Demon Slayer: I will play the ancestor of the Flame Pillar

Chapter 7

The more he fought, the more he fought.


The body of the brave ghost became more and more swollen as he entered the rampage state.

The protruding spikes on the armor became thicker, and the brave ghost bent his knees and tightened his lower limb muscles.

He kept panting, like a bull about to charge, staring at Lin Heng with red eyes.

"Hu, hu, hu."

Lin Heng was not affected by the opponent's momentum at all, and kept adjusting his breathing method.

Even if he had an advantage on the scene, he could not underestimate the enemy.

After all, the next move required full concentration.

As the breath of fire was fully running, a large amount of oxygen in the air was continuously extracted and inhaled into Lin Heng's body.

The heart pumped a large amount of blood powerfully, and the power far beyond the human limit was transported to all parts of Lin Heng's body.

In the black cloak that was invisible to the naked eye, Lin Heng's upper body muscles bulged and veins burst out.

"Thump, thump, thump."

With the continuous sound of heavy stomping on the ground, the brave ghost began his fearless charge.

The huge spikes on the ghost armor were pointed in front, with great force and heavy weight, knocking away everything that dared to hinder him along the way!

"Not close enough..."

Looking at the charging brave ghost, Lin Heng held the Sun Wheel Sword tightly with both hands and placed the blade behind his head.

His body leaned forward slightly.

Like a top-level cat before hunting, he bent his whole body and accumulated explosive power.

"Not enough..."

Suddenly, Lin Heng closed his eyes and his mental power dispersed.

As the perception continued to extend to the surroundings, at this moment, Lin Heng seemed to have entered a wonderful realm.

The wind blew through the swaying grass, and the trampled soil flew into the air and fell again.

The earth was shaken by the vibration, and the sound of the wind breaking caused by the running of the brave ghost.

The most important thing was the increasingly intense and clear rapid breathing of the other party. All the information was perfectly captured by Lin Heng.

Seven steps, six steps, five steps.

The sound of breaking wind became more and more rapid, and the green spikes of the brave ghost in front gradually enlarged in his perception.

Lin Heng wrinkled his nose slightly, and he seemed to smell the blood on it.

Four steps! Three steps!

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and the reckless prey took the bait and plunged into the hunter's attack range.

The tiger that had been lying in wait suddenly opened its eyes.

One step away, the sharp spikes of the brave ghost were almost touching the tip of Lin Heng's nose, but everything was over.

"Flame Breathing, Five Forms, Flame Tiger!"

In front of the giant ghost, the petite boy moved like thunder.

The Sun Wheel Blade, which had been accumulating power for a long time, swung out a huge slash in an instant, and the flames were blazing and the fire was soaring into the sky!

No figure could be seen anymore, and Lin Heng completely transformed into a flaming tiger and rushed forward.

The friction between the Sun Wheel Blade and the air made a fierce roar like a tiger.

Majestic and domineering, shaking the mountains and forests!

It is different from the sudden attack skill of Shiranui, which concentrates the power on the lower limbs in exchange for rapid explosive power.

The sword type that concentrates the power of the upper body, the Five Type·Flame Tiger, is destined to have the disadvantage of not being able to cross too far to attack the enemy.

However, there are gains and losses. At the cost of sacrificing the attack distance, the Flame Tiger gains - overwhelming power.

The thin boy collided head-on with the giant who was more than five meters tall, but the result was that the boy crushed him one-sidedly.

The golden flaming tiger tore through all the defenses of the charging state of the brave ghost at the moment of head-on contact.

Spikes, armor, muscles, organs, were all swept away by the golden flame slash.

The tall giant was directly cut in half by Lin Heng!

"It hurts, brother..."

The broken into two halves, the brave ghost, lay on the ground, raised his head with some effort and called out.

"Three forms, Qiyan Wanxiang."

From top to bottom, without a trace of mercy, the Sun Wheel Sword cut off the head of the brave ghost.

Soon, the huge body of the brave ghost on the ground gradually turned into two large balls of ashes.

For some reason, the ghosts killed by Lin Heng died much faster than others, and this trend was getting faster and faster.


He exhaled a ball of turbid air and calmed the boiling blood in his body.

Lin Heng retracted his sword with blood, took out the rice ball in his backpack to replenish his physical strength on the spot.

He killed all the way from Xiyu Mountain and experienced dozens of battles, big and small. Compared with when he first came, Lin Heng has been reborn at this moment.

"Just now I seemed to have entered something extraordinary, that state of being almost in control of everything, it seemed that I had touched upon the prototype of a transparent world."

Recalling the moment when Yan Hu was gathering his strength, Lin Heng thought of the

The supreme realm of martial arts.

That transparent world that claims to be able to see through everything.

"But it's still a long way to go now."

Lin Heng laughed at himself, put his hands together, and opened his talent panel. The information on the panel has changed a lot at this time.

[Real value 10%, unlocked ability entries: Breath of Fire (mastery), strong physique, extraordinary talent, fast digestion, super perception]

It is worth mentioning that the entries given by the talent [Real Fantasy] all need to be fulfilled by Lin Heng himself.

