Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 6: Sneaky Sneaky Demoness

The 88th floor... Monsters here are the about same types as the ones in the 89th floor.

I am now in Shadow Sneak, moving around the area, scanning every monster I spot with Appraisal to increase its proficiency.

Apparently, the monsters' level here are generally around the level 30-40 range, which is lower than I have expected for a 90 floor dungeon. But who knows, maybe being level 30 or so is actually really strong in this world. In that case, it makes me wonder what level was the hydra's...

Eh, whatever the answer is, it does not change the fact that they are indeed way beyond my current level as Evil God-san said.

«Proficiency Threshold Reached... Skill Levelled Up: [Appraisal LV 3] -> [Appraisal LV 4]»

Oh ho~ Finally! It reached level 4. [Appraisal LV 3] allows me to see the monsters' level, but not their stats. Maybe [Appraisal LV 4] now can give me what I want.

Let's test it on that snake.

Name: (none)

Race: Poison-Scaled Python

Lvl: 35

Physical Offense: 3051

Physical Defense: 3675

Magical Offense: 59

Magical Defense: 495

Speed: 2405

Geh! Those are some crazy stats...

Nope, not gonna mess with that. Let's appraise the other monsters on this floor.

I proceeded to explore the floor more and scan every monster that came in my sight. While doing that, I have also found the stairs to the 87th floor but will not be going up yet, since I plan to at least attain my first kill on this floor if possible.

The monsters on this floor are most likely the same as the 89th floor, which are the wolves; the monkeys; the snakes; the bats; the spiders; and last but not least... the rabbit.

Among those six types of monsters, the ones with very low physical and magical defense are the wolves, the bats, and the rabbit...

The rabbits are a no go naturally, as they are not only fast but their bodies are also small. Making it difficult to hit if they were to dodge. And with their ability to dispel Dark Domain, it'd be best not to get close to them. Plus, I seemed to have developed a fear for those cuddly yet deadly creatures.

The bats are out too, as although they may be big, they hang out together in groups. Making it too much of a risk for me to try and kill one of those flying creatures without having the others noticing me.

Hence, my only option left are the wolves.

While they generally work together as a pack, there are some who would rather work alone and go off on their own. Plus, their body is relatively large for a dog, and their speed ain't as high as the rabbits nor the bats. Their physical offense, however, is insane. But that don't matter if they can't hit me. Besides, I plan to kill it via sneak attack, not fight it.

So it will be alright if I can kill it in one go like Evil God-san said. And even if that fails, I can simply run from it despite its speed being higher than mine, thanks to this new title I got.

Title [Coward]: Increases Speed by 1000 when running from enemies.

The effect is good, but the name is insulting. Who the hell are you calling a coward, damn system!?

Also, I have check the other titles I have for any effects and let's just say the [Reincarnation from Another World] title is amazing!

Title [Reincarnation from Another World]: Amount of Points earned & Amount of Stats increased are multiplied by ten.

As for the [Key of the World] title... Ummmmmmmm.......

Title [Key of the World]: P0GVbiB1blEVUB0obABOIVL1gMA

What kind of gibberish is this!? Is this some kind of troll!? Why do I even have this title in the first place!?

Ugh... I don't know... Anyways, I should focus on tailing my prey.

Yup, that's right. I have found one lonely little wolf strolling around the area for a prey. Clueless that it was about to become my prey. Hehehe...

Name: (none)

Race: Silverfang Wolf

Lvl: 32

Physical Offense: 6381

Physical Defense: 194

Magical Offense: 304

Magical Defense: 98

Speed: 1245

I follow the wolf from a distance in Shadow Sneak. It is now being vigilant; looking out for a prey it could hunt, while also keeping an eye out for enemies it needs to run from. Meaning now is not a good time to strike. Got to wait until it lowers its guard. Presumably, when it's eating.

I continued tailing the lone wolf for a while longer. It then found its prey; a lone monkey separated from its group, eating the corpse of a rabbit monster it seemed to have killed.

The monkey has yet to notice the wolf. Knowing that, the wolf crouched down and proceeds to sneak behind the unaware monkey, while I followed its example and snuck behind the unaware wolf.

The wolf moved as close to the monkey as possible, with its breathing being as quiet as it can to remain stealthy. And once the monkey had shown its bare nape to the wolf, it pounced and goes in for the kill.

The monkey, caught off guard, wasn't able to react in time to protect itself as the wolf opened its jaw, revealing its terrifying sharp teeth, and chomped down hard on the monkey's neck. Ripping its head off from its body afterwards.

Having hunted its prey successfully, the wolf performed a howl of victory before it begins eating the monkey's corpse, and the rabbit's corpse which the monkey was eating.

Seeing it happily relishing its meal, I felt relieved... Relieved that it has not gotten itself killing while hunting, because it is now my turn!

I scoot along to the wolf's position; it's back, now facing as I moved up close to its bottom.

Seeing how it has not noticed me at all, my confidence rose and my nervousness lessens, as I immediately expand Dark Domain while in Shadow Sneak and activate the spike attack on the wolf, which I have thought of a name for this action while tailing the beast. An edgy one at that.

Dark Domain: Slaughter.

The wolf was caught off guard by the Dark Domain suddenly appearing beneath its feet, as numerous spikes of darkness then appeared from it and skewered the wolf's body. Most of the spikes, pierced through the wolf's vital organs thanks to me activating the Vital Strike skill when I attacked with Slaughter.

There was no resistance from the wolf; its death was immediate. And just like that, I got my first kill which is pretty nerve-wrecking despite how easy it looks.

But hey, I did it in the end so... Let's see how much points I got, shall we?

Name: Sheila Frontier (Rei Hoshimiya)

Race: True Demon

Lvl: 2 (Next Lvl Req: 500)

Title: [Reincarnation from Another World], [Key of the World], [Coward]

Physical Offense: 201

Physical Defense; 253

Magical Offense: 623

Magical Defense: 701

Speed: 285

Skill(s): [Dark Domain], [Appraisal LVL 4], [Vital Strike LV 1], [Auto Healing LV 1], [Survivor LV 1], [Danger Sense LV 1]
Current Point(s): 3200

Huh? Am I imagine things or were my Physical Defense and Magical Offense stats different from before?

Uhhhh.... I don't know. But that's not important right now, because... I can level up again!


[Spend Current Points to Level Up?]


Well, it's not like I suffered any injuries that needs immediate healing... and I do need to get stronger, so...


Name: Sheila Frontier (Rei Hoshimiya)

Race: True Demon

Lvl: 3 (Next Lvl Req: 5000)

Title: [Reincarnation from Another World], [Key of the World], [Coward]

Physical Offense: 301 (+100)

Physical Defense; 353 (+100)

Magical Offense: 723 (+100)

Magical Defense: 801 (+100)

Speed: 385 (+100)

Skill(s): [Dark Domain], [Appraisal LVL 4], [Vital Strike LV 1], [Auto Healing LV 1], [Survivor LV 1], [Danger Sense LV 1]
Current Point(s): 2700

Pffffft! 5000 points to reached level 4!? What the hell is this jump in the requirement scale!?

Don't tell me...

Is levelling up actually hard in this world...?

First kill attained!

Thanks for reading. 🍫


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