Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 869: Flooding In (4)

Nakata Yuji kept his head low.

“They didn’t respond as we expected, sir.”

The iemoto slowly nodded. “That's not very surprising.”

“However, we still succeeded in squeezing out all the necessary support from them.”

“...Success?” The iemoto muttered, his brows furrowing slightly. Dissatisfaction could clearly be heard in his voice. “We merely acquired what the other party promised to give us in the first place. Does that qualify as success to you?”

Nakata Yuji bowed his head even lower in silence. What he had achieved was not to be scoffed at. After all, no proposal was a done deal until everyone had agreed to the terms.

Plenty of business proposals were made at any given time throughout the world. However, less than 1% of those proposals came to fruition. So, what Nakata Yuji did was break through the failure rate of 99% and succeeded in receiving the desired support. That feat alone was worthy of a heap of praises, but…!

“My thoughts were foolish, Iemoto!”


Nakata Yuji didn’t bother to point that out.

Humans ostensibly wanted someone to speak the truth. However, they were not as keen to hear the truth about themselves. There was a good reason why people who tried to speak only the truth didn’t live long since ancient times.

The iemoto was a broad-minded man. Of course, he'd still be seen as a boomer according to society's standard criteria. However, from Nakata Yuji's perspective, the iemoto was shockingly open-minded… Compared to others boasting a similar level of authority and power, that was.

Power had this unfortunate side effect of twisting people.

Those who managed to crawl all the way to the throne through nothing but their own guile and strength tended to overestimate their own success. They didn't believe luck had played a major role in them getting to the top.

Inevitably, they would start to believe their effort and the winner's instinct had guided them to where they were now.

What would happen once these people started thinking this way? The answer was simple enough—everyone else would look incompetent in their eyes.

They would think they had crawled from the bottom to reach the pinnacle of society, so why couldn't the others do the same?

Was it because the others were simply incompetent? Maybe they didn’t put in enough effort?

Those who were propelled to the top via snap judgment wouldn't think this way. Somewhat ironically, it was those who worked hard to build their own legends who tended to develop this disdain toward everyone else.

But this mindset shouldn't come as a surprise.

Imagine everyone starting with the same set of conditions and accomplishing feats worth ten points. However, only you managed to score 100 points. You'd also start to think everyone else was pathetic.

In the eyes of the iemoto, everyone must’ve looked incompetent. Useless.

Even if he had inherited the Shinichi-kai, one of the top clans in Japan, one should not forget that he didn't start off as the ruler of the Kansai region. The iemoto could legitimately claim that the Shinichi-kai's current acclaim was all thanks to his hard work.

He spent decades nurturing and growing his gumi to its current scale. That was his story, so for someone like that to be willing to listen to others? Now that was extraordinary.

To him, even someone like Nakata Yuji must look like an ape that could use his brain a little more than the others.

Nakata Yuji wryly smiled as his thoughts reached that far. Since he was seen as an ape, shouldn't he play the part, too?

“Their goal is crystal clear, Iemoto. However, our goal is just as clear as theirs,” said Nakata Yuji.

“Only one thing concerns me,” the iemoto loudly spoke, his voice ringing raucously within the room. “And that is… the Chinese reaping the benefits of our sacrifice! I can be patient in many things, but not when we're about to dance in their palms! Our ultimate purpose is to conquer the continent, so we must never become their court jesters!”

“I have not forgotten, Iemoto! I assure you, such a thing will not happen.”

The iemoto glanced at Nakata Yuji. “And you can guarantee that?”

“Yes, Iemoto. However, to do so, I need your permission.”

“Hmm…?” The iemoto’s gaze locked on Nakata Yuji now contained a hint of amusement. It seemed this ‘ape’ had cooked up something amusing for him. “Speak.”

Nakata Yuji quietly swallowed his saliva. The time to prove his worth had come once more. If the scheme he had come up with tickled the iemoto's fancy just right, Nakata Yuji's status would be elevated even higher than now.

“Iemoto… Murder by proxy is an excellent scheme.”

“Indeed, it is.”

“The biggest advantage is that we don’t need to sacrifice our own warriors.”

“I'm glad that you finally realized… How precious our warriors are.”

Nakata Yuji clamped his mouth shut after sensing all the hidden thorns within what the iemoto said.

It seemed the leader of the Shinichi-kai was dredging up the shameful past of Nakata Yuji sending all those warriors to China only for them to die in vain.

Words produced by a human tongue stabbed and slashed at Nakata Yuji like a demonic blade.

“Iemoto…! I shall never forget that shame!”

