Desert Spirits - A Pokemon Fan fic

Ch 3

Gray Pov.

Gray watched at the tall figure ran away leaving him with an egg. He committed their strange appearance to his memory as they ran away, they didn't at all seem human they were possibly a pokemon that he had never seen before.

The egg in question was brown with green leaves Grey stared at it in awe taking in the details feeling its warmth soon after it moved

"Trapinch" Trap said questioningly

Gray was snapped out of his stupor.

"Sorry I got distracted let us continue." Gray held the egg close as he began to walk out of the grass but close enough in case a challenge approached.

Soon enough a Poochyena jumped out the grass in front of Gray "Pooch Poochyena" it said in challenge

"Trap it's time for your first battle up front and to start off use Astonish"

Trap followed orders running in front of Gray he then let out a startled scream.

As Trap is preparing Poochyena run towards Trap glowing white with energy as the scream comes Poochyena is startled letting out a whine.

"Now run up close and Bite it while its distracted" Trapinch then ran up close darkness filling its mouth as it chomped down on Poochyena.

Poochyena looked hurt pretty bad it glared at Trapinch and then Howled.

"Finish it with another Bite." Trapinch chomped down on Poochyena a final time before it slumped down passed out.

Gray and Trap then began to walk away.

Around half an hour later the woods became way too quiet. The journey till now was noisy with the various pokemon calling out but this area had no noise and Trapinch was visibly uncomfortable to the point he was staring at Gray.

"Trapinch" he said pleadingly and clearly uncomfortable.

"Trap I'll put you in your ball till your needed or we are out of this area."

Gray returned Trap to his ball then continued walking.

10 minutes of walking later an awful stench permeated the air. "The entire area is devoid of pokemon I bet that this smell is a pokemon repel. Why would anyone spray an entire area with the stuff. The rangers are going to be pissed about this. This entire area will be avoided for quite a while."

Gray continued walking till he was standing in front of the corpse of a ranger. He felt his blood run cold staring at the scene.

The ranger in question had his throat clawed. On the ground next to the Ranger was his Swampert laying unmoving.

Gray backed up shaking in panic running into a tree sliding down on his butt.

Gray pulled out his phone then shakily pressed the emergency button in the pokedex app.

The emergency button was for in case of an emergency like a strong pokemon in an area it wasn't supposed to be to terrible injury to something like this.

Soon after a signal was sent out signaling the nearest ranger.

It wasn't long till an Altaria Flew into sight and landed nearby close to Gray. From its back a lady in tan ranger attire dismounted the Altaria.

She looked around then a shocked expression filled her face seeing the corpse nearby "Hello kid I'm Ranger Tracy. This is Missy my Altaria. Can you tell me what happened here."

Gray nodded and explained the situation.

"I see well Missy will take you to Petalburg hand this token to the nurse and wait for someone to come visit you."

Gray put the egg into his bag then climbed on Missy.

Tracy Pov.

Tracy watched Missy fly away with the boy who called for her.

She turned and looked at the scene of the crime once more. "What a cruel way to go this was a move from a trained pokemon it was aimed specifically and less brutal than a wild attack. Swampert was killed by a weapon a knife."

She then inspected the pokeball that was snapped. "It looks like the ball was snapped after the deed. Looking at the other pokeballs on his belt he is missing one as there are 7 including the broken one and 8 slots on the belt."

"It seems like someone wanted the corpse to be found this is just awful." Tracy picked up her radio. "Reporting a Murder in Petalburg Woods between Oldale and Petalburg."

Gray Pov

Missy approached the Pokemon Center in Petalburg and landed in front.

Gray dismounted and watched as Missy flew away

Gray listlessly walked into the Center before approaching the nurse who looked at Gray concerned.

"How can I help you"

Gray held out the token for the Nurse to see.

"Oh, ok let's get you checked in and take you to your room."

Gray nodded handing over his Trainer id so the nurse could check Gray in.

Soon after Gray was taken to a room.

"Wait here and someone will be here to see you and worry not you can stay here for the night."

Gray nodded and took out the egg from his bag and laid on the bed holding it close. the egg shook soon after.

An hour later a knock was heard at the door of his room.

Gray got up and walked to the door and opened it. Gym leader Norman was at the door.

"Hello Gray, I'm here to see you about the incident that happened earlier today could you tell me about it."

"Yeah there were actually 2 strange incidents."

"Go ahead and tell me about the first."

"Yeah, a strange individual I'm not sure if they were human or pokemon approached me and handed me this egg. They looked strange they were tall with a black cloak with a strange leafy green hood and what looked like a black and orange mask."

"Strange, you are within your right to keep the egg since you were handed it and now it is within your care. Now tell me of the second Incident."

Gray explained what he saw up.

"Thanks for your statement I'll look into this. Safe travels to Rustboro for the start of the Gym circuit."

With that Norman left.

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