlong on the bed, looked around the single room with only one bed and one bedside table, and began to doubt life as usual.

He is 26 years old this year. After graduation, he faces competition from more than 1000 million fresh graduates. In addition, his major is a popular major, and he can't find a job corresponding to his major after searching. In the end, only "sales" is waiting for him.

Fortunately, he has a height of 1.8 meters three, and his physique is not bad, so he finally went to a property company as a security guard and lay down.

This kind of security guard is more professional than ordinary security guards, and they have to learn how to use explosion-proof equipment. They work eight hours a day, three shifts in the morning, noon and evening, and they do not include food but accommodation.

After deducting the five social insurances and one housing fund every month, there are still more than 5000 in hand.

This level is in a second-tier city. As long as you don't think about getting married, you can still live comfortably.

Comfortable is quite comfortable, but there is no hope, after a long time, I feel that the whole person will be abolished.

At this time, the phone vibrated, and he picked it up to look: it was Bai Xiaofeng, a boy from the same yard when he was a child.

But I said it was a childhood, because the old housing area was demolished when I was in high school, and then I went to different places. I only wish each other a few festivals a year, and I don’t know why I called at this time.

"Hello?" Han Xin answered the phone, "What's the matter, calling at this time?"

"Don't worry, it's not borrowing money." Bai Xiaofeng said half-jokingly, "On the contrary, I want to help you earn extra money. You are in Xihang City now, right? Help me catch someone over there, and I will give you [-] yuan for running errands."

"Arrest? Arrest who?" Han Xin asked curiously.

"Bad guy, get the dog back." Bai Xiaofeng replied from there, and then began to chatter.

It turned out that Bai Xiaofeng and a few friends have now established an account trading platform, Xuefeng Trading Platform, which is responsible for buying and selling game accounts.

These days, because there are certain legal loopholes in the sale and purchase of game accounts, it is a high incidence of retrieval, and it is difficult to protect the rights and interests of buyers.

And this kind of trading platform is established to avoid this situation. When selling an account, the seller needs to provide personal ID card, mobile phone number, address, emergency contact and even mobile phone location and other information.

Under such strict restrictions, it is easier to pass laws to sanction the behavior of account recovery, but there are still many cases of recovery, after all, legal ignorance does not care so much.

Bai Xiaofeng's trading platform usually has its own after-sales service to deal with such things, but this time the retrievers are mainly concentrated in the southern cities. Only the one in Xihang City is in the north, which happened to be on the wrong road, and it would waste a lot of time to come here in the end, so I entrusted Han Xin to help him.

"Don't worry, I'll print out all the evidence and send it to you. Just follow what I said, it's very simple." Bai Xiaofeng explained, "The prisoner's address and information are also there."

Han Xin is still a little hesitant: It seems to be quite troublesome...

"You don't know, that bastard is so arrogant." Bai Xiaofeng said unhappily, "When we contacted him to negotiate, that kid kept yelling, saying, 'You come, if you don't come, it's my grandson, please come. I'm waiting for you here'. Don't you think that this kind of person should be taught a lesson? He is arrogant and domineering on the Internet, but in reality, he can still be so arrogant?"

This sentence made Han Xin a little tempted. To be honest, when he was playing WoW in college, his account was recovered by others. The other party was also so arrogant at that time, so he can empathize with him in this regard.

"You're such a big guy, that guy will definitely be scared silly by you when you come to the door." Bai Xiaofeng encouraged, "Then take a photo of the expression on his face and send it to me!"

"Oh, okay." Han Xin reluctantly agreed, "Who made me poor."

After that, Bai Xiaofeng sent the procedure.

It's really not that difficult, and the evidence has already been collected, including the contract signed during the transaction, the recovered mobile phone text messages, IP addresses, information on the recovered personnel, account price identification, and so on.

All he had to do was to go to the door to find the person, and then take him to the police station to report and register. After the incident, he would take a photo of the acceptance receipt and the subsequent punishment letter and send it to Bai Xiaofeng. The process was not troublesome, but it might take some time.

But just in case, Han Xin searched the Internet for criminal investigation and tracking, hoping to be more professional.

"It shouldn't be necessary, after all, the addresses are all there..." Han Xin said to himself, but at this moment, a promotion suddenly popped up in the lower right corner of the mobile browser, with the words "Is this what you need: Shentan APP" written on it.

"How are these current software promoted? This kind of thing pops up as soon as I search." Han Xin complained angrily, and stretched out his hand to turn it off.

But I don’t know whether it’s the wrong way or the old routine of the advertisement, this APP started to download directly!

"Hey, shameless thing!" Han Xin cursed, and was about to cut it out and delete it.

As a result, the APP was downloaded in a few seconds, and it was opened automatically, directly entering the operation page.