“Hmph. Carry on.”

“The Chinese are now doing the same thing as we tried before—murder by proxy. Getting rid of a source of a major headache by paying someone off is easily one of the best methods available to anyone.”

“Are you going to repeat things everyone already knows?”

Nakata Yuji’s voice grew louder and more urgent. “However! Nothing is stopping us from also utilizing the same tactic as them.”

“Hmm…?” The corners of the iemoto's lips curled up ever so slightly.

Nakata Yuji subtly clenched his fists after noticing that change in the iemoto's expression.

‘Yes, it’s done!’

It was nearly impossible to get a read on what was in the iemoto’s head. So, for him to display such a response… It could only mean that Nakata Yuji’s suggestion had gotten through.

The iemoto locked his gaze on Nakata Yuji. “And who do you have in mind?”

“A group that our Chinese collaborators would be most wary of, sir!”

“Then, the Dark King… No, the Azure King’s faction?”

“That’s correct.”

“The scheme itself is quite excellent, Nakata Yuji. However, a scheme only means something when it has been fully realized. The Azure King is a cunning individual. Will it be possible to contact him… and make him do as we want?”

“It won’t be easy, but… It’s not impossible either, sir!”

“Why do you say that?”

Nakata Yuji spoke confidently. “It’s because this is what they would’ve wanted as well. Instead of directly confronting the Crimson King’s faction, launching a pincer attack with another party would be much more preferable.”


Just like how the Crimson King’s faction backed the Japanese to keep the South Koreans occupied, the Japanese could support the Azure King’s faction to torment the Crimson King’s people.

‘It’s not a bad idea.’

The iemoto slowly rubbed his chin. It’d be an excellent plan as long as everything unfolded as expected.

‘Hmph. Quite a crafty man, aren’t you?’

In a way, one could say Nakata Yuji had cooked up a fairly-obvious plan here. However, wasn't that how all plans sounded like, at least on the surface?

Throughout humanity's lengthy history, only a handful of strategies and plans managed to leave the world in genuine shock and awe.

History proved that one could seize power simply by using the right strategy at the right time, now didn't it!

“However, that plan will have to wait until we've completed the conquest of Korea. Wouldn't you say?”

Nakata Yuji nodded. “Yes, indeed, sir.”

“How will you reach South Korea, then?”

“We shall utilize the sea, Iemoto.”

The iemoto tilted his head. “The sea, you say?”

“Yes. Air travel presents several annoying hindrances. And the number of men participating in our operation is not inconsiderable, either. This is despite our concerted effort to select the best of the best, sir. Hence, we've decided to prepare a large cruise ship.”

“Hmm. Ensure that you don’t run into problems later.”

“Yes, Iemoto. I shall remember!”

“Also…” The iemoto muttered, his expression suddenly transforming.

Nakata Yuji saw those cold eyes and briefly felt a chill run down his spine. It felt like a venomous snake had slithered all over his body just then.

“I will not forgive any failures.”

Nakata Yuji planted his forehead on the floor. “I will not fail, sir! Everything you wish for… will become a reality! I shall personally make it happen.”

“Do that, and you will also acquire what you wish,” said the iemoto, his voice still cold. He stood still and stared at the prostrating Nakata Yuji for what felt like an eternity before finally breaking his silence. “Success will give you everything you want. However, in case you fail… Shouldn’t you be prepared to pay the price?”

“Iemoto…” Nakata Yuji raised his head and stared resolutely at the iemoto. “I wouldn’t need to pay the price of failure to you, sir.”


“After all, failure means I won’t return alive. I shall bury my bones in Korea.”

“I see. That mindset… I approve,” the iemoto muttered, then slightly raised his hand. A figure covered from head to toe in black cloth suddenly appeared from the shadows behind the iemoto and silently approached Nakata Yuji. He then presented a sheathed ornamental dagger.

“Take it with you, Nakata Yuji,” said the iemoto.

“Thank you, sir,” Nakata Yuji politely accepted the dagger with both hands.

“Now, go. I hope you will return to our side with Kang Jin-Ho’s head in tow.”

Nakata Yuji bowed. “I shall prepare a wonderful gift for our next encounter, sir.”

Soon, Nakata Yuji silently left the room, leaving the iemoto to mull over several things. Warm breezes blew in to tickle his cheeks.



The man clad in black smartly knelt before the iemoto.

“Tell me… Do you think Nakata Yuji and his men will succeed?”

“Their odds should be fifty-fifty, sir.”

“Fifty-fifty, is it…?”

