Demon's Journey

Chapter 336

“Ask me anything,” the injured demon said while trembling. He pressed his forehead against the ground. “I wouldn’t dare lie to you.”

Palan nodded and released the demon’s arm. He leaned back, sitting on the air using two of his tails to prop himself up. “What are the closest towns to here? What’s the situation like inside of those towns?”

“The closest town is Longhorn,” the demon said, keeping his face plastered to the sand. “It’s run by the three longhorn brothers. If you head south for a day, you’ll make it there. From there, there’s a road leading to—”

“A road?” Palan asked and furrowed his brow. “What the hell are you talking about?” No one built roads in the desert. He didn’t even know what a road was before he went to Div’Nya.

“I-it’s a passageway from one town to another,” the demon said and gulped. “I swear I’m not lying. I didn’t believe it either, but there really is a passageway from Longhorn to Celestia.” The demon shivered when Palan’s body blocked out the moon, casting a shadow on the demon’s body. “C-Celestia is the city founded by the shaman, Abaddon. You can ask anyone. Everyone in the desert knows about it. I’m not lying.”

Palan frowned. Abaddon was really arrogant. Establishing a permanent city in the desert? Did he think Eljiam was as soft as Div’Nya? At least nothing had happened to the city yet which meant his sister was still alright. “Which way is Celestia?”

“It’s to the east,” the demon said. “If you head south to Longhorn, then you can take the road there. It’s a three day journey from Longhorn to Celestia.”

“And if I head straight east? How long would that take?”

“For most people, it is a very arduous journey. The wild beasts were displaced during the creation of the roads, and they’ve settled in places without patrols,” the demon said. “But if it’s someone as strong as you, then the trip will take two days if you can kill any beast as fast as you’ve killed this one. A normal person will take much longer to avoid them.”

“Do you know someone named Andrea?” Palan asked. “Short. Has claws. Pointed ears.”

“A-Andrea?” the demon asked and shook his head. “I don’t think so…” He froze when a snake’s head appeared in front of his face. “I-I mean, yes! Yes, I have! Andrea, Andrea…, I think she’s the princess of Celestia. She’s short and has the traits of a leopard. No one’s allowed to touch her unless they want to suffer the wrath of the shaman.” His voice lowered greatly. “At least, that’s what the rumors say. Celestia is too expensive for me to enter.”

Palan nodded and removed his tail from the demon’s sight. “What about notable hunters in the region,” he asked. “Any dangerous people I should watch out for.”

“To eat?” Raea asked and rolled her eyes. The lizard in front of her crackled as Pyre set it over a bonfire.

“Ignore her,” Palan said and poked the demon with his toe. The demon flinched and pressed his body against the ground even further. “Tell me what I want to know.”

“Dangerous people,” the demon said. “Do animals count? Recently, there’s been reports of a king lizard roaming around the outskirts of Talonfoot. That’s the town north of Celestia. A pride of black lions have taken residence east of Celestia. To the south, a breed of poisonous snakes have emerged. The safest place to hunt is the west, which is why I’m here.”

“What about demons?” Palan asked. “I don’t care about any animals. Tell me about the famous people in the area.”

“Yes, yes, right away,” the demon said and knocked his head against the ground. “Jokel, the eldest of the three longhorn brothers, is rumored to have the ability to manipulate fire. I’ve heard people say the leader of Talonfoot can emit poison from her mouth. The shaman is definitely a powerful figure. He maintains control of his city and connecting towns, but no one complains. That’s because he’s stronger than everyone else. Less famous people who’ve been active in the area include Mir the Daystalker, Logan the Berserker, Palan the Hunter, Lizbeth—ah!?”

Palan lifted the demon by his neck, causing the veins on the demon’s head to bulge. “Didn’t I say not to lie to me?” he asked and narrows his eyes. He tossed the demon against the ground, causing his bones to snap even though his fall was cushioned by sand.

“I, I’m not lying,” the demon said with a whimper. “I swear on my future children and their children. I’m really not lying.”

“Palan the Hunter,” Palan said. “You said he’s been active in the area?”

“Y-yes,” the demon said. “For the past week or two, he’s been claiming territory on a massive scale.”

“Has anyone seen him?”

“I don’t know,” the demon said and clutched his bloody arm. “No one will enter his safe havens. They’re trapped and poisoned, and everyone knows not to mess with him. One time, a city leader provoked him. Palan mercilessly terrorized and slaughtered the inhabitants until the residents killed the leader as an offering to make him stop. He accepted the offering, but he still killed everyone inside. No one wants to provoke an existence like him for no good reason. We were happy he left for a while, but he’s back now. Thankfully, he hasn’t destroyed any cities. I think he’s scared of the shaman’s influence.”

“Terrorist,” Raea said and pinched Palan’s waist. He smacked her hand away.

“I want to meet this hunter,” Palan said and spat out a tooth.

“R-really?” the demon asked. “If it’s you, I’m sure you can kill him. I’ve never seen anyone win against a lizard in a contest of strength. I…” He stopped speaking.

“What?” Palan asked and kicked the demon, flipping him over onto his back. “Speak up.”

The demon hissed as sand fell into his open wounds. “I actually passed by one of the hunter’s safe havens,” he said. “The heads still looked fresh, so I ran as far away as I could. Do you want me to take you there?”

Palan narrowed his eyes. He was hunting Abaddon right now, but it wouldn’t hurt to remove an imposter if he was along the way. “Is it on the way to Celestia?”

“Yes!” the demon said and lowered his head. “I can take you there.”

“Good,” Palan said.

The demon wet his lips with his tongue. “Mighty sir, if you don’t mind me asking…”


“Will you accept me as your underling?”

Palan snorted. “I’ll keep you around for however long you’re useful.” He still needed the demon to guide him to the imposter’s cave. He could find it himself, but why waste the extra time and effort when someone was willing to bring him there? Palan frowned. Was he getting nicer? He shook his head. There was no need to fear a demon who couldn’t kill a lizard. Once the demon brought him to the safe haven, he’d kill him. That settled it. He sat down next to Raea and ripped a chunk of flesh off the still-cooking lizard and took a bite.

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