Denial is the Way

Come Again?

Five hundred years ago, in the world of Astar, 45% of the males were able to give birth. The reason for this was evolution. 

There were barely any females, and when the population started to dwindle, a few males began to learn that they could become pregnant. 

Because of this, the population began to grow. 

But as the years continued to pass, while more and more females were getting born, male pregnancy became less and less. 

And as of today, only 8% of males can become pregnant. 

Unfortunately, Ender Long was a part of the 8%. 

There was nothing wrong with being a male who could get pregnant. People did not hate the man or look at them funny because it was a part of history. 

The only difference between a regular male and a male who could get pregnant was that on their ID, there were marks. 

Regular males had a black dot on their ID, while males who can get pregnant had a blue dot. Also, pregnant males get the same benefits as pregnant females.  

But even if pregnant males do not receive hate, some still did not like hearing that they can get pregnant. 

And Ender was one of them. 

He was sixteen when he found out. When males turn that age, they go to the doctor to get a full-body check-up to see if they have the ability to get pregnant or not. 

So, at sixteen, Ender got his body checked. He thought the results would be negative; he was even confident. But then the doctor shattered his dream by telling him he could get pregnant. 

After he heard those words, everything became dull around him. Even when his parents talked about what precautions he should take once he got home, those words went through one ear and out the other. 

So, since that day, Ender denied that he could get pregnant to the point of blocking it from his memories. 

Now, at twenty-six, Ender was starting to regret being in denial. 

"You are three weeks pregnant." The doctor told him. 

Currently, Ender was at the doctor because he had been feeling off since the drunken night he had with his best friend. 

They were both under the influence when they went to bed together. Once the following day came, and Ender pieced what they had done together, he grabbed all his things. He made sure to leave zero evidence behind. 

Now, his best friend does not know who he slept with, and Ender acts like it never happened. 

But here is the primary evidence that appeared to complicate his life. 

"I am sorry, can you say that again?" Ender blinked a few times, trying to comprehend the doctor's words. 

The doctor sighed, putting down the chart in his hands as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. The doctor's glasses were beginning to slide down a bit. 

"Mr. Long, you are pregnant." The doctor slowed down his words as he emphasized the word 'pregnant.' 

Ender felt his throat growing dry as his hand went towards his stomach. He felt nauseous and dizzy. "Y-You must be mistaken." 

The doctor looked frustrated, like he was ready to leave. But this was his patient, so he said no matter how stubborn the man is. 

He picked up the board, showing the results to Ender, "I am not; please read your results. And if you still do not believe the information, we can do an ultrasound. 

However, it will not be much now since you are only three weeks. You can come back next week or in two for one."  

Ender ignored what they said at the end once he took the clipboard. He read through his results as he felt a headache starting to appear. 

I cannot believe I am pregnant. And no less with Nevan's child. Ender thought as he wanted to set the papers on fire. 

He knew that his best friend was the other father because he was the only man he slept with. 

Ender licked his dry lips, trying to find the right words to say. After the room laid in silence for a few minutes, Ender finally opened his mouth. 

"I-I see. Can I go now?" Ender asked the doctor as he handed the clipboard back to the man. 

The doctor took hold of the clipboard; he opened his mouth to say something but closed it as he changed his mind. 

He moved back to his computer on the counter, typing a few words as he pushed up his glasses. Once he finished, he turned back to Ender. 

Ender was looking at the wall with a blank expression. Although, his hands shook, showing what he was feeling. 

"You can go. But do not forget to go to the desk and collect your papers. There are a few pages there that you need to read to ensure that your baby stays healthy." 

Ender flinched at the word 'baby' as he stepped off the bed. He did not look back at the man as he walked out of the room. 

Ender does not remember how he ended up in front of the desk or even drove himself home, but here he was at home, looking at the papers with blurred eyes.

His hands would not stop shaking as the sides of the papers began to crumble. He tried to comprehend the words but the tears falling down his cheeks made it impossible. 

Then he felt nauseous, strongly hitting him, like the growing baby in him was mocking him. Ender quickly threw the papers down as he ran to the bathroom, throwing up liquids as his stomach was empty. 

He continued to throw up for a minute-long before the nauseous ended. Ender sat by the toilet, hugging it as he started to laugh. 

Even though the stench of vomit made his nose scrunch up, his laughter did not die down. Even when the tears started to fall heavier down his cheeks, Ender did not stop. 

After a few more minutes passed and the laughs began to die out, Ender sat there thinking of what he would do. 

There is no way to hide his pregnancy from his family and friends. And his main problem was Nevan finding out that the baby is his. He could not allow that to happen; it will ruin their relationship. 

As he thought for a while, ignoring the vomit's smell was starting to build, Ender's stomach started to growl. 

He sighed, rubbing his stomach, "I guess I should feed us, huh?" 

Ender stood up, flushing the toilet, before he wiped his mouth and washed his hands in the sink. He left the bathroom to eat some food. 

Tomorrow, he will figure out what to do.


This is my story from Chrysanthemum Garden; I wanted to put it here. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.