“Their success would've been guaranteed had they mobilized all the available forces. However, conquering South Korea with only their current forces will be unimaginably difficult, sir. It will heavily depend on Nakata Yuji's individual ability.”

“I see. Then, what do you think of his ability?”

“It is outstanding, sir. However, that is all. Obviously, only an outstanding individual can stand as a leader, but Nakata Yuji has so far only proven that he has the right to be considered as a candidate. Meaning, he still needs to prove himself worthy.”

“Indeed…” The iemoto nodded, then quietly closed his eyes.

Kazeichi observed the iemoto stewing in deep thought before cautiously raising his voice. “Sir… What worries you so?”

“Mm?” The iemoto opened his eyes and glanced at his loyal retainer.

“We have nothing to lose whether Nakata Yuji succeeds or fails, sir. No, we only stand to gain more.”

“Hmm… Kazeichi, how long has it been since you started standing by my side?”

“It’s been almost five decades, sir.”

The iemoto slowly nodded. “Yes, indeed. It’s been that long. And throughout those years, you’ve proven how capable and outstanding you are.”

Kazeichi bowed his head. He wasn’t sure how to handle that sudden but generous praise.

“However, you still have one fatal flaw, Kazeichi.”


Kazeichi dared not ask what he lacked. If the iemoto was planning to enlighten his subordinate, he’d do so. And he’d move on without saying anything else if that’s what he wanted.

The iemoto Kazeichi knew and served for half a century was never a man who’d play along to other’s schemes, after all!

As if to prove Kazeichi’s thoughts right, the iemoto resumed his explanation. “You lack… venom. Malice, in other words.”

“…!” Kazeichi raised his head in surprise. Now that was a completely unexpected revelation.

He had lived his entire life as the shadow of the iemoto and Shinichi-kai, and his role was to deal with all kinds of nasty, ugly things that should not be talked about in the open.

As far as the level of cruelty and viciousness were concerned, Kazeichi was sure he'd not lose out to anyone in Japan.

But someone like that lacked malice?

The iemoto continued to explain. “You say we stand to gain regardless of whether Nakata Yuji succeeds or not? Of course we will. But the important thing to consider is… What do we stand to lose?”

“...It’s difficult for me to understand, Iemoto.”


“Yes, sir!”

“Lead your men and follow Nakata Yuji in secret.”

Kazeichi silently bowed. All commands from the iemoto were absolute. With just one command, Kazeichi’s future actions had been decided.

“Kazeichi. I want you to observe the situation in secret. And if Nakata Yuji fails to deal with Kang Jin-Ho… Seize your chance and kill him yourself!”

Hai! I shall definitely fulfill your command!”

“Don’t be hasty, Kazeichi. I’m not finished yet. In case Nakata Yuji succeeds in killing Kang Jin-Ho…!”

“Yes, sir.”

The iemoto smiled brightly. “Then, you are to kill Nakata Yuji.”

“…!” Kazeichi sneakily grabbed his thigh and squeezed it tightly.

“A pacifist is leading a warmonger into a battlefield… And hogs all the glory associated with the victory. That’s not going to be much fun for us.”

As he listened, Kazeichi shuddered after realizing what the iemoto meant by him lacking malice.

Kazeichi was absolutely merciless against his enemies. However, the iemoto, he… He was even colder and more ruthless toward his own allies! No, maybe the word “allies” didn’t even exist in the iemoto’s vocabulary.

‘Even I’m nothing more than a pawn he can use.’

The iemoto would use Kazeichi if necessary. When no longer useful, he'd simply get rid of Kazeichi. That was the type of man the iemoto was!

“I shall faithfully fulfill your command and return to your side, Iemoto!”

“Good. I shall pray for your success, Kazeichi,” said the iemoto.

“Then, please excuse me,” said Kazeichi before disappearing into the shadows as a grim expression formed on his face.

The iemoto tutted softly, although it sounded like he was cackling.


They were all too soft. Unfortunately for them, life was Hell. To survive in this Hell, one must become more malicious and driven than devils hiding in the depths of the netherworld.

“Still a long way to go for you,” said the iemoto to no one in particular.

Soon, everyone would learn the hard, cold truth. If they survived this war, that was!

‘Things are becoming rather amusing…!’

The iemoto shifted his gaze toward the garden.

Everything depended on grooming and nurturing. As an example… Just how much effort had gone into creating that perfect garden?

Soon, a much larger garden called South Korea would end up in the iemoto’s palm. And he’d be the only one allowed to determine how this garden would be managed.

1. This character's name was previously Kakeichi, but the author changed it in this chapter. ☜

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