For example, the breath of fire, the talent allows Lin Heng to skillfully use various sword shapes and breathing during practice.

However, whether he can withstand the pressure of the enemy in battle and make reasonable choices and use them requires Lin Heng to practice diligently.

In a word, [Real Fantasy] only allows Lin Heng to remember the formula, but whether he can solve the problem depends on Lin Heng's own ability.

Moreover, the abilities that Lin Heng has acquired through his own efforts will also be displayed in the panel in the form of entries.

For example, the super perception state that was unexpectedly broken through in this battle.

What surprised Lin Heng was that the legend value that had not changed from the beginning to the end moved, and the increase was not small.

[Legend value: 10%]

[Come down to earth with hair care, wield golden sword, control fire, expel evil spirits, protect believers]

[Features: Heavenly man: Heavenly man, punish evil and suppress evil! ]

"What's going on?"

Lin Heng thought for a moment, and the description given by the legend value seemed to be some kind of spread deeds.

Lin Heng boldly speculated that this should be adapted from his experience of beheading ghosts in this world.

But it's a bit weird, and it feels a little bit like a charlatan.

A figure appeared vaguely in Lin Heng's mind.

This abnormal increase, it couldn't be caused by that guy, but it's a good thing after all.

After swallowing the last bit of rice balls in his mouth, Lin Heng reached out and touched the backpack again.

"Hey, why are there no rice balls?"

Long-term high-intensity training made Lin Heng's food consumption speed up. The last time he replenished food was three days ago.

"Forget it, let's go to the city to buy some food.

I haven't been to the city much, so I'll have something good to eat this time and treat myself."

Lin Heng patted his belly and jumped onto a tree to identify the direction. He accidentally startled an owl that had built a nest on it.

This owl was very brave. The fierce battle between Lin Heng and the two ghosts under the tree just now did not scare it away.

The owl looked at the boy who looked similar to it and flew to Lin Heng's shoulder with some curiosity.

So this strange combination of a man and a bird stood together on the tree.

"I have been staying in the deep mountains and old forests, and the supplies along the way were also in small villages. I almost forgot.

The demon world is in the modern period. Now there are coal lamps and electricity."

The bird pecked at Lin Heng's shoulder boredly.

"Look over there, that's the city where humans live."

Lin Heng was in a good mood, and he pointed his finger at the golden area below for the owl, and the bird on his shoulder turned its head obediently.

In the dark night, the city below was dazzling, like a gold brick hidden under the curtain.

The bright yellow lights flickered in the dark night, and there were many people over there, which looked lively and prosperous.

At this time, the people coming and going on the street were still unclear about what kind of changes the world would have in a hundred years, but Lin Heng, who was observing from the tree, was different.

"Do you know that there will be many tall buildings and many machines in the future, and the technology is very advanced.

There is no difference between night and day, but it's a pity that there are not so many trees for you to live in."

Lin Heng whispered to the owl, and the owl rolled his eyes in return, as if he thought Lin Heng was a crazy hysterical patient.

"Don't you believe it? I came from there."

This time, the owl shook its head and ignored Lin Heng, flapped its wings, and flew off him.

"Oh, you have such a bad temper."

Lin Heng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and turned his head to look at the cluster of lights again.

The modern society with heavy traffic, the dense forests and mountains with many ghosts, and the foreign city-states with bright lights.

In the deep mountains where everything is silent, the monk ate the woman in his arms with tears.

In the noisy noodle shop, the boss chanted loudly, praying for Buddha's blessing.

Under the twisted and overlapping shadows, the swordsman panted and held the knife to meet the evil ghost.

All kinds of scenes passed by in front of his eyes, and Lin Heng stood on the top of the tree, and it seemed like a world away for a moment.

"Only at this time can I realize that I have died once."

Lin Heng suddenly smiled with relief, and fell from the tree with a flip.

"Let's go to the city and take a good look at this world!"

The tree trembled for a while, and then returned to calm, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

Cat on the tree

The owl stuck its head out.

It silently watched the traveler who had just blown the wind with it put aside the past and walked towards a new world.

What is fantasy and what is reality?

Who can tell at this moment.

The owl looked for a while, retracted its neck and prepared to sleep.

"Tap, tap."

The footsteps that were gradually fading away suddenly became clear again, so the sensitive owl stuck its head out again.

After a while, the traveler who was heading towards the new world ran back in disgrace and touched two large and small ashes neatly.

He threw away the miscellaneous things casually, skillfully turned out a few copper jewelry and coins, and then saw the boy stamping his feet in hatred.

"Bah, two poor ghosts!"

Then Lin Heng raised his head and stared at the owl who stretched his neck to watch from the tree.

"Actually, you can understand what I say, right?"

The owl shook his head with a cold face.

"You can clearly hear this performance.

My name is Lin Heng. Why don't you follow me? I'll treat you to some sausage!"

"Coo, coo."

The owl raised its head proudly and spread its wings, leaving Lin Heng with only a lonely and free back.


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