However, the content of the page attracted Han Xin's attention. There were several options on it: detective point DP, ability store, and achievement system.

It feels like some kind of detective game.

Click on the detective points, and the description is "according to the complexity of the case solved and the result of the case settlement reward DP".

And click on the ability store, there are several basic abilities in it: detective time, eagle eye vision, memory palace.

Below the basic ability is the ability purchased with DP, which is divided into several branches: basic deductive method (restore the criminal process based on logical reasoning), criminal psychology (using psychology to profile the suspect), don't lie to me (read the target's facial expressions, movements and other details to see through lies), and special abilities (miscellaneous).

The first three abilities can be continuously upgraded, from LV1 to LV5, and the latter special ability is only at level 1.

As for achievements and the like, they are regular game achievements, and there are no special rewards.

"How to play this game?" Han Xin pressed on the phone, and then slapped himself: "Fuck! Is it time to play games now!? How could you be fooled by this promotion?"

But the game still looks interesting, so he didn't delete it.

The next day, Han Xin came to the Cainiao Station and took the equipment that Bai Xiaofeng had sent him.

After all, there is no law enforcement power, so during the arrest process, a video device must be worn to record the cause and effect, which can also be used as evidence.

Everything was ready, Han Xin came to the address provided by Bai Xiaofeng, and was about to knock on the door, when a person came out, but it was not the retriever given by Bai Xiaofeng.

"Hello, is this the place where Li Wei lives?" Han Xin asked tentatively.

"Li Wei? I ran away. I think it's been a week since I ran away." The uncle said angrily, "I only found out when I came to collect the rent today, and I owed me a month's rent. It's really bad luck..."

"Run away?" Han Xin frowned, and then sighed with his forehead: Can't it be smoother?

But after all, it was a matter from a friend, so Han Xin asked, "Can I go in and have a look?"

"It's up to you, but it's very messy inside." The uncle pointed behind him and said.

When Han Xin came into the room, a stench mixed with dampness and rancidity came to his face at the first time, which almost made him vomit.

The room was messy and full of all kinds of garbage and boxes, obviously people had been gone for a while.

Han Xin closed his eyes and waited for a while. When he opened his eyes again, a circle of light suddenly spread out from his line of sight, and then several places in the room were suddenly displayed in highlighted form.

This situation made him stunned, he rubbed his eyes, closed them for a while and opened them again: the halo of light spread from his sight, while the previous places remained bright.

Han Xin thought of the Detective APP he had downloaded before, and suddenly thought: Eagle Eye Sight?

He went to the highlighted places and looked. The first one was a crumpled piece of paper, and when he opened it was a flyer for direct renting of a house, with the landlord's mobile phone number and a brief situation of the house marked on it.

Inside the second highlight is a pile of courier boxes, and Han Xin can see from the courier information on them that they are some daily necessities such as new slippers.

And in the third highlight, some takeaway boxes and a few takeaway lists can be found.

From the contents of the takeaway list, it can be seen that this kid ordered some good dishes on this day, and there were a few beer bottles in it, which seemed to be a good celebration.

Han Xin thought of the evidence given to him by Bai Xiaofeng, the time when the recovered personnel sold their accounts and recovered, and everything became clear.

This account was originally sold for 2000 yuan, but the new account owner charged more than 2 yuan into it. The recovery personnel recovered the account and then sold it on other platforms for [-] yuan.

After the sale, the guy celebrated with the money and rented a nicer house.

Then this matter will be easy to handle.

Han Xin grabbed the leaflet for renting a house, and then made a phone call, expressing that he wanted to rent a house.

Sure enough, the other party said that the house had been rented out a few days ago.

"Can you give me the specific floor and information of the house over there? I want to communicate with him." Han Xin explained.

The landlord also readily told him the specific units and floors of the house.

Before going out, Han Xin turned to the uncle at the door: "Uncle, do you need me to help him recover this month's rent?"

"Can you chase him back?" the uncle asked curiously.

"Leave it on me." Han Xin patted his chest, "The police may call to check later, just tell the truth and it's over."

After speaking, Han Xin rushed over to the address the landlord had mentioned.

After arriving at the place, Han Xin tidied himself up in a calm manner before knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" A lazy question came from inside.

"Xuefeng account trading platform." Han Xin explained.

At that time, the people inside were silent, and it took a while for the door to open, and a thin and small man appeared in front of him, his eyes were full of uneasiness and panic, and he almost had "Why are you here?" written on his face.

"Didn't you ask us to come here? Maybe it's your grandson, right?" Han Xin asked with a sneer, "Now I'm here."

(The update time is 1:1 noon and 15:2 every day, and there are [-] chapters directly. The new book period needs everyone to follow up, which is very important!)
(End of this chapter)

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