Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Side Story 2: Rebirth

It is warm... and cozy. However, I can't move my body at all for some reason.

Where am I? Is this... the afterlife? I did die when the bus crashed, didn't I?

I can't see anything though. My eyes are shut tight. I can't open them freely.

Ah. I'm beginning to move. Not that I can move my body. More like I can feel myself moving towards somewhere.

Where am I going? Where am I heading to? At least let me see, so I can know.

I tried to look up. I tried to see where I'm going. I tried to open my eyes.

Is that... light?


*Waaaahh~ Waaaahhh~*

The wails of a baby rang through my ears, as he cries out for someone to inform them of his hunger.

Yes, that baby is me. And yes, I am hungry now.

Apparently, I reincarnated after the bus I was riding, crashed off the mountain road, which ended up killing me and possibly, all of my classmates.

Now, I am reborn as a baby once again, in an unknown country, with the memories of my past life. Crying out uncontrollably to whoever can hear me on the other side of the door.

It did not take long as I can hear the door to my room opening, seeing my mother and a maid entering the room through my teary eyes.

My mother then carried me into her arms, saying something which I am unable to understand since the language she's speaking isn't Japanese.

*Waaaahh~ Waaaahhh~*

I continue to cry uncontrollably. And in all honesty, I wish I could stop because this is embarrassing. As a former average high school boy in his second year, it doesn't feel good crying like a baby, despite being an actual baby now.

I was able to stop thanks to my mother calming me down with her warm embrace, as she then hands me over to the maid who is, in fact, my wet nurse.

It has been a few days since my reincarnation. From what I know about my current situation, I am no longer on Earth. Due to the fact that, well, the maid next to my mother isn't human.

She has long and pointy ears, as well as some sort of red jewel popping out on her forehead.

I don't know, man. But I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that she's an elf.

Which means... I have reincarnated into another world.

Yep, that can be the only explanation. If not, then this must be a dream but I highly doubt it. So yeah... Reincarnation into another world... I'd never thought it was actually real. But another problem is that, I don't remember meeting a god at all, before reincarnating. Since normally, in this type of trope, one would first meet a being called God before the reincarnation, right?

If so, why didn't I meet this god? Or is this actually how reincarnating into another world works?

...I don't know. And at this point, who cares. I have already reincarnated. Might as well just live my second life to the fullest.

Although... Thinking about my previous life now, I wonder how my parents are doing...

I did die on Earth after all... I'm sure they must be devastated to hear that their son had passed away in an accident.

Ah ahh... I wished I could said something to them even after my death, but I guess there's no way I can do that now.

The maid has finished breast feeding me and hands me back to my mother, who promptly went to sit down with me in her arms as she begins pampering me with love and affection.

My new mother is really beautiful. With silky long light brown hair, emerald green eyes and skin colour that is as pure as snow, she could possibly be one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in terms of appearance. The only sad part about her is the fact that she is flat as a board.


Sorry, Mother. Please don't punish me if I say that to you one day by accident...

My mother and the elf maid then begin playing with me. Doing peek-a-boo thing as well as some other silly things, which would've work on me, if I wasn't a baby with the mind of a teenager.

After some time, an old butler walked into the room, calling for my mother who puts me back into my crib, leaving me with the elf maid to watch over me.

The room then became pretty quiet after that. The elf maid seems to be muttering something, which is barely audible enough for me to hear, but even if I could hear her, no way can I understand a word she's saying. Nonetheless, I still try since I'm pretty much bored being a baby and all.

Additionally, I'm also curious one thing...

Where is my father?

Within the few days as a baby, I have yet to meet the man who should be my new father. I mean, I have seen a few men entering my room some times, but those guys were wearing the same uniform. Meaning they were just the male servants of the house and nothing more. Other than that, I have not seen a single man who could and should be my father.

Did he went to buy some milk or something? If not, what else could he be doing then?

Just as I was asking myself that, the door to my room burst right open. Scaring the crap out of me because of it happened so suddenly.

What the... Who in the world is that!? Why is he soaked in blood!?

An armoured man soaked in blood promptly walked up to my crib, looks at me for a second before reaching his hands for me.

Somebody help me, please!! Elf maid-san, don't just stand there, please save me!

Oh crap. Oh crap. What is this man trying to do to me? Is he planning on killing me? Oh god, please no! I don't want to die. I just started my new life!

Afraid, I closed my eyes. However, after awhile, I noticed I wasn't killed yet and opened up my eyes to the man's face up close, staring at me with a gentle smiling. As I looked at him closely, I realised that he ain't that scary as it seemed.

Minus the blood all over his face that is...

"So you are my second son, huh. Nice to meet you. I'm your father."

What? Hold on. Did... Did I just understand what he said!? The man didn't speak Japanese at all, but I understood what he said clearly.

Also, the man is my dad!? What a way to make a first impression to your son, man...

The man called my father then turned to the elf maid and asked her, "Isabella, what is his name?"

The elf maid, whose name is Isabella apparently, answered my father's question, who then turned back to look to me.

"I see... Ion, huh. What a good name."

Oh, that's my new name? Ok then... But still, why am I able to understand what my father is saying, when he is speaking the same language as what my mother and Isabella, the elf maid, is speaking?

"Sorry I couldn't be there when you were born. Daddy was far away doing his job as the Hero and tried to reach back home as soon as possible. Please understand..."

Hero? What? My father is the Hero!? Well, this is another world after all. And if it is his job as the Hero, then it'd be like... saving people or something like that, right? If so, then uh... I guess I can let this slide once.

Besides, even though I was scared of him at first, my father... seems to be a rather cool guy.

But seriously though, take a bath, would ya?

As I thought of that, my father was suddenly struck on the head by a young armoured boy, who looks similar to him. Grabbing me out of my father's arms after that, as he then proceeds to yell at him.

"What are you doing, Father!? Don't go touching my brother when you're literally soaked in the blood of a Basilisk!"

Wait, I can understand what the boy is saying too? How!? Also, he's my brother!? He's so young though. Yet, he's already more mature than my father at the very least.

"Ouch! That hurt, Ragna. Don't hit me when I'm holding your brother. I could've dropped him, you know."

"But you didn't. Anyways, hurry up and go take a bath! You stink like hell!"

"Yeah yeah, I know... Let me give my new son one big smooch on the cheek before I go then."

"No. Take a bath first before giving my brother your smooch. Now!"

"Ugh... fine."

My father then left the room, passing by my mother who re-entered the room, and closed the door behind her.

As I was still wondering how I was able to understand my father and brother's words, I felt my brother gaze onto me and instinctively looked at him into his eyes.

W-What the... Why is he staring at me like that? I'm just your cute little baby brother, you know. No need to glare at me, Onii-chan.

"'Reincarnation from Another World'... What kind of title is this?"

Wait, what did he just say? Could you repeat that one more time, Onii-chan.

"His stats are normal for a baby... But what's with this skill? Ain't it a little too good? And the amount of points he possess is quite a lot as well..."

Stats? Skill? Points? What is he saying? What did he mean by that?


No... Don't tell me...


Name: Ion Sacrulla

Race: Human

Lvl: 1 (Next Lvl Req: 100)

Title: [Reincarnation from Another World]

Physical Offense: 15

Physical Defense: 8

Magical Offense: 50

Magical Defense: 13

Speed: 10

Skill(s): [Power of Friendship]

Current Point(s): 10,000

Oh. My. God.

I didn't just reincarnated into another world... I reincarnated into another world with a game-like system!

Second side story chapter end. Thanks for reading. 🍫

Hoped you like it.

Bye bye!

Edit: Made a little edit to the name part of Ion's status.

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