Demon's Virtue

Chapter 658 Return to the City of Monsters

658 Return to the City of Monsters

Eiro was laying on Lugo's back, leaning against the stag's antlers. Now that they had grown as much as they did, they were even more comfortable than they used to be. Meanwhile, Eiro was just continuing to read more of Partax's books, trying to take in the content as well as possible, no matter how hard that may be.

"How much longer until this city of monsters?" The halfling asked in a complaining tone of voice. He was clearly more than just a little cranky after travelling for a few hours, but Eiro just rolled his eyes, "We're nearly there. Just a few more minutes. I told you the exact path, so why do you keep asking?" the demon replied, but Partax just scoffed and didn't give an answer. Did everyone turn that grumpy when they got old? He was glad that he didn't age, or else he would have to deal with that as well. Though, he did get pretty grumpy every once in a while himself... maybe that was just some leftover influence from the old man that he used to be, when he was still the human 'Sage' instead of the Demon he was now.

Before long, Lugo stopped at the end of the path, and Eiro flicked his wrist to clear away the rubble that was used to prevent people from wandering toward the cave entrance, even if it was blocked. Once more using magic, Eiro opened the entrance to the tunnel, and then stepped off of Lugo's back. The Demon looked through the long passage in front of him. He snapped his fingers once and quickly illuminated the tunnel. He should really add some more permanent lights into here soon, though he would have to figure out the best method for it. And now, as Eiro walked through the tunnel, he started pulsating his magic through each and every aspect of it; in the exact same way that Partax had him do in the Academy. The reason for this was simple. Eiro wanted to use his new knowledge of artificing and alchemy to improve the monster town many times over.

Eiro soon reached the end of the tunnel, and stood in front of the thick door that acted as the last barrier of entry. Of course, usually the guards stationed would have to check on you from the other side of said door and then let you in, but that wasn't the case this time around. Eiro simply placed his hand onto the door and let his magic flow into the metal lock. With a brief 'click' it unlocked and Eiro pushed open the door. The Guards were startled and quickly held up their weapons, but Eiro glanced into their eyes and they immediately stopped and shivered, dropping to their knees.

"We welcome our lord," the two highland orcs practically chant in unison, their spears both laying in specific spots against their shoulders. They have clearly been trained well since Eiro was last here.

"Stand. Are any of the leaders around?" the Demon asked them, and the orc on the right quickly replied, "They are in town, my lord. The old village, now an outpost for warriors to protect. Many who are still wild, here too," the Orc explained, trying its best to speak in Common.

"I see, thank you," Eiro replied, this time not in common, but in the Orcs' language, "Keep up the good work, and keep practicing the language. You've done well so far," Eiro told them, and then made his way along the road. As the Orcs explained, this place was no longer the village, but had been turned into more something of an outpost. Most of the monsters here were either guards or miners that were working to extract more of the ores left in the walls, or monsters that were pushed off into a separate area while their collars were suppressing their monstrosity.

He still felt bad that this was how things had to go, but that hopefully wouldn't be the case for long anyway. Soon enough, Eiro should be able to fully extract the monstrosity once and for all. Eiro walked through the village, and all the monsters bowed their heads to him as he passed by. Meanwhile, Partax was incredibly silent the whole time.

The halfling just watched, as the metallic spider legs carried him along the path. But soon, he let something out; a sound clear puzzlement, "What is this..?"

Eiro turned his head toward him, "What do you mean?"

"This place... these monsters, they... they live their lives, as though they were people, they... they greet you, they show respect. They laugh... share food, the children are playing together along the side of the road, staring at you with wonder in their eyes... What did you do them?" Partax asked, purely amazed at what it was he was seeing.

Eiro turned his head away again, and continued to walk along the path. He looked at the population of monsters along the road, and soon replied in the simplest way he could, "I treated them the way they deserved to be treated," the Demon explained, "The mountain goblins lived here long before anyone else, and never bothered anyone really. The Kobolds similarly just traveled around, hunting monsters, but barely ever encountered people in the first place, not that I would blame them if they had killed some. The Highland Orcs are a folk that has lived deep in the mountains for generations. And the rest? They were artificially created by the monster king, just as I was, and were forced to follow through with his every word. None of them did anything deserving of punishment. Well, that's the case in my eyes, at least, you might think differently."

Eiros words seemed to stir up Partax's mind. Once again, he just silently followed, looking at the monsters with curiosity. For the most part, the monsters tried their best to ignore him, in turn. They were just focusing all of their attention on either Eiro or Lugo. The man sitting on a mechanical spider's leg was thoroughly ignored.

Soon, they walked through another tunnel, and when they came out on the other side, a view that Eiro himself hadn't been fully aware of was shown to him. It was the new state of the city that had been built atop the floating island and now found its new home in the bosom of these mountains. And it had changed quite a bit. Many structures were reused and repaired, but plenty of others had been torn down to be rebuilt. Many of the larger buildings now had platforms around the top floors that the harpies could perch on, and thicker walls had tunnels for the molemen to enter and exit through, as they built their homes underground.

There were aqueducts along the roads that the seafolk could swim through, and the roads and steps were expanded to accommodate the differently sized races of monsters. It was more and more turning from a town of people into a town of monsters, but still keeping many of its former qualities. Eiro couldn't help but wonder if this is what the future of this world would look like if he succeeded in his plans, and could let monsters and people live alongside each other. And Partax seemed to wonder the same.

"...The roads need improvement," Partax muttered, and Eiro scoffed, looking at his feet, "You've got a point. I think they just got a bit too compliant and focused on the city itself," the Demon replied, and waved his hand. Now, as Partax and Eiro walked, the treaded, uneven dirt road became a strong and solid road that could properly support carts being pulled on it.

"Any other complaints?"

"Well... the smell is..." Partax replied, and Eiro raised a brow. This old halfling wanted to complain about smell to the holder of the Five of Pentacles?

"...Nevermind," the artificer clicked his tongue and continued to follow Eiro along the road, until the two of them reached the entrance of the town. Immediately, the guards dropped to their knees and greeted him as they were taught, and before long, a certain figure appeared before Eiro. A large harpy, towering above even the Trolls, perched atop one of the nearby buildings, slightly crunching her chest in a sort of 'bow' as well.

She let out a low screech, and Eiro smiled, "Thank you, I appreciate you coming to greet me," he replied, trying to imitate a harpy's voice himself. Compared to other languages it was one that was hard to get a hold of, but due to Eiro's superior skills that really wasn't an issue anymore.

"How have your harpies been doing?" He asked, and the harpy leader slightly tilted her head in contemplation, but soon seemed to reply, explaining that they have been doing quite well. The demon turned his head and looked down the road, "I'm happy that you all have managed to integrate into the community as you have. But for now, excuse me."

Eiro walked further down the road, until he reached the man who he was looking forward to seeing again the most out of everyone in the village, "You look quite well."

"Of course, my lord. I couldn't let all you have done for us to go to waste," Gobu replied with a smile on his face. He stood up, and showed off his current, new form. He had evolved since Eiro was last here. While he didn't change much outwardly, he had grown slightly taller, and his skin had become rougher. Around his arms and legs, a rock-like layer had formed. Or rather, it was like his skin was replaced, since it didn't seem like his limbs had grown much thicker through this growth. And most of all, two small horns, like those of a kid, a young goat, had sprouted on his head hidden mostly by Gobu's black hair.

"We've been awaiting your return, lord."

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